How to recognize liver disease by signs and symptoms?

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body. It is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. The ribs that protect it cover about half of it.

The liver is essential for many important functions of the body, and without it we cannot survive. This is reason enough to learn to recognize warnings about our body that we could pay attention to in early liver disease.

And this is a good reason for us to take care of our liver as best we can.

Main causes of back pain

Back pain can develop for various reasons. Among them:

radiculitis; osteochondrosis; spina bifida; lumbar spine injuries; acute and chronic pancreatitis; cholecystitis and cholelithiasis; gastric/duodenal ulcer; pyelonephritis, pyelitis; glomerulonephritis; hydronephrosis; urolithiasis; nephroptosis; abdominal aortic aneurysm; inflammatory diseases of organs located in small pelvis.

To find out whether the lower back or kidneys hurt, you need to know the characteristic features of the pathology of the main body systems.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

how to recognize kidney pain

Lower back pain caused by radiculitis or osteochondrosis has the following features:

localization in the middle part of the back (in the projection of the spine); possible irradiation to the buttock, back of the thigh (along the sciatic nerve); pulling or, on the contrary, sharp shooting character; connection between increased pain and the following actions: prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position; lifting heavy objects ;sudden movement; any load unusual for a person; sharp limitation of active movements associated with pain; severe tension in the back muscles.

Also, an improvement in the condition after using anti-inflammatory, warming agents helps to understand that it is the lower back that hurts, and not the kidneys. Unpleasant sensations are significantly reduced if the patient takes a comfortable position, wraps himself in a woolen blanket and sharply limits the range of active movements.

Digestive tract diseases

how to recognize kidney pain

Despite the fact that the organs of the digestive tract are located in the abdominal cavity, due to the nature of the innervation, if there are disturbances in their functioning, the back can sometimes hurt. For example, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is characterized by:

girdle pain, involving the upper third of the abdomen, side and back (on the left); nausea, uncontrollable vomiting; diarrhea, excretion of undigested pieces of food, droplets of fat with feces; disruption of the endocrine function of the pancreas (increased blood glucose levels).

With cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, biliary colic often develops, characterized by sharp acute pain in the right hypochondrium and back. In addition, patients complain of general malaise, nausea, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Sometimes these signs are accompanied by yellowness of the skin and discoloration of feces.

How to determine that the cause of back pain lies in a disease of the digestive system? This is indicated not only by additional symptoms, but also by data from laboratory and instrumental tests (CBC, LBC, abdominal ultrasound, etc.).

Videos on the topic

Where are the human liver and kidneys located?

The liver and kidneys are important organs of human digestion. They cleanse food of harmful substances and absorb harmful microelements.

The liver is located in the right upper quarter of the abdomen. Its upper edge is located approximately at the level of the right nipple, under the diaphragm, and the lower edge reaches 11-12 pairs of ribs.

The human kidneys are located near the lower back, on either side of the spine. In men, the kidneys are located between 3 and 11 vertebrae, and in women between 2 and 10. The left kidney is located above the right, reaches the base of the spleen and 11-12 pairs of ribs and its upper part is in contact with the diaphragm, and the right one is at the level of the right rib 12 couples.

The distance between the ends of the buds is 8-11 cm.

Video: Kidney treatment - Kidney pain

Video: Human body. Liver (hepar).

Often people begin to think about the location of their kidneys only when they begin to hurt. But relying solely on pain, it is quite difficult to determine where the kidneys are.

Pain syndrome in various nephrological diseases is diffuse, sometimes it can indicate dysfunction of internal organs or diseases of the musculoskeletal center.

Ignorance of the anatomical location of the kidneys, as well as the nature of the pain, complicates early diagnosis. Therefore, for timely treatment, it is necessary to know the physiology of the organ, as well as the principles of first aid in the event of kidney pain.


Where are the kidneys located?

The kidney is an important paired bean-shaped organ. It is located on the surface of the posterior wall of the peritoneum on either side of the spinal column. The location of the kidneys corresponds to the level of the XII thoracic and three upper lumbar vertebrae.

Normally, the kidneys are reliably isolated from other organs by a connective membrane (fascia), which attaches them to the diaphragm. Their fixing apparatus is additionally represented by a fatty capsule, a bed of abdominal and back muscles, and vascular pedicles.

The right organ is projected onto the anterior wall of the peritoneum, its membrane is in contact with the duodenum and liver. Left - located in the projection of the epigastric region. The spleen hangs over the left kidney, the organ is covered from behind by the colon, and the anterior wall borders the pancreas, the middle section of the small intestine.

The location of the kidneys depends on gender and age category:

  • in men they are slightly larger, the height of their projection in the lumbar region corresponds to the level of the XI thoracic and second lumbar vertebra;
  • in women they are slightly lowered, but only by half a vertebra;
  • in childhood, the kidneys, despite their large size, occupy a low position in the extraperitoneal space. Closer to 10 years, they rise to the third lumbar vertebra.

The kidney is a mobile organ and changes its location when the body posture changes. Relative to the sacrum, the kidneys can shift by 2-4 cm. If this figure is higher than 5 cm, then we are talking about the “wandering kidney” pathology.

In addition, with the help of palpation during examination, ultrasound or radiography, an abnormal location of the organ can be detected. If pathological prolapse of one kidney is noticed, a diagnosis of unilateral dystopia is made, but if both organs are displaced and are located on the same side of the spinal column, then we are talking about cross dystopia. Fusion is less commonly diagnosed: one-sided, two-sided or in the form of the letter “S”.

Structure and functions of the organ

In cross-section, the kidney is represented by a yellow-red cortex (outer layer), located on the periphery of the organ, and a lilac-red substance (marrow). The approximate weight of the organ is 130-200 g. The average size is 10-12 cm in length, no more than 5 cm in width. The thickness can be about 4 cm.

The parenchyma (internal tissue) of the kidney is densely dotted with renal tubules covered with an epithelial layer. They interact with the capillary network of the organ, creating a functional renal unit - the nephron. It filters primary urine from the plasma. One organ can have more than 1 million such structural units.

Liver failure

A disease of this nature applies to any age. At the same time, the liver loses the functional qualities of its cells, which can be accompanied by encephalopathy (changes in brain function).

Experts classify this pathology according to the time during which it develops: hyperacute failure (within 7 days), acute (up to 21 days) and subacute (from 21 to 26 weeks). Approximately every fifth visit to the doctor leaves questions about the pathogenesis and main causes of this disease unanswered.

A variety of mechanical injuries, the use of medications, chemical insults, and viral hepatitis can lead to the development of liver failure. In this case, the liver is completely affected, in rare cases - isolated. Liver failure leads to steatosis, necrosis, and inflammation of this organ. Depression and mental disorders are often accompanied by the disease.

The symptoms and signs of liver disease do not end there.


In this disease, liver cells, hepatocytes, die, leaving in their place useless connective tissue. This is the last stage of many liver lesions. Main reasons:

  • alcohol;
  • virus;
  • fat lesion.

Cirrhosis of the liver

The main reason is alcohol abuse, which does not allow the liver to recover. The other half develops cirrhosis from advanced hepatitis. Against the background of classic symptoms, it appears in the later stages.

Liver tissue is destroyed. The organ shrinks, ceasing to process waste from the body.

Important! There are no reliable statistics on liver cirrhosis in Russia. Perhaps many more people die from it than doctors believe.

Kidney diseases: who is at risk

Today we are talking about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. As you know, inflammatory processes in the body do not arise out of the blue. This state must be preceded by certain prerequisites. For example, the risk group for people with “problem” kidneys primarily includes diabetics. In type 2 diabetes, it is the kidneys that bear the brunt. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to undergo urine and blood tests every three months.

how to recognize kidney pain

If inflammation is suspected, the therapist refers the patient to a nephrologist for a more detailed examination. If diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, patients need to monitor swelling of the legs and arms, as well as monitor blood pressure. It must be remembered that kidney damage in diabetes can develop into kidney failure. Persons with untreated caries, tonsillitis and those who suffer from a cold on their feet are also susceptible to inflammatory processes in the body. In other cases, the kidneys suffer due to injury, compression or hypothermia.

Symptoms of inflammatory processes

If the pain comes on suddenly and you need instant relief from your symptoms before going to the doctor, experts give simple recommendations. How to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt? Most often, sharp, stabbing and acute pain indicates rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys manifest themselves differently. Carefully monitor your condition throughout the day. Thus, pyelonephritis may not be accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region and may have hidden symptoms (deterioration of health, difficulty urinating, heaviness in the kidney area).

how to recognize kidney pain

In acute inflammation, an increase in body temperature is often observed. This is accompanied by swelling in the face, legs and arms, as well as increased blood pressure. If you don't know how to distinguish back pain from kidney pain, then observe the sensations in a state of calm. With inflammation, heaviness in the lower back does not disappear even when lying down or while sleeping. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel the same unpleasant symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor before the disease becomes chronic. Do not self-prescribe diuretics. Typically, these drugs are effective only in complex therapy.


Regular visits to your doctor can help prevent liver disease. Even if an organ does not hurt, this does not mean that it is healthy. An annual visit to a specialist will identify diseases in the early stages, which will facilitate their subsequent treatment.

Doctors advise taking hepatoprotectors. They are good in both treatment and prevention. Resolute remains a popular drug. It will protect against alcohol damage and lower cholesterol.

Liver health begins with streamlining your lifestyle and diet. A person can reduce the load on the liver in the following ways:

  • lose weight;
  • reduce fatty foods and alcohol;
  • fight a sedentary lifestyle;
  • limit uncontrolled use of medications;
  • beware of viruses;
  • as you age, see a specialist;
  • donate blood for biochemical analysis.

Take care of strengthening your immune system: get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B viruses. Get comprehensive vaccinations. At the birth of a child, experts suggest vaccination in the maternity hospital.

Which doctor treats

A specialist hepatologist deals with the liver. What methods does he use to diagnose diseases?

Polyhepatography detects liver disorders in a timely manner and makes it possible to assess the state of metabolism in the organ. This method allows you to compare the results of other studies:

  • ultrasonic;
  • computer;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood test for alpha-fetoprotein.

Which doctor treats liver disease?

Hepatologists collaborate with gastroenterologists, surgeons, and therapists on issues of liver dysfunction. If we are talking about hepatitis, then infectious disease specialists are involved in treatment.

Hormonal shifts

Changes in hormone synthesis are more noticeable in male patients (especially with alcoholism). Feminization is characteristic of patients with alcoholic (up to 80%) and viral (up to 15%) cirrhosis. It is believed that alcohol can cause testosterone and other androgens (male hormones) to transform into estrogens (female hormones), which explains the changes that occur:

  • gynecomastia (breast enlargement);
  • change in hair type;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • impotence;
  • disappearance of libido.

Some liver diseases (primary biliary cirrhosis, etc.) lead to an increase in parathyroid hormone and its derivatives, which affect bone structures. These patients experience:

  • bone pain;
  • spontaneous fractures;
  • bone deformities (usually flat bones).

In addition, chronic liver pathology (for example, hepatic steatosis) can cause diabetes.

Change in urination

Today we are talking about what to do if your kidneys or back hurt. How to determine inflammation by the nature of urination? In this case, any deviation from the norm should alert you. Kidney disease is accompanied not only by frequent urge to go to the toilet and urinary incontinence. The color of the discharge may change, impurities appear in it, or it becomes rare (which is most often accompanied by swelling).

how to recognize kidney pain

Possible complications

Like any disease, liver pathologies are often accompanied by life-threatening complications. Sometimes patients do not know about their diseases until severe consequences develop, so it is important to know what symptoms accompany complications in order to begin their treatment in a timely manner.

Main complications and their symptoms:

  • Ascites - the most important symptom is an increase in the volume of the abdomen due to accumulating fluid. Accompanied by heartburn, nausea, gas formation, abdominal pain, heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. As the disease progresses, the abdomen becomes larger, the navel protrudes, shortness of breath, swelling appears, and movements are impaired. Leads to umbilical hernia, hemorrhoids, varicocele, peritonitis.
  • Portal hypertension - the very first symptoms are expressed by disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (stool disturbances, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, flatulence, loss of appetite). Causes varicose veins of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and lower extremities, which often provokes internal bleeding and bloody vomiting. Persistent anemia develops.
  • Acute liver failure - characterized by sudden mood swings, irritability, overexcitation, which are replaced by drowsiness and apathy. Dyspeptic disorders, signs of intoxication, ascites, and neuropsychiatric disorders are observed.
  • Chronic liver failure - symptoms are similar to the acute form, but with the chronic development of the symptom, endocrine disorders, decreased libido, gynecomastia, mammary gland atrophy, baldness, and skin lesions develop.
  • Encephalopathy - characterized by mental instability, impaired reflexes, loss of space, cognitive impairment, convulsions, and atony. Leads to hepatic coma.

Liver pathologies are dangerous because they often occur without severe symptoms. Therefore, people prone to liver damage and at risk of developing such diseases need to visit a doctor once a year and undergo examinations.


Diseases in which viruses multiply exclusively in liver cells (hepatocytes) are called viral hepatitis. Causes inflammation of the organ. Classic symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • dark stool;
  • light urine;
  • jaundice.

Hepatitis A (Botkin's disease) belongs to the category of “dirty hands” diseases, that is, it is of a contact nature. It occurs when an organ is infected, occurs in an anicteric form, without consequences, and ends quickly. There are no subjective symptoms; they are revealed only during examination. In adulthood it is difficult to tolerate.

Important! A person is able to independently develop immunity against hepatitis A after having had it once.

Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood. The disease drags on for a long time and leads to serious consequences (cirrhosis, cancer). It is easier in adults than in children. There is a greater chance of becoming infected with this type of hepatitis due to the low infectious dose required to initiate the disease. It is transmitted through household and sexual contact. One carrier of the virus infects the entire family within a year.

Hepatitis treatment

Important! A third of the world's population is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis C is transmitted, just like hepatitis B, through blood and sexual contact. The infectious dose is higher than that of hepatitis B, that is, it is more difficult to get sick with it. The disease proceeds latently, suddenly manifesting itself with severe complications. Leads to fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. The percentage of patients is lower. It has the character of a chronic infection.

Important! It is not transmitted by contact: through kisses, handshakes, hugs, etc.

Hepatitis E is a more severe variant of hepatitis A. It develops against the background of a lack of hygienic conditions and violations of sanitary standards. The disease requires an increased infectious dose.

Important! Hepatitis E is common in Southeast Asia.

Hepatitis D develops only against the background of hepatitis B. The malignant form of the disease is most likely fatal.

Features of treatment

After the patient has passed the appropriate tests, done an ultrasound examination, an x-ray of the lumbar region (in case of suspected osteochondrosis or arthritis), the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course of treatment. When examining a patient, doctors tap the lumbar region with the edge of their palm. If the patient feels internal pain, this clearly indicates inflammatory processes in the kidney area. In addition to prescribed medications, doctors prescribe a regimen, rest and gentle exercise. It is important to review your diet, exclude salty and spicy foods, dairy products, and also adjust your fluid intake. A decoction of corn silk will help you quickly cope with pain (if you follow a diet). Now you can determine for yourself whether your lower back or kidneys hurt. We described the causes and nature of the pain in detail. Let us emphasize once again that you should not self-medicate and delay going to the doctor.

Lower back pain is a common symptom that requires special attention from the doctor and the patient. According to statistics, up to 90% of all cases of discomfort in the lower back are caused by problems with the spine and nerve roots, 6% by kidney diseases and 4% by pathologies of other organs.

It can be very difficult to recognize the nature and distinctive features of pain without specialized knowledge, and ignoring the peculiar signals for help that the body sends is dangerous to health. Listen to yourself and try to figure out what kind of pain is bothering you: in the kidneys or lower back.

how to recognize kidney pain

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