White urine in men at the end of urination - Kidneys

The kidneys are the human body's natural filter. Their main task is to cleanse the blood, and therefore the entire body, of harmful and unnecessary substances. This “garbage” is excreted along with urine. Consequently, in the presence of various diseases, taking certain medications, or errors in diet, it may acquire an unusual shade and consistency. Therefore, sometimes even the urine is white.

Analysis of urine

Physiological causes of white urine

If you notice cloudy urine, analyze what you ate and what kind of lifestyle you led in recent days. White urine is excreted for the following physiological reasons:

  • increased physical activity;
  • severe stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • use of calcium or phosphate-based drugs;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • dehydration;
  • visiting a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna.

In men, cloudy urine is often considered normal. This is due to the entry of prostate secretions and seminal fluid into the urethra. This is why men have white urine in the morning or immediately after sexual intercourse. When urinating, even whitish clots may be released.

Women on a strict diet also often have “white” urine. When toxins are eliminated from the body, some of them are excreted in the urine. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs in pregnant women.


Why is urine white - what pathologies are in the body?

If turbidity appears in your urine, it is important to analyze your lifestyle and diet over the past few days. White urine in an adult may appear due to:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • experiencing severe stress;
  • heat;
  • visits to the bathhouse;
  • hypothermia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking medications containing calcium or phosphates.

The reasons for changes in the color of urine are in some cases physiological in nature and are not a symptom of a serious disease:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress;
  • use of medications containing phosphates and calcium;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • heat;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • dehydration;
  • drinking strong alcohol.

The acquisition of white urine in the listed cases quickly passes as soon as the medication is stopped and normal temperature and water conditions are restored.

White urine against the background of other signs of illness is a symptom of a number of serious diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • BPH;
  • nephrosis;
  • helminthiases;
  • brain inflammation;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • oncology of internal organs;
  • liver failure.

Pathological causes of white urine

Despite the fact that there are “harmless” causes of cloudy urine, you should be careful about your health! If the situation does not change over time, even in the absence of other symptoms, consult a doctor to find out the reasons for the formation of cloudy sediment.

In men and women, white urine may indicate the following diseases of the urinary system:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • nephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • Kidney amyloidosis.

The presence of sediment in the urine indicates not only the developing pathology of the kidneys and urinary system. Cloudiness gives high glucose levels in diabetes mellitus. And in men, this phenomenon often indicates the presence of acute or chronic prostatitis against the background of adenoma, infections or inflammation. Acetone in urine also makes it opaque, which may indicate the development of brain and liver diseases. Affects the whitening of urine and filariasis, since lymph enters the kidneys. Worm infestations in children also cause white urine.

urine acidity test

In women, white urine is released due to inflammation of the genital organs and disruption of the vaginal microflora:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • candidiasis;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • endometriosis.

Do not suspect that you have a “terrible” disease if you notice only a small sediment in your urine, giving it a white color. Pathologies are usually accompanied by other symptoms. For example, when the kidneys are damaged, adults and children experience pain in the lumbar region and discomfort when urinating. And inflammation of the genital organs and developing sexually transmitted diseases in women are often accompanied by severe vaginal discharge, itching and burning. In diabetes, in addition to turbidity, urine has a characteristic sweetish odor.

Causes of cloudy urine

Cloudy, whitish urine can be observed in men of different ages. Its color is affected by low temperature and too long exposure to oxygen on the body. Mineral salts precipitate and accumulate throughout the day. It is for this reason that it is recommended to take all tests not in the evening, but in the morning, when the composition of urine is most informative for the specialist conducting the diagnosis.

White urine may be influenced by the food you eat during the day. To accurately determine the cause, it is necessary to write down all food items and medications for the last few days. If the color of urine continues to bother you, then your doctor will need this data.

Among the reasons that cause cloudy urine in men, it should be noted:

What tests will be required?

Since white urine can occur for many reasons, the doctor prescribes additional tests for the patient to provide adequate treatment. Both the child and the adult must undergo a number of studies:

  1. General urine analysis. This is a “universal” analysis that will confirm the presence of a particular disease, manifested by whitening of urine. To make a diagnosis, the doctor needs to know the number of leukocytes and protein.
  2. Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko. A more accurate technique that allows you to check those indicators that, during general analysis, showed a deviation from the norm.
  3. Kakovsky-Addis test. An important test used to determine pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and urolithiasis. The urine that the patient collects within 12-24 hours is tested.

Whitening of urine is often the basis for a doctor to prescribe ultrasound, urethrography, cystography and computed tomography.

If all results are normal, but the urine continues to be white, the patient may be prescribed additional tests. For example, a therapist gives a female patient a referral to be examined by a gynecologist, while a male patient needs to visit a urologist. The child's intestinal function may also be checked.

Do not self-medicate. If your urine is white and you begin to experience severe pain in the lower back and when urinating, seek help from a doctor.



Urine is quite a good material for studying the onset of the disease at home, for example, if a specialist has time before the scheduled consultation. You can test 3 glasses. To prepare, hygiene procedures are carried out. Three containers are taken and urination is performed.

  1. White urine in the first portion. Sign of urethritis.
  2. White urine in the second portion. Requires additional diagnostics.
  3. White urine in the last portion. Sign of cystitis.

If white urine is present in all containers, then it is generally accepted that the process occurs in the kidneys themselves and additional research is required.

Another home diagnostic is the reaction of urine to vinegar. If, when adding vinegar to the urine, the liquid becomes cloudy and white, then you should consult your doctor if you suspect the presence of phosphaturia. The sample is taken throughout the day, and at the end of the day a conclusion is drawn.

  1. General urine analysis. It will show whether there is an inflammatory process in the urinary system.
  2. Urine sample according to Nechiporenko. Shows the balance of leukocytes, casts and red blood cells. Deviation from the norm will be considered a specific disease.
  3. Kakovsky-Addis test. Deviation of the results from the norm will indicate the appearance of purulent processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis or urolithiasis of the kidneys).
  4. Ultrasonography.
  5. CT scan.
  6. Urethrography.
  7. Cystography.

After all the studies have been completed, a full conclusion is given and, if required, effective therapy is prescribed to treat a specific disease.

If white urine appears unexpectedly when urinating and no other symptoms are observed, then we can talk about a temporary problem that will go away in a couple of days. But if you are worried about pain, fever, weakness or pain and burning when urinating, then this is a good reason to go to the doctor for advice. A large number of diseases are diagnosed after several tests. Prescription of treatment should be entrusted only to a specialist. Self-medication does not give good results if you are not a doctor yourself, so with such a seemingly small problem you need to contact a specialist.

Biological excretions of a person, such as urine and feces, make it possible to judge the state of health of the body in general and the excretory systems in particular. The most common thing to notice is changes in the color of the urine.

White cloudy urine in the morning, at the beginning or end of urination in men, does not always signal the presence of health problems. However, you cannot relax completely, because in the presence of concomitant symptoms, such as back pain, increased body temperature, white urine is a dangerous manifestation. To understand what to do, you need to learn to distinguish pathological cloudiness of urine caused by diseases from completely natural causes.

Causes of urine leakage

Normally, at the end of emptying the bladder, the urethra contracts and pushes out the remaining urine. Urine leakage after urination is a sign that this mechanism is not working. In men and women, urine remains in the urethra, which then continues to drip. As a result, the underwear gets wet, which causes discomfort to the person.

Urine leakage after urination is more common in men than in women. If there are no diseases, the problem is in physiology. Then leaking urine is not dangerous. Only it significantly reduces the quality of life.

Possible reasons why urine continues to drip after urination:

  • neoplasms in the urethra or cancer of nearby organs;
  • weak muscles in the pelvic area;
  • excess body weight;
  • a side effect from drugs or a consequence of surgery;
  • venereal disease;
  • age-related difficulty with blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • low or too high physical activity;
  • nervous disorders;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • urolithiasis disease.

In men, urine also leaks due to prostate diseases and inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

Why does urine turn white?

If drops of white urine are released, this indicates that there are impurities in it that should not normally be present. This may be a consequence of the influence of harmless physiological factors or a serious pathology that needs to be treated. Let's look at the main reasons why white liquid comes out when a person urinates.

Physiological factors

If you notice cloudy urine at the beginning of urination, think about what you have eaten and done recently. Perhaps the reason is purely physiological:

  • intense physical activity;
  • hypothermia;
  • strong excitement;
  • dehydration;
  • visiting the sauna;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking medications with calcium or phosphates.

Often white urine at the end of the urination process in men is a variant of the norm. Mucus discharge is caused by prostate secretions and seminal fluid entering the urethra. This usually happens in the morning or immediately after intimacy.

Cloudy, opaque urine at the end of urination occurs in women who follow strict diets. With urine, they intensively eliminate toxins that color the biological fluid. Urine sometimes becomes white during pregnancy.

Possible pathologies

If there is pain, a feeling that you want to urinate more, when the bladder is already completely emptied, clear mucus is released, all together this indicates a pathological process.

Even if the urine simply remains cloudy for a long time, and there is no discomfort in the urethra and other symptoms, this is a deviation from the norm. You should see a doctor.

The white precipitate is formed by proteins, phosphates, leukocytes, lipids and other impurities in large quantities. Such atypical discharge after urination appears in diseases of the urinary system, including:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • nephrosis;
  • renal tuberculosis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • fatty kidney degeneration;
  • nephrolithiasis.

Cystitis is also characterized by the appearance of dark brown or pink discharge, caused by blood entering the urine.

Usually the white precipitate in the listed ailments is pus, less often it is formed by proteins and salts. If the urine released after urination is cloudy, amyloidosis of the kidneys is possible - specific proteins become heated in them, which give an atypical color. Pathology is provoked by chronic diseases in which ulcers form.

White discharge during urination in men often occurs with prostate diseases, including prostatitis and genital infections. The opacity of urine can be caused by an admixture of acetone, which directly indicates liver or brain disease, or infection with worms.

If a girl urinates urine and leucorrhoea, such discharge indicates inflammation or a violation of the vaginal microflora:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • thrush;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammation of the uterine cervix.

In these cases, problems with urination in women are accompanied by itching in the perineum, copious and foul-smelling discharge, cycle disruption, and painful menstruation. White flakes in the urine may indicate common thrush, which is very common. With diabetes, urine not only becomes cloudy, but at the same time emits a sweetish odor.

Why does urine turn white?

The white color of urine is due to the penetration into it of large quantities of protein, phosphoric acid salts, leukocytes, fats and some other impurities. That is, this can be observed in diseases of the urinary system such as:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • nephrosis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • fatty kidney degeneration;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • kidney tuberculosis.

Since their development can be triggered by hypothermia, stress, excessive physical exertion, and other diseases, especially those accompanied by fever, these factors should also be considered among those that cause white urine. Thus, in most cases, white sediment in the urine is pus and mucus, less often protein and salts.

Important: if there is a lot of fat in the urine, for example, with nephrosis, it takes on the color of diluted milk, if there is pus - a grayish-white hue.

Sometimes white urine is a sign of kidney amyloidosis, which is characterized by the accumulation of a specific protein in them. This pathology can develop against the background of various chronic diseases accompanied by the formation of ulcers, for example:

  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic lung abscess;
  • bronchiectasis, etc.

However, sometimes white clots in urine can be the result of over-consuming foods containing calcium and phosphates. The color of urine also changes in the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the liver and brain;
  • parasitic infestation.

But in these cases, other uncharacteristic impurities will be found in the urine, in particular, glucose and lymph.

How to recognize kidney diseases?

To roughly determine why your urine is white, you can do a 3-glass test yourself. To do this, you need to perform a thorough toilet of the genitals and sequentially urinate in 3 previously prepared clean transparent containers. In this case, it is desirable that the first and last portions of urine are the same in volume, and the middle one is larger.

  • Why does urine become colored after eating beets? Isn't this dangerous?

The presence of turbidity in the first portion of urine, while the rest are relatively clean, indicates the presence of an infection in the urethra. White urine at the end of urination is a sign of bladder inflammation. As a rule, in such cases, in addition to a change in the color of urine, there is pain when passing natural needs, burning and stinging.

If each of the 3 samples has approximately the same color and consistency, this may indicate kidney pathology. This is usually accompanied by:

  • constant or recurrent lower back pain of varying nature and intensity;
  • increased temperature;
  • weakness;
  • nausea, etc.

Attention! Diagnosing the causes of changes in urine color is the doctor’s task!

It is impossible to accurately determine the reasons for changes in urine color without OAM.

Test for kidney problems

You can find out the cause of white urine using a 3-glass test. After thorough hygiene of the genitals, you need to urinate in 3 transparent containers. If the first portion is cloudy but the others are relatively normal, the problem may be an infection in the urethra. The white sediment in the last sample is a likely symptom of an inflamed bladder, usually accompanied by cutting and burning when emptying it.

A home test helps understand the causes of incontinence and changes in urine color, but only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Diabetes mellitus and urine quality

Changes in the body that occur during illness affect the quality of urine.
Patients with diabetes often experience discolored urine. With concomitant inflammation of the bladder or pyelonephritis, the urine not only changes color, but becomes cloudy, with a strong odor of acetone. The patient is able to detect changes in urine by self-monitoring sugar levels using special test strips for determination.

In patients with type 2 diabetes, in addition to changes in the color of urine, there is an increase in the level of sugar, which is excreted from the body.

In young children with diabetes, white marks appear on the diaper after urinating. The child is bothered by painful itching of the external genitalia and frequent urination. The parameters of the excreted fluid change, the osmotic pressure increases due to the presence of a large amount of glucose in the urine.

In children, diabetes usually occurs in a more severe form, and the amount of milky urine produced reaches 2-3 liters per day. Linen soaked in such urine becomes rough and crispy, and the number of trips to the toilet reaches 10-20 per day.

What tests need to be taken?

The patient needs to undergo a number of studies:

  1. General urine analysis. It is universal and confirms the presence of a specific disease. The doctor evaluates the number of white blood cells and proteins.
  2. Blood test according to Nechiporenko. This technique is more accurate and allows you to check the performance of the previous test.
  3. Kakovsky-Addis test. The urine collected by the patient for 12-24 hours is checked. It is used to determine pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and glomerulonephritis.

Ultrasound, CT, cystography, and urethrography are also often performed. If the indicators are normal, but the urine is still white, women are further examined by a gynecologist, and men by a urologist. Treatment is selected depending on the identified pathologies.


What to do when taking diagnostic tests?

Milky urine can be the result of many reasons, so the attending doctor prescribes the patient to undergo a series of tests to make a correct diagnosis and subsequently prescribe effective treatment. Basically, the following studies are prescribed:

  • clinical urine analysis;
  • urine research according to Nechiporenko;
  • Kakovsky-Addis sample.

After receiving the results of the listed studies, the treating doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination, urethrography, cystography and computed tomography. Also, for a more accurate diagnosis, patients are advised to visit specialists, namely a gynecologist for women, and a urologist for men. Pediatric patients are often prescribed additional studies of the gastrointestinal system.

If the white color of urine is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region and at the end of urination, then it is recommended to consult a specialist as soon as possible to conduct a thorough examination and prescribe effective therapy for a specific case. It is important to remember that the earlier treatment is carried out, the better the prognosis for a person in curing the disease.

To identify the cause of the appearance of white urine, a comprehensive examination is prescribed:

  • A general urine test detects protein and leukocytes (normally they should be absent). Sugar is often detected in white urine - a sign of diabetes.
  • Laboratory assistants examine the sediment and determine its composition (urates, phosphates, citrates or oxalates).
  • Bacterial culture helps determine which microbe caused the inflammation.
  • If an anatomical anomaly or urolithiasis is suspected, causing a change in the color of urine, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. Additionally, an x-ray or tomography of the kidneys is performed.

Treatment is prescribed based on diagnostic results:

  • for infectious and inflammatory processes, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics;
  • urolithiasis is treated surgically or simply by observing the stone;
  • an anomaly in which the lymphatic vessels connect to the urinary canals is eliminated by surgery;
  • for filariasis, anthelmintic therapy is carried out, and a low-fat diet is recommended.

In all cases, the treatment regimen is individual. After recovery, doctors advise having your urine tested at least once a year for monitoring.

Causes of white urine

What are the causes of white urine in men?

  1. Urine is excreted by the kidneys, so a change in color indicates a disruption in their functioning.
  2. The color of urine changes in diabetes mellitus due to the presence of glucose.
  3. The color of urine often changes due to disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. The change in color occurs due to an increase in acetone, which occurs as a result of liver and kidney diseases.
  5. White color also indicates prostatitis (occurring in acute or chronic form), which occurs against the background of adenoma, venereal or infectious diseases.
  6. Filariasis may be the cause.

There are other reasons for changes in urine:

  • excessively high physical activity;
  • purulent discharge;
  • the content of phosphates, lymph or fat in the urine;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • hot weather;
  • frequent sauna and bathhouse premises.

Among the reasons that cause cloudy urine, the following should be indicated:

  1. Dehydration of the body, which happens due to excessively intense physical activity, frequent visits to the bathhouse, and walking in hot weather. In such cases, you need to drink a lot of liquid, preferably white tea or still water.
  2. The consequence of being white for a long time is the presence of kidney stones.
  3. White urine with blood clots indicates an admixture of blood. Such signs are caused by various processes: inflammation of the mucous membrane, blood pathology, kidney disease.
  4. White urine in men indicates chronic prostatitis, which is often caused by infectious or sexually transmitted diseases and requires mandatory treatment. A similar condition is often provoked by adenoma.
  5. Another cause of white urine is the degeneration of kidney tissue. In this case, a mandatory visit to the doctor is required. There is no need to hesitate.

As you can see, the reasons for the white tint of urine are very different. But they do not always indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body. Men should not worry about their health if their urine turns white when urinating in the morning. The cause is the entry of sperm into the urethra.

The answer to the question of why urine is white can only be given by a doctor specializing in this area. And he can do this only after carrying out all the relevant tests. This phenomenon requires special attention when the change in shade is long-term. The reasons may be the discharge of salts, fats, lymph secretion and more.

In addition to these reasons, the phenomenon of white urine in men also occurs due to dysfunction of the prostate gland. This also includes prostatitis caused by certain sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea and others.



To be able to identify cloudy urine, you need to know what the color indicators of urine from a healthy body are. Normally, the color of urine is straw-yellow, without sediment, transparent. Such indicators correspond to the complete health of the body and proper drinking regime.

If the urine becomes very light, almost colorless, this is a signal that the body is oversaturated with water (which can be both normal and pathological). Dark yellow urine is evidence of insufficient fluid intake and incipient dehydration. These problems are easy to fix. It is enough to adjust the drinking regime by increasing or decreasing fluid intake.

Sometimes the urine becomes cloudy, milky, and white. What does this situation mean:

  • Exposure to high temperatures.

Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, steam room or prolonged stay in a dry and hot climate can cause a one-time cloudiness of the urine, which is a symptom of dehydration. The situation can be corrected; for this it is simply vital to increase the amount of fluid consumed. To cope with dehydration: green tea, fruit compotes and clean drinking water.

  • Changing the type of diet, abuse of smoked meats.

The predominance of foods such as sorrel, spinach, garlic, onions, beets or tomatoes in the diet causes a change in the color of urine. And a large number of smoked or salted delicacies (sausages, balyk, pates, etc.) increase the load on the kidneys and increase the acidity of urine. As a result, the output is cloudy, foamy urine. In this case, it is necessary to exclude or limit the consumption of the listed products and strengthen the drinking regime.

  • Passive lifestyle.

Prolonged stay in a stationary, sitting position leads to congestion in the pelvis. The prostate suffers the most from this. Its overload causes prostate juice (a milky white liquid) to enter the urethra and is released during urination, turning the urine white.

The situation worsens when a man is prone to constipation. In this case, the accumulation of feces leads to compression of the gland and the release of prostate juice in the urine. The problem can be solved if you adjust your lifestyle and diet, eliminating constipation and congestion in the pelvis.

  • Sexual activity.

After sexual intercourse or in the morning, after sleep, men often experience white urine. This indicates that ejaculate (sperm) enters the urine, followed by its coloration milky. This picture is considered the norm.

  • Sexual arousal without orgasm and ejaculation.

The modern world is filled with "glossy" scantily clad women. They look at men from the pages of magazines, advertising brochures, websites and the TV screen. According to statistics, a modern man experiences excitement up to 40 times during the day, while trying to remain calm. This situation provokes “swelling” of the prostate gland. Which, in turn, leads to the constant secretion of prostate juice. The result is white urine.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

Holidays, birthdays, and corporate events are always accompanied by copious libations. In the evening a person has fun, and in the morning the body “takes revenge” on him. From alcohol poisoning, which is how organs react to excess alcohol, the kidneys and their performance suffer the most. The filtration function is disrupted, proteins and metabolic products enter the urine, which leads to cloudiness and white color of the urine.

  • Stressful situations and excessive physical activity. These factors can also change the color of urine once.

In the absence of other accompanying symptoms, such as: back pain, nausea, unpleasant odor of discharge, etc., as well as one or two times clouding of urine, we can judge the natural causes of the phenomenon. It is necessary to compare the events that preceded the appearance of milky urine, assess your own condition and well-being.

It is possible that the above factors became provocateurs. However, to reassure yourself, it is better to visit the nearest medical facility and get tested, since the white color of urine may also indicate the development of pathological processes in the body.


Cloudy urine can be a manifestation of various types of diseases of the genitourinary system. Let's touch on the most likely situations.

  • Venereal infections. The name of the ancient Roman goddess of love, Venus, is given to diseases that are sexually transmitted. These include: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, AIDS, herpes virus, syphilis and others. One of the symptoms of having an STD is cloudy urine due to the discharge of pus. In addition, the following signs are present: sharp pain during urination, fever, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. A specific symptom is discharge from the urethra with a strong, unpleasant, often foul odor.
  • Inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. The most alarming sign of prostatitis will be the discharge of white urine at the end of urination. In addition, there are complaints of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent urge to go to the toilet, excretion of a small amount of urine, sexual impotence or rapid ejaculation.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urethra, bladder, kidneys. With inflammation of the listed parts of the urinary system, the following are observed: changes in the color of urine (white, dark, streaked with blood, foamy, cloudy), increased body temperature, discomfort and pain during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, back.
  • Inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis. Cloudiness and the appearance of white urine at the end of urination, accompanied by a burning sensation when visiting the toilet, a change in the appearance of the glans penis (redness, cracks, irritation), pain when walking.
  • Systemic diseases and pathologies. One of the signs of diabetes is the appearance of milky white urine. The discharge is accompanied by complaints of constant thirst, weakness, and dry skin.
  • Also, white sediment in the urine of men can be a symptom of urolithiasis, which requires attention.

There are many reasons for urine color change. Often, it is impossible to understand on your own whether such a condition is dangerous. Therefore, if white urine is released more than once, it is recommended to visit: a therapist, urologist or andrologist.

Diseases that cause changes in urine color

From the above it follows that urine changes its color in the presence of various diseases.

  1. Pyuria (or lipuria). It appears due to the presence of fatty droplets in the urine or the release of phosphates.
  2. The manifestation of phosphates also indicates a disease such as phosphaturia (disorder of calcium and phosphorus metabolism). It leads to the appearance of insoluble sediments in the urinary tract. With this disease, the release of salts appears periodically, so tests are done several times throughout the day. This must be done in specialized institutions.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the body. Urine may become white due to the presence of purulent discharge in the body. Sometimes the color even changes to a grayish tint.

You cannot self-diagnose the disease. It is necessary to contact a urologist who, if necessary, will prescribe treatment.

What to do if urine turns white?

What to do if the urine turns white? You should not panic if the reason lies in a change in diet, especially if there are no signs of other diseases.

Do not give in to anxiety when the following phenomena appear:

  1. A white tint appears in the morning, which often occurs due to sperm entering the urinary canal. This phenomenon occurs frequently. All this is the norm when there are no other signs of the disease: pain, extraneous signs.
  2. The appearance of a cloudy white tint in the evenings and before bedtime often occurs due to the fact that during the whole day no food, only water, entered the body. It is necessary to remember what was included in the diet for that day.

You need to start worrying when the following manifestations of signs of disease are noticeable:

  • urine contains pus or fibers of unknown origin;
  • the smell of urine becomes putrid;
  • there is blood and clots;
  • urination is painful, pain often occurs;
  • the white color does not change throughout the day.

Effect of drugs on urine color

Urine acquires a white tint not only due to diseases, but also due to the use of certain medications. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, you need to make a list of medications you are taking. Perhaps there is no cause for concern, and the white color was caused by taking certain pills.

An uncharacteristic shade can be caused by taking the following medications:

  • amidopyrine - when consumed, a reddish or brown tint appears;
  • metronidazole – gives a reddish tint;
  • Senadexin - gives two colors: red-lilac or yellow-brown;
  • The bright yellow color can be caused by taking multivitamins;
  • pentalgin - reddish tint;
  • from taking herbal preparations, urine may become yellowish or whitish.

But if flakes appear in the urine, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor until later. This sign indicates the presence of a disease. With these symptoms, you can’t delay it. It is necessary to immediately undergo the necessary examination to avoid complications.

During pregnancy

White flakes in the urine during pregnancy can lead to either a completely harmless phenomenon or a more serious problem.

It’s not at all scary when vaginal secretions get into it, you just need to rinse the genitals well. If they appear after washing, they may conceal a gynecological inflammatory pathology. The woman is prescribed additional tests that allow her to look at the problem more broadly.

A weakened immune system always signals this through urine. This gives a clear sign that it needs to be strengthened, because in this state the body of the expectant mother will not be able to resist infections and other irritants.

An equally unpleasant verdict is why there are white flakes in the urine - this is developing diabetes mellitus.


Tips and tricks

White flakes can also appear after sexual intercourse. If your urine suddenly turns white, you should not panic. The reason may be alcohol consumed the day before, physical activity, or slight stress. In these cases, urine will restore its normal color in a short time. If its shade does not change for a long time (three to four days or longer), then you need to visit a doctor.

If your urine changes to a color that is uncharacteristic for it, you should not engage in either self-diagnosis or self-medication.

Most of the diseases possible with this symptom are diagnosed after passing certain tests. And only based on the results obtained, the necessary course of treatment is prescribed.

Self-treatment and diagnosis, as a rule, leads to various complications, after which it becomes much more difficult to recover.


Change in urine color

Clear white urine may be produced if you drink too much liquid. In such cases, urination becomes more frequent, urine does not have time to concentrate, and almost pure water is removed from the body. On summer days, if you consume large amounts of liquid and watery fruits, vegetables and berries (for example, watermelons), the appearance of clear urine should not cause any concern.

In some diseases, the kidneys lose their ability to concentrate, and the urine will always be clear, regardless of dietary habits.

Reasons for the appearance of clear white urine:

  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • chronic renal failure;

With diabetes insipidus, a person is tormented by a constant feeling of thirst. In this regard, the patient drinks excessive amounts of liquid and often runs to the toilet. Nighttime urination also increases. Urine in diabetes insipidus has virtually no color; it becomes transparent white, like water. If white urine is present for more than a week, you should consult a doctor for a thorough examination.

Cloudy white urine is often a symptom of illness. A change in the color of urine in such cases is due to pathological impurities that should not normally be present.

Impurities that give a whitish tint to urine:

  • leukocytes;
  • slime;
  • protein;
  • crystals and salts;
  • pus;
  • lipids;

A large number of leukocytes and protein appear in the urine during inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. A large amount of protein in the analysis most often indicates glomerulonephritis or renal failure. White blood cells often increase with kidney disease, bladder inflammation, and urinary tract infections. Mucus appears in large quantities in urine tests in almost any inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

The appearance of salt crystals in the urine most often indicates the development of urolithiasis in a person. But there are cases when the urine is oversaturated with salts due to excessive consumption of salts and mineral water. Also, tests with a high salt content are typical for people with dehydration after heavy physical exertion.

The presence of cloudy pus in the urine indicates a bacterial infection of the kidneys. White urine mixed with pus is characteristic of pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections.

The white color of urine may appear due to the ingress of lipids or lymph cells into it. This happens at the stage of tumor decay, in seriously ill people with kidney and bladder cancer.

Diseases in which urine becomes cloudy white:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney and bladder tumors;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • gynecological diseases;

What causes clear urine?

If the urine becomes white and transparent due to excessive consumption of liquid, then in this case frequent urination occurs and the urine does not have time to concentrate. It turns out that the body removes almost pure water. For example, in the summer a person’s diet increases the amount of plant foods, he eats fruits, vegetables and berries more often and drinks more liquid.

However, some diseases lead to the fact that the kidneys lose their concentration function and urine becomes constantly transparent, regardless of the amount of liquid and food consumed. The reasons for changes in urine, its lightening, may be associated with the development of diabetes insipidus and chronic renal failure.

Such ailments have pronounced symptoms, in addition to clear urine.

Table No. 1 Associated symptoms of diabetes insipidus and renal failure

DiseaseSymptomsThe act of urination
Diabetes insipidus syndromeThere is a constant feeling of thirst, so the patient drinks a lot often.The number of daytime and nighttime urinations increases.
Chronic form of renal failureThirst increases;
dry mouth;

darkening appears in the eyes with sudden movements;

muscle paralysis;

breathing problems;

slow heartbeat;

heart block until it stops.

At the initial stage, the level of daytime urine increases, and urination occurs more often at night.
Then there is a decrease in the volume of urine, until it disappears completely.

Cloudy white urine in women

In women, a change in the color of urine can also be caused by gynecological diseases. Mucus, white blood cells, and pus may be released into the urine at the end of urination from the vagina. With vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the vagina, which can end up in the urine when samples are collected. With thrush, white cheesy masses form in the vagina, which can also change the color of the urine.

Gynecological problems and white urine:

  • thrush;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • tuberculosis of the female reproductive system;

With diseases of the reproductive system, a woman is bothered by characteristic symptoms. Periodic pain in the lower abdomen, dryness and burning in the vagina, pain when urinating and during sex. You should not ignore these symptoms, especially if the color of your urine changes. It is imperative to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.

During pregnancy and during ovulation, women produce more mucus in their genital tract than usual. When collecting a urine sample, mucous secretions may end up in the container. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a hygienic intimate shower before taking samples. To completely prevent vaginal mucus from getting into samples for analysis, you can use a hygienic tampon.

Pathologies in men and children

The color of urine is determined by a number of blood pigments - urochrome (a yellow substance derived from bile pigment), urolysin, uroerythrin and hematoporphyrin (give urine a reddish tint).
The higher the level of these substances, the more intense the color of the urine, and the high water content reduces their concentration, making the color weaker. Urine can look like milk against the background of purely female diseases:

  • thrush (candidiasis);
  • vaginitis;
  • vulvogaginitis;
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • tuberculosis of the female genital organs.

Pathological purulent, mucous impurity, leukocytes are able to penetrate into urine from the vagina at the end of urination.

If a woman suffers from vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, then large volumes of mucus accumulate in the vagina, which can get into the urine during analysis.

Stress in a man

With the development of candidiasis in the vaginal environment, white discharge of a cheesy consistency appears, which can also affect the color of urine.

Women experience the following phenomena:

  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of dryness, burning, discomfort in the vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse, urination.

Such signs of illness and changes in the color of urine are sufficient reasons to visit a antenatal clinic.

Typically, parents pay attention to various changes in the child’s condition, including the color of urine. When should this phenomenon not cause alarm?

In the first case, the clarification of urine is associated with the consumption of food containing large amounts of water, for example, watermelons. This also happens when children drink a lot. The kidneys begin to excrete excess fluid in large volumes, which is the reason why the urine becomes almost colorless.

The second situation involves infants, in whom pale, white urine is normal.

Discoloration of urine in children also occurs when taking medications with a diuretic effect. Since urine is eliminated from the body quite quickly, it is not saturated with pigment.

When should children seek medical help? Doctors do not recommend waiting for symptoms that will signal the advanced stage of the disease. You can see a pediatrician if:

  • urine became clear, similar to water, and its amount increased, regardless of the liquid consumed;
  • urine suddenly turned from yellow to white;
  • any impurity comes out with urine - light sediment, white flakes, mucus, pus, etc.

In most cases, the specialist prescribes a series of tests and, above all, a general analysis of urine and blood. And if the results are alarming, the patient is referred to a nephrologist or endocrinologist.

White urine may be common and not associated with illness. But often this is a sign of serious illnesses, which means that such a symptom should not be ignored. It is important to undergo a timely diagnosis and find out why the urine has changed color.

The appearance of cloudy urine does not always indicate health problems. There are several physiological moments when a change in the color of urine is considered entirely justified. Thus, morning urine of white color in men is regarded as a manifestation of the norm. This change occurs due to the reflux of secretions produced by the prostate gland into the urethra.

Other physiological factors that can cause urine to become clearer:

  • excessive physical stress,
  • stressful situations,
  • exposure to low temperatures,
  • use of medications containing calcium and phosphates,
  • excessive alcoholic libations,
  • dehydration,
  • exposure to high temperatures when visiting a steam room or sauna.

Pathological processes manifested by the whitishness of the secreted fluid:

  • Inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, urethra, prostate.
  • Impaired absorption of salts.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Fatty degeneration of the kidneys, nephrosis, amyloidosis.

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of white urine in men at the end of urination. This sign indicates an inflammatory process in the prostate. To better understand the problem, it is worth performing a simple test, it is called the “three-glass test”. Approximately the entire volume of the released liquid is divided into three parts and sequentially collected in separate containers.

Having analyzed the external indicators of urine collected in this way, one can draw conclusions about a more specific localization of the pathological process. If turbidity predominates in the first container, then the problem should be looked for in the urethra, if in the last one, most likely the cause is prostatitis. Total whitishness of all three portions indicates pathology of the bladder or kidneys.

In men, white urine is observed when:

  • prostatitis,
  • urethritis,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • urolithiasis,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • nephrosis,
  • inflammation of the glans penis,
  • kidney tuberculosis,
  • fatty kidney degeneration.

White threads in the urine, whitish flakes, purulent inclusions - all this can accompany the above ailments in men. Often, white impurities in urine indicate the content of leukocytes and act as symptoms of inflammation that begins in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Here's why white urine is possible in children:

  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract,
  • worm infection,
  • filariasis,
  • in girls - mucus discharge from the vagina that gets into the urine,
  • in boys - an anomaly of the foreskin, when pathological mucus enters the urine and accumulates in the pockets of the foreskin.

Urine like milk is not always a sign of pathology. You can suspect danger by deteriorating health:

  • pain inside the pelvic region, lower back;
  • burning during urination;
  • attacks of colic;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea.

Such symptoms indicate inflammation of the kidney or exacerbation of urolithiasis - the urine will become cloudy. Patients with cystitis feel frequent urges with the release of a small amount of urine. Unproductive trips to the toilet at short intervals and white urine in men indicate prostate problems. Urogenital infections provoke severe itching of the genitals, and a stench from the urine appears.

Cloudy white urine in children and men

In a child, cloudy white urine may be evidence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder. Some helminthic infestations can also cause changes in the color of urine. With filariasis, a child may produce cloudy urine. In girls, mucous discharge from the vagina can give a white color to urine. In boys with a congenital anomaly of the foreskin of the penis - phimosis - the urine may also take on a cloudy whitish tint. Mucus that collects in the pockets of the foreskin at the end of urination can end up in the urine.

Any changes in a child's urine should alert parents. It is better to do an additional preventive urine test than to allow the disease to progress. I think there is no need to explain why it is important to start treating diseases as early as possible.

In men and boys in the morning, when urinating, sperm may enter the urine, which causes cloudy urine. Throughout the day, urine should be a normal clear color.

With prostatitis in men, a large number of leukocytes and mucus are found in the urine, which can also cause the appearance of a whitish color of urine.



Close attention should be paid not only to the color of the urine excreted, but also to the presence of additional symptoms. The development of diseases and pathologies is indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Increase in body temperature within 37.5-38.9°C.
  • Discomfort, pain, burning during urination.
  • Pain in the back in the region of the kidneys, which decreases after urination.
  • Feeling of fullness of the bladder, however, when visiting the toilet, a small amount of urine is released.
  • Sexual dysfunction, early ejaculation.
  • Sluggish or intermittent stream of urine during urination.
  • Frequent night urges.
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