Effective antimicrobial drug Furamag: indications for use and main properties

Furamag is an antimicrobial agent that has a wide spectrum of action and belongs to the nitrofuran group. The drug is more active in its therapeutic effect compared to other types and types of antibacterial agents.

The bactericidal concentration in it is much higher than in other drugs.

Contains nitrofurans, under the influence of which the respiratory chain in the body is slowed down and suppressed, and other processes provoked by microorganisms are inhibited, as a result of which the cytoplasmic membrane is destroyed.

After such exposure, harmful organisms stop releasing such a large amount of toxins, so the patient’s general condition improves.

The drug is available in capsule form. These are hard gelatin tablets with a brownish tint. There is powder inside, white, red and orange particles may be allowed inside.

The capsules are larger in size and have identical composition and structure.

The advantages of the drug’s effect on the body include the fact that they not only leave the immune system intact, but also activate it.

It is used to treat numerous diseases - cystitis, urethritis, as well as other infectious diseases in which the patient needs quick pain relief and elimination of discomfort.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The drug has the following parameters:

  1. Suction . After the patient takes the drug orally, absorption occurs from the distal segment of the small intestine.
  2. Distribution . This drug is distributed evenly in the body; it is very important that a high content of the substance is observed in the lymph, since in this way everything will help delay the spread of infection. There should also be high levels in bile and saliva.
  3. Metabolism . When using the medicine, it transforms slightly.
  4. Removal . The pH of the urine remains unchanged. Excreted by the kidneys through glomerular filtration and tubular secretion by 85%.

pharmachologic effect

Furagin tablets have a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect.

Furamag is an antibacterial drug from the group of nitrofuran derivatives, available in capsules of two dosages - 25 mg and 50 mg. Suitable for children and adults, sold with a doctor's prescription.

The medication contains furazidin, which has the following therapeutic effects:

  • bactericidal – causes the death of pathogenic microflora sensitive to antibiotics;
  • bacteriostatic – inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogens.

Before prescribing the medicine, it is necessary to conduct an analysis or culture to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

In what cases is the medication prescribed?

Indications for use of Furamag:

  • in case of infections that are caused by the sensitivity of certain microorganisms;
  • urogenital diseases – cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • gynecology;
  • skin diseases;
  • burns.

Furamag capsules summary (instructions for use) in photographs

Photo of instructions for use of Furamag capsules, part 1

Photo of instructions for use of Furamag capsules, part 2

How to take the medicine?

The drug is used after meals, always orally, and it is necessary to wash it down with a sufficient amount of water.

The dosage of the drug largely depends on the form in which it is taken, as well as on what disease it is used to treat. The purpose for which the medicine is taken (treatment or prevention) is also important.

According to the instructions for use, adults need to use Furamag 3 times a day, children need to divide the dose into several doses.

The course during which you need to take the medicine is 7-10 days, after which you will need a two-week break and subsequent repetition of the course.

The drug can also be used for preventive measures. 50 mg once a day. If the drug is used by children under 6 years of age, there may be a risk of aspiration.

If a portion was missed during lunch, you should not take 2 tablets at dinner, this can lead to adverse side effects that are caused by an overdose.

Furamag price, where to buy

This drug can be found in any pharmacy in Russia and Ukraine. The price of tablets (capsules) depends on the dosage. Thus, in Moscow the cost of the drug for 25 mg ranges from 258 rubles. up to 352 rubles, respectively, the cost of the drug for 50 mg is from 375 rubles. up to 507 rub. The price of Furamag in Kharkov is 92-107 UAH. (25 mg capsules) and 144-154 UAH. (50 mg capsules).

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

Europharm* 4% discount using promo code medside11

  • Furamag 25 mg No. 30 capsOlainfarm JSC
  • Furamag 50 mg n30 capsOlainfarm JSC

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  • Furamag 50 mg No. 30 capsules AT "Olainfarm", Latvia
  • Furamag 25 mg No. 30 capsules AT "Olainfarm", Latvia


  • Furamag capsule Furamag capsules 25 mg No. 30 Latvia, Olainfarm JSC
  • Furamag capsule Furamag capsules 50 mg No. 30 Latvia, Olainfarm JSC

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What happens in case of overdose?

It is recommended to avoid overdose of the drug, as this may cause allergic reactions.

The following effects may also appear:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain;
  • drowsiness;
  • visual impairment;
  • lack of appetite;
  • joint pain;
  • skin rash;
  • itching

To avoid overdose, it is recommended to use the drug at regular intervals, without missing sessions. The drug turns urine dark in color - brown or bright yellow.

To avoid side effects, it is recommended to take the drug with plenty of water and always after meals.

If any side effects occur that are not listed in the instructions, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Relevance of use for cystitis

Most of the substance is excreted by the kidneys, making it effective for treating urinary tract problems. "Furamag" for cystitis is prescribed to adults; it can also be used in pediatric practice. It is used in combination with other drugs:

  • antibiotics (cephalosporins, penicillins, macrolides);
  • diuretics of plant origin;
  • antispasmodics (for severe pain).

This treatment regimen is relevant when the patient has acute cystitis. The chronic course of the disease requires preliminary research. The patient needs to undergo a urine test for bacterial culture. After identifying the pathogen, the necessary medications are prescribed that are effective in this case.

special instructions

If side effects that are severe are observed, it is recommended to stop using the medication.

During treatment, you should not drink alcohol, you must stop smoking, fatty and fried foods. The drug does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle.

When used together with alcoholic beverages, the likelihood of side effects increases.

You should not take Furamag together with some other drugs - chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, and so on.

As a result, the risk of suppressed bleeding increases significantly. You should not take medications that acidify urine along with your medication.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and during lactation is strictly contraindicated. The same applies to the use of the drug in children under 3 years of age.

Contraindications to taking the drug

  • gynecological infections;
  • burns;
  • infectious lesions of the skin and soft tissues;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Furamag is used as a prophylactic agent during cystoscopy and catheterization. The drug has proven itself in surgery.

  • Severe kidney dysfunction;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • childhood.

It is prescribed prophylactically for urological manipulations (cystoscopy, catheterization) and operations, as well as for the prevention of relapses of urinary tract infections.

It is prohibited to take Furamag for the following diseases:

  • porphyria;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • chronic renal failure.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are also contraindications to taking the medication. It is prohibited to take Furamag if the patient is intolerant to nitrofurans.

Caution is required when using the medication in patients with signs of developing diabetes mellitus.

The medication should not be taken if the patient has liver disease. A patient undergoing a blood transfusion also serves as a contraindication to prescribing Furamag.

The medication should not be taken by patients with signs of vitamin B deficiency in the body.

The medicine is not recommended for use by women with anemia.

Medical opinion

Reviews from doctors who use Furamag in their medical practice.

The drug is absolutely harmless for use by people, with the exception of small children and pregnant women. If the dosage is observed, the treatment effect comes immediately.

Sergey Pavlovich

Furamag is an inexpensive and effective anti-infective agent. Actively fights kidney diseases, cystitis, has a wide spectrum of action.

Karina Vyacheslavovna

According to experts, Furamag tablets have the following advantages compared to other drugs:

  • low price;
  • operational effect;
  • ease of use;
  • will help you actively cope with illnesses.

Some facts

According to historical data, it was the synthesis of pyroslitic acid in the 17th century that served as the impetus for the discovery of furan compounds. However, the by-product obtained during the reaction was destroyed by the scientist, delaying the identification of furan for many years. Its second birth dates back to 1840, when experimental work was carried out on the processing of oatmeal with sulfuric acid.

The isolated amount of a hitherto unknown substance was this time subjected to further research, which made it possible to determine its most important properties and clarify the empirical formula. This was the beginning of the creation of new drugs. Already today, the starting product for the synthesis of nitrofurans has become an accessible substance - furfural, which is obtained from agricultural waste.

In everyday life, we are surrounded by bacteria everywhere, any wound inevitably contains an infection, and sometimes it is quite difficult to predict the further course of events. A combination of unfavorable factors can affect the healing process, ultimately leading to the occurrence of a purulent disease.

The most common pathological pathogens are:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

In recent years, the number of diseases in which a patient becomes infected from several pathogens has increased sharply. Such a group of bacteria that can act simultaneously is called a microbial association.

Antibiotic resistance of pathogens has forced the pharmaceutical industry to increase the production of drugs containing the active ingredient furazidin, a derivative of the nitrofuran series, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The resulting drugs are easily excreted, have low toxicity, and are an effective remedy with a wide range of effects on most pathogens.

Taken from medical forums

Patients have their own opinions about Furamag.

I always knew that cystitis is a common disease among girls, so it overtook me too. I didn’t panic, I immediately bought Furamag, the result appeared after just a few days of taking the drug, I am very pleased.


The urologist prescribed me to take the medicine for cystitis, I bought it immediately and quickly felt the effect. I didn't like the price of this product.


My experience with Furamag is positive, I recommend it to everyone. It acts quickly, relieves suffering, and eliminates unpleasant pain.


Reviews about Furamag

A sociological survey conducted among doctors and patients showed that most of the reviews about the drug Furamag are positive. All respondents noted: the rapid effect of the drug, the disappearance of pain, a decrease in body temperature, the disappearance of dysuric disorders, and the restoration of the natural color of urine. An antimicrobial and antibacterial drug can also be used for gynecological infections.

Experts note the effectiveness of the drug Furamag in the treatment of a number of diseases. The medication has proven itself in the treatment of genitourinary tract infections. It can be used by both women and men as it begins to act immediately, relieving patients of pain symptoms. The drug itself is well tolerated, has few side effects and is affordable.

However. According to experts, when prescribing this medication for therapy to children (especially younger children), difficulties may arise. All inconveniences are associated with taking the drug, the capsule of which must be opened, trying to dissolve the contents in the liquid as best as possible. The medicine itself has a bitter taste and is not able to completely dissolve in water, which causes a vomiting reflex in children.

Despite the fact that most of the reviews were positive, some patients noted side effects after using the drug, for example, muscle and headache, drowsiness and nausea. The given list of negative manifestations of the drug is directly related to a long course of use.

Reviews about Furamag are mostly positive. It works quickly and effectively - pain and dysuria disappear in the first days of use, the color of urine normalizes and the temperature decreases. Good results are observed even in the treatment of chronic cystitis.

Certain difficulties arise when treating young children. The capsule has to be opened and the contents dissolved - the drug is bitter, and the granules do not dissolve completely, which causes a gag reflex. Many people note the appearance of adverse reactions: headache, nausea, drowsiness and muscle pain.


If there are contraindications to the use of Furamag or the drug causes side effects, it is replaced with similar products that have a similar composition.

The following Furamag analogues contain furazidin as the active substance:

  • Furasol;
  • Furagin;
  • Furazidin.

Furadonin has similar antibacterial properties.

It should be remembered that the choice of an analogue should be made by a specialist, after a thorough examination of the patient and assessment of his general condition.

Side effects

The following negative reactions are possible when using Furamag:

Digestive section - adverse reactions are represented by nausea, vomiting, pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, changes in the functionality of the liver, the formation of its insufficient performance - with increased dosages.

  • Nervous system – periodic dizziness, headaches, polyneuritis, paresthesia, irritability.
  • Allergic reactions - dermatitis, angioedema, skin rashes, urticaria.
  • If adverse reactions occur from taking the drug, you should interrupt the course of therapy and consult a doctor.
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