Academician Neumyvakin how to cure the kidneys and bladder

Sometimes the human body needs to remove toxins and accumulated harmful substances. Cleansing the kidneys according to Neumyvakin is one of the ways to improve your health and prevent a large number of serious problems, since the kidneys and liver “pass through” several tens of liters of blood every day, acting as a kind of filter for the body.

Neumyvakin is a doctor, the author of a unique and widely available method for cleansing the kidneys and liver with salts.

Preparation for the procedure

Professor Neumyvakin has developed a whole system of cleansing internal organs. He recommends starting a cleansing course with the procedures necessary to prepare the body for cleansing. Preparatory activities are divided into three types:

  1. A special diet that excludes foods high in protein. Reducing the intake of protein in the body will reduce the load on the liver, and increased consumption of fiber will be an excellent aid for normalizing digestion and cleansing the intestines.
  2. Drinking apple juice. Start drinking freshly squeezed juice 3-4 days before cleaning procedures. If necessary, apple juice is replaced with a decoction of several vegetables. For vegetable infusion you will need: 1 kg. unpeeled potatoes, 6 pcs. small carrots, 50 gr. parsley roots and one medium-sized onion. If the root is not at hand, you can replace it with 50 grams. celery or parsley. All ingredients must be crushed, cut into pieces, placed in water and brought to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the vegetables for an hour. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth and consume in small portions throughout the day. You need to drink the decoction for two days in a row.
  3. Cleansing enemas. Enemas are performed 3 days before going to bed. They help cleanse the intestines before starting the cleanse.

Read detailed material about the treatment of kidneys and liver with soda.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant

Hydrogen peroxide in the body is formed from molecular oxygen that we swallow and water.


This is the most powerful antioxidant. Those. During biochemical reactions, oxidation of products occurs and oxides and acids are formed, and the more of them, the worse.


In this case, free radicals are formed - this is the result of a redox process and in this process the molecule has lost one electron.


Aggressive molecules that not only devour old, obsolete and diseased cells, but also living ones. The more free radicals in the body, the more diseases, including cancer.


Hydrogen peroxide kills everything that interferes with a person ; it is a system of antioxidants. Kills free radicals to the level that the body needs.


There is also the lymphatic system - bumps can appear on the arms, legs, and neck. The lymphatic system collects dirty blood in the body, the remains of food processing products, they are harmful and most importantly acidic.


Cleansing the liver and kidneys with rose hips and sorbitol according to Neumyvakin

After all the preparatory measures have been completed, you can proceed to cleansing the liver according to Neumyvakin. The procedure is carried out over 2 days:

  • On the first day, take one packet of magnesium. This remedy has a gentle laxative effect; in pharmacies this powder is called magnesium sulfate. The powder is dissolved in 1 glass of warm water. You need to drink half a glass. After taking the solution, prepare a rosehip decoction: take 5 tbsp. l. dry berries, chop them. This can be done using a blender or coffee grinder. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the rose hips. The broth should infuse all night. Before going to bed, take the remaining half of the magnesium solution.

    cook rose hips

  • On the second day, strain the tincture, add sorbitol at the rate of 2 tbsp. for 200 ml. infusion. Sorbitol has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect, which will help to gently cleanse the intestines and stimulate choleretic processes. Drink one glass of the product and go to bed for 30 minutes. Place a heating pad in the liver area (under the right side). After half an hour, take another glass of infusion with sorbitol and go back to bed with a heating pad. You need to lie down for half an hour. As a final procedure, drink 1 more glass of rose hips.

The combination of rosehip and sorbitol has a good detoxification effect and triggers the removal of accumulated waste and toxins. This procedure also normalizes kidney function and accelerates the removal of stones.

Neumyvakin about cleansing the liver with oil and lemon juice

This method was developed by I.P. Neumyvakin, and later it was published by the famous folk healer G.P. Malakhov.

  • Before starting cleansing, take 2 tablets of a choleretic drug, for example, Allochol. If you are allergic to certain medications, be sure to consult your doctor before use.
  • 200 ml. Place sunflower or olive oil in a water bath. Boil for 30 minutes, then let sit and pour into 6 glasses.
  • Prepare 200 ml. juice To do this, take a few fresh lemons, or prepare juice from citric acid: 200 ml. Dilute a small amount of citric acid (at the tip of a knife) with water. Pour the resulting mixture into another 6 glasses.
  • Prepare a clove of fresh garlic - cut it, put the slices in a jar.
  • Take a warm bath. Half an hour before taking a bath, take 2 tablets of the antispasmodic drug “No-shpa”.
  • After the bath, you need to go to bed, placing a heating pad on your right hypochondrium. Start drinking a glass of oil and a glass of lemon juice every 15 minutes. If severe nausea occurs, smell the garlic cloves - this will help reduce discomfort. After drinking your last glass, stay in bed for another 15 minutes.
  • If pain appears in the liver area, use 2 tablets of No-shpa and Allochol, do light exercises and take a warm bath.
  • After treating the liver, perform a cleansing enema.

In the video, the classic recipe is reviewed by G.P. Malakhov in one of the episodes of the “Malakhov+” program.

Please note - for people over 50 years old, the amount of oil used in the recipe should be reduced to 100 ml, and before use, mix it in equal proportions with low-fat kefir or yogurt. This is necessary to reduce the load on the excretory and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract.

Neumyvakin about liver cirrhosis

The most common causes of liver cirrhosis are:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract.

Dr. Neumyvakin believes that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is a good remedy against the proliferation of cancer cells. It has an alkaline effect on neoplasms, inhibiting their development.

nutrition for cirrhosis infographics

Treatment of liver cirrhosis with soda is possible only in the initial stages; during the treatment process, Neumyvakin recommends completely abstaining from harmful foods, monitoring your food intake and doing special therapeutic exercises.

If cirrhosis is caused by hepatitis of any type, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist.


The main precaution in treatment is that it should not be used during the digestive process - it is forbidden to drink soda a few minutes before or after eating. During the digestion of food, an acidic environment is formed in the stomach, with which the soda will react. The release of carbon dioxide will follow, which can lead to complications in the entire digestive tract.

Soda is not recommended for use as treatment and prevention during pregnancy and lactation, for diabetes, ulcers and low stomach acidity.

Uncontrolled consumption of soda can lead to swelling of the extremities, impaired fluid excretion, heart failure and problems of the nervous system. Individual intolerance to soda is also possible, so carefully monitor your own condition in the initial stages of treatment.

Soda is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, for diabetes, ulcers and low acidity.

Treatment of hepatitis B with the latest drugs

Neumyvakin about gallstones

To get rid of gallstones, before cleansing the liver, Dr. Neumyvakin recommends:

  • Mix half a glass of preheated melt water with lemon juice and 300 ml. fresh carrot juice. Add 80 ml to the mixture. beet and cucumber juice.
  • For 10 days, drink 1/2 cup of this solution.

Also among Ivan Pavlovich’s methods is a method for treating gallstones using ordinary baking soda, which allows you to completely get rid of the gallstones without harming the body.

Getting rid of parasites

There are a number of parasites that can “live” in the liver, hepatic ducts and gall bladder of a person. Neumyvakin claims that the methods described below make it possible to remove helminths not only from the hepatobiliary tract, but also from the intestines, due to a shift in the body’s pH level towards alkaline. The professor recommends using solutions of soda and hydrogen peroxide.

How to cleanse the liver

  • Prepare boiled water at room temperature in the amount of 1.5–2 liters. It is important that the water is not warm, since in this case more of it will be absorbed by the intestinal walls;
  • For every liter of liquid, add a tablespoon of salt;
  • to carry out the procedure, you can use an Esmarch mug or a regular heating pad with an attached tube and tip;
  • the solution is poured into a heating pad or Esmarch's mug, they need to fill the attached tube so that water and not air “goes” into the intestines. Next, the tube closer to the junction with the tip is blocked;
  • the patient lies on his left side, the leg that is on top is pulled towards the stomach;
  • the anus, like the tip, is treated with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly;
  • the tip is carefully inserted into the rectum (3–4 cm towards the navel, and then 5–7 cm parallel to the spine), the clamp is removed, water begins to flow into the intestines;
  • as fluid flows in, it is important to raise the saline reservoir higher;
  • after all the solution is in the intestines, the patient should lie on his back and squeeze his buttocks. Within 7–10 minutes, the feces will come out.

The next step is to administer an enema with a soda solution. To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to add a tablespoon of soda to 800 ml of water and heat it a little to completely dissolve. The procedure is carried out similarly to the previous one. The next stage is another cleansing enema, but with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Day of the weekAmount of soda for solution (in teaspoons)Amount of water for solution (in ml)

Important! The solution in the indicated dosages should be taken 3 times a day.

Contraindications to such treatment are diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as the recovery period after surgery.


This remedy is used to increase the amount of oxygen in the intestines, which is detrimental to many parasites. At the same time, the body is cleansed of toxins. The course of admission is as follows:

  • on the first day, you need to take a solution of one drop of peroxide and 50 ml of boiled water three times;
  • then, for ten days, the dosage of the drug is increased by a drop every day;
  • after the course you need a three-day break;
  • then repeat the ten-day treatment course at a dosage of 10 drops three times a day;
  • If nausea, diarrhea, skin reactions, runny nose or headache occur, you should take a break for several days every three days. Repeat until 3 weeks of treatment have passed (excluding gaps).

Hydrogen peroxide
Neumyvakin claims that it is important to observe proportions when preparing products to cleanse the body

Preschool children should not use all of the above recommendations. To cleanse a child’s body, it is better to consult a pediatrician and select the optimal traditional methods (for example, blind probing).

Professor Neumyvakin has developed a huge number of techniques that allow you to restore the functioning of organs and body systems using safe means at home. However, such recommendations should not be abused, since the patient may have conditions that are direct contraindications for manipulation.

Cleansing the body according to Neumyvakin also includes parasitic cleansing. One of the professor’s most popular techniques is cleaning the intestines from parasites with baking soda. This is explained simply. Parasites that live in the intestines prefer an acidic environment, and an aqueous solution of soda is alkaline. Therefore, water easily copes with acidosis - a state of increased acidity in the body. Parasitic worms feed on the contents of the intestines and are directly affected by digestive juices.

Cleansing the body from parasites according to Neumyvakin at home involves taking soda, both through enemas and by mouth. Enemas target parasites in the colon, and taking baking soda orally kills most of the worms in the small intestine.

Recommendations after cleaning

In order for the cleansing of the liver and kidneys to take place with maximum benefit, the professor advises following simple rules after the procedure:

  • In the first week after the cleanse, you need to follow a special diet. On the first day you should eat only light fruits, vegetable dishes and cereals. Over the next week, your diet can gradually expand, but you should still give preference to dishes that are gentle on the digestive system: low-fat foods without a lot of oil. You should not eat any spicy or salty foods.

    avoiding junk food

  • During the first month, alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited. You should also avoid smoking and caffeinated drinks.
  • Try to do special exercises at least once a day to prevent blood stagnation and normalize the functioning of all organs.

For an additional therapeutic effect, Neumyvakin recommends using decoctions of dried flowers and corn silk.

What is the disease of the exocrine gland?

The primary signs of liver problems are: bitterness in the mouth, yellowness of the whites of the eyes, yellow coating on the tongue, and bad breath. The next step is pain in the right side, enlarged abdomen, allergies, malaise. Symptoms of pollution - discomfort from organ enlargement, sweating, swelling, impaired mental activity - are considered critical.

Every day the gland filters the blood, passing it through itself 400 times. Can you imagine how many toxins and other dirt the organ collects? The result of the environmental situation, plus alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet - hence the malfunction of the most important part of the body. If the liver is sick, then dozens of ailments penetrate into the body with poorly purified blood.

Hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, lymphoma, thrombosis, phlebitis are a small part of the names of liver diseases under such conditions. The professor is sure that it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the cause that caused it. A comprehensive cleansing of the body from toxins, applied according to the author’s method, will erase sad diagnoses and restore normal functioning.


Maria, 59 years old, Smolensk. I never thought that I would resort to traditional methods to cleanse my kidneys. However, when kidney stones appeared with age, I had to study this issue in more detail. The stones were seen on an ultrasound, the doctor suggested drug therapy to facilitate their passage. A friend advised me not to take the pills, but to try to remove them using the Neumyvakin method. After the procedure, 2 stones came out, the third one will be removed later. I’m writing a positive review so that everyone knows that the method, although not very pleasant, helps well!

Denis, 39 years old, Bryansk. My wife advised me to do a liver cleanse when pain in the liver area began to bother me greatly. My wife has already performed this procedure on herself several times, and now I also decided to try it. It seems to be getting better as long as they stick to the diet. In 2 months I will carry out a second cleaning.

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