How to dissolve kidney stones - tips and tricks
The kidneys play the role of a biochemical laboratory in the body. During the day they are able to filter about
PCR diagnosis of urethral smear
Preparing for STI tests for men. How is it going?
Smear indicators and their interpretation With the help of a smear, you can make the correct diagnosis! Analysis results
Diet for kidney treatment
Diet for kidney pain: permitted foods, sample menu and doctor’s recommendations
What is the diet based on? In addition to choosing the right foods for urolithiasis in men, you need
Urine analysis for a baby - how much is needed and how to collect
Urinalysis is often prescribed for infants. This is one of the stages of a routine preventive examination, it helps
What diseases does urine the color of “meat slop” indicate: reasons for changes in the color of urine, useful recommendations for patients
Symptoms of diseases Urine the color of meat slop is considered a deviation from the norm. According to established standards, color
nephropathy what is it
Nephropathy, its types, features of development and treatment
The question, nephropathy, what is it, is always asked by patients who have encountered it for the first time
Stent in the ureter: installation, removal, complications
About stenting A ureteral stent is a special medical device used to remove urine.
Types, causes and symptoms of urethral stricture in men, treatment and prognosis
Urethral stricture is a pathology that is more common in men than in women. Narrowing of the lumen of the urethra
Doctor with test tubes
Biochemical urine analysis - norm, interpretation of indicators
To carry out all the necessary tests, a special strip is used, which, after being placed in urine, acquires
Unpleasant urine odor in women
Unpleasant urine odor in women - causes, symptoms and treatment
Why does the body smell like urine? Why in some cases does the smell appear from different parts of the body?
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