Medicines for kidney stones in urolithiasis

The scheme for relieving kidney stones includes 2 stages: dissolution or crushing of stones and their further removal from the body along with urine. “Asparkam”, according to many specialized experts, will cope with this task as safely and painlessly as possible. In order not to aggravate the disease and not provoke negative consequences, this antiarrhythmic medicine must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, strictly adhering to the indicated dosages.

"Asparkam" is a drug used for the treatment of urolithiasis.

Composition and release form

The pharmaceutical product "Asparkam" consists of the following elements:

potassium and magnesium aspartate; sorbitol; talc; food emulsifier E572; distilled water; corn starch; emulsifier Tween-80.

The medication is available in tablet form, ampoules and solution for infusion. Each cardboard pack contains 10 or 50 tablets placed in blister packs, as well as 5 or 10 ampoules with a volume of 5, 10, 20 ml. The solution is poured into 400 ml glass containers. Store the drug in a dry place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius for 3 years.

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pharmachologic effect

The drug "Asparkam" refers to antiarrhythmic drugs that are aimed at replenishing the missing amount of magnesium and potassium ions in the body. The medicine normalizes the electrolyte balance, reduces the excitability and conductivity of the myocardium. The drug penetrates cells and takes an active part in metabolic processes and corrects energy metabolism disorders in ischemic heart muscle.

“Asparkam” is prescribed for a lack of magnesium and potassium ions in the body. Return to contents

Indications for use

Asparkam is prescribed for low levels of potassium and magnesium ions in the blood. Used in complex therapy for chronic circulatory failure, shock shocks and ischemia. It is recommended to take the described medicine in case of abnormal heart rhythm caused by a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, and in case of an overdose of glycosides.

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Method of removing stones with the drug

But why is the antiarrhythmic drug “Asparkam” prescribed for kidney stones? It is worth understanding that most of the kidney stones arise as a result of the deposition of salts and to dissolve them, potassium is needed, which turns the stones into potassium salts, which after conversion become easily soluble and excreted along with urine. However, after the elements of the drug enter the body, potassium is excreted after half an hour. This time is not enough to fully act on the stones; therefore, in order to achieve the required result, namely to dissolve the stones to the structure of sand and wash them with urine, you need to maintain the potassium concentration by consuming the medicine regularly in small portions. This is precisely the method of removing stones using the pharmaceutical drug “Asparkam”.

Treatment with Asparkam should not exceed three days, otherwise there is a risk of accumulation of excessive amounts of magnesium in the body.

When using an antiarrhythmic drug for kidney stones, the following precautions must be observed:

do not carry out the procedure for more than 3 days, otherwise the salts needed by the body will begin to dissolve in the body along with stone formations; long-term use of “Asparkam” can provoke an excess of magnesium, which is dangerous due to inhibition of the nervous system and can negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle; use of the drug at high doses can lead to excess potassium, which can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Return to contents

How to use Asparkam for urolithiasis

To flush kidney stones out, you first need to dissolve them. To do this, it is recommended to take tablets per day every 1.5 hours. This scheme is necessary to ensure sufficient potassium in the body. Before taking the tablet, you should crush it, mix it with some water and slowly drink it through a straw. After drinking the pills, you should rinse your mouth, since the constituent elements of the medicine are harmful to tooth enamel. By taking Asparkam in this way, you can provide the body with the required concentration of potassium throughout the day. The stones will begin to dissolve and come out in the urine, without causing pain to the person. The exact dosage should be determined by the attending physician, taking into account existing contraindications. You should not self-medicate, because with concomitant heart ailments, Asparkam can cause irreparable harm to the patient.

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Is it possible to get rid of kidney stones with pills that break them up?

Many people suffer from diseases of the urinary system. There are quite a few of them and they all require careful treatment.

Urolithiasis, in which kidney stones begin to form, can be a particular nuisance.

Treatment with stone breaking tablets can have the desired effect and bring about the desired effect. But the entire course of therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Ways to fight kidney stones

If specialists diagnose kidney stones, this does not mean that the patient will be immediately sent to the operating table. It all depends on their size, location and quantity, therefore, if the size of the stones does not exceed 0.5 cm, then you can try several other methods, among which the following are most often used:

  • dissolving stones with tablets;
  • use of various solutions for dissolving stones;
  • the use of ointments that dissolve kidney stones;
  • folk recipes that remove kidney stones.

Before turning to one method or another for help, you will have to be thoroughly examined. After this, treatment can begin, and only the doctor knows best what medications to take to remove kidney stones.

Fighting stones with tablets

To remove kidney stones, it is necessary, first of all, to dissolve them, preferably painlessly for the patient, and then remove them. These formations are very insidious; if they begin to move, there is a high risk of blocking the urinary tract, which will disrupt the flow of urine.

The stones were formed over several weeks or even months, so the process of dissolving them will take quite a long time. Patients must be patient, follow all doctor’s recommendations and take the pills strictly according to the plan.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

  1. Visit a doctor and talk about your complaints.
  2. Pass all necessary tests.
  3. Undergo an ultrasound, which will help you see kidney stones and determine their size and location.
  4. Discuss treatment tactics with your doctor.
  5. Take medications according to the schedule and dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Madder against stones

Madder extract is a tablet that is inexpensive, so almost all patients can afford such treatment. But, despite their low price, they perfectly remove phosphate formations from the kidneys. During therapy with this drug, you must keep in mind:

  • urine after ingestion acquires a reddish tint;
  • this remedy cannot be combined with Cyston, this can lead to an overdose;
  • The product has its own contraindications, so you need to discuss all questions with your doctor.

The duration of therapy is also determined only by a specialist.

Asparkam and Panangin in the fight against stones

These are two more medications that are used quite effectively to remove kidney stones. The tablets dissolve solid oxalates and urates well, which can then be excreted in the urine.

Here are the nuances of their use:

  • Only a doctor can prescribe these medications, because they can negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • treatment may be accompanied by side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, severe thirst;
  • It is necessary to take tablets only after meals in the amount of 1-2 three times a day;
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking these medications.

Blemaren against stones

This is another tablet product that dissolves oxalates and urates and also promotes their excretion from the kidneys. Treatment with the drug should be accompanied by compliance with the following recommendations:

  • in the presence of renal failure in any form, the medicine cannot be prescribed;
  • children under 12 years of age are prohibited;
  • Among the undesirable manifestations of treatment, swelling and skin rashes are possible;
  • before taking the tablet should be dissolved in a glass of water;
  • The drug is approved for use by pregnant women, but consultation with a doctor is necessary; if possible, it is better to postpone treatment.

The duration of therapy can only be determined by a doctor; laboratory tests are periodically carried out to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.


This remedy resembles Blemaren in its effect on the body. After use, the tablets can reduce the amount of uric acid. This drug is often prescribed if there is an accumulation of stones in the kidneys.

Allopurinol does not give stones a chance, and they do not stay in the kidneys for a long time, having a negative effect on the joints. Given this effect, this drug is often prescribed to patients with gout.

During treatment, the following symptoms may appear:

  • skin rashes;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • decreased blood flow to the brain.

That is why, if treatment is carried out with these tablets, patients need to undergo regular tests and visit a doctor in order to promptly recognize negative manifestations and take the necessary measures.

Cyston against stones

This drug helps dissolve and remove oxalate stones from the kidneys. Compared to other medications that are used to remove stones, treatment with this drug is not accompanied by an increase in the amount of acids and alkalis in the urine.

This is a herbal remedy, but quite effective. It has virtually no contraindications. It is recommended to drink after meals. But those who suffer from various types of allergies need to monitor the body’s reaction to the intake of Cyston. Small rashes on the skin are possible, but this does not happen to everyone.

Getting rid of stones using other means

In addition to drugs in tablets, there are other forms that also help dissolve stones, among them I would like to note the following:

  • Xidifon solution dissolves phosphate and oxalate stones well;
  • Urolesan has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect, which helps remove stones, and is available in drops;
  • Phytolysin paste helps flush out sediment from kidney stones.

Treatment that involves the use of drugs to dissolve stones should also include the use of drugs that help remove them. This issue is discussed in advance with the attending physician.

How effective is pill therapy?

In order for treatment aimed at getting rid of stones to give the desired result, you must follow some recommendations:

  • before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo a urological examination;
  • Only an individual doctor prescribes medications and establishes a treatment regimen and dosage;
  • Do not take medications without consulting a doctor, especially in combination with other drugs;
  • in addition to taking pills, you must adhere to a special diet;
  • You should not expect instant results; stones usually begin to dissolve after two weeks of therapy.

Every patient must understand that treatment that is interrupted and not completed will not give the desired result. As well as violating the doctor’s recommendations, non-compliance with the diet.

If therapy does not help dissolve kidney stones, then they will have to be surgically removed.

The kidneys play an important role in the human body; any disturbances in their functioning immediately negatively affect the functioning of all organ systems. Even the most minor symptoms should not be ignored; any disease is best treated at the earliest stages of its development.


Side effects

In the process of eliminating kidney stones with the drug Asparkam, the following negative phenomena may occur:

“Asparkam”, if intolerant, can cause instability of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, provoke skin rashes, etc. pain in the abdomen; ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract; nausea; dry mouth; vomiting; increased gas formation; decreased blood pressure; bleeding from the intestines or stomach; frequent loose stools; itching, rashes and redness of the skin; vein thrombosis; increased levels of magnesium and potassium ions in the blood; dizziness; inflammation of the venous walls; low heart rate; myasthenia gravis; increased sweating. Return to contents

Types of kidney stones:

  • oxalate, the mechanism of their formation is described in detail in the article. The diet for this type of stone should be limited to legumes, cruciferous vegetables (root vegetables, cabbage, greens), oranges and milk. It is recommended to increase the content of magnesium and potassium in the diet (dried fruits, grains, fruits).
  • urate, for gout, increased breakdown of proteins (hypercortisolism, cancer cachexia, chronic intoxication), excess purines in food (meat, legumes, wine), abuse of smoked foods, coffee. This is a disease of gourmets and sybarites.

A prerequisite for the formation of urates in the kidneys is a pH below 5.5 (acid urine). Urates dissolve well!

  • calcium and phosphorus (bone fractures, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, hypervitaminosis of vitamin D, excessive intake of calcium and phosphorus) with an alkaline urine reaction in vegetarians and adherents of a dairy-vegetable diet.

Important: food contains many orthophosphoric acid salts, which can be deposited in the kidneys when the pH of the urine changes.

Important: intake of calcium supplements and medicinal mineral water should be limited due to the possibility of stone formation. Calcium supplements must contain magnesium, which prevents stone formation.


An overdose of Asparkam provokes a malfunction of the heart, paralysis, nausea and vomiting.
If the doses prescribed by the doctor are not followed, there is a risk of developing overdose symptoms:

slow heartbeat; sharp decrease in blood pressure; nausea; vomiting; “imaginary death”; vascular insufficiency with a sharp drop in tone; inhibition of cardiac function; paralysis of the heart muscle with subsequent cardiac arrest; weakening of the bladder with urine; paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Return to contents

Drug interactions

Before you begin removing kidney stones with the drug Asparkam, you need to take into account its combination with other medications. Concomitant use of this medication with potassium-sparing diuretics may interfere with intestinal motility and cause constipation, and this combination of medications also increases the risk of developing hyperkalemia.

When using Asparkam, it is not recommended to be treated with medications such as Aspirin, Paracetamol, Captopril, Heparin, Ibuprofen, Nebilet, Anaprilin and Ramipril, since the antiarrhythmic drug slows down absorption sodium fluorides, tetracycline and iron-containing drugs. If it is impossible to exclude these drugs, a 3-hour period must be observed for their normal absorption. It is worth considering that Asparkam increases the effects of the drugs Pipecuronium, Tubocurarine and other medications belonging to the group of antidepolarizing muscle relaxants.

Often, treatment of urolithiasis, namely deposits in the kidneys, can be carried out conservatively, that is, surgical intervention is not required to remove stones. In this case, a traditional treatment regimen is usually used, which includes two stages. The first of them is the dissolution and crushing of kidney stones, and the second is their removal from the human body through the urinary tract. However, only a doctor can make a decision about the possibility and advisability of using such a treatment method, since much depends on the size, shape and composition of renal deposits. Some specialized experts believe that conservative treatment using Asparkam is a fairly effective, safe and painless method.

Preliminary conclusions

The effectiveness of using spilled capsules is obvious. It is safe to say that it helps better than cystone in removing oxalate kidney stones. While taking capsules, super was poured, to compensate for the loss of magnesium and potassium due to intestinal dysbiosis, Panangin was periodically taken. I can’t say anything yet about how effective Canephron is in removing stones, since the course of therapy with it has only just begun. I will write about the comparative results of its use based on ultrasound results in this blog post later.

PS Upon completion of the course of taking Canephron, I underwent a second control ultrasound of the kidneys. The super effect achieved by using the capsules remained without significant improvement with the use of Canephron. The size of the remaining stone was still 3 mm, but I would like to clean the kidneys completely. Therefore, I decided to use prolit super in the future to completely remove stones and take it every six months as a preventative course, since there is a tendency to form oxalate stones.

Well, now the opinion of official medicine on the problem of the formation and removal of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). Here is the information shared on the Strastocvet website:

In addition to the article, I would like to add that dehydration, inflammatory processes (cystitis, pyelonephritis), urinary passage disorders (strictures, tumors) increase the risk of stone formation. Important: during an infection, salts easily “sit” on the inflamed mucosa.

Features of the drug

The pharmacological drug Asparkam contains potassium and magnesium aspartate.
The pharmacological drug Asparkam contains the following elements and substances:

potassium and magnesium aspartate; talc; sorbitol; distilled water; food emulsifier of group E572; corn starch; an emulsifier called Tween-80.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets, infusion solutions and ampoules. One tablet of Asparkam contains 40 mg of potassium aspartate.

Effect of the drug

Asparkam is considered an antiarrhythmic drug.
Asparkam is considered an antiarrhythmic drug. It is also prescribed to patients with a lack of potassium and magnesium in the human body. The drug normalizes electrolyte balance, regulates metabolic processes, and reduces myocardial conductivity and excitability. Thanks to Asparkam, potassium and magnesium penetrate into cells more easily. In addition, the active ingredients of the drug actively participate in intracellular metabolic processes, and also correct various disorders of energy metabolism in the area of ​​ischemic heart muscle.

Sometimes Asparkam is used to get rid of kidney stones. The method of action of the drug in this case is explained as follows:

Most kidney deposits are stones of salt origin (phosphate, uric acid, calcium). Calcium is needed to dissolve such stones. This substance, regardless of the composition of the deposit, converts it into potassium salts, which easily dissolve and are excreted in the urine. Since potassium, after entering the human body, is eliminated from it quite quickly (in 30-45 minutes), the substance does not have time to act effectively on the stones. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to constantly maintain high potassium concentrations. Therefore, for the treatment of urolithiasis, the drug is prescribed in small doses with frequent use.

Indications for use

Asparkam is prescribed to patients in the complex treatment of chronic circulatory failure.
Asparkam is prescribed to patients in the following cases:

Low content of magnesium and potassium ions in human blood. In complex therapy of chronic circulatory failure. For ischemic disease. After severe shocks and shocks. The medicine is prescribed for heart rhythm disturbances that are caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium ions in the body. The drug is prescribed for overdose of glycosides.

Asparkam and kidney stones

Doctors prescribe Asparkam for kidney stones in order to break up the stones and make their removal from the body as painless as possible. Doctors note that the drug “Asparkam” is one of the most harmless and effective means for these purposes. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it also has disadvantages, so it is important to consult a doctor before therapy.

Composition, release form and beneficial properties

The medication “Asparkam” is supplied in the form of tablets, ampoules and solution for administration via droppers. The tablets are on blisters, which are packed in cardboard packs. The ampoules have a volume of 5, 10 or 20 ml, and the solution is placed in a glass container with a volume of 400 ml.

The medicine contains 2 active ingredients: potassium and magnesium. Excipients include purified water, talc, sorbitol, corn starch and stearic acid. With the help of pharmaceuticals, they restore electrolyte balance and regulate metabolic processes. In addition, the medication helps treat arrhythmia.

The use of the described medicine allows potassium and magnesium to penetrate into the cells of the body.

Indications for use

The drug is used in situations such as:

  • reduced concentration of magnesium and potassium ions in the blood plasma;
  • complex therapy of circulatory failure in the chronic stage;
  • ischemic disease;
  • shock;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, which are provoked by an insufficient amount of potassium and magnesium ions in the body;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • overdose of glycosides.

How to use it correctly for kidney stones?

First, the tablet must be ground into powder.

To get rid of kidney stones, you first need to dissolve them. For these purposes, doctors prescribe taking tablets every hour and a half.

Such a therapeutic measure is needed to saturate the body with the required potassium content. It is recommended to crush the tablet before use, add it to a glass of water and drink with a straw.

After taking the pharmaceutical product, you will need to rinse your mouth with clean water, since the components that make up the medicine have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

This dosage regimen of the medication allows you to provide the required amount of potassium throughout the day. Kidney stones will begin to dissolve over time and be excreted in urine. In this case, the patient will not feel discomfort. The duration of treatment and the exact dosage are determined by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Who should not be prescribed Asparkam?

The drug "Asparkam" is not prescribed when the patient has the following conditions:

  • disturbances in kidney function;
  • excessive accumulation of potassium and magnesium in the body;
  • an autoimmune neuromuscular disease that occurs in a severe stage;
  • pregnancy period (1st trimester).

Does the medicine have side effects?

Instructions for using Asparkam for kidney stones familiarize the user with the fact that sometimes the medication causes the following side symptoms:

The drug may cause heart rhythm disturbances.

  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of ulcers of the digestive organs;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • excessive gas production;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • thrombosis;
  • stool disorders;
  • rash on the skin;
  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • redness;
  • autoimmune neuromuscular disease;
  • excessive sweating;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • inflammatory processes in the walls of vein vessels.

If adverse reactions occur, you should contact a medical facility.

Overdose of Asparkam for kidney stones

If a person takes an increased dosage of Asparkam, the development of the following undesirable reactions is observed:

In case of overdose, the heart rate decreases.

  • decreased heart rate;
  • a strong decrease in blood pressure;
  • vomit;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • disturbance of heart activity;
  • pulmonary paralysis.

Interaction with other medications

The simultaneous use of “Asparkam” together with diuretic drugs of the potassium-sparing group contributes to the appearance of disruptions in intestinal function and constipation. In addition, the use of the described pharmaceutical product and potassium-sparing diuretics increases the possibility of an increased concentration of potassium ions in the blood.

When getting rid of kidney stones, Asparkam is not prescribed for Aspirin, Heparin, Paracetamol, Ramipril and Ibuprofen.

Such precautions are due to the fact that the described pharmaceutical agent slows down the absorption of the active components of the above drugs. If these medications cannot be replaced, it is important to maintain a break of 3 hours between their use and Asparkam.

The instructions for use note that the combined use of “Asparkam” and “Tubocurarine” helps to enhance the effect of the latter.

How to replace Asparkam to remove kidney stones?

You can replace the drug with Panangin.

The most popular analogue of Asparkam, which has the same composition and mechanism of action on the body, is Panangin. In addition, the described medication has other analogue drugs that have identical indications for use. To get rid of kidney stones, the following medications are prescribed:

  • "Propanorm";
  • "Potassium orotate";
  • "Inosine."

Conditions of release and storage

To purchase the pharmaceutical product “Asparkam” you do not need a prescription. You will need to store the medicine in a dark and dry room, away from children, animals and direct sunlight.

Temperatures should not rise above 25 degrees Celsius. Asparkam should be stored for no more than 3 years from the date of its release, which is printed on the cardboard package.

When the shelf life of the medication comes to an end, it is strictly prohibited to use it, so as not to provoke the development of negative reactions and complications.



If you use Asparkam to crush kidney stones, then you should adhere to the rules for taking it.
As you already understand, Asparkam for kidney stones is prescribed in a reduced dosage, but against the backdrop of regular, frequent use.

Attention: do not self-medicate. The treatment regimen described below is not a guide to action and can only be used after consultation with a doctor. The use of the drug Asparkam is contraindicated in case of certain concomitant diseases.

If you use Asparkam to crush kidney stones, then you should adhere to the following rules for taking it:

Treatment with this drug should not be carried out for more than three days in a row, since, along with kidney stones, Asparkam will dissolve the salts vital to the body. Long-term use of this drug may result in an excess of magnesium in the body. An increased concentration of this substance will lead to inhibition of the nervous system, which can negatively affect the activity of the heart muscle and the muscles of the human respiratory system. Taking Asparkam in an increased dosage can lead to an excess of potassium in the body, which will provoke the formation of potassium stones in the kidneys.

Personal experience with the use of capsules shed super, drugs canephron and cystone

For long-term dysbacteriosis, intestinal candidiasis with diarrhea syndrome, i.e. With a tendency to loose stools and diarrhea, there is a loss of potassium in the body. The loss of potassium is accompanied by the loss of magnesium. The content of potassium and magnesium is very interrelated. A decrease in potassium causes disruption of the heart and cardiovascular system. Magnesium deficiency greatly affects the human nervous system, its resistance to stress, as well as the normal functioning of the gallbladder. There is a deterioration in the absorption of bile acids by the intestine. Fats and fat-soluble vitamins cannot bind to bile acids and form compounds with calcium in the intestines. As a result, steatorrhea is formed in the intestines - an increased content of neutral fats, soaps and fatty acids in the feces. Intestinal oxalic acid is not bound by calcium and enters freely into the blood, where it binds to serum calcium, followed by the formation of calcium oxalate. Some calcium oxalates are removed from the blood through the kidneys in the urine, and some are deposited in them, forming crystals, especially if a person does not drink enough water. Looking ahead, I can say that to compensate for the loss of potassium and magnesium in the body, I periodically take the drug Panangin.

Against the background of long-term intestinal dysbiosis, the resulting oxalate kidney stones made themselves felt in the form of a severe attack of renal colic, followed by emergency hospitalization in the hospital. Then, at an interval of approximately two years, there were two more attacks of renal colic with the passage of stones and sand from the kidneys. Thus, I spent three times in the hospital with kidney stones. Only over time, while working on my own health, did I come to the conclusion about the relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. To move on to the experience of removing these stones, I will outline a little theory below.

This disease is better known in one of its manifestations - as kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), since stones present in the urinary tract are formed mainly in the kidneys. The sizes of these formations are different and depend on the duration of the growth period. Sometimes urolithiasis is asymptomatic. In such cases, the presence of kidney stones may be indirectly indicated by unpleasant sensations (mild aches, dull pain) in the lumbar region after physical activity, especially in the case of heavy lifting.

How to smooth out a kidney stone

The deposition of dense mineral stones in the renal pelvis occurs in the process of precipitation of urine salts, which can be caused by kidney injuries and disorders of urine excretion, but much more often - metabolic disorders and disorders of the nervous and hormonal regulation of renal functions. Kidney stones and sand can consist of 2-3 types of salts, but in most cases they are made up of only one type of salt. Based on their chemical composition, they are divided into oxalates, urates and phosphates. Less common are other types of stones formed by organic substances - sulfonamides, cholesterol, etc.

The formation of one type or another of stones depends on changes in the acid-base balance of urine that occur during illness. Oxalate and urate stones (oxalates and urates) form in acidic urine. Sulfonamide stones also occur in acidic urine, but this occurs only during intensive therapy with the use of sulfonamide drugs. Phosphate stones (phosphates), on the other hand, require an exclusively alkaline environment.

Method of use

Before taking one tablet, you need to crush it.
To remove deposits from the kidney, the stone must first be dissolved. To crush and dissolve kidney stones, the drug is prescribed in the dosage of one tablet, which must be drunk every 90 minutes. Such frequent intake at the beginning of treatment is necessary to ensure the necessary concentration of potassium in the body.

Moreover, you also need to take the pill correctly so as not to harm the body:

Before taking, one tablet must be crushed. Next, the powder is mixed with water (50 ml). After this, the solution should be drunk through a straw. This medication is taken because potassium can have a negative effect on tooth enamel. If you drink the medicine through a straw, then its contact with the teeth is minimized. Now you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. If you wish, you can even brush your teeth.

If you take the medicine in the manner described above, you will be able to provide the body with the necessary therapeutic concentration of the medicine throughout the whole day. Moreover, the stones will begin to dissolve (break up) and come out during urination so that the person will not feel any pain symptoms.

Important: the exact therapeutic dosage of Asparkam can only be determined by your doctor, taking into account the patient’s age, state of health, size of the stones and the presence of concomitant ailments. If the patient has heart disease, taking Asparkam can be dangerous.

Prevention and treatment

Prolit Super capsules
Elimination of nephrolithiasis depends primarily on the type of disease (dysfunction) that caused the deposition of stones - this includes metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency, etc. In the acute period, a painful attack is controlled by the following measures. The patient is supposed to immediately lie down in bed, and so that the upper part of the body takes an elevated position (pillows are placed under the back).

Composition of capsules

Heat (compress or heating pad) is applied to the kidney area. If a person is able to move, it is advisable to take a general or at least a local (to the waist) hot bath. Painful sensations are eliminated with the help of analgin, as well as antispasmodics such as baralgin (5 ml intravenously) and no-spa (2-3 tablets orally or intramuscularly 2 ml of a 2% solution).

When a person suffers from flatulence, which increases pain, you can use a gas tube or do an enema with chamomile infusion. A persistent absence of urine in the bladder or the presence of blood (pus) in the urine usually serves as a basis for surgical intervention.

During the interictal period, home therapy consists mainly of using diuretic teas from medicinal herbs and strict adherence to a diet. Any form of kidney stones excludes the use of table salt. In some cases, it can be replaced with less dangerous products (soy sauce, etc.), but these points are discussed with the urologist. With oxalates, consumption of meat and dairy products (especially cheeses), eggs, rice and flour dishes, and baked goods is indicated.

Some vegetables and berries are excluded from the menu: lettuce, spinach, sorrel, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, currants. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea are prohibited. The lack of vitamins in the body is compensated by a course of vitamin therapy using carefully selected complexes. It is assumed that vitamin therapy inhibits the formation of stones, especially in the case of phosphates.

The following medications are used: cystone, spilled super capsules, canephron in tablets and drops.

Cystone composition

Oxalates often appear simultaneously with urates, or even in an acidic environment, stones form from two types of salts at once. In this case, a vegetarian diet is indicated, which naturally excludes the plant products listed above. Eating meat is allowed, but in limited quantities.

With pure urates, a diet is necessary that excludes coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, and smoked foods. Meat consumption (lean beef and poultry) is limited. Mineral waters with an alkaline reaction are useful for the patient, which include, for example, Borjomi and Zheleznovodskaya. It is important to remember that drinking highly carbonated mineral waters is dangerous for kidney patients, so for 15 minutes before drinking such water, the bottle with it should be kept open, allowing the gases to leave the liquid.

Information about the cystone manufacturer

In the case of phosphates, the use of hydrochloric-alkaline and other mineral waters containing bicarbonates is completely excluded. Foods rich in acids, primarily meat dishes and baked goods, as well as legumes, have a beneficial effect on the patient’s urinary system. It is undesirable to consume dairy products, carrots, tomatoes and other foods rich in calcium.

During an intensive course of sulfonamide therapy, it is recommended to drink up to 2 faceted glasses of baking soda solution per day (1 half teaspoon per glass). In addition, an indispensable condition for preventing the formation of sulfa stones is drinking plenty of fluids. The patient should drink at least 12 glass glasses (2.4 liters) of liquid per day.

Now about how I got rid of oxalate stones. Previously, long-term therapy was used for these purposes by taking an Indian Ayurvedic remedy called cystone. In principle, I used cystone before. A good friend of mine, a urologist, told me that cystone is considered an outdated remedy and prescribed a medicine, a dietary supplement, sold in any pharmacy under the name prolit super in capsules. There is also simply prolit in tablets, but I preferred prolit super capsules because, judging by the description, it has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. They write that it removes stones from the gallbladder. Since my gallbladder is not doing well, I preferred pouring super in capsules. A course of 8 weeks was prescribed, 3 times a day, two capsules. There were two such courses with a three-month break. Before the third course, the kidney ultrasound description indicated one stone in each kidney. In the left – 4 mm, in the right – 3 mm. After the third course at 8 weeks, a repeat ultrasound showed the absence of a stone in the right kidney and a decrease in size in the left to 3 mm. I don’t remember what size the stones were before the first course, but the last one showed obvious positive dynamics. I asked the urologist if it was possible to continue taking these capsules, to which he replied that it was necessary to take a break of six months, during which he prescribed taking the drug Canephron . Canephron comes in the form of drops and tablets. I did not take the drops, since they are alcohol-based. Since I have to drive the car myself, I take Canephron in tablets (dragés).

Side effect

Taking Asparkam may cause side effects.
Taking Asparkam may cause the following side effects:

Painful cramps in the abdomen. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. Dry mouth. Vomiting and nausea. Flatulence. Gastric and intestinal bleeding. Change in normal blood pressure (toward its decrease). Venous thrombosis. Sometimes diarrhea may occur while taking it. Various skin rashes, itching, and redness. An increase in the concentration of potassium and magnesium ions in the blood can lead to negative consequences. Myasthenia. Dizziness. Increased sweating. Decreased heart rate. Inflammation of the walls of venous vessels.

How effective is pill therapy?

The effectiveness of conservative therapy for urolithiasis directly depends on the following factors:

  • timely contact with a specialist,
  • complete and comprehensive diagnosis of the patient’s health condition,
  • adherence to diet and daily routine,
  • following doctor's recommendations,
  • regular and timely intake of prescribed medications.

If all this is observed, the effectiveness of drug treatment increases significantly and the risk of complications decreases.

Using medications without a doctor's prescription can lead to side effects and severe negative consequences.


This pharmaceutical product is not prescribed to pregnant women in the first trimester.
The drug Asparkam is not recommended for use for removing kidney stones in the following conditions and concomitant diseases:

In case of kidney dysfunction, treatment with Asparkam should be abandoned. If there is an excess of potassium and magnesium in the human body, it is prohibited to be treated with this medication. Severe myasthenia gravis is a serious contraindication to the use of the drug. This pharmaceutical product is not prescribed to pregnant women in the first trimester. In the second and third trimester, the medicine is prescribed only for serious indications.

Method of influence

Most kidney stones are salt deposits (calcium, phosphate, urate). To dissolve them, potassium is needed, which, regardless of the composition of the stones, turns them into potassium salts, which are highly soluble and excreted in the urine. True, once potassium enters the body, it is eliminated from it within 30-40 minutes, without having time to have any effect on the stones during this time. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain potassium concentration by taking it in small doses frequently. This is the basis of the technique that suggests removing stones with asparkam.


If you do not adhere to the doses prescribed by your doctor, you may experience overdose symptoms.
If you do not adhere to the doses indicated by your doctor or take the drug for longer than the specified time, you may experience the following overdose symptoms:

Nausea, vomiting. Due to inhibition of central nervous system activity, slow heartbeat. A sharp critical decrease in blood pressure. Feeling of “imaginary death”. Acute vascular insufficiency due to a decrease in tone. Slowing of cardiac activity. Complete cardiac arrest, which occurs due to paralysis of the heart muscle. Urinary incontinence due to decreased bladder tone. Stopping breathing due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

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