Does alcohol affect urine analysis? Dark colored urine in men after alcohol: reasons. Darkening of urine after alcohol
Urology 1194 No comments Everyone is familiar with the fact that human urine has a yellowish tint, or, as
Urethritis disease
Sensation of urine residue in the canal in men. Urine leakage after urination in men and women. Treatment of patients with frequent urination
A healthy bladder does not cause any unpleasant symptoms in humans. But if it occurs
Asymptomatic bacteriuria: in what cases is treatment required?
Detection of bacteria in urine can be observed in three cases: contamination of the material collected for analysis,
what is extracorporeal lithotripsy
Features of remote lithotripsy: what is it and how to prepare for the procedure?
External lithotripsy is a modern method of treating urinary tract lithiasis. Modern approaches to stone treatment
Kidney stones treatment with stone breaking tablets
Middle-aged and older people often suffer from the formation of kidney stones. Causes of pathology
The mechanism of edema formation in renal diseases. Features of renal edema; their difference from edema of other origins.
Edema in kidney diseases is a fairly common occurrence and is characterized by varying degrees of persistence and severity.
How effective is it and does cranberry help with cystitis?
Why cranberries are used to treat cystitis Cranberries are a natural source of essential human development
Symptoms of Adrenal Hyperplasia
Diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
The adrenal glands are two distinct, asymmetrical endocrine glands that consist of
Human kidneys
What causes salt diathesis of the kidneys and how to treat it?
Salt diathesis of the kidneys is a fairly common phenomenon. In most cases, this condition is
Features of urological pads for urinary incontinence in women
One of the pathological conditions is urinary incontinence, which causes the release of urine. Wherein
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