How to properly use a urine test collection container

Urine (urine) is an accessible “biological tool” for determining and establishing various diagnoses by collecting samples into a urine collection container during a medical examination. These modern containers have a number of advantages - universal, sealed, transparent and chemically resistant. They allow you to collect biological material, take a sample into a test tube, which is then submitted for testing to a medical institution - a laboratory or clinic.

How to take a urine test? | Urine collection rules

As they say, as you collect the analysis, that’s how it will be carried out.
If you want the results of your tests to be as reliable as possible, then you need to follow the rules when collecting. Many people don’t even think that there are any rules here. And really, what nonsense. Find a jar, piss in it, screw it on and you're done. But it's not that simple. And although 90% of our country has been doing this all their lives, this does not mean that they are doing it correctly.

In principle, it is common for Russian people to read the instructions after use, and many things are even used for purposes other than their intended purpose only because people themselves have figured out their place in life.

But if you came to Kakasic, it means you want to correctly collect urine for analysis, so that there are no problems and you are not forced to resend it. And of course, dear reader, Kakasic will be happy to help you!

Basic rules for collecting urine for analysis

If anyone doesn't know, doctors should inform patients about how to properly take a urine test. But they don’t do this, so many patients are not even aware that there are any rules.

Everyone is accustomed to those methods that are passed down from generation to generation - a glass jar, the neck of which is covered by a bag covered with an elastic band.

But today science has stepped far forward and all technological progress has long since entered the everyday life of modern people. Today no one goes to hospitals with banks.

What should you use to collect urine for analysis?

First, let's find out what they wear when submitting urine for general analysis in the modern world. Today, special sterile plastic containers for collecting urine are used for these purposes. Essentially it’s the same jar, but it’s plastic and with a lid. They are sold in every pharmacy. It's better to buy a few pieces in advance just in case.

Please note that they are disposable and if you never had a chance to deliver urine to the hospital, then a new portion must be collected in another container. The walls of the jar are quite flimsy, and the lid is not entirely airtight. If you squeeze the container, the lid may simply come off the neck.

Therefore, when transporting, it is better to place it additionally in a bag and do not press it if you do not want to spill everything.

When and how to collect urine so that the analysis is correct?

A general urine test is given in the morning. At the same time, some decide to prepare in advance and collect it in the evening, which is fundamentally wrong.

It is necessary to collect urine for analysis in the morning, when you wake up, since at this time it is most concentrated.

Also, during storage, its composition begins to change, since under the influence of sunlight, temperature and contact with oxygen, the components of urine enter into a chemical reaction.

In order for the analysis result to be as accurate as possible, the following main rules must be observed:

  • Before peeing into the sample collection jar, you must thoroughly wash your genitals, otherwise foreign components will get into the urine.
  • You need to collect a medium portion. That is, first you need to flush a little down the toilet. This is again necessary to flush the urethra from bacteria and secretions. So, for example, in men there may be seminal fluid.

Keep in mind that if you are taking any medications or nutritional supplements, they may affect the composition of your urine. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor about this.

It is recommended to stop taking them on the eve of urine collection. It is also advisable not to consume foods rich in coloring substances, such as beets. Try to avoid strenuous physical activity and do not visit the bathhouse or sauna.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol.

How can men collect urine?

It is not difficult for men to collect urine; unlike women, they are lucky in this regard. The main thing here is the ability to perfectly master your unit and the process of urination.

Let's divide the process into main stages:

  1. First of all, don’t forget about hygiene; the penis must be clean. Wash it thoroughly with running water and soap and rinse thoroughly.
  2. The second stage is flushing the urethra, that is, we pee a little in the toilet.
  3. Expose the head of the penis and carefully begin to pee into the urine collection container.

As you can see, everything is quite simple and quick; urine will be collected in just 3 stages.

How to collect urine from a woman?

Now it's time to shed light on the female half:

  1. Hygiene, again, comes first. Girls should wash their pussy thoroughly.
  2. Next, we rinse the urethra, flushing it a little into the toilet.
  3. The third stage will be a little difficult for some. Spread the labia and bring the urine collection jar to the urethra. This can be done while sitting on the toilet or in the bathroom. If it is difficult for someone to get into the container because it is quite small, then they can pee in a larger container and then pour it. But keep in mind that the container must be clean.


If it is not possible to collect urine at home and you know that you will have to take the test at the hospital, then buy clean paper napkins along the way to wipe the genitals from discharge.

Why do they take a general urine test?

Actually, it’s true, let’s figure out why a urine test is one of the main and first things a doctor prescribes? What is so special there and why is it so valued?

You can learn a lot from the composition of urine. Urine is not just excrement; its composition depends on the complex functioning of the internal organs and the digestive system as well. And if some organ involved in its formation fails, then this will immediately affect the composition of urine; some components will become more or less.

The doctor, in turn, based on this will be able to see a more accurate picture and will give a referral for further examination of a more specific organ. At the same time, there is no need to self-medicate, even if you are sure that the problem lies in a specific organ. The fact is that another organ can cause disruption in its functioning, which should be treated.

And by self-medicating you will only do harm.

This concludes our article. We wish you, dear reader, to always be healthy! And remember that our excrement carries valuable information. Changes in color or smell are the first markers to look for.

Even ancient people used this information. They marked their territories like animals, and if a neighbor recognized an illness by the smell of urine, he hurried to raid in order to take his opponent by surprise. Thus giving yourself an advantage.

Therefore, never show weakness to anyone.



What does the right container look like?

Containers can vary in size, but there are a few characteristics that each one should have. The first is the packaging of the container.

The jar for collecting biomaterials must be tightly sealed. You should not give this container to strangers, as even germs on your hands can negatively affect the result.

Secondly, quality material. Chips and microcracks in the container are not allowed, since bacteria from the external environment can easily enter the biomaterial. The tightness of the material is also important, since in the best case, the collected biomaterial can spill out, in the worst case, foreign particles can get into it. If you bought a container with a defect, then you should not waste money on a new one, because it is better to be safe than to find yourself in an unpleasant situation with false test results.

Medical glassware Containers (jars) for tests – review

ᅠᅠFor many years now, special containers for collecting tests have been on sale. In my childhood, as well as perhaps in yours, puree jars were used for this, some still use them.

When I became pregnant and was about to have my first test, I thought about buying puree, to which my husband was very surprised and told me that there have been special jars for a long time and it is much easier to buy them.

It’s not simpler, but in my opinion, from the point of view of sterility and cleanliness, it’s really better to buy a special jar than to later get a bad analysis due to poorly prepared secondary containers. This is especially critical for pregnant women and young children.


ᅠᅠJars are sold in pharmacies. They are sealed in transparent packaging. Despite the external similarity, the jars are slightly different in height, width and thread on the lid. The threads are not always of super high quality, so you need to be very careful when closing the lid after drawing in the liquid to get into the threads so that the lid closes tightly.

It happens that even with the lid tightly closed, some of the liquid may leak a little. Therefore, it is better to put the jar in a bag (or two) and stock up on napkins in case a leak occurs. I usually put a napkin under the jar.

It is better not to put a napkin on top, it may get wet, and then when you open it, particles may get into the analysis and it will either not be accepted, or the results may turn out bad.


ᅠᅠSince childhood, I remember that solid analysis is usually collected in the evening and placed in the refrigerator. But with liquid analysis this number will not work. The liquid will become cloudy and salts will precipitate. I once collected a child’s test at six in the morning, and we would only go to the hospital closer to eight.

I decided to put it in the refrigerator for safety. The jars stood there for an hour and a half. They write on the Internet that they say you can store tests in refrigerators for so long, but in practice “the number did not pass.” The cloudiness and decrease in transparency that appeared confused me, but I thought “if we retake something, it won’t be a problem.”

I had two children tested. As a result, the laboratory assistant did not accept one of the tests , and at the same time asked me for a long time why it turned out this way. After all, if a child said something like that, it would indicate serious problems. The laboratory assistant said that the liquid analysis should absolutely not be placed in the refrigerator.

As for the laboratory, it needs to be carried as quickly and warm as possible. She “didn’t miss the second analysis” and in the end it came out good. But at the same time, the volumes of material were different; the one with less liquid was not accepted. So, decide for yourself.

I decided for myself never to put liquid analysis in the refrigerator.


ᅠᅠ Collecting adult analysis is simply elementary. We washed ourselves well and filled the jar from the middle or a little earlier. Gynecologists also recommend plugging the vagina with cotton wool so that nothing gets into the analysis from there. As a rule, the analysis is taken in the morning, from 8 to 9 o’clock. It should be in the morning. We are talking about ordinary, general analysis. Your doctor will explain the details of other types of tests to you.

ᅠᅠ Collection of child analysis up to a certain age of the child is “Mission: Impossible”. In the early stages of a child’s life, urinals help, and even with them there are hassles.

Those who practice early planting probably have no problems with harvesting at all, or their problems are minimal. We didn’t practice, with urinals everything worked out in one go. After mastering the potty, everything became much simpler and more straightforward.

But in order not to accidentally get a bad test due to your negligence, you need to prepare both the potty and the child.

ᅠᅠ Method 1

ᅠᅠ I washed the pots in the evening. First with soap. Then I wiped it with alcohol. Then I rinsed it with boiled water, then with cold running water. Then I put it upside down to dry overnight.

The children were thoroughly washed in the evening - this must be done carefully, carefully and without fanaticism, so as not to damage the delicate tissues. Also remember that excessive abuse of soap in children's and feminine hygiene can lead to not very good consequences.

For children's hygiene, the following are optimal: water daily and soap once or twice a week. As a result, everything on the child should be clean, without white deposits and other things . In the morning, I was afraid to do this kind of washing for the children, because they could lose the necessary “biomaterial” while in the water.

In the morning I could spray Miramistin outside to remove the bacteria that had appeared overnight. The children made their own crafts on the pots, after which I poured what they received into jars .

ᅠᅠ With such a collection, once I received both good tests. The second time, one analysis is good, and the second has elevated levels and bacteria. We were given a retake.

Because usually, first of all, they assume that the child was not washed well. At the same time, the pediatrician recommended starting the collection of analysis not from the middle of the stream.

In connection with this recommendation, my collection actions have changed and have become a little simpler. I think we will always collect this way in the future.

ᅠᅠ Method 2

ᅠᅠ The child also thoroughly washes himself in the evening. The pot is not prepared and does not participate in the collection. In the morning, “cleanliness check”, Miramistin. First, fill the bath with some warm water and prepare a jar to have on hand.

We put the child in the bath and turn on the water. Morning plus reflexes quickly give results, the main thing is to catch it at the right moment. Much less hassle.

Our retaken analysis, collected in this way, came out good: with normal indicators and without bacteria.

ᅠᅠ We don’t need to sign jars , but I still prefer to do it. I write my first and last name on the jar itself with a marker. In the case of feces - on the lid. The main thing is that you have a direction available, where the following information is written: name, area, year of birth.

ᅠᅠUsually, such analyzes are taken through the window where the tray is located, first a direction is placed there, and a jar is placed on it. In our case, jars with liquid must be placed open, and jars with solid material must be closed .


ᅠᅠTo some, selling such jars may seem like a way to “make money on this as well.” Of course this statement is true. But besides this, collecting the analysis in such a jar is modern and as hygienic as possible. Such a jar reduces the risk of getting a bad test due to improper rinsing of a regular glass jar.

ᅠᅠ To collect tests, I recommend using special medical containers.


What you need to know when taking a urine test

What you need to know when taking a urine test

How to donate urine:

A urine test is a simple laboratory test that every person has had to undergo more than once. Urine is collected independently and given away in the same way. The principles of surrender, which have existed for decades, remain unchanged even today.

With only one difference: the current generation treats such analyzes extremely irresponsibly, which as a result can lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

Therefore, when taking a urine test, try to comply with all the necessary conditions and rules so as not to confuse laboratory workers and attending physicians.

To obtain adequate research results, it is necessary to comply with the conditions on the eve of the test. So, you can’t eat too hot and spicy foods, and drink alcoholic drinks too. It is better to avoid mineral water for a while, because it can change the acidity level of urine. Avoid sweets and foods that change the color of your urine so as not to confuse the laboratory technicians.

During the test period, it is not recommended to take antibiotics, vitamins, or antipyretics - they change the biochemical composition. The day before urine collection, it is advisable to refrain from heavy physical activity. For some people, physical labor can cause excess protein in the urine. It is not advisable for women to take the test during menstruation, as well as three days before and after it.

How to select and prepare dishes for collecting urine analysis

The result of a urine test can be greatly influenced by the condition of the container in which it is collected. Even a small deposit of fat or detergent residue can indicate the presence of protein in the urine or cause other abnormalities in the analysis.

To avoid this, you need to select and prepare the dishes correctly. First of all, you should know that urine is collected in the container in which the test is taken.

Pouring from one container to another can worsen the result. Such a jar is properly called a urine collection container.

Special containers for urine are disposable plastic jars with a tight-fitting lid.

They are made from polypropylene (such jars are highly transparent) or polystyrene (have increased mechanical strength). Plastic containers can withstand a fairly wide range of temperature fluctuations, so they can be kept in cool conditions (when storing contents).

Plastic jars are sterile and non-sterile. Before taking the analysis, it is necessary to clarify whether the containers for collecting it must be sterile. The sterile container is individually sealed.

When collecting urine in a sterile jar, do not touch its inner walls or the inner surface of the lid, and leave it open for a long time (after filling, immediately close the lid tightly).

Inside the sterile jar there may be a vacuum tube - this is a special type of container for sterile collection of urine into a test tube.

The capacity of the jars can be different - from 60 to 250 ml. To collect the urine of an adult, it is better to take a larger container, since it is recommended to fill it 2/3 full. Where can I get a special jar for urine analysis? You can buy them in many pharmacies.

Requirements for glassware for various urine tests

Utensils for urine analysis using the Nechiporenko method must be clean and dry, without residues of detergents, fats or other contaminants. A non-sterile medicine container will do. Sufficient jar volume – 150-250 ml

The container for general urine analysis must meet the same requirements as the jar for analysis according to Nechiporenko.

Dishes for bacteriological research - the main requirement for containers for bacterial culture is sterility. To determine the flora, a small amount (about 10 ml) is sufficient, so you can use a sterile jar or test tube as a container.

Analysis according to Zimnitsky - there are no special requirements for jars. The main difference from collecting a general analysis is the number of such jars - there should be 8 of them, since urine should be collected every 3 hours throughout the day. Containers already filled with urine should be kept cool, away from light.

The container for donating daily urine is a 2-3 liter jar with volume markings applied to the wall. It should be clean and have a tight-fitting lid.

Most often, a jar for collecting daily urine is issued by the laboratory conducting its analysis.

Throughout the entire time the analysis is being collected, the jar of urine should be kept in a cool place, without access to sunlight or artificial lighting.

Dishes for collecting urine of infants

Special children's urine bags can make urine collection easier for babies and young children. They are suitable for both boys and girls. These are soft, transparent bags with a hole, which is covered with a sticky layer around the perimeter for the purpose of fixation.

The fixing layer ensures a secure fit of the urinal to the body and prevents leakage. After completing urination, such a bag can be easily removed. It is disposable, so it cannot be reused.

If you are collecting urine in such a urine bag for the first time, we recommend buying several pieces, since collection is not always successful the first time.


How to use the container correctly?

Below are instructions for proper use of the container and collection of biomaterial:

  • buy a sealed, sterile container;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soapy water;
  • collect the urine sample in a completely clean (sterile) container;
  • screw the lid on the container;
  • Label the container with your name and date of birth;
  • store in the refrigerator in a sealed plastic bag if you cannot immediately transfer it to the laboratory;
  • Wash your hands after the procedure;
  • you can collect a urine sample at any time of the day.

If you are unable to provide a urine sample within an hour, you should store it at around 4°C (39°F) for no more than 24 hours. First, place the container of urine in a sealed plastic bag, and then place it in the refrigerator. Bacteria in a urine sample can grow if it is not stored in a cold environment. Otherwise, it may affect the test results.

It is worth saying that the above instructions are suitable for collecting not only urine, but also feces (feces do not need to be stored in the refrigerator). Other laboratory tests do not involve collecting biomaterials at home, so there is no need to provide detailed instructions.

What to write on a jar of urine tests

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Urine is one of the most important human biological fluids; most of it, of course, is water. In addition to it, urine contains many metabolic products. This explains the importance and informativeness of a general urine test.

Such an examination reflects the functioning of the urinary organs, as well as to some extent other systems. Using it, you can diagnose diseases of the kidneys, liver, prostate, neoplasms, and inflammatory processes in organs.

Almost everyone has been prescribed such a test at least once in their life, either when they feel unwell or for preventive purposes. However, not everyone knows how to take a general urine test correctly.

The article will tell you in detail about preparing for the test.

Urine parameters

Urine is analyzed according to the following criteria. They rate it:

  • transparency, color, smell;
  • relative density and Ph (physicochemical properties);
  • the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, salt sediments (sediment study);
  • ketone bodies of protein, sugar, hemoglobin (biochemical parameters);
  • presence of microorganisms (microbiological examination.

How to submit?

The composition of urine is greatly influenced by food, medications, exercise, and stressful situations. To obtain reliable results, you should carefully prepare for the delivery of this biological material.

12 hours before taking a general urine test, you should exclude from your diet alcohol-containing drinks, spicy and salty foods, as well as those foods that can color the urine (beets).

24 hours before the expected analysis, you should stop taking vitamin complexes and stop taking herbal preparations and infusions.

Preparing for the test also requires eliminating serious physical activity, visiting the bathhouse and sauna.

Urine delivery for general analysis is carried out in the morning, this is explained by the fact that at night the kidneys produce more concentrated urine, so the pathology in it will be more noticeable.

Before the procedure itself, you need to thoroughly wash the external genitalia. In order to pass urine correctly, a woman must use the toilet in the correct way.

It is important to know that it is the average portion of urine that is taken as the material for the examination.

That is, first you need to urinate a little into the toilet, and then into a container for collecting urine (the amount of urine should be about 150-200 ml).

This is done so that epithelial cells from the urethra do not get into the analysis, because they can change the analysis. It is important that when submitting urine for general analysis, the collection container does not touch the skin.

The container for analysis must be clean; it is best to purchase it at a pharmacy, but it is also acceptable to take an ordinary container with a wide neck. Then the biological fluid must be immediately transferred to the laboratory (no later than an hour and a half).

It must be transported at a temperature no higher than 7 degrees and no lower than 3. On the jar of urine, it is imperative to indicate the patient’s information, as well as the initials of the doctor who ordered the examination.

These rules must be strictly followed in order to obtain an objective result.

When submitting urine for a general analysis, you need to remember that some factors require you to delay such an examination if possible.

Relative contraindications for such a study are menstruation, high blood pressure and fever. The results will not be entirely accurate. Therefore, if possible, it is worth rescheduling the test.

Urine analysis in children

The specifics, perhaps, will concern only newborns. For older children, the rules for passing are the same as for adults. For infants, there are special urinals.

They look like a bag with a hole around which there is an adhesive base. This urinal is attached between the baby’s legs. Of course, you should wash it thoroughly before doing this.

The collected urine is poured into a jar and taken to the clinic.

Now let’s look carefully at each of the properties of urine being studied.

About the quantitative indicator

The normal amount for people who follow a drinking regime of urine in the morning is about two hundred milliliters. This volume makes it possible to judge the relative density of urine.

The specific gravity of urine in a healthy person ranges from 1020-1024. This parameter allows you to evaluate the concentration ability of the kidney. In chronic renal failure, the specific gravity is reduced, and in dehydration, on the contrary, it is high.


This parameter depends on what pigmenting substances the urine contains. The normal color of urine is straw yellow. It can be more saturated with low water consumption, lighter with large volumes of liquid in the diet. It must be remembered that some foods and medications change the color of urine. In some cases, the color of urine indicates a particular pathology:

  • the color of meat slops indicates glomerulonephritis;
  • a milky tint indicates lymph stagnation;
  • green color occurs when the kidney is degenerated of a fatty or hyaline nature;
  • brown urine occurs with anemia of hemolytic origin, melanoma;
  • color of beer in the presence of bilirubin in urine.

In a person without pathology, urine has a mild odor. In case of illness, it has a specific aroma. In the case of diabetes mellitus, for example, due to an excess of ketone bodies, urine acquires an apple aroma. When white blood cells and red blood cells break down in large volumes, the urine smells like rotten meat due to excess protein. This phenomenon occurs with bladder cancer.


Normal urine is clear. The cloudy tint may be due to a large number of different shaped elements. In addition, this phenomenon may occur due to the presence of salts or bacteria.


Ph is a variable characteristic; this indicator changes depending on the diet. The norm is a slightly acidic reaction. If the protein component predominates in it, then the urine becomes acidic.

And when consuming plant products, it becomes acidic.

It is important that some inflammatory diseases give the urine an alkaline reaction, which is an excellent environment for the proliferation of bacterial flora.


Glucose should not be present in the urine. Sometimes there may be borderline values ​​when consuming large amounts of simple carbohydrates (raisins, baked goods, sweets) before testing.

That is why, on the eve of submitting urine for a general analysis, you should not introduce them into your diet in large quantities.

If, however, sugar is detected, then such a person needs to contact an endocrinologist to establish a diagnosis.


These cells, even with full health, can be in urine. For men, the norm is 1-3 cells in the field of view, and for the fair sex up to 5. If the values ​​exceed normal limits, then we are talking about the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary tract. To make a diagnosis, a Nechiporenko analysis should be performed.

Red blood cells

There should be no red blood cells in the urine. Women can have up to 1 in their field of vision. If there are a lot of such elements in urine, then this may indicate the presence of diseases such as:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis.

Ketone bodies

These substances in the urine indicate that the body is undergoing some kind of intoxication (alcohol, inflammatory). They also appear in diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation and, perhaps, also during hunger.


If bilirubin appears in the urine of a healthy person, this is a sign of pathology. Normally, it does not exist in this biological fluid. Hepatitis of various origins, obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis and liver neoplasms are diseases in which bilirubin can be detected in the urine. But the product of its metabolism, urobilinogen, appears in hemolytic anemia.

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