Polycystic kidney disease and renal failure. Polycystic kidney disease: symptoms, treatment and diet
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic pathology. It can appear at any age - at
Interstitial nephritis is an inflammatory process that affects the interstitial tissue of the kidneys
Interstitial nephritis: causes and treatment of the disease
Interstitial nephritis (otherwise known as tubulointerstitial nephropathy, tubulointerstitial nephritis) belongs to the category of immunoinflammatory diseases and
Causes of multicystic kidney disease in the fetus, treatment and possible consequences
Multicystic kidney disease is a disease in which healthy organ tissue is replaced by pathological tissue. Education,
How to eliminate kidney pyeloectasia in children and adults
Pyeelectasia is not a separate disease - its detection indicates a violation of the normal outflow of urine
kidney disease symptoms and treatment
Uremic syndrome - medical article, news, lecture
Uremia Urea ICD-10 19. ICD-9 585585-586586, 788.9788.9 DiseasesDB 26060 eMedicine med/2341 MeSH D014511 Uremia
Excretory (intravenous) urography: what it is, patient preparation, how it is performed
Excretory urography is a diagnostic method that allows you to obtain information about the state of the human urinary system
Herbal remedies for kidney disease
Differences in symptoms and diagnosis of nephrotic and nephritic syndromes
Kidney-related diseases are quite common in the world. There are at least a hundred types of diseases known,
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in children
Viral diseases have a special course. They spread quickly, and also have in pathogenesis
Symptoms of kidney inflammation in women - what to look for
Inflammatory process of the kidneys or nephritis - a disease localized in the pyelocaliceal apparatus of the organ, tubules, glomeruli
The woman put her hands to her lower back
First “home” help for kidney pain: what to do and how to treat it?
Pain in the kidney area or in the kidneys themselves is one of the most unpleasant, persistent