Kidney hurts during pregnancy, what to do. Help for a pregnant woman with kidney pain

  1. Place your knees on the floor.
  2. Transfer your body weight to your forearms.
  3. Bend your elbows, while your stomach should hang down.
  4. It is advisable to lower your shoulders and head below the level of your buttocks - in this case, the effectiveness of the exercise will be higher.
  5. Place your forehead on a previously prepared pillow to add a little comfort.
  6. The surface for performing the exercise should be as stable and hard as possible - ideally doing this on the floor.

    You can get up in this position every morning and evening. If desired, you can perform the exercise more often. You need to stay in this position for at least 30 minutes, but it is important to monitor your well-being.

    Correctly performed by the expectant mother, the knee-elbow position in the second half of pregnancy can improve the condition of internal organs, protect them from congestion, circulatory disorders, which is most beneficial for the kidneys, bladder, intestines, muscles, and helps relieve discomfort and pain. The main thing is to do this exercise regularly.

    Author: Olga Rogozhkina, doctor,

    especially for

Why can your kidneys hurt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period when a woman’s body receives enormous overloads, which interferes with its normal functioning and leads to malfunctions.
Kidney pain during pregnancy can occur even in previously completely healthy women. Sometimes problems with the urinary system in women are mistaken for lower back pain or intestinal colic. For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to urgently contact qualified specialists. In this article we will look at why kidneys hurt during pregnancy, the main symptoms and factors leading to pain in the kidney.

For most women, pregnancy is quite difficult and can be accompanied by various pathologies. This is mainly due to the fact that the functioning of the body occurs under heavy load, which can cause periodic breakdowns. The work of the urinary system is no exception.

If your kidneys hurt during pregnancy, this can cause many problems and significantly complicate the life of the expectant mother. These pains can be caused by many factors and threaten the health of not only the woman, but also the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and seek help from specialists.

What is the need?

As the fetus grows, expectant mothers have to face the fact that they have some difficulties. They may be due to the fact that a woman feels discomfort when urinating, bowel movements, and breathing becomes difficult. All this is a consequence of the pressure of the uterus, which increases every day and leaves less and less space for the remaining internal organs, due to which they are displaced and pinched. In the area of ​​these organs, impaired blood circulation can be traced, which leads to stagnation. The areas at risk are organs such as the kidneys and bladder. The heart also suffers to some extent from the growth of the uterus, because it can put pressure on the blood vessels.

In order to normalize the functioning of the organs on which the uterus puts pressure, doctors recommend taking the knee-elbow position during pregnancy. This position helps the uterus move up and down, thereby allowing the internal organs to fully perform their functions due to the fact that blood circulation is improved.

After receiving a doctor’s recommendation that this position should be used, he must explain to the woman how to perform it correctly and what nuances to pay attention to. As an example, instructions, a diagram, or a visual photo may be provided, which takes into account all the rules of a given pose.

  • It becomes possible to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis that has arisen, as well as to improve urination. In addition, regularly and correctly performed posture will prevent stagnation of the renal system.
  • You can solve the problem of high blood pressure, which half of pregnant women face. Normalization of pressure is achieved due to the restoration of blood circulation in the renal system.
  • The knee-elbow position is suitable for preventing dropsy and eliminating swelling.
  • The pose helps prevent the occurrence of cystitis, which is an undesirable disease during pregnancy. This happens due to the fact that the bladder is emptied completely, and this does not lead to the formation of inflammatory processes in it.
  • This position is recommended for those women who experienced varicose veins during pregnancy.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Before directly deciding what and how to do if pain occurs, let’s consider the main symptoms of inflammatory kidney diseases:

  • The presence of discomfort when urinating, as well as the appearance of pain, cutting or burning, frequent visits to the toilet.
  • The appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen, side or lumbar region.
  • When changing body position and choosing a more comfortable position for a pregnant woman, the pain does not stop.
  • The pain is constant and aching.
  • Hypersensitivity is noticed, that is, at the slightest touch, severe pain is observed.
  • My legs ache and swell.
  • Increased blood pressure is noted.
  • The temperature rises, chills and frequent headaches appear.
  • Weakness, vomiting and nausea appear, and the woman loses her appetite.
  • When conducting a laboratory test of urine, the presence of protein is noted, as well as an increase in the levels of leukocytes, erythrocytes and bacteria.

Causes of kidney pain

If you have one of the symptoms presented above, then you can confidently assume that you have kidney disease. At the same time, pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Let's look at the main reasons why kidney pain occurs:

  • Pyelonephritis occurs in 6-7% of pregnant women. The disease is accompanied by a rapid deterioration in health, as well as an increase in temperature to 40 degrees, the appearance of chills, pain in the lumbar region, and fairly frequent and painful urination. In most cases, this disease occurs due to weakened immunity, which is typical for pregnancy. In addition, it may appear in the event of congestion in the ureters. When conducting laboratory tests, an increase in protein, red blood cells and leukocytes is recorded. If you have chronic diseases during pregnancy, complications can always arise.
  • The occurrence of urolithiasis is caused by a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which can often be observed in pregnant women. They experience changes in the metabolism of oxalic and lactic acids. There is also an expansion of the ureters with the pelvis and a decrease in their tone. In this case, you can observe difficulties in the outflow of urine, as well as the formation of sand and kidney stones. Among the main symptoms of this disease are the presence of renal type colic with sharp attacks of pain, as well as pain in the groin and perineum with a return to the legs. In this case, blood discharge is detected in the urine. After the stones are released, you can observe a decrease in pain.
  • Glomerulonephritis is an autoimmune disease. Its development can be facilitated by influenza or tonsillitis that occurred during the woman’s pregnancy. In this case, there is an increase in blood pressure, swelling of the face and legs, as well as pain in the back. With this disease, you can observe a sharp drop in vision and the appearance of severe headaches. If you don't see a doctor in a timely manner, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Pain not associated with kidney disease

Discomfort and aching pain in the lumbar region without obvious signs of inflammation and changes in urine are not necessarily associated with kidney disease.

  • These symptoms may indicate problems with the lumbar spine (osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia).
  • Girdle pain can signal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, gallstones).
  • Diffuse pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may also indicate inflammation of the ovaries (acute adnexitis).
  • If lower back pain is accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen, fever and vaginal discharge, you should immediately call an ambulance, as these symptoms may mean spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).

Indications and contraindications

The knee-elbow position is indicated for the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis - restricted movements, pain in the lumbar region;
  • impaired urine outflow - edema, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.;
  • disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract - flatulence, constipation, etc.;
  • varicose veins of the extremities and rectum;
  • development of gestosis;
  • disorders of the uteroplacental circulation, pathologies of the placenta;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

How to correctly take the knee-elbow position during pregnancy photo

This pose has virtually no contraindications, so with its help every woman can improve her well-being without taking any medications.

Pain at different stages of pregnancy

In the first trimester

During early pregnancy, pain in the kidneys is perceived by many as an obligatory phenomenon. However, this may be misleading. Since pain can also cause an acute kidney infection, the signs of which are severe pain in the back and kidneys, the presence of high temperature, the appearance of chills and fever. All this is accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet, bloody urine and a change in its color. Pain in the bladder area and sharp pain in the lower abdomen are also noted.


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Types of pain

For pain in the left kidney

If the left kidney hurts during pregnancy, then there may be a passage of stones due to urolithiasis. This can happen without outside help until 34 weeks of pregnancy. This process will be accompanied by severe renal colic.

Among the main reasons for their release are relaxation of the ureters and renal pelvis, as well as simply urolithiasis. When the first signs of urolithiasis appear with pain in the left kidney, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Before her arrival, under no circumstances should you apply warming compresses to the left side.

For pain in the right kidney

If the right kidney hurts during pregnancy, then, like the left, there may be strong pressure from the fetus on it. This is explained by the fact that on the right side the kidney is located higher than the left, which leads to an increase in the load on it. It should also be remembered that the inflammatory process begins precisely from the right kidney.

If you have a high temperature, changes in urine, or painful sensations when urinating, you should immediately consult a doctor, as pathology may occur.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women

Positional gymnastics is especially suitable for pregnant women. When performing positional gymnastics exercises, there are no sudden tensions or sudden movements in the form of jumps or leaps. The load on the body and cardiovascular system is moderate, which makes it safe to perform positional exercises at all stages of pregnancy. Each of the exercises involves working on an important area specifically for a pregnant woman. Performing such exercises allows you to completely control the load on the muscles being trained. ———————————————————————————————————————–


Carrying out diagnostics

If we consider the main symptoms that occur in various kidney pathologies, we can note that they are somewhat similar. Therefore, if a woman is ill or has pain in the kidney area, then a special examination is required.

To do this, you need to consult a urologist or nephrologist. Laboratory research methods are also used - urine analysis for the level of proteins, red blood cells, leukocytes and bacteria, blood tests and ultrasound examination.

The best option would be to carry out complex treatment using traditional medicine methods. Herbal medicine methods can also be used. Using herbal infusions at home can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Kidney infusions can have a diuretic and antibacterial effect, as well as relieve bladder pain syndromes.

Pregnant women can purchase herbal teas and make decoctions on their own. It is also necessary to monitor your diet and drink as much fluid as possible. If we relieve painful sensations, then we need to prepare decoctions with cranberries and lingonberries, which have diuretic properties and help remove stones.

If pain in the kidneys indicates the presence of an inflammatory process during pregnancy, then you cannot do without antibiotics, which can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

To relieve unexpected pain before contacting a doctor or the arrival of an ambulance, it is permissible to take No-shpa and drink anti-inflammatory decoctions (chamomile, linden, etc.). In some cases (for example, when blood appears in the urine), urgent use of an antibacterial drug based on fosfomycin (for example, Monural) may be justified. However, it is still recommended to urgently consult a doctor. If the situation is very serious, call an ambulance or call the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Now you know whether the kidneys can hurt during pregnancy, what are the reasons for this, and what to do in a particular case if the signs indicate a serious illness.

When to do it

You can do the exercise at any time, even if there are no complaints. In this case, gymnastics will be an excellent prevention of complications. When performed regularly, it relieves muscle spasms, relaxes ligaments, and prepares the body for the upcoming birth. The position is especially recommended from the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

In most cases, by the 36th week the fetus is in a cephalic presentation. It is the knee-elbow stand that will help the child position his head down if he was previously in the pelvic or transverse position. The good thing about this method is that it does not require additional medications. At the first stage of labor, this position can be taken with the help of a fitball, leaning on it with your arms and body. This will help the mother in labor endure contractions more easily.

Kidney pain during pregnancy: signs of pathology, treatment and prevention

For many women, pregnancy is a difficult period in terms of health and well-being. All systems of the body at this time are forced to function under heavy overload, which is fraught with disruptions in their work. The urinary system is no exception. Kidney pain during pregnancy occurs frequently and causes a significant decrease in a woman’s quality of life, causing a lot of anxiety.

The deterioration of the functioning of this paired organ may be due to various factors. Some of them are dangerous to the health of the woman and the life of the fetus, so the discomfort in the kidney area cannot be ignored.

Why do kidneys hurt during pregnancy? Women often ask their doctors about this. There are several common reasons:

  • Overload. During pregnancy, the kidneys remove waste products not only from their own body, but also from the developing fetus.
  • Hormonal changes. Pregnancy occurs against the background of a significant increase in progesterone in the blood, which helps to relax the sphincters of various organs, including the bladder.

In addition, in the second half of pregnancy, the uterus, increasing in size, can compress the ureters, which makes it difficult to excrete urine and causes it to stagnate in the renal pelvis. This leads to pain and inflammation.

Benefits of the position for the fetus

In addition to the benefits for the mother, this position is also convenient for the child. This way the child feels better. Some mothers note that active children, who often push hard, become quiet in this position. Relieving the tone of the uterus also has a beneficial effect on pregnancy.

Because the vena cava is freed, the baby receives a larger volume of oxygen-rich blood.

In addition, the knee-elbow position helps the baby take the correct position before childbirth. In some situations, thanks to this position, you can help the child change presentation if it is transverse or pelvic.

How to understand that it is the kidneys that hurt?

During pregnancy, women often experience lower back pain. Usually their appearance is associated with constant tension in the back muscles and overload of the spine, because the fetus gradually grows, the abdomen enlarges, and the body has to make efforts to normalize the center of gravity. But not only the muscles, but also the kidneys can hurt in the lumbar region. Read more about the causes of lower back pain during pregnancy →

These problems are treated in different ways and by doctors of different specialties. Therefore, the expectant mother should be able to recognize the cause of the pain and contact the appropriate specialist.

Sick kidneys usually provoke a lot of specific complaints. The woman is bothered by unpleasant sensations when passing urine (burning, sometimes pain). There is a frequent urge to urinate. Headaches and dizziness occur, and blood pressure increases. Swelling appears, the emotional background decreases.

If these unpleasant symptoms occur, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist immediately. After examination and laboratory testing, he will prescribe a consultation with a urologist if the patient’s deterioration in well-being is associated with the urinary system.

Phytobol for pregnant women

Phytoball exercises are good for pregnancy. While performing these exercises, the muscles of the lumbar abdomen and back are trained, which is very important during pregnancy, since they have an increased load. The leg muscles are also well trained. This, in turn, prevents the occurrence of diseases such as varicose veins, to which women are predisposed during and after pregnancy. A positive aspect when performing exercises on a phytoball is that while on the ball, all sudden movements are softened and absorbed by the ball, which is important during pregnancy. This also reduces the stress on the spine when sudden vertical loads occur.

Kidney diseases in pregnant women

During pregnancy, doctors most often diagnose the following diseases of the renal system:

  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the renal pelvis. It often develops in the second half of the term against the background of new hormonal changes and increased load on the kidneys. With this pathology, the renal pelvis expands, their tone decreases, which leads to stagnation of urine and the development of inflammation. The state of health is disturbed, and urinary retention is observed.
  • Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomeruli and kidney tissue. It is often a complication of a cold. The general condition is disturbed, characterized by back pain, swelling and high blood pressure.
  • Urolithiasis is a pathology caused by metabolic changes in the body of the expectant mother, including an imbalance of calcium, phosphorus, uric and oxalic acids. As a result, the outflow of urine becomes difficult, it becomes concentrated, and sediment crystallizes. Stones form in the pelvis and upper ureters. As they pass through the ureters, renal colic occurs and blood may appear in the urine.

If your kidneys hurt during pregnancy, this is accompanied by the following abnormalities:

  • problems with urination;
  • high blood pressure;
  • swelling of the face and lower extremities;
  • pain in the back, sides and lower abdomen of an aching or spasmodic nature, independent of movement and not going away after rest.

With pyelonephritis, the pain is aching and constant. Urolithiasis is characterized by paroxysmal severe pain, sometimes so intense that the woman requires emergency help. After the pain subsides, small stones are found in the urine.

Inflammatory diseases are characterized by a disturbance in the general condition - fever, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, irritability, poor sleep. Touching the lower back is painful. With glomerulonephritis, vision may be impaired, and later retinal vascular angiopathy develops. The urine is cloudy, sometimes mixed with blood, and there may be small stones. Read more about what changes in the color of urine in pregnant women may indicate →

Often the right kidney hurts due to inflammation. It is located slightly lower than the left one, so urine stagnation in it occurs faster. Sometimes the pain radiates to the hypochondrium, groin area, reminiscent of an attack of cholecystitis or appendicitis.

Pain on the left often develops with urolithiasis. The left kidney hurts during pregnancy also due to inflammatory processes. But sometimes pain in the left side can be caused by intestinal disease, exacerbation of pancreatitis, or food poisoning.

Knee-elbow pose for pregnant women

Why stand in a knee-elbow position?

Many pregnant women know that with the enlargement of the uterus, almost all organs of the abdominal cavity suffer, because it begins to compress them. As a result, they not only change their usual location, but stagnation occurs in them. Naturally, this state of pregnancy does not lead to any pathologies, but the work of the lower organs begins to slow down. In addition, the pregnant woman begins to experience certain inconveniences:

  • Due to the fact that the heavy uterus puts pressure on the veins and blood vessels, the pregnant woman often has a feeling of lack of air, she begins to feel dizzy, and it seems to her that she is suffocating.
  • Experts unanimously say: during pregnancy, the expectant mother should keep her body in good shape and give it minimal physical activity. Among many exercises, the knee-elbow position deserves special attention. What is its benefit and how to perform this exercise correctly?


    The symptoms of various diseases of the urinary system are largely similar to each other. Therefore, when the kidneys hurt during pregnancy, an accurate diagnosis is impossible without the use of additional examination methods.

    Consultation with a urologist and nephrologist is important. Laboratory diagnostic methods are used, among which an important place is occupied by urine tests that detect the presence of red blood cells, bacteria, protein, and a significant increase in the number of white blood cells. Instrumental methods are also necessary: ​​ultrasound can detect hidden renal pathology.

    What to do if your kidneys hurt during pregnancy? It is necessary to be treated, since advanced kidney diseases can lead to big troubles, such as:

    • early termination of pregnancy;
    • premature birth;
    • intrauterine infection of a child;
    • fetal malnutrition.

    The main task is to help the woman and not harm the baby. Therefore, therapy during pregnancy is prescribed by a specialist individually in each case, after examining the patient and clarifying the diagnosis.

    As a rule, the treatment is complex, including traditional medicine methods. Herbal medicine is widely used. A properly selected combination of herbs acts gently, without causing harm, but significantly alleviating the condition.

    The kidney collection has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect, relieves pain and spasms of the bladder and ureters. You can purchase urological preparations in pharmacies or prepare them yourself according to your doctor’s recommendations.

    A woman needs to normalize her diet, drink more fluids, including decoctions of cranberries and lingonberries. They have a diuretic effect, help dissolve stones and remove pathogenic bacteria.

    In acute inflammatory kidney disease with a violation of the general condition, the question of antibiotic therapy sometimes arises. The decision about its necessity is made only by the doctor. It is highly undesirable to use antimicrobial agents in the first three months of gestation.

    How to treat pyelonephritis?

    Conservative treatment includes drug therapy, diet, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, and adherence to a gentle regimen.

    Drug treatment

    Main purposes:

    • antibiotics;
    • sulfonamides and nitrofurans are broad-spectrum antibacterial agents;
    • antispasmodics;
    • diuretics;
    • pre- and probiotics to eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics.

    For chronic pyelonephritis, an individual treatment program is prescribed based on the results of culture and analysis of the resistance of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs.


    • individually selected antibiotics are designed for a long period of use, so they are prescribed in tablet form;
    • Physiotherapy methods are used (electrophoresis improves the absorption of medications and thereby allows reducing their initial dosage);
    • Be sure to select a set of means to strengthen the immune system: vitamins, immunostimulants, immunomodulators.


    With long-term treatment of chronic forms, it can reduce the occurrence of side effects, enhance the positive effect of medications and improve the general condition of the body. Prescribed:

    • electrophoresis - the action of electric current increases the mobility of particles of medicinal solutions and thereby increases their chemical activity, ensuring deeper penetration with minimal negative impact on the entire body;
    • galvanization - stimulates the work of muscle structures, thereby improving the flow of urine and preventing stagnation;
    • amplipulse - exposure to sinusoidal modulated currents - relieves pain, inflammation, improves peripheral blood circulation, lymph flow;
    • magnetic therapy – activates immune mechanisms, improves neuromuscular transmission of impulses, relieves pain, inflammation, accelerates regenerative processes in tissues;
    • balneotherapy – treatment with mineral waters in the form of baths and drinks normalizes mineral metabolism, relieves inflammation, enhances regeneration;
    • UHF – high frequency electromagnetic field treatment – ​​reduces inflammation, eliminates pain and swelling, improves blood circulation, and speeds up recovery.

    Attention! Physiotherapy has contraindications. It is not used for active exacerbation, for hydronephrosis in the stage of decompensation, for cystic kidney formations, as well as in advanced and terminal stages of the process.



    The use of herbs for pyelonephritis reduces the toxic load on the liver due to herbal remedies with anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, healing, and diuretic effects. Preparations of erva woolly, orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea), chamomile, bearberry, horsetail, lingonberry, dill, rose hips, oats, string, etc. are actively used. Herbal formulations are especially effective during the period of remission.

    Nutrition correction

    It is advisable to follow the diet for the entire period until complete recovery. This makes it possible to ease the load on the kidneys and reduce the activity of inflammatory factors. Basic dietary requirements:

    • completely eliminate salt, hot spices and dishes containing them;
    • Avoid alcohol and stimulating drinks as much as possible - strong tea, coffee, energy drinks;
    • reduce consumption of sour vegetables and fruits; preference is given to alkaline or slightly acidic fruits with a diuretic effect - watermelon, pumpkin, carrots;
    • reduce protein intake, especially meat, primarily red;
    • increase fluid intake to 2.5-3 liters per day to “flush” the kidneys of infections and toxins.

    Treatment of pyelonephritis is complicated by the risk of retaining residual foci of inflammation, which leads to relapses.

    After a course of treatment, re-diagnosis is mandatory to avoid chronicity of the process!


    During pregnancy, due to increased load on the urinary system, chronic kidney diseases often worsen, although the onset of the disease is also possible.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to follow simple recommendations:

    • eat right (exclude fried, spicy, sour and fatty foods);
    • maintain a routine, ensuring adequate sleep;
    • drink 2 liters of water per day;
    • don’t be patient, go to the toilet on time to empty your bladder;
    • keep the body clean, refrain from taking baths, wash only in the shower;
    • refuse tight clothing made from synthetic fabrics;
    • do gymnastics to eliminate congestion in the pelvis;
    • treat diseases of the genitourinary system before pregnancy.

    Execution technique

    Some people find it convenient to do the exercise at a certain time of day, while others take a position when discomfort, tension or pain arises. It all depends on individual preferences. The main goal is relief and improvement of the condition. However, it is recommended to do such exercises systematically, two to three times a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

    It is important to understand how to perform the exercise correctly

    Exercises should be performed on a flat surface, preferably on the floor. To make it warm, soft and cozy, it is better to cover the floor. A rug, blanket, and pillows are suitable for this. How to get into the right position:

    1. Slowly lower yourself to one knee, then to the other, holding on to the support if necessary.
    2. Spread your legs hip-width apart.
    3. Transfer your body weight to your arms.
    4. Bend your elbows.
    5. Bend over and lower your shoulders so that they are below your lower back.
    6. Arch your back, your stomach should hang down.
    7. Rest your head on your hands or pillow.

    You can use a large ball by wrapping your arms around it and resting your head on it. It is important that it is comfortable to be in this position without tension for 5 to 30 minutes, listening to how you feel.

    What to do if your kidneys hurt during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time when a new life is born, but also a rather difficult test for women in every sense of the word. A lot of changes occur in a woman’s body that can affect her health. So, if a woman did not experience any health problems before pregnancy, then various ailments may pass by, but if the presence of any diseases or disorders was present, then aggravation and exacerbation of such diseases is possible.

    Pyelonephritis - what kind of disease is it?

    The infection affects the uppermost part of the urinary system – the kidneys.

    Taking into account the etiology, course of the disease and area of ​​coverage, pyelonephritis can be:

    • primary or secondary - independent or arising against the background of previous pathologies (developmental anomalies, infections, injuries);
    • acute or chronic – pronounced or sluggishly flowing;
    • unilateral or bilateral - with damage to one or both kidneys.

    In 80% of cases, the acute form becomes chronic, which in 70% of cases is asymptomatic. The source of infection can persist throughout life, even if the patient does not experience severe symptoms of renal pathology. In this case, a minor malfunction of the immune system or its weakening is enough to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    What is the cause of kidney pain

    You can often hear women complaining that their kidneys hurt during pregnancy, and then women wonder what to do about it. Definitely, you should not attempt self-medication and take medications on your own. First of all, if a woman experiences kidney pain during pregnancy, she needs to notify her gynecologist, who, in turn, will give a referral to a therapist and tests. Many women have kidney pain during pregnancy, and this does not always indicate the presence of pathology and disease. After all, during pregnancy, the uterus grows and compresses all the internal organs of a woman, so various organs, including the kidneys, can hurt. The kidneys are under severe stress, which can even cause severe pain. If the problem is in no way related to the disease, and the woman is in her final stages, then it is not recommended to sleep on her back, and sleeping on her side is recommended. Otherwise, the pain may intensify due to even greater compression, and thus this may affect the processes of urination and even cause the development of diseases of the genitourinary system. But pain can also occur due to the presence of pathology. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, accurately describing your symptoms to him in order to understand why your kidneys hurt during pregnancy.

    Complaints about pain in the right kidney can be heard from women more often than that they are worried about the left kidney or both organs. Both kidneys perform the same functions and are absolutely identical in composition. However, the difference is that the kidney on the right side is located lower than the left organ. And pain in the area of ​​the right organ can appear either due to greater compression on the right, or it can indicate a disease of the right organ of the kidney. Especially if the symptoms characteristic of the presence of diseases appear already in the early stages, when the uterus has not yet increased to enormous size.

    How does it affect the fetus?

    Due to poor circulation in the mother, the fetus also suffers. He does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. The removal of its waste products slows down. When a woman is in the cat pose, uterine blood flow improves and the delivery of necessary elements to the placenta and fetus increases. The child reacts to this in his own way: his motor activity increases, his cardiac activity improves.

    The main advantage of the method: the expectant mother feels better and breathes easier. Relief from compression of the vena cava and decreased tone of the uterus also has a beneficial effect on the child. It has been noticed that when a woman kneels down, the baby, who was previously pushing hard, becomes quiet.

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