Urine smells like ammonia and rotten eggs: reasons, what to do

The smell of a child's urine is an indicator of the state of his body. Normally, it should be weakly expressed or absent altogether. If you notice changes - strange discharge, a strong smell of acetone, fish or other foreign substances, you should think about the possible reasons. Every parent should know what changes in urine can tell you and what needs to be done to prevent the baby’s condition from worsening.

An unpleasant smell of urine in a child may indicate the presence of a disease.

what does this mean and what to do

Baby on the pottyUrology
Author Alexander Nikolaevich Reading time 6 min. .6k. Published 12/08/2018

The strong smell of urine in a child makes parents worry about the baby’s health. Often this is a sign of a bacterial infection or metabolic disorders. Sometimes an unusual odor is associated with changes in diet. A smell can appear when the released liquid is stored for a long time or diapers are not changed in a timely manner. To find out the cause of the stench from baby urine, you need to observe the baby and consult with a specialist.

Why does my baby's urine smell strong?

The aroma of baby urine when the baby has just peed is barely noticeable. After 20-30 minutes it becomes more pronounced. But if there is not enough fluid in the body or the baby is sick, then the urine begins to stink. What the child eats and drinks is reflected in the smell.

Some products

Food can increase the smell of urine and give it an unpleasant aroma. Urine stinks after eating asparagus, cabbage, radishes and radishes. Onions and garlic, fish, and seafood give a specific stench. The urine of children whose diet is dominated by protein foods - meat, cottage cheese, milk - has a rich aroma.

In infants, the excreted fluid has virtually no odor. But if the baby is bottle-fed, then after replacing the formula, the urine begins to smell. This is due to the body’s adaptation to the new product. A similar phenomenon occurs when complementary foods are introduced to infants.


It is important to follow your doctor's instructions

Sweat that smells like cat urine, the causes of which are certain diseases, can be overcome if you follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Various methods can be used to remove ointment. In some cases, it is enough to use products with a deodorizing effect. In case of a complex course of the disease, Botox injections may be prescribed.

If sweating with an unpleasant odor is caused by certain dishes, they must be removed from the menu. The diet should be based on fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries. Good nutrition helps normalize the functions of all systems, in particular the excretory system.

Hygiene rules include taking a shower and cleaning problem areas. They can be treated with herbal infusions, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and antiseptic properties.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take fresh peony flowers, 40 g of sage and the same amount of chamomile. A couple of liters of water need to be boiled, then poured over the herbs and simmered over the fire for some more time. The liquid should be infused for an hour, filtered and used for wiping sweaty areas. Such procedures must be performed after a shower.

why there is a strong unpleasant smell of urine, should a baby smell at 3 months, 1-2 years, reasons

Why does my child's urine smell bad? Many parents who are faced with this problem and do not know how to get out of it now would like to know the answer to this question. The strong smell of urine in a child is an alarming and quite serious signal, which indicates that it is important for parents and their child to immediately consult a doctor. Although the unpleasant smell of urine in a child does not always indicate the development of diseases or a pathological condition of the body, since the child’s urine may smell due to a sudden change in diet, parents should still be vigilant and diagnose the body. After all, with its help it will be possible to understand what disease, characterized by a strong odor of urine, develops in a child’s body, and how to quickly cure it?

Why does urine smell strong?

In children whose age has reached 12 years, the urine should independently change the smell - this is due to the fact that at this time the body begins to produce certain substances by the endocrine system that are important for normal development. Hormonal changes significantly affect all human organs - this also applies to the urinary system. In this case, it is important to explain to the child that he should carefully conduct personal hygiene.

The smell of urine in infants and children up to 9-12 months appears as a result of rare changes of diapers, bed linen or diapers. This not only leads to pungent urine odors, but also causes many skin diseases.

These include:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Diaper rash.

However, if the urine of a baby or child 1, 2 or more years old has a strong smell, this should be a serious reason to consult a doctor, because the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different.

Doctors say that children smell strongly of urine in the following cases:

  1. Changes in diet. If a child over 3-5 years old begins to smell of urine, this may be caused by a change in diet, that is, the inclusion of certain foods with a strong and pungent odor. Such products include ketchup, onions, garlic, marinades or pickles. If the urine stinks for 1-2 days, and after that the smell goes away immediately, there is no need to sound the alarm, since this phenomenon develops quite often and does not cause health consequences or complications.
  2. Dehydration. If the urine begins to smell, and its smell is far different from usual, the reason for this may be dehydration. This phenomenon can easily develop in a newborn and children under 1 month. The reason for this is considered to be improperly prepared complementary foods or the ingestion of toxic compounds into the body, which causes poisoning. And, as you know, during intoxication, profuse vomiting and diarrhea occur, as a result of which most of the liquid instantly leaves the body. In this case, a strange smell appears with an increased concentration of urine.
  3. Lack of vitamin D. Lack of walks or insufficient exposure of children to the sun causes rickets or improper formation of bones and joints. The urine of infants will often smell unpleasant, since older children can go outside on their own. In addition to a change in the smell of urine, the baby will also be bothered by slow hair growth, decreased appetite and increased sweating.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of a pungent odor in urine. If a child feels unwell and is unable to describe his condition, it is important for such children to immediately consult a doctor.

Additional causes of foul-smelling urine

Doctors include additional reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Use of antibiotics in treatment. Why does my baby's urine smell strong? The reasons for this phenomenon may be due to the use of antibiotics. In this case, parents will notice that their child’s urine will smell like a “pharmacy.” Immediately after stopping this or that medicine, the smell will stop changing and return to “normal”.
  2. Breast-feeding. If your baby smells bad, the culprit may be breastfeeding, or more precisely, a new product included in the mother’s food. For example, asparagus or cabbage can significantly change the aroma of urine - in this case there is no need to worry, since this phenomenon will soon pass when the baby’s body gets used to different foods.
  3. Rhinitis. An unpleasant odor may be heard from the body and from the child even if he has had nasal congestion for a long time. This causes disruption of the penetration of molecular oxygen into the lung cavity, which leads to dehydration. And, as described earlier, this reason also leads to the appearance of a strong and pungent aroma of urine.
  4. The course of influenza or ARVI. The smell of urine in a child 3 years of age and older may appear as a result of colds. They cause hyperthermia, which often leads to vomiting. And increased sweating causes urine to thicken, thereby making it highly concentrated. This is where the acrid smell of urine appears, which can only be gotten rid of after complete recovery.
  5. Diseases of the urinary system. The reasons why a child’s urine began to smell unpleasant may lie in the development of pathologies of the urinary organs. These include inflammation of the bladder, outflows, kidneys, and so on. All this leads to the appearance of bacteria in the urine, which leads to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

It is important to note that any type of urinary disease must be taken into account by parents, since the lack of treatment leads to the development of serious and often life-threatening complications. If the smell of urine has changed and it begins to stink, this may be the main sign of the development of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, and so on.

True, these pathologies can only develop in children whose age has passed 3 years, so if the urine begins to smell while breastfeeding or the child switches to new foods, this symptom cannot be called the development of urinary diseases. It is important to note that deterioration in the aroma of urine most often occurs if the child is sick with urinary pathologies for the second or third time.

Every parent should know why the smell of urine changes, and also be able to independently look for the cause of this phenomenon.

After all, it is the responsibility of parents to monitor the health of their children, and at the slightest suspicion of illness, immediately take a number of methods to normalize the child’s health.

The concept of norm

It is normal to have yellow or bright yellow urine. Depending on the food consumed, the color may become dark yellow or bright scarlet in the case of eating beets.

There is a clear dependence of the color of urine on the formed diet or the use of medications. However, odor is not expected.

Ammonia solution

You should sound the alarm if there is sediment or blood in the urine, which indicates a life-threatening and health-threatening disease. A pronounced unpleasant odor is also a warning sign.

If a child’s urine smells like ammonia, this is a reason to consult a doctor and perform a series of tests.

reasons for the smell of ammonia, stale fish

A newborn baby's urine has no odor, but with age it becomes more similar to adult urine and acquires an odor. Parents should know which of these is normal and when to be wary.

What should be normal?

The smell of a child’s urine is normally quite specific, but not pungent. That is why the appearance of a very pronounced or unpleasant odor always causes the baby to think about illness. Such changes cannot be ignored, although it happens that the child is completely healthy.

Urine in a child

Smells like ammonia

The appearance of such a smell indicates problems with the baby's health. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of diabetes mellitus and acetonemia. In diabetes, urine may acquire not only an ammonia odor, but also resemble apple cider vinegar or ammonia. In this case, the child will also have other signs of the disease, for example, increased thirst, weight loss, dry skin, urinary frequency problems, and others. It can also appear with a urinary tract infection.

Smell of acetone

The appearance of an acetone odor indicates an increased excretion of ketone bodies in the child’s urine, which occurs when there is a large amount of ketones in the blood.

An increase in the level of acetone in the blood occurs due to various factors, including emotional or physical stress. If your child has already had cases of acetone, you should make sure that the baby does not have prolonged hunger or overwork. When your child is tired, give him sweet foods, which will prevent the production of ketones.

Test strips for determining acetone in urine

Smells like stale fish

The appearance of an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten fish, is characteristic of trimethylaminuria. This is a genetic disease in which trimethylamine accumulates in the body, causing a fishy odor from urine, sweat, exhaled air and human skin.

With other genetic pathologies, the smell of urine also becomes unpleasant and begins to resemble mold or mice (indicates phenylketonuria), burnt sugar (occurs with leucinosis), cabbage (noted with tyrosinemia).

Possible reasons

The following factors lead to a change in the smell of a child’s urine:

  1. Changes in water balance. The child may drink too little fluid or lose it, for example, by vomiting or in hot weather through sweat. Difficulty in nasal breathing may also be the cause.
  2. Diet changes. The urine of a starving child, as well as a baby whose menu contains too much fast food, sweet foods, fatty protein dishes, seafood, and spicy foods, has an unpleasant odor. It may also change if the child ate horseradish, garlic, asparagus or cabbage. An infant may be affected by a new complementary feeding product or a new formula, as well as a change in the diet of the nursing mother.
  3. Metabolic disorders caused by genetic pathologies.
  4. Taking antibiotics and other medications.
  5. Poor quality diaper or stale linen. In this case, the smell will be unpleasant in the morning.
  6. Rickets. It causes a change in the smell of urine in a baby up to one year old, and is also manifested by sweaty palms, poor appetite, disturbed sleep and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
  7. Hormonal changes during hormonal changes in adolescence. This is a temporary phenomenon, but it is important for parents to teach their teenagers how to take care of their bodies and the rules of hygiene.
  8. Infectious diseases of the excretory system. An unpleasant odor appears with cystitis, as well as with urethritis, pyelonephritis and other inflammations.
  9. Diabetes. In such a disease, urine is released in large quantities, and it gives off ammonia.
  10. Liver diseases. Not only does it become unpleasantly smelling, but it also takes on a dark color.

Child eats with mother

What to do?

A one-time change in odor does not require any action, especially if parents notice the influence of nutrition. If a strong smell of urine appears for several days, you should contact your pediatrician and have your child’s blood and urine tested. If the smell of ammonia appears, it is necessary to determine the sugar in the baby’s blood.

If you suspect the presence of acetone in your urine, you can verify this at home using special test strips. If the reaction to acetone is positive, first of all you need to give the child glucose. You can let your baby drink glucose from an ampoule or chew glucose tablets, and also make a raisin decoction or warm tea with honey for your baby.

If you attribute the situation to dehydration, it is important to give your child more fluids. This is especially important in the presence of diarrhea or vomiting, as well as in diseases with high body temperature. In these cases, it is extremely important to avoid large amounts of fluid, and everything will return to normal on its own.

What diseases can sweat with a specific odor indicate?

Hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to a change in the smell of sweat

In addition to dysfunctions of the excretory systems, kidneys and liver, if sweat stinks, it may be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • STD infections;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in women;
  • hormonal imbalance;

The greatest danger is posed by a disease called “uridosis.” When it worsens, the patient’s body begins to actively produce uric acid. Sweat glands also take part in this process.

This condition may be caused by liver disease. Therapy for uridosis involves fighting to eliminate the cause that caused it.

It is important for the patient to adhere to a strict diet and minimize the consumption of protein foods.

It is also important to maintain good hygiene

. You need to shower at least twice a day. After water procedures, it is necessary to use deodorizing agents with antiseptic properties.

Urine in a baby: smell, color

When a baby's urine smells unnatural, this should first of all alert parents, as this may be a consequence of a disease. The most accessible analysis is considered to be urine and feces; they are much easier to obtain and study. It is worth noting that it is precisely from such data that one can determine the state of the body in an infant and newborn baby. As a rule, the color of urine and the smell should not be pronounced, as otherwise it means disturbances in the normal functioning of the body.

Causes of pungent odor

Every doctor, before starting treatment for a child, must identify the reason why the smell of urine has changed, and there can be a huge number of factors.

Picture 1

The following factors can affect the color and odor of urine:

  1. Age-related change, since with a change in status from an infant to a baby aged 2-3 years, the urine begins to emit a certain odor and changes color, which looks exactly the same as that of an adult.
  2. When consuming horseradish, garlic, hot spices, seafood and cabbage, the smell of urine may appear. It is worth noting that for the same reason, the urine of a baby may change, since the mother eats similar foods. For those babies who are fed artificially, similar problems arise if the formula is changed.
  3. The smell and color of urine in an infant may change when sick. As a rule, the smell of ammonia, acetone, and apple juice appears. In addition, there may be a strong odor reminiscent of cat or mouse feces. If the cause of the smell is a disease, then you should not hesitate to consult a doctor and make an accurate diagnosis.
  4. When taking some drugs, in particular those included in the group of antibiotics and B vitamins, the smell and color of urine may change, which occurs on the second or third day.
  5. When dehydration occurs in the body and body temperature rises, most of the fluid leaves through the skin, and the kidneys perform minimal work. In this case, the urine may be concentrated and have a strong odor. A color similar to strong tea is possible.
  6. When nasal congestion occurs, changes in the odor in the urine occur, and this goes away after the swelling in the nose goes away.
  7. When you are fasting or have an incorrect diet, your urine smells a little different. It would seem that this may not be associated with babies, but some parents prefer to diet their children to avoid excess weight. Such actions should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, as this may lead to other more serious consequences.

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Why might urine smell?

Questions about what smell and color urine should be are mainly answered by endocrinologists and pediatricians, but the answers can be very different. For example, as we grow older, we experience a natural acquisition of smell, which indicates normal kidney function. Those parents who try to identify the cause of the smell on their own are making a big mistake, since this will require testing in the laboratory. The collection is carried out in specialized centers, after which it is sent to a clinical laboratory. Through such actions, urine can be examined to identify the disease.

Picture 2

If we look at the reasons in more detail, the pungent odor associated with age-related changes changes due to hormonal changes occurring in the body.

For example, some may have a deficiency of vitamin D, others may have an excess, and the presence of diabetes may affect the urine. As a rule, if there is a lack of vitamin D, then the baby may refuse food, become capricious, palms and feet begin to sweat, and excess weight may be gained, without the possibility of losing it with the help of diets.

A cold that affects urine is a process in which the body loses its protective function, respectively, each of the organs can be susceptible to bacteria and viruses. This may be accompanied by fever and dehydration. It is at this moment that it is important to maintain drinking in large quantities so as not to burden the kidneys with dry work, which can provoke cramps and pain.

Those mothers who breastfeed should first of all pay attention to how the baby reacts to the nutrition supplied with milk. Namely, if diarrhea appears, acrid and dark urine comes out, then you should pay attention to your diet and, perhaps, exclude from it what could provoke this. Similar problems can occur due to a sudden change in diet, or if you eat a lot of meat, fish products, or cabbage of any kind. As a rule, in this case, you should consult a doctor (gynecologist or nutritionist) who can identify the problem and eliminate it. Some mothers risk the health of their children and drink alcohol and drugs, which also causes changes in the baby’s urine.

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Some experts believe that urine can change even if the laundry is poorly washed, that is, it remains dirty or due to the use of caustic powder. In this case, it is worth comparing the smell of urine from panties and collected from bed linen; if it is different, then you need to take certain measures, do not forget about the baby’s personal hygiene and his underwear.

If a change in the smell and color of urine occurs for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor to take action and get rid of the problem with the help of a specialist.

Diseases that provoke this condition

Any mother should be wary of the smell of ammonia from her child’s urine, as this may be the cause of an illness that can harm the baby’s health.

  1. The most common disease is pilonephritis, which has a bactericidal form and can affect the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureter and bladder. In this case, nagging pain in the lower back, fever, and problems with urination will appear.
  2. Cystitis is no less known as an inflammatory process in the female reproductive system, which can occur at any age and is accompanied by a change in the color and smell of urine. Such a disease should be treated immediately to prevent inflammation from spreading up the genital tract.
  3. Urethritis is a disease of the urethra that appears when the reproductive system cools. As a rule, in addition to a pungent odor, pus and bloody discharge can be observed in the urine. It causes an ammonia smell and can only be treated with antibiotics.
  4. In diabetes mellitus, there may be an ammonia odor, which is facilitated by the presence of ketone bodies in the urine in large quantities.
  5. With acidosis, which occurs during fasting, which is facilitated by the oxidation process in the blood fluid. In other words, hypoglycemia begins, and it is worth monitoring your health to exclude fainting and hospitalization in intensive care.

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Infants' urine smells different depending on the characteristics of the body.

If the cause cannot be eliminated on its own, that is, changing clothes and diet does not help, then medical help is simply necessary.

Actions to take if a symptom is detected

Experts recommend not to self-medicate on the advice of experienced friends or articles from the Internet. Without a full diagnostic examination, it is almost impossible to determine the source of the problem, and attempts to give a pet a completely inappropriate drug can end sadly, ranging from banal poisoning to failure of vital organs.

A visit to the veterinarian is extremely important in any case.

Visit to the doctor

After detecting unpleasant signs, the owner must call the veterinary clinic and schedule an appointment with the veterinarian. At the appointment, the specialist will ask in detail about the manifestations of the disease:

  • frequency of visits to the tray;
  • unreasonable restless behavior;
  • problems with urination;
  • refusal to eat;
  • apathetic state and general lethargy.

After examining the animal and palpation examination, the veterinarian will write out a referral for urine and blood tests, and if serious pathologies are suspected, for an ultrasound or x-ray.

Note! In order not to waste time, before going to the hospital, you can collect urine and feces in containers and come to the appointment with them. In some cases, this will help save the life of a pet with kidney failure or other serious illness.

The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound for your pet.


Since the smell of sweat is a fairly clear sign of some diseases, it is precisely this that makes it possible to identify them at an early stage and begin treatment as quickly as possible. It was often oriented towards it in the old days, even before the development of modern medicine.

Kitten in a tray

Now it is still not the main and significant symptom, which should not be relied upon, but it can still indicate:

  • Hepatic and renal diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases);
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Strong odor of urine in a child: causes and possible consequences

Ideally, freshly collected urine does not have an unpleasant odor - this statement is equally true for both adults and children. It begins to smell specifically about 15 minutes after collection, due to the fact that the urea in it decomposes under the influence of bacteria.

A person may not always notice deviations from the norm in his urine - for example, changes such as cloudiness of the liquid, color changes or the presence of sediment are not always visible, and not everyone pays attention to this. But the sharp, unpleasant odor immediately after urination is impossible to miss.

Such phenomena are especially alarming for parents of a small child, even one who spends almost all his time in a diaper. A baby’s foul-smelling urine is a reason to see a doctor for tests and examination. The final diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

When your child's urine smells like ammonia, you should tell your doctor.

Most common reasons

Often this phenomenon can be associated with age-related changes in the child’s body, the characteristics of his diet, and dietary irregularities. The main factors that can provoke the smell of ammonia are:

  • Lack of vitamin D in the body. The climate in our area is such that most children lack this substance. You can recognize this problem based not only on the foul odor of urine. Usually, when there is a lack of vitamin D, a child’s hair grows poorly, especially on the back of the head. Other symptoms are also observed - slowdown in growth, loss of appetite, increased sweating;
  • Respiratory ailments in which there is a high temperature and dehydration of the body. In this case, the smell of ammonia in the child’s urine may also be caused by medications or antibiotics that he took to cure the underlying disease;
  • Sudden changes in the diet - for example, in a baby whose mother has introduced a new product to her menu, or is too bold in experimenting with “tasting” once


A blood test will help confirm the disease

If a person is bothered by the foul odor of sweat and following hygiene rules does not help solve this issue, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After completing the examination and passing all the tests, doctors will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and create an effective treatment regimen.

If you experience profuse sweating with a characteristic odor, you will need to undergo examination by the following specialists:

  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The doctor will examine the patient and take a medical history. After this, he will prescribe an ultrasound, gastroscopy, colonoscopy. It all depends on the intended diagnosis.

A general blood test will be required. In some cases, the sweat itself is taken for examination, which makes it possible to identify the exact cause of a specific odor.

The biomaterial is studied for chloride levels. Before taking a test, a drug is applied to the patient’s skin that causes profuse sweating. The secretion that comes out is collected on a piece of glass, after which they begin to study it.

The most effective treatments

To get rid of the unpleasant cat stench, as we wrote above, it is necessary first of all to direct all efforts to treating the disease that is the primary source of the problem (of course, if the cause is a disease). To do this, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations. However, you can influence the speedy solution of the problem yourself.

First of all, you can use deodorants or antiperspirants. The former significantly reduce or completely mask the unpleasant odor. Antiperspirants act on the sweat glands and tighten the pores, reducing the amount of secretion.

Treatment is always prescribed by a veterinarian after receiving a diagnosis, since there are many reasons for changes in odor. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that “triggered” the changes in odor. If it is stressful, the cat needs to be provided with peace and allowed to adapt, treat him kindly and calmly.

If you have problems with nutrition, you need to balance your diet and switch to foods recommended by your doctor. If odor changes are caused by dehydration, your cat should have constant access to clean, fresh water. To do this, you can use special drinking bowls.

Any disease can only be treated by an experienced veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Treatment depends on the type of disease; it can be surgical or conservative, medicinal.

Prevention of the problem

Preventive actions:

  • normalization of nutrition. Low-quality feed and attempts to feed table scraps should be avoided;
  • free access to drinking water. The animal should not have problems quenching its thirst;
  • eliminating stress. The pet should not be left alone for a long time; when moving, you should not put its basket in your luggage;
  • Get checked by a veterinarian promptly. An annual visit will reduce the risk of latent disease;
  • Once a course of therapy has been prescribed, it is strictly prohibited to stop treating the cat. Pathology can develop into damage to internal organs.

Constant monitoring of the behavior and general condition of four-legged animals will help to promptly identify an onset of illness or correct deficiencies in care. Fresh water, balanced food, vitamin therapy and vaccinations increase the chances of a quiet life without regular infections or problems with the functioning of internal organs.

If there is a strong aroma of ammonia in the apartment after leaving your pet, then you should think about the source of its appearance. Using secondary signs, you can determine the cause of the deviation and, if it is related to physiological characteristics, remove the factors that provoke it. In other cases, the only solution to the problem will be a visit to a veterinary clinic, where treatment will be prescribed.

It is important to feed your cat correctly, do not give him pieces from your table, especially sausage, smoked meats, fried, salted foods. His diet should not be monotonous; food must be of high quality, because saving on health will definitely lead to problems.

Cats should not be allowed to become hypothermic; hairless breeds are especially prone to kidney damage, and, oddly enough, they are very fluffy. Pedigree cats are more susceptible to diseases, since due to many years of selection they have weak immunity.

If the owners take good care of their pet, they will be able to avoid problems with its health.

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