Urofit Forte: composition, indications and instructions for use

What is it needed for

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Svaridze Olga Mikhailovna

Pharmacologist, experience over 17 years

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"Uroprofit" instructions for use are useful for any person. This is not an exaggeration, because many of us have experienced urinary tract infections. And this herbal remedy perfectly helps to cope with the consequences of the disease. Often used in complex therapy, making it even more effective.

Instructions for use of the medicine "Uroprofit"

The complex of biologically active substances that make up the drug “Uroprofit” has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic effects and prevents the formation of urinary stones.
The complex of Uroprofit ingredients helps normalize urination, reduces the risk of repeated exacerbations of chronic cystitis, and improves the functional state of the kidneys and urinary tract.

It is recommended to use "Uroprofit" as a biologically active food supplement, which is an additional source of vitamin C and silicon, a source of organic acids (benzoic, malic, citric) and arbutin. Recommended for use to reduce the risk of developing urinary tract diseases.

Effect of the drug

The plant components contained in the product provide:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • strengthening;
  • antiseptic;
  • diuretic;
  • preventive action.

How does the medicine fight cystitis?

The product provides the body with substances and vitamins needed in the treatment of diseases of the urinary canals and bladder. Uroprofit normalizes kidney function, helps remove stones and sand and prevents their further appearance, improves the condition of the urinary tract.

While taking the drug, the pain syndrome decreases, the frequent urge to urinate disappears, and the body’s own protective functions are enhanced. The risk of recurrence of cystitis is reduced. The severity of exacerbations in the chronic stage of the disease decreases.

The diuretic effect helps remove pathogenic bacteria from the body. Plus, it turns out to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The diuretic effect does not allow pathogenic microbes to linger in the bladder.

The complex of natural components is selected in such a way as to enhance the effect of other uroseptic drugs.

Effect of the product

Thanks to its natural composition, the product has a wide range of effects on the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the severity of burning and itching;
  • relieves pain;
  • removes pathogenic bacteria;
  • gradually reduces the number of urges to urinate;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the risk of disease relapse;
  • removes sand and stones from the urinary canals;
  • strengthens the bladder and urinary canals.

It is worth noting that such an effect on the body affected by cystitis or other diseases of the urinary system is only possible if Uroprofit is used as an addition to the main treatment or as a prophylactic agent. This drug will not have the desired effect in acute forms of the disease if taken independently.

Content of biologically active substances in 1 capsule “Uroprofit”:

Cranberry fruit extract (standardized for organic acids: benzoic, malic, citric) 25 mg
Bearberry Leaf Extract (standardized for 10% arbutin content) 4 mg
Horsetail Extract (standardized to 7% silicon content) 1 mg
Vitamin C 35 mg

Directions for use and dosage

It is most effective to use the drug according to the instructions, taking into account the dosage and frequency of administration. According to the instructions, you need to take 1 capsule 2 times a day (morning and evening). And not before or after, but only during meals.

Important! On the recommendation of a doctor, if indicated, 1 capsule 3 times a day may be prescribed.

The duration of treatment depends on many factors, on average it is 1 month. If a repeat course is needed, it is prescribed no earlier than 6 months after the previous one. According to reviews from patients and doctors, a positive result can be achieved already from the first course of treatment.

Drugs - analogues

One of the analogue drugs is Monurel. The medicine contains proanthocyanidins (PACs), one dose contains 36 mg, as well as vitamin C (60 mg), cranberry extract. PACs contribute to damage to the cell membranes of infectious agents. Ascorbic acid and cranberry extract stimulate the body's natural defenses.

The drug acts specifically on the causative agent of cystitis, preventing it from attaching to the wall of the bladder, unlike other drugs that have only a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect

Monurel is included in the European and American recommendations for the complex treatment of cystitis. The use of Monurel once a day contributes to damage to the cell membranes of cystitis pathogens. Very easy to use - 1 tablet per day is prescribed

Description of the drug

"Uroprofit" is an absolutely natural medicine of plant origin. It contains herbs and medicinal plants, with the help of which a positive effect is achieved. It is often prescribed as a prophylactic to prevent infection from affecting the body.

The medicine contains the following components:

  1. Cranberry fruits. This component is responsible for the accelerated excretion of urine, the death of bacteria and disruption of their reproduction process, which provoked the disease. Cranberry helps relieve swelling and reduce inflammation. In addition, it provides a general strengthening effect due to the presence of a large number of additional microelements.
  2. Bearberry leaves. Its effect is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. The leaves of the plant contain a special substance - arbutin, which has an antibacterial effect. Inflammation can be controlled due to the high concentration of tannins. Bearberry extract is also used as a preventative against urolithiasis.
  3. Horsetail. It has an effect on mucous membranes and helps in cell regeneration. That is, it promotes the rapid restoration of the structure of the mucosa after a bacterial attack.
  4. Vitamin C. The main task is to increase the body's resistance. It also helps eliminate toxic substances. All this together ensures a faster recovery.

In the photo below you can see what the packaging of the capsules looks like.

Important! Many people ask what “Uroprofit” is. According to the radar data, this is a dietary supplement, that is, a dietary supplement. It can be safely used for women and men in adulthood, but the effect on children is unknown. Although the therapeutic potential is high.

There is currently only one release form - 300 mg capsules. In a cardboard package there are 3 blisters each containing 10 capsules (n30 or No. 30). There is no dosage form in the form of tablets, even though it is often mentioned on numerous thematic forums. Produced by Russian. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of release.

Price of the drug or how much the treatment will cost

A package of 30 capsules costs from 330 rubles. Let's try to calculate how much a course of treatment for 1 month will cost. If a standard dose of 2 capsules per day is prescribed, one package will last for 15 days. That is, for the whole course you need to buy 2 packages (60 pieces). It’s easy to calculate how much it costs to complete the course – 330x2 = 660 rubles. Not very cheap, so they often look for more affordable analogues that cost less and have a shorter duration of use.

Important! This drug is manufactured by only one pharmaceutical company in Russia, so it can be easily purchased in Moscow and throughout the capital, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Orenburg and other cities of the country. If you try, you can find it in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus (in Minsk, most likely).

Contraindications and side effects of the drug "Uroprofit"

Reviews of the drug from both patients and doctors are very positive. Experts, in particular, note the high effectiveness of the product, good tolerability, and a minimum number of contraindications. Patients note that improvement in their condition and normalization of the urination process occurs relatively quickly with regular use of the drug in accordance with the doctor’s prescription. The instructions for use of the product "Uroprofit" are not suitable for use by pregnant and lactating women. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicine Uroprofit is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, stabilizing urination, preventing the subsequent development of existing diseases of the system, the appearance of kidney stones and other neoplasms.

The uroseptic effect is due to the properties of each component of the complex.

Cranberry extract has a targeted effect, due to benzoic acid it is an effective antimicrobial agent. Thanks to ursolic acid, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves irritation of the bladder and urethra due to cystitis. It is a diuretic.

Concentrated juice of bearberry leaves also exhibits antibacterial properties due to the high content of arbutin - it slows down the development of bacteria that cause diseases. It promotes the removal of processed products from the body, prevents the absorption of urea into the kidneys, thereby reducing the load on the kidneys and excretory tract.

Horsetail extract also has a mild diuretic effect - it cleanses the excretory system of toxins, stops spasms, relieves pain, increases the body's ability to resist infection, and blocks the proliferation of cystitis pathogens, preventing exacerbation of the disease.

Vitamin C – strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, improves mood, and prevents the development of allergies to drug components.

Indications for use

Every sixth person on the planet suffers from kidney failure to one degree or another.
Every tenth person consults a doctor only when precious time has already been lost and the disease has become severe. By taking Urofit forte drops, you can both prevent the development of the disease and alleviate the condition in its later stages. Reviews from urologists and their patients clearly prove that the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with the following diagnoses:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephroptosis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • many other kidney diseases, and even malignant tumors.

To verify this, just open a website on the Internet (any of the many on the relevant topic) and read what people who have personally taken the drug write.

Naturally, the sooner a person decides to buy and start taking Urofit Forte drops, the more pronounced and quicker the effect they will give. This point is especially relevant for people at risk:

  • long-term smokers;
  • alcohol abusers;
  • people who are overweight or obese;
  • diabetics;
  • aged people;
  • a category of people genetically predisposed to kidney failure.

Drug interactions

The composition of Uroprofit is represented by natural ingredients, which makes it safe when combined with other medications. It does not contain addictive substances and does not have antibiotic elements, therefore it is compatible with many medications.

It is recommended to take uroseptic agents together with this biological supplement - it is aimed at enhancing the effects of drugs for the treatment of urinary tract diseases.

It is not recommended to take capsules together with active vitamin complexes to prevent the development of hypervitaminosis.

Since the reaction of Uroprofit with other substances has not been fully studied, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

Who needs the drug?

The drug is prescribed to people who are at risk of developing kidney problems.

These are the patients:

  • with obesity;
  • with a genetic predisposition;
  • in old age;
  • with diabetes.

In addition, people with bad habits, in particular smoking and alcohol abuse, are at risk. Delay can lead to disability, so do not waste precious time.

Cheaper analogues

Uroprofit is a unique product in composition, which makes it an indispensable dietary supplement, but other drugs also demonstrate similar pharmacological effects.

The problem with this product for many patients is the price - 600-700 rubles, depending on where exactly it is purchased. But there are also cheaper analogues of Uroprofit with similar properties, but before choosing, you need to carefully study the composition and consult a specialist.

  1. Adenophyte forte is not a full-fledged substitute; it is intended for the treatment of prostate hyperplasia, which was previously called prostate adenoma. The drug is also prescribed to men in case of inflammatory processes in the excretory organs - cystitis, urethritis - it will have only a symptomatic effect, reducing pain during urination, making it easier. Adenophyte is also a plant complex. The price is half as much – 200-300 rubles.
  2. Vesilute is a medicine based on a peptide complex and is used to generally strengthen the urinary system, including to alleviate unpleasant diseases. The price is comparable to Uroprofit - about 600 rubles. But this drug is not a dietary supplement, so you must consult a doctor to prevent possible side effects.
  3. Nephrosten is another natural preparation that contains extracts of lovage, centaury, rosemary and other plants rich in antioxidants, tannins, and organic acids. Helps strengthen the renal epithelium and urinary tract, relieves inflammation, facilitates urination, and has an antimicrobial effect. Used as a dietary supplement for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis and other similar diseases. Price – 300-350 rubles.
  4. Urinal is based on cranberry extract, which makes it a suitable analogue of Uroprofit. The effect is less pronounced, but the natural components have virtually no negative effects. The price is similar to the described drug.
  5. Phytolitone with an active ingredient - an extract of the oriental plant Desmodium - is used to prevent diseases not only of the excretory system, but also in cases of bile flow disorders and liver problems. It has a pronounced antispasmodic, antibacterial and analgesic effect, helps normalize water-salt metabolism. Costs about 300-400 rubles.

Admission rules

Renal failure is a syndrome of impairment of all kidney functions, leading to disorders of water, electrolyte, nitrogen and other types of metabolism
It is not enough to choose and buy a medicine; you need to know how to use it correctly. Urofit forte is completely simple in this regard. The course of treatment is 21 days, the period of admission can be extended to one or one and a half months. It is advisable to conduct two or three such courses during the year. Take 5 drops twice a day with meals. You can add it to water, juice, tea (cold) or other drink.

What's in it

It is not recommended to take any medicine without consulting a doctor.
Urofit forte is no exception to this rule, but by taking these drops you don’t have to worry about any side effects or allergic reactions. The absence of contraindications is explained by the absolute naturalness of the ingredients included in the drug:

  1. Corn silk contains many vitamins and antioxidants. They help improve metabolism, normalize blood sugar, and have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. It can relieve even the most severe inflammation without causing any harm to the body.
    Elecampane root helps the stomach and intestines, and its diuretic effect is good for the kidneys; Yarrow, thanks to its essential oils and tannins, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  3. Milk thistle removes toxins from external secretion organs.
  4. St. John's wort, for kidney diseases, is especially valuable for its diuretic and astringent properties.
  5. Chamomile works as an adsorbent, promotes the removal of waste and toxins, and saturates the body with vitamins.
  6. Currants, nettles, mint, rose hips. These plants are another source of vitamins and antioxidants and have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
  7. Tansy flowers as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Each of the components is useful in itself. But Urofit forte drops contain them in such quantities and proportions that the effect of the complex effect increases many times over.


  • Inulin/maltodextrin - 245 mg;
  • common juniper - 10 mg;
  • cherry - 15 mg;
  • large burdock - 15 mg;
  • echinacea - 15 mg;
  • Porcine pollen - 15 mg;
  • corn silk - 15 mg;
  • horsetail - 25 mg;
  • parsley - 10 mg;
  • steelhead - 10 mg;
  • common hazel - 10 mg;
  • common goldenrod - 15 mg;
  • madder - 15 mg;
  • sandy immortelle - 15 mg;
  • Eryngium field - 15 mg;
  • bearberry - 20 mg;
  • common agrimony - 10 mg;
  • galega officinalis - 10 mg;
  • smooth hernia - 10 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate - 5 mg.
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