Blood in the urine of a pregnant woman. Hematuria during pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment

What does blood in urine indicate during pregnancy? Having discovered bloody discharge after urination, you should not try to independently look for the cause of this phenomenon and take any therapeutic measures. Only specialized specialists can give an accurate answer to this question based on an examination of the expectant mother and the results of her tests. To prevent the appearance of blood when urinating, it is important to follow preventive measures, namely not to overcool, eat as little fatty, peppery foods as possible, and most importantly - maintain and strengthen the immune system, maintain genital hygiene.

Causes of blood in the urine of women during pregnancy

In medicine, it is customary to call the presence of blood in urine hematuria, which is a sign of various pathological changes in the body or indicates a malfunction of internal organs. The change in the color of urine in a pregnant woman depends on various factors, and the foods eaten can also affect it. Brown, pinkish or purplish-red discharge is observed.


Hematuria in pregnant women does not always indicate serious illness; in most cases it is physiological in nature, which is not at all dangerous to the health of the expectant mother and her unborn baby. Blood appears after urination during pregnancy due to the pressure exerted by the fetus or the growing uterus on the bladder. In addition, pregnant women may experience red blood cells in urine when blood vessels rupture due to high intra-abdominal pressure and due to hormonal changes in the body that occur with the onset of pregnancy. However, the presence of blood in urine is not always safe and in some cases can hide dangerous pathologies. Only specialized doctors can determine the severity of hematuria during pregnancy, so the first thing you should do is go to a medical facility.

Hazardous to health

Bloody spots in the urine during pregnancy may indicate the following diseases:

  • Improper functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system, caused by inflammation, infectious lesions in the genitourinary tract. Often during pregnancy, cystitis worsens, which is usually accompanied by frequent urination and severe pain. The appearance of blood after urination in pregnant women is also possible with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Urolithiasis, which is characterized by damage to the walls of the bladder with urinary fluid and the ureters due to the movement of sand and stones. As a result, blood enters the urine and its presence can be detected when urinating. The progression of stone formation is accompanied by sharp pain, and the urine takes on a pinkish or red tint.
  • Pathologies in the kidneys and blood vessels requiring surgical intervention. In this case, we mean anatomical features that should be corrected surgically.
  • Bladder cancer, in which blood clots are found in the urine, changing its color. This pathology is not accompanied by pain and the reason for its appearance is damage to the walls of blood vessels by malignant neoplasms.

Hematuria during pregnancy occurs with diabetes mellitus, anemia, trauma and tuberculosis of the skin with ulcers and nodules. The presence of blood in the urine of women in a position with premature birth, disturbances in the development of the intrauterine fetus, weak labor and complications after childbirth is dangerous. In this regard, at the first signs of discomfort, a pregnant woman should go for a consultation with a therapist or nephrologist.

What to do if there is blood in your urine: treatment

Hematuria during pregnancy can be detected in both early and late stages. Regardless of this, when any disease is diagnosed, it will have to be treated. It should be understood that urine in the blood is only a symptom that accompanies the disease. Therefore, therapy will be aimed at eliminating the cause. It will depend on her how and how to treat hematuria. Only an experienced specialist can choose a medicine and prescribe dosages! Self-medication in this case is unacceptable!

What to do if there is blood in your urine: treatment

However, there are some things you can do to help yourself at home. First of all, it is recommended, starting from the second trimester, to regularly take the knee-elbow position: it not only makes you feel better, improves blood flow in the pelvic organs and placenta, but also “unloads” the kidneys, preventing congestion. In addition, after consulting with your doctor, you can take diuretic fruit drinks and teas: cranberries, lingonberries. Always be attentive to your health and avoid hypothermia in the pelvic area in every possible way. We also must not forget that in any case, a healthy, balanced diet will be beneficial during pregnancy. And if there is a predisposition or risk of developing inflammation in the genitourinary organs, then even more so salty, hot, fried, spicy and synthetic foods should be excluded from the diet.

Otherwise, general recommendations remain relevant: daily walks, moderate physical activity, adequate sleep and rest, positive emotions.

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What should you be wary of?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor if red blood cells are visible in the urine with the naked eye, the urine becomes incomprehensibly pink, in some cases even brown. Women should be alerted to the appearance of blood clots in the urinary fluid. In addition, if there is blood in the urine of pregnant women, and in addition to it there is also pain in the lower abdomen, in the back, lumbar region or groin, then you should immediately go to the doctor. You should not hesitate to visit a nephrologist if there is a strong burning sensation when emptying through the urethra, body temperature has increased, nausea, vomiting has appeared, and the communication condition has significantly worsened.

Diagnosis of pathology

In particular, to accurately diagnose the problem, a glass urine sample is taken from the patient. This collection of biomaterial involves taking three urine samples - the initial, middle and final doses of the stream. They are collected in different containers. Next, when carrying out the analysis, the differentiation technique is used.

  • So, if blood and its clots are found only in the initial stream of urine, then we are talking about the localization of the inflammatory process exclusively in the urethra. It can be caused by mechanical trauma, polyp growth, gonorrhea, syphilis or oncology.
  • If blood is found in the middle portion of the urine stream, then the problem most likely lies in the neck of the bladder or in the back of the urethra (urethra).
  • If red blood cells are detected in all three samples, it means that the pathology is hidden higher up - in the kidneys, parenchyma or bladder. In this case, the patient undergoes an ultrasound examination to determine the localization of the inflammatory process.

Features of treatment

The therapeutic course is selected individually and depends on the diagnosis. If blood in the urine during pregnancy is a consequence of cystitis, then antibiotics Ceftriaxone and Norfloxacin are prescribed. Antispasmodics and diuretics are also prescribed, which improve the outflow of urinary fluid. For vaginitis, it is recommended to use antibacterial solutions. To treat urolithiasis, they resort to crushing or removing stones, and in case of injuries to the genitourinary system, hemostatic medications are used.

Clinical picture of the pathology

The symptoms of a pathological condition in a pregnant woman completely depend on its underlying causes. And yet, most cases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations. Most often they are localized in the lumbar region and kidneys. Sometimes they can radiate to the stomach and labia. In this case, we may be talking about kidney stones. In order not to provoke a miscarriage from pain, it is better for the patient to go to the hospital for help or call an ambulance.
  • Burning. It is observed mainly during urination and is characterized by the obvious presence of blood in the urine - gross hematuria.
  • Temperature increase. It can be observed in 90% of cases in the presence of pain. This indicates an inflammatory process in the pregnant woman’s body.
  • Vomiting and nausea. Appear as a consequence of previous conditions of pain and fever.
  • Change in urine color. Its color can vary from pale pink to brown-red and even black with the inclusion of bloody clots.

Important: gross hematuria in most cases is asymptomatic. That is why expectant mothers have their urine taken for analysis once a month (and twice in the last month of pregnancy). Laboratory tests should not be ignored. Timely execution of tests will allow us to consider possible pathology at its very beginning and stop the condition until pregnancy is resolved.

How to prevent hematuria?

It is quite clear that it is not possible to completely eliminate the risks of infectious and other diseases. But it is necessary to try to minimize such negative aspects. During pregnancy, it is recommended that women strictly monitor their own health status, because any pathology can negatively affect the formation of the fetus.

In order to prevent inflammation of the ureteral canals, it is recommended to wear warm clothes in cold weather and not to be in drafts. It will not be superfluous to follow a diet that benefits not only the expectant mother, but also her baby.

In order for possible infections to be identified in a timely manner, it is necessary to constantly visit a doctor, take tests, and undergo special examinations. In the intervals between submitting urine for testing, you can monitor its shade yourself. This is especially important in cases where there is a suspicion of some disease.

It is forbidden to take independent measures to eliminate the problem. Many medications and traditional herbs can cause miscarriage or have a negative impact on the general condition of the body.

When visiting a doctor, always remain attentive during consultations and tell them exactly what medications you are using. This will help prevent erroneous actions and quickly get rid of unpleasant diseases.

Remember that there is no cure for blood in the urine. This phenomenon is one of the signs of a disease that has begun to develop. When the organs return to normal and begin to work as before, blood cells from the biological fluid will immediately disappear.

When hematuria lasts long enough, anemia is likely to develop.


Cause: Bladder cancer

If there is blood in the urine, the causes may lie in malignant diseases. One of them is bladder cancer. This is a neoplasm that is formed from epithelial tissue. Men get sick more often than women. Cancer can be caused by the following reasons:

  • exposure to carcinogenic substances;
  • smoking;
  • harmful production factors;
  • schistosomiasis.

The disease occurs in 4 stages. In the first stage, only the mucous layer grows into the tumor. Stage two cancer is characterized by damage to all membranes, including the muscle membrane. In the third degree, the surrounding soft tissues are involved in the process. Stage IV cancer is characterized by the presence of distant metastases. This affects other organs.

Bladder cancer manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intense aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • difficulty in the outflow of urine;
  • skin itching;
  • weight loss;
  • false urge to go to the toilet;
  • the presence of fresh blood in the urine.

Dangerous symptoms

The appearance of blood in the urine during pregnancy rarely goes away on its own, except perhaps after childbirth, if abnormalities in the tests were caused by physiological reasons. There may not be any characteristic manifestations. If blood impurities during urination arose as a result of pathological changes in the body, the pregnant woman may additionally experience the following symptoms:

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  • pain in the lumbar region or bladder;
  • pain when urinating;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness, dizziness, increased fatigue;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure and temperature;
  • lack of appetite.

If pain in the lower abdomen or lower back is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting and a general deterioration in the body’s condition, the pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Prevention of hematuria

During pregnancy, every patient must understand that now the life of her baby depends on her well-being and health in general, so she must especially monitor her life and avoid all sorts of pathological factors that can provoke any deviations in pregnancy, including hematuria. To exclude the possibility of hematuria, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, drafts, sitting in the cold, etc. A gentle diet, which has a positive effect on the general course of pregnancy, will not hurt. To do this, you need to give up fatty foods, smoked and salted foods, hot seasonings, and excessively sweet foods.

The main condition for prevention is regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist, passing all prescribed tests and hardware diagnostic procedures, monitoring the condition, etc.

Sources: pregnancy/problems/krov-v-moche-u-beremennyh.html

Possible reasons

Most often, blood in the urine during pregnancy occurs in those women who have a viral infection of the genitourinary tract. Since immunity decreases during this period, the body becomes more vulnerable, which leads to damage to the genitourinary system by infectious diseases.

The appearance of blood traces in the urine of a pregnant woman can also be associated with pyelonephritis and cystitis. Among the main symptoms, in addition to hematuria:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lumbar pain;
  • pain when emptying the bladder.

Blood in a woman’s urine can also indicate kidney injury. The problem occurs after a strong blow to the back, damage to the bladder wall.

Other probable causes are bladder stones, diabetes mellitus, and lupus.

But if reddish urine appears, this does not mean that the woman is suffering from any disease. There is no need to self-diagnose.

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