Amoxiclav and its use for kidney inflammation

Antibacterial drugs are used to treat various inflammatory kidney diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. But to some antibiotics, over many years of their use, bacteria have managed to develop resistance, that is, resistance. As a result, pharmacists are forced to develop newer, more effective drugs. However, there is a group of antibiotics - aminopenicillins, to which microorganisms develop resistance very slowly. And even today, only 1% of bacteria show insensitivity to this antibacterial agent. This category of drugs also includes Amoxiclav, which is very often used to treat various diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

Features of the drug

amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageAmoxiclav is an antibacterial agent belonging to the penicillin group.
Amoxiclav is an antibacterial agent belonging to the penicillin group. This is a new generation antibiotic that has a broad spectrum of action and is a type of penicillin of semi-synthetic origin. Amoxiclav is very often used to treat cystitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, as well as in gynecology.

Amoxiclav for kidney problems has a number of advantages compared to other antibiotics of similar action:

the medicine has several release forms, which allows you to choose the type that is suitable for each patient; the drug has a very reasonable price; the drug has stable high bioavailability, which is more than 50%; the drug can be taken regardless of meals; In addition to the bactericidal effect, Amoxiclav has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, the active substance not only destroys microbes, but also prevents their reproduction.

Reviews from doctors

Eldar Nigmatullin, dental surgeon, Lipetsk

The prescription of Amoxiclav is justified after complex extractions and during surgical interventions in the maxillofacial area. Convenient dosage forms. Minimal side effects. Good drug.

Victoria Paraskeva, urologist, Nevinomyssk

This antibiotic is widely used in urological practice. However, the injectable form is more effective than the oral form. In addition, frequent side effects from the gastrointestinal tract are observed. Taking probiotics is a must.

Features of use for diseases of the urinary system

amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageIn the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, the best effect is achieved by using antibiotic therapy
. In the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, the best effect is achieved by using antibiotic therapy. In this case, the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of therapy are determined taking into account the type of disease, the characteristics of the patient and the dynamics of the course of the disease:

In the treatment of cystitis, Amoxiclav is very effective, since the disease is caused by various gram-positive bacteria, against which the drug is especially active. In addition, it is effective against streptococci, salmonella, bordetella, echinococcus and listeria. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, drugs of the aminopenicillin group, which include Amoxiclav, are most often used. It also gives a good effect in the treatment of diseases caused by E. coli and enterococci. The initial stages of pyelonephritis can be treated with a tablet form of the drug. The medicine is quickly absorbed from the digestive system and is excreted from the body in high concentrations along with urine.

Important: treatment of kidney diseases with Amoxiclav is possible not only because of the high effectiveness of the antibiotic, but also because of its minimal nephrotoxicity, which is very important for the kidneys.

When treating urethritis, Amoxiclav allows you to quickly get rid of infections that cause inflammation of the urinary tract. Since urethritis is often caused by microorganisms that enter the urethra from the genital tract, the broad antimicrobial activity of the drug is very important, which allows you to avoid taking additional medications.

Amoxiclav is very quickly absorbed by the body and belongs to the category of fast-acting drugs. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed an hour after its administration.

Antibiotic for kidney inflammation

  • 1 How are effective medications selected?
  • 2 Which antibiotics are most often prescribed by doctors? 2.1 Other groups of antibiotics
  • 3 What medications should I take for treatment during pregnancy?
  • How to effectively treat kidney inflammation? Should you trust traditional medicine, drink more water or choose antibiotics? Is it safe to take antibiotics for kidney inflammation? Inflammation of the kidneys (generally called “nephritis”) and bladder (cystitis) are very undesirable and unpleasant phenomena. The term “nephritis” refers to diseases such as pyelonephritis, pyonephrosis and even tuberculosis. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Unfortunately, people encounter them more often than they would like. It is important to note that the sooner you seek help from a urologist, the easier and faster the process of diagnosis and treatment will be. Whatever tactics are chosen for the treatment of kidney inflammation, and regardless of whether therapy is carried out at home or in a hospital, remember, you can and should get rid of nephritis.

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    How are effective medications selected?

    Cystitis or nephritis is accompanied by inflammation in the kidney area and causes pain in the lumbar region. The disease appears due to bacteria and microbes that enter our kidneys through the blood. The causative agent of the infection is Escherichia coli or streptococci. Moreover, nephritis can cause terrible complications, so do not delay going to the doctor, but start treatment and take medication on time.

    Treatment of inflammation is based on the use of medications in combination with traditional medicine, as well as procedures that are aimed at strengthening the immune system. When dealing with pyelonephritis, doctors adhere to the main principles: diagnosis of the disease, its elimination, prevention of relapse, elimination of symptoms, constant monitoring of the patient.

    Treatment begins with antibiotics taken orally. Antibiotics for kidney disease are very effective because they effectively eliminate the infection. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 12 days. Only a urologist can select antiseptic agents for nephritis after a thorough diagnosis. To do this, a series of tests are carried out to determine the causative agent of the infection: virus, fungus or bacteria. The sensitivity of stimuli to the drug is also determined. The severity of the disease plays an important role in prescribing treatment. For example, a mild degree can be treated with antibiotic tablets, while a severe degree requires injection therapy (sometimes intravenous infusions). Knowing the name of the causative agent of the disease, the complexity of the disease and sensitivity to drugs, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate drug, which will ensure productive treatment.

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    What antibiotics do doctors most often prescribe?

    The doctor individually selects a treatment regimen and medications.

    The most frequently prescribed antibiotics include aminopenicillins, cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. Aminoglycosides and macrolites are less commonly prescribed. Each of these groups is used under certain conditions of the disease. The most commonly prescribed urological antibiotics belong to the following groups:

    1. Aminopenicillin group. The following prescribed medications are usually classified as Amoxicillin and Penicillin. They guarantee effective treatment when the causative agent of the infection is E. coli and enterococcus. A safe group that can be prescribed even during pregnancy.
    2. Cephalosporin group. If the disease is accompanied by purulent inflammation, then for inflammation of the kidneys, Klaforan, Zinnat, Tsiprolet, Ceforal, Tamycin, Cephalexin are prescribed. Taking these tablets helps the patient feel better at least on the 3rd day of treatment. It is especially worth highlighting Cephalexin. The healing substance of this drug, 7-ACC, quickly prevents the inflammatory process from becoming a complication.
    3. Fluoroquinolone group. These are Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Nolitsin. Prescribed for complications and chronic forms. They have a number of contraindications.

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    Other groups of antibiotics

    1. Aminoglycoside group. Prescribed for advanced stages of the disease (“Netilmicin”, “Gentamacin”, “Amikacin”). Such tablets have a toxic effect on the body and should not be taken for a long time.
    2. Nitrofuran group. They have been used successfully for treatment for quite a long time. Prominent representatives are “Furadonin”, “Furamag”.
    3. Macrolide group. The drugs in this category “Sumamed” and “Vilprafen” are effective against some bacteria. Adolescents over 14 years of age are allowed.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning uroseptics - these drugs, like antibiotics, affect the urinary tract and have an antiseptic effect. Very rarely, doctors prescribe injections for kidney inflammation. They can be fast-acting because they are quickly absorbed, unlike tablets or when tablets alone are not enough. And do not choose antibiotics on your own; before going to the pharmacy, consult a urologist.

    Amoxicillin is one of the popular antibiotics.

    So, among these groups of drugs, the most famous antibiotics are Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin. This group of drugs has been used for a long time and successfully copes with the task. Among injectable antibiotics, you should choose Cefatoxime and Cefazolin.

    Remember, the dosage is selected individually for each patient, depending on the severity of the disease and the infection that led to inflammation. In the course of antibiotics, the doctor will also prescribe probiotics, which will help the body “recover” after active treatment, because Antibiotics tend to spoil the internal intestinal flora.

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    What medications should I take for treatment during pregnancy?

    It is important to prevent inflammation from occurring during pregnancy. Doctors consider the dangerous period to be from 22 to 40 weeks. You need to eat right, it is advisable to limit the consumption of large amounts of salt and liquids, get enough sleep, walk a lot, dress warmly. These simple tricks will prevent complications. Otherwise, you will have to resort to the help of doctors. According to medical research statistics, 10% of pregnant women have cystitis, up to 2% of pregnant women suffer from pyelonephritis, and a small percentage have urinary tract diseases.

    Treatment cannot be ignored, nor can self-medication be practiced. The consequences can be dangerous, including premature birth. Therefore, women are admitted to a hospital for treatment, where they are under the supervision of doctors. Taking medications during this period is strictly prohibited, so before moving on to medication, nephrologists recommend safer methods. Firstly, diet (no salty and spicy foods), and secondly, drink enough water. Doctors may prescribe herbal medicines. Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of kidney inflammation are prescribed only when other types of treatment do not help. In this case, injections of the already familiar “Ceftriaxone” and “Ceazolin” are prescribed.

    Release forms

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageVarious forms of medication can be used to treat various kidney ailments and pathologies of the urinary system.
    The following forms of medication can be used to treat various kidney ailments and pathologies of the urinary system:

    tablets in a dosage of 0.25; 0.5 and 0.875 g; for the treatment of children, powder is used from which a suspension is prepared (5 ml of suspension may contain 0.25 or 0.4 g of active substance); bottles with soluble powder for intravenous use (medicine dosage - 500, 1000 mg).

    In any form of the drug there are two active substances:

    amoxicillin is an antibacterial agent of the penicillin group; Clavulanic acid is a substance that prevents bacteria from developing resistance to amoxicillin and thereby helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

    pharmachologic effect

    The medication is a semi-synthetic penicillin, the active component of which penetrates the site of inflammation and prevents the synthesis of pepdidoglycan. This substance is involved in maintaining the stability of the bacterial cell. As a result of exposure to amoxicillin, the cell membrane is destroyed and the infectious agent dies.

    The drug is effective against bacteria that produce beta-lactamases that bind penicillin proteins. Clavulanic acid in Amoxiclav prevents this process. Therefore, the antibiotic is used against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic aerobic organisms and can be used when the body is affected by some anaerobes.

    The active substances are almost immediately absorbed from the digestive tract and are evenly distributed in the tissues of internal organs and biological fluids. The highest concentrations of the antibiotic are observed within an hour after administration in the respiratory and urinary systems. The half-life of the active components is 60-90 minutes.

    Before starting to take an antimicrobial agent, it is necessary to conduct a test to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the active ingredients.

    Indications and contraindications

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageAmoxiclav is used for kidney inflammation and other diseases caused by bacteria
    Amoxiclav is used for kidney inflammation and other diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to the active substance used in the drug. The list of indications for the use of this drug includes the following diseases:

    Infectious diseases of the urinary tract, namely urethritis and pyelonephritis. Gynecological diseases. Various infectious lesions of soft tissues and skin. As a prophylactic against insect and animal bites. For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases associated with the respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. For the treatment of bile ducts. The drug is used for infectious lesions of the skeletal system and connective tissues.

    Intravenous medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

    For the treatment of various infectious pathologies of the abdominal cavity. To combat sexually transmitted infections. As a prophylactic agent in the postoperative period.

    The list of contraindications includes the following diseases and conditions:

    In case of individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug. Increased resistance to penicillin-based drugs and other beta-lactam antibiotics. Lymphocytic leukemia. Infectious mononucleosis. If there have been previous cases of liver dysfunction that were provoked by the use of amoxicillin or clavulanic acid.


    The dosage regimen of the medication is determined by a specialist, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient. Before treating an inflammatory process, a blood and urine test is considered a mandatory procedure. The average duration of treatment is from 5 days to 2 weeks.

    For mild to moderate disease, 250 mg tablets are usually prescribed (1 piece every 8 hours). Severe infections are treated by taking 500 mg of the medicine every 12 hours.

    The recommended dose depends on the following factors:

    • age;
    • body weight;
    • stages of disease development;
    • general condition of the body;
    • kidney functioning.

    Taking medication
    If kidney problems are diagnosed, the dosage and dosage interval are adjusted by the doctor

    Treatment of cystitis

    The daily norm of Amoxiclav for an adult is 625 mg. The dose should be divided into 2 doses. The average duration of the therapeutic course is 3 days.

    If the stage of cystitis is not too advanced, the daily dosage of the drug is reduced to 375 mg, but in this case the treatment course is extended to 1 week. It is forbidden to take pills on your own for more than 7 days if the prescribed treatment does not bring the expected result.

    A longer period of therapy may be prescribed by a doctor if the patient is at risk due to existing diseases and characteristics, which include:

    • elevated blood sugar levels;
    • male cystitis, occurring in acute form;
    • old age (over 65 years);
    • metabolic disorders;
    • acute forms of pathologies.

    It is recommended to combine treatment of cystitis with increasing the volume of fluid consumed. This helps eliminate pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation of the bladder

    During therapy, sexual intercourse and physical activity should be avoided. In some cases, it is appropriate to prescribe a special diet.

    Pyelonephritis is treated for at least 7 days. If therapy is not long enough, there is a risk of leaving the pathology untreated. In some cases, the course is extended to 14 days, but this must be decided by the attending physician, based on test results and the general condition of the patient’s body (especially the kidneys).

    Treatment of urethritis

    If you have urethritis, you should not use Amoxiclav for more than 14 days. The dosage is selected individually and cannot be the same even for sexual partners.

    An overdose that occurs requires symptomatic treatment. The patient must be under medical supervision. If the last use of the medicine occurred no later than 4 hours ago, it is advisable to do a gastric lavage and take activated charcoal (reduces absorption).

    Treatment and dosage

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageThe dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the nature of the disease.
    The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

    Important: before prescribing treatment, you need to take a CBC and FAM to confirm the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process. The doctor may also prescribe a bacterial culture of urine, which will identify the causative agent of the disease and assess its sensitivity to antibiotics of different groups.

    Typically, the duration of antibiotic therapy is 5-14 days. For mild to moderate severity of the disease, a tablet form with a dosage of 250 mg is prescribed, which should be taken one piece every eight hours. To treat severe forms of the disease, tablets are used in a dosage of 500 mg, which are taken every 12 hours.

    The doctor determines the dosage of the medicine taking into account:

    the patient's age and weight; general condition of the body (the presence of chronic diseases is taken into account); stage of development of the disease and the severity of its course; functioning of the kidneys and liver (presence of renal and/or liver failure).

    The duration of treatment for cystitis with Amoxiclav is three days. Therapy for pyelonephritis lasts at least seven days, and a two-week course is indicated for the treatment of urethritis.

    How to take Amoxiclav

    The form of the drug, dosage, regimen and duration of administration are determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease, concomitant pathologies, age and other individual characteristics. Tablets and suspension are taken orally, the solution for injections is administered intravenously.

    Before or after meals

    Food intake does not have much effect on the rate of absorption of antibiotic components. However, to prevent disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, oral forms of the drug are recommended to be used after meals.

    to prevent disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, oral forms of the drug are recommended to be used after meals

    To prevent disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, oral forms of the drug are recommended to be used after meals.

    How to breed

    To prepare the suspension, you need to shake the contents of the bottle. Then add 86 ml of water step by step. The bottle should be shaken so that the powder dissolves and a homogeneous mass is formed.

    To prepare the dosage form of the drug intended for infusions and injections, sterile water for injection is used. If the drug is in a dosage of 500/100 mg, 10 ml of solvent will be required, for bottles with a volume of 1200 mg - 20 ml.

    How many days to take

    The doctor determines the duration of taking the antibacterial agent individually. But most often therapy is carried out from 5 to 10 days.

    For sore throat

    For uncomplicated angina, adults and children over 12 years of age and weighing more than 40 kg should take 250 mg of Amoxiclav 3 times a day. If the infection is moderate, it is recommended to drink 500 mg twice a day. Purulent tonsillitis requires an increased dosage. The patient needs to take 875 mg of the drug in the morning and evening.

    For cystitis

    For inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, an antibiotic is prescribed at a dosage of 500/125 mg 2 times a day. According to this regimen, the medicine is taken for 3 days. If there is a need to extend therapy for up to a week, the dose is reduced to 250/125 mg 2 times a day.

    For kidney inflammation

    In case of acute pyelonephritis, the patient is prescribed injections of 1.2 g of Amoxiclav. The manipulation is carried out 3 times a day for 5 days. In the chronic form of the disease, the doctor can extend the use of the antimicrobial drug for up to 2 weeks, using tablets or suspension.

    For uncomplicated angina, adults and children over 12 years of age and weighing more than 40 kg should take 250 mg of Amoxiclav 3 times a day.

    For bronchitis

    For mild bronchitis, take 1 tablet of Amoxiclav 375 mg every 8 hours. If the disease is severe, then a dosage of 625 mg is prescribed after the same interval or 1000 mg once every 12 hours.

    For sinusitis

    Bacterial infection of the maxillary sinuses is treated with 250/125 mg of antibiotic three times a day. In an advanced stage, the infection can be managed by taking 500/125 mg of the drug 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

    For other diseases

    For cholecystitis and other diseases of the biliary tract that are inflammatory in nature, as well as for odontogenic infections, it is recommended to take 375 mg of Amoxiclav every 8 hours. The doctor may increase the dosage to 675 mg. In this case, the break between doses is 12 hours.

    Side effects and overdose

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageWhen treated with Amoxiclav in elderly men, liver failure may occur during therapy.
    When treated with Amoxiclav, the following adverse reactions may occur:

    From the digestive system, pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, hepatitis, liver dysfunction, stomatitis, gastritis, darkening of tooth enamel, cholestatic jaundice, glossitis, hemorrhagic colitis are sometimes observed. In older men, liver failure may occur during therapy. The following undesirable manifestations are observed from the central nervous system: dizziness, convulsions, anxiety, insomnia, headache. Typically, such side effects occur in people with kidney problems. Urinary system: hematuria, crystalluria, inflammation of the renal tubules and organ parenchyma. Allergic manifestations are most often expressed in the form of urticaria, angioedema, skin itching, anaphylactic shock, epidermal toxic necrolysis (Lyell's disease), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, allergic vasculitis, exudative erythema multiforme.

    In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is indicated. Gastric lavage is done if no more than four hours have passed since the last dose. After washing, the patient is given any sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

    The main groups of antibiotics for the treatment of pyelonephritis

  • film-coated tablets (250, 500, 875 mg);
  • powder for preparing a suspension 5 ml (250 and 400 mg);
  • soluble powder for intravenous administration (500 and 1000 mg).
  • Amoxicillin, included by WHO in the list of the most important existing medicines;
  • Clavulanic acid, which helps destroy microorganisms.
  • intolerance to any component included in the composition;
  • high sensitivity to penicillins and other beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • liver dysfunction, the appearance of which was provoked by clavulanic acid or amoxicillin;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • penicillins;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • sulfonamides;
  • cephalosporins;
  • nitrofurans;
  • aminoglycosides.
  • Tablets 375 or 625 mg containing 250 or 500 mg amoxicillin and 125 mg clavulonic acid, respectively. In bottles of 15 pieces;
  • Powder for the preparation of a suspension containing 125 mg of amoxicillin and 31.25 mg of clavulonic acid;
  • Lyophilized powder for injection in 600 or 1200 mg vials containing 500 or 1000 mg amoxicillin and 100 or 200 mg clavulonic acid, respectively.
  • Pregnancy and childhood

    The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, you should stop breastfeeding during antibiotic therapy, as the medicine may pass into breast milk in small quantities.

    Amoxiclav is used to treat various diseases in children. Most often it is prescribed for streptococcal sore throat, but it is also used to treat the urinary system and kidneys in childhood.

    The daily dosage for children is 45 mg per 1 kg of child weight. It is recommended to take the antibiotic in the form of a suspension, since in this case it is easier to accurately determine the dosage of the drug, as well as give it to a small child. After 12 years and weighing more than 40 kg, an adult dosage of the drug is used for treatment.

    Antibacterial drugs are used to treat various inflammatory kidney diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. But to some antibiotics, over many years of their use, bacteria have managed to develop resistance, that is, resistance. As a result, pharmacists are forced to develop newer, more effective drugs. However, there is a group of antibiotics - aminopenicillins, to which microorganisms develop resistance very slowly. And even today, only 1% of bacteria show insensitivity to this antibacterial agent. This category of drugs also includes Amoxiclav, which is very often used to treat various diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

    Elimination of the inflammatory process in the kidneys

    What is kidney inflammation? This general term refers to several diseases that cause pain in the kidneys, inflammation of the mucous membrane, and impaired production and excretion of urine. Such diseases cannot be cured with one medicine, so the urologist prescribes several drugs at once, the action of which is aimed at reducing pain, eliminating swelling, and extinguishing bacterial infections.


    The choice of antibacterial drug depends on the severity of the inflammatory process that has developed in the genitourinary system. In addition, before prescribing the medicine, the type of pathogen that has affected the kidneys is determined in a laboratory. Antibiotics are selected that can quickly and effectively remove the pathogenic bacteria and prevent its spread.

    For mild, primary infections, antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group are prescribed:

    • Amoxicillin.
    • Flemoxin.
    • Penicillin.
    • Macrolide.

    Most often, medications are prescribed in tablets. There is a low effectiveness of these antibiotics for pyelonephritis, so the patient is recommended to use stronger drugs of a new generation. Urologists often recommend taking cephalosporin antibacterial drugs:

    • Cephalexin.
    • Cefatoxime.
    • Cephalothin.
    • Zinat.
    • Claforan.

    These drugs are low-toxic and consist of natural and semi-synthetic substances. They have a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic effect and can be used for immunodeficiency. Patients may experience side effects after taking it: arrhythmia, nausea, rash.

    Complex purulent infections require treatment with aminglycosides.

    • Amikacin.
    • Sizomycin.
    • Netilmicin.
    • Gentamicin.

    These drugs are prescribed for secondary infections and a repeated course of treatment. You cannot take aminoglycosides on your own; an overdose of drugs of this type can lead to kidney failure.

    In case of acute inflammation of the kidneys, the urologist may recommend taking drugs of the fluoroquinol group:

    • Ofloxacin.
    • Pefloxacin.
    • Sparfloxacin.
    • Ciprofloxacin.

    Preference should be given to the latest medicines, of a new generation. They have fewer side effects and have a quick healing effect.


    If infectious processes have affected the kidneys and urinary tract, another type of drug indicated for use is uroseptics. They have not only a bacteriostatic effect, but also an antiseptic effect.

    Also, uroseptic can be a cure for sand in the kidneys, since it not only helps reduce the negative manifestations of pathogenic bacteria, but can also reduce swelling, inflammation, and speed up the cleansing of the urinary tract. Most often, patients are offered to take nitrofurans (Furadonin, Furagin). These are the simplest medicines produced for a very long period of time. Can be used for both prevention and treatment.

    Nitroxaline is more effective. It is suitable for patients suffering from kidney inflammation complicated by prostate adenoma or sexually transmitted infections. Can be used after surgery on the genitourinary system, to prevent the development of infection after inserting a catheter or bougienage of the urethra.

    A new generation drug is Nolitsin. Used to treat acute and chronic kidney infections, simple and complex diseases of the genitourinary system, accompanied by inflammation of the renal ducts. It is also used to prevent sepsis after removing kidney stones or eliminating cystic formations.

    Features of the drug

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageAmoxiclav is an antibacterial agent belonging to the penicillin group.
    Amoxiclav is an antibacterial agent belonging to the penicillin group. This is a new generation antibiotic that has a broad spectrum of action and is a type of penicillin of semi-synthetic origin. Amoxiclav is very often used to treat cystitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, as well as in gynecology.

    Amoxiclav for kidney problems has a number of advantages compared to other antibiotics of similar action:

    the medicine has several release forms, which allows you to choose the type that is suitable for each patient; the drug has a very reasonable price; the drug has stable high bioavailability, which is more than 50%; the drug can be taken regardless of meals; In addition to the bactericidal effect, Amoxiclav has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, the active substance not only destroys microbes, but also prevents their reproduction.

    Amoxiclav for the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis | Medicines

    Urogenital pathologies are eliminated using the following categories of antimicrobial drugs:

    1. Penicillins. Amoxicillin is popular. Microbes have learned to develop immunity against penicillins through beta-lactamase enzymes. Clavulanic acid blocks bacterial enzymes. The drug Amoxiclav combines Amoxicillin and a beta-lactamase component.

    In severe cases of kidney pyelonephritis, antibiotics of the latest generation are administered intravenously:

  • Piprax;
  • Piperacillin;
  • Isipen.
    1. Fluoroquinolones. Norfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin are in demand. The drugs are contraindicated for children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
    2. Aminoglycosides. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, Sizomycin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin are used. During pregnancy, lactation, childhood, and severe renal pathologies, aminoglycosides are not prescribed.
    3. Cephalosporins. Cefotaxime, Cefepime, Ceftriaxone are popular. The drugs are considered harmless. They are approved for use by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
    4. Carbapenems. These are powders intended for intravenous use. The most famous are Meropenem and Jenem Doriprex.

    Treatment of manifest and permanent kidney inflammation is different.

    The patient is hospitalized. They practice two-stage treatment. Intravenous infusions are used to relieve acute symptoms. The course of treatment is 2...4 days. When the condition improves, they switch to intramuscular injections.

    Lomflox for pyelonephritis

    Antibiotic therapy is completed by taking tablets. After obtaining the results of urine bacterial culture, antimicrobial treatment is adjusted.

    Permanent pyelonephritis is a lifelong disease in which periods of remission are followed by exacerbations. During manifestation, cephalosporins are used mainly, since their half-life is the longest. During periods of exacerbations, injections of Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime or analogues are preferred.

    When the condition improves, tablets are used. To correct treatment, a bacterial urine test is performed to determine sensitivity to antimicrobial agents. Since the kidneys are weakened during pyelonephritis, each subsequent exacerbation can cause different contagions.

    Antibiotic treatment for women, men and children is not the same. The most vulnerable categories are pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Antimicrobial drugs are dangerous not for them, but for the developing embryo or baby.

    For children, gentle medications are selected that do not have a negative effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system and cartilaginous structures, as well as beneficial intestinal microflora.

    For adult men, there are no special restrictions on the use of antibiotics, however, they also have different pathogens. Most often, kidney inflammation is combined with chronic or acute inflammation processes occurring in other organs.

    Cifran for pyelonephritis

    The choice of antibiotic is influenced by the physiological state. For breastfeeding and pregnant women, Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav is used, preferably in the form of a suspension. Second generation cephalosporins are allowed for parenteral administration. In severe situations, intravenous administration of Penicillins or Carbapenems is prescribed.

    Since the infection enters a woman’s body from the outside and pyelonephritis often occurs as a complication after cystitis, universal antibiotics are used until pathogens are identified, followed by correction.

    Most antibiotics should not be used in children. The choice is made on oral medications that have a pleasant taste and are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. A suspension of Amoxiclav or analogues meets these requirements. The powdered drug is diluted before use. Storage of the suspension in the refrigerator for a week is allowed.

    In case of severe disease or complications, parenteral administration of II generation cephalosporins is allowed.

    Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics. Two-stage therapy is used. Until you feel better, injectable antibiotics are used for pyelonephritis. Complete the course of treatment with oral medications. Therapy for acute and chronic forms of the disease is different. The decision on the choice of antibiotic is made by a urologist, gynecologist or pediatrician.

    Features of use for diseases of the urinary system

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageIn the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, the best effect is achieved by using antibiotic therapy
    . In the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, the best effect is achieved by using antibiotic therapy. In this case, the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of therapy are determined taking into account the type of disease, the characteristics of the patient and the dynamics of the course of the disease:

    In the treatment of cystitis, Amoxiclav is very effective, since the disease is caused by various gram-positive bacteria, against which the drug is especially active. In addition, it is effective against streptococci, salmonella, bordetella, echinococcus and listeria. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, drugs of the aminopenicillin group, which include Amoxiclav, are most often used. It also gives a good effect in the treatment of diseases caused by E. coli and enterococci. The initial stages of pyelonephritis can be treated with a tablet form of the drug. The medicine is quickly absorbed from the digestive system and is excreted from the body in high concentrations along with urine.

    Important: treatment of kidney diseases with Amoxiclav is possible not only because of the high effectiveness of the antibiotic, but also because of its minimal nephrotoxicity, which is very important for the kidneys.

    When treating urethritis, Amoxiclav allows you to quickly get rid of infections that cause inflammation of the urinary tract. Since urethritis is often caused by microorganisms that enter the urethra from the genital tract, the broad antimicrobial activity of the drug is very important, which allows you to avoid taking additional medications.

    Amoxiclav is very quickly absorbed by the body and belongs to the category of fast-acting drugs. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed an hour after its administration.

    Use for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis

    Antibiotic therapy is considered the most effective in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis. The dosage of the medicine is selected in accordance with the type, type and dynamics of the development of the pathology.

    For cystitis

    The drug Amoxiclav for cystitis is highly effective. This is possible due to the fact that the drug is active against gram-positive bacteria that cause inflammation of the bladder. The bactericidal effect of the drug also applies to streptococci, bordetella, salmonella, listeria and echinococcus.

    For pyelonephritis

    Aminopenicillins are widely used to treat pathology. Amoxiclav provides a good therapeutic effect against enterococci and E. coli. For kidney inflammation at the initial stage, treatment with tablets is possible.

    High-quality treatment of pyelonephritis with Amoxiclav is possible due to its high antibiotic properties. In addition, the drug has minimal nephrotoxicity, which affects the condition of the kidneys. Treatment of the inflammatory process in the kidneys and bladder should be accompanied by rapid elimination of the drug. Amoxiclav has this property and leaves the body in high concentrations along with urine.

    For urethritis

    Amoxiclav helps get rid of urethritis, because... capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation of the urethra. An important factor in the treatment of the urethra is the fact that the drug is active against a wide range of microorganisms. Quite often, urethritis is accompanied by genital tract infections, so the ability of Amoxiclav to influence various microorganisms allows you to avoid additional treatment.

    Release forms

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageVarious forms of medication can be used to treat various kidney ailments and pathologies of the urinary system.
    The following forms of medication can be used to treat various kidney ailments and pathologies of the urinary system:

    tablets in a dosage of 0.25; 0.5 and 0.875 g; for the treatment of children, powder is used from which a suspension is prepared (5 ml of suspension may contain 0.25 or 0.4 g of active substance); bottles with soluble powder for intravenous use (medicine dosage - 500, 1000 mg).

    In any form of the drug there are two active substances:

    amoxicillin is an antibacterial agent of the penicillin group; Clavulanic acid is a substance that prevents bacteria from developing resistance to amoxicillin and thereby helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

    What antibiotics are possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    Therapy for bacterial cystitis is unthinkable without the use of antibiotics. Even for pregnant and nursing mothers. Every doctor will confirm this.

    However, their use must be strictly justified by abnormalities in urinalysis. Subjective signs and complaints of the expectant mother during normal tests are a reason for further examination, and not for prescribing an antibiotic.

    When a doctor prescribes treatment in such cases, he is concerned not only with the effectiveness of the drug, but also with its safety for the fetus and baby.

    The number of antibiotics approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding is small. There is an American classification by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It includes 5 groups of drugs classified according to safety for the pregnant woman and the fetus. Among the antibiotics from group A allowed during pregnancy and lactation are the following groups: penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins. Nitrofurans are found to be safe for use in the second trimester.

    • Penicillins

    Both pure amoxicillin and amoxicillin in combination with clavulonic acid can be used. The latter is needed to suppress resistance to the lactamase ring of amoxicillin.

    Amoxicillin is prescribed for 5–7 days at a safe dose for nursing and pregnant women, 0.5 grams 3 times a day.

    Amoxiclav - 625 mg 3 times a day.

    Most often, any of these medications is enough to defeat cystitis. However, in large quantities, both penetrate the placenta and into breast milk. But they do not pose an immediate threat to the child.

    • Macrolides

    This group can treat cystitis when an allergy to amoxicillin has occurred, as well as if an inflammatory causative agent, such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, or ureaplasma, has been isolated by PCR.

    In this case, Azithromycin or another macrolide is prescribed for three days.

    • Cephalosporins

    They act on most microorganisms that cause cystitis. Also safe for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is convenient to take Cefuroxime for home use. Tablets are produced under the trade name Zinnat. Typically, your doctor will prescribe 0.25–0.5 g twice a day for 5–7 days.

    Nitrofurans are usually not used in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To treat inflammation of the bladder, drugs such as Furagin, Furadonin are used as second-line drugs. For women, Furadonin is prescribed 100 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment is about 7 days.

    Antibiotics that are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding:

    • Tetracyclines. Adversely affects the formation of bones and cartilage in children. Prohibited for children under 8 years of age.
    • Fluoroquinolones. Toxic to children.
    • Ainoglycosides. They can cause deafness and also damage the kidneys.
    • Nitoxolines. They have a good therapeutic effect for cystitis, but are not safe for children.

    Indications and contraindications

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageAmoxiclav is used for kidney inflammation and other diseases caused by bacteria
    Amoxiclav is used for kidney inflammation and other diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to the active substance used in the drug. The list of indications for the use of this drug includes the following diseases:

    Infectious diseases of the urinary tract, namely urethritis and pyelonephritis. Gynecological diseases. Various infectious lesions of soft tissues and skin. As a prophylactic against insect and animal bites. For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases associated with the respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. For the treatment of bile ducts. The drug is used for infectious lesions of the skeletal system and connective tissues.

    Intravenous medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

    For the treatment of various infectious pathologies of the abdominal cavity. To combat sexually transmitted infections. As a prophylactic agent in the postoperative period.

    The list of contraindications includes the following diseases and conditions:

    In case of individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug. Increased resistance to penicillin-based drugs and other beta-lactam antibiotics. Lymphocytic leukemia. Infectious mononucleosis. If there have been previous cases of liver dysfunction that were provoked by the use of amoxicillin or clavulanic acid.

    Taking effective antibiotics for cystitis in women

    Symptoms of cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, are familiar to many women. Burning and pain when urinating, endless urge, lack of relief and release of the bladder. Most people know that antibiotics are used to treat cystitis.

    The disease is caused by a variety of microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi. Very often, cystitis is a complication of other ailments of the genitourinary organs. And without their treatment it will not be possible to cope with inflammation. Therefore, only a doctor can decide which antibiotics to take for cystitis in women, after research and testing.

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    What antibacterial drugs are indicated for cystitis?

    The most common causative agent of the disease is Escherichia coli. Infection often occurs ascending through the urethral outlet. Microorganisms rise up and infect the bladder. Antibiotics for cystitis in women are selected based on the results of a urine culture test. Laboratory analysis shows which agent will be effective against a given microorganism.

    Attention! It is mandatory to visit a gynecologist and conduct a vaginal smear examination.

    After receiving the results of this analysis, you should decide which antibiotics are best to take for cystitis so that they are also effective for diseases of the genital organs.

    Antibiotics of the following groups are used for therapy:

    • fluoroquinolones (Norbactin, Nolicin, Ciprofloxacin);
    • macrolides (Rulid, Roxithromycin, Spiramycin);
    • cephalosporins (Ceforal, Cedex);
    • penicillins (Flemoxin Solutab, Flemoklav;
    • nitrofurans (Furagin, Furadonin, Furazolidone);
    • phosphonic acid preparations (Monural).

    Other types of medications are also prescribed. The doctor chooses an effective remedy after a sensitivity test.

    The most effective antibiotics

    The list of medications for treating the disease is regularly updated. Today these are the ones most often prescribed.

    1. Monural is a phosphonic acid preparation. It is used in the treatment of acute forms of the disease. It is not used in chronic cases. It is a strong uroantiseptic. For the treatment of acute forms, a one-time use is sufficient. The active ingredient is fosfomycin. Recently, Monural has been the most prescribed antibiotic for cystitis in women.
    2. Ciprofloxacin, Nolitsin are popular drugs from the fluoroquinolones series. They act as backup drugs if other medications do not help.
    3. Ceforal - acts on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The course of treatment is 7 days.
    4. Furagin is effective against streptococci and staphylococci, which are often the causative agents of infection. Furadonin is its analogue.
    5. Nevigramon is a drug from the quinolone group. Active against gram-negative bacteria. The duration of treatment is at least 7 days.
    6. Roxithromycin – has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. It belongs to the class of macrolides, therefore it is low-toxic. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.
    7. Palin is a drug from the quinolone group. Prescribed prophylactically during instrumental studies. Effective for acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder. A derivative of pipemidic acid.
    8. Flemoxin Solutab is a drug from the penicillin group. Can be used during pregnancy. It is used for cystitis as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Well absorbed into the blood in the gastrointestinal tract.
    9. Fluconazole is an antifungal agent. Prescribed for bladder inflammation caused by fungi. Effective against the most common type of infection - Candida fungi.

    Antibiotics for cystitis are mandatory. Inflammation easily becomes chronic or affects other parts of the genitourinary organs. A common complication is pyelonephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys. Therefore, you need to take the prescribed medications to the end.

    Important! If cystitis does not go away after taking antibiotics, it means that the dosage was chosen incorrectly, the course was not completed, or the causative agent was not identified.

    Many microorganisms show high resistance to the drugs used against them. Therefore, if relief does not occur, it is necessary to change the remedy to another. In this case, drugs from a different group are usually used.

    Quick treatment of cystitis with antibiotics

    Antiviral drugs

    Treatment of inflammation caused by viruses is more difficult. Acyclovir (Ganciclovir) is usually prescribed for oral administration in a course. Viferon is also often used. Antibacterial therapy is carried out in combination with an antiviral agent to prevent additional infection.

    How to treat cystitis in women with antibiotics

    What additional therapy is needed?

    Treatment of bladder inflammation is carried out comprehensively. In addition to drugs for cystitis, other medications are used. They strengthen the immune system, alleviate the condition and improve urine output. Apply:

    1. Antispasmodics – relieve spasms of smooth muscles. Drotaverine, No-shpa.
    2. Analgesics – Baralgin.
    3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam. They have an antipyretic effect and relieve inflammation.
    4. Preparations based on medicinal herbs - Canephron, Monurel, Cyston. Improve urinary excretion, reduce inflammation.
    5. Antibacterial vaginal suppositories - Betadine, Hexicon.
    6. Probiotics – Linex, Acipol.

    If recovery is delayed, bladder instillations are prescribed - injecting the medicine directly into the organ. For administration use Uro-Gial, Dimexide.

    Sometimes women develop cystitis after a course of antibiotic treatment for other infectious diseases. It should be understood that cystitis does not occur after antibiotics, but as a result of weakening of the body caused by a previous illness and taking medications. The impetus for bladder damage is loss of immunity.


    The list of antibiotics used for cystitis in women is constantly being updated with new generations of drugs. Infectious agents adapt to medications, and the effectiveness of therapy decreases.

    Women need to remember that medications alone are not enough for treatment and prevention. It is important to maintain good hygiene and eat a healthy diet.

    After recovery, you should increase physical activity and give up bad habits.

    Treatment and dosage

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageThe dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the nature of the disease.
    The dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

    Important: before prescribing treatment, you need to take a CBC and FAM to confirm the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process. The doctor may also prescribe a bacterial culture of urine, which will identify the causative agent of the disease and assess its sensitivity to antibiotics of different groups.

    Typically, the duration of antibiotic therapy is 5-14 days. For mild to moderate severity of the disease, a tablet form with a dosage of 250 mg is prescribed, which should be taken one piece every eight hours. To treat severe forms of the disease, tablets are used in a dosage of 500 mg, which are taken every 12 hours.

    The doctor determines the dosage of the medicine taking into account:

    the patient's age and weight; general condition of the body (the presence of chronic diseases is taken into account); stage of development of the disease and the severity of its course; functioning of the kidneys and liver (presence of renal and/or liver failure).

    The duration of treatment for cystitis with Amoxiclav is three days. Therapy for pyelonephritis lasts at least seven days, and a two-week course is indicated for the treatment of urethritis.

    Amoxiclav for pyelonephritis: effectiveness and how to use correctly

    Pyelonephritis is a chronic or acute inflammatory process that destroys the structural elements of the kidney.
    It manifests itself as high fever, severe back pain in the kidney area, and difficulty urinating.

    Considering the microbiological nature of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to use drugs aimed at destroying pathogens. Traditionally, treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out with Amoxiclav.

    The principle of action of the drug

    Being an antimicrobial medicine, it allows you to neutralize the root cause of infectious and inflammatory diseases - pathogenic bacteria .

    The use of such agents is required, including for infections localized in other organs and tissues, because many pathogens are sensitive to it. Accordingly, Amoxiclav eliminates the main cause of this dangerous disease.

    It has repeatedly shown excellent results in the treatment of pyelonephritis of varying severity, which was confirmed in numerous clinical studies.

    The combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid helps prevent the development of tolerance in pathogens, which is especially important given the duration of antimicrobial therapy for pyelonephritis.

    It has been experimentally confirmed that this particular tandem increases the likelihood of complete recovery by 2 times, if we draw an analogy with medications that contain only amoxicillin. The explanation is simple: the acid prevents the destructive effects of enzymes secreted by bacteria on antimicrobial drugs.

    When is Amoxiclav recommended?

    • If the doctor diagnosed an infection of the genitourinary organs, which is pyelonephritis.
    • Pathologies associated with the activity of pathogenic microbes (infectious and inflammatory processes localized in various tissues and organs)
    • Suitable for use in adults and children from birth.

    The decision on the advisability of prescribing should be made by the doctor, based on the results of urine culture, urine and blood tests.

    Who can he harm?

    In the following cases, the use of Amoxiclav is dangerous to health:

    • Malignant neoplasms of the lymphatic system,
    • Severe degree of renal failure,
    • Intolerance to the ingredients of Amoxiclav, including if hypersensitivity to other medications of similar action has been noted (cephalosporins, penicillins)
    • Acute form of liver failure.

    How to use it

    Treatment tactics are determined by the following criteria: body weight, age, form of the disease, and severity of the patient.

    The manufacturer provides the following dosage forms:

    • Injection powder for preparing a solution.
    • Tablets for internal use.
    • Suspension.

    In the acute course of the disease, at the beginning of therapy, a course of Amoxiclav injections is given (1.2 g 3 times a day until the condition improves, usually about 5 days), then the patient is transferred to tablets or suspensions.

    In this case, the duration of treatment is about two weeks; in case of relapses, preventive treatment is required for six months, but if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to a year. The dosage is selected individually .

    Generally speaking:

    • In children under 3 months (from 2 kg) - use a suspension with a minimum content of active ingredients,
    • Suspension 250/62.5 mg and 400/57 mg is used from 3 months of age,
    • Tablets are indicated from 12 years of age (from 40 kg), as well as for adults. Daily dose 2-3 tablets.

    There are 3 tablet dosage options: 250/125 mg, 500/125 mg and 875/125 mg. The doctor gives instructions on the required dose for a particular patient.

    How to combine with other medications

    Because Amoxiclav is a serious medication; it is better to take it separately from the rest to avoid interactions between the active substances.

    Cannot be combined with courses of the following medications:

    • Blood thinners - to avoid too much reduction in blood clotting.
    • Teturami its analogues - increases mutual toxicity.
    • Other antimicrobial agents may weaken the effect of Amoxiclav.
    • Contraceptives (their effectiveness is weakened).

    Therefore, it is important to inform the attending physician about concomitant diseases and treatments that are already being carried out.

    Is this treatment method safe?

    Amoxiclav is a low-toxic drug, however, a number of negative aspects may occur.

    The most common are:

    • Dysbacteriosis.
    • Rashes, itching and other manifestations of allergic reactions.
    • Discomfortable sensations in the stomach and intestines.
    • Headache, dizziness.
    • Deterioration of indicators in analyses.

    These manifestations can be minimized using simple rules:

    • Take after meals with water (1/2 cup),
    • It is advisable to combine it with probiotics, which will protect the intestinal microflora from its destructive effects.

    How can I replace Amoxiclav?

    Generics (substitutes) are: Arlet, Ecoclave, Augmentin, Panclave, Flemoxin Solutab, Rapiclav, etc., produced by foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies.

    Doses of clavulanic acid may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

    Do not chase a low price, because a low cost means that such a medicine has not undergone clinical studies that would prove its effectiveness in treating this disease.

    Remember ! Antibiotics containing only amoxicillin are not analogues of Amoxiclav.

    What else to remember

    Available with prescription! Some time ago, the responsibility of pharmacies for the free sale of prescription drugs was tightened.

    Therefore, insist that the doctor fill out the prescription on form 107, otherwise pharmacy staff may refuse to sell you the medicine and they will be right. The prescription must be stamped by the doctor and the medical institution.

    The analogue is determined by the doctor . When prescribing this or that medication to a patient, the doctor expects a certain effect, which he already knows from practice.

    Doctors have repeatedly complained that replacements often do not produce the expected results, and therapy has to be adjusted. Therefore, it is better to clarify in advance which medicine to choose if the prescribed Amoxiclav is suddenly not available.

    Be sure to read the instructions before purchasing. This will avoid misunderstandings, because medications cannot be returned.



    Side effects and overdose

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosageWhen treated with Amoxiclav in elderly men, liver failure may occur during therapy.
    When treated with Amoxiclav, the following adverse reactions may occur:

    From the digestive system, pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, hepatitis, liver dysfunction, stomatitis, gastritis, darkening of tooth enamel, cholestatic jaundice, glossitis, hemorrhagic colitis are sometimes observed. In older men, liver failure may occur during therapy. The following undesirable manifestations are observed from the central nervous system: dizziness, convulsions, anxiety, insomnia, headache. Typically, such side effects occur in people with kidney problems. Urinary system: hematuria, crystalluria, inflammation of the renal tubules and organ parenchyma. Allergic manifestations are most often expressed in the form of urticaria, angioedema, skin itching, anaphylactic shock, epidermal toxic necrolysis (Lyell's disease), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, allergic vasculitis, exudative erythema multiforme.

    In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is indicated. Gastric lavage is done if no more than four hours have passed since the last dose. After washing, the patient is given any sorbent, for example, activated carbon.


    No fatal cases of antibiotic overdose have been recorded. However, exceeding the recommended volume of the drug leads to the development of undesirable reactions of the body, such as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, increased agitation, insomnia, and dizziness. In severe cases, seizures cannot be ruled out.

    There is no specific antidote. Therefore, in the first 4 hours after taking the medication in doses exceeding the permissible ones, it is necessary to rinse the patient’s stomach and give activated charcoal. Then symptomatic therapy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Hemodialysis may be used.

    Pregnancy and childhood

    The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, you should stop breastfeeding during antibiotic therapy, as the medicine may pass into breast milk in small quantities.

    Amoxiclav is used to treat various diseases in children. Most often it is prescribed for streptococcal sore throat, but it is also used to treat the urinary system and kidneys in childhood.

    The daily dosage for children is 45 mg per 1 kg of child weight. It is recommended to take the antibiotic in the form of a suspension, since in this case it is easier to accurately determine the dosage of the drug, as well as give it to a small child. After 12 years and weighing more than 40 kg, an adult dosage of the drug is used for treatment. » Drugs » Treatment of kidney diseases with Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav: pros and cons

    Over the past 10 years, the incidence of diseases of the genitourinary system among Russian residents has increased significantly. Official medicine assures: the rates of identified kidney and bladder pathologies have doubled. Antibiotics are considered the most effective medication in the fight against pyelonephritis and cystitis, the dosage of which is selected individually and must correspond not only to the type, type, dynamics of the disease, but also to the person’s age, weight, and general state of health.

    amoxiclav for pyelonephritis dosage


    Treatment with antibiotics also has negative consequences, which are best known in advance in order to minimize the risk of side effects.

    Drug interactions

    People who have a history of chronic diseases and constantly take various medications should use the antibiotic with caution, since the medication cannot be combined with some medications.

    With other drugs

    Glucosamine, antacids, aminoglycosides slow down the absorption of Amoxiclav. Ascorbic acid has the opposite effect. Macrolides, sulfonamides and tetracycline antibiotics reduce the antibacterial effect of the drug.

    The drug is used with caution in combination with anticoagulants, since this combination increases the prothrombin time and increases the risk of bleeding. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, loop diuretics and other compounds that block tubular secretion increase the concentration of amoxicillin.

    Probenecid slows down the elimination of the antibiotic from the body. Co-administration with Methotrexate increases the toxicity of the latter. When taking oral contraceptives during treatment, care should be taken to provide additional protection against unwanted pregnancy.

    Alcohol compatibility

    The drug cannot be combined with alcohol. Drinking alcohol leads to the development of severe side effects and reduces the antibacterial effect of Amoxiclav.

    Drinking alcohol leads to the development of severe side effects and reduces the antibacterial effect of Amoxiclav.

    Properties of antibiotics

    Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav belong to the category of new generation antibiotics. Both drugs have a wide spectrum of action. The general requirement for all modern antibiotics is high antibiotic properties, because the quality of treatment of diseases directly depends on them. An equally important point is minimal nephrotoxicity, the level of which affects the condition of the kidneys.


    During cystitis and pyelonephritis, as well as other diseases of internal organs, it is important that antibiotics are removed as soon as possible. Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav have this property and are excreted from the body in high concentrations along with urine.

    The main problem in treatment with antibiotic drugs is the gradual addiction to them. Despite the advertising assurances of pharmaceutical companies, the effectiveness of the antibiotic gradually decreases with long-term use. That is why the optimal interval between taking antibiotics is one year.

    An important role in this process is played by the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Here, one of the tasks is to reduce the risk of developing nephrotoxicity, which can occur not only due to incompatibility of drugs or frequent use of antibiotics, but also due to age , so elderly people fall into the risk category.

    The consequences of antibacterial therapy for children are no less dangerous than for adults. Incorrect selection of the dose of the drug or an insufficiently long course of treatment leads to dire consequences. Adults know very well: self-administration of antibiotics is unacceptable. But uncontrolled, frequent use of antibiotic drugs by children at home is the norm in a number of families.

    The child’s body reacts more sharply to an irrational combination of antibiotics with each other, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs turn out to be deeper, including malfunctions of the kidneys and a decrease in the body’s immune defense.

    Is it dangerous to take antibiotics to treat kidney disease?

    It is not advisable to self-medicate for these problems; they can progress and develop into chronic forms, or cause various complications on the kidneys or bladder (for example, enuresis). When characteristic symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a urologist. He refers the patient for diagnostics and, based on the results, prescribes an effective course of treatment. Doctors always resort to antibacterial agents. Despite the negative impact of antibiotics on the body (disturbance of microflora, kidney failure), they are able to cure inflammation in a short time.

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    After antibiotics, the functioning of the intestinal microflora is disrupted, so at the end of therapy, urologists recommend a course of restoring the body with probiotics (remedies based on herbal components).

    It is worth noting that antibacterial agents are not a panacea for kidney pain; tablets are used in combination for treatment. Modern medicine provides a wide range of kidney medications, whose action is aimed at combating the symptoms and the individual causative agent of the disease. To eliminate symptoms, they take antispasmodics, to relieve inflammation - anti-inflammatory drugs, and to lower the temperature - antipyretic drugs.

    What antibiotics do doctors most often prescribe for kidney disease? There are several groups of drugs whose action is concentrated on suppressing a specific bacteria. There are 6 groups in total:

    • antibiotics of the aminopenicillin group;
    • cephalosporins;
    • fluoroquinolones;
    • aminoglycosades;
    • carbamazepines;
    • macrolides.

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    Treatment methods

  • relieve symptoms to alleviate the patient’s condition,
  • eliminate the infection.

    Another question is the reason that caused the disease; it is important to find out the nature of the occurrence in order to prevent relapses.

  • analgesics, most often these are combined drugs that include an analgesic and antispasmodic component. It is not recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to nephrotoxicity.
  • antipyretics - paracetamol is usually used. By the way, in a fairly high dose (up to 1000 mg), it can also relieve pain.
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