Products that contain oxalic acid: list and description

Properties of oxalic acid

Only in small quantities this substance can be safe and not cause harm to health. Oxalic acid interferes with the absorption of calcium, causing calcium accumulation. Metabolic disorders negatively affect the joints and cause diseases such as gout, arthrosis and arthritis. People with kidney disease, arthritis and gout should follow a certain diet that excludes oxalic acid. Everyone else can use it in limited quantities.

Oxalic acid in food

What is the source of oxalic acid? Of course, these are food products. The main transporter of oxalic acid into our body are fruits and vegetables. In order to enrich our body with oxalic acid, we need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. A lot of scientific papers have been written on this topic, some claim that oxalic acid is harmful to our body, others that it is of great benefit, but you and I must understand the following: if you regularly eat a salad of fresh vegetables and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily , then our body will receive enough iron and magnesium, and we will not have to take medications containing magnesium and vitamin B6.

Benefits for the human body

When consumed in moderation, oxalic acid can be extremely beneficial. Entering the body, it acts as follows:

  • It has a beneficial effect on sexual function in men and prevents infertility and impotence.
  • Oxalic acid affects motility and cleanses the intestines.
  • It has antibacterial properties and protects the stomach from infection.
  • Regular consumption of oxalic acid can prevent the occurrence of migraines, tuberculosis and rhinitis.
  • Scientists note the positive effect of this substance on the functioning of the nervous system. People who regularly consume oxalic acid from foods are more resistant to stress and mentally balanced.
  • It is recommended for use by athletes to strengthen muscles and ligaments.

In short, the benefits of this substance are beyond doubt. Unfortunately, along with the benefits, oxalic acid can also cause harm.

Contraindications for use

As a rule, harmful compounds appear after cooking foods. If there are problems in the human body, even a small dose of oxalic acid can cause irreparable harm. In such cases, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • The functions of the respiratory system are impaired.
  • The condition of blood vessels and the heart noticeably worsens.
  • Diarrhea or constipation appears.
  • Unpleasant sensation in the groin area.

However, it is not an indispensable product. It is rather an intermediate element of metabolism. Scientists have calculated the norm of oxalic acid, which is no more than 50 mg.

Foods rich in oxalic acid:

General characteristics of oxalic acid

Oxalic acid is a dibasic saturated carboxylic acid belonging to the class of strong organic acids. Present in many plants, both in free form and in the form of salts called oxalates. In the body, oxalic acid is an intermediate metabolic product.

Daily requirement for oxalic acid

Due to the fact that oxalic acid is not essential, the amount that should be consumed daily is currently considered to be no more than 50 mg, according to research from the Chicago Institute of Nutrition and Health.

The need for oxalic acid increases:

According to the information we gleaned from the works of luminaries of world medicine, natural oxalic acid, included in the products listed below, can help with:

In addition, oxalic acid has a bactericidal effect on Proteus, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

What foods contain oxalic acid?

The largest amount of this substance is found in products of plant origin. Among them, the leaders are rhubarb and spinach. For example, one serving of rhubarb stew contains more than 800 mg of this substance. Frozen spinach has 600 mg of oxalic acid, and boiled spinach has 720. Carambola is especially dangerous. It contains a substance that is harmful to the kidneys. Together with oxalic acid, this component is extremely undesirable for people with kidney failure.

The list of foods containing oxalic acid is as follows:

  • The safest foods in terms of the presence of this substance are eggplants, eggs, cottage cheese and kefir, as well as orange pumpkin and fresh peas.
  • Bananas, boiled potatoes and white cabbage contain slightly more acid. You can safely prepare dishes from them for the daily menu, without fear of getting a large dose of acid.
  • People with sore joints are better off avoiding tomatoes, onions and boiled beets. It is also undesirable to drink black tea and coffee.
  • If you have kidney stones, you should avoid sorrel, chocolate and celery.

A lot of oxalic acid is also found in exotic fruits. List of foods containing oxalic acid in ascending order: lemon, okra, sweetgrass, chard. Among the seasonings, ginger and white pepper stand out. Some grains also contain oxalic acid. These include: corn, beans, roasted peanuts and lentils.

Products containing oxalic acid: list ^

Oxalic acid: table, benefits and harm to the human body
Before you find out where oxalic acid is contained, you need to familiarize yourself with the conclusions of doctors regarding its dosage: the presence of acid should not exceed 50 mg per 100 g of food.

What foods contain oxalic acid: drinks

Well-known drinks - tea and coffee - contain this chemical compound. For example, in green or white tea it is present in amounts up to 12 mg, in herbal tea – 0.84 mg, and in coffee – up to 30 mg.

Oxalic acid in food: fruits

Among all fruits, the following provide the greatest benefits to human health:

  • Sour apples: in addition to acid, they contain vitamins and other substances that speed up metabolism and stimulate intestinal motility;
  • Mango: improves blood flow, cleanses the body, saturates it with antioxidants, which has a rejuvenating effect and prevents the development of cancerous tumors;
  • Bananas: protect against infections, improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • Carambola: replenishes vitamin deficiencies, has diuretic and decongestant properties;
  • Pomegranates: soften the symptoms of anemia and asthma, fight free radicals, increase the protective functions of the immune system;
  • Oranges: lower temperature during colds, burn fat cells;
  • Kiwi: improves immunity, helps lose weight;
  • Figs: improves performance.

Vegetables containing oxalic acid

When creating your menu, you should include beets, eggplants, green beans, pumpkin, potatoes, green peppers, turnips, zucchini, and tomatoes. On the other hand, they are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney stones or cholelithiasis.

What foods help remove oxalic acid salts from the body?

When oxalate stones form, it is recommended to plan your diet from the following foods:

  • Grush;
  • Grapes;
  • Quinces;
  • Sweet apples.

To ensure alkalization of the body, it is necessary to consume prunes and dried apricots.

What drinks help in this case:

  • Fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes;
  • Vegetable and fruit fresh juices;
  • Birch and rowan sap - limited;
  • Infusions of mint, horsetail, dill, knotweed, grape or strawberry leaves;
  • Essentuki No. 20 or No. 4.

The most effective way to remove oxalic acid from the body is compote made from fresh dogwood (1000 grams of dogwood, 800 grams of sugar, 500 ml of water: boil for 45 minutes, take 400 ml per day).

In addition, you can successfully use blackcurrant or grape leaves for this. But the following products (see the table below: the amount of acid is given in milligram percent - mg% or, which is the same, in mg/dl) will have to be avoided if you have oxalate stones, since the latter contain that same oxalic acid.

Wider list of oxalic acid content in products: table

Amount of oxalic acid in food products (in milligram percent)

We also recommend that you read the article Alkaline foods.

Tea and drinks

One cup of black tea or instant coffee contains about 30 mg of this substance. Much less oxalic acid will include tea made from chamomile, raspberry leaves or sage. Green tea contains only 12 mg of this product, and white tea contains a little more than 15. Dried fruit compote, on the contrary, significantly reduces the amount of oxalic acid in the human body. Dried pears and apples have been shown to have this effect.

Oxaluria due to oxalic acid metabolism disorders

Oxaluria is the excretion of oxalate salts of oxalic acid in large quantities in the urine. The acid-base balance is disturbed towards acidification of the environment - acidosis. The appearance of acidosis is associated with the presence in the urine of calcium associated with oxalic acid, the acid itself and its crystals. In people with impaired metabolism of oxalic acid, about 1000 mg is released per day. In this case, a person may experience unpleasant symptoms, such as you described above. This may include pain in the side, lower abdomen, pain when urinating, blood in the urine, and many others. This is due to the irritating and traumatic effect of crystals on the mucous membrane of the urethra and other urinary organs. If you have such symptoms, you need to see a doctor, take all the necessary tests and undergo a full examination. You will also need to adjust your diet and, if necessary, take medications.

Scientists have found that 40% of all oxalates are the result of chemical processes occurring in the liver, 20% are the result of the metabolism of ascorbic acid, and 15% enter the body with food. Elevated oxalate levels are associated with certain diseases, such as obesity, liver disease and diabetes.

In addition, an increase in the concentration of oxalic acid salts leads to the formation of kidney stones, so it is very important to consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms and begin preventing urolithiasis. Prevention is based on limiting the consumption of foods high in oxalic acid; a special diet is recommended

It will also be useful to drink special herbal teas that help remove oxalates and calm the nervous system.

What should the diet be like?

Diet for kidney disease is discussed in detail in the video:

The diet should consist of a small amount of meat and vegetables. Avoid foods that contain a lot of oxalic acid. Recommended to eat:

  • Sorrel and spinach, bell pepper - they contain a lot of oxalic acid
  • Strong tea and coffee, cocoa and chocolate
  • Bread kvass
  • Butter buns and bread
  • Jellies
  • Products containing gelatin
  • Sprouted wheat
  • Biological supplements and vitamins that contain vitamin C.

You will need to limit the following foods:

  • Herbs and spices
  • Table salt
  • Pepper and horseradish
  • Dairy products and milk, especially during periods of exacerbation
  • Eggplants and zucchini, beans and peas, Brussels sprouts, carrots and beets, onions, tomato juice and tomatoes, soybeans, parsley and celery, rhubarb, salad greens, potatoes
  • Chicken and beef
  • Liver
  • cod
  • Porcini and boletus mushrooms
  • Products high in vitamin C: currants, gooseberries, strawberries and strawberries, plums, apples of some varieties, rowan, citrus fruits, rose hips, wild garlic, cranberries.

Healthy to eat:

  • Mineral slightly alkaline waters, for example “Naftusya”
  • Butter and vegetable oils
  • Egg whites (yolks not recommended)
  • Boiled fish and meat (no more than 150 grams per day)
  • Any cereal that needs to be soaked before cooking
  • Stale black bread without yeast
  • Asparagus, cucumbers, white cabbage, celery
  • Not sour pears and apples
  • Apricots, bananas, melons, peaches, dogwood, quince
  • Soups with vegetables that are not prohibited
  • Fruit and vegetable juices

Will help remove oxalates:

  • Linden flowers
  • Birch buds and leaves
  • Calendula flowers
  • succinic acid
  • Apples and pears
  • Quince
  • Dogwood
  • Black elderberry flowers
  • Kidney teas
  • Fragrant violet roots.

You can prepare a decoction from the peel of these fruits and drink it throughout the day. It will enhance the excretion of oxalates and prevent the development of urolithiasis. It will also not be superfluous to use soothing decoctions of lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn, jasmine, and motherwort. Doctors may prescribe diuretics. For prevention, medications based on herbal extracts are now widely used. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, promote the removal of sand and small stones, increase urination and help the body cleanse itself. You will also need to visit your doctor regularly and have urine tests.

Who's in the lead

Each group of products containing oxalic acid and oxalic salts has its own leaders. Thus, among meat and fish products, pork liver, sardines and bacon have the largest amount of oxalic acid. In contrast, chicken meat contains virtually no acid.

Among confectionery products, chocolate comes first, followed by marmalade and cookies.

Thus, we can conclude that the following foods provoke the appearance of stones: sorrel, spinach, chocolate, peanuts, sardines, coffee and black tea. The last two products remove fluid from the body, which leaves a large amount of salts that transform stones. Sardines and mushrooms, among other things, significantly increase the amount of urine that the body does not have time to excrete. This also, in turn, leads to the formation of stones.

Due to the heat treatment of greens containing a large amount of oxalic acid, it transitions from an organic to an inorganic state. Therefore, dishes such as rhubarb jelly or sorrel borscht should be reduced to a minimum. Spinach is best eaten fresh and not cooked.

What foods provoke urolithiasis? What is the risk of consuming them?

There are a number of foods with a high content of oxalic acid that provoke the development of urolithiasis:

  • Spinach, rhubarb stems, sorrel leaves . These products contain huge amounts of organic oxalic acid. Often they are not consumed fresh; they are added to dishes during cooking, boiled or stewed. Manipulations with heat treatment lead to the transformation of organic acid into inorganic acid. At the same time, consuming large amounts of inorganic acid is dangerous because, when it interacts with calcium ions, it leads to the formation of salts - calcium oxalates. Regular consumption of dishes such as rhubarb jelly, borscht, and sorrel soups can lead to the gradual deposition of calcium oxalates in the kidneys and bladder.
  • Chocolate, peanuts . These products also contain large amounts of acid. The risk of consuming them is due to the fact that they are constantly present in a person’s life, especially in the diet of those with a sweet tooth. This leads to fairly rapid formation of stones.
  • Sardines, dried white mushrooms . In addition to oxalic acid, they contain purines, which in significant quantities can lead to an increase in uric acid, and as a consequence the formation of uric acid stones.
  • Tea coffee . Drinking tea and coffee does not replenish physiological fluid losses, but, on the contrary, contributes to its removal from the body. If you consume only these drinks during the day, the risk of dehydration increases, this condition leads to the fact that urine becomes concentrated, with a high salt content. If there are already any deposits in the urinary system in the form of sand, drinking these drinks will aggravate the situation.
  • Excessive consumption of the above foods contributes to the formation of urolithiasis and harm a healthy person. People who have any problems with the urinary system or gout should exclude them from the diet completely.

    Oxalates in the human body

    According to statistics, most often these substances are found in people with various kidney diseases. To identify stones and get rid of them in time, you should have your urine tested at least once every two years. The oxalate content should not exceed 20 mg. Their presence in the urine indicates that the metabolism of oxalic acid is disrupted in the body. There may be several reasons:

    • Sometimes this happens due to the characteristics of the body. The tendency to form stones is inherited, and people who already have similar cases in the family should adhere to a diet.
    • Doctors note a relationship between synthetic vitamin C and the formation of oxalates. Thus, fans of vitamin supplements find themselves at risk.
    • Stress and heavy physical activity also provoke urolithiasis.

    Symptoms of high levels of oxalates may include abdominal pain, blood in the urine, decreased performance, and frequent dizziness.

    Contraindications to oxalic acid

    In large quantities, the chemical compound can harm even a healthy person. And for some ailments, you should completely avoid eating the corresponding products.

    Oxalates in foods become prohibited when:

    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • diabetes;
    • gout;
    • tendency to form stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

    It is allowed to consume foods with elevated levels of the substance for ulcers and gastritis. However, you can include them in the menu only during the period of remission, and not during an exacerbation.

    How to get rid of oxalates

    Nutritional therapy will help you effectively get rid of these substances. All products containing oxalic acid are excluded from the daily menu. First of all, it is sorrel, rhubarb, chocolate, strawberries, beets, tea and coffee. It is recommended to use decoctions from the following compositions:

    • The peels of apples, pears and quinces are poured with cold water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. You can add a little sugar to the resulting decoction to taste and use it as a compote.
    • Blackcurrant and pear leaves are dried and used instead of tea in winter. Brew like regular tea with the calculation: two tablespoons per half liter of boiling water.
    • Doctors recommend eating dried fruits and making compotes from them.

    In case of urolithiasis, a list of products containing oxalic acid should be excluded from consumption.

    To neutralize acid, all dishes are prepared from alkaline foods. These include garlic, oatmeal, white cabbage, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, as well as boiled fish and eggs. It is recommended to consume as much calcium, antioxidants, potassium and magnesium as possible.

    Doctors and nutritionists note the beneficial effects of oxalic acid on the gastrointestinal tract. Acid is also indicated for:

    1. Sinusitis.
    2. Sinusitis.
    3. Runny nose.
    4. Painful periods.
    5. Menopause.

    Oxalic acid also prevents the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body that contribute to the progression of typhoid fever and cholera.

    Beneficial properties of oxalic acid and its effect on the body:

    Oxalic acid has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with runny nose and sinusitis. Able to have a healing effect in painful and heavy menstruation, atypical menopause. In addition, the acid included in the products prevents the development of pathogenic organisms such as cholera, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, chlamydia and other pathogens.

    Interaction with other elements

    Oxalic acid is a product of protein metabolism. It dissolves well in water. Combines with vitamin C. It interacts with calcium, forming insoluble calcium oxalate. In addition, oxalic acid ions have the ability to interact with magnesium.

    Signs of excess oxalic acid:

    • urolithiasis, the diagnosis of which revealed the presence of calcium oxalates;
    • gouty changes in osteochondral tissue.

    Signs of oxalic acid deficiency:

    Currently, according to research from the Chicago Institute of Nutrition and Health, no such signs have been found.

    Oxalic acid – a component of beauty and health

    Since a person consumes oxalic acid along with accompanying proteins and vitamins, it is not only an accompanying component for them, but also a solvent, providing them with access to all cells of our body. And since health and beauty can only exist when there is adequate nutrition, oxalic acid provides transport services for vitamins and minerals.

    Despite the fact that oxalic acid is an aggressive acid, its correct use will never cause you harm. For example, the famous American doctor N. Walker advised the use of oxalic acid (part of oxalic juice) to restore normal intestinal motility.

    Doctors and nutritionists note the beneficial effects of oxalic acid on the gastrointestinal tract. Acid is also indicated for:

    1. Sinusitis.
    2. Sinusitis.
    3. Runny nose.
    4. Painful periods.
    5. Menopause.

    Oxalic acid also prevents the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body that contribute to the progression of typhoid fever and cholera.

    Side effects

    Some caution should be exercised with oxalic acid. In addition to kidney stones, an abundance of acid in the diet contributes to the following symptoms:

    • pain in the abdominal area;
    • weakness;
    • burning of the sinuses and other mucous membranes;
    • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

    The following symptoms indicate the development of urolithiasis:

    • acute painful sensations in the abdominal cavity;
    • back pain syndrome;
    • groin pain;
    • difficulty urinating;
    • change in urine color.


    Food products containing oxalic acid are commercially available.

    It is important to remember that a high dosage of acid promotes the accumulation of calcium in the body. As a result, stones form in the bladder and kidneys.

    According to scientists, the safe and healthy amount of acid esters and salts is 50 milligrams per 100 grams of food products.

    Spinach and rhubarb

    The most generous source of oxalic acid is rhubarb. The largest amount of it is contained in rhubarb leaves. The stewed unsweetened product contains approximately 860 milligrams of acid, and the canned product contains 600 milligrams. Another well-known source of oxalates is spinach. When boiled it contains 750 milligrams of oxalic acid, and when fresh frozen it contains 600 milligrams/100 g.

    Coffee and tea

    Large amounts of oxalic acid are found in some types of tea. So, in white and green tea the acid level fluctuates around 6-12 milligrams. In a herbal drink - approximately 0.84 milligrams. But after treating yourself to one cup of black coffee or tea, a person receives 12-30 milligrams of oxalic acid.

    Fruits and vegetables

    Natural foods (fruits and vegetables) are also sources of acid:

    1. Beets - 500-675 milligrams.
    2. Lime and lemon peel - 83-110 milligrams.
    3. Chard - 645 milligrams.
    4. Okra - 145 milligrams.

    Natural springs

    Products of plant origin are a storehouse of ethanedioic acid: the concentration of the substance in plant leaves is much higher than in stems and roots.

    Sorrel700 – 850
    Spinach600 – 750
    Beet leaf (chard)500 – 670
    cocoa beans550 – 600
    Sprouted wheat grains270
    Roasted peanuts180
    Black chocolate110
    Lemon, lime peel90
    Red Ribes19
    Green peas (fresh)15
    Black Eyed Peas5,5
    Black currant4,5
    White bread4,5
    Black tea4,5
    Apples, pears3

    It is interesting that during the heat treatment of products, the substance passes into an inorganic form, forming sparingly soluble salts (oxalates) with calcium. Regular consumption of such food, in addition to stone formation, leads to impaired absorption of calcium, and as a result, destruction of bone and cartilage tissue.

    Foods rich in potassium

    Oxalic acid is found in the form of potassium oxalates. Foods that contain large amounts of potassium include:

    • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
    • apricots;
    • beans;
    • prunes.
    ProductAmount of substance (mg.)% of daily value
    Parsley (frozen, dehydrated)6 300252
    Tea6 040242
    Spices (chervil)4 740190
    Coriander, dry4 466179
    Celery (sushi)4 388176
    Mushrooms (bel, sushi)3 937157
    Coffee (solvent powder)3535141
    Radish3 494140
    Tomatoes3 427137
    Potato1 98880
    Spices (chili, powder)1 95078
    Spices (dry mint)1 92477
    Pepper1 87075
    Mocha (coffee+cocoa)1 85674
    Apricots (dehydrated)1 85074
    Mashed potatoes (dehydrated)1 84874
    Beans (soybean, mature)1 79772
    Beans1 79572
    Milk (dry, skimmed)1 79472
    Caraway1 78872
    Molasses1 46459
    Cod (sushi)1 45858
    Spices (anise)1 44158
    Cheese (gate)1 40956
    Beans (red)1 40656
    Beans (white)1 40356
    Spices (celery)1 40056
    Beans (pinto)1 39356
    Salami (pork, beef)1 37255
    Algae (sea)1 36355
    Oregano (dry)1 26050
    Beans (adzuki)1 25450
    Potato soup (quick)1 24850
    Beans1 24650
    Potato sticks1 23749
    Milk (dry, low-fat)1 22449
    Milk (whole)1 20048
    Spices (garlic powder)1 19348
    Agar-agar1 12545
    Egg1 12545
    Spices (cardamom)1 11945
    Egg (chicken, white)1 11645
    Litchie1 11044
    Spices (cloves, hammer)1 10244
    Beans (grain)1 10044
    Mushrooms (dry fried)1 04442
    Egg (duck white)1 04242
    Pistachios1 04242
    Peanut1 02541
    Tomato paste (canned with salt)1 01741

    Diet for urolithiasis

    It is important to know that in some cases the development of urolithiasis is provoked by the following products:

    Once the diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment, which also includes following a special diet. So, you need to eliminate (or limit the consumption) of fish and meat products from your diet. Oxalic acid can be formed during metabolism. It is extremely important to consider that acid levels increase due to the following: a person is nervous, overtired and overexcited. Therefore, the matter does not end with food restriction alone. It is important to take a course of sedative medications and try to avoid situations that provoke a nervous breakdown. Only in this case the chance of a full recovery increases. The most important thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation. Knowing the body’s need for oxalic acid, you can adjust your diet so that the product enters the body in the required quantity.

    Oxalic acid is an organic compound found in nature both in pure form and in the form of salts - oxalates. This substance was first discovered at the end of the 18th century during studies of sorrel salt. A few decades later (in 1824), the German scientist Friedrich Wöhler was able to synthesize it from cyanogen.

    Today, the question remains open about the beneficial properties of this compound and its negative impact on the human body. It has been proven that uncontrolled consumption of food rich in oxalic acid provokes the development of kidney stones and other pathological processes. Along with this, this substance performs a lot of useful functions in the human body and protects its internal organs and systems from the adverse effects of endogenous and exogenous factors.

    Oxalates affect the formation of kidney stones

    This is useful to know. With the BGBK diet, foods containing two proteins are removed from the diet of an adult or child: gluten and casein.

    Products that are high-carbohydrate and low-oxalate in nature are replaced in the classic BGB diet with high-oxalate foods (almonds and other nuts and seeds, green leafy greens). Is it possible to protect yourself from the possible damage of oxalate compounds that enter the body in food?

    Oxalates are salts of oxalic acid. Salts of oxalic acid (in other words, oxalates) can have undesirable effects on metabolic mechanisms. For your information, the portion of calcium oxalates in kidney stones formed is 75-80%. In addition, hyperoxaluria (high levels of oxalates in urine) interferes with the metabolic mechanisms that occur in autism, thyroid problems, inflammation of the digestive tract and, possibly, asthma. Typically, excessive accumulation of oxalic acid salts by the body is carried out metabolically (oxalates are produced by the body), and there is also a dietary problem - an increase in oxalate levels through the intake of high-oxalate foods. This is when it makes sense to follow a low-oxalate diet (aka LOD).

    There are generally no consequences to consuming a moderate amount of high-oxalate foods. Most oxalates from food are removed in urine after 2-6 hours.

    But a number of subjective reasons can activate unwanted biochemical processes.

    There is another reason to reduce the oxalate content of foods. The presence of a significant amount of oxalic acid and its salts in food negatively affects digestion and complicates the adsorption of elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium.

    Consequences of cooking

    With an increased likelihood of kidney stone growth and hyperoxaluria, it makes sense to categorically remove high-oxalate foods from the diet. The general mass of people does not have a strict need to remove spinach, broccoli, beets and other vegetables of this type from their diet. Certain culinary methods of processing foods will make it possible to reduce the likelihood of accumulation of oxalate compounds in the body.

    • Leafy greens: recommended
    • Blanch for 4-6 minutes followed by immediate immersion in very cold water

    • Blanching 6-10 minutes

    Some scientific findings indicate that briefly cooking high-oxalate foods and draining vegetable broth removes most of the soluble oxalates (up to 87%).

    Steaming and pressure cooking did not give such good results.

    Drying, on the contrary, has the opposite effect (the proportion of oxalate salts increases)

    Beans, beans

    Soaking with sprouting (before cooking) makes it possible to reduce the presence of oxalic acid and its salts in legumes by 1/4.

    You can also add salt after soaking and fry a little in a frying pan or in the oven. This method makes it possible to reduce the oxalate level of nuts and seeds. Drying also shows a negative result (increased oxalate).

    Effect of heat treatment on the presence of oxalates in food (mg/100 g fresh weight)

    ProductProcessing time, min.Presence of oxalates in raw formPresence of oxalates after steamingPresence of oxalates after cooking
    Red chard121,1671, 052 (-10%)428 (-63%)
    Chard green12964556 (-42%)335 (-65%)
    Spinach121, 145797(-30%)460 (-60%)
    Rhubarb15532505 (-5%)309 (-42%)
    Beet126463 (-2%)48 (-25%)
    Carrot124422 (-50%)18 (-59%)
    Brussels sprouts121513 (-13%)6 (-60%)
    Broccoli121412 (-12)4 (-71%)
    Potato453130 (-3%)25 (-6%)

    Non-culinary methods that inhibit the adsorption of oxalates from food

    Positive influence of intestinal flora

    Certain types of bacteria that grow in the intestines tend to break down oxalates. This is oxalobacter formigenes. Weakening the protective properties of microflora is a factor in the occurrence of kidney stones. There is information that patients with the smallest population of these microorganisms more often demonstrate intestinal inflammation and other seemingly unrelated diseases.

    Calcium as an “antidote”

    Calcium present in foods can help control oxalates. In the presence of calcium in the intestines, oxalates form insoluble conglomerates, which are subsequently eliminated in excrement.

    Conclusion: introducing calcium-containing foods into the menu has the effect of reducing the amount of soluble oxalates.

    A useful and effective measure for hypercalciuria is to minimize the consumption of salt and animal protein foods in parallel with sufficient calcium in food.

    Magnesium also has the ability to bind soluble oxalates from consumed foods, preventing them from entering the circulatory system. In order to reduce the oxalate load from food, it is advisable to introduce calcium and magnesium into the body immediately before meals.

    Features of preparing a diet for patients predisposed to the formation of oxalate stones:

    • Gelatin activates oxalate. This means that it makes sense not to get carried away with products containing gelatin.
    • Bran contains a large amount of oxalates.
    • Reducing the amount of protein consumed can lead to a decrease in oxalate formation, but vegetarian diets, having the opposite effect, can provoke an increase in oxalate formation in the kidneys.

    Tips for Reducing Dietary Oxalate Load

    • Reduce oxalate intake from food (limit (or eliminate) high oxalate foods)
    • 1000 – 1200 mg of calcium per day (norm for adults), norm for children, based on age (From calcium-containing products combined with oxalate ones).
    • Determine the status of the intestinal microflora for the presence of O.formigenes. Currently available commercial testing tools are under development.
    • Reduce your vitamin C intake (avoid taking vitamin C and foods containing it).
    • Reduce the concentration of oxalates in urine (increase the volume of fluid taken and reduce the intake of oxalates).

    The benefits and harms of oxalic acid

    Oxalic acid is an intermediate metabolic product, the excess of which is quickly eliminated from the body in the form of oxalates. This compound is not only absolutely harmless for a healthy person, but also brings tangible benefits to him. In particular, this substance and its salts:

    • have a positive effect on the condition and functioning of the digestive system;
    • stimulate muscle function;
    • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
    • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the female genitourinary system (help prevent the development of amenorrhea and female infertility, get rid of pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause);
    • prevent the development of infertility and impotence in men;
    • have excellent bactericidal properties;
    • are recognized as indispensable assistants in the fight against intestinal infections, tuberculosis, rhinitis, chlamydia, sinusitis, migraines, rheumatism and other pathologies.

    Benefit or harm? Basic properties

    Oxalic acid is a two-fold product: on the one hand, due to its beneficial properties, it has a positive effect on the functioning of certain systems and organs, and on the other hand, excessive consumption can be harmful to health. The beneficial properties of the substance are that it:

    • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract, normalizes intestinal motility.
    • Normalizes the functioning of the body's nervous system.
    • Helps in the fight against female and male infertility.
    • Reduces headaches, helps with migraines.
    • Helps normalize the condition of the genitourinary system of men and women, successfully solves problems arising from pathologies such as amenorrhea, impotence, menstrual pain and heavy bleeding, helps eliminate the negative manifestations of menopause.
    • It has antibacterial properties and is used in the fight against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, in addition, the acid is often used in the treatment of sinusitis, tuberculosis, and chlamydia.
    • The recommended dosage must be carefully followed. The daily dose that can be consumed without harm to health is 50 mg of the substance per 100 g. product _

      Among the negative consequences of excessive consumption of inorganic oxalic acid are:

    • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
    • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Leaching of calcium from the skeletal system.
    • Formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system.

    Negative consequences can occur with excessive consumption of thermally processed foods containing large amounts of oxalic acid.

    In order to reduce the negative consequences of using this substance, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Eat fresh young shoots and plants.
  • Discard the first water when cooking food containing this substance. If this is not possible, then soak them in boiling water for several minutes and then add them to the dish.
  • Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
  • Reduce the amount of vitamin C you consume, as it increases acidity.
  • People suffering from rheumatism, gout, arthritis, and urolithiasis should avoid taking both processed and fresh foods containing high amounts of this substance.

    Safe consumption standards for oxalic acid

    It has been proven that healthy people can eat foods rich in oxalic acid and oxalates without worrying about the onset of adverse consequences for the body. In this case, you only need to ensure that in every 100 g of consumed products there is no more than 50 mg of this substance and its salts. At the same time, individuals suffering from gout, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis or metabolic disorders are advised to strictly follow a diet that minimizes the consumption of this compound.

    Rules for using products with oxalic acid

    Although the substance is necessary for the body to function well, the daily requirement for it is very small. A person needs to receive only 20-30 mg of the compound per day, and 50 mg is the upper acceptable threshold. You cannot exceed the maximum dosage, as this will lead to unpleasant side effects.

    The consumption of products with the chemical compound oxalate should be reasonable. So, it is not recommended to overuse berries and fruits. To cover the daily requirement of the substance, you will have to eat a lot of fruits, and this can lead to digestive upset.

    What products contain oxalic acid?

    A small portion of vegetable salad with herbs will fill the need for oxalates

    What foods contain oxalic acid?

    The main sources of oxalic acid are plant products. Moreover, in the leaves of plants the concentration of this compound is significantly higher than in their stems or roots. This substance is found rarely and in small quantities in dairy products, fish and meat.

    Food products containing oxalic acid are conventionally divided into the following groups:

    • containing this substance in high concentrations - cocoa beans, chard, rhubarb, beets, spinach, wheat germ, some nuts, dry cookies;
    • with a moderate content of the specified compound - chocolate, leeks, oatmeal, parsley, raspberries, grapes, celery, red currants, green peas, strawberries, eggplants, parsnips, plums, fruit jams and marmalade;
    • low in oxalic acid and oxalates - fruit juices, pork, animal liver, bacon, sea fish, dairy products, pasta, tomato juice, mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, dried fruits, tea, black currants, coffee, onions and green onions, garden fruits, pineapples, cauliflower, etc.

    More detailed information on the content of this compound and its salts in food products is collected in the table.

    List of food productsContent of oxalic acid, mg in every 100 g of edible part of the original product
    Stewed rhubarb866,4
    Boiled spinach754,1
    Cocoa powder633,5
    Canned rhubarb604,3
    Spinach raw602,9
    Sprouted wheat grains271,2
    Roasted peanuts188,1
    Black chocolate118,4
    Lime, lemon peel94,8
    Red Ribes19,2
    Green peas15,6
    Fruit and berry jams, preservesabout 11.3
    Seed parsnip10,9
    Liver (pork, beef, chicken)about 7.4
    Cranberry juice6,9
    Grape juice5,9
    Black Eyed Peas5,4
    Tomato juice5,4
    Black currant4,8
    White bread4,6
    Black tea4,3
    Mushrooms of all kindsabout 2.2
    Egg noodles1,2
    Carbonated sweet drinks1,1
    Green onion0,9
    Orange juice0,6
    Sea fish0,4

    Main products characterized by a high content of oxalic acid

    There are different types and categories of products that contain high levels of oxalic acid (mg/100g):

    Cereals, flour products.

    • Sprouted wheat grains – 269 mg.
    • Cracker – 207 mg.
    • Oatmeal – 41 mg.
    • White bread – 4 mg.
    • Spaghetti – 1.5 mg.

    Meat, fish, eggs, offal:

    • Liver – 7.1 mg.
    • Sardines – 4.8 mg.
    • Bacon – 3.3 mg.
    • Pork – 1.7 mg.
    • Eggs, chicken, beef – 0 mg.

    Fruits, berries, nuts:

    • Peanuts – 187 mg.
    • Grapes – 25 mg.
    • Red currant – 19 mg.
    • Strawberries, raspberries – 15 mg.
    • Plums – 10 mg.
    • Prunes – 5.8 mg.
    • Avocado, watermelon, melon – 0 mg.


    • Boiled spinach – 750 mg., frozen – 600 mg.
    • Sorrel – 600 mg.
    • Beetroot – 500 mg.
    • Rhubarb stems – 150-500 mg. Depending on the age of the shoots.
    • Parsley – 100 mg.
    • Leek – 89 mg.
    • Celery – 20 mg.
    • Potatoes, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage – 0 mg.

    Confectionery, sweets:

    • Chocolate – 117 mg.
    • Marmalade, jam – 10.8 mg.
    • Fruit jelly – 0 mg.


    • Cranberry juice – 6.6 mg.
    • Grape juice – 5.8 mg.
    • Tomato juice – 5.0 mg.
    • Rosehip tea – 4.0 mg.
    • Coffee – 3.2 mg.
    • Grapefruit, pineapple juice – 0 mg.

    The consumption of products such as: completely covers the percentage of the recommended daily dose:

    • Parsley (frozen, dehydrated) 252%.
    • Tea – 242%.
    • Chervil spices – 190%.
    • Dried coriander – 179%.
    • Dried celery – 176%.
    • Sorrel – 150%.
    • Dried porcini mushrooms – 157%.
    • Instant coffee – 141%.
    • Radish – 140%.
    • Tomatoes – 137%.


    How to avoid excess accumulation of oxalates in the body?

    In order to avoid the consequences of excessive accumulation of oxalic acid in the body and its deposits in organs and tissues in the form of salts, it is necessary:

    • try to eat vegetables raw;
    • Before cooking foods, immerse them in boiling water for several minutes;
    • When cooking vegetables, change the water several times;
    • combine the use of foods containing this substance and calcium;
    • use only young, fresh vegetable leaves for cooking;
    • drink more than one and a half liters of pure or mineral water during the day (consumption of soups and other drinks does not count towards this norm), as well as at least 100 g of lemon juice (it is advisable to add it in small quantities to water and other drinks);
    • Avoid overdosing on vitamin C, try to get ascorbic acid from foods, and not from vitamin-mineral complexes.

    It is important to remember that the first signs of accumulation in the body of excess oxalic acid, its salts and symptoms of the development of associated pathologies are:

    • periodic pain in the kidney area, lower abdomen, lower back;
    • the appearance of blood or pus in the urine;
    • discharge of small stones along with urine (as a rule, discharge occurs after renal colic with kidney stones).

    If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

    Useful tips

    When consuming foods that contain oxalic acid, it is easy to obtain excess amounts of the chemical compound. To prevent this from happening, and to quickly remove excess substances from the body, you need to follow simple rules:

    • eat fresh and high-quality vegetables and herbs;
    • When boiling, change the water several times;
    • combine foods with oxalic acid with dishes that contain calcium.

    We must not forget about the daily intake of clean water - you need to drink at least 2 liters per day. If the liquid enters the body in sufficient volumes, then oxalate salts will not accumulate and will not lead to the development of unpleasant consequences.

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