Is it possible to drink urine? Urine therapy: reviews from doctors and patients

How is female urine different from male urine? – Website about

Urinalysis is a study that is mandatory to determine the presence of pathology.
It is prescribed to every patient who consults a doctor, even with minor complaints, or for a medical examination. If correctly deciphered, a disease is determined that may indicate a deviation not only of the kidneys, urinary and genitourinary systems. Independent interpretation of tests without the proper knowledge and experience will not give positive results, so you should not self-medicate. As for the norms and differences, the urine of adults and children is different, it also differs in men and women, but only slightly.

Urology/November 13, 2006 01:48

There are all kinds of urine and each has, in addition to the general ones, properties unique to it, and therefore a corresponding effect on the body.

The quality and composition of urine is influenced by nutrition, a person’s emotional state, his individual constitution, as well as a person’s thinking. It is necessary to keep in mind the influence of different lunar cycles and seasons.

Only from the above list it follows that for each type of disease or health disorder it is advisable to use your own urine. Only in this case will the abstract phrase “they say it cures all diseases” turn into concrete and effective recommendations on how to treat.

Without knowledge of these features, as well as many others, you will be disappointed and you will not feel any “miracles” of urine therapy.

To the question of whether women's urine is different from men's, many doctors are looking for an answer, who take tests from patients to identify various diseases.

Based on the tests, diseases are diagnosed and investigated, which plays a major role in their cure. This method is suitable for almost every person when professionally examined by a doctor, who prescribes it.

Based on the study, the specialist determines pathologies of the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.

Urine collection rules

For the test result to be correct, you need to know how to properly collect urine. This analysis requires preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to consume foods that contain high amounts of protein the day before, as well as fruits and vegetables that can change the color of urine.

In most cases, morning urine is collected, so before collection, hygiene of the external genitalia is carried out. These conditions are the same for everyone, both men and women.

If you ignore these recommendations, the results may be distorted and a repeat study will be required.

Women are not recommended to take this test during menstruation, as red blood cells will get into the urine, which can spoil the result.

Urine is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to bring the research material to the laboratory within two hours for the result to be correct.

Physical properties. Includes the study of the following properties:

  • Color. The shades of biological material can be different and range from light to rich yellow. The color may differ only due to different specific gravity, pathological processes that occur in the body, and the effects of drugs and food.
  • Transparency. Urine in men and women should be clear. If it is cloudy, then this may indicate red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelium, bacteria and other abnormalities.
  • Specific gravity. If the patient is healthy, then this indicator can change during the day in a wide range of values, which is influenced by various factors. In men and women 1010-1025 g/l
  • Urine reaction. It can be either acidic or slightly acidic. Men and women have a pH of 5.3-6.5. It can change depending on the food you eat and the pathological processes that occur in the body.

Chemical composition. This test helps determine the presence in urine of:

  • Squirrel. In both men and women, protein should be contained in the urine in an insignificant amount, which cannot always be determined, so the absence of protein is recognized. In both sexes this figure should not exceed 0.1%.
  • Glucose. This indicator in both sexes should also be insignificant and not detected by qualitative samples. For men and women, no more than 1.6%.
  • Ketone bodies. Can sometimes be determined depending on diet. But normally, these bodies must be absent, even in children.

Microscopic study of sediment. Carry out after studying the physical and chemical properties of urine. In male and female urine, only one of two types of sediment can be determined:

  • Organic sediment. Includes: blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, active white blood cells. Fungi and sperm may also be present. As for the indicators, they differ between men and women at different ages.
  • Inorganic sediment. Includes: salts, mucus, crystals, which are observed only in pathological urine. This indicator may indicate urolithiasis. Also, acidic and alkaline urine will differ in composition.

The precipitation will depend on the properties of the urine and its acidity.

Changes in any indicator in one direction or another indicate disorders and development of pathology. The limits of the indicators given in the article may fluctuate, since they are set separately for each laboratory.


As for the differences between male and female urine, from a medical point of view, they are insignificant:

  1. Leukocytes. The number of leukocytes in the female half of the population is always slightly higher. This is explained by the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.
  2. Biochemical parameters. If an extended urine test is carried out, it is possible to detect inflated limits of some indicators that can only be observed in the male population.
  3. Presence of sperm. This can only be observed in the male part of the population.

In principle, these are all the differences in urine that exist. But traditional doctors can also highlight the fact that these two types of urine may differ in their “energy”, therefore, during urinotherapy, it is not recommended to use someone else’s urine.

From all of the above, it follows that urine in men and women is not very different, especially in terms of indicators. As for the collection of tests, they are carried out in the same way and therefore only a specialist can distinguish these two materials, and then only on the basis of laboratory tests.

What does urine therapy treat?

According to the popularizers of this treatment method, it can help with a large number of ailments:

  • Problems with the human integumentary system. Biological catalysts, vitamins and minerals that are part of the substance show effective results for psoriasis, fungus and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • When washed with excretory moisture, the hair increases in length and quality. It is enough just to add a few drops of urine to the shampoo before washing your hair, and the recipe for magnificent hair is ready;
  • Fight against early skin aging. You can literally wash away annoying wrinkles from your face and look several years younger;
  • If you rub a small amount of urine into the temporal lobes, you can forget about chronic headaches for a long time;
  • Rubbing also treats inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • Acceleration of healing processes for wounds, cuts, bites and burns. According to experts, regeneration is accelerated by 30-40%. Such use is especially important in conditions of inaccessibility of traditional antiseptics.

Doctors practicing in the field of alternative medicine recommend not to disdain drinking urine, despite numerous social prejudices.

However, this action must occur subject to certain rules


  • The substance should preferably be fresh. During long-term storage in the refrigerator, the quality and content of nutrients decreases significantly;
  • Not everyone has the luxury of drinking their own urine. This is contraindicated for patients suffering from urinary tract diseases (especially bacterial ethology);
  • Drinking the secretions of another person is not only possible, but even necessary. But in this case, you need to not only inquire about the presence of certain diseases, but also about the age of the “donor”. Older and mature people are recommended to choose youth products (18-25 years old);
  • There are legends about the benefits of urine from pregnant women, but it is extremely difficult to get it due to the lack of a civilized market;
  • You should not drink the secretions of a member of the opposite sex;
  • You need to be especially careful when choosing cookware. Plastic containers are only suitable for testing. Glass glasses and even crystal are suitable for urine therapy.

Urine collection rules

For the test result to be correct, you need to know how to properly collect urine. This analysis requires preliminary preparation. It is not recommended to consume foods that contain high amounts of protein the day before, as well as fruits and vegetables that can change the color of urine. In most cases, morning urine is collected, so before collection, hygiene of the external genitalia is carried out.

During the hygiene procedure, you should use ordinary soap and warm water. Women are not recommended to take this test during menstruation, as red blood cells will get into the urine, which can spoil the result. Urine is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

After the hygiene procedures have been carried out, you need to flush a little urine into the toilet and, without interrupting the process, substitute a jar. To conduct the study, no more than 100 ml of urine will be enough.


Update date: 07/05/2018, next update date: 07/05/2021

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To the question of whether women's urine is different from men's, many doctors are looking for an answer, who take tests from patients to identify various diseases. Based on the tests, diseases are diagnosed and investigated, which plays a major role in their cure. This method is suitable for almost every person when professionally examined by a doctor, who prescribes it. Based on the study, the specialist determines pathologies of the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.

The patient (whether it is a woman or a man) cannot establish an accurate diagnosis on his own. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. It is he who, based on urine analysis and basic differences, will be able to diagnose this or that abnormality in the human body. Self-medication can have a detrimental effect on the patient’s health, provoking the further development of pathology.

Is the urine of a boy and a girl different - Hello, kidneys

Medicine has established that urine can differ in minor ways. The main aspects are leukocytes and chemical indicators. Women always have slightly more of the former. This is due to the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system.

According to biochemical indicators, male urine is more saturated. This is visible to doctors upon extensive examination. There is no doubt that the stronger half sometimes contains sperm in their urine.

This concludes the list of main chemical differences. But there are some structural features of the genitourinary system that affect the composition of the fluid and are also of no small importance. A urine test can reveal differences when it comes to chemical indicators. Otherwise, you should refer to the structure of organs in the body in both sexes.

A lot of mucus in the urine of women

  • coloring;
  • transparency;
  • specific gravity;
  • reaction data.

The physical properties and chemical composition determine the difference between urine among representatives of different sexes.

Based on this, the final data on the treatment that should be prescribed becomes known. Sometimes indicators can be constant, which is due to the structure of the body and its characteristics.

Otherwise, the differences depend on other important factors that should be taken into account in order to subsequently avoid worsening health problems in patients complaining to doctors.

The color may vary depending on various diseases associated with the genitourinary system, as well as the drugs used and the person’s diet. Bacteria may be present in the urine, which also appear as a result of various pathologies in both sexes.

There are some characteristic structural features of the body of the strong and weak half of humanity. The female colon is larger, and this allows the body of the fairer sex to absorb a significant amount of fluid during pregnancy. This causes urine to pool, causing bloating, which is more common in women than men.

Urinalysis is performed by doctors in accordance with clinical guidelines. For both sexes, the requirement to consume certain products before taking tests for research is the same.

Questions often arise about whether women's urine differs from men's in chemical composition.

In addition to characteristic differences, there are also general indicators that should be the same for representatives of both sexes. Protein must be present in an amount not exceeding 0.1%.

And the glucose content should not be more than 1.6%. The sediment depends on the acidity of the urine. The specific gravity should be within 1010-1025 g/l.


Internal urine therapy involves drinking fluid orally, that is, directly through the mouth.
It is believed that such urine therapy for weight loss is simply an ideal option. Of course, precautions must be taken in this case. Those who adhere to a treatment method such as fasting, according to adherents of urine therapy, should not disdain to drink urine, because it helps strengthen the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the organs that mediate its normal functioning. These include, in particular: lymph nodes, thymus gland, bone marrow.

To cleanse the body, it is recommended to consume “fresh” urine for several days in a row - thereby achieving the effect of a diuretic, and the person loses weight.

It should be noted that urine has a rather complex structure. It contains nucleic acids, including uric acid, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, purine bases, and vitamins.

That is why urine therapy, reviews of which, however, are very contradictory, is perceived as a worthy alternative to medications and dietary supplements.

Is female urine different from male urine, what are the differences in analysis?

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Everyone who took a urine test at least once saw the result.

As a rule, it is issued in the form of a table, which indicates the standards and values ​​of a particular indicator for the patient.

Expectant mothers need to regularly undergo a general urine test. Decoding for pregnant women corresponds to the classical norms of an adult.

Inflammatory processes of the bladder are typical for every second woman carrying a fetus, which is why early diagnosis is important. Kidney pathology is more serious, therefore, examination in a hospital is necessary.

  • It is especially important to promptly identify asymptomatic bacteriuria. In this condition, there are no clinical manifestations, but there are changes in the urine - bacteria are detected.

All this can lead to various obstetric complications, so timely use of approved antibiotics is required.

May 12, 2020

Diseases associated with the urinary system bring a lot of discomfort to life. Inflammation of the ureter can manifest itself against the background of pyelonephritis, cystitis, or infections of various etiologies. Attentive attention to symptoms and timely consultation with a doctor can stop a number of chronic diseases.

The ureters are located between the kidneys and the bladder. When an infection enters the urinary system, the disease spreads quickly.

Inflammations that occur in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as stones in the kidneys, can lead to infection of the ureters. Urethritis occurs, causing renal colic and pain.

Inflammation of the ureter can be caused by:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis. As urine moves, stones become trapped, clogging the ureter and scratching the walls of the mucosa.
  • violation of the innervation of the ureter.

Differences in the causes of the disease also lie in the physiology of the sexes. In women, the inflammation is often ascending, the infection comes from the urethra and labia, and in men the cause more often lies in the bladder and kidneys.

Men experience urethritis much more often than women. This is due to the fact that the length of the urethra in the male body is much longer. Urine passes along a narrow and tortuous path, and if there are stones in the urine, then inflammation will certainly occur, affecting the ureter.

The female urethra is only 1-2 cm, that is, the infection does not linger for a long time and does not injure the mucous tissue.

In both sexes, the symptoms of inflammation are almost the same:

  • emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain;
  • upon completion of urination, a pain occurs;
  • after completion of the procedure - immediately new urges;
  • the pain syndrome covers the entire lower abdomen. Pain is possible on only one side, it depends on which of the ureters is inflamed;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the color of the urine becomes cloudy, and as a result of tissue damage, blood may be present;
  • with advanced inflammation, flakes may be observed in the urine.

Diagnosis of the disease includes several types of studies, since inflammation can be caused by many reasons. It is necessary to create an accurate picture of what exactly triggered the inflammation. This task will help you cope with:

  1. A general analysis of urine and blood to determine the number of leukocytes and the presence of protein.
  2. Urography will help to see possible stones located in the urinary system.
  3. Cystoscopy – assesses the degree of disturbances in the ureters and the presence of edema.
  4. Ultrasound provides a complete visual clinical picture.

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The course of treatment generally lasts 10 days, but in severe cases or chronic forms, therapy can be extended to several weeks. Goals of treatment measures:

  1. Eliminating the cause of inflammation, fighting the causative agent of infection by taking antibiotics.
  2. Increasing immunity so that the body can independently fight infection, thereby helping conservative treatment.
  3. Restoration of damaged urethral walls.
  4. Antihistamines are used if there is an allergic reaction to the drugs.

After collecting anamnesis and undergoing all diagnostic procedures, the doctor prescribes drug treatment taking into account the original cause of infection:

  1. Antibiotic – only broad-spectrum (Amoxiclav, Pefloxacin, Doxycycline and others).
  2. Treatment of localized action - baths with potassium permanganate or antibacterial decoctions.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, warm compresses.
  4. Installations into the urethra with drugs such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Protargol.
  5. Insertion of tampons treated with antibacterial ointments into the vagina.
  6. Prescribing vitamin complexes to improve immune processes.

Drug therapy for men is small, but different from women’s:

  • Antibiotics are always prescribed for inflammation of an infectious nature - Doxycycline, Levofloxacin, etc. The doctor selects this type of medication individually, taking into account the diagnosed pathogen.
  • Supplements with lactobacilli are prescribed to maintain microflora.
  • Installation – introduction into the urethra of drugs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, using the drip method.
  • Multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators (ginseng, echinacea).

General recommendations

When treating inflammation of the ureters, a diet is prescribed with exclusion from the diet: sweet, salty, spicy, smoked. Drinking plenty of fluids is a prerequisite for recovery; this will help quickly remove pathogenic bacteria from the body through urine.

Minimize sexual contacts. Try not to overcool, so as not to cause complications and the disease becoming chronic.


This treatment option involves treating damaged areas of the body (abrasions, cuts, burns) with fabric swabs, bandages, gauze soaked in urine.

It should be noted that some people position urine therapy as an effective way to improve hair condition. In unfavorable environmental conditions, they quickly fade and become brittle. Adherents of the above method of treatment recommend using urine that has been infused for 5-7 days to give shine to the hair and rub it into the scalp, while massaging the hair itself. In parallel with this, you need to drink 200 grams of urine every morning. This way you can stimulate hair growth.

Some supporters of alternative medicine argue that the alternative treatment method is also effective in improving the condition of the skin, in other words, urine therapy for the face is a useful and necessary procedure. It is believed that urine eliminates pimples and acne for a long time. This problem is relevant, first of all, for young people, since skin rashes cause them a lot of discomfort.

  • How coffee affects the kidneys: benefits, harms, use for urolithiasis

To solve the problem, you need to use a cotton pad soaked in urine to treat the problem areas, and after a quarter of an hour, rinse your face with water. A couple of repeated procedures - and after a few days there will be no trace of acne left.

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