Aldosterone is produced in the adrenal glands
What is the hormone aldosterone in women and men?
What is aldosterone? Aldosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. He belongs to the group
Unpleasant fish smell
Urine smells fishy in women and men, causes of the smell
The human body is constantly exposed to the introduction of various kinds of microbes and bacteria into its nature. When
Smell from the mouth
For what reasons does a solitary kidney cyst occur?
Causes To understand the reason for the formation of a solitary kidney cyst, you need to know the physiology of the appearance of urine -
Irritable bladder syndrome: symptoms and treatment in women and men
Irritable bladder syndrome (IBS) is a disease characterized by uncontrolled contraction of the muscle tissue of the organ, which
Adrenal gland disorders in men and their treatment
The role of the adrenal glands for the normal functioning of the entire body cannot be underestimated. These endocrine glands are necessary for
kidney hypertrophy
Symptoms of kidney hypertrophy: causes, treatment and preventive measures
Pathologies Kidney hyperplasia is a special type of pathological changes in the structure of the kidney, which involves a sharp
Basic principles of a diet for high blood creatinine, sample menu
Diet for kidney failure and elevated creatinine
The human body is a complex system. For it to function normally, all organs must work harmoniously.
Hydronephrosis of the kidneys in newborns and older children
Hydronephrosis is a renal pathology in which the outflow of urine from the organ is disrupted and the calyces expand.
Phosphates in urine during pregnancy
Causes of salts and amorphous phosphates in urine during pregnancy
The presence of phosphates in the urine during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The reason may be a banal restructuring
Blood in the urine of a teenager without pain. Blood in urine in children: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and features. What symptoms accompany hematuria?
Detected blood in the urine of children is a serious reason to go to the hospital for
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