Knotweed medicinal properties for kidney stones reviews

To remove kidney stones, representatives of alternative medicine recommend using the medicinal plant knotweed, which has a second name - knotweed. This medicinal herb promotes the passage of stones in kidney stones and takes an active part in normalizing salt metabolism in the body. You can drink traditional medicines from knotweed not only as a treatment, but also to prevent recurrence of kidney stones.

Natural and active character of the plant

Sporysh is the Russian folk name for a medicinal plant, which is listed in catalogs as bird knotweed (Polygonum aviculare - lat.).

In common parlance, this annual plant is affectionately called grass-ant, since as it grows, the wild plant completely covers the meadow surface, like a carpet.

The name of the herb lies in its vitality and ability to quickly (spontaneously) recover and regenerate damaged green shoots.

In the wise Slavic epic, knotweed is revered as a symbol of endurance, fertility and vitality (natural life force).

The biologically active chemical composition of the herb is very rich:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • silicic acid;
  • vitamins K, E;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

The phytotherapeutic effect of the ground part of the knotweed herb, a medicinal raw material, occurs due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties used in urology and nephrology.

Effect on the body

The combination of useful ingredients provides a positive effect when incorporating knotweed-based herbal remedies into complex therapy. The interaction of the components provides an active effect on problem organs. After a course of therapy, health improves, and the tonic effect of knotweed appears.

Useful action:

  • reduces inflammation,
  • dissolves sand, stones in the urinary tract, accelerates the excretion of excess mineral salts,
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, including purulent ones,
  • reduces irritation in dermatological diseases,
  • exhibits a diaphoretic effect,
  • activates intestinal motility,
  • reduces the temperature to optimal levels,
  • restores the balance between the formation and excretion of mineral salts, uric acid,
  • increases blood clotting rates,
  • reduces swelling due to pathologies of the kidneys and heart,
  • lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

On a note! Knotweed herb is used not only to dissolve stones in the urinary tract, but also to treat many diseases in the body. Knotweed helps with tuberculosis, obesity, furunculosis, and arterial hypertension. The ant herb exhibits medicinal properties for dysentery, purulent wounds on the body, acne, rheumatism, and dermatitis.

Medicinal properties

Knotweed herb is part of urological preparations and is used in medical practice for the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, in case of chronic pathology.

Knotweed is combined with various medicinal plants and, as part of a phyto-mixture, actively influences the dynamics of disease treatment. The main phytotherapeutic properties of knotweed:

  • diuretics;
  • antibacterial;
  • regulating urodynamics;
  • regulating local metabolism in the male reproductive system;
  • antispasmodic.

Experienced herbalists (herbalists) prescribe medicinal diuretic mixtures for regular therapeutic and preventive use.

The healing properties of knotweed and its effect on the treatment of urolithiasis

Knotweed (bird knotweed) is an annual herbaceous plant that can be found anywhere in the world. It is completely unpretentious and can reproduce for a long time in conditions of low humidity and sudden temperature changes.

In Arctic regions, bird knotweed is extremely rare and does not have such pronounced medicinal properties.

Knotweed can be found anywhere in the world

The plant has small (up to 4 cm in length) elliptical leaves, as well as thin roots. The healing properties of this herb are actively used to combat urolithiasis. Knotweed contains vitamins K and E, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and beneficial mineral complexes. Bird knotweed has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating and diuretic effects, and also reduces the likelihood of sand formation in the kidneys, promotes the destruction and removal of stones. It is recommended to collect raw materials in places far from roads or industrial enterprises.

Indications for use

Medicinal plant products with knotweed are used in folk practical medicine for the treatment and prevention of the following chronic diseases:

  • genitourinary tract infections;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • urolithiasis.

Experienced “herbalists” recommend and prescribe knotweed for constant use, since the greens of knotweed contain pectin, which removes harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body.

In ancient medical books, this herb is called “trample” and it is recommended that after a long walk, steam the feet in hot water with “trample”, which relieves swelling and swelling of tired legs.

general information

An annual plant with small flowers can be found in different places: along the banks of lakes and rivers, near roads, in plantings, courtyards, parks, and garden plots. Knotweed has several interesting names: grass-ant, bird's-buckwheat, goose-grass.

In folk medicine, the aerial part is used. Plant materials are sold in pharmacies, but if you wish, you can collect and dry the herbs yourself. It is important to choose the right collection location: away from roads and industrial areas.

Spread the cut grass in a thin layer in a shaded, dry place, for example, in an attic, balcony or under a canopy. Pack the dried plant in canvas or paper bags and put it in a room where there is no dampness. Knotweed can be stored for 36 months; the remainder of the herb cannot be used after three years.

Contraindications for use

Traditional contraindications to taking urological preparations, which include knotweed, are based on individual recommendations for hypersensitivity to the active substances.

Doctors do not recommend taking combination medications containing knotweed for children under fourteen years of age.

In the acute course of a urological or nephrological disease, plant mixtures containing knotweed are also not prescribed, since the fiber of the plant contains silicic acid, a rather aggressive fraction.

This trace element can cause severe irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the excretory organs.

Doctors impose a complete ban on taking drugs with knotweed during pregnancy and during the lactation period. Not recommended for all elderly patients and people who have had a heart attack or stroke.

It is necessary to take into account the properties of knotweed - it clots and thickens blood, which can provoke blood supply disturbances and congestion with the formation of blood clots.

In what cases is it not recommended to use such a plant?

In patients with certain diseases or pathological conditions, the use of bird knotweed may cause deterioration of well-being and lead to adverse consequences. That is why doctors recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting therapy to avoid the development of unwanted complications.

While working in the intensive care unit, I was involved in helping a man with an acute allergic reaction to knotweed. The patient was diagnosed with urolithiasis several months ago. To get rid of it, the young man decided to use a decoction based on knotweed and wormwood, but he took too many raw materials. This led to the spontaneous occurrence of an allergic reaction in the form of severe swelling of the vocal cords and impaired air flow into the lungs. The patient began to choke and turn blue, as a result of which the relatives immediately called an ambulance. The team that arrived at the scene provided emergency assistance, and the man was hospitalized in the intensive care unit. To prevent such complications, it is recommended to always have an antiallergic tablet (Tavegil, Claritin, Loratadine) on hand.

Contraindications to the use of knotweed for the treatment of urolithiasis:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (myocardial infarction, hypertension) and recent stroke. It is believed that even small amounts of knotweed can have undesirable effects on heart rhythm, and as a result its use should be avoided in patients with such conditions.
  2. Tendency to thrombosis and thromboembolism, recent surgery. Bird knotweed causes blood thickening - it begins to coagulate in the vascular bed, as a result of which the normal outflow is disrupted. This leads to the fact that some organs and tissues do not receive oxygen-rich blood, but venous blood accumulates.
  3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Knotweed can partially penetrate the placenta (baby place) to the fetus and have some effect on its development. This plant also causes contraction of the uterus, which can cause premature birth or early miscarriages.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components of the product. If you have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, you should also avoid using knotweed to treat urolithiasis. When using it, sensitive people may develop itching, urticaria in the form of spots, and Quincke's edema.

Do not forget that it is necessary to begin treatment for urolithiasis immediately after diagnosis. This is the only way you can avoid the progression of the disease and the development of acute or chronic renal failure. Herbal remedies based on knotweed have a pronounced effect that you can notice within a few weeks of starting use. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to carry out treatment continuously without interrupting the course. This is the only way you will be able to quickly get rid of urolithiasis and prevent the development of undesirable consequences.

Knotweed, or knotweed, has long been used by folk healers to treat urolithiasis. This unpretentious and modest plant can be found in any yard. It covers meadows, river valleys, and parks with a soft green carpet. Modern supporters of herbal medicine recommend many effective ways to cleanse the kidneys of sand and stones using products prepared from this healing herb. With the help of knotweed, stones are expelled painlessly and gently, improving the overall well-being of a person.

Application in urology and nephrology

Knotweed or ergot (in ancient herbalists and medicinal books) is the most famous medicinal “grass herb”, which is widely used to relieve discomfort in the treatment of uro-nephrological diseases.

Since the urinary tract covers both the kidneys and the bladder with ducts, all typical diseases in this area respond well to herbal medicine with knotweed and universal herbal mixtures with this herb.

General recommendations

Knotweed effectively softens and dissolves stones to the state of fine sand and removes sodium and chlorine from the body, which cause crystallization of salts in the ureters and other ducts. This disease is called nephrolithiasis - urolithiasis in common parlance.

Recipes for cystitis

In practical folk medicine, chronic bladder diseases are successfully cured with urological herbal preparations or individual herbs.

Cystitis is an infectious disease that develops due to insufficient intimate hygiene when infected with pathogens.

If cystitis is not treated - the first symptoms are ignored, then pyelonephritis may develop in the future, provoked by an infection that spreads along the ascending pathways.

A popular recipe from herbalists: pour one tablespoon of dry knotweed herb into half a liter of boiling water in an enamel bowl and heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The cooled and strained broth should be taken half a glass twice a day for two weeks.

If the infusion is prepared from fresh herbs, then the green raw materials need to be slightly dried for two hours - in this case, the concentration of beneficial microelements will be more saturated and beneficial.

Urolithiasis disease

Knotweed juice is a rich and biologically active traditional medicine. It is taken in the treatment of urological pathologies - kidney diseases.

Chronic urolithiasis after diagnosis can be treated with knotweed (knotweed) juice.

To prepare fresh herbal juice, you need freshly cut raw materials (the green shoots of the plant are collected during active flowering) and squeezed using a juicer.

The prepared juice is mixed with honey, mixed thoroughly and the resulting paste is taken one hundred grams twice a day.

Experienced experts recommend taking knotweed juice only if the stones (salt crystals) deposited in the ducts are no more than six millimeters in size.

Otherwise, large deposits, moving along the tract, can completely block the lumen of the ureter.

Therapy of pyelonephritis

Complex kidney pathologies, such as chronic pyelonephritis (inflammatory disease), are treated comprehensively - using chemical medications and medicinal herbal preparations.

Herbal medicine books prescribe medicinal preparations that are taken outside the acute phase of the disease.

Prescription composition of the kidney collection (all ingredients - in equal proportions - one tablespoon):

  • yarrow;
  • knotweed;
  • oat straws;
  • sage (leaves);
  • bearberry (leaves);
  • white jasmine (flowers);
  • licorice (rhizomes);
  • juniper (fruit).

Stir the mixture, brew one tablespoon in a half-liter enamel mug and “steam” in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Leave for four hours and let cool. Squeeze the infusion and take one hundred grams of medicinal liquid twenty minutes before meals (three months).

Medicinal herb Polpa for kidney stones

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If you suffer from urolithiasis, then this disease can be cured with the help of a herb called pol-fallow (Erva Woolly). Even birds on the island of Sri Lanka use the miraculous ability of the grass to destroy stones. To make a nest on a rocky shore, birds tear up grass and place it in a chosen place on a rock. After some time, a depression appears in this place in the stone, where the birds build a nest. From this we can conclude that half-fire will have the same effect on kidney stones. However, we should not forget that in addition to stones, it will also destroy human teeth.

About the medicinal plant

the grass was full of kidney stones
If you suffer from urolithiasis, then this disease can be cured with the help of a herb called pol-pal (Erva Woolly)

Erva Woolly grows on the island of Ceylon in Sri Lanka. It is found in abundance in India, the Arabian Peninsula, New Guinea, Australia and North Africa. It is also grown in our country for medicinal purposes. Moreover, the plant is grown both in gardens for personal use and in special fields for use in the pharmacy industry.

This is a fairly tall biennial plant that can grow up to one and a half meters in height. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous with a gray-green tint. Since the grass is self-pollinating, it simply does not need bright, fragrant flowers. The plant is completely edible, so in India it is even added to soups, vegetable dishes and salads. In addition, the grass is actively used as feed for poultry and livestock.

The chemical composition of half-fire is as follows:

  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • beta-sitosterol;
  • coumestrol;
  • palmitic acid.

The medicinal herb has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect on the human body. It is used to treat various diseases, due to its dual action. We list all the medicinal properties of flooring below:

  1. This plant has a strong diuretic effect. However, unlike other medicines and plants with similar effects, the herb does not lead to severe dehydration of the body. By consuming decoctions and infusions of the plant, you can quickly remove uric acid, chlorides for urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis, as well as urea from the body. The herb can be taken to expel sand from the kidneys. Of course, there are medications with a similar effect, but their price is not comparable to the cost of half a dozen, especially when you consider the duration of any course of treatment.
  2. Erva helps restore salt balance in the human body. The same applies to disorders of water-salt metabolism, which are often observed with gout and spondylosis. Erva can handle them too.
  3. It is a natural and effective anti-inflammatory agent. By consuming herbal decoctions, you can eliminate the inflammatory process without the use of expensive medications. This effect is achieved by increasing urination.

the floor fell from kidney stones
The fact that half-palm helps with kidney stones is due not only to its diuretic effect, but also to other positive properties of the plant

The fact that half-palm helps with kidney stones is due not only to its diuretic effect, but also to other positive properties of the plant. Here are some of them:

  • Erva Woolly helps improve immunity.
  • With its help, the pancreas, atherosclerosis, polyarthritis and prostatitis are treated.
  • The plant promotes the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The herbal medicinal substances help normalize metabolic processes and blood pressure.
  • The herb has a calming effect on the central nervous system, improves memory, and helps get rid of migraines.
  • It is used in the treatment of tracheitis, flu and bronchitis, since the plant effectively cleanses the lower and upper respiratory tract of toxins, and also fights inflammation.
  • Erva is used to treat hemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Half-palm helps restore potassium balance in the body.
  • The herb is used to treat diseases of the uterus, ovaries (such as fibroids and fibroids), and polyps in the intestines. She also treats disorders of the female cycle.
  • The plant is used in the complex treatment of various diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, arthritis).
  • Erva Woolly helps cleanse the body of waste, toxins and heavy metals. There is even information that the herb helped with radioactive contamination of humans. That is why the plant is recommended for consumption by people living in regions with poor environmental conditions, in megacities and industrial areas.
  • The antibacterial and diuretic effect of the herb is simply irreplaceable in the fight against urolithiasis. Half-fallen from kidney stones is just a godsend for the patient.
  • Since the herb thins the blood, this is a good prevention of blood clots.
  • With the help of Erva, they cleanse the skin and eliminate skin rashes and acne.
  • The herb is a wonderful preventative against heart attacks and strokes, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Pol-pal is actively used as a diuretic for diabetic nephropathy, edema of various origins, as well as arterial hypertension.

Important: half-palm helps treat many diseases that modern medicine cannot cure without surgery. For this, Erva is called “a surgeon by nature” or “a surgeon without a scalpel.”

Erva's infusion is successfully used in the complex treatment of patients who have undergone surgery to remove stones from the urinary tract. The herb is also used in the postoperative period and as a prophylactic agent.

Features of use

the grass on the floor fell from kidney stones
Since half a glass destroys not only the stone, but also the teeth, you need to drink the prepared decoction or infusion only through a straw so that the liquid does not come into contact with the teeth

Since half a burn destroys not only the stone, but also the teeth, you need to drink the prepared decoction or infusion only through a straw so that the liquid does not come into contact with the teeth. Moreover, after using the medicinal composition, the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with water to protect the teeth from possible destruction.

During the course of treatment of urolithiasis with pola-pal herb, you need to stop eating spicy and salty foods, and also completely eliminate alcohol. Since the medicine has a pronounced diuretic effect, there is a risk of leaching useful minerals and compounds from the body. To prevent this from happening, after the course of treatment you must take a break for six months.


half the floor how to take for stones
You can take the remedy in the form of an infusion or decoction.

You can take the remedy in the form of an infusion or decoction.

1st method of preparation:

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs into an enamel bowl.
  2. All this is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  3. Next, the bowl is placed in a water bath, where the herb is infused in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  4. After this, remove the bowl from the water bath and let the infusion cool to room temperature.
  5. Now the mixture is filtered and squeezed.
  6. The volume of the resulting liquid must be brought to 200 ml with boiling water.

2nd cooking method:

  1. For this you will need a thermos. You need to place 2 tbsp in it. l. herbs.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything.
  3. Leave in a thermos for one hour.

You need to take the prepared medicine a quarter or ½ cup three times a day. It is better to drink it half an hour before meals. Moreover, before taking, the prepared infusion must be shaken and heated (if it was stored in the refrigerator). The therapeutic and preventive course is 10-30 days. After a month's course of treatment, be sure to take a break for six months.

Recipe for a decoction of pol-paly, which is used for any disease:

  1. Pour 25 g of dried grass into a liter of water.
  2. This mixture must be simmered over low heat until the total volume of liquid is reduced to 200 ml.
  3. After this, the prepared broth must be filtered.
  4. If you don’t like drinking a decoction that is too bitter, you can sweeten the medicine a little.

Side effects

the grass was full of kidney stones
The packaging of Erva Woolly states that the herb can cause allergic reactions and nausea

The side effects of the medicine you are taking are usually indicated on the box of dry herbs. The packaging of Erva Woolly states that the herb can cause allergic reactions and nausea.

However, the packaging does not indicate the main side effect of using this herb - damage to tooth enamel. Thus, a woman who regularly drank grass every six months to prevent urolithiasis noticed that over time, the enamel on her front teeth became very thin, so much so that it became almost transparent.

To avoid such an unpleasant and irreparable side effect:

  • Drink the infusion through a straw.
  • Immediately after this, rinse your mouth or, better yet, brush your teeth.


the floor fell from kidney stones
During pregnancy, this medicinal plant should be used with extreme caution.

Like any medicine, pola-pal has its contraindications. This medicinal plant is not recommended for use in the following cases:

The folk way to cleanse the kidneys! Our grandmothers were treated using this recipe...

Cleaning your kidneys is easy! You need to add it during meals...

  1. In case of hypersensitivity to the plant. In other words, if you are allergic to Erva Woolly.
  2. It is better to completely avoid treatment with such a herb in case of osteoporosis, since the substances of the herb can have a destructive effect on a weakened skeletal system.
  3. Treatment with Erva cannot be carried out if a person has any diseases in which calcium is excreted from the body in large quantities. Such diseases include hypoparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy.
  4. Half-fingered people should not be treated with rickets.
  5. During pregnancy, this medicinal plant should be used with extreme caution, as it is not suitable for all people.
  6. While breastfeeding, it is better to avoid treatment with this herb.
  7. Erva Woolly is not used to treat children under 12 years of age.
  8. In case of individual intolerance.
  9. You should not use this herb to treat urolithiasis, which is accompanied by the formation of stones that are too large, since in this case there is a high risk of blockage of the ureters.

Important: before starting treatment for urolithiasis with a half-palm, you need to undergo an ultrasound to have an idea of ​​the size of the kidney stones.

Knotweed for conception: reviews of use

The main problem that this herb helps to cope with and which has not yet been mentioned is difficulty conceiving. Knotweed helps to activate internal processes in the body, both of the girl herself and her partner. For this purpose, we use the infusion, the recipe for which is given above. But you can brew it in another way. If you pour boiling water over a teaspoon, you can drink it after a short infusion instead of tea. After taking the tincture, the uterus contracts more intensely, and conception occurs faster. Moreover, even the doctors themselves have already recognized the influence of this plant on the woman’s body. The functioning of the ovaries is also normalized. Feedback from the patients themselves is very positive. They consumed knotweed both fresh in salads and as infusions and teas. The only condition is long enough use. But a woman who wants to become a mother is ready for anything.

See also: Hellebore for weight loss

Bearberry, bean and knotweed

These herbs need to be mixed in equal proportions

These herbs must be mixed in equal proportions. From the resulting collection, take only 15 grams and pour boiling water in a volume of 0.3 liters. The whole drug is infused for 30 minutes and then strained. The prepared infusion is drunk throughout the day in small portions before meals.

Important: when using herbal therapy, it is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of fluids so that stones and sand come out less painfully. It is also necessary to consult a specialist regarding herbal therapy. Remember, self-medication is at least stupid, and at most dangerous to your health.

Stones in the kidneys…

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Knotweed: contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that knotweed is an almost universal remedy for many human pathological conditions, its use is not indicated for everyone

Despite the fact that knotweed is an almost universal remedy for many human pathological conditions, its use is not indicated for everyone. Thus, the use of knotweed is contraindicated for the following persons:

Patients with thrombophlebitis. Since knotweed already has a great effect on blood clotting, such an effect is undesirable for thrombophlebitis. This may lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. It is better not to use knotweed for patients with varicose veins, since the herb can adsorb toxins. And this is extremely undesirable in case of vascular pathology. You should also not use the herb if the patient has inflammation of the mucous membrane of the kidneys or bladder, since knotweed in this case will irritate the already inflamed areas of the body. This will not bring relief to the patient. Quite the opposite. It is not recommended to use knotweed for treatment by pregnant women and patients with individual intolerance to the plant.

Important: in rare cases, the use of knotweed can provoke an allergy in the form of a rash. Renal colic is also possible. In these cases, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the advisability of continuing herbal therapy.

Description of composition and beneficial properties

Healers use knotweed to treat various pathologies due to its rich composition, which includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin K;
  • essential oil;
  • resins;
  • bitterness;
  • vitamin E;
  • carbohydrates;
  • silicic acid;
  • fats;
  • tannins.

The herb destroys calcium salts in stone formations and is excreted in the urine.

Due to the healing properties of knotweed, this herb is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, as well as to treat skin problems. Remedies from knotweed have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reduce high blood pressure and increase blood clotting. However, the main purpose of knotweed is to reduce the size of stones. This effect of the herb is due to silicic acid, which is found in the composition of bird knotweed and has a destructive effect on calcium salts in stone formations - it crushes them into particles that are easily excreted in urine. Knotweed is effective for kidney inflammation; it acts as a diuretic and improves kidney function.

Knotweed has the ability to stop bleeding, so it is often used for bleeding mucous membranes, as well as for bleeding wounds, heavy menstruation, and after childbirth. An infusion of medicinal herbs restores strength after surgery and is even used in complex treatment for female infertility. To summarize, we can highlight the following medicinal properties that knotweed has:

  • antimicrobial;
  • astringent;
  • immunostimulating;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic.

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