Vilprafen for prostatitis: instructions for use

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system requires attention not only from the medical professional, but also from the patient, since the outcome of the disease depends on the regularity of taking medications and following all medical recommendations. Antibiotics for pyelonephritis and cystitis are a key point in therapy, allowing you to effectively eliminate inflammation and restore impaired kidney function.

What drugs do doctors prefer to treat acute and chronic pyelonephritis? The main criteria for choosing an antibiotic are the absence of nephrotoxicity and achieving maximum concentration in kidney tissue. Groups of drugs used for inflammation of kidney tissue:

  • fluoroquinolones;
  • protected penicillins;
  • cephalosporins 3, 4 generations;
  • macrolides;
  • other synthetic antibacterial agents.


Monural is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic related to phosphonic acid derivatives. Used exclusively for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The active ingredient of the drug is fosfomycin. Release form: granules for internal use, packaged in 2 and 3 g packs.

It has a bactericidal effect due to the suppression of the first stage of protein synthesis of the cell wall and due to the inhibition of a specific bacterial enzyme - enolpyruvil transferase. The latter ensures the absence of cross-resistance of monural with other antibiotics and the possibility of its use in case of resistance to antibacterial agents of the main groups.

Vilprafen for prostatitis - Prostatitis

Description of the drug

Vilprafen is available in tablet form. The tablets are white in color and have a pleasant aroma. Unlike most drugs, this product has characteristic symbols. The dosage of one tablet is 500 milligrams.

The active ingredient of the drug is josamycin. Its action is aimed at destroying the protein shell of the pathogenic microorganism. This leads to inhibition of bacterial growth and disruption of their reproduction process. With long-term use, a pronounced bactericidal effect is observed.

This drug is a representative of the macrolide group and effectively affects a huge percentage of bacteria, which was confirmed by laboratory studies, as well as the results of use observed in many patients.

The active ingredient of this drug works not only to destroy extracellular microorganisms, but also destroys intracellular ones, which quite often cause the appearance of prostatitis.

The effectiveness of this remedy has been proven by many specialists, but this does not mean that a patient with prostatitis should independently use this antibiotic. This should be done only after a doctor's prescription.

Vilprafen has high rates of digestibility. The product is produced in the form of tablets that are white in color and have a very pleasant aroma. Compared to most medications, these tablets have a special designation. The active substance contained in one tablet is equal to a dose of 500 mg.

Prostatitis is an unpleasant inflammatory disease of the prostate gland that is unpleasant for men. It affects about half of men over 50 years of age; before this age, the likelihood of getting sick is also quite high.

In most cases, the causes of prostatitis are congestion in the pelvis or urological infections that are transmitted to the patient through sexual contact. Very rarely, microorganisms enter the prostate from another inflamed organ (respiratory tract, gums) through the blood or lymph.

Symptoms characteristic of prostatitis are:

  • Urinary disorders (pain, interruption of stream, burning, feeling of incomplete emptying, urge to urinate at night)
  • Erectile dysfunction (weak erection, painful ejaculation, premature ejaculation)
  • Blood or pus in the urine
  • Fever
  • Weakness, fatigue, irritability

When the disease worsens, sometimes patients require hospitalization, especially in cases such as acute urinary retention or a temperature above 40 degrees. Reviews of Vilprafen for prostatitis can show ordinary customers that using the drug brings excellent results.

After just a couple of weeks, tests show that there is nothing left of pathogenic microorganisms, and the symptoms disappear within a couple of days.

Pathology can be provoked not only by these factors, but also by constant constipation, chronic diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, and hypothermia. Long-term abstinence or too frequent sexual intercourse can affect a man’s condition.

The incidence of prostatitis increases in those men who abuse alcohol, smoke, or have had some kind of perineal injury. If a representative of the stronger sex does not consult a doctor after discovering the above symptoms, this may be fraught with the development of pyelonephritis, infertility and impotence, and sepsis.

What ointment will help against balanoposthitis in men

Sexually transmitted diseases in men are not uncommon, especially in puberty. It makes no sense to list all possible sexually transmitted pathologies in one conversation, but there is a disease that behaves very insidiously.

In an advanced form, multiple complications appear, and treatment requires not only timely diagnosis, but also a step-by-step approach. We will talk about chlamydia and the microorganisms that provoke its appearance.

They do not directly relate to viruses, bacteria, or fungi, but have the properties of each of the listed parasites.

How to treat chlamydia in men? Today, the answer contains a lot of details and nuances, but do not forget - all medications, dosages, sequence of administration and duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor, after passing the necessary tests and correctly interpreting the results. The information is given for information and awareness of what a problem an untreated sexually transmitted infection can become.

Some reliable facts about chlamydia

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the head and skin of the preputial sac of the genital organ; it occurs quite often in men. The causative agents of this disease are pathogenic microbes. All kinds of ointments and creams are used to treat the disease.

Why does this disease appear?

The most common reason for the development of balanoposthitis is neglect of the hygiene of the external genitalia, as well as promiscuous and unprotected sexual intercourse. The disease also develops when staphylococci, yeasts and other microbes get on the head of the penis.

Men suffering from diabetes, hypovitaminosis and anemia are also at increased risk of developing the disease. Inflammation of the head of the penis and preputial sac also develops with herpes, scabies, trichomoniasis and other diseases.

In boys, balanoposthitis can develop as a result of the narrowness of the external opening of the foreskin (phimosis).

What conditions are necessary for the treatment of balanitis and balanoposthitis?

Experts distinguish between balanitis and balanoposthitis. With balanitis, the inflammatory process develops only on the head of the genital organ. With balanoposthitis, the head of the penis and the skin on the foreskin also become inflamed.

With local therapy, the doctor sets mandatory conditions for the patient to guarantee successful recovery:

  • careful hygiene of the head and foreskin. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the desired result;
  • elimination of the causative agent of the disease using specific medications;
  • combination of local therapy with antiviral and antibacterial components. The list of medications needed for this is compiled individually for each patient.

Treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics - a list of effective drugs

“Having diagnosed Bacterial Prostatitis, the doctor prescribed me the antibiotics Vilprafen Solutab. I am wary of antibacterial agents, as they have many side effects. However, it was necessary to solve the problem, so I started taking it according to the prescribed regimen.

The drug is effective, I can’t complain, but there were side effects. For me they manifested themselves in the form of constant nausea and fatigue. Now the course is over, my condition has improved significantly.”

How to take Vilprafen for prostate therapy

Inflammatory processes of glandular tissues require complex treatment. To achieve a cure for the patient, it is important to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and relieve swelling. Therapy is long-term. The prostate is protected by several natural barriers. Therefore, the effect of Vilprafen manifests itself after 2-3 days.

During treatment, even with long-term use of macrolides, the man does not experience any unpleasant symptoms associated with taking the drug. Vilprafen is generally well tolerated by the patient. Allergic reactions are rarely observed: rash and swelling.

How much to drink Vilprafen

The antibiotic gradually accumulates in the tissues. After 2-3 days from the start of therapy, the symptoms of acute inflammation go away. Despite the absence of signs of the disease, it is necessary to take Josamycin for at least 14 days. According to individual indications, the course of treatment of prostatitis with Vilprafen is extended to 3-4 weeks.

To ensure the most effective effect on the prostate, follow several recommendations:

  • treatment regimen – 1000-2000 mg. drug daily, taken every 12 hours;
  • There is no need to increase the dosage of Vilprafen during exacerbation of prostatitis;
  • consumed between meals to ensure good absorption of active substances into the gastric mucosa.

The duration of treatment for prostatitis with Vilprafen, determined by a urologist, cannot be reduced.

The medicine is available in tablets. The pills are taken without chewing. Reviews show that many men have difficulty swallowing the tablet whole due to its large size. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use a suspension made from a pill dissolved in water.

Dosage rules

The course of treatment will be prescribed by the urologist after examining the patient and receiving test results. The dosage is standard and does not depend on the severity of the disease, 1-2 g. active ingredient per day. After taking it, you should not eat for about 60-90 minutes.

The treatment regimen is calculated so that the drug is taken every 12 hours. The action is based on the accumulation of active components in tissues and the constant inhibition of bacterial reproduction. For this reason, there will be no effect from increasing the volume of the drug. If the dosage time has been missed by more than 8 hours, Vilprafen should be taken in the initial doses.

Precautions for use

Reviews of Vilprafen show that in some patients the medicine causes the following disorders:

  • hearing acuity problems;
  • increased levels of liver enzymes;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

An absolute contraindication to the use of Vilprafen remains individual intolerance to the chemical composition of macrolides. If swelling and rash appear, treatment is stopped and an analogue of the antibiotic is looked for.

Josamycin generally has good interactions with other drugs. The exception is antibiotics. When prescribed simultaneously, the effectiveness of medications is significantly reduced. You should not prescribe Vilprafen if you have previously been treated with any macrolide - the treatment will not give results. During the course it is worth abandoning antihistamines.

Dosage rules

Chlamydia in men: how to treat? Antibiotics, tablets and other drugs

Immediately after administration, the substance is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic concentration is observed 3-4 days after the start of use of the drug. Particularly high levels of the substance are observed in the tonsils, saliva, skin, bones and urinary organs. As for the blood picture, the maximum amount of the active component is observed in monocytes and macrophages.

The main active component of the drug is the antibiotic Josamycin. The drug has a pronounced bacteriostatic property; it destroys the shell of the pathogen, thereby inhibiting the growth and process of cell division. As a result, the microbial colony dies.

When the drug is used in high doses and when it accumulates in the body, it has a bactericidal effect, i.e. effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

Josamycin is a natural (non-synthesized) macrolide, one of the most advanced and widely used drugs in the treatment of genitourinary infections. Taking it according to a special regimen allows you to get rid of infections caused by microorganisms resistant to other antibiotics or a combination of several types of pathogens.

  1. Vilprafen classic. It is a tablet preparation containing 500 mg. josamycin., its price varies from 520-670 rubles, 190-320 UAH. Produced in a box of 10 pieces.
  2. Vilprafen extended-release - salutab, with a dosage of 1000 mg. in one pill, it costs from 750-820 rubles, 280-450 UAH. Available in the form of instant (dispersible) tablets with a pleasant strawberry aroma and taste, the blister contains 5-6 pcs. medications.
  3. Vilprafen for the preparation of a suspension, it contains 300 mg. josamycin, the product is packaged in dark bottles of 100 ml., the price for this form of antibiotic is 430-560 rubles, 195-260 UAH.

The active ingredient "Vilprafen" (josamycin) is absorbed ten to fifteen minutes after its use through the mucous membrane of the digestive system. When taking the recommended dosage, the maximum therapeutic concentration is observed four days after the start of treatment.

The largest amount of the active substance accumulates in the following parts of the body:

  • patient's skin;
  • tonsils;
  • saliva;
  • prostate gland and other organs of the urinary system.

The bacteriostatic effect develops due to the influence on the ribosomes of bacterial cells, which inhibits the synthesis of pathogenic proteins, restoration of the cell wall and other physiological processes. A special feature of the drug is considered to be high activity against sexually transmitted bacterial infections.

The maximum concentration of the drug is observed two hours after oral administration. Approximately fifteen percent of the active substance binds to blood plasma proteins, which ensures long-term circulation in the bloodstream. The half-life lasts approximately twelve hours, and therefore the drug must be taken twice a day.

The characteristics of the action of drugs depend on their main components. Vilprafen's main component is josamycin, a macrolide antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces narbonensis.

In high concentrations it is effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, intracellular parasites and some anaerobic microbes. Vilprafen is used for chlamydial prostatitis and syphilis, mixed infections, and for diseases where pathogens are resistant to penicillin.

The absorption of the drug depends on its type - tablets or solution.

When treating inflammation of the prostate gland, doctors usually choose pills. It reaches its maximum concentration after 1-2 hours. Eating food does not affect the absorption of pills. Josamycin is excreted from the body with bile, about 20% is excreted in the urine.

In addition to the bactericidal effect, the antibiotic also has two others: immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory. They are very important in the treatment of prostatitis, because... an inflamed organ brings a lot of suffering to the patient.

All pain and discomfort comes from the source of inflammation, and Vilprafen is able to reduce it. Also, with a decrease in the area of ​​inflammatory phenomena, local temperature and swelling decrease.

It is worth noting that resistance (resistance) to the main substance of the drug is developed much less frequently than to other antibiotics.

Instructions for use and dosage

The dosage of Vilprafen for prostatitis and the period of use of the drug are determined strictly by the doctor.

During the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, the daily dose of the drug is from 1 to 2 g, which depends on the severity of the pathological process. Vilprafen Solutab tablets must be swallowed without chewing first, with a sufficient amount of water.

The duration of treatment is from 10 to 14 days. You should not stop taking the pills, even if the symptoms of the disease weaken or disappear completely.

Side effects of the drug

Vilprafen is used for prostatitis caused by bacterial infection. It is prescribed in the presence of an infectious and inflammatory disease. The drug can also be taken to eliminate pathologies of the urinary system.

The antibiotic affects various groups of microorganisms. The following are sensitive to it:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • diphtheria bacillus;
  • clostridia;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • Treponema.

The drug is often prescribed for diseases that appear as a result of infection with sexually transmitted microorganisms.

Vilprafen is an antibiotic. Therefore, it is prohibited to take it on your own. The appointment must be made by the attending physician.

When visiting a medical facility, the patient will need to undergo a full examination. He is prescribed tests to determine the type of prostatitis and the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

The course of treatment includes daily intake of 1–2 g of the drug. You need to take the tablets between breakfast and lunch, as well as lunch and dinner.

During administration, the tablets are not broken or chewed. They must be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. On average, admission is carried out within 10–14 days.

Many men cannot swallow the pill whole. In this case, you can dissolve it in water by taking a suspension.

The important point is to complete the treatment. It is forbidden to stop taking it when the symptoms have disappeared. If you interrupt the course, harmful microorganisms become active again.

The drug should be taken at regular intervals. If at a certain hour a man forgets to take a pill, then he should do it as soon as he remembers. When more than eight hours have passed, no increase in dosage is required. The daily dose can be taken once a day, or in two doses.

After completion of therapy, the patient must be tested again. If there are no microorganisms, then we can talk about a positive result. If bacteria are present, treatment should be continued. The doctor may also decide to change the medication.

The drug belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs, so self-treatment is not possible. It is necessary to undergo an examination, take tests, and get advice from a specialist. He will tell you how to take the pills correctly.

Doctors prescribe Vilprafen to their patients after diagnosing an infectious disease or inflammatory process. The action of active substances is aimed at eliminating pathological disorders developing in the genitourinary system. Most often, Vilprafen is used for prostatitis.

The drug helps remove pathogenic microflora, including staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria bacillus, chlamydia, treponema and ureaplasma. Therefore, specialists often prescribe this medicine to their patients to treat various sexually transmitted diseases.

As a rule, according to the instructions, a man should drink 1000–2000 mg per day. To achieve a high concentration of active substances, it is necessary to take the medicine between meals. The tablets are swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of liquid. The duration of therapy and dosage is determined strictly by a qualified specialist.

Some men say that a whole pill is hard to swallow. In such a situation, the attending physician allows the medicine to be dissolved with water and taken as a suspension. Once the first signs of improvement appear, treatment cannot be stopped. It is recommended to complete the full course of therapy.

It happens that men forget to take the prescribed dose by the doctor at the prescribed time. This is not scary, as soon as the opportunity arises, you need to continue the course. Even after 8 hours, you should not increase the dose by 2 r. at the next appointment.

To achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of prostate inflammation, Vilprafen should be taken for at least 2 weeks. The daily dosage of the medicine can be taken in one or two doses.

After completing the therapy, the doctor prescribes additional examinations and tests for the man so that he can understand how effective the treatment is. Should the patient continue to take the medicine or does it need to change the regimen, maybe even change to other antibacterial agents.

The regimen and dosage are prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of diagnosis of the disease, the severity of prostatitis and its nature. That is, both the dosage and the regimen are prescribed purely individually.

The drug should be taken after meals at the same time. This will make the concentration of active substances in the body maximum.

The tablet must be swallowed whole. It cannot be ground into powder or broken into small fractions.

Take the tablets only with water. If for some reason you cannot swallow the tablet, you can dissolve it in cold water and drink it.

If the schedule for taking the drug is violated for more than 8 hours, you need to take 2 tablets at once at the next dose.

The minimum course of treatment with Vilprafen is 15 days. After this, the patient is sent for a second examination to the doctor, who then makes a conclusion about whether to continue therapy or not.

A course of treatment with Vilprafen for prostatitis is prescribed only to those patients in whom tests have shown some pathogenic microorganisms to be the cause of the disease. The main indications for the use of antibiotics are:

  • Infectious pathologies of the respiratory tract
  • Diphtheria
  • Scarlet fever
  • Skin infections
  • Infection of the genitourinary system (this includes prostatitis)
  • Dental infections, etc.

Vilprafen is able to cope with various types of bacteria and viruses, and it is also effective against intracellular organisms. The following are sensitive to it:

  1. Staphylococcus
  2. Streptococcus
  3. Chlamydia
  4. Ureaplase
  5. Treponema and others.

Quite often, the drug is able to cope with infections that are transmitted through intimacy. This ability to use Vilprafen in the treatment of chlamydial prostatitis or caused by mycoplasmas is widely used by doctors in such cases.

It is impossible to take the medicine if the disease was caused by blood stagnation or inflammation in a neighboring organ, because this can further weaken the patient’s immunity. That is why you can only purchase medicine at a pharmacy with a prescription.

The use of Vilprafen for chronic prostatitis is regulated by the instructions for use, which can be found in any package. A specialist can prescribe tablets of 500 mg or Vilprafen Solutab in a volume of 500 or 1000 mg. The package contains 10 pills, the cost of one is about 500-600 rubles.

The method of administration of the drug is oral, between meals. It is advisable to drink plenty of water. The instructions read:

  • For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is calculated based on the following data - 40-50 mg per 1 kg of weight. The resulting amount is divided into 3 doses per day.
  • For adults, the dose is from 1 to 2 g per day, also divided into 3 times
  • For patients with prostatitis, the first dosage should be 1 g of josamycin

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician, usually it does not exceed 10 days. When treating some types of acne, the duration can be a couple of months.

If you miss your dose, be sure not to take a double dose next time. It is necessary to take the pill as quickly as possible, and start the next dose on the next day.

You should not stop therapy if you feel relief. Interruption of treatment or a break in taking an antibiotic may lead to the ineffectiveness of further use of Vilprafen.

"Vilprafen" is used to combat pathologies of the urinary system, in particular, in cases of prostatitis. This is often an irreplaceable and effective remedy that can cope with the following microorganisms:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • diphtheria bacillus;
  • Treponema.

Since Vilprafen is able to fight such pathogenic flora as chlamydia, staphylococci, treponema, diphtheria bacillus, streptococci, it is also used in the treatment of the following infections:

  • tonsillitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia.

Vilprafen - method of use for prostatitis

Vilprafen and Vilprafen Solutab

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Contraindications and side effects

Before using Vilprafen to eliminate pathology, it is important to determine the main contraindications. First of all, this is intolerance to the components of the drug. Also, you should not use the drug if a reaction to macrolides has previously been noted.

In addition, Vilprafen should not be used in the presence of serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys. This is explained by the fact that the active components are not excreted from the body in the required quantities, which can cause problems with other organs.

Before you start using Vilprafen to fight prostatitis, it is very important to determine the main indications. First of all, the specialist must obtain complete information about the patient’s health status, as well as reactions to certain components, in order to clarify the picture of the effect of the active substance Vilprafen on the body.

This drug will not be prescribed if a reaction to macrolides has previously been observed.

In addition, it is not recommended to use the product in cases of kidney or liver pathologies. This feature is explained by the fact that the active components are retained in the body in the required quantity and are not excreted for a long time, which can negatively affect other organs.

In most cases, even with long-term use of this antibiotic in the presence of prostatitis, the patient does not feel any discomfort. Serious disturbances are also not observed during treatment with this drug. Patients using Vilprafen were able to notice that this medication was much easier to tolerate than other antibiotics of a similar type.

But, a patient who has been prescribed this drug should always be prepared for a possible side effect, and if a negative reaction of the body to the drug is detected, he should consult his doctor.

Side effects can be expressed in the form of allergies (the appearance of a characteristic rash). In some cases, auditory acuity may be impaired.

In addition, a patient taking this antibiotic may experience an increase in liver enzymes.

The antibiotic has some contraindications. This is due to the fact that there is an impact not only on harmful, but also on beneficial microflora. Therefore, it is important to determine the possibility of therapy with Vilprafen before starting treatment.

The main contraindication is an allergy to antibiotics or intolerance to some components of the drug. It is forbidden to take the drug if an allergic reaction to macrolides has previously been identified.

Also, the drug is not prescribed if a man has serious pathologies of the kidneys and liver. This is due to the fact that not all components are excreted from the body. Therefore, diseases can become more complicated.

The drug, compared to other antibiotics, has a small number of adverse reactions. Therefore, long-term use does not lead to disturbances or discomfort.

But side effects may still occur. Among them are:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased levels of liver enzymes;
  • allergic reaction in the form of a rash;
  • impairment of hearing acuity.

Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor. He will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, taking into account numerous individual characteristics. It is not recommended to use the medicine on your own, otherwise you may harm your health. In addition, there are situations in which taking Vilprafen is strictly prohibited.

Main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • manifestation of a reaction to macrolides, noted earlier;
  • serious diseases related to the kidneys or liver.

Any potent medicine should only be taken after consulting your doctor. Uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents can cause the development of resistant microflora, which will be difficult to get rid of even with the help of reserve group drugs.

The specialist, in addition to prescribing the correct dosage, regimen and duration of the course, finds out the presence of indications and contraindications for taking the drug.

In the case of Vilprafen, used to treat prostatitis, the following contraindications are identified:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to macrolide drugs;
  • pathologies of liver tissue in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe renal failure;
  • early pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications for the drug are not much different from the limitations of other antibacterial agents. Men with hypersensitivity to its components or intolerance to them are prohibited from taking the medicine. Also among the contraindications are:

  1. Liver disorders
  2. Pregnancy and lactation
  3. Children under 3 years old

Compared to other antibiotics, Vilprafen Solutab does not have many side effects, although it affects not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora. Due to the fact that contraindications do exist, the treatment process should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will understand the advisability of using Vilprafen for the prostate.

The main reasons for refusing to use josamycin for prostatitis are:

  • allergy to antibiotics;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Side effects may occur: skin rash, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, hearing impairment.

The accumulation of "Wolprafen" is observed in different places of the body, for example, in:

  • patient's skin;
  • urinary organs;
  • saliva;
  • tonsils;
  • bone tissue;
  • sweat;
  • lungs;
  • blood.

The use of the drug should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

How to take Vilprafan tablets correctly

Indications for use:

  • Prostatitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Gingivitis and periodontal diseases.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Psittacosis
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.


  1. Intolerance to the components included in the drug.
  2. The presence of severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  3. Negative reaction of the body to macrolides.

Vilprafen Solutab for prostatitis: reviews of treatment

Numerous reviews from qualified specialists and patients after treatment confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

Men who took Vilprafen leave reviews after treating prostatitis. Many of them prove the effectiveness of the product.


bacterial prostatitis

Representatives of the fairer sex often suffer from cystitis, since the female urethra is shorter and wider than the male one, which allows pathogens to quickly and easily enter the bladder, causing inflammation.

Since cystitis is an infectious disease, antibiotics and antimicrobial agents cannot be avoided. Using the drug Nolicin for cystitis helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms and, most importantly, the root cause of the disease.

Description of the drug

Nolicin belongs to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic series, and the active ingredient is norfloxacin. A large number of positive reviews of Nolitsin for cystitis are due to the fact that this drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; most possible causative agents of the inflammatory process in the bladder have not yet developed resistance to the effects of norfloxacin.

Fluoroquinolone group drugs have been actively used since the 80s and help fight inflammation, but the peculiarities of their absorption and effect on the body allow them to be used mainly only for diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, Nolitsn can be taken not only for cystitis, but also for prostatitis.


Ciprofloccin. – fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Treatment of pyelonephritis (including complicated ones) with ciprofloxacin and related drugs is currently the standard of care. The remedy is also effective when both kidneys are involved in the inflammatory process.

The wide degree of activity of the drug is due to its mechanism of action: ciprofloxacin is able to suppress the division of microbial DNA by inhibiting the action of the enzyme DNA gyrase. This disrupts the synthesis of protein components of the bacterial cell and leads to the death of microorganisms. Ciprofloxacin acts both on actively dividing cells and on bacteria that are at rest.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinical studies have proven that the drug Metrogyl (it is often prescribed intravenously) is prohibited from being combined with many medications. Otherwise, the following reactions occur:

  • simultaneous use of Disulfiram leads to the appearance of neurological signs, so the interval between doses should be at least 14 days;
  • drugs that stimulate enzymes in the liver can accelerate the elimination of metronidazole, which will provoke a decrease in its level in the blood plasma;
  • Cimetidine reduces the metabolism of metronidazole, which is fraught with side effects;
  • drugs containing lithium cause its increase in the blood plasma, and this, in turn, develops signs of poisoning;
  • sulfonamides can enhance the antimicrobial properties of Metrogyl;
  • Experts also do not recommend combining metronidazole with muscle relaxants (vecuronium bromide).


Tavanic is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent, another representative of the fluoroquinolone group. The active ingredient is levoxacin. The drug is available in the form of tablets 250, 500 mg.

Levofloxacin is of synthetic origin and is an isomer (levorotatory) of ofloxacin. The mechanism of action of the drug is also associated with blocking DNA gyrase and indirect destruction of the bacterial cell.

Treatment with Tavanik is prohibited in cases of severe chronic kidney failure, in pregnant and lactating women and in pediatric practice.


Amoxicillin is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semisynthetic penicillins. Release form: tablets 0.25, 0.5, 1 gram, powder for preparing a suspension, dry substance for preparing injection forms.

Destruction of the cell wall occurs due to inhibition of the synthesis of protein-carbohydrate components of the bacterial cell. Currently, the spectrum of antimicrobial activity of the drug has significantly narrowed due to the production of beta-lactamase enzymes by bacteria, which inhibit the action of penicillins.

You should also remember about the increased cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to penicillin drugs.

However, the absence of a large number of side effects, hepato- and nephrotoxicity even during long-term use, as well as the low cost make amoxicillin the drug of choice in pediatric practice.

Adverse reaction

Sometimes side effects may occur. Metrogyl, administered intravenously, can provoke the following reaction:

  • from the digestive tract - loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, constant thirst, exacerbation of pancreatitis, stomatitis, intestinal colic;
  • from the central nervous system - sleep disturbance, dizziness, loss of orientation, poor coordination, confusion, hyperactivity, nervousness, hallucinations, fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, depression;
  • from the genitourinary organs - cystitis, enuresis, candidiasis, change in urine color, dysuria, polyuria.


Amoxiclav is a semi-synthetic combination drug from the penicillin group, consisting of amoxicillin and an inhibitor of beta-lactamase (bacterial cell enzyme) - clavulonate. Available in tablets (250/125, 500/125, 875/125 mg), powder for dilution and parenteral administration (500/100, 1000/200 mg), powder for suspension (treatment in pediatrics).

The mechanism of action of amoxiclav is based on disruption of the synthesis of peptidoglycan, one of the structural components of the bacterial cell wall. This function is performed by amoxicillin. The potassium salt of clavulanic acid indirectly enhances the effect of amoxicillin by destroying some beta-lactamases, which typically cause bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • treatment of uncomplicated forms of inflammation of the renal collecting system and urinary tract;
  • acute and chronic pyelonephritis in pregnant women (after assessing the risks of impact on the fetus).

What they say about the drug "Metrogyl"

Many patients who are prescribed antibiotics for the treatment of a particular disease of the female genital area ask pharmacies for the drug Metrogyl Plus. The instructions for it indicate that in addition to metronidazole, clotrimazole also works in the product. According to many women, this remedy actively helps in the fight against fungal diseases, bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis. The drug very rarely causes any irritation if used in accordance with the instructions.

Regarding Metrogyl tablets, patient reviews are quite contradictory. For some, this drug has caused gastrointestinal problems, causing diarrhea or nausea. Some of those who took this medicine noted that they felt an unpleasant taste in their mouth during the course of therapy. In most reviews, patients talk about the effectiveness of treatment with these tablets, noting that they are convenient to take - during or immediately after meals, that is, it is very difficult to miss another dose.

For the drug "Metrogyl", the instructions for use of the various pharmaceutical forms in which it is produced serve as the main source of information. But still, only a specialist should prescribe a drug for the treatment of a particular disease, having previously established an accurate diagnosis and collected a complete anamnesis.

This drug should be sold from pharmacies only with a prescription.


Ceftriaxone is a third generation injectable cephalosporin. Available in powder form for the preparation of solution for injection (0.5, 1 g).

The main effect is bactericidal, due to blocking the production of cell wall proteins of microorganisms. The density and rigidity of the bacterial cell is disrupted and it can be easily destroyed.

The drug has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, including against the main pathogens of pyelonephritis: streptococci of groups A, B, E, G, staphylococci, including aureus, enterobacter, E. coli, etc.

Ceftriaxone is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. To reduce pain when administered intramuscularly, it can be diluted in a 1% solution of lidocaine. Treatment lasts 7–10 days depending on the severity of kidney damage. After eliminating the symptoms of inflammation and intoxication, it is recommended to continue using the drug for another three days.


Suprax is an antibacterial agent from the group of 3rd generation cephalosporins. The active ingredient of the drug is cefixime. Available in the form of capsules 200 mg and powder for suspension 100 mg/5 ml. The drug is successfully used to treat uncomplicated forms of urinary tract and kidney infections (including acute and chronic pyelonephritis). It can be used in pediatrics (from six months of age) and in pregnant women (after assessing all risks). It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during therapy.

Suprax has a bactericidal effect, which is caused by inhibition of the synthesis of the protein membrane of microbial cells. The product is resistant to beta-lactamases.

What if the drug cannot be taken?

For the use of the drug "Metrogyl" in gynecology, the instructions for its use stipulate the same restrictions on use as for any form of this medicine. Antibiotics have many contraindications, which, unfortunately, are not always taken into account by patients when self-medicating. This is unacceptable, as it can lead to very serious health problems. For any dosage form of the drug Metrogyl, the contraindications for use will be the following:

  • hypersensitivity to both metronidazole and other nitroimidazole derivatives;
  • leukopenia;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • liver failure;
  • epilepsy.

A strict contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as the period of breastfeeding a newborn child.


Sumamed is an effective broad-spectrum antibiotic from the macrolide group. The active ingredient is azithromycin. Available in the form of tablets (125, 500 mg), powder for suspension 100 mg/5 ml, powder for infusion 500 mg. The drug has high activity and a long half-life, so treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than 3-5 days.

Sumamed has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal (in high concentrations) effect. The drug interferes with the synthesis of the 50S protein fraction and disrupts the replication of microbial DNA. Thus, bacterial division stops, and cells lacking protein molecules die.

special instructions

During treatment with this medicine, which includes Josamycin, the patient’s initial health must be taken into account. There are concomitant pathological conditions in which severe complications may develop while taking the medication. Therefore, in some situations, when using such drugs in the treatment of ureaplasma infection, extreme caution must be exercised.

You should take Vilprafen with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • a history of episodes of hypersensitivity to macrolide antibiotics;
  • history of frequent cases of skin allergic reactions. Such patients have a high risk of developing skin blistering dermatitis in a toxic form, as well as exudative erythema of the malignant type. At the first suspicion of such complications, you should immediately stop using the drug and replace it with an antibiotic belonging to a different group;
  • if it is absolutely necessary to prescribe Vilprafen to patients with liver diseases, throughout the entire course of treatment it is necessary to periodically take a blood test for biochemical testing in order to monitor the indicators of substances that make up the liver complex. When the values ​​of the functional state of the bile-forming system change in any direction, a reduction in the dosage of josamycin is required.


Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial agent. It has not only antimicrobial, but also antiprotozoal, antitrichomoniacal, and antialcohol activity. In the treatment of pyelonephritis, it is a reserve drug and is rarely prescribed.

The mechanism of action in treatment with metronidazole is based on the integration of the active components of the drug into the respiratory chain of bacteria and protozoa, disruption of respiratory processes and death of pathogen cells.

It is important to remember that antibiotics for pyelonephritis should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, depending on the severity, the presence of contraindications, the severity of symptoms and the type of disease (acute or chronic). A properly selected antibiotic will not only quickly relieve pain in the kidney area, urination problems and symptoms of intoxication, but also, more importantly, eliminate the cause of the disease.

Help for women

Women's health problems often require solutions with the help of antibiotic drugs. One of these products used in gynecology is Metrogyl. Instructions for use of this medicine depend on its pharmaceutical form. Treatment of female diseases can be carried out using tablets, injections or vaginal gel. The latter form has a special purpose - the gel is inserted into the vagina using a special applicator, which is equipped with a tube with the drug. For quality therapy, it is necessary to administer 1 full applicator of medicinal gel 2 times a day. Such treatment of vaginosis or other disease requiring intracavitary administration of the drug should be carried out for at least 5 days. Since metronidazole has a central effect, and also penetrates more actively into the systemic bloodstream through the mucous membranes, the drug is not recommended for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Permission to treat with this drug can only be given by the attending physician in cases where the benefit to the mother far outweighs the potential danger to the fetus and infant.

Metrogil gel in gynecology instructions

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