The use of Pamir mumiyo for the treatment and prevention of diseases

The healing properties of mumiyo

Mumiyo is a natural product produced in the mountains. It has a very rich composition, dark brown, less often black, and has a rather peculiar (not entirely pleasant) smell. Mountain tar has the following effects on human health:

  • strengthens the immune system and the entire body;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • fights fungi, viruses, bacteria;
  • perfectly regenerates tissue;
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • relieves migraines.

Important! Shilajit can accelerate the growth and development of tumors of various etiologies, this fact has been scientifically confirmed!

Shilajit for the treatment of pyelonephritis

  • Shilajit is indispensable for women, as it can be added to masks for hair, body and face, smoothing out wrinkles and promoting skin regeneration.
    Shilajit is a natural tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a positive effect on the process of DNA biosynthesis in cells. As a result, more accelerated division occurs, as well as an increase in the number of cells.

    With proper use of mountain resin, you can even get rid of severe poisoning, hypertension, cataracts, headaches, and sclerosis. Such a natural remedy is simply irreplaceable for the liver, vascular diseases, heart, and bladder. Has a positive effect on the nervous system and immunity.

    Experts say that everything should be in moderation, and excessive intake of various dietary supplements can cause serious harm to health.

    The medicinal properties of mumiyo will be beneficial only if the course of treatment is not too long, since the body quickly gets used to the supplement and there will be no effect from such procedures, but there is a risk of causing serious harm to health.

    Too long treatment can lead to the fact that after the abolition of mumiyo, some organs simply cease to function normally without the drug. You should use mumiyo tablets with extreme caution if you have allergies.

    Shilajit has beneficial properties and contraindications in its use, like any other medicine. The use of the drug is prohibited in the following cases:

    • pregnancy, breastfeeding. During these periods, mumiyo has strict contraindications, since it cannot be used either in tablets orally or as applications;
    • children under 12 years of age;

  • with high blood pressure. Only knowing what kind of remedy it is and its exact dosage, mumiyo can be used in minimal quantities, but only after consultation with a doctor. If the doctor gives a positive answer, you must regularly measure your blood pressure and ensure that its readings do not exceed the norm, otherwise you must immediately stop taking the drug;
  • tumors, bleeding. It is not enough to know what mummy treats, since to date experts have not been able to accurately establish its chemical composition, so in these cases you should refrain from using it.
  • The product can also be used in the fight against excess weight and added to a variety of cosmetic formulations. The benefits of mumiyo for the body are priceless, as it is used for external and internal use. With its help, unsightly skin stretch marks and signs of cellulite are quickly eliminated.

    Shilajit is indispensable for the liver, as it helps alleviate the patient’s condition and get rid of various ailments associated with this organ. When used correctly, this natural remedy enhances the absorption function of the organ and normalizes the gas exchange processes occurring in the liver tissues. The correct respiratory coefficient of the liver is restored. Shilajit also has contraindications, so it cannot be used independently without consulting a doctor.

    The healing properties of mumiyo allow it to be used during the treatment of various kidney diseases - for example, cystitis, cyst, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.

    Honey with mumiyo helps relieve swelling, remove signs of inflammation and destroy various pathogens. To do this, take honey from mumiyo (5 g resin, 500 g honey). The resulting composition is taken before the start of the meal, 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The duration of treatment is about 10 days; if necessary, therapy can be repeated after a week.

    Mumiyo is produced in the form of tablets, ointments, capsules, applications and solutions. Depending on what the drug treats and for what purposes it will be used, the drug is selected.

    The indications and use of this remedy are not only for treatment, strengthening the immune system, but also for beauty. Used in preparing face and hair masks, accelerating nail growth, etc.

    The benefits of mumiyo for hair are irreplaceable, because with its help you can get rid of dandruff, solve the problem of split ends, and add additional volume and shine to your curls. For this purpose, it is recommended to regularly wash your hair with shampoo to which a small amount of mountain resin is added. To prepare this composition, take 1 tsp. mountain resin, 25 g of water. Art. l. melted honey, 100 ml. any shampoo. The finished composition is applied to damp hair and left for a few minutes, then washed off with plenty of warm water.

    Mountain resin is widely used in cosmetology, as it perfectly cares for facial skin - accelerated regeneration and rejuvenation of cells, elimination of pimples, blackheads, and other types of rashes. For masks, the product can be used in the form of tablets or balm. After 10 procedures, positive changes will be noticeable.

    To prepare the mask, you will need 2 tablets of the drug; they are crushed and dissolved in a pre-prepared and cooled infusion of calendula (1 tbsp dried flowers and 1 tbsp boiling water). With constant use of this mask, you can quickly get rid of acne and acne.

    It is necessary to apply Shilajit correctly to obtain the best effect. More details about what it is and how to use resin to get rid of diseases are described in the following video:

    Proper use of mumiyo will help to carry out a complete healing course for the whole body and eliminate cosmetic imperfections of the skin. In order for mountain resin to bring only benefits, before you start using it, you must undergo a short allergy test. Internal use of mumiyo is possible only after permission from a doctor.

    Many people know about this product, some have only heard of it, but everyone is interested in what kind of miracle medicine it really is - Altai mumiyo. Let's look at the application, instructions, and beneficial properties in more detail. This remedy is natural, natural, indeed, very interesting, it contains almost the entire set from the periodic table, thanks to this it has a wide range of applications.

    In the pharmacy you can find mumiyo in different forms, tablets, solutions or ointments. There is raw and purified mumiyo, which is what they sell to us, without any foreign impurities.

    Purified mumiyo is a resinous brown, sometimes almost black substance that can be kneaded with your hands. It resembles resin with a bitter taste and a special smell. Easily dissolves in water, so it is convenient to use in the treatment of various ailments.

    The older this remedy is, the more valuable it is, since it exhibits a greater therapeutic effect. It is also very important how raw mumiyo was purified; the one that is purified by cold methods, without the use of high temperatures, which, as is known, decomposes most of the useful substances, is more effective.

    Just imagine that the healing balm has already been known for more than 4,000 years. In ancient Tibet and India, they treated dislocations and broken bones, saved snakebites, and brought back seriously ill children from the other world. Illyrian resin from the ancient Egyptians, this is also mumiyo.

    There are so many names for this natural medicine: “mountain juice”, “mountain wax”, “mountain oil”, “mountain blood”. What exactly is mumiyo? What is its origin and where is it mined?

    Its growths are most often found in mountain crevices and caves, where ideal conditions have been created for the maturation of this substance. Strong winds, scorching ultraviolet rays of the sun, and sudden temperature changes create a healing balm from the remains of the decay of animal and plant biomass.

    In our country, entire deposits of this valuable substance have been found in Siberia, in the Altai mountains. It is also mined in the East, in India, Burma, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Mongolia.

    It’s easier to say where it is not used, the scope of its action is so wide, and with amazing health results. And this action has been confirmed for several thousand years, used by many patients.

    The effect of mumiyo on the kidneys

    Shilajit primarily has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the kidneys; in addition, it promotes the removal of fluid from the body. Under the influence of the source of infection, the kidney tissue becomes inflamed, and adhesions subsequently form at the site of inflammation. The resin promotes rapid healing of tissues of the urinary system, thereby preventing the appearance of adhesions.

    It is recommended to combine treatment with traditional drugs with traditional methods. Folk remedies are an effective adjuvant therapy for excellent prevention of kidney disease.

    Last but not least are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs; they are also very effective for patients with kidney disease.

    Before using additional treatment with this natural product, you should consult your doctor.

    Typically, symptoms of kidney disease are:

    • painful and frequent urination;
    • increased body temperature;
    • blood in urine;
    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • nausea, vomiting.

    In the case when you just felt the first signs of the inflammatory process - frequent urge to go to the toilet, nagging pain, it is important to use mumiyo in the treatment of kidneys. Timely intake of folk medicine can prevent the development of the inflammatory process and suppress the source of infection.

    How does it affect the body as a whole?

    Purified Altai mumiyo has a multifaceted effect on the body. It normalizes the functioning of all internal systems, strengthens bones, muscle and joint tissue. The following medicinal properties can be distinguished:

    • improvement of metabolic processes;
    • expansion and strengthening of arteries, normalization of pressure;
    • enriching the body with useful substances;
    • normalization of digestion, healing of the gastric and intestinal mucosa;
    • regeneration of bone and muscle tissue;
    • restoration of skin integrity;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • cleansing of toxins and impurities;
    • improvement of skin and hair condition.

    Shilajit can be used as an independent medicine or in complex therapy. The natural substance has been proven to be highly effective when used during the recovery period after illness and surgery. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

    Folk recipes

    Shilajit for the treatment of pyelonephritis

    3 grams of product should be dissolved in 3 liters of water. Drink a glass of solution three times a day half an hour before meals. If possible, drink 50 grams of beet juice together with mumiyo.

    The duration of treatment is 10 days, then 3 days of rest, after which another treatment course. Thus, the patient must drink 15 grams of the drug.

    Shilajit for kidney stones

    You can get rid of kidney stones using natural medicine. You should add 2 g of mumiyo per liter of water, drink a glass of solution 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

    The therapeutic course for urolithiasis is 10 days, followed by a 2-day break, after which the course is repeated if necessary.

    Recipe for cyst

    In order to eliminate a cyst on the kidney, you need to dissolve a grain of resin, no larger than a grain of wheat, every day for a month. When the medicine is completely dissolved, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of warm milk and go to bed.


    Antispasmodic tablets for the treatment of kidneys are myotropic or neurotropic drugs that have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, helping to restore their function.

    Antispasmodics are first-line drugs in the treatment of urolithiasis and renal colic. Their use contributes to:

  • eliminating tissue swelling;
  • Platyfillin;
  • No-spa is the most prescribed drug for the treatment of urolithiasis

    Features of the chemical composition of the product

    Depending on the place of collection, the composition changes somewhat, but the mummy always contains a number of components that are unchanged.
    These include: glutamic acid, lysine, linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, glycine, arginine, tryptophan, threonine, oxalic acid, benzoic acid, citric acid, essential oils, zoomelanoidic acids, balsamic substances, polyphenols, enzymes, resins of plant origin , tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophyll. The most healing natural substance also contains vitamins: A, C, E, P and the entire group of vitamin B. Mumiyo is rich in macroelements, as well as microelements, including: iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, titanium, zirconium, silicon, aluminum, silver , barium and calcium. Bee venom is also found in the product - a very useful product for humans that helps with many diseases.

    Due to such a rich composition and the combination of plant, animal and organic components in one product, mumiyo is a completely unique natural medicine that gives amazing results in the treatment of many diseases, including those that are practically not treatable with traditional medications.

    This unique product is included in a number of medicines and is recognized as healing medicine throughout the world. Today, active research is underway on the substance in order to find the possibility of its artificial creation in the required quantities.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of kidneys

    In addition to the basic therapy prescribed by the doctor, you can use some folk recipes based on the healing properties of mumiyo. The use of mumiyo for kidney diseases will most likely eliminate the disease-causing symptoms; it can be used for preventive purposes when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

    There are several basic recipes for kidney treatment that will allow you to prepare medicine from available home remedies. Folk remedies for the treatment of kidneys do not have a harmful effect on the body, unlike antibiotics.

    Mumiyo does not have a toxic effect in large quantities, but still should not exceed the indicated daily or single dose. It is important to use natural mumiyo; the product in tablets lacks many of the healing properties of this biologically active substance. Also, the use of mountain resin will help get rid of unpleasant side effects: acne, eczema, open wounds.

    Shilajit is a natural remedy that significantly improves the condition of the kidneys in the treatment of trophic ulcers and ensures the restoration of the function of regulating the amount of fluid in the body.

    • Mumiyo for the treatment of kidney stones

    Our store

    • Cream with mumiyo Mumio Organics


    The use of diuretics is aimed at restoring normal renal function, ensuring the rapid removal of pathogenic microflora in inflammatory kidney diseases and removing stones in urolithiasis.

  • Torasemide;
  • Birch buds;
  • A herbal collection containing the above herbs in any combination has not only a diuretic, but also an antiseptic effect. Any drug that improves diuresis must be used in courses of two weeks, since when taking diuretics, the salt balance of the blood is disturbed.

    Kidney tea is recommended as a mild diuretic

  • prevent the development of inflammation.
  • Diclofenac;
  • Despite the dual effect of NSAIDs, side effects on the liver, kidneys and intestines make it impossible to use these drugs for a long time. Therefore, it is considered advisable to use the combined drug baralgin as an analgesic, which contains an anesthetic (Metamizole) and vasodilators (Phenylpiverine, Pitophenone).

    Preparations for dissolving stones

    It is advisable to use kidney medications for litholithiasis (urolithiasis) if the formation of urate stones is diagnosed. As you know, two types of stones form in the kidneys:

  • urate;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • urine test for uric acid content.
  • If the stones are clearly visualized during ultrasound examination, but are completely invisible on an x-ray, and the uric acid content is at least slightly higher than normal, the detected stones can be confidently classified as urate stones.

    Drugs used to dissolve stones belong to the citrate group and help to significantly reduce the acidity of urine. Maintaining the acid-base balance at an elevated level for a long time contributes to the gradual dissolution of the formed stones. The duration of use of citrates depends on the size of the stone and ranges from 3 to 7 months.

    Oxalate stones are much less susceptible to dissolution. The use of citrates in this case is advisable only for the purpose of preventing the development of urolithiasis and preventing further growth of already formed stones.

  • Tiopronin;
  • Biliurin;
  • improving blood circulation due to vasodilation, which is also important for kidney nephrosclerosis;
  • expansion of the lumen of the ureters, which promotes rapid removal of stones and reduces the risk of urinary tract obstruction.
  • The use of neurotropic drugs is aimed at preventing the development of spasms of smooth muscle tissue and the development of pain, since their action is based on the suppression of the nerve impulse that stimulates contraction of smooth muscles. List of tablets with a neurotropic effect:

  • Scopalamine.
  • Myotropic agents have a relaxing effect directly on muscle fibers, helping to relieve spasms. The effect of myotropic drugs, as a rule, does not exceed 2-3 hours, so they should be used at least 2 times a day. The following myotropic antispasmodics are widely used in the treatment of kidneys:

    In case of exacerbation of urolithiasis, it is advisable to use myotropic antispasmodics intravenously in the form of a dropper 2 times a day.

    There are many diuretics that differ in their mechanism of action. The most common ones are:

  • Furosemide;
  • Diuver.
  • However, due to the risk of side effects and increased load on the kidneys, which at the time of taking the medicine are already exposed to many negative factors (inflammatory processes, urolithiasis), the use of herbal diuretics is recommended as diuretics. Herbs that can have a milder diuretic effect that does not have a negative effect on the kidneys:

  • bearberry (bear ears);
  • corn silk.
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