Uric acid - reasons for increase, tests, interpretation, norm
Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism; purines do not break down further. Purines
Kidney aplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Kidney aplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment What is meant by kidney aplasia
Causes of the disease The following factors are considered to be the causes of the development of kidney aplasia: genetic predisposition; infectious diseases
Changes in urine color
Change in urine color: orange urine - causes
A change in the color of biological fluid will definitely alarm every person. If he noticed that
Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies using herbs
Pyelonephritis is an infectious process that occurs in the kidneys and affects the pyelocaliceal system of the organ and the interstitial
Why do you need a three-glass urine sample and how to take it
A three-glass urine sample is a clarifying test that is prescribed if there are deviations in the usual
Red urine after beets, is this normal and what should be done?
Since red urine is common after eating beets, many people wonder how bad it is. IN
Ornilatex: instructions, composition, indications and contraindications
Rowatinex: analogues and substitutes Sometimes situations arise in which it is not possible to buy the drug prescribed
kidney cleansing with folk remedies at home
Kidney cleansing at home using folk remedies
The kidneys bear the main burden of filtering and removing unnecessary substances from the body.
green urine
The appearance of green urine - what is the reason and how to cure it
Urine (urine) is one of the biological fluids in the human body, produced in the kidneys in
Ascorbic acid in urine: what does it mean in a child during pregnancy
Ascorbic acid in the urine of a child, what does it mean?
The role of ascorbic acid in the body Ascorbic acid is an indispensable substance for the functioning of the body, since
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