What to expect a day, a week and a month after a cesarean section?

Today, for one reason or another, women often resort to medical assistance during childbirth and have a caesarean section. Naturally, the surgical intervention does not pass without a trace, and at first the woman in labor will feel pain when urinating after a cesarean section.

Pain when urinating in women after cesarean section is a common symptom and is accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina. Going to the toilet is accompanied by acute cutting pain or burning throughout the entire process of urination, or only at the end. However, doctors say that such pain is quite normal, given the overload and injuries that have occurred. Pain, burning and itching will stop within a few weeks after cesarean section. However, if the symptoms persist for quite a long time, then you should not expect them to go away on their own. A timely visit to a medical specialist and unquestioning compliance with his instructions will help you quickly get rid of painful sensations and prevent the development of various complications.

Why do women bleed in urine?

Urine with blood is a sign of pathology of the urinary tract. One of the reasons may be hematuria, that is, too many red blood cells, which negatively affect the organs of the urinary system.

Consuming red foods can also cause blood to appear.

The presence of cystitis, urethritis, and kidney injuries can also be accompanied by blood in the urine.

If there is a kidney injury or infection, the color of the blood will be dark or brown. Blood clots appear due to hemorrhage in the bladder.

If the blood is bright red, this may indicate a tumor and the presence of kidney stones.

If blood is released during urination, the woman often goes to the toilet, blood pressure may increase, and swelling appears.

Relief of pain when passing urine

Medicine, unfortunately, is not yet able to completely relieve women in labor from postpartum pain when urinating. However, medical advice can significantly reduce the severity of pain symptoms:

  • try to drink fluids every 20-30 minutes to flush out infections and prevent inflammation;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks, coffee, preferring clean water, not too sweet fruit drinks or herbal teas based on chamomile, lingonberry leaf, bearberry.
  • avoid eating solid foods, as well as spicy, salty, fatty foods;
  • walk around the room more to reduce swelling of the urinary tract;
  • or apply a cold compress to the pubis for 20-30 seconds;
  • if it’s uncomfortable to urinate while sitting, then do it standing, with your legs spread wide apart and bent;
  • when the vessel is used, it should be heated;
  • Some women in labor find it easier to urinate under a relaxing, warm shower;
  • After leaving the toilet, soak your feet in a warm bath for 15-20 minutes to relieve spasms, then put on woolen socks.

These tips are designed to help mothers in labor alleviate their condition and reduce pain when urinating in the first few days after the birth of the child. If the discomfort continues longer, be sure to discuss this with your doctor. You will likely need appropriate treatment.

It hurts to write

One of the reasons may be urolithiasis. Pain occurs when stones pass through the genitourinary canal and cause injury during urination. Renal colic also provokes pain; painful spasms are sharp and radiate to the groin area.

The most common cause of pain is the development of cystitis. It is an infectious process in the bladder. The urge to urinate occurs too often and is accompanied by itching and pain. There is a feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied.

List of other causes of pain when urinating with blood:

  • Thrush. Evacuation is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, discharge and burning.
  • Pyelonephritis. Pain occurs before and after urination, radiating to the groin area and back.
  • Venereal diseases. Common symptoms include blood in the urine and abdominal pain.
  • Consequences after sore throat and flu. Untreated disease or an advanced stage can also lead to pain and blood impurities.

What not to do

If a woman experiences severe aching, cutting pain and burning when urinating after childbirth, then she is strictly prohibited from performing the following actions:

  • use sanitary tampons;
  • use diuretics;
  • lift weights;
  • wash yourself with untested means;
  • self-medicate.

    If you experience pain and burning during urination after childbirth, it is strictly forbidden to use hygienic tampons.

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There is no need to expose the baby to danger, because if the reason that a woman has pain in urinating is an infection, then it can quickly penetrate into the mother’s breast milk and affect the baby’s immunity.

Blood in urine after cesarean section

Having blood when urinating is common after a caesarean section. The amount of discharge may be more abundant than in those who gave birth naturally.

Characteristic features of the discharge:

  • It is impossible to determine a specific rate of discharge, since it is individual for each woman.
  • When urinating, there may be a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation.
  • The amount of blood may increase when a woman is breastfeeding or leading an active lifestyle.
  • When the color of the blood turns brown, this is a sign that the female body is returning to normal.

The following factors may cause concern:

  • A rapid increase in the amount of blood in the urine is a negative factor. This is due to improper contraction of the uterus. If the pad has to be changed every hour, this indicates bleeding. In such a situation, you need to call an ambulance.
  • If bleeding does not stop for a long time.
  • If during the first week an unpleasant odor and symptoms such as fever and abdominal pain appear, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the uterus.
  • If bleeding suddenly stops, then this fact may indicate a posterior bending state of the uterus, due to which blood cannot leave the body.
  • The occurrence of thrush after taking antibiotics.
  • If after five days the discharge becomes bright red.

Bleeding should last no more than two months. If the duration is prolonged, then this symptom requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Description of pain symptoms

Any surgical intervention is extremely stressful for the body and can cause temporary disruption in the functioning of various systems. A fairly common consequence of cesarean section is disruption of the functioning of the urinary organs and the appearance of pain symptoms when urinating.

Usually these are spasms, sharp, pulsating or aching painful sensations in the lower abdomen, intensifying towards the end of the process of urine output. Burning or pain in the urethra, pubic and genital area. Moreover, after visiting the toilet, the pain can continue for some time, sometimes quite a long time.

Such symptoms are considered completely normal and, with the planned recovery of the female body, should stop after 2-3 days. In other words, painful symptoms when urinating in most cases soon disappear.

If they persist for a long time, then complications may occur. Such a negative development of events is a consequence of the mother’s failure to comply with hygiene standards or ignoring the requirements of doctors.

Urine like blood after childbirth

The appearance of blood in the urine most often occurs during pregnancy. At this moment, you should treat your health condition with great care. The normal color of urine is light yellow. The causes of red pigment can be:

  • taking medications;
  • Food;
  • pathology of internal organs.

The urinary system experiences overload during pregnancy. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, compression of the internal organs occurs. The activity of the kidneys, liver and urinary system is disrupted. Due to the characteristic changes that occur in the female body, the appearance of a small amount of blood is normal. In a short time, urine returns to its natural color.

Preventive actions

In order to help quickly resolve the problem, you need to follow a few simple rules.

The main ones include:

  1. Carry out hygiene procedures regularly. Such actions must be followed at least 4 times a day, and if there are postoperative stitches, immediately after going to the toilet.
  2. Tampons should not be used because they are the main culprits of the inflammatory process that occurs inside the uterus.
  3. The urge to go to the toilet should be every 2 hours. Also, to completely remove fluid from the body, you should lean forward - this will facilitate this process.
  4. Drink as much fluid as possible. These should be unsweetened drinks: water, tea without sugar. Cranberry juice also has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on solving the problem. The berry contains a large amount of tannin, which helps destroy microbes.
  5. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle: walk more, play sports. In this case, you should not make sudden movements if a caesarean section was performed during childbirth.

Attention! Before taking any medications, consult your doctor!

For inflammation in the genitourinary system, uroseptics are usually prescribed, which are supported by antibacterial therapy. You should also not neglect washing, because this remedy perfectly allows you to get rid of diseases such as cystitis, combining it with feeding. The only drawback of this procedure will be the inconvenience of organizing treatment, as well as frequent visits to a specialist.

There are also situations in which a sexually transmitted infection may appear in the body, which subsequently provokes cystitis. In such cases, it is necessary to resort to specific treatment that can combat the inflammatory process as much as possible. Also, drug treatment and physical therapy cannot be completely ruled out.

Treatment of cystitis with drugs is often carried out in three directions, and for this purpose antibiotic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.


At the stage of treatment of acute cystitis, patients are shown physiological therapy - treatment with thermal procedures has a positive effect on the woman’s body and speeds up recovery. Physiotherapeutic measures include electrophoresis, controlled hyperthermia, magnetophoresis, magnetotherapy and others.

This type of treatment is optional, but it is often used along with the doctor’s main prescriptions. Such treatment is prescribed for the general strengthening of the body, saturating it with vitamins, live beneficial bacteria, as well as a variety of antifungal drugs, of which there are more and more every day in every pharmacy.

To avoid cystitis during the postpartum period, it is especially important to follow the following simple recommendations, which any doctor will insist on:

  • During pregnancy, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations to detect weaknesses in the body and then treat them.
  • To avoid infection, sexual contact should only be with a healthy partner. If there is any doubt about his health, barrier contraception should be used.
  • Go to the toilet every few hours to prevent stagnation of urine.
  • Taking vitamins prescribed by a doctor, aimed at strengthening the walls of the bladder.
  • Follow the correct diet after cesarean section, prescribed by your doctor, which consists of completely avoiding salty, fried, fatty and smoked foods.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, which also include the choice of underwear: lovers of thongs will have to abandon this model of panties, as they provoke the introduction of intestinal microflora into the vagina.

The occurrence of pain during urination poses the task of a comprehensive series of diagnostic procedures to the doctor in order to identify the main cause of the unpleasant condition. Since a similar clinical picture is inherent in many diseases, the specialist must differentiate these pathologies. For this purpose, the patient is asked to undergo the following laboratory and instrumental examination.

  1. General and extended analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Study of a portion of urine using the Nechiporenko method.
  3. If necessary, Zimnitsky's test is performed
  4. Bacteriological culture of a smear obtained from the urethra, as well as urinary sediment.
  5. PCR, ELISA, RSK. Serological research methods allow you to determine the type of infectious agent.
  6. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs using a transvaginal sensor. A device used for examination through the anterior abdominal wall may cause pain in the incision area.
  7. Cystoscopy. Visualization and assessment of the condition of the bladder walls by introducing a sensor with a camera.
  8. Cystography. X-rays of the organ are performed using a contrast agent.

The list of diagnostic procedures is never limited to laboratory tests; to complete the examination, a number of informative instrumental methods are always used.

Blood in urine before period

With an unstable menstrual cycle, the appearance of blood in the urine ahead of schedule is a common occurrence in women. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since this fact may indicate the development of hematuria.

The normal color of urine is yellow. Any deviation from the norm indicates the development of a disease associated with internal organs. The appearance of bleeding before menstruation may indicate kidney stones. When they pass through the ureter, they injure the internal excretory canal, which in turn leads to the appearance of blood in the urine.

When you can't do without medical help

In cases where difficulties with the discharge of natural needs are prolonged, and unpleasant symptoms only intensify over time, medical help cannot be avoided.

It happens that the pain subsides, then begins to bother you again. There is hope that they will pass soon. However, one should not be deceived. Such instability does not mean recovery at all.

You should definitely contact a specialist under the following circumstances:

  • if the pain persists for more than three to four days;
  • while the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • a general painful condition is felt;
  • there are foreign secretions in the urine (mucus, clots, turbidity);
  • urine has a strange color and a sharp, atypical odor;
  • when the bladder fills, discomfort appears in the lumbar region (this may indicate problems with the kidneys);
  • or tingling, pain in the ovaries (occurs when an infection enters them).

The doctor will conduct an examination of the genitourinary system, determine the cause of persistent pain (in the physiological characteristics of the body, in slow tissue healing or in pathological processes) and draw up a therapeutic plan.

With timely initiation of treatment, it is possible to quickly return women to good health - within a maximum of 1.5 months.

What to do if you see blood in your urine

If blood appears in the urine repeatedly, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and further treatment. First you will need to take a blood and urine test. In the presence of an infectious disease, the analysis will immediately reveal a deviation from the norm. Hematuria is also examined using ultrasound, which will reveal changes in the cells and tissues of the internal urinary organs. The diagnostic procedure is necessary to select a specific treatment method.

To accurately determine the condition of the bladder, a cystoscopy procedure is used. The inspection is carried out using a special instrument equipped with micro-optics. The test result is displayed on the monitor in real time, which facilitates and speeds up the medical process.

This method helps to identify all deviations indicating an ongoing disease. But the procedure is contraindicated in cases where the urinary canal is severely inflamed and there is a high temperature. A thorough diagnosis of the female body is very important, since the initial stage of the disease is often not accompanied by noticeable symptoms. The sooner you use medication, the faster and completely the disease can be cured.

Main methods of treatment

The doctor is faced with the task of determining what exactly is the provoking factor of persistent painful urination. If these are physical injuries of varying severity, long-standing diseases, then the patient is usually prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, and dietary supplements.

Infectious diseases are treated with the use of antibiotics, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs, and antiseptic solutions for washing.

Muscle tone in the pelvic area is restored through special gymnastic techniques and moderate physical activity. Appropriate physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed.

A psychologist will help eliminate psycho-emotional problems and phobias. The main thing is not to endure the inconvenience, and do not put off going to the doctor until later. After all, when you constantly overcome pain that prevents you from living normally and doing your business, then this can subsequently result in the development of intractable neuroses.

Causes and characteristics of discharge

Postpartum discharge indicates the reverse development of the female reproductive organ. During the period of bearing a child, the uterus grew 500 times, the vessels of the placenta were firmly connected with its own blood vessels. This allowed the baby to receive the necessary nutrition and oxygen during intrauterine development.

During surgical intervention, a woman's uterus is more traumatized than during natural physiological childbirth. First of all, we are talking about an incision in the tissue of the uterus itself, through which the surgeon gains access to the baby. Placing sutures on the uterine incision is another factor for increasing discharge after cesarean section.

The doctor removes the placenta by hand after the baby is delivered. In this case, the vessels connecting the “baby place” with the uterus are injured, which causes subsequent bleeding.

The enlarged uterus, when there is no longer a need for such dimensions, begins to shrink, and in a relatively short time it will have to take on almost its previous size. This process also occurs with increased discharge, which doctors call lochia.

Discharge for the doctor is a sign of reverse involution of the uterus. Using them, an experienced doctor will be able to determine with great accuracy how this process is proceeding and how well the recovery after surgery is proceeding.

In the first three days, blood usually predominates in the lochia, which comes from damaged vessels of the placenta and the wound surface in the area of ​​the incision. Laboratory testing reveals a large number of red blood cells in the discharge. Blood clots in the discharge during this period are also completely normal.

By the fifth day, the lochia begins to contain serous serum, ichor. If you examine it under a microscope, you will find that the discharge contains a huge number of leukocytes, and dead cells of the uterine epithelium can also be observed in them. By the end of the first week after natural childbirth, cervical mucus appears in the discharge. After a cesarean section, during the same period, particles of surgical threads may be found in the lochia, which are used to suture the incised wall of the uterus. These threads are self-absorbing, but their ends, which did not enter directly into the uterine tissue, are separated as the rest of the threads are absorbed and leave the uterine cavity in the traditional way - through the vagina.

If you compare it with natural childbirth, you bleed much more in the first days after surgical delivery. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because the area of ​​damage to the uterus after surgery is much larger.

Total blood loss depends on many factors - the presence or absence of complications, the woman’s weight and height.

After a natural birth, according to the BME (Great Medical Encyclopedia), a woman loses up to one and a half kilograms due to the discharge of lochia and contraction of the uterus. After a cesarean section, this number may be higher.

Preventing problems

Help reduce the risk of cystitis:

  • compliance with hygiene rules - daily washing of the genitals 2-3 times from front to back, frequent change of pads, refusal of tampons during menstruation;
  • avoid hypothermia and walking barefoot on a cold floor;
  • use only special detergents for washing;
  • refusal to hold urine, emptying the bladder immediately after the urge appears;
  • normalization of intestinal function - consumption of fruits, vegetables, juices, increasing the volume of regular drinking water, weak tea, compotes, fruit drinks;
  • using cotton underwear that does not squeeze or tighten the perineum;
  • start walking as soon as possible after surgery, take walks in the fresh air more often;
  • exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor (after permission from the gynecologist).

We recommend reading the article about spinal anesthesia for caesarean section. From the article you will learn about what spinal anesthesia is during a caesarean section, the features of epidural anesthesia, which anesthesia is better and how it affects the child during a caesarean section.

And here is more information about how the uterus contracts after childbirth.

When cystitis develops after a cesarean section, it becomes painful for a woman to pee, pain, burning, and frequent urges occur. For treatment, antibiotics and herbs are prescribed; urination can be facilitated by washing with warm water or showering. Self-medication is dangerous due to the transition of acute inflammation to chronic, and a number of medications cause complications in the child, as they pass into breast milk.

Recovery time

After the operation, the woman is recommended to have early physical activity, since the faster the postpartum woman assumes a vertical position, the more efficiently blood and clots will drain under the influence of natural gravity.

After the operation, you can get out of bed within 12 hours, but this should be done gradually. Excessive zeal and careless handling of seams can lead to divergence of the latter.

During the first three days, it is recommended to change the postpartum pad (sterile, maternity hospital) every 3 hours. This is important not only from a hygienic point of view. Since the area of ​​damage to the uterus after surgery is larger, the risk of infection is higher.

It is for this reason that it is not recommended to use purchased pads in the first few days - they are not sterile.

By the time she is discharged, which occurs on the fifth day, the woman no longer has red blood discharge; red blood cells and mucus are present in the lochia. The period of discharge lasts quite a long time - on average up to 8 weeks. This is how long it takes for the uterus to contract (it contracts more slowly after surgery), as well as for the incision area on the uterus to heal and scar.

During the first days, in order to avoid complications, the woman is given contracting drugs. Oxytocin accelerates uterine contractions, and after the injection for 10-15 minutes, a woman may notice that the discharge has become stronger.

In addition to monitoring lochia, medical workers must monitor the body temperature of the postpartum woman, since its sharp increase is sometimes the first signal of inflammation and infection. During the round, the doctor palpates the area of ​​the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall, and before discharge, a control ultrasound examination is considered mandatory, which should confirm that the uterine cavity is clean and contractions are occurring normally.

A small amount of blood in the urine is allowed if there are no complaints of pain when urinating during the first five days after surgery.

Getting up and walking

You will risk getting out of bed for the first time a few hours after surgery. The nurse or your assistant will help you sit up and then stand up. When you first stand up, you may feel weak and dizzy. You can reduce dizziness by doing arm and leg exercises in bed to improve blood circulation. Take your time, let yourself get used to each new state when you move from a lying position to a standing one.

Here's how to get out of bed: Turn on your side, let your legs hang over the edge of the bed, and push yourself into a sitting position. Sit for a while and move your legs. When you're ready, lower your feet to the floor and stand up (with someone's help). Stand as straight as possible. This will not harm your seams even if they seem to be pulling.

Norm and pathology

After discharge, the woman controls the discharge herself. Caring for a child, of course, will take a lot of time, but you shouldn’t forget about your own health.

Moderate, uniform discharge after 2 weeks of staying at home is considered normal. With normal involution of the uterus, after about a month and a half, the discharge becomes mucous, yellowish, and then colorless. The mucus is replaced by normal vaginal secretion after 2 months of the recovery period.

Pathological discharge should definitely be a reason to visit a doctor. These include the following situations:

  • heavy bleeding, which began suddenly after discharge from the maternity hospital, after the stage of serous lochia;
  • increased bleeding or blood “spotting” against a background of high body temperature;
  • earlier cessation of discharge (after 4-5 weeks);
  • prolonged discharge (after 9-10 weeks from the date of surgery);
  • heterogeneity of discharge, clots, “curdling” after discharge from the hospital;
  • any abdominal pain combined with bleeding.

A woman in the postoperative recovery period needs to pay special attention to the color of the lochia that stands out. If the discharge has become bright pink or orange, injury to the internal tissues formed in the dissection area cannot be ruled out. This can happen if a couple begins to have sex too early, contrary to prohibitions and restrictions, if the woman lifts weights.

If the discharge becomes green, gray, brownish, has an unpleasant odor, or additional signs appear in the form of itching of the genitals, you should definitely be examined for infectious lesions. Yellow-green discharge may be a sign of endometrial inflammation. Liquid, watery discharge during the recovery period is also an alarming sign, which indicates a complication of the recovery process. In any of these cases, a woman should definitely visit a gynecologist to find the true cause of the problem and begin treatment.

Cystitis in the postpartum period

During pregnancy, the bladder is subject to a large load, which negatively affects the condition of its blood vessels and nerve endings.
Therefore, after childbirth - both natural and after cesarean section - it takes some time to restore normal urination. The catheter, which is necessarily used during surgery, is also a traumatic factor. Most of the reasons indicating painful sensations when urinating can be divided into 2 types.


  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • getting injured;
  • excessive physical activity, resulting in difficulties during childbirth;
  • overfilling of the urinary tract;
  • pain when urinating.


  • Cystitis is characterized by the occurrence of inflammation of the bladder. Accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet, as well as acute and burning pain. In addition, it occurs in the lower abdomen and may intensify;
  • The inflammatory process of the bladder manifests itself through infection. In this case, a burning sensation is observed;
  • endometritis – inflammation of the uterus. It manifests itself as pain mainly at night. It appears after a few days, with a high body temperature and a rapid heartbeat.

If after several days the pain and burning sensation when urinating does not stop, then in most cases this indicates an infection has penetrated inside.

The inflammatory process can begin due to many factors:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • large blood loss;
  • the remainder of small pieces of the placenta;
  • penetration of infection after using a catheter;
  • difficult childbirth and pregnancy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • lack of personal hygiene measures.

Characteristic painful sensations occur in most cases after cesarean section. To fix the problem, you need to seek help from specialists.

Severe pain and cramping when urinating after childbirth by cesarean section lasts the longest. They are often accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina. Very often it begins to pull and hurt in the urethra. Emptying is accompanied by acute cutting pain, but according to doctors, given the trauma to the tissues of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, this condition is considered normal and disappears after a few days.

Attention! Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if the pain is long-lasting and remains severe for a month.

After a caesarean section, pain when urinating may vary and have different characteristics. The pain that a woman experiences when trying to empty her bladder manifests itself in the form of pain, burning in the area of ​​the urethral canal and external genitalia. Aching and itchy, it gets worse when going to the toilet. Most often, sensations arise in the following form.

Frequent urge, incontinence. A natural manifestation, since after childbirth a large amount of fluid accumulates in the body. Discomfort that occurs at the beginning and end of intercourse often indicates an inflammatory process in the urinary ducts.

Burning pain during urination. Often the cause is banal catheterization. Using a larger device or improper insertion damages the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes burning, itching and pain in the perineum.

Postpartum cystitis. A fairly common disease, which is often a consequence of pregnancy and childbirth. Poor circulation, compression of nerve endings, decreased tone of the bladder due to the advancement of the fetus during birth reduces a woman’s sensitivity. As a result, congestion may develop, which leads to inflammation, which is accompanied by pain and other characteristic symptoms.

Doctors recommend paying attention to any manifestations, including pain and burning sensation when urinating after childbirth, since the inability to urinate normally can eventually lead to dysfunction of the urethral canal, provoke the development of neuroses, which will have a detrimental effect on the postpartum state of the young mother and, accordingly, her baby.

Delivery by cesarean section is considered a serious procedure and causes dysfunction of several organs and systems. Most women after childbirth are faced with the problem of painful urination, when, during the act, the urethra begins to burn unbearably and hurts. And after a cesarean section, these symptoms become “mandatory” when emptying the bladder.

A great danger to a woman’s weakened body after childbirth is infection that causes pain when urinating.

The following factors contribute to the development of an inflammatory process of this etiology:

  • avitaminosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • large blood loss;
  • use of a catheter.

It is important to know! Damage to the genitourinary system can occur against a background of weakened immunity. In this case, the cause is opportunistic microbes that are constantly present in the body, activating their activity.

This group includes non-infectious complications caused by factors that are not caused by the activity of pathogens:

  • psycho-emotional stress caused by the birth process;
  • loss of bladder tone due to epidural anesthesia;
  • concomitant pathologies in chronic form;
  • damage of various etiologies in the abdominal cavity:
  • injuries to the urinary system during surgery;
  • microdamage to the mucous membrane due to careless insertion of a catheter.

Non-infectious causes of painful urine discharge include loss of sensitivity due to compression of nerve fibers, lack of sensation of bladder fullness, which causes tension in the organ and pain during emptying. The severity of the symptom is enhanced by the contraction of the uterus, which begins after the end of urination.

Delivery by cesarean section can cause the development of postoperative complications due to the penetration of an infectious agent or the influence of other factors. The result of this influence is the following states:

  • cystitis;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation of the urethral canal.

Such problems do not disappear on their own in 2-3 days, but are eliminated with the help of targeted treatment with special medications that do not pose a threat to the health of the mother and newborn.

A competent treatment regimen is important to avoid complications for the mother and negative consequences for the baby during breastfeeding.

Inflammation of the bladder after cesarean section is a common pathology among women of different ages.

The symptoms of cystitis after a cesarean section are not particularly different from the signs of a disease that has developed for other reasons.

After surgery, the development of non-infectious cystitis is possible, but against the background of weakened immunity, damage to the bladder by pathogenic agents is observed.

It is rare to see blood or pus in the urine.

The disease does not disappear on its own, so it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

If it hurts to write, but there are no other symptoms, you can relieve the pain yourself. To do this you need to follow several rules:

  • visit the toilet regularly;
  • carry out hygiene procedures;
  • do not drink coffee and sugary drinks;
  • exclude spicy foods and dishes containing a lot of spices from the diet.

If the pain lasts, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will determine the cause of the pain, prescribe medications and select the appropriate treatment regimen:

  • for physical injuries - painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • in case of infection - antibiotics, antiseptics;
  • if muscle tone is impaired - physiotherapeutic procedures, transvaginal electrical stimulation, special gymnastics;
  • if there are psychological factors, consult a psychologist.

There are special exercises that promote normal functioning of the genitourinary system - Kegel exercises. They can be performed before pregnancy. After childbirth, exercises are allowed to be done in the absence of stitches and only in consultation with the doctor. Gymnastics is aimed at tensing and relaxing muscles while simulating urinary retention. You need to start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing their number.

The appearance of pain is triggered by internal and external factors. In addition, do not forget that cesarean section itself causes temporary dysfunction of some organs and systems.

The main causes of pain include the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • psychological stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • the body's reaction to taking medications and anesthetics;
  • infection;
  • blood loss during surgery.

It is good that the woman and child are under the supervision of a doctor in the first days. The main thing is to immediately seek help if symptoms appear.

Other, more rare, causes of pain after cesarean section:

  • deficiency of minerals and trace elements;
  • blood loss;
  • poor hygiene.

After childbirth, a woman's body is more susceptible to infection than usual. The immune system is weakened by surgical intervention and neglect of personal hygiene rules, the slightest hypothermia can cause the development of an inflammatory process.

How to behave - a reminder

Discharge after a caesarean section is an inevitability that you have to accept.

If a woman follows the recommendations, she can easily avoid complications. This is important for subsequent pregnancy planning, for maintaining reproductive and not only reproductive women’s health.

Don't lift heavy things

For a woman who has undergone serious abdominal surgery (and cesarean is just such an intervention), the concept of serious must change radically.

In the first days after surgery, it is not recommended to lift even a child if he weighs more than 3.5 kilograms. For up to six months during the recovery process, a woman should not strain her anterior abdominal wall, carry bags of groceries, or lower a stroller with a child down the stairs on her own. The weight allowed for lifting is no more than 4-5 kilograms.

Limit your intimate life

Until the lochia is completely gone, sex is contraindicated. Such a ban is associated, first of all, with the likelihood of infection. Even opportunistic microorganisms that can enter a woman’s genital tract in the early recovery period can cause serious consequences for her health. Mechanical damage to the incision area on the uterus may also occur, since with orgasm and sexual arousal, blood flow to the organ increases.

If you do not comply with this prohibition, the scar on the uterus may form insolvent, which will become a serious obstacle to carrying a subsequent pregnancy.

Follow the cycle

From the moment the lochia stops, a woman needs to use condoms to protect against foreign microorganisms and unplanned pregnancy. When the menstrual cycle is established (the average period is 2-8 months after surgery), you need to consult a doctor to choose contraceptive methods, since getting pregnant again is not allowed for 2 years after surgery on the uterus.

If the lochia has just ended, and then menstruation has begun, it will not be difficult to distinguish them from menstruation. Postpartum discharge by the time the uterus is restored will not be abundant and bloody, while menstruation will begin almost as usual, except that there will be fewer clots in the discharge (due to the relative thinness of the endometrium after childbirth). Menstruation after a CS is sometimes initially more scanty than before, but gradually its nature, duration and intensity returns to those individual indicators that were characteristic of the woman before pregnancy.

Maintain hygiene

While postpartum discharge continues, you need to wash yourself at least 2 times a day, change pads 4-6 times a day (depending on the intensity of the discharge).

Douching and the use of tampons instead of pads after a caesarean section are strictly prohibited. Also, a woman should not use vaginal suppositories, gels and creams.

Watch this and other nuances of recovery after a caesarean section in the following video.

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

Tests after childbirth for a mother are an important component of monitoring her health. After the birth of the placenta, the postpartum period begins, which is very important in the life of both mother and baby. Therefore, it is very important to conduct dynamic monitoring of the body of a postpartum woman (this is the name given to a woman who has given birth to a child, and not a woman in labor, as they used to call her), in order not to miss the possible development of complications.

Treatment options

Symptoms of burning and pain when urinating do not always disappear without a trace in the first weeks after surgery. Often they subside for a short time, and then appear with renewed vigor. Many people try to self-medicate using painkillers and traditional medicine. Meanwhile, competent therapy for all types of urination disorders is aimed at quickly relieving acute pain, and then eliminating the problem that provoked it.

Quick relief

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the pain right away, but it is possible to alleviate the unbearable condition by following the following tips.

  1. To reduce tension in the pelvic floor muscles, it is recommended to relieve yourself while standing with your legs wide apart and your knees bent.
  2. Take a warm shower, which will help you relax and urinate.
  3. After completing the process, apply a cold compress to the bladder area for 30 seconds.
  4. Lie in bed and take a decoction of chamomile, bearberry or lingonberry leaves.
  5. Drink 1-1.5 liters of water at once. When you go to the toilet again, the pain will become much less intense.
  6. Empty your bladder more often. To do this, drink a little liquid every 20-30 minutes.

Course therapy

If there are complaints from the patient about pain and pain during urination in the postoperative period, the doctor’s task is to determine the cause of the pathological condition. Treatment of all disorders begins with eliminating the problem.

  1. Antibiotics. For bacterial infections, broad-spectrum medications are prescribed. It is allowed to take only those medications that are not excreted in breast milk, because in the first months of life it helps the proper formation of a strong immune system and provides the baby with nutrients.
  2. NSAIDs. Along with antibacterial drugs, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs that help eliminate the pathological process and normalize urination.
  3. Diuretics. To reduce the risk of spreading infection (if any), taking diuretic medications is indicated. In order to prevent dehydration and hypogalactia - insufficiency of breast milk - it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid you drink.

Properly selected medications can not only help eliminate the unpleasant consequences of a cesarean section, but also prevent the development of allergic reactions and the cessation of milk production. A woman should remember that it is not recommended to self-medicate, since uncontrolled use of medications can lead to severe poisoning of the baby.

Effective traditional medicine recipes

Pain and burning during emptying the bladder after surgery are quickly relieved with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. When combined, they effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms, improve well-being and relieve problems caused by inflammation or infection.

Unpretentious garden herbs – parsley and dill – are considered irreplaceable helpers.

  1. Juice is squeezed out of the stems and roots, which should be taken 25 ml 3-4 times a day.
  2. Chopped greens of both types are suitable for preparing an infusion: in the evening 1 tsp. pour into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours. You should prepare several servings at once, since it is recommended to take 100 ml at least 4-5 times a day.
  3. A remedy made from parsley or dill seeds has the same effect. Place 2 tablespoons of raw materials in a thermos and pour in 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion should simmer all night. You should drink half a glass of the medicine before each meal during the day.

Plants such as bearberry, lingonberry leaves and berries, linden blossom, and even cucumber seeds are considered no less useful. They are recognized as the best raw materials for the preparation of medicines that quickly eliminate pain and alleviate the condition of disorders of the genitourinary system.

What tests should be taken after childbirth and why?

Childbirth can be carried out in several ways:

  • through the natural birth canal, that is, through the vagina.
  • by caesarean section.

For each method of delivery there are standards for examination in the postpartum period, which must be complied with. Tests after childbirth before discharge are a basic set of studies that should be performed for every woman who gives birth to a baby.

If the process of delivery was carried out through the natural birth canal without any complications, then the volume of research is minimal. Postpartum tests for the mother include:

  • clinical blood test;
  • clinical urine analysis;
  • conducting fluorography or x-ray examination of the chest organs.

If the birth was complicated in any way, then the scope of clinical and laboratory studies expands.

Caesarean section or bleeding.

The presence of bleeding in a woman, as well as a cesarean section, means the delivery of:

  • clinical blood test;
  • coagulograms;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • clinical urine analysis.

Hypertension, gestosis.

If there are complications of pregnancy in the form of increased blood pressure before pregnancy or before 20 weeks - arterial hypertension, or the presence of edema, increased blood pressure and protein in the urine (proteinuria) after 20 weeks of pregnancy, the following is prescribed:

  • clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • clinical urine analysis;
  • daily proteinuria.

Caesarean section: what to expect after surgery?

In modern obstetrics, cesarean section is the most frequently performed delivery operation. It is done under general or regional anesthesia (spinal or epidural anesthesia - with these types of anesthesia, the anesthetic is injected into the spinal canal at the lumbar level).

During this anesthesia, only the lower part of the body is anesthetized. The expectant mother is conscious during the operation and can hear and see her baby immediately after birth. After the baby is removed, the woman is often given medication to help her sleep for the remainder of the operation.

In this case, surgery is easier to tolerate. Awakening occurs on the operating table. In this case, as a rule, the woman feels good and does not feel weak or faint.

And when general anesthesia is used, the woman comes to her senses within 30–60 minutes after the operation.

It doesn’t hurt at all. Before the operation, a woman is inserted into the bladder, as well as a catheter (thin tube) into a vein in her arm. The catheter from the bladder is usually removed at the end of the first day; this procedure is completely painless. The catheter is in the vein of the elbow until there is a need for intravenous administration of drugs.

Analysis after childbirth in the maternity hospital: what are they for?

Good tests after childbirth (normal) characterize the physiological course of the postpartum period. Poor blood tests after childbirth must be interpreted by the attending physician in order to determine the cause of such deviations and correct them.

A clinical blood test is a standard test that allows you to find out the general condition of the body: the level of hemoglobin in the blood gives an idea of ​​​​the oxygen saturation of the blood, the level of leukocytes can indicate the development of a purulent-inflammatory process.

The normal general blood test after childbirth includes the following main indicators:

  • hemoglobin not less than 110 g/l,
  • red blood cells not less than 4*10 in 12th century,
  • leukocytes – up to 9*10 in the 9th century,
  • platelets – at least 180*10 in 9 tbsp.

A coagulogram is a blood test that allows you to visualize the features of the blood coagulation system in the body.

Blood chemistry

this is a spectrum of values ​​that reflect the functional capacity of the liver in the form of total protein, liver enzymes (ALAT, AST), thymol test, which allows one to judge the quality of kidney function in the form of determination of creatinine and urea.

Clinical urine analysis is an analysis that characterizes the functioning of the kidneys, bladder and the entire urinary system. The presence of deviations will allow us to identify the level of damage and prescribe timely, competent therapy. A poor urine test after childbirth may indicate the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis. If blood is included in the urine test after childbirth, then the form may indicate a large number of red blood cells. However, you should not get upset prematurely - you need to retake the test in compliance with the rules.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko after childbirth, urine analysis according to Zimnitsky are specific tests prescribed for suspected dysfunction of the urinary system. These tests allow you to identify the number of inflammatory elements and red blood cells in the urine.

Urinalysis after childbirth

After childbirth, a general urine test is mandatory. Other urine tests (according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, etc.) are prescribed on an individual basis if dysfunction of the urinary system is suspected.

How to take a urine test after childbirth?

Mandatory conditions before taking the test are to thoroughly clean the external genitalia and delimit the vagina with a cotton swab so that postpartum discharge (lochia) does not get into the jar and affect the results of the study.

Normal indicators of a general urine test after childbirth are as follows:

  • specific gravity ranges from 1014-1024,
  • leukocytes - 2-4 in the field of view,
  • red blood cells – up to 4 per field of view,
  • protein, ketone bodies, bacteria are absent.

Analysis of the placenta after childbirth: indications and interpretation

Sometimes doctors have to take a placenta test after birth. Why is this being done?

To carry out this manipulation, the following indications are required that complicate pregnancy:

  • placental dysfunction with or without slowing blood flow;
  • utero-fetal infection;
  • chorioamnionitis;
  • fetal distress;
  • a history of miscarriage;
  • antenatal fetal death;
  • home birth;
  • premature and post-term pregnancy;
  • pregnancy due to the use of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF);

Histological examination is carried out by a histologist. In the material being examined, the doctor can detect calcifications, degenerative tissue changes due to chronic hypoxia (lack of oxygen), and inflammatory elements due to an existing uterine-fetal infection.

Poor analysis of the placenta after childbirth allows us to identify the cause of pregnancy complications, calculate the risks for the mother and child in the postpartum period, and also prevent these factors in subsequent pregnancies.

Hormone analysis after childbirth

A healthy woman does not need any specific testing for hormone levels after childbirth.

If there are diseases of the thyroid gland (hypo-, hyperthyroidism, diffuse toxic goiter), an analysis of the levels of the hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 and T4 is mandatory. If there is a pituitary adenoma, a test is performed to determine the level of prolactin.

Therapeutic measures for inflammation of the bladder

The difficulty of treating cystitis and other diseases after childbirth is that the drugs that need to be used must not harm the child. But, unfortunately, most of them are toxic and have many side effects and contraindications, especially for antibiotics, which are so necessary for cystitis. Diuretics are often used; herbal infusions and preparations based on extracts of medicinal herbs are best suited. Cystitis can be treated locally with rinsing. This way you can avoid the harmful effects of drugs on the baby’s health, but washing is an inconvenient procedure, and the woman will have to go to the doctor several times, so this method of treatment is used less and less.

If a woman’s cystitis is caused by bacterial vaginitis or a sexually transmitted infection, special attention is paid to eliminating them, and specific drugs are prescribed that specifically fight such pathogens. You also need to drink a lot, at least 2 liters of fluid per day, this is a mandatory recommendation for cystitis.

Tests one month after birth

A month after giving birth, women must return to their local obstetrician-gynecologist. The range of tests during this period during the normal course of the postpartum period is quite narrow (provided there are no complications after childbirth, as well as the absence of extragenital pathology). Mandatory studies include a smear from the genital organs for flora.

Many people believe that after childbirth, an HIV test is included in the list of mandatory ones. This opinion is wrong. If a woman is examined twice during pregnancy, there is no point in taking it immediately after childbirth. After consulting the woman, the therapist must prescribe a clinical blood test and a general urine test. If there are any concomitant diseases, the woman needs consultation with related specialists and an individual examination.

Tests after childbirth by a gynecologist

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, new mothers must visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. The main purpose of the appointment is to assess the woman’s condition in the postpartum period, and if there are any symptoms indicating an unfavorable course, prescribe the necessary examinations and therapy.

After a gynecological examination, if there are signs of colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), exocervicitis (inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix), endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus), the doctor can take an analysis of the genitourinary tract for flora. This analysis will determine:

  • the flora that inhabits the vagina (normally, most representatives of the flora are Doderlein’s bacilli),
  • the number of leukocytes - cells, an increase in the number of which indicates an inflammatory process (the norm is up to 10),
  • the amount of epithelium, which in the vagina is represented by stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium (in a normal smear its amount should be moderate).

If the doctor suspects the presence of endometritis, then the right decision would be to send the woman for an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and a clinical blood test to identify inflammatory changes.

Palpation of the mammary glands is mandatory. Since many mothers encounter the problem of lactostasis, and, sometimes, mastitis. If there is congestion in the mammary glands, milk can be analyzed for the presence of infectious agents.

Irina Drozdova, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for Mirmam.pro

When to go to the doctor?

The symptoms of burning and pain do not always disappear without a trace in the first weeks after childbirth. Quite often the pain subsides for a while, and then returns with renewed vigor. Many women begin to self-medicate, resorting to old methods of traditional medicine, which will not significantly harm their health, but will not be able to fully help if there is an infection in the body.

You should seek help from your doctor in the following cases:

the pain does not disappear for a long time; the temperature stays within 37.3-37.5 degrees and does not subside; even if hygiene standards are observed, dark-colored mucus with an unpleasant odor is released from the vagina; When the bladder is full, minor pain in the lower back appears.

Continued pain may indicate the presence of an infectious disease such as pyelonephritis. Treatment of the disease can be carried out without problems in parallel with feeding the child without compromising his health and well-being. The woman returns to normal health after 1-1.5 months

Author: Grigorieva O. I.

Therapist of the first category, private clinic “ProfMedPomoshch”, Moscow. Scientific consultant of the electronic journal “Cystitis-treatment.rf”.

Good afternoon everyone, dear members of our group.

I had a caesarean section on the 2nd, spent 3 days in intensive care with a catheter and IVs, then another 4 days in a regular ward without a catheter, but on painkillers, asking for injections every day. She had a hard time recovering, apparently because she hadn’t seen the baby since giving birth; she has now undergone surgery in another hospital. I'm already home, but problems with urinary tract have begun.

1) I don’t know how to describe it, it doesn’t look like cystitis, I know it. Here the bladder hurts like a muscle, like a spasm or something. I don't know how to be more precise. There in the hospital they took urine tests 3 times and before discharge, today I took them on my own initiative. Maybe someone had this. I won’t say it’s pain, but it’s discomfort. If anything was done, maybe it was normal or nerves?

2) for some reason my liver was slightly covered. At the hospital I received heptral drips twice. from the extract, the AST readings are 59 and ALT 89, while the norm is up to 30 (as they wrote to me). I was discharged home under the supervision of a therapist and took Essentiale, or better yet, Heptral droppers. How adequate is this treatment? Or will these indicators return to normal over time?

I will be grateful in advance for all opinions and answers.

The labor was finally over, the exhausted, tired body remembered its usual physiological needs and asked to write. And you, sympathetic to this seemingly simple request, immediately begin to fulfill it. Here the first surprise after childbirth awaits you.

It turns out that what was done with ease countless times is now so painful to do that it’s better to burst your bladder! In this article, we tried to systematize everything related to the problem of painful urination in the postpartum period.

Course for recovery

It is important to drink plenty of water after surgery and follow a healthy diet.
If infections are present, drug treatment is prescribed with drugs compatible with breastfeeding. If the problem is purely physiological in nature, drinking plenty of fluids, light liquid food and movement will help. In women who are lifted and helped to walk a little within 6 hours after surgery, complications occur less frequently than in those who spend a long time lying down. The correct psychological attitude, based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, is also important.

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