The urine is not salty and clear. Transparent colorless urine: causes, good or bad, sign of light urine

What does urine taste like? Interesting question, isn't it? Surely many people have asked this question at least once in their lives. But not everyone dares to taste urine.

Urine is a product of human activity, formed as a result of the process of absorption of substances from primary urine, filtration of blood and secretion. From the kidneys, urine descends through the ureters into the bladder, then through the urethra it is directed out.

Urine is a liquid saturated with various substances - proteins, salts and acids, and the taste of the urine released will depend on the concentration of one or another substance. If the concentration of these substances corresponds to the norm, then the urine will have a sour-salty taste, giving off a slight bitterness, or bitter with a slight sourness. Interestingly, in newborns the taste of urine differs significantly from that of adults; it has a pronounced salty taste.

The taste of urine is determined not only for the sake of idle interest. Often this is a home diagnosis of the state of your body. Although conditional, urine can provide some information about what is happening in the body. Even in ancient times, when there were no laboratories, local healers made diagnoses using the taste parameter of urine. For example, diabetes - it was diagnosed back in 200 BC. Aretaeus of Cappadocia, a Greek healer, determined it precisely with the help of excreted urine.

Factors affecting the taste of urine

There are quite a lot of factors that affect the taste of urine:

  • The image of human life,
  • Diet. For vegetarians, the taste is weak, while for meat eaters it has a pronounced sour taste.
  • Health status,
  • Chronic diseases
  • Environmental influence,
  • Age, gender, weight category of a person. Women's urine differs significantly from men's, and not only in taste, but also in smell, and the smell has more pronounced properties. The urine of a newborn has a sharply sour taste due to the high urea content.
  • The degree of freshness of the collected urine. The longer the collected urine sits, the more its taste will change. It's all about the composition and ability of its constituent components to contact oxygen and form new compounds, thereby changing its composition. The same reaction occurs when exposed to sunlight - the salts precipitate, and I taste like urine.

Let us note several incorrect tastes of urine that characterize deviations in the body:

  • Acidic urine. If suddenly, during a “sample” of urine, it turns out that it has a sour taste, then this signals an imbalance in the acid balance. There are many sources that contribute to this - infectious kidney diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diets, stool disorders, etc. To detect the acidity of urine, you can use test strips designed for this.
  • Salty urine. The salty taste of urine indicates an increased concentration of salts in the body. First of all, this is a consequence of an unbalanced diet, lack of water in the body, or the presence of infections.
  • Sweet urine. First of all, it is a signal of increased blood sugar, and as a result a symptom of diabetes mellitus. It may also indicate a problem with the kidneys.
  • Bitter urine. The bitter taste of urine can be caused by an increased concentration of protein, which signals the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

No matter what the urine tastes like, you shouldn’t worry about possible diseases, it’s all conditional. Many factors could influence changes in urinary parameters. You should consult a doctor and take a general urine test, which will more accurately tell you about the functioning of the body.

The taste of urine directly depends on what foods we eat.

  • Consumption of meat products along with bread significantly worsens the taste of urine.
  • If you frequently eat salty foods, your urine will have a salty taste.
  • When taking vitamins, often of unnatural origin, the urine takes on the taste of these vitamins.
  • Eating milk cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts gives urine a milder taste.
  • Sugar eaten in uncontrolled quantities makes urine sweet. But if you do not have diabetes, then this taste is temporary. After reducing your sugar intake, your urine should change its taste.

general information

Because urine helps the body get rid of waste, a person's diet and fluid intake can affect how their urine looks and smells.

If the smell of urine changes temporarily, it may be because the person has recently eaten. For example, asparagus can give your urine an unusually strong odor.

Certain disorders, medications, and supplements can also affect the smell of urine. A person who notices a change in urine odor should monitor their symptoms and if they continue, should contact a doctor.

That's the salt!

Most often, saliva becomes salty if a person neglects oral hygiene or simply experiences thirst, which, by the way, may not be felt. Hidden fluid deficiency often occurs due to taking medications, drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, cola, and also due to smoking. Therefore, if you experience such sensations, brush your teeth more thoroughly and drink at least 8 glasses of clean water a day. But if this doesn’t help, you need to figure it out. The causes of a salty taste may include:

infectious and fungal diseases of the nasopharynx - for example, sinusitis: mucus that accumulates in the sinuses can drain into the mouth and cause a salty taste. In this case, consultation with an ENT specialist is necessary;

diseases of the salivary glands , which develop due to the entry of streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci into the salivary ducts. Go to the dentist!

Continued: Bad taste in the mouth, causes →


Why urine smells sweet - reasons

Various factors can cause changes in urine odor. Let's look at some reasons why urine smells sweet.


A person with uncontrolled diabetes may have high blood sugar levels. The body tries to get rid of excess sugar in the urine, which can cause a sweet smell.

People with sweet-smelling urine due to diabetes may notice other symptoms, including:

  • exhaustion;
  • strong thirst;
  • changes in appetite;
  • unexplained weight loss.

Diabetic ketoacidosis

This decompensated form of diabetes occurs due to a lack of insulin and very high levels of glucose in the blood.

Insulin helps the body break down glucose for use as an energy source. When the body cannot produce enough insulin to use glucose, it causes the production of acids called ketones. Ketone bodies begin to accumulate in the blood.

Untreated diabetic ketoacidosis can be fatal and should be treated according to a plan developed by an experienced physician.

The condition is more common in people with type 1 diabetes, although people with type 2 diabetes may develop symptoms.

In addition to your urine smelling sweet, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • sweet-smelling breath;
  • feeling tired;
  • confusion;
  • apoplexy.

Maple syrup disease

Maple syrup disease is a genetic disorder in which a person is unable to process certain proteins. This is an inherited disorder, and a parent may notice that their child has a sweet-smelling urine.

This disorder can be fatal if left untreated. Children may develop less severe forms of the disorder. Maple syrup disease is curable. Parents should seek prompt medical attention when their child's urine smells sweet. Children with this condition may also have the following symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • developmental delay;
  • poor appetite;
  • vomit.

The patient may follow a strict diet, have regular blood tests, or take medications to prevent liver failure in maple syrup disease. Some people with this disease end up needing a liver transplant.

Medicines and supplements

Some supplements, especially vitamin B6, can change the smell of urine. Some medications may also change the appearance or smell of urine.

People who have recently started taking a new medication should talk to their doctor if their urine smells sweet.


Dehydration can make your urine more concentrated. The urine may appear very yellow, or even brown, and more concentrated urine smells stronger.

In addition to the pungent odor of ammonia, some people report their urine smells sweet.

When your urine is very dark, you need to drink more water. If symptoms do not go away within a few hours, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Fungal infection

Thrush is a fungus that usually develops in the vagina. It can also infect men.

Thrush does not change the smell of urine, but can cause vaginal discharge that smells sweet, similar to honey, bread or beer.

Symptoms of thrush include:

  • itching;
  • pain;
  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • curdled discharge
  • painful urination in some cases.

Some medications and antibiotics can trigger the development of thrush. In any case, you should consult a doctor, because thrush can often be confused with other diseases.

Urine color index

Among the components of the form for general urine analysis is a color indicator. By color, a specialist can analyze the content of various minerals and other substances in urine.

Urine in adults is more saturated in color than in children. The normal color of urine is straw yellow, which is achieved due to the presence of urobilin, urochrome, uroerythrin and a number of other pigments. If a person regularly has colorless urine, this means that the indicated coloring substances have disappeared from it. Since pigments are formed from salts and microelements, metabolic processes in the body may be disrupted.

Prerequisites for urine discoloration

It turns out that loss of color in urine is a common occurrence for a healthy person. It is associated with excess fluid consumption, which happens with severe thirst, in hot weather, and during intense physical activity. At the same time, the bladder quickly fills with liquid, so the urine simply does not have time to color. However, the urine will still have a slight tint of yellow, which is noticeable if you urinate in an opaque white container.

The reasons for the appearance of faintly colored urine may be different. If the condition is not systemic, but appears periodically, you need to look for prerequisites in:

  • abuse of diuretics - tablets, teas with diuretic herbs;
  • drinking large amounts of black, green tea, coffee;
  • suffered stress;
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages.

For those who take drugs with phosphorus and calcium, the urine may also become somewhat lighter. After analyzing possible harmless causes, you can easily find those that provoked the appearance of clear urine. But in some cases, medical help cannot be avoided, because a change in the color of urine can signal the development of disease.

Alarm Signals

When your urine smells unusual but there are no other symptoms, you should see a doctor within the next few days.

However, some symptoms require immediate medical attention. These include:

  • Constant thirst. Diabetic ketoacidosis can cause extreme thirst.
  • Abdominal pain or nausea. They are present in diabetic ketoacidosis.
  • Severe pain in the back, stomach or genitals. Such pain may indicate a kidney or urinary tract infection.
  • Blood in urine. This may be a sign of infection.
  • Nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin or eyes. This may indicate liver failure.
  • Feeling tired or agitated. This may be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis or a severe infection.
  • Fever. Fever may be a sign of infection. Some infections, such as urinary tract infections that spread to the kidneys and blood, can be life-threatening.

Symptoms that may accompany this sensation

Note! The taste of ammonia in the mouth may appear periodically, then the cause should be sought in poor diet.

Persistent bad breath indicates a more serious condition and requires immediate medical attention.

In addition to bad breath, a person may have other symptoms , such as:

  • Constant thirst and dry mouth, frequent urge to go to the toilet, lack of concentration and attention, and muscle weakness indicate diabetes.
  • Rare urination with dark-colored urine, lower back pain, surges in blood pressure and swelling indicate kidney disease.
  • Rapid weight loss, excessive sweating, irritability and anxiety , as well as menstrual irregularities in women can indicate hormonal disorders and a malfunction of the endocrine system.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, sweet-smelling urine is the first sign of a serious health problem. This warning must be heeded, so symptoms should not be ignored even if no other signs appear.

You should consult a doctor if, in addition to the sweet smell of urine, you have the following symptoms:

  • frequent, urgent need to urinate;
  • pain or burning when urinating;
  • blood in urine;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • general feeling of fatigue and malaise;
  • confused consciousness.

If, in addition to your urine smelling sweet, your immune system is weakened by disorders such as HIV or cancer, you should see a doctor immediately.

How to taste urine correctly

This is not a joke, but there are actually some tips on how to properly taste urine. Many are probably ready to simply dip their finger in the collected urine and lick it with the tip of their tongue. But this is completely wrong. Knowing the structure of our tongue, we can say that the receptors on the tip of the tongue react only to sweet taste. You should not take a mouthful of urine and hold it there for a long time in order to taste it as best as possible; this can provoke vomiting in a “newbie”. You just need to take a small sip and push the urine across the entire area of ​​your tongue - this way you will fully experience the taste of urine.

Is it possible to eat melon if it is bitter?

Why does melon taste bitter and can you eat it?

There is an opinion that if the fruit’s flesh is partially bitter, then the rest with normal taste can be included in the diet.

But if the melon has a bitter taste, it is undesirable to eat it . In most cases, it is impossible to know the cause of the unsweetened taste, so it is best to err on the side of caution. If the fruit contains a lot of nitrates or has begun to deteriorate, the person will experience serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including poisoning.

Anatomy of the human urinary system

It is useful for every person to know about the anatomical features and functional activity of the urinary tract. That is why we will tell you how these organs work. The urinary system is characterized by a complex physiological structure and unique mechanisms of functional activity.

The urinary organs are called:

  • kidneys;
  • renal pelvis;
  • adrenal glands;
  • ureters;
  • bladder;
  • urinary canal (or urethra).

Their blood supply is provided by the renal vein and artery, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava and common iliac aorta.

The urinary system is a complex apparatus that cleanses the body of toxic substances and metabolic products

The kidneys are paired organs that do the following:

  • to regulate the constancy of the biological environment of the blood;
  • absorption and distribution of water and salts;
  • synthesis of hormones;
  • participation in protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • formation and excretion of urine.

The accumulation of urine occurs in the renal cups, which drain into the renal pelvis, which flows into the ureter, divided into upper, middle and lower sections. After passing through the urinary tract, urine enters the smooth muscle “reservoir” - the bladder. The epithelial layer of this organ contains nerve endings that send a signal to the central nervous system about filling.

The act of urination occurs through the urethra. The organs of the urinary system of both adults and children are susceptible to various pathological processes that can affect the consistency of urine.

How is female urine different from male urine? – Website about

Urinalysis is a study that is mandatory to determine the presence of pathology.
It is prescribed to every patient who consults a doctor, even with minor complaints, or for a medical examination. If correctly deciphered, a disease is determined that may indicate a deviation not only of the kidneys, urinary and genitourinary systems. Independent interpretation of tests without the proper knowledge and experience will not give positive results, so you should not self-medicate. As for the norms and differences, the urine of adults and children is different, it also differs in men and women, but only slightly.

Urology/November 13, 2006 01:48

There are all kinds of urine and each has, in addition to the general ones, properties unique to it, and therefore a corresponding effect on the body.

The quality and composition of urine is influenced by nutrition, a person’s emotional state, his individual constitution, as well as a person’s thinking. It is necessary to keep in mind the influence of different lunar cycles and seasons.

Only from the above list it follows that for each type of disease or health disorder it is advisable to use your own urine. Only in this case will the abstract phrase “they say it cures all diseases” turn into concrete and effective recommendations on how to treat.

Without knowledge of these features, as well as many others, you will be disappointed and you will not feel any “miracles” of urine therapy.

To the question of whether women's urine is different from men's, many doctors are looking for an answer, who take tests from patients to identify various diseases.

Based on the tests, diseases are diagnosed and investigated, which plays a major role in their cure. This method is suitable for almost every person when professionally examined by a doctor, who prescribes it.

Based on the study, the specialist determines pathologies of the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.

Urine collection rules

For the test result to be correct, you need to know how to properly collect urine. This analysis requires preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to consume foods that contain high amounts of protein the day before, as well as fruits and vegetables that can change the color of urine.

In most cases, morning urine is collected, so before collection, hygiene of the external genitalia is carried out. These conditions are the same for everyone, both men and women.

If you ignore these recommendations, the results may be distorted and a repeat study will be required.

Women are not recommended to take this test during menstruation, as red blood cells will get into the urine, which can spoil the result.

Urine is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to bring the research material to the laboratory within two hours for the result to be correct.

Physical properties. Includes the study of the following properties:

  • Color. The shades of biological material can be different and range from light to rich yellow. The color may differ only due to different specific gravity, pathological processes that occur in the body, and the effects of drugs and food.
  • Transparency. Urine in men and women should be clear. If it is cloudy, then this may indicate red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelium, bacteria and other abnormalities.
  • Specific gravity. If the patient is healthy, then this indicator can change during the day in a wide range of values, which is influenced by various factors. In men and women 1010-1025 g/l
  • Urine reaction. It can be either acidic or slightly acidic. Men and women have a pH of 5.3-6.5. It can change depending on the food you eat and the pathological processes that occur in the body.

Chemical composition. This test helps determine the presence in urine of:

  • Squirrel. In both men and women, protein should be contained in the urine in an insignificant amount, which cannot always be determined, so the absence of protein is recognized. In both sexes this figure should not exceed 0.1%.
  • Glucose. This indicator in both sexes should also be insignificant and not detected by qualitative samples. For men and women, no more than 1.6%.
  • Ketone bodies. Can sometimes be determined depending on diet. But normally, these bodies must be absent, even in children.

Microscopic study of sediment. Carry out after studying the physical and chemical properties of urine. In male and female urine, only one of two types of sediment can be determined:

  • Organic sediment. Includes: blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, active white blood cells. Fungi and sperm may also be present. As for the indicators, they differ between men and women at different ages.
  • Inorganic sediment. Includes: salts, mucus, crystals, which are observed only in pathological urine. This indicator may indicate urolithiasis. Also, acidic and alkaline urine will differ in composition.

The precipitation will depend on the properties of the urine and its acidity.

Changes in any indicator in one direction or another indicate disorders and development of pathology. The limits of the indicators given in the article may fluctuate, since they are set separately for each laboratory.


As for the differences between male and female urine, from a medical point of view, they are insignificant:

  1. Leukocytes. The number of leukocytes in the female half of the population is always slightly higher. This is explained by the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.
  2. Biochemical parameters. If an extended urine test is carried out, it is possible to detect inflated limits of some indicators that can only be observed in the male population.
  3. Presence of sperm. This can only be observed in the male part of the population.

In principle, these are all the differences in urine that exist. But traditional doctors can also highlight the fact that these two types of urine may differ in their “energy”, therefore, during urinotherapy, it is not recommended to use someone else’s urine.

From all of the above, it follows that urine in men and women is not very different, especially in terms of indicators. As for the collection of tests, they are carried out in the same way and therefore only a specialist can distinguish these two materials, and then only on the basis of laboratory tests.


As for the differences between male and female urine, from a medical point of view, they are insignificant:

  1. Leukocytes . The number of leukocytes in the female half of the population is always slightly higher. This is explained by the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.
  2. Biochemical indicators . If an extended urine test is carried out, it is possible to detect inflated limits of some indicators that can only be observed in the male population.
  3. Presence of sperm . This can only be observed in the male part of the population.

In principle, these are all the differences in urine that exist. But traditional doctors can also highlight the fact that these two types of urine may differ in their “energy”, therefore, during urinotherapy, it is not recommended to use someone else’s urine.

From all of the above, it follows that urine in men and women is not very different, especially in terms of indicators. As for the collection of tests, they are carried out in the same way and therefore only a specialist can distinguish these two materials, and then only on the basis of laboratory tests.

Medicine and healthComment

Reasons for the bitter taste of melon

The main reason for the bitter taste of melon pulp is mistakes made during its cultivation. The taste deteriorates due to various diseases or the content of undesirable substances in the fruit. Also, certain varieties of melons do not have a sweet taste.

Varietal features

Bitterness in a melon does not always mean that it is a spoiled fruit. A separate variety is also called bitter melon - an Indian relative of our usual one. Momordica, otherwise Indian cucumber or Chinese melon, also belongs to the pumpkin family, but is in a different genus.

Why does melon taste bitter and can you eat it?

Reference. Momordicus translated from Latin means prickly, biting. This name was given to the culture because, before ripening, all parts of the plant are stinging, like nettles.

Summer residents fell in love with Momordica for its decorative qualities. The plant is a vine with beautiful large leaves, with green fruits that turn orange when ripe.

A bitter taste for Momordica is normal ; the fruit itself and its seeds are bitter. However, it is used in Asian dishes and in oriental medicine. Only unripe green fruits are used for food.

The pulp of unripe Momordiki is eaten raw, boiled, fried, canned. The ripe plant is most often used in folk medicine.

Errors during cultivation

Since melon is a heat-loving plant, it is important to take into account climatic conditions when planting. When grown in cold regions, fruits need special attention and proper care.

In the northern part of the country, seedlings, rather than seeds, are used for planting. Melon seeds are soaked in warm water, then planted in separate cups in special soil for seedlings of melons. It contains soil, humus and fertilizers. In cold regions, the plant is planted in closed ground.

Why does melon taste bitter and can you eat it?
Cold and high soil moisture cause significant damage to the crop. Plant seedlings grow well at a temperature of +25°C and a humidity of 60-70%. The site for planting melons is allocated a sunny, draft-free area. After the soil warms up to +18°C, the seedlings are planted in open or closed ground.


Like most plants, if not properly cared for, melons run the risk of contracting various diseases.

Why does melon taste bitter and can you eat it?


Under unfavorable growing conditions, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus with this fungal disease. Although modern breeders are developing plants that are resistant to Fusarium, there are still some that are susceptible to the fungus.

There are several ways a melon can be infected - through contaminated seeds, through the root system, or through cracks and scratches on the surface of the skin.

Signs of fusarium:

  • leaves too light;
  • lethargy of stems and leaves;
  • gray spots on leaves.

The taste of fruit affected by the fungus will be bitter and, in general, the fruit will lose its taste appeal. Therefore, diseased plants are destroyed and the soil is treated with a fungicide.

Reference. Planting in raised beds reduces the risk of plants becoming infected with diseases and pests.


This type of fungus also gives the fruit a bitter taste. Basically, a melon with ankarosis visually looks normal, but when cut, the pulp around the seeds and the seeds themselves are an unpleasant brown color. On the fruit itself, brownish spots are visible throughout the surface.

Reference. China grows a quarter of the world's melon production - about 8 million tons.

Melons and other melons. Plant diseases, pests. seedlings.

Nitrate content

When potassium, calcium and ammonium combine chemically, nitrates are formed. They are often used on large farms as part of plant fertilizers. In small quantities, nitrates are used to enhance growth, control pests and for long-term storage of fruits.

But their excessive use leads to negative consequences. This chemical compound accumulates in the melon pulp, gives an unpleasant taste and causes digestive problems in humans.

Reference. When growing melons near a roadway, there is a risk of getting a crop with an unpleasant taste, since the fruits absorb heavy metals and chemical compounds from exhaust gases.

How to choose the right melon without bitterness

Features when choosing a fruit are:

  1. Ripe melon has a pronounced pleasant fruity-honey aroma. If there is no such smell or it is weak, it is better not to eat such fruit.
  2. The surface is smooth, without cracks, dents or scratches. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate through such holes, which negatively affects the quality of the product.
  3. When tapping, a dull sound is heard.
  4. The tail of a fresh fruit is dry, the skin springs slightly when pressed with a finger.
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