Doctor and patients
Right kidney cyst: Causes, Classification, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications
Kidney pathologies occur quite often in humans. The most common are urolithiasis and pyelonephritis. However
Chronic renal failure: symptoms, clinical picture, treatment and diagnosis of chronic renal failure
In patients who have suffered from kidney disease for a long time, chronic renal failure (CRF) gradually develops. It's heavy
Diagram of glomerular filtration of the kidneys
Glomerular filtration rate. Online calculator
Glomerular Filtration Rate Test It is difficult to directly measure glomerular filtration rate, so scientists have developed
Causes of protein in urine in children, interpretation of tests: normal, elevated level
Reasons for the appearance of protein in children's urine Protein in a child's urine in significant quantities
Cyston for cystitis: instructions for use and reviews
Inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder make life unbearable for patients with cystitis. Constant urge to
Where is the bladder located, what does it look like and what is its structure?
Author of the article Anatoly Shishigin Reading time: 3 minutes AA Bladder in its own way
Diuretic property
"Nephrodosis": analogues of the drug, its properties and composition
Very often, for disorders of the urinary system, drugs such as Canephron and
Analysis to identify problems with kidney excretory function or Rehberg test: how to take it correctly, norm and deviations of indicators
The kidneys act as a purifier in the human body, continuously filtering the blood. During the filtration period
Urinary organs: anatomical composition. The structure and topography of the kidneys, specific features. Sources of innervation, blood supply, lymph outflow pathways. Features of their anatomy in birds.
The mammalian kidney structurally consists of two layers: the outer, cortical, and the underlying medulla.
Nephrotic syndrome: pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat
Nephrotic syndrome is a disease characterized by severe proteinuria, edema, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia, increased