Using pine buds for coughs: the best recipes

Beneficial properties and effectiveness of use for coughs

Pine buds contain a storehouse of biologically active substances that help relieve the inflammatory process, which becomes a prerequisite for eliminating the manifestations of cough. The ability to fight viruses and microbes is due to the presence of a wide range of useful components in them. This:

  • essential oils;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin B;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • resin.

This chemical composition has a thinning and antiseptic effect on sputum, which facilitates its removal from the respiratory tract, and along with it, pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products are eliminated. This prevents the spread of infection from the upper to the lower respiratory tract.

The effectiveness of using preparations based on pine buds, as well as recipes prepared at home, can be seen in the significant relief of cough, namely:

  • relieves spasms in the throat;
  • muscle pain caused by cough disappears;
  • breathing is normalized due to the cleansing of mucus from the bronchi.

Pine buds for coughPine buds for coughs
Taking remedies from pine buds activates the functions of the epithelium covering the respiratory tract, which also facilitates easier mucus discharge and eliminates painful coughing attacks.

Pharmacological action and group

The healing properties of pine are due to the valuable substances it contains. In the treatment of various diseases, bark and needles are used, but, undoubtedly, the buds have the greatest healing power - after all, it is during the flowering period that any plant contains the maximum of substances necessary for successful fruiting.

Pine buds contain:

  • Essential oil (contains resins, cadinene, limonene, bornyl acetate, pinene, borneol, etc.);
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamins A, C, group B;
  • Saponins;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Starch;
  • Acids;
  • Alkaloids.

Such a diverse and healing composition makes kidneys in demand for a number of diseases.
They act especially effectively on the ciliated epithelium, constantly stimulating it and stimulating its work. Thus, pine buds help cure coughs - after all, once you get rid of infectious irritation, the cough stops. The drug belongs to the group of expectorants and mucolytics, but it also has a number of valuable medicinal qualities, the manifestation of which enhances the healing effect:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Regenerating;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Choleretic;
  • Diuretic.

For colds and coughs, pine buds not only suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora, but also help activate the body's defenses and get rid of toxins - waste products of microbes.

Indications for use

Indications for taking ready-made preparations and home remedies for cough from pine buds are the following diseases and conditions:

  • cough due to acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

The use of pharmaceutical medicines or recipes prepared independently based on pine buds for coughs for children is allowed only with the approval of a therapist.

Decoctions of pine buds - how to prepare?

Aqueous preparations of pine buds are used both externally and internally. An example for external use is a decoction of dried raw materials. Combine 1 tbsp in a saucepan. a spoonful of slightly mashed kidneys and a glass of boiling water.

Boil the mixture over low heat for 3 minutes. Leave, covered with a lid and a warm towel, until it cools, filter and wash the purulent wounds twice a day. The heated product can also be moistened with gauze and applied to joints affected by arthritis.

Decoctions of pine buds - how to prepare?

For sand in the kidneys and bladder, it is better to use a milk decoction. A quarter cup of dried kidneys is boiled in 0.5 liters of milk for 15 minutes.

The cooled liquid is passed through a strainer and sipped throughout the day. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

The third type of decoction is intended to improve immunity. 100 g of kidneys and 2.5 liters of water are placed in a saucepan. Place on low heat and boil to a volume of 0.5 liters. The liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, cooled and 1 tbsp added. a spoonful of linden honey.

Use twice a year, in autumn and early spring, for a month. Take three times a day, a quarter glass before meals. The product helps to avoid seasonal epidemics of respiratory infections.

Features of collection and preparation

The procurement of raw materials is carried out in late March - early April. During this period, the buds swell, a rich aroma appears in them and stickiness appears (a sign of the presence of resin). These indicators indicate the maximum amount of useful components in medicinal raw materials.

The collected buds must be dried in a well-ventilated area. To do this, it is recommended to spread them in a thin layer on fabric or paper.

Dried buds are placed in a cotton bag, pre-treated in saline solution and well dried. It is advisable to store raw materials in a suspended state, always in a dry place.

Photo, description

During the period of vegetative dormancy, in January-February, the pine produces rudimentary shoots. They appear on the tops of adult branches, one at a time, but more often in bunches of 5-8 pieces. As a rule, a large central bud, up to 4 cm long, stands out in a bunch. It is surrounded by smaller lateral individuals, 2-3 cm in length.

The buds consist of soft green contents with a strong pine aroma. The outer part is covered with dense scales of brown, pinkish-brown or green color. The scales are glued together with a resinous substance.

The buds are sticky to the touch due to their high resin content. Their taste is bitterish-tart.

Preparation rules and methods of use

The presence of the necessary components in pine to get rid of a cough does not yet become a guarantee of effectiveness in its treatment, if you do not know how to properly prepare medicine from pine buds. And the main thing is how to take it.


The principle of preparing the infusion is quite simple. For this purpose, 2 tbsp. dry medicinal raw materials should be poured with boiling water (200 ml). Cover with a terry towel and let sit for 15 minutes. Take 30 ml infusion 3-4 times a day after meals.

It is somewhat more difficult to prepare a vodka tincture. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • fill a dark glass container with a volume of up to 500 ml one-third with pine buds;
  • fill with vodka to the brim;
  • put in a dark place;
  • stand for 10 days;
  • strain.

Pine buds for coughTincture of pine buds for cough
Keep the finished medicine in the refrigerator, preferably in a dark container. Take 1 tbsp. tincture mixed with a little water before meals. This product retains its healing properties for two years.

Please note that the use of this recipe in childhood is not permitted. For children, it is advisable to use an infusion of pine buds in water for cough.


An extremely effective remedy for coughs for colds, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases is the use of inhalations. To carry them out, you need to prepare a solution using pine buds.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp into a small enamel bowl. l. dry pine buds.
  2. Add 1000 ml water.
  3. Place the pan over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 12 minutes.

Remove the prepared solution from the heat and, sitting comfortably, breathe over the steam, covered with a towel, for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is simpler and easier to carry out using a nebulizer. It's more convenient and safer.

Inhalations are recommended daily, preferably before going to bed. Usually, 5 sessions are enough to completely cure a cough, but if necessary, 1-2 more procedures can be performed.


For children, a cough recipe made from pine buds has a pleasant taste. It is prepared simply:

  1. 3 tbsp. Pour water (500 ml) over the kidneys, put on fire, and let the water boil.
  2. Remove from heat and strain.
  3. Add 500 g of sugar to the liquid, bring to a boil again and keep on fire until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

To improve the taste and medicinal qualities of the syrup, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp to it after cooling. l. bee honey.

Pine buds for cough
Pine bud syrup for cough

Should be taken 3-5 times a day, 0.5 tsp. For painful cough attacks, you can take it more often.

Other effective cough recipes based on pine buds

Traditional medicine has accumulated a fairly rich arsenal of recipes that help cure coughs with pine buds. Here are some of them:

  1. Medicinal tea. Brew it as usual, adding 1-2 tsp to the kettle. dry pine buds. One glass of the drug brewed in this way is a great remedy for coughs if you brew it with black tea and drink it with lemon.
  2. Decoction. Add 15 g of kidneys to 400 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. over low heat. Then cool and strain. Take 30 g after meals 3-4 times a day.
  3. Milkshake. Boil 10 g of dried buds in 2 glasses of milk, let cool, strain, add 1 tsp. honey Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  4. Pine bud jam. Boil pine buds (100 g) in 300 g of water for 10 minutes. Let sit for 5 hours, then strain. Add 1 kg of sugar to 200 ml of the resulting broth and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam. To give the medicinal jam a piquant taste, before removing from the heat it would be a good idea to add 0.5 tsp. citric acid.
  5. Passive inhalations. Having brewed pine buds with boiling water, you can simply place a container with this solution in the room and enjoy the healing vapors. Such procedures cope well with incipient coughs that occur with various respiratory diseases.

The mentioned infusions, teas and cocktails from pine buds for cough can be drunk by both adults and children.
True, the latter patients drink sweet drugs with great pleasure, which does not reduce their therapeutic effect.

Pine buds for cough

From this article you will learn what beneficial properties of the “coniferous” medicine are most popular among doctors, as well as how to properly use this miraculous remedy to cure cough and other problems associated with diseases of the throat, bronchi, and lungs. Since ancient times, pine, spruce, fir and other representatives of the coniferous family have won the love of folk healers and ordinary people.

And then scientists used scientific methods to prove how beneficial pine needles and buds are for human health. And in stores you can find a huge number of medicines prepared on the basis of needles, buds, and the bark of coniferous plants. Also, pine buds are currently widely used in the creation of various homeopathic remedies.

Beneficial properties of pine buds

Traditional healers use various medicines every day, based on pine buds, to treat colds, rheumatism, cough, and vitamin deficiency. The beneficial properties of pine buds can hardly be overestimated. Many years ago, residents of Siberia, the Urals, and the Far East used them almost every day; fortunately, an incredible number of pines and other conifers grow in the forests. In the old days, it was customary to constantly hunt, gather, and fish. Some people went into the forest for several days, and sometimes lived like this for weeks. But it was not always possible to eat well, especially in cold times, because you couldn’t take a lot of food with you.

Among other things, in spring and winter there were practically no fresh vegetables and fruits. Hunters, gatherers and travelers had to somehow escape from scurvy, as well as other diseases. And for this they prepared vitamin drinks based on pine buds and pine needles. The fact is that pine buds contain an incredible amount of vitamin C, which has a positive effect on health and immunity, and also saves from scurvy, because in the old days many people simply died from this disease, especially on long journeys.

People lived in rather harsh conditions and did not have the opportunity to eat properly. And it was vitamin drinks that helped support the body. The beneficial properties of pine buds have now been studied in more detail. It turned out that they contain biologically active substances that are incredibly beneficial for the body. It’s not just that kidney-based drugs are made to treat bronchitis, cough, pneumonia, and throat.

It is also useful to use “coniferous” medicines, prepared at home, for rinsing, inhaling directly for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and also common sore throat. You can also use pine needles, although it is in the buds that the highest content of useful substances is found. After the New Year, many people simply throw out pine trees, but you can collect buds and a small amount of needles from them to later use for treatment.

Benefits of pine buds for coughs

The kidneys not only have a positive effect on the entire body, but are also able to soften the cough itself, facilitate breathing, and remove the hated mucus and phlegm, which often interferes with sleep. In addition, substances from the kidneys actively fight viruses and colds. They disinfect the air, saturate it with phytoncides, that is, substances that kill harmful microorganisms. If you want to finally get rid of your cough, you can go to the bathhouse, steam a little and drink a glass of a fortified drink based on pine buds.

Believe me, literally in a few hours or days the cough will subside. It is very useful to be treated with pine buds for people with tonsillitis. Gargling allows you to restore the damaged mucous membrane in the throat, because “coniferous” medicines have excellent wound-healing properties. The kidneys contain a lot of B vitamins, useful tannins, resin, as well as carotene itself and essential oils. However, if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to use pine buds, you can add two drops of pine essential oil to a glass and gargle with this product.

Collection of pine buds for cough treatment

Some people ask the question: “When should we collect pine buds to treat cough?” The answer is simple - in the spring. At this time of year, the buds swell; they contain the highest content of concentrated essential oil and vitamins. It is better to collect them at the moment when they have not fully opened, then they will have a lot of resin, they are fragrant and fragrant. Pine buds have a special scaly structure; individual scales are bonded together directly with resin. If the buds have already opened, then it is not advisable to collect them; ideally, they should be light brown in color with a greenish tint. Of course, it is more convenient to carry out the collection with gloves so as not to stain your hands with resin, because then it will be difficult to clean the skin from it.

You can use scissors or pruning shears for convenience. After collecting the buds, they must be dried thoroughly; this can be done directly on newspaper or paper. Just don’t dry them in the sun, as in this case they lose their beneficial properties and substances. It is also very easy to check the readiness of the raw materials; when the buds are completely dried, they break easily. It is advisable to store the prepared raw materials in bags made of fabric. The permissible shelf life is two years.

Treatment of cough with pine buds

Kidneys are most often used specifically for the treatment of severe and unpleasant coughs, as well as the respiratory tract, including the upper ones. But that's not all, they can be used for the oral cavity, gums, and nasopharynx. It’s not for nothing that pine bud extract and pine needles are often added to toothpaste. A cough can cause not only a sore throat, but also bronchitis itself. And treating cough with pine buds is quite useful and effective. You just need to carry out the procedures regularly to achieve the greatest effect.

This raw material is the safest of all possible traditional medicines. Of course, during breastfeeding or pregnancy they can only be used after you have consulted a specialist. If it is not possible to collect buds in the spring, then you can do this on New Year’s Day if your family has a tradition of installing pine trees in your house or apartment.

Inhalation with pine buds

To make inhalation, you must first prepare a weak decoction. You need to take fifty grams of dry or fresh raw materials and add one liter of water. Then it is important to bring the composition to a boil and keep it on the stove for about ten minutes. You will immediately notice how a pleasant aroma will spread throughout the room. It is enough to do inhalation for fifteen minutes, after covering your head with a towel. The procedures help not only with coughs, but also with runny noses if you inhale the steam through your nose. The kidneys have an incredibly powerful expectorant effect.

Pine buds for cough: recipes

There are simply an incredible number of recipes for preparing “coniferous” medicines directly at home. You can use not only pine, but also spruce, juniper, thuja and other conifers. You can always purchase ready-made dry raw materials at any pharmacy. But it is advisable to use raw materials prepared at home. Let's look at some recipes for pine buds for coughs.

Treatment of cough with pine buds

Decoction of pine buds for cough

Just follow the recipe and everything will definitely work out. If you have the time and opportunity to go to the pine forest for fresh buds, then do it. After all, some of the beneficial properties are lost in dry raw materials.

How to brew pine buds for cough?

Preparing a decoction is relatively simple; you do not need to have any special knowledge or spend money. It is enough to prepare the raw materials, as we wrote above. And as soon as a cough appears, take one spoon of the prepared raw material and pour two small glasses of water. Then you need to boil the broth for ten minutes, then it is very important to let it brew for another couple of minutes. Of course, the decoction must be strained before use. It is enough to take it orally, a third of a glass, to achieve the desired effect. If you don't like the bitter taste, you can add one spoon of honey to the glass, but do not use sugar.

Pine buds with cough milk

Another popular recipe is pine buds cooked in milk. Simply pour one spoonful of pine buds into two glasses of milk and boil until the liquid evaporates slightly. It is enough to take two sips of the prepared “pine” medicine to slightly increase the body’s resistance.>


Although an effective and safe remedy, taking medications based on pine buds still has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • not recommended during pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is prohibited to use for the treatment of cough in children under twelve years of age;
  • Use with caution if you are prone to allergic reactions;
  • it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

To avoid negative manifestations, before taking homemade potions or pharmaceutical preparations from pine buds, you should consult your doctor.

Only coordination of actions with the instructions of a qualified specialist will give positive results in the treatment of cough. Independent use of traditional medicine recipes often causes a protracted course of the disease or the development of serious complications.

Chemical composition

Nature supplies the young parts of the plant with a rich supply of biologically active compounds. Pine shoots contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which improves immunity, as well as vitamins B12, K and P.

The kidneys contain a number of other healing substances, including:

  • Phytoncides. They effectively fight pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Alkaloids. Calm the nervous system, relieve pain, and ensure normal sleep.
  • Terpenes. Restore tissue damage and stop bleeding.
  • Resin. Kills pathogenic microbes.
  • Natural bitterness. Stimulates appetite.

The most valuable element of pine shoots is the essential oil. This is an excellent source of sesquiterpenes, which have choleretic, expectorant, and sedative properties. The esters of the oil relieve inflammation and spasms, heal wounds, and increase the overall tone of the body.

pine buds - chemical composition

Use in folk medicine

The maximum therapeutic effect can be obtained by using shoots as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of various diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

A decoction or tincture of pine buds is taken to prevent colds and coughs; they are especially often given to children, since the infusions have no side effects. Inhalations and rinses help with sore throat, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes, and also fight the symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

As a blood purifier, pine buds are used in the treatment of rheumatism, dropsy and bronchial asthma. Help fight the effects of old rashes.

The product is also used to cleanse the urinary system from stones. Sometimes it is used for weight loss purposes, as it reduces hunger and fights appetite. As a sedative, the kidneys or their essential oil can be added to the bath - this relieves depression and nervous tension.

Reviews and expert opinion

Not only herbalists and naturopaths, but also many doctors speak positively about the medicinal potential of remedies from pine needles. This is an affordable, natural raw material from which you can make decoctions, infusions and tinctures, as well as syrups. All medications are well tolerated by the body, with the exception of situations where a person does not perceive the specific pine aroma.

Doctor and reflexologist, as well as herbalist Elena Kuzmina, notes the great benefits and pleasant taste of pine tea, which is used to lower fever and strengthen the immune system:

Kuzmina points out that it was not for nothing that pine was considered a tree of longevity and a symbol of health since ancient times; it was highly valued by many peoples of the world precisely for its excellent medicinal qualities.

Pine buds are a simple and affordable treatment. At the same time, people who have taken herbal remedies based on them note a rapid onset of effect and the absence of side effects.

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