Why does urine darken in pregnant women and when is it dangerous?

In the third trimester, you should especially focus on the color of your urine, because... its change is a possible sign of diseases that threaten the health and even the life of the woman and baby.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the woman's body is under increasing stress. Even an absolutely healthy expectant mother develops diseases of the kidneys, liver, and genitourinary system, which she has never been concerned about. That is why in no case should you ignore a sharply changed color of urine, which, among other things, may indicate developing gestosis, especially when other signs are also present - edema, high blood pressure, etc.

Does urine color change during pregnancy?

A change in the color of urine during pregnancy is considered a natural phenomenon that develops in response to various changes in the mother’s body. But what color of urine in pregnant women is normal, and what is a sign of the development of disorders?

In the early stages

What color urine should be during pregnancy is of interest to many women because of the popular belief in determining the sex of the child.

Naturally, this technique has no scientific basis, because the color of urine in the early stages of pregnancy is affected by:

  • toxicosis, due to which there is a possible risk of dehydration;
  • the amount of liquid you drink;
  • addiction to certain foods;
  • taking folic acid.

During pregnancy, you cannot risk your health, because you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the baby growing under your heart, so if you notice a change in the color of your urine in the early stages, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

In the later stages

The color of urine during pregnancy can be influenced by many reasons. In the last trimester, special attention should be paid to this issue, because a change in the color of urine may indicate developing gestosis, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Preeclampsia is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

  1. Swelling and pastiness of the limbs.
  2. High pressure.
  3. The appearance of protein in urine.

The development of this condition poses a threat to mother and child, so carefully monitor your well-being.


Simple rules for pregnant women

It is easy to prevent disease or protect yourself from unwanted symptoms. It is necessary to follow simple rules that apply not only to pregnant women:

  1. Drink 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day; water not only prevents dehydration, but also enriches the body as a whole.
  2. Eliminate bad habits - alcohol and nicotine have never had a positive effect on a person, especially on an unborn one.
  3. Don't forget about personal hygiene.
  4. Empty your bladder on demand and immediately after intimacy.
  5. Do not ignore the recommendations of the gynecologist.
  6. Eat right: less salty, starchy, spicy, heavy foods.
  7. Don't overburden yourself.

Let's summarize - taking care of your own health is important and necessary for everyone and always, especially for pregnant women. From this article you learned about the possible consequences of darkening of urine, so expectant mothers should not ignore tests and doctor’s recommendations.

Tests for pregnant women. How to take a general urine test:

♦ Category: Pregnancy.

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Reasons for color change

Normally, during pregnancy, urine can have various shades of yellow: from pale light straw to rich mustard.

What color is urine in pregnant women? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Even if you go to the laboratory where they take tests on expectant mothers, each jar of urine will have its own shade, and almost all of them are a variant of the norm.

The change in the shade of urine excreted is influenced not only by the natural processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, but also by other factors:

  • Color saturation depends on the speed of metabolic processes, as well as on the volume of fluid consumed and excreted.
  • Eating certain vegetables or fruits can change the color of urine. For example, the predominance of carrots in the diet gives an orange color to urine during pregnancy, and frequent consumption of beets turns it into a burgundy-red hue.
  • Some groups of drugs can give a dark, red or deep yellow color to urine.
  • Features of the functioning of renal filtration of urine during pregnancy.

Additional diagnostics

To find out the reason for the changed color of urine, a woman should undergo additional examination. Based on the expected diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following measures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (bilirubin, creatinine and urea, electrolytes, antibodies to red blood cells, etc.).
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys.

This will allow you to get a complete picture of changes in the body and establish an accurate diagnosis, on the basis of which all therapeutic measures are carried out. But the main thing a pregnant woman should remember is not to neglect caution and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Since a large number of factors influence the gestation of the fetus, many expectant mothers are frightened by dark urine during pregnancy. In order to understand the danger of this symptom, you need to know the main reasons for its occurrence, the connection between it and pregnancy, as well as the necessary preventive methods that can reduce the risk of developing this pathological process.

All reasons for the appearance of dark urine in an expectant mother can be divided into pathological and natural components.

The first experts usually include:

  • the presence of diseases of the urinary system;
  • acute renal failure;
  • liver pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Natural or physiological factors that are associated with darkening of urine are not dangerous for a pregnant woman. However, they may indicate the presence of minor disorders or deficiency of some substance in the body.

The main natural factors that cause dark urine to appear include:

  • eating foods that have strong coloring properties;
  • a course of drug therapy for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system;
  • drinking insufficient amounts of water;
  • development of dehydration as a result of severe diarrhea, frequent vomiting or toxicosis;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • heavy loads;
  • high ambient temperature.

Regardless of the reason for the darkening of urine, it is worth contacting a specialist as soon as possible. In most cases, this will help keep mother and baby healthy.

What do the different shades say?

If the color of urine changes during pregnancy, this may be an alarming signal indicating the development of pathological conditions in the body of a pregnant woman.

Red tint

Red urine during pregnancy is an alarming sign. Urine acquires this color when it contains an admixture of blood.

This can occur with the following diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • The color of urine with pyelonephritis will also be red.

The processes are accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition, hyperthermia often occurs, and the patient complains of the development of pain attacks.

Some dishes (vinaigrette), as well as the use of medications, can give a pink tint to urine.

Colorless urine

Clear, light yellow urine indicates that the woman is drinking large amounts of fluid, causing the urine to become low-concentrated. It is necessary to carefully monitor the color of urine during pregnancy, and if for several days it has not ceased to be colorless, this may lead to increased leaching of salts and minerals.

Orange tint

The most common cause of this coloration is taking multivitamin complexes and folic acid. Vitamin B9 is not fully absorbed, so some of it is excreted unchanged in the urine. Nitrofuran drugs and carrot juice can also give urine an orange color.

Dark yellow shade

Caused by high concentration of urine. Often occurs due to dehydration of the body, which occurs with insufficient water intake, as well as with toxicosis in the early stages. In addition, in the morning the content of substances in the fluid secreted by the kidneys is higher, so the urine has a more intense color.

Brown, brown-green tint

It is a pathological symptom that indicates problems with the gallbladder or liver, especially if other signs of hepatitis and cholecystitis are present:

  • yellowness of the sclera and skin;
  • discolored stool;
  • emotional disturbances;
  • skin itching.

In such a situation, immediate contact with a doctor is required.

General information

Urine is formed in the kidneys by filtering blood plasma and excreting (secreting) metabolic products. Its composition is determined by the nature and intensity of physiological processes, quickly changing with various disorders.

The color of urine during pregnancy under normal conditions should not differ from that of other women. Its color is given by substances secreted by the kidneys - urochromes (urobilin and urobilinogen). These are yellow pigments formed from the main transport protein of the blood - heme - in a chain of transformations that ends with transformation into bilirubin. The latter, as part of bile, is secreted into the intestines, where it is converted into stercobilin, and, partially absorbed back into the blood, is excreted by the kidneys in the form of urochrome.

The color of urine is formed by pigment substances that are formed as a result of heme metabolism and subsequent excretion by the kidneys.

Given the penetration of pigments into the urine, its normal color varies from straw to deep yellow. At certain periods of time, urine can be light or dark, which is mainly determined by the woman’s drinking regime. The night portion always has a more intense color, since during sleep water is absorbed from the bladder, and the specific gravity of other substances increases accordingly. With an increase in fluid consumption, on the contrary, urine is diluted, which becomes less colored.

During pregnancy, the situation remains the same, despite the fact that the urinary system, especially in the later stages, experiences a fairly high load. Firstly, the kidneys must remove metabolic products with double intensity: not only from the woman’s body, but also through the placenta from the child. Secondly, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which can worsen their function. But under physiological conditions, compensatory mechanisms are sufficient to cope with such a situation.

The color of urine during pregnancy depends on other factors. Substances supplied with food are of decisive importance. Therefore, having noticed a slightly different color, a woman should remember what she ate the day before or during the current day. The following changes in urine are completely physiological:

  • Reddish or pink - when eating beets, blackberries, cherries.
  • Bright yellow or orange - when eating carrots or pumpkin.
  • Greenish – when eating rhubarb and asparagus.
  • Brown - when eating beef, legumes, strong tea.

A similar situation is usually observed in cases where these products form a fairly significant part of the diet and are consumed frequently. This can happen in the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman’s appetite increases and she wants to eat something unusual. But there is no need to worry about this - you just need to reconsider your dietary preferences, and your urine will become its normal color.

Another situation where urine may be a different color is when you are taking certain medications. Since it cannot be said that the pathology for which a woman is prescribed certain medications is the direct cause of changes in urine color, we will accept this factor as a consequence of the normal metabolism of medications in a situation where their use is strictly justified. Depending on the type of medication, urine may be:

  1. Pink – taking aspirin.
  2. Red-brown - taking metronidazole, rifampicin.
  3. Red – taking amidopyrine.
  4. Orange – taking vitamin B2, furagin.
  5. Blue-green - taking triamterene.
  6. Brown - taking sulfonamides, activated carbon.

The most common option during pregnancy (early or late) is to take various multivitamin complexes containing retinoids, folic acid and riboflavin - they make the urine bright yellow. But there is no need to worry, because this is not a sign of pathology.

Normally, the color of urine changes under the influence of food preferences, drinking regimen and certain medications.

Urine during pregnancy is an important indicator of the health of the body. Having figured out what color it should be normally, you should separately consider the pathological causes of color changes. And if under physiological conditions the shade of urine is formed only by urochromes, then in various diseases the content of other substances may also increase. Some of them are already contained in the urinary sediment - formed elements, salts, protein - but in trace quantities, while others should not be there at all (bilirubin, hemoglobin, lipids, etc.).

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

The color of urine during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, often changes for physiological reasons. However, it is necessary to pay attention to its shade, because in some situations this may indicate the development of diseases.

Be sure to visit a doctor if you find that:

  • the urine became cloudy, foreign inclusions appeared in it - flakes, admixtures of pus, blood;
  • urine has acquired a rich brown color, while complaints characteristic of liver pathology are disturbing;
  • simultaneously with the change in shade, pain occurred in the kidney area;
  • the color suddenly changed for no apparent reason.

The influence of urine color on the gender of the child

The color of urine during pregnancy is not only a diagnostic criterion for health.

Since ancient times, women have been interested in who will be born. Now, starting from 16-18 weeks, it is possible to determine the gender of the child using ultrasound.

Previously, we relied only on signs:

  • belly shape;
  • changes in the appearance of the expectant mother;
  • taste preferences in food;
  • change in the character of the pregnant woman.

They also tried to determine the sex of the child by the color of urine . If it is bright yellow, then the woman is carrying a boy under her heart. If the urine is light in color, the mother will give birth to a girl.

Such information is based only on observational experience; it does not have scientific substantiation or confirmation, but it allows us to brighten up the time of tedious waiting for the day when it becomes reliably known who will be born to young parents.

The fact that urine color changes during pregnancy cannot be denied. And such changes do not always indicate problems with the child’s development or the health of the expectant mother. Urine can change color for various reasons, including physiological ones. However, in order not to miss the development of pathology, if you detect an unnatural shade of urine, consult a doctor.

Author: Violeta Kudryavtseva, doctor, especially for Mama66.ru

Useful video about the color of urine

When pregnancy occurs, a woman's body undergoes many changes. Moreover, these changes concern not only the reproductive sphere, but also many other systems and organs. Including those that perform urinary function. At the same time, the organs experience enormous stress.

You can judge the state of the urinary system by looking at your urine. This is why urine testing is so often prescribed for pregnant women. It is with its help that many pathological processes can be identified at the very first stages.

However, the woman herself will be able, by assessing what urine looks like during pregnancy, to understand the state of her body. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the shade of the biofluid and the degree of its transparency.


Darkening of urine during pregnancy that does not go away within a few days requires a preliminary diagnosis.

It is quite natural that carrying a baby puts pressure on the bladder, kidneys, liver, heart and other organs, and therefore the diagnosis must be established as quickly as possible. The obstetrician-gynecologist will certainly ask a number of questions regarding this pathology.

The patient must receive a referral from the attending physician for a urine and blood test. The results will show:

  • color and transparency;
  • acidity;
  • presence of protein;
  • glucose level;
  • hemoglobin;
  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • bilirubin.

Sometimes an ultrasound examination is required to confirm the diagnosis. The device will check the functioning of the urinary system, or you will be asked to take a urine test in a special way:

  • according to Nechiporenko,
  • Zimnitsky,
  • bacteriological culture, etc.


The color of urine is due to the presence of the following pigments:

Depending on their percentage, the biofluid may acquire different shades of yellow. For research, you need to take morning urine, because it is the richest.

The question of what the color of urine should be during pregnancy in the early stages and in the later stages cannot be answered unambiguously, since the concept of normal is determined individually. Here it is important to take into account the woman’s lifestyle, diet, amount of fluid consumed per day, use of certain medications, etc.

Ideally it should be straw. If you look at what urine looks like during pregnancy in the early stages of the photo, then in this case the biofluid will look the same as that of a non-pregnant woman.

Change in urine color. Source: medmoon.ru

It is worth clarifying that a slight deviation from the straw shade in some cases is not yet something dangerous. For example, sometimes urine becomes deep yellow during pregnancy - and this is also normal. Sometimes, even slightly reddish and pinkish urine is considered normal. However, in any case, biological fluid of white, brown and turquoise color cannot be considered the norm.


What color is urine during pregnancy? Often it turns bright yellow. Too bright color of urine can occur as a result of taking vitamins and medications.

Quite often, gynecologists prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes to pregnant patients, which include folic acid. This is necessary to maintain the female body and the normal development of the embryo. At the same time, drugs are often not completely absorbed by the body, and some of them are excreted in the urine by the kidneys. As a result, urine takes on a not entirely natural shade.

In addition to folic acid, this phenomenon can be caused by the use of nitrofuran-based medications.

Among the foods that can color urine bright yellow, almost orange, carrots should be highlighted. A similar effect can occur when consuming food and drinks that contain dyes.

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Dark yellow

If your urine turns dark yellow, this may indicate dehydration. For women who are pregnant, this is quite dangerous. Dehydration can occur due to the use of diuretics, high room temperature and, as a result, increased sweating.

The color of urine in early pregnancy may become dark yellow due to dehydration caused by severe toxicosis and vomiting.

At later stages, darkening of the biofluid may be a consequence of gestosis. The liquid component of the blood collects in the tissues and forms swelling. During this period, the body is catastrophically short of water. Sometimes an increase in blood pressure may also be observed.

However, it is worth noting that darkening of urine does not always indicate dehydration. In the morning, human urine is more concentrated and, as a result, darker. If during subsequent urinations lighter urine is released, there is no need to worry, this is normal.


When assessing what kind of urine she has during pregnancy, a woman may find that the biofluid has acquired a pink or reddish tint.

This is what urine looks like when there is an admixture of blood in it. This is a rather alarming symptom that may indicate the presence of a serious disease in the urinary system. For example, about pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

Moreover, of the above two diagnoses, the first one is more common - gestational pyelonephritis. The pathological process in this case is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, frequent urge to urinate, discomfort during urination and an increase in body temperature.

As for glomerulonephritis, with it the biofluid becomes dirty red, the limbs and face swell, and blood pressure rises.

With inflammation of the urinary tract and urolithiasis, blood enters the urine from the inflamed and/or injured urinary tract. Concomitant symptoms in this situation include pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urge to urinate, and pain in the urethra.

Cloudy urine

Not only the color of urine in pregnant women needs to be assessed. The degree of transparency of the biofluid is another factor by which conclusions can be drawn about the state of health.

As a rule, cloudy urine is a sign of pathological processes. For example, in later stages this may indicate the development of gestosis. High blood pressure and swelling will only confirm this. Turbidity in the urine in this situation indicates that it contains an admixture of protein. If therapy for gestosis is not carried out on time, the consequences can be severe.

In more rare cases, cloudy urine occurs when the fetus in the womb is infected. This condition requires hospitalization.

If a woman has cloudy urine, but is not bothered by unpleasant symptoms, then this may be a consequence of improper collection of biological fluid. Before collecting urine, the container should be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water, and the genitals should be washed with soap or gel.


If increased urine color or darkening are not the only symptoms, you should not delay your visit to the clinic. Among the symptoms that accompany darkening of urine, there may be signs of quite dangerous diseases. The list of factors that can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body of a girl in pregnancy is as follows:

  • increasing weakness and fatigue;
  • light-colored feces;
  • pain on the right under the ribs;
  • chills;
  • fever;
  • increased body temperature;
  • yellowish tint of mucous membranes, skin, whites of the eyes;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • polyuria;
  • itching, burning during urination.

In this case, special attention should be paid to various foreign elements (threads, flakes and particles) that are not typical for urine produced by a healthy body. In some cases, such impurities may indicate the development of cancer. If no other symptoms other than persistent darkening of urine over a long time are observed, then you still need to make an appointment with a doctor - this condition is caused by a disorder of homeostasis, which is accompanied by the onset of urolithiasis.

Urine and gender of the child

When studying what urine is like during pregnancy in the early stages, women especially pay attention to its saturation and brightness. And that's why.

There is an opinion among pregnant women that the color of the biofluid is associated with the sex of the fetus. This is discussed regularly on forums. It is assumed that bright or dark urine is a sign that a woman is carrying a son, and pale and light urine is a sign that a woman is carrying a daughter.

However, it is worth saying that from a scientific point of view such assumptions are completely unfounded. Today there is not a single piece of evidence that the color of urine is in any way related to the gender of the baby. Urine is a waste product of the body that is produced by the kidneys and excreted through the urinary system. The shade of this biofluid depends entirely on other factors.

Although you can guess by what kind of urine pregnant women have in the early stages. It is important to remember that the accuracy of such fortune-telling will be 50%, because there are only two possible options.

First urine test: why is it needed?

Immediately after the appearance of an embryo in a woman’s body, its shell, as it develops, begins to produce a substance that under other circumstances should not be in her body. It is human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short, found in the blood and urine. In the first case, it is impossible to conduct research on your own. It is done only in laboratory conditions. Yes, this is not necessary, because the first signs of pregnancy will be presented “on a silver platter” by urine. If you drop it on the test strip, the indicator will show the presence of a fertilized egg. There are means that can detect conception with one hundred percent accuracy.

HCG values ​​depending on the period of embryo development

But this is not the most important property of urine in this period. Pregnancy can be detected using other methods. The new state of the body puts a strain on the excretory system from the first days, and it begins to function doubly. As the fetus grows, the mechanical pressure on the kidneys also increases. All this facilitates the penetration of infections into the body, which can “dormant” for a long time and cannot be detected in any other way. And by the color of urine and, even more so, analysis, it is possible to identify the disease before it has time to lead to threatening consequences.


If you discover that the color of your urine has changed during pregnancy, it is important not to panic. If a woman’s health is normal, then she can monitor changes in the characteristics of the biofluid over the course of two days. If during this period the shade of the biofluid becomes normal, you do not need to see a doctor.

For changes that are persistent (especially when a woman does not take medications and vitamin-mineral complexes, does not eat food with dyes, and drinks her normal fluid intake throughout the day), consultation with a specialist is required. Moreover, it is highly undesirable to postpone a visit to the doctor until later. The fact is that some pathologies initially occur latently, have vague symptoms and are therefore difficult to diagnose. At the same time, the consequences of such diseases can be the most severe. That is why it is so important to identify and treat them in time.


Dark urine does not necessarily indicate any problems in the body. During pregnancy, most often we are talking about functional changes caused by the following factors:

  • Consumption of certain foods.
  • Drink small amounts of liquid.
  • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

These causes are widespread, but they are easily removable and do not indicate any pathology. The color of the urine will quickly return, which means the woman can be calm and not worry about a possible worsening of her condition. But in some cases, fears are still justified, since dark urine is also a sign of certain diseases:

  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, cholestasis of pregnancy.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Dehydration.

Each pathology is associated with a varying degree of danger for the woman’s body and the fetus, and therefore requires high-quality and timely detection.

The reasons why urine darkens in pregnant women combine both functional conditions and quite serious diseases.

How does urine change in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Throughout pregnancy, urine tends to change shades.
This happens due to constant changes in a woman’s body at this stage of her life. Urine during early pregnancy is of interest to most representatives of the fairer sex due to popular belief. It is believed that if the urine is dark in color, then you should expect a boy, if it is light, then a girl will be born. There is no scientific confirmation of this fact. Doctors consider this a myth and explain the change in urine color by physiological indicators:

  • volume of liquid drunk,
  • toxicosis, its consequence is dehydration,
  • taking a course of folic acid prescribed by the gynecologist,
  • frequent consumption of a certain food product.

During this wonderful time for a woman, you need to take care of your health doubly. After all, now you have to bear responsibility for two people. Therefore, if there are any visible changes in urine, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Yellow urine is considered normal. It can change its color due to food. For example, carrots affect the excreted fluid so that it becomes almost orange in color; beets can turn it burgundy-red. Medicines make urine dark or deep yellow. The functionality of the kidneys during this period also affects the shade. The metabolic process can change color by slowing down or, conversely, speeding up.

What can be determined by the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys?

What color is urine during pregnancy 4

As already written above, depending on the color of urine, you can find out deviations in the female body or the development of pathology in the baby. Let's take a closer look at all the changes:

  • Clear urine. This happens with uncontrolled consumption of liquid in large volumes. This leads to complete leaching of salts and minerals, which is highly undesirable. If your urine does not turn color within a couple of days, immediately inform your gynecologist.
  • Red color. This happens when blood enters the urine. It becomes an indicator of cystitis, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. Associated symptoms: hyperthermia, general deterioration, pain attacks.
  • The pink color appears due to the use of vinaigrette or certain medications.
  • Dark yellow color. In the early stages, in pregnant women it occurs due to dehydration due to toxicosis. It is also observed in the morning, since during the night fluid in the kidneys accumulates and becomes more concentrated.
  • Orange urine. Most often, the orange tint appears through taking multivitamins and folic acid. Carrots also color urine.
  • Brown and brown-green tint. This color is unacceptable during pregnancy. Indicates the appearance of problems with the gallbladder and liver. If a symptom appears, consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if there are deviations from the norm?

If the expectant mother notices changes in the color of her urine, and she has not eaten foods that color it, then she should contact a gynecologist.
The specialist assesses the woman’s condition, the presence of acute or chronic diseases. In no case is it recommended to self-medicate, since changes in shade may indicate the development of various pathologies and inflammations. For this reason, in order to reduce the risks for both the health of the woman and her baby, you should consult a doctor for diagnostics and to find out the reasons for the changes. If a woman has been diagnosed with a disease, then specialists will select treatment taking into account her situation.

To summarize, the color of urine changes while waiting for the baby, and this does not always signal the presence of pathology. Urine can change color due to various factors, one of which is physiological in nature. Also, discharge can change color due to the use of medications and food. But at the same time, if the expectant mother notices an unnatural tone of urine, then this is a reason to consult a doctor so as not to trigger the development of diseases.

When should you not hesitate and rush to the antenatal clinic?

In the early stages, the color of urine can change quite often for physiological reasons. But pregnant women need to be very careful and, in case of any deviations from the norm, consult with their doctor. The following manifestations should alert a woman:

  • the urine has become cloudy and impurities of pus, blood, and flakes of unknown origin are visible in it,
  • when a brown tint appeared, symptoms arose reminiscent of the formation of liver pathology, which were not previously alarming,
  • a sharp change in the color of the fluid excreted by the kidneys for no reason.

Any changes that have been noticed in the urine should be reported to the doctor. Pregnancy is not the time to turn a blind eye to pathological changes in the body.

Should cloudy urine be a concern?

The structure of urine is also important for assessing the health of the female body. Cloudiness in the urine can cause heavy discharge, which increases during pregnancy. This visually resembles colorless flakes floating in liquid. When the container in which the collected urine is located is not completely clean, the cloudiness effect will also appear.

Cloudy urine is often a sign of illness. With this phenomenon, inflammation of the urinary tract and the entire urinary system is possible. During this period, pus, mucus, and red blood cells are observed in the urine. The fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes cloudy in diabetes mellitus. The sediment in this case is slightly lighter than usual.

Cloudy urine is the first sign of pregnancy, during which the amount of salts in it increases.

During pregnancy, the color of urine changes. Often, this is a common phenomenon that is caused by physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. In the early stages, its color changes from light straw to rich yellow. Most often, the reason for this is its concentration. It depends on the amount of fluid consumed by the fair sex. Less often, color indicates the appearance of abnormalities in the health of the fetus or mother. In any case, if the expectant mother sees changes in her urine, she should inform the gynecologist about this. It’s better to play it safe once again than to pay for silence all your life. After all, the lack of timely treatment leads to irreversible pathologies and harms both the woman and the unborn baby.

How to properly collect urine for general analysis

The results of the analysis largely depend on proper preparation for their collection and the most competent collection. If you know the basic rules, then passing the analysis will not be difficult, and this will allow you to make a more accurate result of the study and get rid of possible unnecessary worries in the future.

  • The day before urine collection, physical exercise is not recommended.
  • Carefully monitor your diet before taking the test: do not drink alcohol, eat a lot of meat, salty, spicy and sour. All this can lead to increased protein content.
  • The container for collecting urine should be clean and preferably new.
  • Only morning urine immediately after sleep is collected for general analysis. It is this type of urine that is most concentrated and can be used to determine abnormalities.
  • Take care of your hygiene: wash with soap and water before collecting urine.
  • Some experts say to cover the vagina with a cotton swab to prevent secretions from getting into the container.
  • If you collect a urine test at home, make sure that there is no excessive shaking or agitation on the way to the laboratory.
  • Urine must be submitted for analysis within two hours after collection.
  • Due to excessive coloring, do not eat beets and carrots for 24 hours.
  • Do not take medications or any diuretics for a day, be sure to consult your doctor.

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