During menstruation, blood comes out only when urinating.

Why do women bleed in urine?

Urine with blood is a sign of pathology of the urinary tract. One of the reasons may be hematuria, that is, too many red blood cells, which negatively affect the organs of the urinary system.

Consuming red foods can also cause blood to appear.

The presence of cystitis, urethritis, and kidney injuries can also be accompanied by blood in the urine.

If there is a kidney injury or infection, the color of the blood will be dark or brown. Blood clots appear due to hemorrhage in the bladder.

If the blood is bright red, this may indicate a tumor and the presence of kidney stones.

If blood is released during urination, the woman often goes to the toilet, blood pressure may increase, and swelling appears.

Menstruation and bowels

Frequent running around “in a small way” is not so bad for many. Women are more worried about the fact that during menstruation they want to go to the toilet a lot, and also that the stool can be liquid.

Many, being sure that an infection is to blame, begin to take handfuls of anti-diarrhea pills, which is not worth doing. After all, there is a natural explanation for this too. Hormonal release has a relaxing effect not only on the walls of the uterus. The intestines also have smooth muscles. In the first days of menstruation, it increases physical activity. This makes you want to go to the toilet during your period.

The freed intestines do not put pressure on the uterus, facilitating the sensation of its contractions. So this whim of nature is useful. It is transferred, as a rule, at the beginning of the critical days, with the most abundant discharge.

It is important to notice what else accompanies this. When you want to go to the toilet during your period, poisoning or infection cannot be ruled out. They happen regardless of menstruation, making themselves felt also with nausea, fever, cramps in the abdomen, incomparable to the pain from the work of the uterus during this period.

Why does it hurt?

Not every problem with the intestines during menstruation is associated with frequent and easier bowel movements. For some, on the contrary, it hurts to go to the toilet during menstruation. Moreover, the sensations are so sharp that a woman sometimes cannot stop screaming when she tries, and then she is afraid to do it until the end of her critical days.

There are three reasons why it hurts to go to the toilet during menstruation:

Endometriosis is one of the causes of pain

Problems with the intestines themselves. He may “go on strike” due to varicose veins, poor nutrition, or exacerbation of enterocolitis. Pain during pushing is felt in the lumbar region, where the rectum is, to the right or left of the navel (thin and thick sections of the intestine).

  • Hormonal disorders. Their result will be not only problems with menstruation, but also tension in the intestinal area, such that when menstruation occurs, it hurts to go to the toilet. In particular, excess oxytocin in the blood helps to reduce the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. This reduces the amount of secretions, but has a similar effect on the intestinal walls. The muscles become tight, which makes it difficult to defecate.
  • Retrocervical endometriosis. This gynecological disease is diagnosed when endometrial tissue is located near the cervix or on the back of it. From the third degree of the disease, the organ cells spread in the lining of the rectum. This provokes heavy periods, it is painful to go to the toilet - one of the defining signs. Menstruation during the disease begins and ends with bloody smears. It also hurts to go to the toilet after menstruation, but on menstrual periods the sensations are especially unbearable. It is also problematic to urinate, as it does not bring relief.

It hurts to write

One of the reasons may be urolithiasis. Pain occurs when stones pass through the genitourinary canal and cause injury during urination. Renal colic also provokes pain; painful spasms are sharp and radiate to the groin area.

The most common cause of pain is the development of cystitis. It is an infectious process in the bladder. The urge to urinate occurs too often and is accompanied by itching and pain. There is a feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied.

List of other causes of pain when urinating with blood:

  • Thrush. Evacuation is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, discharge and burning.
  • Pyelonephritis. Pain occurs before and after urination, radiating to the groin area and back.
  • Venereal diseases. Common symptoms include blood in the urine and abdominal pain.
  • Consequences after sore throat and flu. Untreated disease or an advanced stage can also lead to pain and blood impurities.

Signs of stone passage

In 20% of patients with urolithiasis, stones pass almost painlessly, without causing much discomfort. This is the case if stones no larger than 0.5 cm in diameter come out of the kidneys. But the majority of patients notice a number of unpleasant signs. They appear both individually and in combination.

Cross-section of a kidney with urolithiasis

  • Pain. As soon as kidney stones pass into the ureter, pain appears in the lumbar area. While the stone is passing, the pain syndrome increases. When a calculus enters the bladder, the pain moves to the groin, sometimes radiating to the thigh. In men and women, the painful syndrome occurs differently. In women, the pain reaches the groin and begins to radiate to the labia. In the opposite sex, the pain at this stage goes to the scrotum. It is more pronounced because their urethra is smaller in diameter and at the same time longer. Urination is also quite painful. If suddenly a stone gets stuck while passing the path, then cramping pain appears. They last from a few minutes to several days. Often the pain from passing a stone is accompanied by a strong burning sensation. If the kidney hurts, and the pain does not progress further, then the cause is the movement of stones in the diseased organ. After some time, the pain will probably subside, but you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Urinary disorder. The lower the stone descends along the ureter, the more clearly this sign appears. It can be expressed in frequent urination or, conversely, in a reduction in the urge. Urinary incontinence often occurs; it can occur both during the day and at night.
  • Cloudy urine. Often the urine becomes cloudy, this is due to the release of sand and small foreign particles. Often, while the stone moves towards the exit, blood appears, this is a consequence of damage to the mucous membrane of the ureter and urethra by the sharp edges of the stones. Cloudy urine is the first sign that the stone is not stuck anywhere and passes on its own. Sometimes urine becomes viscous. This symptom also goes away immediately after the stone passes.
  • Fever. If the stone is quite large and blocks 2/3 of the passage, then within a day the body temperature begins to rise. At first it remains at the low-grade level, but if the process of removing the stone is not accelerated and timely treatment is not started, the temperature will rise to its maximum level.

How many stones are there? This process can last up to 4 weeks. Even small stones that pass through without stopping anywhere will continue to pass for at least a week. Larger sediments will take much longer to travel the entire path. How long it takes for stones to pass primarily depends on the physiological characteristics of the body and the number of stones and their mineral composition.

Blood in urine after cesarean section

Having blood when urinating is common after a caesarean section. The amount of discharge may be more abundant than in those who gave birth naturally.

Characteristic features of the discharge:

  • It is impossible to determine a specific rate of discharge, since it is individual for each woman.
  • When urinating, there may be a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation.
  • The amount of blood may increase when a woman is breastfeeding or leading an active lifestyle.
  • When the color of the blood turns brown, this is a sign that the female body is returning to normal.

The following factors may cause concern:

  • A rapid increase in the amount of blood in the urine is a negative factor. This is due to improper contraction of the uterus. If the pad has to be changed every hour, this indicates bleeding. In such a situation, you need to call an ambulance.
  • If bleeding does not stop for a long time.
  • If during the first week an unpleasant odor and symptoms such as fever and abdominal pain appear, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the uterus.
  • If bleeding suddenly stops, then this fact may indicate a posterior bending state of the uterus, due to which blood cannot leave the body.
  • The occurrence of thrush after taking antibiotics.
  • If after five days the discharge becomes bright red.

Bleeding should last no more than two months. If the duration is prolonged, then this symptom requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Dark urine in kidney disease

One of the main filters of the body is the kidneys. They filter blood plasma, turning it into primary and secondary urine, which removes excess mineral salts and nitrogenous waste from the body. In a healthy person, the internal environment of the kidneys is sterile. But quite often pathological microflora develops in the kidneys, provoking inflammatory processes. Most often this occurs with abnormalities in the development of the organ, various tumor or autoimmune processes.

Dark urine is very common in kidney disease. If the secreted fluid is accompanied by bloody or purulent impurities, this indicates nephritis or glomerulonephritis. When there is bleeding in the kidneys, urinary tract or bladder, the urine becomes brown, dark or dirty brown.

There are a number of symptoms that appear simultaneously with changes in urine and indicate pathologies of the kidneys:

  • Painful sensations in the lower back and side. Unpleasant sensations vary in intensity and most often occur during urination and movement. Pain may be reflected in the groin and genitals.
  • Temperature increase. This condition indicates infectious processes. For example, with pyelonephritis the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, and with apostematous nephritis it is even higher.
  • Blood pressure surges. This is typical for glomerulonephritis, when pathologies of the glomerular vessels cause spasms of the arteries. A similar thing is observed with congenital anomalies of the renal vessels, torsion of the vascular pedicle in the wandering kidney.
  • Nausea and vomiting occur with pyelonephritis and chronic renal failure. Discomfort is accompanied by surges in blood pressure.
  • Edema, both nephritic and nephrotic. The first arise due to increased blood pressure and appear on the face, under the eyes, and in the eyelid area. The second type of swelling is the result of an imbalance of protein fractions. Occurs due to the difference in oncostic pressure after a night's rest. It appears on the face, arms, legs, abdominal wall and other parts of the body.
  • Skin changes - pale skin, severe itching and dryness. These symptoms occur with pyelonephritis, renal failure, gout, diabetic nephropathy, kidney prolapse, kidney stones, renal colic and other pathologies.

Dark urine color in combination with the above symptoms require careful diagnosis. For this purpose, a clinical and biochemical blood test, a general urine test and tests according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky are performed. Ultrasound of the kidneys, plain radiography, calculation of glomerular filtration rate based on creatine clearance and other studies are mandatory. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

[5], [6]

Dark urine with pyelonephritis

Acute or chronic kidney disease with pathological processes in the body is pyelonephritis. Dark urine with pyelonephritis appears from the first days of the disorder.

  • The disease is characterized by inflammation of one of the structures of the pyelocaliceal system of the organ and adjacent tissues, followed by dysfunction of the affected kidney.
  • Most often, pyelonephritis occurs in women. The inflammatory process alternately affects both kidneys. Inflammation can be either unilateral or bilateral.
  • If the disease takes an acute form, then there is severe pain in the lumbar region, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting and urination problems. Urine may be mixed with blood and pus.

Diagnosis of pyelonephritis is carried out by analyzing the composition of urine. Indicators of pathology are: high level of leukocytes, presence of bacteria, fluid density

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Many women believe that to give birth to a healthy baby, it is enough to forget about bad habits, walk a lot and drink vitamins. However, that's not all. Anyone planning the birth of a child, even in the absence of health complaints, is recommended to undergo several laboratory tests. There are a number of tests that both expectant parents need to take. The results of the tests can be assessed by a therapist or doctor of any specialty to whom you contacted regarding pregnancy planning.

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Ulcers due to thrush in women

Urine like blood after childbirth

The appearance of blood in the urine most often occurs during pregnancy. At this moment, you should treat your health condition with great care. The normal color of urine is light yellow. The causes of red pigment can be:

  • taking medications;
  • Food;
  • pathology of internal organs.

The urinary system experiences overload during pregnancy. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, compression of the internal organs occurs. The activity of the kidneys, liver and urinary system is disrupted. Due to the characteristic changes that occur in the female body, the appearance of a small amount of blood is normal. In a short time, urine returns to its natural color.

Blood in urine before period

With an unstable menstrual cycle, the appearance of blood in the urine ahead of schedule is a common occurrence in women. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since this fact may indicate the development of hematuria.

The normal color of urine is yellow. Any deviation from the norm indicates the development of a disease associated with internal organs. The appearance of bleeding before menstruation may indicate kidney stones. When they pass through the ureter, they injure the internal excretory canal, which in turn leads to the appearance of blood in the urine.


Below we offer a list of activities that alleviate the condition:

  • taking a bath;
  • use of herbal teas;
  • applying compresses;
  • applying applications;
  • local exposure in the form of poultices;
  • compliance with dietary rules;
  • drinking enough water.

A stone passes out of the kidney, what should I do? To alleviate discomfort, sit in a warm bath for 20 minutes. An infusion made from dill seeds will also not hurt. At high temperatures, water procedures with a warming effect are contraindicated!

Traditional medicine suggests using radish with honey and cranberry drinks. Boiled potatoes are used as a poultice and applied to the area where the pain is felt. For the same purpose, you can use a heating pad filled with hot water.

What to do when a kidney stone passes and blood appears in the urine? The main thing here is not to panic, but to take action. The best thing to do is consult a doctor. But while you're waiting, apply an ice pack to your bladder.

You can also apply a cabbage leaf to a sore spot - a very popular remedy for many ailments. Oatmeal compress is also recommended by traditional healers. Clay applications can reduce the level of pain as the ureter stretches. For symptoms of intoxication, it is useful to do an enema.

An infusion of oak bark and wild pear leaves will help both during the passage and when the stone comes out during urination. What to do next? Feet should be immersed in warm water, and if it is possible to do mud wraps, that would be good.

If a stone came out of the kidney and was able to reach the bladder, then it was small in size. If it gets stuck, then complications are guaranteed. It could be pyelonephritis, or another infection, even an abscess. In this case, you definitely need a doctor, since traditional methods are powerless here. He will prescribe an examination, including additional tests. If necessary, pain medications and antispasmodics will be prescribed.

Nutrition and lifestyle

When you realize that a kidney stone is passing, you already know what to do. Conducted studies indicate that an important role is played by nutrition and drinking regime. It is imperative to follow a diet so as not to overload the body.

You need to exclude the following products:

  • dairy;
  • any meat including chicken;
  • oxalic acid.

In addition, you need to remove all fast food from your diet and give preference to boiled and baked foods. It is important to drink a lot - 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Dairy products contain a lot of calcium, which becomes the basis of many stones. Be sure to remove cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, and butter. Calcium supplements are also excluded during treatment.

Many people are interested in when a kidney stone occurs, what to do with meat products, why are they also banned? The fact is that animal protein affects the concentration of calcium in urine.

Oxalic acid was mentioned above. Caffeine-containing products, as well as citrus fruits, sorrel, and rhubarb are rich in it. Food should be healthy. It is better to follow the diet throughout your life. Add lean meats and fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grain products to your diet. There should be at least five meals a day. You don't need to eat a lot at a time.

It is important to ensure that you are replenishing the vitamin A found in carrots. Oxalates in the blood are reduced by vitamin B6 and magnesium. And walking is a must. As for physical activity, exercise should be postponed for at least three weeks.

What to do if you see blood in your urine

If blood appears in the urine repeatedly, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and further treatment. First you will need to take a blood and urine test. In the presence of an infectious disease, the analysis will immediately reveal a deviation from the norm. Hematuria is also examined using ultrasound, which will reveal changes in the cells and tissues of the internal urinary organs. The diagnostic procedure is necessary to select a specific treatment method.

To accurately determine the condition of the bladder, a cystoscopy procedure is used. The inspection is carried out using a special instrument equipped with micro-optics. The test result is displayed on the monitor in real time, which facilitates and speeds up the medical process.

This method helps to identify all deviations indicating an ongoing disease. But the procedure is contraindicated in cases where the urinary canal is severely inflamed and there is a high temperature. A thorough diagnosis of the female body is very important, since the initial stage of the disease is often not accompanied by noticeable symptoms. The sooner you use medication, the faster and completely the disease can be cured.

For infection . If the cause of blood in a woman’s urine is an infectious inflammation of the urinary system, then antibacterial procedures are prescribed to destroy harmful microorganisms.

For cancer . If the analysis shows the presence of cancer cells, then surgery is most often prescribed to remove the malignant tumor and then undergo a course of chemotherapy.

With stones . If the cause lies in kidney stones, then treatment is prescribed with a laser, which crushes the stones and subsequently they are removed from the body through urination. After crushing them, the bladder will stop inflaming and the pain will go away.

In case of injury . If heavy bleeding is caused by trauma and damage to internal organs, then therapy is prescribed aimed at healing the injured tissue. The recovery and healing procedure will further help the body return to normal.

The most important thing is that you should not self-medicate and try to diagnose yourself. This could end tragically. You need to seek help from a specialist in time and strictly adhere to medication intake. Only then can a complete recovery be achieved without further harmful consequences for the body.


What to do when stones move

As soon as it becomes clear from the sensations that the stones are being passed out in the urine, it is necessary to act.

  • What to do? Take a comfortable position that will help you relax as much as possible. The best way to sit is to bend forward.
  • The main task is to relieve pain; taking analgesics will help with this. Painkillers should be supplemented with antispasmodics, this will help relax the walls of the ureter and reduce the risk of relapse. Medicines to relieve the painful condition should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • The previous measures help to cope with the pain, but how to help the stone come out? Take a hot bath, its temperature should not be higher than 38-40°C. You need to take a bath for at least 15 minutes. When cooling, gradually add hot water. Water procedures will help relieve tension in the muscles, including the ureter, which will speed up the passage of stones. If you can't take a bath, use a heating pad. It is placed on the lower back on the side of the diseased organ. If the patient suffers from hypertension, then taking a hot bath and applying a heating pad is strictly prohibited, as this can cause a “jump” in blood pressure. For heart disease, water should only reach the ribs. For pyelonephritis, a hot bath is contraindicated.
  • After a bath, it makes sense to do some physical activity. You can squat, go down and up stairs, bend over, but in no case overdo it. Such gymnastics will bring the moment of stone release closer.
  • Every time you urinate, be sure to collect urine in a separate container, then you will definitely not miss the release of the stone. What the stones look like when they come out depends on their classification. These can be spiky black-gray formations or smooth light gray stones.

Is it possible to take blood and urine tests before menstruation?

The female body lives according to laws, many of which are regulated by the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that during certain phases of the menstrual cycle, different sex hormones are produced, which affect mood, general well-being, the condition of internal organs and some laboratory test indicators.

But there are situations when it is necessary to take tests, but the day of the cycle is not the most suitable.

All about periods: 25 answers to stupid and embarrassing questions

Yes. Most often, the fertile window (the so-called period when conception is most likely) occurs on days 10–14 of the cycle. But sometimes - even with a regular cycle - it can shift unpredictably. This means there is still a risk of getting pregnant even during menstruation.

Is it normal if your stomach hurts?

No. Menstruation can be uncomfortable, but this discomfort most often does not affect the quality of life. Moreover, the pain can be reduced.

But if the cramps and heavy bleeding become really exhausting, this is an alarming sign. Perhaps it's menorrhagia - the so-called menstrual irregularities that are accompanied by excessive discharge.

If you notice that there is more blood than usual, and the cramps have become more painful, be sure to consult a gynecologist to rule out hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, circulatory disorders and other possible diseases.

Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?

It is possible and even necessary. According to some data, physical exercise - especially aerobic exercise (walking, running, swimming, Zumba, Pilates, yoga) and stretching - can reduce pain caused by uterine spasms.

However, we note that it is important to listen to the needs of the body. If you feel weakness and pain that discourage any desire to work hard, it is better to refuse training, postpone strenuous work, and instead go for a consultation with a gynecologist.

Is it possible to swim during menstruation in open reservoirs and pools? What if something gets “there”?

If you use tampons, the risks are minimal. Swim for your health.

This recommendation even applies to cases where sharks are found in your favorite body of water. Lifehacker has already written: there is not a single confirmed case of a predator attacking a swimmer during her period.

In general, sharks for some reason prefer to hunt men.

Is it true that menstruation stops in water?

No. And when you swim, and when you relax in the bath, the uterus still contracts, and menstruation continues.

The only nuance is that the water blocks the blood flow. Because of this, it seems as if less blood is released during water procedures. But as soon as you go to the (conditionally) shore, all the blood that has accumulated during the voyage will rush to the exit and menstruation will continue as usual.

How long can you wear one tampon?

Doctors recommend changing your tampon every 4–8 hours.

But there is an extremely rare, but very dangerous complication associated with prolonged use of hygiene products. This is toxic shock. It is caused by bacteria that normally live on the skin.

Sometimes they penetrate the fibers of the tampon and begin to rapidly multiply there, simultaneously releasing a huge amount of toxins.

The consequence of this is severe intoxication, sometimes even fatal.

If you don’t remember exactly when you changed your tampon, but you start to feel like in the first days of the flu (fever, chills, weakness, headache, nausea), call an ambulance immediately.

Can a tampon get lost inside? For example, fall into the uterus?

Excluded. The vagina is not as deep as it might seem: its length, even in an excited state, does not exceed 17–18 cm. When something gets into it, it somehow rests on an extremely narrow area - the cervix.


The cervix is ​​a protective barrier that does not allow anything unnecessary to pass through: neither foreign bacteria nor any mechanical particles. Including, of course, a tampon. He simply has nowhere to go.

How much blood should be released during menstruation?

On average, 30-70 ml (2-5 tablespoons) during the entire period of menstruation - no matter whether it lasts three days or a week.

I'm losing more blood! It is very dangerous?

It depends what “more” means. If this word means a volume of a little more than 4 tablespoons, then in general this is normal. The fact is that menstrual fluid is not only blood. It also includes particles of the uterine mucosa.

The concept of “normal volume of menstrual fluid” varies quite widely. In addition, each menstruation is individual: sometimes there is less discharge, sometimes more. So unless you're experiencing painful cramps, nausea, extreme weakness, or other unusual symptoms, you're probably fine.

Truly dangerous blood loss is rare. But be prepared to see a gynecologist as soon as possible if:

  • Blood soaks one or more pads (tampons) per hour for several hours.
  • To prevent leakage, you have to use double protection: both a tampon and a pad at the same time.
  • Bleeding lasts more than 7 days.
  • Your period is so painful that it forces you to change your plans.
  • Menstruation is accompanied by severe weakness, fatigue, dizziness and other signs of blood loss.

Is it normal for clots to pass?

Yes. Clots are particles of the uterine mucosa that are shed during menstruation. If their diameter is no more than 2–2.5 cm, there is no need to worry.

If the clots are larger, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Such discharge often occurs with cysts, polyps, and uterine fibroids. It is necessary to establish their cause and undergo treatment based on the results.

If a test shows pregnancy and then bleeding occurs, is it a miscarriage?

Is not a fact. There are several possible options here.

  • The two stripes were a mistake. This happens if, for example, you violated the instructions and allowed the test to sit in the urine longer than recommended. Or the test was expired.
  • Your level of human chorionic gonadotropin (called hCG or hCG) is elevated. As a rule, the level of this hormone increases during pregnancy, and it is this that is recorded by standard tests, showing a second stripe. However, in some cases, hCG may increase for reasons unrelated to pregnancy. For example, due to taking fertility drugs. Or because of health problems: hCG often increases with ovarian cysts and tumors, some kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, and so on.
  • You actually had an early miscarriage. Most often, this happens when the fertilized egg has chromosomal abnormalities and the uterus rejects the fertilized egg shortly after implantation. According to statistics from the American Pregnancy Association, 50–75% of all miscarriages are of this early type.

Be that as it may, if the test shows two lines, and menstruation begins soon, you need to see a gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine why this happened and rule out possible dangerous violations.

If your period doesn't come, is it pregnancy?

In most cases, if you are healthy and sexually active, yes. Menstruation that does not arrive on time is a clear reason to buy a test and contact a gynecologist.

However, sometimes missing a period has nothing to do with pregnancy. The cause of the delay can be various factors: from hormonal imbalances to jet lag, lack of nutrients or stress. Still, it’s worth consulting with a gynecologist.

And if you get your period, is it definitely not pregnancy?

Almost certainly. If you start to have the usual amount of discharge, it means you are not pregnant.

It is important to note that about 25–30% of women experience spotting in early pregnancy. Their causes can be very different: from completely normal implantation bleeding to a developing infection.

However, it is almost impossible to confuse them with real menstruation: they are too scanty and short-lived.

What should periods smell like?

Normally, no way. More precisely, you should not feel any special aroma until you start sniffing specifically. And when you start, you will only feel the metallic smell of blood with the slightest admixture of vaginal amber.

A strong, pungent, noticeable odor often indicates an infection. Therefore, do not try to simply disguise it - be sure to consult a gynecologist!

And you should definitely go to the doctor if, in addition to an unusually strong odor, you notice:

  • Yellow or green discharge.
  • Menstruation is more painful than usual.
  • Pain and discomfort in the stomach and/or pelvis.
  • Temperature increase.

Such symptoms clearly indicate that inflammation is developing somewhere inside.

Is it normal to experience coughing and shortness of breath during menstruation?

Rather, this is one of the variants of the norm. Menstruation is accompanied by a decrease in the level of the female hormone estrogen, and a deficiency affects the functioning of the lungs. As a result, a cough and slight shortness of breath may appear, which disappear along with menstruation.

Can you tell when your period is coming by your voice?

A 2011 study found that women experience significant changes in voice characteristics during menstruation. In general terms: before ovulation, female “vocals” become higher and more melodic, the speed of speech increases, and by menstruation the timbre and tempo decrease. Some young ladies have it so much that it becomes obvious even to uninitiated ears.

Is it true that PMS makes women nervous and unpredictable?

Rather, more impulsive. For example, it has been found that just before menstruation, women spend money more actively and make thoughtless purchases. This is due to the fact that young ladies experience physical discomfort and are looking for ways to feel better. Insatiable impulse shopping is one of them.

Do people become stupid during menstruation?

Hormonal fluctuations may indeed impair memory and concentration in at least some women.

Physical discomfort also plays a role: when experiencing unpleasant sensations in the uterus, women are distracted, get tired faster, and become less focused.

But talking about a decrease in mental abilities in this case is the same as suggesting that people become stupid when they have a cold.

Is it possible to dye your hair during your period?

There is an idea that hormonal fluctuations during menstruation somehow change the properties of the hair, which is why the dye does not apply well. But professional hairdressers do not confirm this. The coloring result does not depend on the day of the cycle, so apply your beauty whenever you want.

What about eyelash extensions?

Can. Menstruation does not change the properties of the hair, so the procedure of gluing “extensions” to the eyelashes will go exactly the same as on any other day of the cycle.

They say you shouldn’t go to the dentist or for hair removal during your period, because it will hurt more. This is true?

Yes, but only partly. Indeed, the pain threshold varies depending on the phase of the cycle. A week before menstruation it decreases. This means that dental treatment or, say, sugaring will seem more unpleasant to you than usual.

But after the end of menstruation and until ovulation, the pain threshold, on the contrary, increases. So it is worth prescribing any painful procedures for these periods.

Is it possible to take tests during menstruation?

Much depends on what kind of analysis we are talking about.

For example, hemoglobin levels naturally decrease with blood loss, so measuring it during menstruation would be a mistake. Cholesterol levels, on the contrary, are higher during menstruation than before and after them. If you take painkillers, these may also affect your test results.

Therefore, if possible, postpone blood and urine tests until your period has ended. If the analysis is urgent, be sure to consult with your doctor so that he can interpret the results, adjusting for the phase of your cycle.

Is it possible to use vaginal suppositories during menstruation?

You can bet it. But we must take into account that bleeding can wash away the drug even before it takes effect. This means that the effectiveness of treatment will decrease. This situation is usually specified in the instructions for specific suppositories.

In most cases, candles are prescribed in a course that should not be interrupted. Therefore, there are two options to solve the problem:

  • Start the course in such a way as to complete it before the onset of menstruation. For example, if your suppositories are designed for 10 days of use, you should start the course no later than 11–13 days before the planned start of your period.
  • Use candles that are wash-resistant. Such suppositories are quite rare and are more expensive than their flushable “colleagues”. Ask your gynecologist about which ones to prefer.

Is it possible to get your period on time?

In general, yes. The most effective way is to start taking birth control pills in the cycle preceding the desired date. In this case, menstruation will begin a day or two after you stop taking the pills.

Other ways to induce your period include a variety of physical methods. For example, you can take a hot bath or have sex. However, the effectiveness of such methods is much lower. And in any case, they should absolutely not be used if you suspect you are pregnant.

What to drink or eat to delay your period?

Neither food nor drink affects the onset of menstruation. If you want to postpone your period, only hormonal medications, in particular birth control pills, will help. Menstruation will not occur until you stop taking it.

Source: https://Lifehacker.ru/mesyachnye/

Is it possible to donate urine before menstruation?

A general urine test is one of the most informative laboratory tests, the results of which can be used to judge the functioning of the kidneys.

In order for the analysis to be as accurate as possible, you need to follow certain rules when collecting a sample: - it is better to use a pharmacy container for urine, this is especially important if the laboratory will carry out inoculation for sterility; in this case, a sterile container for analysis is necessary so that foreign microorganisms do not get on the sample, for example, from a non-sterile lid; - before the procedure, it is necessary to toilet the genital organs, but this must be done without the use of antibacterial agents, so as not to distort the picture of the analysis; - to avoid mucus getting in, you need to insert a cotton swab into the vagina; — the average portion of the first morning urine is taken for analysis; This is due to the fact that morning urine is more concentrated.

Necessary diagnostics

After any of the alarming symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a therapist, urologist or gynecologist.

The patient will have to undergo a series of studies, which include:

  • collection of complaints;

  • gynecological examination;
  • urine cytology;
  • general urine analysis;
  • microscopy and culture;
  • intravenous urography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • computed tomography;
  • cystoscopy.

The presence of blood must be confirmed by microscopic examination of urine. To exclude the possibility of infection, a culture is performed - a bacteriological study; cytology evaluates the cells found in the liquid.

When taking tests, it is important to carefully follow all the rules for collecting urine. So, the container for urine must be sterile: you can purchase a suitable container at the pharmacy. Before collection, you must wash yourself thoroughly and insert a tampon into the vagina to eliminate the possibility of excess discharge.

Only the first morning urine is suitable for analysis. The container with the material is hermetically sealed, and it is advisable to deliver it to the laboratory within an hour and a half after collection.

Is it possible to donate blood before menstruation?

There are many different types of blood tests. The most common is general. Using a general blood test, you can determine the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes, and assess the state of the blood coagulation system.

Before taking a general blood test, you should: - eat nothing for at least 8 hours; - do not eat anything fatty or spicy, do not drink alcohol at least 24 hours before the test; — avoid heavy physical activity the day before, and on the day of donating blood, you should even skip exercises; - You should absolutely not take a blood test during menstruation.

Why you can’t donate blood during menstruation is, in principle, clear: blood loss, even planned, will be reflected in the analysis by a decrease in the number of red blood cells, a decrease in hemoglobin levels and indicators of the blood coagulation system.

This rule does not apply to blood tests for hormonal levels. The determination of certain hormones must be carried out specifically in the phase of the cycle that the doctor indicates.

But it is also not recommended to take a blood test before your period. The fact is that premenstrual syndrome is not only a bad mood, irritability and restless sleep, it is also a slight decrease in immunity. This may not affect the general well-being - the woman may not get sick. But this affects the indicators of the general blood test: the level of leukocytes increases, and red blood cells, ready for the upcoming changes in the hormonal background, settle faster. These two indicators give a picture of the inflammatory process in the body and can mislead the attending physician.

It is necessary to take general clinical blood and urine tests at least once a year. Follow the simple rules for preparing for tests, and their results will always be as accurate as possible.


Weird things about menstruation

There are many features of the course of critical days, some of them are individual. But due to natural needs, it may be alarming that your period only comes when you go to the toilet. This is considered normal at the end of menstruation. Most of the endometrium has been renewed, and remnants emerge from the genital tract.

When urinating or defecating, you need to make some effort, which causes the removal of the last discharge in the menstrual cycle.

If the complaint “my period only comes when I go to the toilet” refers to any of the critical days, this is certainly an abnormal phenomenon. Among the reasons for its occurrence:

  • Low uterine tone. The organ contracts little, which is why the discharge is retained in the cavity and comes out only after straining during urination or defecation. It is caused by hormonal deficiency and lifestyle changes. For example, the transition from active sports to their complete absence;
  • Incorrect position of the uterus, when the discharge physically does not have a chance to come out immediately after the endometrial particles are detached, but accumulates before the woman makes physical efforts;
  • Cervical stenosis. This is an abnormal narrowing of the cervical canal that occurs after surgery or initially due to abnormal development;
  • Pregnancy, including ectopic. Due to a deficiency of hormones that preserve it, the fertilized egg is not firmly attached to the wall of the uterus. Under the influence of muscle tension from urination or defecation, areas of the endometrium are separated in the form of a bloody smear or a fairly large volume of mucus.
  • A healthy woman can describe the features of menstruation as follows: “my period, when I go to the toilet, comes more intensely.” This symptom has a natural and understandable origin, which has already been mentioned. Discharge increases from physical activity, and when urinating or defecating, it is inevitable.

    We recommend reading the article about getting rid of pain during menstruation. You will learn about the causes and types of dysmenorrhea, the features of diagnosis and treatment of this condition, as well as how to reduce pain without medications.

    How not to endure until the end of your critical days?

    In order not to have to rack your brains about how to go to the toilet during menstruation, so as not to endure hellish torments, it is worth remembering and following the rules:

    • Protect yourself from hypothermia and overheating during the most dangerous periods, that is, before and during menstruation;
    • Eat regularly, do not overeat, avoid spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods, that is, everything that irritates the bladder and intestines;
    • If menstruation becomes more painful when a woman is on the toilet, find out the reason for this from a doctor;
    • If you are constipated, do not push too hard, but rather do an enema or use a suppository designed to facilitate bowel movements.

    No one wants to sit in the toilet during their entire period or, conversely, endure it until it ends for fear of pain. It is a sign that not everything is good in the body.

    Perhaps, to find out the details, you will have to visit a gynecologist, urologist and proctologist at once. But feeling normal these days is worth it.

    Very often, along with menstruation, a woman develops other symptoms that, at first glance, seem unrelated to the reproductive system. Many representatives of the fair sex begin to be bothered by frequent urges to go to the restroom.

    In this article you will find the answer to the question why during menstruation you want to go to the toilet in big and small ways, when this is a normal reaction of the body, and when it is a sign of pathology.

    Causes of blood before menstruation

    Any bleeding in women not during menstruation causes panic. Such discharge cannot be ignored, but it is quite possible that this is a consequence of natural physiological processes. If blood appears before menstruation, you need to visit a specialist, determine the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

    bleeding before your period can have different causes

    What is normal discharge?

    During the premenstrual period, a woman may experience vaginal discharge of various types. This may be due to the process of ovulation, pregnancy, the imminent onset of menstruation and other physiological processes.

    Blood before menstruation is not a sign of pathology if:

    • bloody discharge is small in volume;
    • there is no swelling or redness in the intimate area;
    • no burning or itching of the genitals is felt;
    • does not bother you with the feeling of pain;
    • the discharge has a brownish or pink tint;
    • there is no unpleasant odor.

    Short-term minor discharge is most likely not dangerous.
    The presence of “spotting” two days before your period is considered normal. If the cause is ovulation or pregnancy, bleeding before menstruation lasts no more than 3 to 4 days.

    Note! If there is regular (monthly) premenstrual discharge, a woman is advised to visit a gynecologist.

    Duration of stone release

    Let's figure out how long it takes for kidney stones to pass. It all depends on the size of the stone. On average, this process takes about 40 days. Stones about 2 mm in size will come out quite quickly - in about a week. How long does it take for a kidney stone measuring 2 to 4 mm to pass? About two weeks. And about twenty days it takes stones from 4 to 6 mm.

    If you have a kidney stone, then together with your doctor you need to constantly monitor so that complications do not start. Initially, conservative therapy is prescribed, which makes it easier to pass the stone. In rare cases, surgery is used. This happens if renal failure develops, the outflow of urine and purulent tissue damage are completely disrupted.

    A healthy lifestyle is the key to health and protection from kidney stones in the future!

    What is the reason for bleeding?

    Various reasons can provoke the appearance of blood from the vagina outside of menstruation. The main ones include: ovulation, pregnancy, gynecological diseases and taking hormonal medications.

    However, the causes of bleeding before menstruation may also be due to a number of factors:

    • chronic fatigue;
    • increased physical activity;
    • sudden weight changes;
    • lack of vitamins and minerals;
    • stress;
    • mechanical damage during sex.

    Bleeding before menstruation can also be the result of improper douching, an abortion, or other gynecological procedures.

    Sometimes spotting can be associated with weight loss

    How a symptom may be related to ovulation and pregnancy

    When there is bleeding before menstruation, a woman may be ovulating at that moment. The peak of physiological preparation of the reproductive system for conception is observed 7–14 days before the date of menstruation. During ovulation, the egg reaches a state of maturation, the follicles move towards the uterus - these processes are often accompanied by injury to small capillaries, which causes spotting.

    Note! There are times when ovulation occurs repeatedly. The minor bleeding caused may stop as soon as the regulation begins.

    Pregnancy can also cause spotting. Bleeding is caused by a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels when the egg attaches to the uterine cavity. The appearance of blood clots before menstruation is a pathological symptom during pregnancy. Heavy discharge with clots may be a sign of self-abortion.

    How to recognize the course of pathology

    You should be concerned about bleeding if the symptoms are pathological.

    The development of diseases can be characterized by the following symptoms:

    • heavy and prolonged discharge (more than 3 days);
    • frequent discharge of large clots;
    • discharge that is too thin or thick;
    • general temperature is constantly elevated;
    • pain is felt during sexual intercourse;
    • bothered by burning or constant itching;
    • cramping or constant aching pain is felt in the lower abdomen;
    • deterioration of general condition.

    Watch the video to learn about the causes of discharge before menstruation:

    If there are even one or two symptoms, a woman must undergo diagnostics to determine the cause of disturbances in the functionality of the body.

    How does a symptom depend on age?

    Bloody discharge is most often observed in young girls and women over 45 years of age. This is due to hormonal changes in the female body. In adolescents, hormone surges occur as a result of the beginning of the full functioning of the reproductive system. In adult women, on the contrary, with the cessation of ovarian function (menopause).

    Unstable periods may have symptoms of bleeding. Only a doctor can accurately determine whether pathological discharge is present or not, so self-diagnosis is not advisable.

    Discharge even at this age is not always the norm. Frequent and abundant spotting may be a harbinger of diseases of the ovaries, uterus or other organs of the reproductive system.

    What examinations are needed

    Without medical diagnostics, it is almost impossible to determine what exactly caused the bleeding.

    Diagnosis always includes an ultrasound examination

    • a detailed interview with the patient (do not hide any information about the doctor);
    • examination by a specialist on a gynecological chair;
    • ultrasonography;
    • biopsy;
    • taking a smear from the vaginal walls.

    Experts advise that if bleeding occurs periodically, undergo hardware tests and donate blood - before menstruation.

    The female body always has its own characteristics. The appearance of any discharge should alert women, since disruption of the reproductive system can lead to problems with other organs, as well as infertility.


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