There is mucus in the urine of a pregnant woman: what to do, what test to do, how to treat

The outer layer of a woman's urinary tract is the mucous membrane. Its cells produce secretion (mucus). This is a substance that is necessary to protect tissue from the disintegrating effect of urea. The more this substance is produced, the more actively the secretion is produced.

Mucus in urine

During pregnancy (gestation), changes in the urinary system occur. This occurs due to changes in hormonal levels and metabolic processes. When the fetus puts pressure on the internal organs, stagnation of excretory fluid begins. All this leads to increased production of mucus in the urine during pregnancy.

In healthy pregnant women, urine is not visually visible in the urine. If the indicator increases, it becomes cloudy. This is a reason to see a doctor and undergo a general clinical urine test (CAM). It will not only detect an increase in mucus, but will also show other data that is overestimated or underestimated. In some cases, the technique makes it possible to make a diagnosis without additional research.

Causes of mucus in urine in pregnant women

Mucus is a secretion produced by epithelial cells of the urinary tract.
Its main task is to preserve the mucous membrane of the internal walls of organs from injury and the negative effects of urea and acids present in urine. Mucus in the urine during pregnancy is produced in the amount necessary to eliminate the aggressive effects of an acidic environment, and is subsequently excreted in the urine. In this case, its presence can only be determined during laboratory testing. The presence of a small amount of transparent secretion with normal values ​​of other indicators is considered acceptable. Deviations from the norm in the analysis of a pregnant woman can be caused by a variety of reasons.


Any woman probably knows that while carrying a child, many organs and systems function in an altered mode. Factors that cause a quantitative excess of mucus, doctors include:

  • changes in hormonal levels, in particular, increased levels of progesterone;
  • severe stress, overwork;
  • unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of “harmful” foods and dishes;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • excess content of certain types of vitamins.

The appearance of sediment at an early stage is often due to the influence of the following factors:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • using unclean containers to collect biomaterial;
  • storing a sample of collected material for more than three hours in unsuitable conditions;
  • vaginal discharge getting into the urine (due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure);
  • stagnation of urine due to untimely emptying of the bladder

Often, mucus appears in urine due to wearing low-quality synthetic underwear. In any case, deviations in the analysis are not accompanied by a deterioration in well-being or any alarming conditions.


However, there are also more serious factors that lead to an increase in the amount of mucus in the urine of a pregnant woman. These include infections, inflammatory processes, and pathologies of various origins. Each of them has a different clinical picture and is characterized by certain symptoms.

  • Sexually transmitted infectious diseases. If before pregnancy a woman was treated for chlamydia or ureaplasmosis, then changes in hormonal levels can lead to the activation of residual cells and provoke the recurrence of the pathology. The infection easily overcomes the placental barrier and affects the fetus, causing developmental delays and the appearance of defects.
  • Inflammatory urinary tract diseases. The movement of formed elements to the lesion leads to the formation of mucus.
  • Nephrolithiasis. Migration of stones along the excretory tract causes damage to the mucous epithelium, which, for protection purposes, increases the volume of secreted secretions.
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the female genital area - vulvitis or vaginitis.
  • Malignant neoplasms. Formation of a tumor process in the kidneys or bladder.
  • Stagnation of urine. The third trimester is characterized by a rapid increase in the size of the uterus. It puts pressure on the urinary tract, fluid remains in the bladder cavity, and its aggressive environment has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane. This phenomenon is also considered common in inflammation of the excretory tract organs - cystitis, pyelonephritis.

The cause of mucus in the urine can be determined by examining the presence of a certain type of epithelial cell in the sediment. Flat varieties indicate an infectious process, transitional ones indicate inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis). Renal epithelium is considered a sign of the development of glomerulonephritis.

Urine analysis in pregnant women when mucus is detected

What does bacteria and mucus in urine mean?

To check the health of a pregnant woman, OAM is taken every two weeks. This is a method of studying urine, which shows not only the required indicator, but also all other data about the urine. With the help of the study, the doctor will be able to quickly find out the cause of the disease and make a diagnosis.

Indications for the purpose of analysis

There are the following indications that are necessary to prescribe the study:

  • preventive check of the body;
  • checking the condition of the urinary tract during gestation;
  • suspicion of infection, development of inflammatory processes in the body, presence of stones, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • changes in urine visible to the naked eye (darkening, turbidity, sedimentation, foam formation);
  • checking the effectiveness of the therapy.

Important! The presence of mucus is not a disease, but a symptom by which it can be identified. Therefore, the appearance of turbidity in urine, which indicates an increase in mucus, is an indicator for carrying out OAM

Rules for submitting urine for analysis

To correctly diagnose and check the condition of a woman’s urinary tract during pregnancy, it is necessary to collect urine according to the rules. If they are violated, the data will turn out to be unreliable, which can lead to a deterioration in the health of the patient and child.
  1. In 2-3 days you need to start sticking to the diet. Use less table salt, do not eat fatty, fried, spicy foods.
  2. Stop playing sports until your doctor checks the test data and gives permission.
  3. Stop all medications without which normal pregnancy is possible.
  4. Testing is carried out in the morning, before eating or taking medications.
  5. The woman should wash the external organs of the reproductive system with bactericidal soap and rinse well with water so that residues do not get inside the sample.
  6. OAM requires the entire portion of the morning excretory fluid.
  7. Urinate inside a sterile container. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Other containers are not suitable; they contain microorganisms and foreign substances.
  8. The sample is delivered to the laboratory technician immediately. If this is not possible, storage inside the refrigerator is allowed for no more than 2 hours. The longer the sample sits, the more likely the data will change and sediment will form.

What does bacteria and mucus in urine mean?

Norm of mucus in urine for pregnant women

On the analysis form, the doctor indicates the presence of mucus using crosses. If there is only one, this is considered a variant of the norm. A slight increase in the indicator may occur with changes in the pregnant woman’s diet, changes in acid-base balance (these data are constantly changing in the body). If two crosses are indicated, the indicator is increased and additional diagnostics are required. An increase to three indicates a pathological condition of the urinary system.

For women during gestation, secretions increase to 1-2 crosses. It may fluctuate in different laboratory tests, depending on the acidity of the urine. If the value increases to three crosses, it is necessary to urgently identify the cause and begin treatment.


To prevent the appearance of mucus in the urine, a pregnant woman must follow these recommendations:

  • do not miss scheduled urine tests or ultrasound examinations;
  • drink plenty of fluids if there is no edema syndrome;
  • do not lift heavy objects, avoid hypothermia and stress;
  • do special gymnastics, lead an active lifestyle;
  • eat rationally, nutritiously, correctly, exclude fatty foods, fresh fruits and vegetables should predominate in the menu;
  • follow the prescribed diet;
  • empty the bladder every time it is full, do not tolerate it;
  • go to the doctor if symptoms of trouble suddenly appear.

The most competent approach if a woman wants to have a healthy child is to plan her pregnancy. It is recommended to complete all studies and get tested six months or even earlier. In case of any pathology, especially of the urinary tract, it is necessary to carry out all therapeutic and preventive measures.

Mucus in urine during pregnancy

A very important test for a pregnant woman is a urine test.

Specialists in urine identify such indicators as the presence of protein, the level of leukocytes, and also pay attention to the color of urine, but an equally significant indicator is the detection of mucus and bacteria in a woman’s urine. Mucus is secreted naturally by the membranes of mucous tissues, and mucus is also constantly produced by the urinary tract, which is typical for women

During the procedure for collecting urine for analysis, mucus from the vagina may get into the urine, but there will be a small amount of it there.

When collecting urine for analysis, you need to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the container for urine; it would be best to purchase a container for analysis at a pharmacy, where they are sold in vacuum sterile packaging. In most situations where bacteria and mucus were found in the urine, the cause was an insufficiently clean container.

In addition, when collecting urine, you must carefully observe the cleanliness of the genitals.

Reasons for the presence of mucus in urine during pregnancy

A high level of mucus in the urine can be a consequence of various inflammations that occur in the lower parts of the urinary tract. In addition, the presence of mucus could be provoked by long-term stagnation of urine in the body, which may be a consequence of the presence of stones in the bladder and kidneys. All internal organs, including the vaginal mucosa, are characterized by the secretion of lubricant (mucus) during the day. When collecting urine for analysis, there is a risk of mucus getting in there, which will affect the result of the analysis. But it is worth emphasizing that exceeding the norm several times indicates inflammation, although this may be a consequence of poor diet or poor hygiene before collecting urine. The presence of infection is also indicated by an increased number of red blood cells, the presence of protein, oxalates, ESR, as well as the presence of staphylococcus.

Other causes of mucus in urine

The detection of infection in the urine indicates inflammation, the severity of which can be determined using a urine test according to Nechiporenko. For this analysis, a “second portion of urine” is needed, that is, first you need to urinate into the toilet, and then into the container. This analysis determines the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body, for example, mycoplasma, chlamydia, urenaplasma. These infections cause mucus to appear in the urine and can harm not only the pregnant woman, but also the baby.

Also, mucus can indicate improper functioning of the kidneys, or more precisely, their increased functioning. If a pregnant woman eats fatty foods, the liver does not have time to process them, as a result of which the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, and the urine becomes cloudy, mucus, and has a strong odor.

What is mucus?

It represents a certain type of secretion that the body produces for protection. During normal functioning, organs reproduce the amount of mucus that is necessary to protect them from negative factors.

Mucus prevents bacteria and microbes from clinging to the walls of the uterus and multiplying there. Some of the lubricant from the genitals ends up in the urine. A woman’s body is designed in such a way that lubricant begins to form in the vagina. It will definitely be revealed during analysis.

Decoding the results

Deviations from normal values ​​are recorded in the analysis form, which is given to the patient. When decrypting, the parameters are specified as follows:

  • + norm of mucus;
  • ++ moderate content;
  • +++ critical indicator;
  • ++++ foreign impurities are determined visually, which indicates a critical excess of the norm.

The presence of one of the last two values ​​is evidence of serious pathological disorders and requires immediate treatment

When studying the results of the analysis, the doctor pays special attention not to the main, but to additional signs

  1. Excessive sediment may indicate a violation of the outflow of urine or an STI.
  2. The presence of mucus and bacteria indicates an infectious process or an error in collecting biomaterial for research.
  3. The presence of protein against the background of an increased level of the mucous component is possible during physical overload or infections of the kidneys and bladder.
  4. The appearance of blood and mucus in the sediment is a sign of urolithiasis or the threat of miscarriage (premature birth).

If a significant amount of mucous secretion is detected, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostics to determine the cause of this condition.


Quite often, the presence of E. coli in the body is not characterized by clinical manifestations, so detection in the analysis comes as a surprise to a pregnant woman. The first signs of deterioration of the condition appear, as a rule, as the immune defense weakens, the fetus grows and the load on the organs of the genitourinary system increases.

In the early stages, a woman may notice a change in the color of urine, later signs of vaginitis. As the infection spreads through the urinary tract, acute inflammation begins to rapidly develop, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased urination, cutting pain and burning sensation;
  • change in the color and smell of urine, sedimentation;
  • copious vaginal discharge with a strong unpleasant odor;
  • pain syndrome that forms in the lumbar region or lower abdomen;
  • hyperthermia, chills, fever;
  • profuse sweating;
  • attacks of nausea, often ending in vomiting;
  • weakness, apathy, lethargy, fatigue.

The above symptoms occur if the kidneys and bladder are involved in the pathological process. Therefore, doctors recommend regular testing. In this way, pathogenic flora can be identified at the earliest stage of the disease.

Is there a danger to the fetus?

If mucous exudate appears in urine for physiological reasons, there is no danger for the woman herself or for the unborn child. With the development of any inflammatory process in the urinary tract, the following complications may appear:

  • development of toxicosis;
  • development of gestosis;
  • increased risk of placental insufficiency;
  • development of eclampsia;
  • increased risk of miscarriage.

It is worth noting that any infection can be quickly transmitted to the fetus from a woman’s body, especially at an early stage of pregnancy. If treatment for the underlying disease is not started in a timely manner, intrauterine fetal death may be diagnosed.


If E. coli was detected in the urine based on diagnostic results, therapeutic measures must be started immediately. Treatment of bacteriuria in women during pregnancy is gentle and is based on the following principles.

  1. The use of pharmaceuticals that do not pose a threat to the health of the mother and fetus.
  2. The choice of medications is made taking into account the stage of pregnancy at which the infection was detected.
  3. Therapy is carried out under constant supervision of the attending physician and regular testing.

Attention! Self-selection of medications is strictly prohibited, since self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the health of a woman and an unborn baby.


The basis of treatment measures is antibacterial therapy. At first glance, the task is considered difficult, since there are a lot of drugs that can negatively affect the development of the fetus. The choice of absolutely safe antibiotics and the development of a treatment regimen should be the responsibility of the attending physician. At his discretion, the following groups of drugs may be prescribed:

  • cephalosporins - “Ceftriaxone”, “Cefoperazone”;
  • penicillins – “Oxacillin”;
  • amoxicillins – “Augmentin”, “Amoxiclav”;
  • macrolides - Azithromycin, Vilprafen;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Cyston, Canephron;
  • antimicrobial - "Furagin".

The type of medication, duration of use and dosage should be selected by the doctor, taking into account the degree of spread of the infection and the severity of the inflammatory process. If extensive lesions are noted, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized.

Your own immunity should help speed up recovery, but since it is weakened, it requires medicinal support. In this case, immunostimulants, vitamin complexes, and medications that strengthen the defense mechanism can be prescribed. These include: “Anaferon”, “Polyoxidonium”, “Imunofan”. Taking bacteriophages is considered safe, and should also be prescribed by a specialist. After completing the course, urine culture is repeated, based on the results of which the doctor decides on further actions.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine is often prescribed as additional therapy. Of course, pharmacological treatment remains a priority, but the use of “grandmother’s” recipes will help improve the general condition. The doctor will suggest the most effective and safe means for purifying urine from bacterial flora.

  1. Plantain decoction. Has an antibacterial effect. It should be taken 2-3 times a day for 10 days.
  2. Cranberry and lingonberry juice. Natural antiseptic and excellent diuretic. Drink a cup daily.
  3. Rose hip decoction. Diuretic of plant origin. Accelerates urine formation and strengthens the body's protective functions.
  4. Infusion of celandine. Steam in boiling water and take a quarter glass three times a day.

Hygiene procedures using decoctions of calendula flowers, chamomile, and string herbs are also recommended for pregnant women. It is imperative to take probiotics that can help quickly restore the natural flora of the vagina and intestines.

Reasons for appearance

If pregnant women have mucus in their urine, this is not a reason to worry. The reason for this may be uncomfortable underwear made of artificial fabric, which puts pressure on the genitals and provokes increased work of the mucous membranes. It is known that pregnant women should not hold back urination for a long time, otherwise this leads to pain, internal pressure and increased formation of discharge. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules also provokes the formation of impurities in urine. The condition of urine is affected by the diet of the expectant mother, as well as natural hormonal changes.

Mucus in the urine may indicate the development of concomitant diseases and pathological processes that require immediate intervention. Common reasons for this phenomenon include:

  • inflammatory changes in the genitourinary system caused by an infectious complication;
  • kidney disease;
  • venereal diseases;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • neoplasms;
  • avitaminosis.

What are the norms?

A health worker can determine the level of mucus in a pregnant woman’s urine based on an analysis.
When a woman is in an interesting position, the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system work more actively and reject a large amount of epithelium to protect the walls of the bladder from the effects of pathogens. In this case, there is an increased secretion of mucus, but this does not mean that a malfunction has occurred in the body.

If sedimentary phenomena in urine are visible only with the help of special instruments, then all indicators are normal and there is no cause for concern. An increased content of secretions manifests itself in the form of stretching white threads and small flakes. Quantitative indicators of mucus in the urine are marked with pluses, which should be no more than 4. Otherwise, a deviation from the norm indicates the development of an inflammatory process.

How to take the test correctly?

Often, violation of the general rules for collecting urine for diagnosis leads to incorrect results and a false diagnosis.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the following sequence:

  • Only the first morning urine is collected;
  • the genitourinary system must be clean;
  • the analysis is collected in a special sterile container, which is hermetically sealed;
  • the first portion of urine is skipped, only the middle one is taken;
  • one day before the test you should not have sexual intercourse;
  • the material must be examined within 3 hours after collection.


In order to minimize the risk of infectious diseases in the genitourinary system, the expectant mother needs to pay close attention to her health:

  1. A woman should regularly keep her genitals clean, wash herself from front to back, and use only a mild product for the procedure.
  2. An important aspect of preventing bacteriuria is maintaining the body's immune properties. To do this, a pregnant woman should eat well, walk more in the fresh air, do light exercise, and take vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor.

Mucus component in urinary sediment and children

Mucus in a child’s urine is always a pathology. The child’s urinary system has the following features:

  • inferior innervation (nervous tissue) and muscle layer in children;
  • kidneys that are mobile and developing up to 3 years of age in children;
  • widened ureters with low contractility in children;
  • thin and delicate mucous membrane of the urethra in children (which is why the child is more susceptible to infections of the urinary system).

The presence of a large amount of mucus in a child’s urine may indicate an inflammatory process in the bladder, urethra, kidneys and ureters. To confirm or exclude the diagnosis in children, a general blood test, a repeat urine test (including the Nechiporenko test to clarify the nature of the sediment in the child), and biochemical kidney tests are performed. If it is necessary to identify the causes of such indicators in children, the Zimnitsky test, cystoscopy, culture of the child’s urine for flora, excretory urography and ultrasound of the kidneys can be used.

The presence of mucus, especially if it is detected in combination with bacteria, leukocytes, and protein, always means the presence of pathology in the child’s urinary system.

It must be remembered that if mucus and bacteria are found, this does not mean that a child or adult patient needs to be treated. Obtaining such results may indicate that the material for the study was collected incorrectly. At the same time, leukocytes do not increase, which speaks in favor of this reason. In this case, accordingly, no treatment is required.

Protein is another cause for concern

Leukocytes and bacteria in the urine are far from the only reason for concern for the health of the mother and child. Those women who tested positive for protein during pregnancy should sound the alarm. Proteinuria, which is what is called a large amount of this element in the urine (more than 300 mg per day), threatens to impair the functions of the placenta. This is fraught with intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, and can lead to the death of the child. Protein contained in urine is another signal of problems in a pregnant woman with the kidneys and genitourinary system.

The appearance of mucus in urine during pregnancy

During gestation, there may be a slight increase in mucus excretion (excretion in the urine). This is due to the pressure of the fetus on the kidneys, the incorrect diet of the expectant mother, and a shift in the acid-base level to the acidic side. The mucous membrane tries to protect itself by excreting its secretions in increased quantities.

What does bacteria and mucus in urine mean?

If overproduction (increased secretion of an indicator) is associated with physiological reasons, this will not be visible visually, the excretory fluid will remain transparent, and the color of the urine will not change. When a disease appears, which can appear before and after conception, the physical indicators of urine will change (a different look and smell will appear). It will become darker, turbidity and sediment will appear.

Important! Any disturbance in a pregnant woman caused by the disease is regarded by the therapist as a threat to the fetus. Therefore, urgent laboratory tests, diagnosis and treatment are carried out

The main causes of mucus formation

There is a list of reasons for the formation of excess indicators, which the doctor will suggest at the first moment after deciphering the study data.

  1. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract (ureter, bladder, kidneys). These include common bacteria in the urine during pregnancy, which could have entered due to violation of the rules of personal hygiene of the external genitalia, or their removal from the vagina. Another cause of infection is sexually transmitted diseases. If before pregnancy a woman had ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, and was cured, a change in hormonal levels will lead to the activation of their residual cells. The disease will start again. Any infections are dangerous for the fetus, as they can penetrate the placenta, causing developmental delays and the appearance of defects.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Migration of blood cells to the lesion causes active secretion of mucus.
  3. Kidney pathologies. During gestation, the uterus puts pressure on the kidneys. This leads to their inflammation. The filtration function of the glomeruli decreases. This causes increased release of substances, minerals, and salts into the urine. The acid-base state shifts. The mucous membrane begins to intensively produce secretions.
  4. Stagnation of urine. This is a common occurrence in women while carrying a fetus, as it puts pressure on the urinary tract. The excretory fluid remains inside the system, uric acid has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane.
  5. Urolithiasis disease. Stones, moving along the urinary tract, scratch the tissue. She tries to protect herself by producing a large amount of mucous secretion. Urine becomes dark, cloudy, and a precipitate containing salts (urates, oxalates) forms in it.

Other causes of mucus in urine

In the absence of daily hygiene of the external genitalia, microorganisms penetrate into the urethra. The longer this process occurs, the greater the impact on the mucous membrane. It begins to actively produce a mucous component.

Pregnant women need to drink plenty of water. If this does not happen, the concentration of substances per fraction of liquid increases. This leads to a strong effect of urea on the tissue and the release of large amounts of mucus in the urine.

If a woman suffers for a long time and does not empty her bladder, urine stagnation occurs due to a prolonged absence of urination. The mucous membrane, protecting itself from the effects of concentrated substances, secretes a lot of secretions.

Abnormalities in the structure of the kidneys, which prevent the normal filtration of substances, cause a decrease in the acidity of urine. In this case, the mucous membrane secretes secretions in large quantities.

Violation of the collection rules will lead to an overestimation of the indicator. Therefore, a woman should approach the analysis responsibly.

Risks associated with mucus formation

The secreted mucous component is a substance necessary to protect the tissue of the urinary tract from damaging factors. But the more secretion is produced, the faster pathogenic microorganisms move through it. They reproduce better in it, since mucus is a good nutrient medium. Therefore, the condition is dangerous due to the formation of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

Large mass of secretions in urine

The human body undergoes restructuring during pregnancy. Various processes in it slow down and begin to manifest themselves more actively. The body is weakened, causing the possibility of the spread of microbes.

Factors that provoke infection:

  1. Increased hormonal levels.
  2. Reduced hormone production, leading to stagnation.
  3. Enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy complicates the passage of urine.
  4. The woman moves little, kidney function is disrupted, and muscle function deteriorates.

Carrying a fetus is not a disease of the body. If during such a period mucus is detected in urine, then it is important to conduct examinations to determine the reasons for its manifestation.


The main method of medical monitoring of the condition of the woman and fetus throughout the entire pregnancy is a general clinical analysis - OAM. In obtaining reliable results, an important role is played by the correct conduct of the preparatory stage and collection of biomaterial. If the recommendations are not followed, there is a high probability of microorganisms entering the sample from outside, which distorts the data and therefore requires a repeat test.

If E. coli is detected in urine, the doctor must prescribe an additional examination, which includes a number of informative, but safe procedures during pregnancy:

  • bacterial culture to confirm the presence of Escherichia;
  • general blood test and study of its biochemical composition;
  • smear from the urethra and vagina;
  • Nechiporenko test;
  • screening tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis and urinary system;
  • Dopplerometry.

After carrying out diagnostic measures and receiving all the data, the doctor can assess the state of health, identify the severity of the pathology, the nature and extent of damage to the body of the mother and fetus, and only then make the correct diagnosis and select an adequate treatment regimen.

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