Cutting pain and burning in the head when urinating in men

Symptoms of problematic urination

The process of urination is a function of the human body, without which the patient cannot live, since it will be impossible to extract harmful substances from it.

Not every pain when urinating in men should be paid attention to, since one-time failures in the system are not a pathology and the intervention of urologists is not required. But it should be understood that problems with the outflow of urine affect the removal of toxic substances from the human body.

Within normal limits, a man's urine should flow without pain, and before that, physiological fluid accumulates in the bladder reservoir before being released along with toxins.

You should contact specialists if you have:

  • cutting pain in the pubic area and lower back;
  • symptoms that do not go away for a couple of days;
  • rapid increase in body temperature;
  • decreased performance;
  • strange foamy or purulent discharge from the penis;
  • the presence of severe pain that affects the lower abdomen and leg;
  • reducing the volume of urine excreted during the day;
  • painful urination.

You can independently relieve acute pain at the end of urination in men by using painkillers. Experts say that in this case there is a rapid decrease in pain, but the disease itself does not go away and requires professional treatment.

What diseases does the symptom indicate?

Next, we will look at the main pathologies, the symptoms of which are burning, stinging and itching during urination.


Burning during urination in men can be a consequence of urethritis, i.e. inflammation in the urethra. It is formed as a result of infectious bacteria entering the body, for example, during sexual intercourse, or as a result of hypothermia.

Symptoms may include:

  • discharge of purulent secretion from the urethra;
  • inflamed foreskin;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • pain and itching;
  • difficulty while urinating.


Urogenital chlamydiasis

Itching and burning when urinating in men may indicate the presence of urogenetic chlamydia.

This anomaly is infectious in nature, affecting the genitourinary system. It is difficult to recognize and treat. It often occurs without obvious symptoms.

The disease can also manifest itself:

  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody discharge during ejaculation;
  • morning mucous discharge;
  • unpleasant sensations in men after sex.

Pain in the head after urination in men is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor. You also need to remember that during the course of treatment you must give up alcohol.


Prostatitis can also cause a burning sensation when urinating in men. It begins to develop with a passive lifestyle, as a result of frequent colds, infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, and groin injuries.

The main symptom of prostatitis is an inflamed prostate

Associated symptoms:

  • frequent urination in men;
  • pain in the genitals;
  • detection of bloody traces in the urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning and difficulty before urinating;
  • violation of potency.

Prostate adenomas

Prostate adenoma or BPH is a benign tumor in the prostate gland. This is a pathology that affects older men. Hormonal changes in the body, as a rule, provoke the development of hyperplasia, which in turn causes pain after urination in men, a frequent desire to visit the toilet, and intermittent urine output.


The development of phimosis in a man causes complications with urination and burning of the head during urine output. The urination process is accompanied by severe pain.

This disease is characterized by fever and enlarged lymph nodes. With progressive phimosis, surgery cannot be avoided. Corticosteroid therapy is also used, but treatment does not fully guarantee recovery.

Urolithiasis disease

Painful sensations when visiting the toilet appear during the period of acute manifestation of urolithiasis. The movement of stones through the urethra awakens a strong sensation of pain in:

  • lumbar area;
  • groin;
  • genitals;
  • covers the lower abdomen and is accompanied by:
  • feverish condition;
  • elevated temperature;
  • vomiting.

Blood in the urine and pain when visiting the toilet are also symptoms of a foreign body moving through the ureter.


A reason that can cause a burning sensation when urinating in men may be an allergic reaction to certain products, for example, excessive consumption of:

  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • citrus fruits;
  • carbonated drinks.

Soaps and shower gels can also cause a slight burning sensation. Your doctor will help you identify the causes of your discomfort.

Other diseases

Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis) also provokes the phenomena under consideration. The advanced state of the disease usually leads to complications such as impotence and infertility, and can also lead to oncology.

Causes of acute pain when urinating

If discomfort occurs during urination, this may be due to the occurrence of certain diseases of the genitourinary system. Experts say that an equally common symptom may be the presence of an inflammatory process in the male body.

Pain and burning sensation during urination in men may appear of varying intensity and nature as an additional sign of certain diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrheal processes;
  • prostatitis.

Acute pain and pain when urinating in men are most often associated with infectious diseases and inflammation, but sometimes the problem has nothing to do with infection and occurs in the form of:

  • urolithiasis;
  • phimosis;
  • malignant or benign tumors of the urinary system;
  • complete or partial blockage of the ureters;
  • colic in the kidneys;
  • various serious injuries that affected the urethra;
  • surgical interventions at different times;
  • burning sensations of a neurogenic nature;
  • chronic overheating or hypothermia of the lower abdomen.

For pain when urinating in men, the causes are quite difficult to establish, but they are accompanied by the appearance of foul-smelling discharge from the urethra, rapid swelling, itching and redness of the head of the genital organ.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-diagnosis and treatment of a disease that is accompanied by itching or burning in the area of ​​the phallus and scrotum when urinating. It would be best to contact a medical center for tests, after determining the results of which they will prescribe adequate treatment, contact certified doctors.

Other violations

There are several causes of burning in the urethra after urination in men that cannot be classified into any category.

  1. Traumatization of the genital organs - a bruise of the penis, the presence of a hematoma - can cause a similar reaction in the body in representatives of the stronger sex.
  2. Itching in the urethra is often a consequence of an allergy to the detergents used by the patient - creams and gels for intimate hygiene. Such products contain chemicals that are aggressive to the urethral mucosa.
  3. Malignant and benign neoplasms - if they are localized in the pelvic area, then a burning sensation at the time of urine output or at the end of urination manifests itself as a result of compression of the genitourinary tract.
  4. Sometimes men experience pinching in the urethral canal and a feeling of discomfort in it due to the consumption of various food irritants. Aggressive products include vinegar, alcohol, citrus fruits, tea, coffee, soda, and spices. If you notice that a burning sensation appears after eating such foods, then to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms it is enough to simply exclude them from your menu.

Some types of diseases associated with pain when urinating in men

Discomfort when urinating in men can be caused by many types of diseases of the genitourinary system, including urolithiasis.
According to experts, this disease affects not only old people, but also little boys, so you should pay attention to some symptoms that are a sign that stones are forming in the body:

  • pain occurs in the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • increased pain when moving or urinating;
  • constant urge to urinate;
  • frequent need to urinate often appears when moving or driving off-road;
  • suddenly the stream of urine disappears, but the feeling of emptying often does not occur;
  • discomfort in the phallus when urinating;
  • decrease in standard urine volume.

Pain when urinating in men, the causes of which cannot be determined independently, may suffer from urethritis or an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the urethra.
To treat this disease, you should determine the causes of the above disease, since the problem can be associated with various pathogens, including Trichomonas, E. coli, chlamydia, and pathogenic fungi.

With urethritis, the first symptoms of the disease appear approximately seven to twenty-eight days after infection. An accurate diagnosis can be made by diagnosing the patient's symptoms:

  • disturbances in urine excretion;
  • the presence of acute pain and itching in the phallus and scrotum of men;
  • discharge of blood or pus from the urethra;
  • the presence of mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • redness on the head of the genital organ;
  • rapid increase in body temperature;
  • sticking of the urinary opening on the penis.

If the disease is not treated, the problem develops into a chronic form, and in parallel, a man may develop not only epididymitis, but also orchitis.

Most problems are associated with inflammation of the prostate gland, often accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • delayed urine flow;
  • persistent problems that arise in the pubic part of the abdomen;
  • the presence of bloody and purulent discharge in the urine and semen;
  • the presence of pain in the scrotum and penis;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the legs, which intensify when walking;
  • frequent urination in men;
  • chills and constant hot flashes;
  • pain in the lumbar region with sudden lifting of weight;
  • rapid increase in body temperature.

An acute form of the inflammatory process in the prostate can occur with a sedentary lifestyle, excessive physical activity or poor diet. It often becomes chronic if not treated correctly, when it hurts even to sit and walk.

Problems during or after the passage of urine from the body can be diagnosed if a person suffers from infectious diseases, inflammation of the lining of the bladder (cystitis). When cystitis appears in the body, you should pay attention to the presence of unpleasant sensations in the sacrum and lower abdomen when urine is emitted, which takes on a dark tint.

If sexually transmitted infections enter the body, then acute pain and burning during urine discharge are combined with swelling of the head of the genital organ, discharge from the urethra, resembling droplets mixed with pus and mucus.

According to an article on a medical website, you can understand that discomfort in the penis and scrotum after urination occurs:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder;
  • the appearance of stones or sand that cause microtrauma to the urethra;
  • rapid contraction of the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract;
  • narrowness of the urinary tract with prostatitis, adenomas, tumors of the genital tract.

When should you contact a urologist?

It is better not to delay contacting a doctor. If you experience a burning sensation, even a mild one, you should immediately go to an appointment with a urologist, venereologist or andrologist. Sometimes a consultation with an oncologist or nephrologist is required. At the first appointment, the doctor conducts an examination and also prescribes an ultrasound examination of the kidney, bladder, and prostate.

Help in making a diagnosis is provided by such diagnostic measures as taking a smear for microscopy of discharge from the urethra, collecting urine and blood for a general analysis. In some cases, spinal puncture and magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed.

How to diagnose the disease

When the first signs of pain in the bladder, scrotum and penis appear, you should see a professional urologist.
In order to diagnose a pathological condition, you should pay close attention to the signs that indicate that:

  • the anterior section of the urethra is inflamed, says pain at the beginning of the process of emission of urine;
  • neoplasms have appeared in the prostate gland, indicating a painful sensation after the end of the process;
  • there is cystitis, the urinary canal has shriveled or a tumor has appeared, pain can be felt before the first drop of urine is spilled;
  • Oncological disease develops, pain and discomfort develop during the entire process of urination.

Therapeutic therapy for pain and burning in the head of the penis

To cure burning and painful urination, you can use a comprehensive application of medical and folk help.

At home, you can speed up the elimination of discomfort using this recipe.

The patient drinks 400 ml of boiled water and 200 ml of soda solution prepared with one teaspoon of soda. The water in the soda solution should not be boiled. After using this remedy, the pain subsides, however, this does not mean that you can wait any longer. You should seek immediate medical attention.

Among folk methods, there are many ways to eliminate burning of the head of the penis and pain symptoms.

  • Horsetail, dried lingonberry leaves and chamomile color are mixed in half. The herbal composition is poured with boiled water in a volume of 300 ml. The composition is simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The decoction is removed from the bath, filtered (without steeping) and immediately taken hot.
  • Oak bark, linden and bearberry are mixed in the same composition. The raw materials are poured into a thermos, filled with boiled water, and kept for a couple of hours. The infusion is taken in tablespoons three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Dried birch leaves are mixed with licorice root, bearberry, and corn silk. Each raw material is taken in equal parts. 250 ml of boiled water is poured into the herbal composition and kept in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then the resulting medicinal composition is removed and kept in the cold for about an hour. The resulting drug is taken warm; the medicine should not be stored in the refrigerator. Take three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Drug therapy

Preparations for men
Drug treatment with painful urination is due to the use of antibacterial drugs, probiotics, herbal preparations, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate pain in the head; headaches are caused by infection. Therapeutic therapy is prescribed based on the diagnosed causes of the disease. Independent selection of medications is strictly prohibited.

Since pain and burning in the head are bacterial in nature, the use of antibiotics is mandatory. In addition to antibiotic therapy, immunomodulators should be taken.

Rule for treating a pathological process

After examining blood, urine and seminal fluid, you can understand what treatment will be prescribed, depending on the characteristics of the disease being diagnosed.

If the urologist has prescribed treatment with antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs, then it must be completed, strictly observing the dose and duration of treatment.

To completely eliminate discomfort, the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • medicines to eliminate viruses;
  • medicines that kill fungal diseases;
  • surgery (polyps in the urinary tract).

To eliminate pain when urinating in men, experts advise drinking as much pure water, sour juices and fruit drinks as possible, since toxic substances are thus removed from the body. You should begin treatment with caution if you have diseased kidneys or endocrine system disorders.

You can supplement traditional treatment with folk remedies, including baths, compresses and decoctions from:

  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • celery;
  • rosehip;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sage;
  • parsley

It is strictly forbidden to abuse coffee and tea, sweet soda and alcoholic drinks, as they negatively affect the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Treatment and prevention

An accurate diagnosis of the reasons that caused unpleasant and painful feelings when visiting the toilet is a guarantee of getting rid of the disease.

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat a particular disease. Experts will help determine the nature of the disease:

  • urologists;
  • venereologists;
  • andrologists.

Based on the patient’s examination and test results, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Inflammatory processes that cause pain and burning when urinating in men are relieved with antibiotics. They act on the sources of inflammation, thereby relieving discomfort.

If a burning sensation in the urethra is caused by taking certain foods, then they are excluded from the patient’s diet. The same thing happens with personal hygiene products.

An allergy that causes itching and burning in men in the head of the penis is a consequence of the use of shower gels or soaps containing fragrances and dyes. It is worth changing them and the problem will disappear by itself.

A daily shower is a good habit for any person and a wonderful preventive measure in preventing all kinds of troubles from a slight burning sensation in the urethra to inflammation.

Examination and treatment tactics

To get rid of the burning sensation, you need to identify the underlying disease and the causative agent. To do this, you will need the following research:

  • general urine analysis;
  • three-glass sample;
  • examination of smears from the urethra;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys and prostate;
  • general blood analysis;
  • PCR research;
  • analysis according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky;
  • endoscopic examination.

Treatment is determined by the underlying disease. If an infection is detected, systemic antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. For candidal urethritis, antifungal medications are indicated. In case of allergies, contact with the irritant must be avoided. When washing your body, you must use high-quality hygiene products.

You need to give up cheap washing powders and synthetic underwear. For bacterial urethritis and prostatitis, antibiotics are prescribed. In case of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, the following is required:

  • massage (outside the acute stage and in the absence of complications);
  • physiotherapy;
  • painkillers;
  • antispasmodics;
  • beta blockers.

In severe cases, surgery is performed. If chlamydia is detected, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones or macrolides are prescribed. It is worth giving up sexual relations for a while. If the burning sensation is caused by trichomoniasis, then the drugs of choice are drugs based on metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole. If a man has urolithiasis, stone crushing is indicated. If urates are detected, medication (Blemaren) may be used. Thus, burning in the urethra is a sign of a variety of diseases. If treated incorrectly, serious complications can develop.

Urological causes of burning

Let's start with the most common causes of genital diseases - urological. Their presence indicates an unhealthy lifestyle and metabolic disorders, but not the presence of congenital anomalies or sexual intercourse with potentially dangerous partners.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary canal. With stress, hypothermia and a sedentary lifestyle, the microflora inside the penis is disrupted. This leads to the proliferation of bacteria, which in themselves are not dangerous, but their presence irritates the genitourinary system. Urethritis is characterized by pain during urination and a burning sensation in the head in men without discharge .


This common disease can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle. However, it is quite easy to prevent it - all you need to do is have an active sex life.

With prostatitis, the prostate gland becomes inflamed. The one that seems to wrap itself around the urethra.

As a result of inflammation, it increases in size and compresses the above-mentioned channel . A person with prostatitis feels tired, unwell, itching after urination in men and lower back pain . Against the background of prostatitis, an inferiority complex may develop.

Stones in the kidneys

The main causes of this disease are diets containing excess salts and fats and dehydration of the body. Not receiving enough fluid, the kidneys do not have time to remove all the filtered waste from the body. It accumulates and clogs the outlet channels.

For prevention, doctors recommend eating healthy foods whenever possible and, oddly enough, drinking beer. The foamy drink is an excellent diuretic that prevents excess deposits from remaining in the kidneys for a long time.

Urolithiasis makes itself felt by sudden attacks of pain in the lumbar region , difficulty urinating and a change in the color of urine.

Self-treatment of burning sensation

The causes of the common symptom of burning in men after urination can only be identified by an experienced urologist after a full examination. Treating the reproductive system on your own or hiding the disease is strictly not recommended. Of course, you can hide gonorrhea or prostatitis for some time, but you won’t be able to hide infertility or kidney inflammation that can develop against the background of these ailments.

The only thing a man can do is prevent these diseases. This is quite simple to do: maintain intimate hygiene, change and wash your underwear daily, do not engage in unprotected sexual intercourse and lead at least a moderately active lifestyle. If you follow these simple rules, then you can safely forget about diseases of the reproductive system.

What to do if it itches?

Even mild itching in the urethral area can be a symptom of various health problems. If it occurs, you should not treat it at home using folk remedies or over-the-counter medications. Such an approach to one’s own health can lead to serious complications - the spread of the inflammatory process, infertility and impotence. If itching is accompanied by difficulty urinating, it is most likely associated with an inflammatory process. If such a symptom is combined with discharge from the urethra, it may be an infection.

It is impossible to determine on your own what exactly caused the itching in the urethra. When faced with such ailment, you should give up sexual activity and consult a doctor.


Why does itching occur in the urethra in men without discharge? Treatment depending on the cause of the problem

To make a correct diagnosis for itching in the urethra in men, the doctor can:

  • Conduct a survey and visual inspection.
  • Prescribe a general blood and urine test.
  • Take a scraping from the urethra for microscopic examination.
  • Prescribe a urethral smear for diagnosis using the PCR method.
  • Schedule a cystoscopy to examine the bladder and urethra. In such a situation, a small device with a camera is placed in the urethra, which allows you to carefully examine the structures of the genitourinary system.
  • Prescribe urine culture.
  • Prescribe an ultrasound of the kidneys and ureters, prostate, as well as the bladder, penis and testicles.

Usually, the above diagnostic procedures are sufficient to make a correct diagnosis for itching in the urethra. Identifying the exact causes of the malaise may take several days - up to 1 week.


Why does itching occur in the urethra in men without discharge? Treatment depending on the cause of the problem

Treatment for itching in the urethra in a man depends on what factors caused this ailment. In particular, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Taking antibiotics. Such medications are necessary for the infectious nature of the disease. Antibacterial drugs help cope with urethritis, many types of STDs, cystitis, etc. They must be taken strictly in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations - at a certain time of day, in the exact dosage, and also for a certain time period.
  • Taking antifungal medications. Such drugs are necessary for fungal infections - candidiasis. Local treatment of the disease rarely achieves the desired therapeutic effect, so doctors usually prescribe pills. Modern drugs of this type allow you to recover in just a couple of days.
  • Dieting. For any disturbances in the condition of the urethra, it is better for men to avoid fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods so that the discharge does not have an additional irritating effect on the urethra. It is also important to avoid drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages. A proper diet is extremely necessary for urolithiasis; with such an illness, the diet should contain little oxalates and sodium.
  • Compliance with general recommendations. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system, it is advisable to adhere to the correct drinking regime (in particular, in case of urolithiasis, you need to drink more than 2 liters of water per day), wear exclusively ironed cotton clothes, and also scrupulously observe the rules of hygiene.
  • Taking medications to strengthen the immune system. Most often, doctors prescribe regular vitamins, but in some cases it may be necessary to take more serious immunomodulators.
  • The use of plant-based products that have a beneficial effect on the activity of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of various pathologies of the genitourinary system is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a urologist. Competent therapy helps to avoid the development of chronic diseases and all kinds of complications.

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