kidney failure symptoms in children under one year of age
Acute urological diseases in children emergency care
Brief information Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in adults, and only rarely is the defect
Acute renal failure classification according to ICD 10. Acute renal failure is a pathology in which kidney function is lost
Project news 2012-02-26 — Update of the design and functionality of the site We are pleased to present you the result
Adrenal fatigue syndrome is the leading cause of hormonal disorders in the 21st century
Stress and hormonal imbalance - how to restore adrenal function. Recommendations from doctor and author of the book “Overload Your Hormones” Sarah Gottfried
The adrenal glands are the tiny glands located above the top of the kidneys. They produce more than 50 hormones,
Leukocyturia (leukocytes in urine): Classification, Causes, Diagnosis
The term leukocyturia refers to a condition in which there is an increase in the number of leukocyte cells in a urine test.
Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence
Treatment of overactive bladder and urge urinary incontinence in women
The reasons that contribute to a weakened bladder are varied. More often, this disease occurs in women with weak
What does discharge from the urethra in women indicate?
Discharge from the urethra during bowel movements can be observed for various reasons. The reason for this
What to do if you get thrush at the same time as cystitis
Causes and treatment of the simultaneous development of thrush and cystitis
Causes of diseases If we consider diseases separately, then in practice advanced
Diet “Table 7” according to Pevzner: features and menu for the week
An unhealthy lifestyle affects all organ systems of the human body. In some cases, pathological
Herbal tea for cystitis: pharmaceutical (renal, urological, Altai No. 28, Leros), green, herbal, lingonberry
The treatment of cystitis should be approached with full responsibility. Often doctors, in addition to medications, prescribe
The effectiveness of soda against cystitis: contraindications and precautions
On average, most women in the world suffer from cystitis in one way or another - according to
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