CT scan of the kidneys with contrast: indications, preparation rules, results and risks of the study
CT scan of the kidneys with contrast is a diagnostic method used in urology to identify various pathologies,
Treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies - the most effective treatment methods
Treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies - the most effective treatment methods
A kidney cyst is a urological disease characterized by the appearance of a cavity formation on one or more
Stone in the ureter
Stone in the ureter in men and women: symptoms and how to remove it
Many patients with urolithiasis (UKD) have virtually no health problems. Until then
Causes of high white blood cell counts during pregnancy
The main function of white blood cells is to protect the body from infection. In a pregnant woman, their content increases
Pressure measurement
Isothenuria: what it is, diagnosis and what needs to be done
The folk way to cleanse the kidneys! Our grandmothers were treated using this recipe... Cleaning the kidneys is easy! Need to
How to get rid of sand in the kidneys at home
08/06/2017 Urolithiasis is a pathology that torments a person with acute pain, especially when the ureter is blocked
Bougienage of the urethra in men and women: what is it, what is it for, types of bougie
Bougienage of the urethra is the insertion of a special catheter into its cavity. From a routine catheterization procedure
Pyeelectasia during pregnancy
Pyelocalicoectasia in a newborn – Sweet Babies
Types of disease and symptoms Therapy with medicinal plants and homeopathy is not able to relieve a child from
Cystitis in a pregnant girl
Symptoms and treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy
What to do if you have cystitis Cystitis during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. This is due to
What drugs to treat pus in the urine. Causes of pus in urine. Symptoms to watch out for
A urine test is the very first test ordered by a doctor before making a diagnosis. Thanks to
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