Using iodine to determine pregnancy

Nowadays, it is not difficult to refute or, on the contrary, confirm suspicions about pregnancy. The pharmacy chain sells pregnancy tests that help dispel any doubts in one or two minutes. But there are impatient women who would like to know the answer early or right now, and pharmacies may already be closed. How can we be here? How to find out about pregnancy? Methods from alternative medicine come to the rescue.

One such technique is the use of iodine. This is a simple and accessible method that absolutely any woman can perform. What does a pregnancy test with iodine mean?

Why has the technique earned such wide popularity? It is absolutely safe and cannot cause any harm, this is excluded. In addition, compared to the prices of conventional pregnancy tests, this technique is associated with minimal costs.

What is the essence of the technique?

In order for a pregnant woman to verify her position, she can use several methods. First you need to prepare everything you need:

  • napkin;
  • paper sheet;
  • plastic or better glass container;
  • iodine;
  • pipette.

Method No. 1

This testing is based on the fact that iodine in urine acts as an oxidizing agent. The reaction is carried out in several stages:

  • a small amount of urine is placed in a glass container;
  • a sheet of paper or napkin is soaked in urine;
  • the paper should be placed on some flat surface, for example, a table;
  • iodine is drawn into a pipette;
  • A drop of iodine should be dropped onto the paper.

The result of the analysis should appear almost immediately, it will be visible to the naked eye. If the iodine does not change color, remains brown or turns dark blue, then the reaction is negative, this is the norm, which means that you are not pregnant.

If the iodine turns purple, lilac or bright lilac, then this is a clear sign of pregnancy.

Using a combination of iodine and urine, you can find out about pregnancy

Method No. 2

To determine pregnancy, iodine is also used in the following way:

  • the urine collection container must be sterilized;
  • place a small amount of urine in a container;
  • then a drop of iodine is dropped into the urine.

If the iodine solution dissolves and mixes with urine, then this is an indication that pregnancy has not occurred. If the drop does not dissolve, does not lose its shape, remains on the surface or goes to the bottom, then this is a clear sign of pregnancy.

Method number 1: urine and paper

Collect a small amount of morning urine. Wet a white paper napkin with it. Place this unique test on a flat surface and use a medical pipette to apply one or two drops of iodine. If the drug, once on the paper, does not change its color, that is, remains brown, then there is no pregnancy. You can say that a woman is pregnant when the color of this drug turns lilac or purple. What is the secret of this phenomenon? Iodine is a good oxidizing agent and reacts well with metals. During pregnancy, a certain amount of these elements appears in the urine of the expectant mother. They react with iodine and cause it to change color.

pregnancy detection with iodine

Positive and negative sides

First, let's look at the advantages of testing with iodine:

  • all the necessary components for the procedure are available in almost every home;
  • speed and there is no need to leave the house;
  • reliability and safety;
  • the ability to determine pregnancy even in the early stages.

Now let's talk about the negative aspects, these include:

  • there is no absolute guarantee of the reliability of the result;
  • the need to strictly follow the instructions, it is important to ensure that a drop of iodine is carefully introduced into the urine;
  • urine must be used for analysis in the near future, because after half an hour it will simply be unusable.

Rules for performing the test

You have learned how to carry out a pregnancy test with iodine. But its results can be considered correct only when it is carried out in compliance with all requirements. And there are many of them. Let's get acquainted with the basic rules for performing the test.

iodine pregnancy test

  1. The study should be performed under sterile conditions. Therefore, before collecting urine, hygiene procedures should be carried out, namely washing the labia and the opening of the urethra. It is advisable to do this with regular baby soap. The use of hygiene products with fragrances and dyes can affect the chemical composition of urine and distort the results of the study. After washing, pat your genitals dry with a dry paper or textile (pre-ironed) towel.
  2. The test must be performed in the morning using fresh urine. Carry out the research procedure immediately after collecting urine.
  3. The medical solution of iodine should be dripped very carefully. To do this, place the pipette close to the surface of the urine. If you perform this action from a height, the droplet may simply break while connecting with urine, and then, naturally, the test result will be inaccurate.
  4. The pipette for research must be clean. If you have used it before in working with other medical products, then wash it first and treat the glass part with boiling water. If you want your iodine pregnancy test to be as accurate as possible, use a new dropper to perform the test.
  5. Use a sterile container for collecting urine. You can purchase special vessels at the pharmacy or boil an ordinary glass glass or jar. But keep in mind that the vessel should be cooled after processing. You cannot collect urine in a hot container. High temperature can affect its composition and, accordingly, the result of the experiment.

check pregnancy with iodine

Rules for carrying out the technique

Despite the effectiveness and reliability of iodine testing, it is important to follow certain rules for an accurate result, namely:

How to properly take a urine culture during pregnancy

  • despite the fact that any urine is suitable, the morning portion is considered the most informative;
  • urine should be collected no more than twenty-five minutes before the test;
  • To carry out hygiene procedures before testing, you should use unscented baby soap. You should not use flavorings or dyes, they may affect the accuracy of the study;
  • the paper or napkin must be new;
  • It is best to use fresh iodine, but if its expiration date has passed, the result will be invalid;
  • the pipette and container must be sterilized;
  • The test is carried out before the tenth week of pregnancy.

Does the smell of urine change during pregnancy? Urine smells, for example, due to hormonal changes or due to insufficient fluid intake. Also, a woman’s sense of smell may simply become sharper, and she begins to smell urine.

Analysis will not harm you

Pregnancy test with iodine and urine

Pregnancy is a long-awaited event in a woman’s life. But it’s not always possible to buy a test strip at a pharmacy or visit a doctor. Then traditional methods come to the rescue, for example, a pregnancy test with iodine and urine.

Signs of pregnancy in a woman

After conception occurs, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. The level of the hCG hormone increases, the basal temperature rises, etc. Any woman wants to find out about conception as early as possible, and pharmacy tests show results only after a delay. In order not to suffer while waiting, women resort to folk recipes, for example, one of the helpers in determining conception is an antiseptic iodine solution. How to determine pregnancy using a test with iodine and urine?

Iodine pregnancy tests

Iodine is an antiseptic that is used to treat abrasions and wounds. But there is an opinion that upon contact with a portion of urine, the iodine solution changes color and may indicate the presence of conception. During pregnancy, the amount of microelements and hormones in the urine increases, so the antiseptic reacts and the color of the urine changes.

There are 2 pregnancy tests that involve iodine and urine.

PaperTo determine pregnancy using a pregnancy test with iodine and urine, a woman needs to prepare a sheet of paper, a pipette, and iodine. Loan to take away a portion of urine. A small piece of paper is soaked in urine and a couple of drops of iodine solution are added. Then the results are evaluated:
  • the color of the iodine solution has not changed and remains dark brown - there is no pregnancy;
  • urine under the influence of an antiseptic has changed color to purple, dark blue - there is pregnancy

If a woman has a positive/negative pregnancy test result with iodine and urine, it is too early to draw conclusions. You should immediately visit a doctor to confirm or rule out pregnancy.

Reliability of pregnancy tests with iodine

A woman who is planning a child reacts sharply to a negative or positive result. It’s worth noting right away that traditional methods and signs of determining pregnancy do not provide 100% accuracy. The accuracy of diagnosis using a pregnancy test with iodine and urine also depends on the rules of the procedure:

  1. The study is recommended to be carried out immediately after waking up.
  2. Before urinating, a woman should toilet her genitals without using cosmetics with fragrance or dye.
  3. The middle portion of urine is taken: the first streams are passed, then a portion of urine is taken, the last streams are passed. This is how an average portion of urine is collected for subsequent testing.
  4. No more than 15 minutes should pass from the moment of selection of the biomaterial to the examination.
  5. Urine is collected only in a sterile container, iodine is poured in with a new pipette. Otherwise, iodine will react with foreign substances and the result will be unreliable.
  6. When conducting a pregnancy test with iodine in a jar, urine drips gently, barely touching the biomaterial. If you instill an antiseptic abruptly, the drop quickly reacts with urine and the analysis turns out to be unreliable.
  7. A pregnancy test with iodine is carried out before the delay, but no later than 11 weeks of the expected pregnancy.

There is an opinion that iodine reacts with hormones contained in a woman’s urine, which is why the color changes. However, this opinion is erroneous. Let's look at why the color of urine changes:

  1. Paper. Iodine reacts to starch and other substances contained in paper, so the color scheme changes. The degree of color change depends on the material from which the paper is made.
  2. Kidneys. A purple tint appears due to the loss of proteins or amyloids into the urine. These elements occur in kidney diseases.
  3. Jar. There is an opinion that a drop of antiseptic remains on the surface of the jar due to the density of urine. But there is no scientific basis for this technique. The conclusions could be drawn due to several coincidences.

There is an advantage to detecting pregnancy using iodine. You can carry out the technique for free, and you don’t have to wait long for results. However, there is also a drawback. This is a folk research method, and there is no guarantee of its reliability. And according to reviews from women, tests can be false positive and false negative.

Traditional methods do not guarantee the accuracy of the results. According to patient reviews, men can also have a positive test result. Therefore, if the result is positive or negative, the woman needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo additional examination.

Reliable methods for determining pregnancy

Not a single traditional method of pregnancy testing will confirm a fertile conception 100%. There are a number of methods that help to guarantee whether you are pregnant or not:

  1. Delayed menstruation or the body’s first signal of a fertile conception. However, this method cannot guarantee a 100% positive result, since a delay in the menstrual cycle can be due to nervous shock, hormonal imbalance, poor nutrition, diseases of the genitourinary system, and so on. Therefore, two or three days of delay in menstruation cannot indicate a fruitful conception.
  2. Pharmacy tests. Online pharmacies have test strips available over the counter that indicate pregnancy upon contact with urine. There are cases of false positive and false negative results.
  3. Blood test for hCG. It is carried out in laboratory conditions and can be taken starting from the tenth day of conception. However, the analysis will not be entirely accurate. The hCG blood test will be informative only from the first day of the delay.
  4. Basal temperature. After fertile conception, the basal temperature rises to 37.1-37.3 degrees. If this temperature does not change before the expected cycle, then there is a possibility of pregnancy. It is worth remembering that all women are individual. And to determine pregnancy in this way, basal temperature should be measured 1-2 months.
  5. Feeling. A woman may feel nausea, general weakness, and dizziness after fertile conception. However, doctors came to the conclusion that toxicosis simply does not happen before the delay. A woman's placebo effect triggers wishful thinking. Toxicosis develops on average 4-5 weeks after fertile conception.
  6. Ultrasound diagnostics. The most reliable method is the results of ultrasound. During the examination, the doctor determines the duration of the expected pregnancy, monitors the development of the fetus, and notices the slightest deviations.

Only a gynecologist can confirm or rule out pregnancy after a personal examination and examination of the woman’s tests. Iodine is only an auxiliary technique.

Buying a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or determining conception with iodine is a woman’s choice. Don't be upset if the result is negative. At the first opportunity, you should visit a gynecologist, who will make the correct diagnosis.

Researcher at the Laboratory for the Prevention of Reproductive Health Disorders of Workers at the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine named after. N.F. Izmerova.


Let's look at some reviews about iodine-based pregnancy testing. In general, the statements of women are very contradictory; some are satisfied with the method, but there are also those who admit that the method does not work. It is worth noting that this technique does not have any scientific basis.

Lyudmila, 33 years old I learned about this technique a long time ago, I read a lot about it on the Internet, but somehow there was no reason to use it. But then the right moment came, and I decided to use it. I collected the urine in a sterilized container and carefully added a drop of iodine. It did not lose its shape, but sank. Then, out of curiosity, I decided to use the second method. I soaked a napkin in urine and dropped iodine on it, it turned lilac. Iodine did not let me down, the results were accurate, the specialist confirmed that I was pregnant.

Yulia, 24 years old I knew about the iodine-based method for a long time, just for fun, I once carried out an analysis, dropped iodine into the urine, it dissolved and combined with the urine. But one day I had a delay and I remembered this old and proven method, this time the results were different: the iodine did not lose its shape and sank. Then I went to the gynecologist, they did an ultrasound and told me that I was pregnant, although I was already sure of it.

Larisa, 22 years old I recently bought a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, it showed a positive result, but, as you know, they are not always accurate. The next day I was getting ready to go to the doctor, and the night before I came across information on the Internet about iodine testing. I never trusted such methods, but I decided to try it. First, I soaked the paper in urine, and then I dropped urine on it, the urine turned purple, and then I dropped iodine into the urine and the drop did not lose its shape. At a doctor's appointment, the gynecologist confirmed the presence of pregnancy.

So, iodine can serve as a good indicator and inform about the onset of pregnancy or refute assumptions. For accurate results, you must follow the rules and simple recommendations. The technique has both advantages and disadvantages. To obtain 100% results, it is better to confirm the results of iodine testing with the “verdict” of a specialist.

Trust but check!

Determining pregnancy using iodine cannot be considered the most truthful, and you should not trust such an experiment one hundred percent. In order to find out whether fertilization has occurred or not, additional research should be carried out. These include pharmacy rapid tests, which are easily and quickly performed at home and show results with an accuracy of 90-95%. It is possible to determine with absolute certainty whether you are pregnant or not only in a medical facility. To do this, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound examination, and also take a blood test. And only after such an examination you will know the exact result.

In this article, you received information about how to test pregnancy using iodine, and what conditions need to be created to carry out such studies. Please remember that these tests are not a guarantee of what you see in the final result. Therefore, they should be carried out not so much to obtain accurate data, but to satisfy your curiosity. Very often, a medical examination shows the absolutely opposite result to that shown by the experiment with iodine solution.

The importance of iodine for human life


Iodine is one of the key elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Thanks to it, the synthesis of thyrexin and triiodothyronine occurs - hormones that play one of the key roles in the growth and development of the body. The thyroid gland produces these hormones. Therefore, it is a kind of storage of this microelement in the human body.

For modern people, there are two ways to replenish the body with iodine:

  1. Food and water. Most of this essential microelement is found in seafood, eggs, meat, and milk.
  2. Medicines containing iodine. Due to the general deterioration of the environmental situation recently, people are increasingly resorting to this source of replenishing iodine deficiency. Iodine is added to various food supplements and vitamins that are taken for preventive purposes. Artificial enrichment of some food products with it, in particular salt, is practiced.

Due to a lack of microelement in the body, iodine deficiency conditions occur. They are dangerous because they lead to developmental delays in children. They have disturbances in the formation of the skeleton and mental retardation. In those regions where there is a low iodine content in soil and water, mortality rates for children under one year of age are much higher.

Adults develop various diseases of the thyroid gland, the most common of which is goiter, memory deteriorates and mental abilities decrease.

Excessive accumulation of iodine in the body is no less harmful than its deficiency. It can cause hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid gland or Graves' disease.

In order to avoid the occurrence of the pathological conditions described above, tests for iodine content are needed.

Determining pregnancy with iodine solution and negative consequences

If you trust your condition to such tests, you should still visit a doctor afterward. Because there can be serious consequences of such a diagnosis. After all, no one has yet canceled an ectopic pregnancy and its occurrence is just as likely as a normal pregnancy. And an iodine test will most likely show such a pregnancy, only it may be outside the uterus. Giving birth to a child with an ectopic pregnancy is impossible; moreover, it is fraught with serious consequences for the woman.

It was possible to link iodine and pregnancy not so long ago; it turns out that a chemical reaction occurs that determines the level of hormones and the presence of pregnancy when they are combined together.

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