frequent urge to urinate in women
Frequent urination in women without pain - causes and treatment
Frequent urination in women is common. It may be associated with any pathology
Urinary incontinence in older women: how to get rid of the pathology
Causes of urinary incontinence There are certain risk factors that influence the development of urinary incontinence in
what tests are done for pain in the urethra
Urethritis in women - symptoms and quick treatment in 1 day
Urethritis in women is a fairly common occurrence. This disease is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract.
Pasternatsky's symptom (effleurage). What is it, positive, negative, how to treat
Pasternatsky's method (symptom): determining pathology
Increasingly, patients come to the doctor with complaints of lumbar pain, which reflexively spreads
Blood in the urine of a man without pain: causes and treatment methods
08/06/2017 Hematuria or bloody urine in men manifests itself in two forms: macro- and microhematuria.
Where is the bladder located, what does it look like and what is its structure?
Author of the article Anatoly Shishigin Reading time: 3 minutes AA Bladder in its own way