How effective is it and does cranberry help with cystitis?

Why is cranberry used to treat cystitis?

Cranberries are a natural source of vitamins necessary for the development of the human body. If used correctly, it will not only help get rid of the symptoms of cystitis, but will also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Oleanolic and ursolic acids help relieve inflammation.

Tannin-astringent components, such as tannins, easily bind polysaccharides and proteins together. This property has an antidiarrheal effect and stops bleeding.

Cranberries also contain a huge amount of flavonoids and ascorbic acid, which means that they help reduce the permeability of blood vessels and regulate the elasticity of their walls.

Magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus in the berry make it even more beneficial for the human body.

Immunomodulatory effect

Due to the high content of vitamin C in cranberries, the natural production of antibodies and interferons is activated, and they, in turn, help in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. This action helps to support the immune system during the onset of cold weather, when natural defenses weaken and cannot cope with negative external influences without additional help.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Another important effect cranberries have on kidney disease is that they restore the alkali balance. During the active development of inflammation, a large amount of alkali is formed in the urine. It is this area that is favorable for the formation of pathogenic bacteria that cause cystitis.

Cranberry juice oxidizes urine, making it possible to slow down the spread of infection. It is thanks to this feature of the berries that it is possible to prevent the acute phase of the disease from becoming chronic.

60 minutes after drinking cranberry juice, up to 80% of bacteria die with cystitis. The antibacterial effect lasts 12 hours.

Antimicrobial effect

Cranberry juice contains benzoic acid, which has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. That is why berries in natural conditions are not susceptible to mold and fungi.

Proanthocyanidins complement the antimicrobial effect of benzoic acid and tannins. The main feature of this substance is that it is not digested in the stomach, so it easily enters the bladder through the blood and fights microbes that cause infection.

By taking cranberries in any form for cystitis, the body receives a large dose of antiseptics, which help quickly cope with pathogens that cause inflammation of the bladder.

Recipes for medicinal drinks

All cranberry drinks are extremely easy to prepare, or you can buy ready-made juices from the pharmacy.

For fruit juice, you need 0.5 kilograms of fresh cranberries per 2 and a half liters of boiled water. Cranberries must be crushed in a mortar and passed through cheesecloth. Add sugar and water to the remaining juice, stir and heat on the stove.

Frozen cranberry juice is prepared in approximately the same way; for berries it is better to use a juicer. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add water, sugar or honey and bring to a boil. Cook for ten minutes and cool.

To make cranberry juice, you should take fresh, well-ripened fruits, which are crushed in a mortar. For greater juice release, the berry mass is heated. Gauze will help separate the juice from the pulp. It is recommended to drink the juice immediately, freshly prepared. Therefore, initially it is worth taking some cranberries. It is recommended to drink the drink 2 times a glass. If the taste is too sour, you can add honey and sugar if desired.


Despite the fact that cranberry is useful for cystitis, it can also cause serious harm. It is not recommended to use it:

  • with peptic ulcer;
  • for heartburn of various etiologies and gastritis.

Women who are pregnant, as well as people suffering from hepatitis, should take it with extreme caution.

After taking cranberry decoctions or fruit drinks, you must rinse your mouth with water to remove the acid remaining on the teeth, because it destroys the enamel.

Mechanism of action of cranberry

cranberry for cystitisFor many years, it was believed that cranberry juice helped make urine more acidic, making it less hospitable for bacteria such as Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli) to grow. However, recent studies have shown that cranberry juice prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract. The actual mechanism of action is not yet known: either the bacteria become less sticky, or the walls of the urinary tract become more slippery, making penetration more difficult. People all over the world drink the drink to help them heal. However, this does not mean that it will completely cure the infection. For this purpose, antibiotic drugs are prescribed, and the fruit drink will help to effectively flush out bacteria from the body.

How to take cranberries for cystitis

The easiest way to take cranberries for pyelonephritis or other ailments affecting the genitourinary system is to eat 5 berries 4 times a day. But it has a very specific taste, so it is better to make juice, fruit drink or decoction from it. Adding water helps enhance the diuretic effect and will help clear the infection from the bladder faster.

Cranberry juice for cystitis

Making cranberry juice for the kidneys is easy if you have fresh or frozen berries on hand.

  1. You need to take 0.5 kg of cranberries and grind them using a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  2. Strain it through cheesecloth.
  3. Add 10 tbsp to the resulting fruit drink. water, previously boiled and cooled to room temperature.
  4. You need to drink it 3 times a day, 200 ml.

There is another recipe for making cranberry juice.

  1. You need to take ½ tbsp. frozen berries, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Then mash all the berries and leave for another 5 minutes.
  3. Divide the resulting amount of fruit drink into 3 parts and drink three times a day.

Important! Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, so to reduce the amount of acid in fruit drinks, you can add a little sugar.

How much to drink cranberry juice for cystitis

Cranberry juice for pyelonephritis or other diseases of the genitourinary system should be taken for 15 to 20 days. Drink it 100-200 ml 3-5 times a day on an empty stomach or two hours after meals.

Each person's body is individual, so before starting treatment for cystitis with cranberries, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to cause harm.

Cranberry juice for cystitis significantly improves a person’s condition, but it cannot be the only remedy for the treatment of chronic inflammation, only as an additional one.

Cranberry decoction for cystitis

There is no mention in the medical literature of how to treat cystitis with cranberries, but in folk literature there is a recipe for preparing a decoction:

  1. You need to take 1 tbsp. fresh or frozen berries and grind them using a blender.
  2. Using gauze, squeeze out the juice and put it in the refrigerator for a while.
  3. Pour cranberry cake into 4 tbsp. boiled and cooled water, put on fire, wait until it boils and leave to simmer for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. After the broth has cooled completely, add cranberry juice and 2 tbsp. l. honey
  5. Take a decoction of 1/2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

This recipe allows you to make the most healthy and tasty decoction, while completely preserving all the beneficial properties of cranberries.

You can simplify the recipe, just drink freshly squeezed wild berry juice. But the drink turns out to be too concentrated, so before drinking it must be diluted with water 1:3. The juice must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Cranberry jelly for cystitis

There are many good cranberry recipes that can help quickly relieve bladder inflammation, but this one is especially effective.


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 1 tbsp. berries and sugar.

Important! To make the healing drink not only more tasty, but also healthy, sugar can be replaced with honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the berries in water for 8-10 minutes, add sugar, stir and leave to cool.
  2. Brew starch.
  3. Drain the berries, and put the resulting broth back on the stove to heat and slowly add starch to the mixture.
  4. After the jelly has boiled, it must be removed from the stove and left for half an hour.

You need to drink jelly three times a day, 1/2 tbsp.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

Small red berries contain unique bioactive substances:

  • Organic acids. Benzoic acid plays a key role here. It is contained in the form of vaccinin glycoside, a substance with a bactericidal effect. This helps our body fight dangerous fungi and microbes.
  • Triteprenoids. Thanks to them, cranberries help eliminate all kinds of inflammatory processes.
  • Pectins fruitfully interact with our intestines and help gently cleanse our body of waste and toxins.
  • Phenol compounds that prevent the reproduction and growth of pathogenic organisms in the initial stages.
  • Vitamins B, C and PP, microelements: iron, iodine, manganese and calcium. Thanks to this complex, the body’s immunity is increased and the likelihood of disease is reduced.

For cystitis, eating cranberries helps slow down or completely stop the development and reproduction of dangerous bacteria and microorganisms. Due to the large amount of acids contained in this wonderful berry, harmful bacteria are forced to die en masse. And ultimately, after the death of these bacteria, due to the content of proanthocyanidin, they are naturally washed away by urine from the bladder. As a result, cystitis goes away smoothly and without leaving a trace.

Methods of application

Cranberry is very effective for cystitis. How to drink drinks from it is of interest to everyone who has at least once experienced the unpleasant sensations accompanying this disease. The most effective are fruit drinks and juices made from fresh or frozen berries. To preserve all the beneficial substances, heat treatment should be carried out correctly.

Cranberries are available to city residents mainly in frozen form. It can be purchased in containers and vacuum bags in supermarkets. There is no need to worry - when frozen, the berries retain all their vitamins, and the taste becomes sweeter and milder. Next, we will talk about the form in which cranberries are used for cystitis. Recipes from traditional healers will help you choose the most suitable option for yourself. It is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment to exclude possible contraindications.

Alcoholic cranberry tincture

If you want to preserve the beneficial substances of cranberries for a long time, prepare an alcohol tincture. You will need:

  • 2 cups fresh berries.
  • 500 ml of quality vodka.
  • 2 cups granulated sugar.

Wash the berries and pierce each one with a needle. Place in a dark glass container and add sugar. Gently add vodka to the sweet berry mixture. Close the jar with a plastic lid and store in a cool, dark place for a month. Stir the contents with a wooden spoon every two days.

Before use, the tincture should be filtered and taken with a tablespoon (tablespoon) once a day, after meals, for 7 days.


Tablets against cystitis based on cranberry extract do not belong to medicines, but to dietary supplements. This suggests that they should not be used to treat cystitis on their own. They should be used only in combination and as an effective aid. Additionally, the following remedies may be prescribed:

  1. Preparations with a high proportion of proanthocyanidins - for example, Munorel Previcyst or Cystivit.
  2. Klondike of all kinds of useful microelements from cranberries - Uroprofit.
  3. Contains Urinal cranberry extract.

Indications for use

Fresh and frozen berries, juices and fruit drinks based on them are recommended for people prone to urinary tract inflammation and suffering from the chronic form of these diseases. In particular, it is useful for patients:

  • with cystitis and nephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the female genital area;
  • women after difficult childbirth.

Due to anatomical features, women suffer from infections of the genitourinary system twice as often as men. Pathogenic microflora in the vagina with thrush, for example, provokes the penetration of fungi into the urethra, affecting the ureters and bladder. It is considered a causative agent of bladder infections and intestinal microflora in women. Due to the high acid content, eating berries allows you to neutralize the alkaline environment and fight microorganisms.

Juice for treatment and prevention

cranberry juice
Ideally, it is best to use freshly squeezed juice. To do this, you need to rinse the collected or purchased berries with warm water and chop, squeeze out the mass using gauze or a juicer. The difference in the effects of freshly squeezed juice from juice that has been pasteurized is enormous. To achieve the best results, you should drink up to 0.5 liters of juice daily, dividing it into small gram portions of 100-150 ml before meals. As a preventive measure, this remedy is simply irreplaceable. It can also enhance the effect of antibiotics in the treatment of various diseases, as it helps flush out weakened bacteria naturally.

Medical treatment

Only antibiotics can completely eliminate UTIs. The type is selected depending on the medical history, signs and degree of development of the disease. In general, symptoms improve within a few days of starting therapy. However, it is necessary to continue taking antibiotics for as long as prescribed by your doctor to prevent drug resistance as well as relapse. Analgesic medications are also often prescribed to treat UTIs because they help relieve pain and burning during urination. In cases of repeated cases, the doctor may recommend:

  • taking antibiotics for about 6 months or longer in small doses;
  • after sexual intercourse, one dose of drugs is taken;
  • Vaginal estrogen therapy for postmenopausal treatment.

In cases of serious urinary tract infections, IV drips and even hospitalization may be required.

Benefits of berries

Cranberry is a berry that has many beneficial properties. It contains vitamins A, C, K, B, microelements, flavonoids. The benefits of cranberries in the treatment of bladder inflammation are enormous.

Antimicrobial action

The berries contain phenols, proanthocyanidins and benzoic acid. These components prevent the increase in the number of bacteria and their attachment to the internal surfaces of the bladder. Cranberry extract, once in the gastrointestinal tract, changes the pH balance of internal fluids and increases their acidity. And pathogenic microorganisms cannot live in an acidic environment.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Cranberries contain triterpenoids, which are represented by oleanolic and ursolic acids. These substances reduce the action of enzymes that activate disease processes in cells.

Immunomodulatory effect

Cranberry strengthens the immune system. It increases the body's resistance to infectious agents.

General strengthening effect

For a complete recovery, it is important that all organs and systems function normally. The vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and pectins that this berry is rich in strengthen the entire body. They prevent the formation of blood clots, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse the kidneys and tissues of other organs from the accumulation of toxins, and accelerate blood circulation.

Sources used:



Cranberry jelly is a preventive medicine that is recommended to be used periodically for chronic cystitis. To prepare it, dilute the juice from fresh or frozen berries with water in a ratio of 1:2 and add starch and sugar to thicken the liquid. This is a healthy and tasty dessert that helps support the body in winter and late autumn, when the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases increases.

Cystitis - what is it?

Inflammation of the bladder, symptoms - urinary infection, where the mucous membrane of the bladder is inflamed - this is cystitis.

In the genitourinary system, the bladder mucosa plays an important role; it is resistant to infections, but in case of serious disorders, inflammation is inevitable.

The word itself is inflammation, the process at play here is not the one that people immediately imagine, this is not an acute respiratory infection where the throat becomes inflamed, red and sore.

Yes, some of the figurative representation is similar, however, with cystitis, the interaction functions become inflamed, irritating the internal organs.

And the provocateur, excessive infection, with prolonged inactivity of the patient, the illness turns into a chronic disease and the whole body begins to suffer from this.

Weak and strong sex

Women are more often susceptible to the disease, because the urethra (wide, straight and small) allows infection from the outside to enter the bladder more easily.

The genital organs in women in the body have a direct connection with the lymph ligaments of the bladder. This makes it easier for the infection to enter, causing further inflammation.

Men are less likely to suffer from bladder infections; cystitis often manifests itself in the following diseases:

  • prostate gland;
  • as well as the urethra;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • epididymis;
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes (seminal vesicles)…

General signs and symptoms

1. During a severe exacerbation of cystitis, the vessels dilate, the bladder mucosa becomes more swollen, and the infection spreads stronger and more actively.

2. Frequent urination occurs, but not profusely, which is accompanied by painful sensations.

3. In an advanced form, hikes will occur more intensely, every half hour, and can reach an interval of 20-25 minutes, and even 10-15 minutes (people with excessive excess body weight). This happens around the clock, which is very debilitating and leads to failures of other equally important functions in the entire body system.

This state of frequent urination 24 hours a day is acceptable during pregnancy; women carrying a fetus go day and night, every hour, and for some, to the toilet more often.

But, if this is how nature is designed and the female body easily tolerates all the inconveniences that occur during pregnancy, since the body has to work for two, then women are not in a position to treat these appearances of signals with great caution.

Take a pregnancy test first; if there is no pregnancy, you need to start an examination and determine the desired recovery process.

Of course, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, why is this more important for women, because their body is much more complex, and self-medication can lead to a worsening of the real disease.

There is such a concept, self-deception of diagnosis, when people themselves determine what hurts and why, they are treated for something completely wrong, but the real disease continues to progress.

Men should also be alerted to these symptoms immediately and should begin to get rid of the disease without delay.

Having determined the main thing, having learned the correct diagnosis, you can resort to prevention, which contributes to a speedy recovery and even with the help of folk remedies (berries, herbs) you can get rid of cystitis as quickly as possible!

Fresh berry juice

If you have the opportunity to purchase fresh berries, we recommend making fruit juice from them. This drink retains the maximum amount of nutrients. Traditional healers know well how to prepare cranberries for cystitis. They recommend taking a glass of fresh berries and a liter of purified water. Mash the berries using a wooden mortar. Pour the separated juice into a separate container. Pour water over the mashed berries and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add juice.

Strain the fruit drink before drinking. If you find it too sour, add a little natural honey. There are no restrictions on the amount of medicinal drink taken. It should be said that fruit juice cannot be the only remedy in the treatment of cystitis; it should be part of complex therapy.


preventive measures
Urinary infections can be quite painful and unpleasant, especially if they occur too often. In addition to cranberry juice, here are some other tips to help relieve symptoms:

  • drinking large amounts of water;
  • Avoid drinks that can irritate the bladder, such as coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, etc.;
  • apply heat to your abdomen to reduce discomfort and pressure in the bladder;
  • don’t be patient and pee when you want.

Therapeutic effect

In case of cystitis, cranberry acts as a natural antiseptic, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria, and therefore indirectly affects the weakening of the inflammatory process in the affected mucosa.

With exacerbation of chronic cystitis, in most cases, alkalization of urine occurs. Thanks to the organic acids found in the fruits, the process of urine acidification starts, which also helps relieve inflammation. Because of this effect, with frequent relapses of the disease, fruit drinks, juices, as well as herbal remedies based on cranberries are indicated for the purpose of treatment and prevention.

Ascorbic acid, which berries are rich in, helps the body cope with infection during acute cystitis.

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