Diet for kidney cysts: nutritional features, basic diets

Treatment of kidney cysts is selected strictly individually based on a number of factors. If in one case a conservative treatment option is suitable, then in another, surgical removal will certainly be required. In any case, a diet for a kidney cyst is an obligatory component of treatment, regardless of tactics and general focus. This is explained by the fact that nutrition causes the progression of the disease, which entails serious consequences.

When is a diet required?

In the vast majority of cases, doctors advise, with such a diagnosis, to adhere to the standard principles of a healthy diet, with sufficient provision of the body with all the substances and vitamins necessary for its functioning.

But in some cases, when a kidney cyst is detected against the background of chronic renal failure, the appearance of swelling of the extremities, disturbances in salt balance and some other disorders, it is important to adhere to the principles of a therapeutic diet.

Standard nutrition for kidney cysts and its basic principles are expressed by diet number 7. It is a special nutrition option that minimizes the load on the organ, at the same time normalizes blood pressure along with the process of removing toxic substances from the body, and eliminates swelling.

Renal cysts: types, complications

A kidney cyst is a cavity formation that forms in an organ from connective tissue. It is filled with liquid inside. A cyst can occur in one kidney or in both; the second option is less common, as well as the presence of several formations at once.

This disease occurs in both men and women, more often after reaching 40 years of age. The reasons for this are not entirely clear. Experts identify factors that contribute to the development of cysts, such as urolithiasis or infectious diseases. Education is considered benign and is divided into several types:

  • by origin: inherited and acquired;
  • along the inside of the cavity: hemorrhagic (containing an admixture of blood), purulent and serous;
  • by the number of cysts: single or multiple;
  • by the number of chambers: simple (consisting of one cavity) and complex (having several segments with an uneven surface).

It is important to know! Any form of cyst requires treatment, since it can provoke dangerous consequences: hemorrhage, suppuration, rupture of the capsule, and even transformation into a malignant form.

Conservative methods are used whenever possible, but they are ineffective; surgical intervention is more often used. Any treatment is accompanied by a special diet.

Diet features

With a diagnosis such as a kidney cyst, patients are prescribed diet number 7. This dietary option not only helps to maintain the normal functioning of the organ, but also helps to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, and in many cases does not allow the development of complications of this disease at all. The basic principles of this diet are:

  • The daily salt intake is limited to 5 grams. It is important not only to minimize the use of this additive during food preparation (to simplify the control of its consumption, experts recommend adding salt to each dish personally, on their own plate), but also to reduce ready-made food products in your menu that contain it in significant quantities. First of all, we are talking about smoked meats, canned food, sausages and any pickles.
  • Reducing the presence of protein in the daily diet. This point involves reducing the consumption of fish and meat. It is important to understand that it is unacceptable to completely exclude animal protein from the menu, since this component is necessary for the functioning of the human body. To compensate for this limitation, emphasis is placed on dairy products as well as legumes.
  • Avoiding excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Strict control of the volume of fluid consumed. This includes both clean water and all kinds of juices, fruit drinks, teas and first courses. The optimal volume is individual for each person. On average, it is about 1-1.5 liters throughout the day.
  • Establishing the correct diet. To reduce the load on the body, meals should be quite frequent, but in a small one-time portion.
  • It is advisable to give preference to steamed, boiled and stewed dishes. Fried and smoked foods will not be very useful in this case.

In addition to following general principles, nutrition for a kidney cyst involves including healthy foods in the menu along with excluding harmful ones.

One way or another, the main goal of the diet is to minimize the load on the problem organ. To do this, minimize the volume of fluid consumption. In this case, well-organized nutrition will contribute to a speedy recovery and enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy.

General principles of nutrition

To reduce the load on the kidneys, nutritionists have developed treatment table No. 7. Consumption of the products allowed in it helps lower blood pressure, reduce swelling and help remove various toxic components from the body. Following a diet facilitates and accelerates the healing process; among other things, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

There are several options for diet No. 7, which the nutritionist selects depending on the symptoms of a particular patient. However, we can highlight what is common in all options:

1 The main condition of each treatment table is that, under any conditions, the correct amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates entering the body must be observed. The physiological need must be satisfied. 2 For sick kidneys, a large intake of salt into the body is undesirable, as this creates additional obstacles to the removal of fluid. Therefore, the salt content in food should be very limited, only 5 g per day. 3 Also, liquid will be additionally retained in the body if there is a lot of it. During treatment, you can drink no more than 1.5 liters per day. If you consume more, the excess will remain with you in the form of puffiness. 4 Do not try to improve the taste and appearance of your dishes with the help of preservatives, spices, and dyes. In addition to their own harm, store-bought seasonings often contain, in addition to the main components, salt, which has already been subject to restrictions above. 5 What there should be more of in a diet is vitamins. They accelerate and support all metabolic processes in our body. 6 When it comes to the number of meals, all healthy nutritionists are of the opinion that more often and less is the right approach. This is the so-called principle of fractional nutrition. In this case, our digestive and, of course, excretory systems are able to more fully and thoroughly process the incoming products. 7 You can prepare dishes in this diet in different ways. But you must remember that frying is the most harmful way of cooking. Therefore, it is better to cook your own food, stew, bake or steam it. Not only your kidneys, but also your stomach will thank you for this food. 8 You should not consume more than 2400 kcal per day. However, if you follow all of the above principles, your food will remain within this caloric value, without additional effort on your part.

Unhealthy foods for kidney cysts

Along with following all doctor's recommendations regarding taking medications, it is important to strictly limit the consumption of foods that can negatively affect the condition and functioning of the kidneys. This category includes:

  • spicy, fatty foods;
  • chocolate;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • pickles and smoked meats;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • black bread;
  • fish soup and rich broths;
  • seafood - shrimp and squid;
  • sweets, fresh baked goods;
  • hot spices and seasonings.

It is important to understand that eliminating harmful foods from your daily diet will significantly reduce the load on your kidneys. But to achieve the best effect, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition to the fullest in order to create conditions for increasing the body's defenses along with its detoxification in general.

Sample menu

Let's consider an approximate dietary menu for every day on a diet according to the principles of table No. 7.


  • Breakfast. Milk porridge and unsalted cheese, as well as tea without sugar;
  • Dinner. Soup with vegetables and boiled lean meat (fish is acceptable), and compote with rose hips;
  • Dinner. Boiled buckwheat, combined with stewed meat, warm milk.


  • Breakfast. Vegetable salad and steamed fish, cottage cheese casserole;
  • Dinner. Lenten soup or borscht, steamed meatballs;
  • Dinner. Fish or meat casserole, pudding with fresh fruit.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk;
  • Dinner. Chicken soup or turkey bollion, vegetables stewed with meat;
  • Dinner. Fish cutlet, pasta, fresh fruit jelly.

This is only a sample menu, and it can be adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of the patient's condition. You can continue this way for a long time, but if we are talking about a strict diet, then it is worth removing meat and fish products from the diet for the first weeks, leaving only vegetables and fruits to provide the body with the required amount of vitamins and minimize protein consumption.

Timely treatment of such tumors in the kidneys provides a positive result and guarantees a cure, and with the right diet, a person significantly reduces the healing time. Even if there are no pronounced symptoms of the disease, you must still adhere to at least a non-strict diet - this will help speed up the healing process and eliminate the risk of complications or various problems.

After removal of the cyst, you must follow a strict diet, which speeds up the rehabilitation process. It is worth noting that for help in creating an individual menu, it would be better to contact medical specialists. The doctor who examined the patient knows all the characteristics of the disease and additional complications, and therefore will be able to select the most appropriate foods and dishes for the patient’s diet.

Healthy foods

Along with the exclusion of undesirable foods, the diet should contain healthy foods, including:

  • Products that help dissolve kidney stones - apple juice, watermelon, rose hips, pumpkin, melon, cabbage, which are characterized by a pronounced diuretic effect, but their presence in the diet is possible if a person does not have concomitant ailments such as peptic ulcers and others.
  • Sea fish as a source of fatty acids, protein, vitamin D and iodine.
  • Bran is a supplier of vitamin B to the body, which normalizes blood flow to the kidneys.
  • Decoction and chamomile, cranberry juice, decoctions of linden and strawberries, green tea are drinks with a pronounced diuretic effect.
  • Vegetables rich in vitamin A, including carrots and spinach, bell peppers and some others.

It is important to remember that in case of a cyst in the kidney, it is important to choose a low-calorie but balanced diet.

Why diet if it doesn't hurt?

A diet for kidney cysts is not always required. There are congenital cystic formations that do not require nutritional correction. They usually do not increase in size and do not affect kidney function. But sometimes, with concomitant kidney diseases, cysts begin to grow. Therefore, you need to undergo an annual examination to be sure that such changes do not occur.

The cyst rarely causes pain in patients. Pain occurs when the growing cyst begins to compress the nerve endings. Indications for diet therapy are: impaired renal function, confirmed by tests, symptoms of renal hypertension, edema. Even if there are no pronounced symptoms, you should adhere to a low-salt and low-protein diet for the purpose of prevention.

Sometimes patients feel well, but tests show abnormalities. To make sure that the study indicators do not correspond to the norm by chance, observation over time is required. A diet is prescribed if repeated tests confirm impaired renal function or an increase in the size of the cyst.

The cyst develops from the renal tubules, the ducts of which become blocked for various reasons (trauma, inflammatory processes). Fluid that should have been eliminated from the body accumulates and the cystic formation enlarges. The kidney tubules are very delicate structures, and when the pressure on them increases as the cyst grows, they die.

The diet prevents the rapid growth of the cyst, reduces the amount of nitrogen compounds in the blood, and helps stop the development of the disease and complications.

Types of therapeutic diets

There are several variations of the therapeutic diet recommended when a kidney cyst is detected. A particular warrant is assigned based on the symptoms and severity of the condition.

So, in case of obvious renal failure, the Pevzner table is suitable. This diet is aimed at creating a gentle regime in the functioning of the organ and increasing the effectiveness of medications. Its features are:

  • eliminating salt from the menu;
  • sharp fluid restriction – up to 500 ml per day;
  • using herbs and lemon to improve the taste of dishes;
  • low protein menu;
  • the daily diet is no more than 2200 kcal;
  • total duration no more than 3 weeks.

As the patient’s condition stabilizes, such strict requirements begin to gradually soften. This is reflected in the following concessions:

  • increasing the proportion of protein in the diet;
  • maintaining a ban on salt (no more than 1 gram);
  • a slight increase in acceptable fluid intake;
  • restrictions on flour products and cereals.

For nephrotic syndrome

If the kidney cyst becomes complicated, other nutritional rules are necessary. There may be different options here.

The complication is sometimes associated with the loss of protein in the urine. This pathology is called nephrotic syndrome and requires adherence to a special diet No7b. Its action is aimed at combating undesirable consequences. This diet helps:

  • reduce protein loss;
  • replenish its reserves;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • make swelling less pronounced.

The main rules are as follows:

  • the volume of protein increases to 60 g per day;
  • It is allowed to consume salt in moderation: up to 2 g;
  • allowed to drink up to 0.8 liters of liquid;
  • There should be as little animal and vegetable fats on the menu as possible;
  • various spices, spices are contraindicated;
  • the content of simple carbohydrates (flour, sweets, etc.) in the menu is sharply reduced;
  • nutritional value is up to 2800 kcal;
  • reception is fractional.

In addition, it is recommended to eat foods rich in substances that promote the breakdown of fats (lipotropic). This includes cottage cheese, fish (low-fat varieties), seafood, etc.

Main objectives of diet No. 7

Such significant restrictions in the menu of patients with kidney cysts make it possible to solve a number of problems, namely:

  • normalization of pressure;
  • removal of toxins;
  • relieving inflammation in case of complications;
  • accelerating the onset of recovery;
  • minimizing the load on the kidneys;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • diuretic and antiallergic effect.

Usually the menu is based on light vegetable soups, dairy products and fresh fruits.

Origin of the cyst

Above we described a case of an acquired cyst, which was discovered by chance after examination. The specific reasons that lead to the formation of a cyst in the left or right kidney have not been established for certain. Doctors associate its appearance with complications after infections, high stress, bad habits and hereditary predisposition. In most cases, a kidney cyst forms in the sinus area, that is, the place where the main vessels feeding the organ flow. There is no fundamental difference in the frequency of detection of cysts between the right and left kidneys, but among all renal pathologies, kidney cysts account for 70%.

The second type of pathology is a congenital cyst. As a rule, it is detected at an early age and occurs with more severe symptoms. Early hypertension, edema, and secondary renal diseases may be caused by a congenital cyst of the right or left kidney.

After identifying pathology in children, the decision to perform surgery is made on an individual basis. Modern nephrology knows the technique of laparoscopic surgery to remove cysts and widely uses it.

The main causes of pathology in the kidney

Different types of cystic neoplasms have their own reasons for their development:

  1. Retention - is formed only in tissue or glandular organs due to blockage of the duct in the gland.
  2. Ramolitic - formed due to the death of an organ or tissue area.
  3. Traumatic - becomes a consequence of soft tissue injury.
  4. Parasitic - can be triggered by the presence of the parasite's body in the shell.
  5. Dysontogenetic is a congenital pathology that occurs as a result of disturbances in the formation of organs and tissues in the first stages of their development.

Permitted and prohibited products

In addition to the above specialized restrictions for dietary variations, it is necessary to follow the basic option No. 7, indicated for cysts with mild symptoms. Table No. 7 prescribes a number of restrictions presented in the table below :

Authorized ProductsInvalid/Restricted Products
Meat fishLean meat (beef, lamb) and fish (cod, lemonema)Fatty meat and fish, pork, fried and smoked dishes, salted and dried delicacies, caviar, lard, canned food
BirdLean chicken and turkeySmoked poultry, duck and goose meat
EggsUp to 2 per day – soft-boiled or omeletScrambled eggs with a “crust”
SoupsVegetarian broths with pasta or grainsSoup concentrates, broths and decoctions of meat, fish, mushrooms and legumes
GroceryAny pasta and cerealsRestrictions on cereals are introduced only if there is an excess of potassium
VegetablesZucchini, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin - fresh, boiled or stewedAll legumes, turnip and green onions, pickled and canned cucumbers, salted cabbage, radishes and turnips, celery, horseradish, garlic, spinach, sorrel, pickles and canned vegetables
MushroomsGiven the restriction of animal protein, the introduction of mushrooms is inappropriateMushrooms – boiled and canned
FruitsAll fresh fruits and berries, as well as compotes, jams, jelly, jelly. Diuretics are especially useful: apricots, peaches, strawberries, melons Canned fruit
Dried fruitsDried grapes, peaches, plums, figs, datesNuts roasted with salt
DairyMilk, fermented milk drinks, curd products. Sour cream and butter without salt - in small quantities Butter – salted and chocolate
Gas stationsSalt-free sauces based on milk, sour cream, vegetables, citric acidMayonnaise and ketchup
SeasoningsParsley and dill – dried, caraway seeds and cinnamon,Mustard, ginger seasoning, pepper,
BeveragesJuices (tomato, carrot, apricot), weak teas and coffeeStrong coffee and tea, alcohol, cocoa, mineral water, sweet carbonated drinks with coloring and other additives
ConfectioneryCandies without chocolate, marshmallows, honey, marshmallows, caramel, marmaladeChocolate, cakes with fatty impregnations/creams, ice cream
BakeryUnsalted bread, pancakes and pancakes without salt“Traditional” bread and pastries
Oils and fatsCorn, flaxseed, olive, sunflowerMargarine and any animal fats

General information about cysts and the benefits of proper nutrition

Cystic formations are classified as benign; they are enclosed in a special capsule.

Depending on the cause of their occurrence, they can be filled with liquid, pus, blood, etc. The sizes of cysts vary - from 2 mm to several tens of centimeters.

According to the nature of their occurrence, they can be congenital or acquired, located in single or multiple quantities, localized in both one and both kidneys (the main place is considered to be the parenchyma, pelvis or cortical layer of the organ).

In the early stages of development, such formations do not cause any discomfort to a person, but if not treated correctly they cause serious complications. The main signs of a cyst in the kidney are:

  • pain in the lower back from the affected organ;
  • disruption of urine excretion processes (strong accumulation occurs with subsequent intoxication of the whole body);
  • increased number of urinations at night;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • enlarged kidney, which can be detected independently by palpation;
  • change in urine character.

The patient is often diagnosed with a water-salt imbalance (as a result, stones and sand begin to be deposited in the kidneys), nephrotic syndrome (increased excretion of protein compounds in urine), chronic renal failure, pyelonephritis, etc.

If the cyst is very small and does not cause any discomfort to the patient, then it is monitored over time. A proper diet plays a significant role during this period. Let's consider the main points regarding diet when treating kidney cysts.

Indications and contraindications

For small uncomplicated cysts, in the absence of symptoms, a diet, as a rule, is not prescribed - in such cases, giving up bad habits, as well as general strengthening measures, are advisable.

A therapeutic diet is required if cystic disorders are combined with:

  • severe symptoms - pain, urination problems, swelling;
  • hypertension of renal etiology;
  • acute recurrent or chronic pyelonephritis/glomerulonephritis;
  • complications – purulent inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • signs of renal failure - swelling, ammonia smell;
  • stones or sand in the kidneys.

The prescription of a diet occurs after general examinations, during which the presence of serious contraindications for such a diet is excluded, including:

  • exacerbation of a systemic chronic disorder;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels of extrarenal etiology.
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