What does mucus look like in a child’s urine and what does it mean?

Today we are looking into the concept of mucus in a child’s urine, what it means, and how to treat this condition. Even if the baby does not complain of problems with urination, tests should be taken periodically to prevent his health. Laboratory tests are carried out before vaccinations in order to exclude their side effects. Collecting urine for analysis is a completely painless procedure and will not cause discomfort for the baby.

A general urine analysis includes a list of physical and chemical parameters of the biomaterial being studied, as well as its microscopic examination. One of the indicators that is indicated on the results form is mucus in the urine. Should you be scared and what does mucus in a child’s urine mean? Let’s take a closer look.

How to detect mucus in urine?

You can independently detect the mucous secretion in the baby’s urine when the amount is large enough. This condition often accompanies urinary tract infections. For early diagnosis of diseases, laboratory tests should be taken on time. A general blood test and urine test are standard and are included in the set of mandatory tests for any visit to a pediatrician.

The presence of mucus in the urine is determined during a general analysis. Urine is a waste product. It is excreted by the kidneys after filtration in the glomeruli.

The study evaluates the functional activity of the kidneys and metabolic processes in the body, and allows us to determine the effectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics. Using a general urine test, it is possible to establish the fact of inflammation, including hidden inflammation, as well as a number of other diseases.

Of particular danger are diseases that have a long latent period and are not detected by a typical clinical picture. This once again emphasizes the importance of simple mandatory research.

How to prepare your baby for research?

Before collecting biomaterial for analysis, you should not fundamentally change the rhythm and diet of a small patient. On the eve of the visit to the laboratory department, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not experience physical or emotional stress. It is better to skip sports training in the evening.

Fatty and highly salted foods, especially fast food and sweet carbonated drinks, should be removed from your baby’s diet. Foods that affect the color of urine, such as beets, should be avoided.

By prior agreement with the doctor, taking any medications is excluded for 24 hours. If it is impossible to cancel mandatory medications, you should inform the laboratory employee about their use. Collecting biomaterial using diuretics is prohibited.

How much and how to properly collect urine from a child?

For accurate results, it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of collecting and transporting biomaterial. The first or middle portion of morning urine is collected (as indicated in the directions). It is first necessary to toilet the baby's external genitalia. In infants, it is permissible to collect the entire excreted portion of urine. To collect biomaterial from infants, pharmacies sell special devices - a urine collector. It should be noted that such a device causes discomfort for the baby. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the child does not throw it off and that all urine is collected directly into the urine collection bag.

Older children should be clearly explained the rules for collecting the average portion: urinate in the toilet for 2-3 seconds, then in a jar, and the last portion in the toilet.

What not to do? It is strictly forbidden to collect biomaterial from a baby diaper, squeeze it out or drain it. In this case, foreign particles enter the urine, which will distort the reliability of the laboratory analysis results. It is also unacceptable to collect several portions of urine, believing that one will not be enough.

The required volume for the study is 20-30 ml. Therefore, the amount that the baby naturally secretes will be sufficient. It is optimal that no more than two hours pass from the moment of collection and delivery to the laboratory department. In this case, the results obtained will be accurate and will allow you to reliably assess the health picture of a small patient.

Collecting biomaterial from a child's potty should be avoided because it may not have been sufficiently washed or may contain detergent impurities. The collection container is a special sterile jar, which is issued free of charge in the laboratory department or purchased at the pharmacy.

Determination of mucus using analysis: norms and small amounts

Mucus strands are not always visible visually. In some cases, it may be present in the urine, but its amount is so small that it does not affect the appearance of the stool. This is considered an absolutely normal indicator, so there is no need to worry about it.

Mucus (or traces of it) is determined during a general urine test, which the child must take several times a year in accordance with age recommendations (but at least 2 times a year for children of any age).

After receiving a form with the results of the study, parents can independently determine whether the amount of mucus detected corresponds to the norm.

To do this, you need to find the “mucus” column and see what is indicated there:

  • “not detected” - no mucus was detected in the urine;
  • “traces” - mucus is present in negligible quantities, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of the child’s body;
  • “1” - mucus within the age norm;
  • “+” – the amount of mucus slightly exceeds normal values ​​(there may have been a violation of the rules for submitting urine for testing);
  • “increased” - the amount of mucus exceeds normal values;
  • “++++” – the amount of mucus corresponds to the maximum indicators (pathology).

If renal epithelium is detected in the child's urine, this may be the first sign of glomerulonephritis. This type of mucus in small quantities is permissible only for newborns (in the first 3-4 weeks of life).

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about the need to take a general urine test, how to take it, and also how to decipher the results.

What does mucus in a child's urine mean?

Important: small amounts of mucus in a child’s urine is a variant of the physiological norm. If the lab results form says “trace or small amounts,” then there is no need to worry. Mucus is a natural waste product that is released when you urinate. It is formed by the mucous cells of the epithelium that lines the inner surface of the urinary organs. An insufficient amount of mucus can lead to mechanical damage to the mucosa.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why mucus is found in large quantities in a child's urine.

Basic material on this topic: What diseases are indicated by mucus in urine in adults and children

Incorrect preparation for analysis

It is known that more than 60% of errors during laboratory analysis are made at the preparation stage. The first reason is improper collection and subsequent transportation of biomaterial. In order to exclude unreliable data, the pediatrician will prescribe a repeat study.


The detection of mucus in a general urine test in a boy may indicate phimosis. The pathology is characterized by the inability to fully open the head of the penis due to the foreskin being too narrow. It is noted that only 4% of newborn babies have a fully open glans penis. By six months, the percentage of boys with movable flesh reaches 20, and by three years, 90% of the head is completely exposed. Little boys with phimosis strain a lot during urination, and their discomfort is noticeable.

In this case, the mucus cannot be completely removed during hygiene procedures, and it ends up in the biomaterial for research. The need for surgical intervention is decided by the attending physician. Indications for surgery are inflammation of the tissues of the foreskin, cracks and ruptures of the phimosis ring, fusion of the tissues of the foreskin and the head of the penis.


Excessive mucus in the urine of infants and older children of both sexes is a sign of inflammation of the urinary system. Additional research will be required to accurately diagnose and identify the pathogen. Bacteriological urine culture will allow you to identify the pathogen, as well as isolate its pure culture and conduct a sensitivity test to the main antibiotics. Based on the results, the most active antibacterial drug is selected and used for therapy.

Depending on the location of the pathogen, the following are distinguished:

  • urethritis - an infection that affects the urethra. It is more common in girls because the canal is located close to the anus. If hygiene is improper, infection may enter the urethra;
  • cystitis - pathogenic microorganisms rise up the urethra and infect the bladder. Based on the physiological structure of the body, the disease also more often affects girls. Their urethra is shorter and the infection reaches the bladder faster;
  • pyelonephritis – inflammation of the kidney tissue. The infection rises even higher and is localized in the renal pelvis. The child's body temperature rises and there is pain when urinating.

For a comprehensive examination, the doctor will prescribe instrumental diagnostic methods. Ultrasound of the kidneys will allow you to assess the functional activity of the renal tissues and detect the acute or chronic stage of pyelonephritis.

Using urography, you can evaluate the structure of the urinary organs, detect stones and other pathologies. The essence of the method is the introduction of a contrast agent followed by an x-ray.

If the above methods turned out to be insufficiently informative, then computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are prescribed. The research results provide more accurate and detailed data on the structure of the organs of the urinary system. It is possible to assess the extent of spread of the infectious process beyond the renal tissue to neighboring organs.

In girls, a common cause of mucus in the urine is vaginitis. In this case, when collecting material for analysis, vaginal mucus enters the urine.

Increased amount of salts

Excessive accumulation of salts is evidence of an incorrect regime and diet of the baby. You should review the menu and exclude fatty, highly salted and sweet foods from it. Preference should be given to lean meats, plenty of vegetables and fruits. It is equally important to follow a diet and try to prevent your child from snacking on sweets. Meals should be divided into equal ones in importance and nutritional value. Fresh fruit is allowed as a snack.

Functions of the epithelium

The entire urinary tract is lined with epithelium, each cell of which secretes mucus. Cellular secretion protects the internal walls from irritation arising from aggressive components and urea. Therefore, if there is a small amount of mucous compounds in the urine, this is normal. Epithelial cells (mucus) exist in several types. Clinical analysis may reveal:

  1. Flat epithelium. The amount exceeds the norm for infections in the urinary canal (cystitis, urethritis).
  2. Transitional epithelium. The amount exceeds the norm in acute and chronic forms of cystitis and pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

3 Renal epithelium. It is not detected in a healthy child. Its appearance in the analysis indicates the development of glomerulonephritis.

In a child, an attentive mother can notice mucous inclusions visually: the urine becomes cloudy, includes sediment and mucous flagella. But there is no need to be afraid. Maybe the child waited a long time before going to the toilet or the test was taken incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to collect material for the laboratory again.

If epithelial cells are found above normal limits, the doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests before making a diagnosis: according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko.

Treatment methods

If a child has a small amount of mucus in the biomaterial being tested and there are no clinical signs of pathologies, the doctor will determine the need for proper nutrition and daily routine. After a few weeks, the study must be repeated and the value of the indicator assessed.

An infectious process of the urinary system requires the selection of antibacterial therapy. It is important to strictly adhere to the dosage and duration of treatment. When selecting an antibiotic, not only the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms is taken into account, but also contraindications. For many antibiotics, there is a minimum age for a child at which its use is acceptable. Therapy is considered successful after which the analysis results do not reveal a high content of mucus and the presence of pathogenic species of microorganisms.

Treatment methods for phimosis are determined by the pediatrician and surgeon. If there are no indications for surgery, procedures are prescribed to stretch the skin of the foreskin.

Important: it is unacceptable to independently choose methods of treating a child, including folk remedies. Any use of non-traditional methods must be previously agreed with the pediatrician. Neglecting the rule will lead to chronicity of the pathology and an increase in its severity.

Mucus and its functions

Mucus is produced by special goblet cells in the epithelium of the urinary tract. The main purpose of mucus is a protective function aimed at preserving the internal surface of organs from the irritating effects of urea and the acidic reaction of urine.

In a healthy body, enough mucus is synthesized to neutralize the aggression of urine, as well as urea. As is normal, a small amount is excreted into the urine stream, which is determined only by laboratory urine testing.

Diagnosis of diseases

When a mucous secretion appears in a child’s urine, the doctor must prescribe a repeated collection of the excreted fluid. Deviations from the norm often appear when urine is collected incorrectly or the rules for storing and transporting the material are violated.

The doctor clarifies whether there are other complaints indicating pathological processes in the urinary tract and bean-shaped organs. If you are worried about pain in the lower back, pain during bladder emptying, the child is capricious, becomes lethargic, weak, then you should not hesitate to make a diagnosis.

When the results are confirmed, the urologist refers the child for additional examination. It is important to understand how serious the diseases that provoke the appearance of mucous secretion are.

The child passes:

  • urine according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • urine according to Zimnitsky;
  • blood analysis.

Research using modern equipment:

  • ultrasound scanning of the genitourinary system;
  • cystoscopy of the bladder;
  • tomography;
  • urography with contrast;
  • X-ray of the kidneys and bladder.
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