Causes of salts and amorphous phosphates in urine during pregnancy

Phosphates in urine during pregnancy

The presence of phosphates in the urine during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The reason may be a banal restructuring of the body, necessary for the comfortable development of the child, or the hated toxicosis. Phosphaturia can be the first signal of a disease or that a malfunction has occurred in the body. Therefore, monitoring the condition and assistance from a specialist is necessary.

Where do phosphates come from in the human body?

Changing the diet is the main reason for the appearance of salts in the human body. This includes a sudden change in the way you eat, for example, following a certain diet, becoming a vegetarian. This applies to people of any age category. Phosphaturia can also occur in other cases:

  • consumption of foods high in phosphorus;
  • failure of the metabolism of inorganic substances;
  • bearing a child.

In addition, there are phosphates of synthetic origin. Manufacturers add them to prepared foods and detergents. They are also found in wastewater. As a result, the human body receives an additional portion of salts.

Special diet

The treatment for phosphaturia is proper nutrition. The mother's diet should consist of products:

  • Turkey and beef liver, which is rich in vitamins A, D, E.
  • Meat and fish dishes containing a lot of healthy protein.
  • Bran bread.
  • Freshly squeezed juice from lingonberries, currants, lemon.
  • Natural compotes containing dried apricots, raisins, and other dried fruits.
  • Salad with pumpkin, asparagus, Brussels sprouts.
  • Various types of cereals, porridges, to which butter is added.
  • Chicken eggs, which are rich in vitamin D.

To avoid phosphaturia, you should avoid consuming the following foods:

  • Spicy, smoked, salty dishes.
  • Excessive consumption of milk, kefir, cocoa.
  • Green onions, parsley, green vegetables.
  • Potato dishes.
  • Sweet and flour products.
  • Carbonated mineral water and sweet drinks.
  • Every morning, mother should drink 50 g of freshly squeezed radish juice.
  • One tablespoon of dried apple peel is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction should be drunk three times a day.
  • Taking fish oil capsules will strengthen the immune system and compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Reasons for the formation of salts after conception

If amorphous phosphates are detected in the urine of an expectant mother through laboratory testing, then this phenomenon is usually called phosphaturia in medicine. When the acid-base environment of urine excreted by the kidneys changes, various types of salts fall into it.

Under normal conditions, the pH of the urinary fluid is slightly acidic, but due to the influence of various factors, its state may change, so the formation of phosphates, oxalates or urates occurs. If phosphates are detected, we can say that the acid-base balance has shifted towards alkali.

The main reasons for the appearance of salts during pregnancy:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs, mainly related to the development of cystitis (in this case, pathogenic microorganisms will be present in the urine);
  • poor, unhealthy diet (presence of food high in alkali);
  • dehydration of the body due to toxicosis, diarrhea.

It must be remembered that phosphaturia can signal the onset of stone formation in the kidneys.

The norm of phosphates in urine

Phosphates enter the body only from the outside, along with consumed food products. Doctors claim that the largest amount of them is found in river and sea fish, caviar, fermented milk products, cereals, as well as some vegetables.

If you consume foods containing phosphates in excessive quantities, this can cause a temporary increase in salt levels, which is technically called phosphaturia. As practice shows, the daily amount of phosphates in the body can range from 12.9 to 42 mmol. This value depends on the action of various factors, both external and internal.

In what form are phosphates found in pregnant women?

During a laboratory study of a biomaterial in the presence of phosphates in urine, a laboratory assistant under a microscope sees salt crystals in the lower layer of liquid - sediment. Detection of uric acid (urate) and oxalic acid (oxalates) is possible.

Amorphous phosphates found during pregnancy indicate an uncrowded, disorganized appearance and are considered isolated in the field of view. This variety is not susceptible to the formation of stones. However, without taking measures to normalize the balance, the concentration of phosphates can greatly increase and begin to form into conglomerates, or future stones.

What are amorphous crystals

Many indicators in urine tests are indicators that reflect metabolic processes in the body. When they are disrupted or physiologically, the results change. Some pregnant women have amorphous crystals (phosphates) in their urine. In order for the patient to fully follow medical recommendations, she must know what this means and what danger it carries.

They are a structure that is not capable of transforming into another compound. Along with the absence of variability, when constantly present in the body, it is first excreted in the form of sediment. It is discovered by laboratory technicians when examining a portion of urine. Over time, phosphate salts form structures of various sizes that predispose to the formation of stones.

How dangerous are salts?

The degree of risk to the body is determined by a number of factors:

  • duration of occurrence of phosphaturia;
  • chronic kidney disease of the expectant mother;
  • degree of hormonal imbalance;
  • other concomitant diseases.

With exacerbation of chronic cystitis or inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), phosphates precede the appearance of urolithiasis (the appearance of kidney stones). This process can be accelerated due to the presence of the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchiectasis in lung tissue;
  • increased activity of the parathyroid glands.

In the above cases, phosphaturia is secondary. For this reason, if pathology is present, doctors recommend that women planning to become pregnant be treated in advance, preventing its negative impact on the kidneys.

Etiological factors

girl looking through a microscopeThe causes of phosphate in the urine during pregnancy are varied, but the main etiological factor is changes in hormonal levels.
To avoid unnecessary fuss, the tests should be entrusted to an experienced gynecologist. Self-medication based on results obtained at home is a dangerous undertaking, since taking most medications during pregnancy is contraindicated due to the negative impact on the fetus. Amorphous phosphates are detected in the urine of pregnant women in 95% of cases - so this phenomenon will not surprise the doctor. And first of all, he will pay attention to their quantity. A good doctor will start by determining the cause of their formation. In the medical literature, an increase in these substances in the urine is called phosphaturia.

It is erroneously believed that cloudy urine is caused primarily by an excess amount of amorphous phosphates. But few people know that excess urates, oxalates and certain inflammatory processes can also contribute to this. For this reason, phosphate salts in urine during pregnancy can only be detected in a clinical setting. Doctors themselves divide phosphaturia in pregnant women into primary and secondary:

  1. Primary phosphaturia often occurs due to impaired metabolism from birth, which is why phosphate salts are formed in the kidneys. When this form of the disease is detected, the doctor prescribes a diet and some medications - individually for each patient;
  2. The progression of secondary phosphaturia is characterized by errors in a woman’s diet, lack of appetite and a significant decrease in the level of fluid consumed. For this reason, the body may experience periodic dehydration, which does not affect the amount of amorphous phosphates released from it, but causes an increase in their concentration in the urine.

Symptoms and methods for detecting phosphates in urine

The presence of salts in the urine of a pregnant woman can sometimes be determined by symptoms:

  1. Cloudy urine . This is explained by the fact that salts begin to precipitate, as the acid-base environment of the liquid changes, and the density of the acidic environment decreases significantly.
  2. Renal colic . The cause of pain is blockage or movement of formations in the urinary tract, disrupting the outflow of urine from the kidneys.

If the doctor suspects the formation of amorphous phosphates in a pregnant woman, then a general clinical analysis of urine is prescribed. Submission of biomaterial for examination is usually carried out in advance before a scheduled visit to the gynecologist. With the help of an analysis, the doctor will become clear about the concentration of phosphates in the urinary fluid of the expectant mother.

For greater confidence, the analysis is repeated. If the presence of phosphates is confirmed, a conclusion is made that phosphoric acid is present and in excess. A kidney test may be needed.

Reasons for education

The presence of phosphate salts in human urine is commonly called phosphaturia in medicine. This condition is not considered a disease - it is a syndrome that may indicate the presence of disorders or pathologies. The detection of phosphates in a urine test during pregnancy is not normal, but this is not a reason to worry.

A number of reasons contribute to the occurrence of phosphaturia during pregnancy. These include:

  • Lack of fluid in the body (insufficient water intake, dehydration as a result of excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea).
  • A diet based primarily on dairy, fermented milk, and plant products (especially imported, out-of-season vegetables and fruits).
  • Constant consumption of alkaline mineral water.
  • Toxicosis in the first trimester.
  • Preeclampsia (complication of pregnancy).
  • Increased levels of progesterone, which promotes relaxation of smooth muscles (particularly in the urinary tract), which can lead to stagnation of urine and the formation of sediment (including phosphate salts).
  • Impaired functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract (urolithiasis, infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system).
  • Sedentary lifestyle (leads to stagnation in the body).

The presence of amorphous phosphates in the urine during pregnancy is explained by changes in calcium metabolism. Calcium is the main building material for the formation of the child’s skeleton, the source of which is the mother’s body. Accordingly, most of it is spent on the formation of the fetus, and it becomes significantly less in the mother’s body. This leads to disruption of calcium metabolism and an increase in its concentration in the blood serum, some of which is excreted in the urine. The peculiarity of amorphous phosphates is that when they precipitate, they do not transform into clots, that is, stones.

What should not be included in the analysis during pregnancy

When a pregnant woman’s body is normal and working in the correct mode, there should be nothing foreign in the urine analysis:

  • proteins;
  • salt;
  • red blood cells above normal.

There is no need to worry ahead of time, since the presence of phosphates in the urine in most cases does not signal the occurrence of pathology or a malfunction in the functioning of body systems. Often this indicator indicates that you need to consume more purified water and pay attention to your diet.

Diet for phosphaturia

If the study reveals large quantities of phosphate salts, it is worth repeating the analysis, following all the rules. If a repeat analysis repeats the results of the previous one, the first thing you should pay attention to is the pregnant woman’s drinking regimen, since you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. The second point is the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Excessive enthusiasm of the expectant mother for proper nutrition, namely the consumption of only vegetables, herbs, fruits and dairy products, can cause the presence of phosphate salts in the body. In this case, the diet is enriched with meat and fish, which will provide the child with nutrients and protect the expectant mother from kidney problems. The diet should be balanced. It is important to include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in equal proportions, but be wary of hot, spicy, overly sweet and salty foods.

Forms of phosphaturia

Phosphaturia is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary . This variety is rare and appears as a result of congenital diseases associated with metabolism. Primary phosphaturia is extremely dangerous due to the increased risk of developing urolithiasis. This condition is incurable, since it is not possible to eliminate the body’s predisposition. There is only one way out - to adhere to an individual diet developed by a doctor; in severe cases, taking medications is indicated.
  2. Secondary . This type of phosphaturia manifests itself as a result of poor nutrition, decreased water consumption, and due to diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Types of phosphaturia

Based on the reason for the appearance of phosphates during pregnancy, pathology is divided into two types:

  1. Primary, which develops due to congenital metabolic disorders and often leads to urolithiasis and other kidney pathologies.
  2. Secondary, provoked by diet, fluid deficiency, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

In medicine, true and false phosphaturia are distinguished, which have different causes and different clinical manifestations.

Amorphous forms of salts

In addition to the primary and secondary types of phosphaturia, amorphous phosphates can be divided into true and false.

  1. True form . Often caused by stressful situations, frequent overwork, and a nervous state. It can manifest itself in diseases of the central nervous system, epilepsy, hysteria. This condition is divided into long-term and transient. Mainly, true phosphaturia signals disturbances in metabolic processes, much less often tuberculosis poisoning.
  2. False phosphaturia . It can develop as a result of dyspepsia syndrome, diseases of the lungs, and genitourinary organs.

To correctly determine the type of phosphaturia, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Diet and drink

Detection of amorphous crystals in urine is not yet a big problem. To begin with, a pregnant woman is advised to choose the right diet. It is necessary to convey to her that diet correction is a mandatory measure that will need to be observed constantly.

It is advisable to adhere to the diet during pregnancy, and then it is allowed to include a little fatty or smoked food in your food if you have strong cravings. It is necessary to convey to the woman the importance of such a special diet for her health and the life of her baby.

It is recommended to exclude the following types of products during pregnancy:

  • flour products;
  • fatty meats;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks with phosphoric acid;
  • seafood;
  • fatty sea fish, caviar, liver;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese; milk with a high percentage of fat);
  • mineral water;
  • alcohol.

It is recommended to limit salty foods. This is important not only for reducing the formation of amorphous crystals. During pregnancy, the body retains a large amount of fluid. It manifests itself in the form of swelling on the face and limbs. In order not to aggravate the situation, but to relieve the body, you need to reconsider your attitude towards salt. It's best to replace it. Do not use table salt, but add sea salt to food or with the addition of iodine and other trace elements.

It is also not recommended to indulge in sugar. If there is no allergy, it is replaced with honey. Bee products are added to cereals, tea and other drinks. To eliminate amorphous crystals in the urine and cleanse the kidneys, it is recommended to follow a special diet. Your daily diet should include the following foods:

  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • eggs;
  • plum;
  • currant;
  • pumpkin;
  • weak black tea;
  • currant;
  • fresh juices;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • fish or lean meat;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • figs;
  • apples.

During pregnancy, you should not suddenly switch to a vegetarian diet. This can negatively affect the health of the mother and child. In such a situation, the body experiences additional stress. The risk of urolithiasis increases.

With urinary retention or low fluid intake during the day, stagnation is noted. In this case, a woman needs to drink up to 2 liters per day. This will speed up the work of the kidneys and prevent the settling of crystals of various origins.

If drinking water in such quantities is not possible, then the woman is recommended to brew plants that have a diuretic effect. A pregnant woman can benefit from a decoction of rose hips, or large-leaf green tea not in bags.

The drinking regime does not include compotes and soups. It includes decoctions of useful plants, clean water, and fruit drinks based on various berries. In addition to a small phosphorus content, sour drinks contain vitamin C, B and a large amount of minerals.

If you have kidney disease, you should not drink a lot of water. It will linger in the tissues. In such a situation, uroseptics and herbal preparations are taken. During pregnancy, a woman is monitored by a doctor, undergoes tests and visits him as planned at the appointed time.

This diet is initially followed for 2 weeks. Then they go back to the doctor and take a urine test to determine the level of crystals. If they have not disappeared or the concentration has increased, instrumental methods are required to help detect pathology.

Treatment options

Therapeutic measures to solve the problem depend on the underlying cause. The formation of phosphates based on poor diet or lack of fluid can be easily resolved. It is necessary to adjust the diet and establish a drinking regime. Doctors recommend:

  1. Moderate consumption of foods that have a direct effect on the acidity of urine: dairy products, apples, tomatoes, various spices, herbs, tea, coffee, sweet water.
  2. Do not drink alcohol.
  3. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries: cabbage, asparagus, citrus fruits, pumpkin, currants, lingonberries.
  4. Include meat, fish, eggs, liver, as well as buckwheat and oatmeal, and whole grains in your diet.
  5. Drink up to 8 glasses of clean water per day.

The above tips are temporary; if the analysis is normal, such a diet is stopped. In addition to adjusting the diet, light physical activity on the body is necessary, which will prevent fluid stagnation in the bladder and improve the functioning of the urinary and circulatory systems.

Treatment with drugs is usually prescribed due to failures due to illness. All measures will be aimed at eliminating it. For bacterial infectious diseases, antibacterial agents may be needed. The type of medication and dosage are selected by the doctor in accordance with the general condition of the pregnant woman, taking into account the effect of the drug on the child.

If a pregnant woman has problems with the endocrine system (diabetes), hormone therapy and an individual diet are prescribed. It is also necessary to be systematically examined to monitor the condition and level of phosphates in the urine.


If the analysis showed the presence of phosphates in urine, the mother should not panic and begin self-medication. The first thing you need to do is contact a gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor will determine the presenting symptoms, perform an examination to determine the health status of the expectant mother and fetus, and study the test results. The diagnosis must be made after an ultrasound examination, as well as a repeat urine test.

diet for pregnant women
A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced

If the cause of phosphaturia is an unbalanced diet, the doctor prepares a special diet. The mother's drinking regime also requires adjustment. According to the doctor's recommendations, the girl should drink at least two liters of water.

Drug therapy is used when phosphaturia occurs as a result of the development of a serious disease. The bacterial infection is eliminated by taking antibiotics. The attending physician selects the drug and sets the dose after examining the patient. This is done to ensure that the medication does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Disruption of the endocrine system involves treatment with hormonal drugs in combination with a special diet. The expectant mother should be under the constant supervision of medical personnel so that the doctor has the opportunity to monitor her condition.

What should the diet be like?

Diet and a special regimen for phosphaturia in a pregnant woman plays a significant role. To improve urine excretion, it is not recommended to lie down all day. It is necessary to walk a lot and regularly, because this is an excellent way to stimulate the speed of fluid movement and prevent the precipitation of salts.

Phosphates are easy to eliminate if you follow the advice on a temporary diet that increases the acidic environment of urine and reduces its alkalization. What to exclude from your diet:

  • drinks - coffee, too strong tea, cocoa, freshly squeezed juices, sweet sparkling water, store-bought juices;
  • simple carbohydrates – pasta, cakes, sweet pastries;
  • bread, white flour buns;
  • dairy products - kefir, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yoghurts;
  • seasonings;
  • fish and meat broths;
  • fresh vegetables and herbs - tomatoes, onions, dill, celery;
  • fruits;
  • berries.

permitted and prohibited products

Of course, all these food products contain many useful vitamins for the expectant mother and her child. Therefore, the diet is temporary - up to 14 days, which helps normalize the pH of a pregnant woman’s urine and does not in any way affect the development of the baby.

List of products that can be consumed:

  • animal protein – lean meat, fish;
  • whole grains – bread with bran, seeds, rye bread;
  • porridge , cereal casseroles;
  • vegetables and fruits – Brussels sprouts, asparagus, pumpkin, sour berries (cranberries).

Pregnant women should remember that it is not advisable to eat imported vegetables, since they are treated with special substances containing phosphates for greater preservation.

After the diet expires, you must undergo a repeat urine test. When the composition is normalized, the recommended diet can be stopped, but do not forget about proper, nutritious nutrition in the future.

Causes of appearance in pregnant women

The detection of amorphous crystals in the material is justified by physiological and pathological reasons. During pregnancy, women try to adhere to a certain eating rhythm. In some cases, there is a strong craving for a certain type of food. This factor is considered the main one among girls in this position.

In addition to food, an increase in phosphate in the urine is considered normal in the following situations:

  • diet with low acidity in food;
  • limiting food of animal origin;
  • the fact of pregnancy itself;

When the factors listed above are excluded, and the child’s development proceeds without deviations, one should look for the cause, the origin of which is related to the disease. A hereditary predisposition cannot be ruled out. If there were family cases, then a diagnosis of phosphate diabetes is made, after which a special diet and therapy are prescribed.

If filtration by the glomeruli of the kidneys is impaired, the crystals are excreted in the urine as sediment. This condition allows one to suspect the presence of additional signs indicating renal failure. It is especially important to monitor the condition of the kidneys if you already have a disease of the urinary system.

Phosphaturia is considered a signal indicating the development of stone formation in tissues. A pregnant patient should undergo examination to exclude urolithiasis.

Recommendations for drinking regime

It should be noted that a decrease in fluid intake and its retention reduce the rate of urination, cause stagnation, and create the necessary conditions for various reactions to occur and the formation of amorphous phosphates.

To maintain normal fluid removal from the body, increase flow and prevent stagnation, you should reduce your salt intake. It is better to cook dishes unleavened and add salt directly upon consumption. The permissible amount of salt per day during pregnancy is 2 grams.

To fully flush the kidneys and bladder, the expectant mother should drink a lot of liquid - 2.5 liters per day (8 glasses). Teas, soups, compotes are not taken into account, only purified water. The use of mineral water is not prohibited if it does not contain phosphoric acids. Sweet carbonated water is strictly prohibited.

A variety of sour infusions, cranberry and lingonberry juices can be consumed, but in moderation. For example, cranberries contain phosphorus, but they are rich in vitamins and minerals:

  1. Large amount of vitamin C.
  2. B vitamins, vitamin E, K. Promote antioxidant effects and improve the functioning of enzymatic systems.
  3. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, iron . They have a beneficial effect on the activity of all body systems of the mother and her baby.

If a pregnant woman suffers from an ulcer or gastritis, she should not abuse sour drinks, but it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Normalization of indicators

If amorphous phosphates are detected in the urine during pregnancy, the main factor in correction is a change in diet (usually diet No. 14 is prescribed). Other methods of therapy are selected taking into account the severity and original source of the problem. If phosphaturia is pathological, medication is prescribed.

Depending on the source, a woman may be prescribed the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • multivitamin complexes.

It is important to understand that self-therapy is strictly prohibited. Self-medication can not only lead to a lack of results, but also provoke the development of complications, which is strictly unacceptable during pregnancy.


To normalize the salt content in urine, it is recommended to adhere to fractional meals. There is no need to eat 6-7 times a day; it is enough to divide the daily food intake into 4 times. It is advisable that the basis of the diet be:

  • bran and rye bread;
  • buckwheat, millet, oatmeal porridge;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • lean meat;
  • pumpkin and cabbage;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • herbal teas, natural fruit drinks and juices (without sugar).

Of the sweets, you are only allowed to eat marshmallows, meringues and savory pastries. To remove phosphates from the body, a woman needs to drink at least 2 liters of filtered water daily. The following are prohibited:

  • fermented milk products;
  • dishes with a lot of spices and herbs;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • eggs, butter;
  • most vegetables and greens (especially potatoes);
  • high-calorie fruits;
  • smoked sausage and cheese;
  • canned food

Correction of nutrition can reduce the amount of salts in the urine

And you also need to exclude all processed foods, fast food and soda from your diet.

Complementary therapy

If the therapeutic diet does not work, and a urine test after 2 weeks still shows a high content of phosphates in the urine, the diagnosis of “phosphaturia” is not removed. A diagnosis of “secondary phosphaturia” is made, and additional diagnostics are carried out.

If the study does not reveal any other diseases, then therapy is continued based on the individual case:

  1. Severe toxicosis, eating disorders. It is recommended to add omega fatty acids and magnesium-containing vitamin complexes with groups A, B, D to the diet.
  2. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of magnesium and calcium. It also maintains the balance of phosphorus and calcium. With a lack of this vitamin, excess phosphorus is formed. The vitamin comes in several forms: fish oil (D2), D3, the latter is best absorbed by the body and helps fight phosphaturia.

It is worth noting that the loss of calcium and the predominance of phosphorus in a woman’s body occurs due to the absorption of most of the minerals for the formation of the skeleton and other organs of the baby, which is why it is so important to replenish calcium deficiency in a timely manner.

Since amorphous phosphates in urine are detected only in laboratory tests, it is so important to get tested on time during pregnancy. Often the presence of phosphaturia indicates disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system or gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should not neglect the emerging symptom of pathology. How strong and healthy her child will be largely depends on the health and well-being of a pregnant woman.

If you were previously tormented by the question of why a pregnant woman needs to take urine tests so often, then you probably now know the answer. Amorphous phosphates in urine during pregnancy are detected only in laboratory urine tests of the expectant mother. The very presence of salts is not so dangerous; they sometimes appear when the diet is violated; it is dangerous if their concentration is high or increases. Often the presence of phosphaturia indicates disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system or gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should not neglect the symptom that appears; the pathologies that it may indicate should be quickly diagnosed. The health and well-being of a pregnant woman largely determines how strong and healthy her child will appear.

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