What causes cystitis and how to cure it with pills?

Let's start with a few words about cystitis. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. This is one of the most common diseases of our time. In Russia, the disease affects an average of 30 million people every year. It affects children, young and mature people, men, but mainly women.

In our country, more than 50% of the female population is diagnosed with “female cystitis”, 10% experience relapses of the disease, and in the same number of representatives of the fairer sex the disease is chronic. In this article we will answer in detail the frequently asked question - what is cystitis in women, we will talk about its types and understand the causes of the disease.

Women's pain


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What causes cystitis in women and girls

Cystitis can occur even with proper hygiene and compliance with all rules. Cystitis occurs in women due to the following three pathogens: bacteria, fungi, viruses.

In addition to all this, there are a number of factors that can aggravate cystitis or trigger the process of pathogen reproduction:

  • kidney diseases;
  • addiction to spicy foods;
  • presence of stones in the bladder;
  • frequent constipation;
  • colds or any infectious diseases;
  • sexual life (if basic hygiene rules are not observed, indiscriminate changes of partners).

Cystitis is relatively easy to treat; treatment of cystitis in women involves:

  1. Drink plenty of warm drinks.
  2. Proper nutrition, excluding large amounts of salt and spicy foods.
  3. Quitting alcohol.
  4. Taking antibiotics and medications prescribed by a doctor that will help eliminate the cause of cystitis, as well as the symptoms of the disease.

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Clinical manifestations

The signs of cystitis in girls and women are very specific, which are difficult to confuse with other diseases. The very first symptom is a frequent urge to urinate with a small amount of urine, accompanied by cramps and pain in the urethra.

Then other signs of the disease appear:

  • discomfort in the external genitalia, which increases with the urge to go to the toilet;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the pubic area, can radiate to both the right and left;
  • manifestation of an unbearable burning sensation even at rest;
  • urine is cloudy, has a strong and unpleasant smell;
  • then mucous patches appear in the urine;
  • blood may appear at the end of urination;
  • increase in body temperature to low-grade levels;
  • chills and deterioration of general condition occur;
  • in severe cases, nausea and vomiting may occur.

Discomfort in the external genitalia

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek treatment. And only a doctor can prescribe the correct therapy, which will not only improve the condition, but also prevent the recurrence of cystitis or its transition to the chronic stage of the disease.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of cystitis in women.

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  • Classification of cystitis

    Based on the knowledge of what causes cystitis, it can be divided into three classes:

    • infectious – provoked by viruses, fungi or bacteria;
    • non-infectious - as a result of allergic reactions or irritation of the mucous membrane;
    • provoked by taking certain medications, radiation or chemotherapy, intoxication.

    Infectious cystitis

    According to the degree of spread of the inflammatory process in the organ, the following types are distinguished:

    • total cystitis, affecting almost the entire surface of the bladder mucosa;
    • diffuse cystitis – multifocal lesions over the entire area of ​​the organ;
    • limited cystitis – a certain, fairly large part becomes inflamed;
    • focal cystitis - the lesion is localized in a specific place on the bladder wall.

    Mechanism of cystitis

    Classification according to the severity of the process:

    • spicy;
    • chronic;
    • primary;
    • secondary.

    Pathogens of cystitis and causes of its occurrence

    In most cases, the cause of bladder inflammation is E. coli. It occurs in 80% of patients. The second most common is staphylococcus.

    Basically, the development of infection in the body occurs due to weak immunity. With hypothermia or poor hygiene, the body cannot overcome the infection in time and it affects the urinary system.

    Improper formation of the urinary tract also leads to illness. After surgery or exposure to other diseases, acute cystitis may occur. The disease is especially common in patients with overwork, chronic stress, and vitamin deficiency.

    Treatment of the chronic form of the disease

    To get rid of the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose all potential foci of infection and provide complex therapy that suppresses the vital activity of pathogens and its consequences.

    Cystitis: symptoms and treatment in women, drugs and tablets for cystitis

    The main methods of treating chronic cystitis:

    • etiological therapy is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the infection and consists of taking antibacterial drugs;
    • Pathogenetic therapy allows you to restore the functions of the immune system, normalize hormonal levels and eliminate structural pathologies of internal organs. The main goals of therapy are to restore the natural outflow of urine and eliminate all possible foci of infection. Treatment involves taking immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgical correction;
    • Disease prevention is a set of measures that prevent the possibility of recurrence of infection.

    As additional therapeutic measures, physiotherapy is prescribed - electrophoresis, electrical stimulation of tissues, laser exposure, as well as special gymnastics that normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

    Treatment of cystitis at home

    Depending on the complexity of the course, localization and form, two treatment options are distinguished. Each of which, when properly diagnosed, brings its own results:


    Timely and competent treatment will not allow the disease to progress to the chronic stage. It is important to seek help from a specialist at the first suspicion of the disease. Only a urologist can prescribe antibacterial therapy. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable and can significantly worsen the situation. Before issuing a prescription, tests are carried out to determine the susceptibility of microorganisms to a particular type of drug. The empirical choice is influenced by the following factors:

    • wide spectrum of action of the drug;
    • high concentration achieved with the beginning of the course;
    • minimum contraindications and side effects;
    • affordable price for the patient.

    List of antibiotics for cystitis in women;

    Fast-acting medicines for cystitis for women.

    The duration of therapy is determined individually, as is the dosage. Most often, the duration of treatment is one, three or seven days. This is influenced by the patient’s condition, her existing diseases (in addition to cystitis), drug resistance and other individual factors. In most cases, a single dose is sufficient for complete recovery. In the absence of aggravating factors.

    Traditional methods

    If aggressive methods of combating inflammation cannot be applied (pregnancy, breastfeeding, chronic diseases and other reasons for which it is unacceptable to use antibiotics). Home treatments are allowed only after consultation with a doctor. If possible, they should be combined with traditional methods. The most common means:

    • herbs . Actively used: chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley root and seeds, bearberry. Based on these plants, you can prepare an infusion, decoction or solutions for washing, microenemas and sitz baths. If desired, they can be prepared independently. But, if you don’t have time, then you can buy ready-made preparations at the pharmacy. They have antiseptic, sedative, diuretic, antiviral and other beneficial properties.
    • warming up It is used in a complex of therapeutic measures. For the compress, herbal infusions are prepared in advance. But even this seemingly safe method has contraindications: if urination occurs with blood, then heating is prohibited. In the chronic form, if there is no temperature or other signs of intoxication, then you can feel the healing effects of a bath or sauna.

    Treatment of cystitis in 1 day.

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