Linden for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, for headaches, burns, liver diseases and nervous excitability. Doctor at 100!

Medicinal decoctions and infusions prepared from linden blossom increase sweating and diuresis, activate the secretion of gastric juice, increase secretion and improve the outflow of bile, and have an anti-inflammatory and mild sedative effect.

An infusion of linden blossom (Infusum florum Tiliae) is used for fevers and colds (influenza, bronchial catarrh), inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and increased nervous excitement in young and elderly patients.

In folk medicine, linden blossom is used for fainting, headaches, hysteria and epilepsy, as well as for coughs, stomach pain and intestinal colic.

Locally, an infusion of linden blossom is used for rinsing for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and respiratory tract (stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis), and in the form of poultices and lotions for burns, ulcers, inflammation of hemorrhoids, rheumatic and gouty pain in the joints.

For nervous diseases, take linden blossom baths.

Linden blossom is included in diaphoretic teas and gargling teas, in mixtures used to treat diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys and bladder, kidney stones, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, etc.

This is interesting:

Rosehip heals kidneys

Linden buds, mashed to the consistency of dough, are applied to burns, hemorrhoids and abscesses, and used for compresses for venous diseases and gout.

Powder from the fruit stops bleeding from the nose (in a lying position) and from wounds.

Linden fruits are edible, similar in taste to nuts. Spring vitamin salads are prepared from buds and young wrinkled leaves.

Aspen buds

For chronic glomerulonephritis, enzyme infusion from poplar buds helps well...

To prepare the infusion, take a 3-liter jar of whey, add 1 glass of sugar, 1 tsp. sour cream, mix thoroughly. Tie 100 g of crushed pine buds into a gauze knot and lower it to the bottom of a jar of whey. Place the jar in a warm place for two weeks until fermentation begins.

To use, pour half a glass of infusion from the jar and take the product 2 times a day before meals.

Linden tea during pregnancy

Linden blossom is very useful for making tea during pregnancy. During this difficult period of life, a woman is not recommended to take medications; it is better to use folk remedies, one of which is linden tea.

  • Linden tea is a means of preventing influenza and ARVI for a pregnant woman with a weakened immune system.
  • During the treatment of the disease, linden blossom will have an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, and will help get rid of cough. The natural remedy has no side effects and will not harm the baby.
  • Tea reduces swelling, which many women suffer during pregnancy.
  • A drink made from linden flowers can help with insomnia and nervous breakdowns that are typical for women during pregnancy.

The benefits of linden tea for babies have also been known for a long time. It can be given to children six months of age in small doses, after coordinating the infusion with the pediatrician.

Poplar buds

Few people know that poplar buds are also very useful. The poplar tree is an excellent doctor; it belongs to the category of trees that increase immunity. Poplar buds are fragrant. For medicinal raw materials, the buds are collected when the poplar is just beginning to bloom, and the buds are still dense and sticky.

The buds of black poplar (sedge) are best suited for preparing infusions, infusions, oils and ointments. Used as a diuretic, antipyretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and sedative (sedative).


Pour 20 g of dried poplar buds into a glass of boiling water, cover with a thick towel or cloth, let it brew for two hours, strain and take 1 tablespoon several times a day. Used for cystitis, constipation, neuroses, hemorrhoids, gout.


Tincture differs from infusion in that it is infused with 40º vodka. Prepare a tincture at a ratio of 1:10 and let it infuse in a warm place for 2 weeks. Take 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day for gout, cystitis, rheumatism, colds, scanty menstruation and cancer.


To prepare the oil, you need to pour poplar buds with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 10. Place on low heat and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and let the oil with the buds cool, then strain. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day with meals to relieve pain due to urolithiasis.


A third of a glass of fresh poplar buds is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm cloth. Allow to cool slightly and strain. Moisten the fabric with warm steam and apply it to the sore spot if the joints or tendons are damaged.


To prepare 3 tbsp. dried and well-chopped kidneys are thoroughly mixed with unsalted butter and stored in the refrigerator. As needed, apply for rheumatism, itchy skin, hair loss, gout, joint diseases, purulent wounds, burns, fungal skin infections.

Cooking recipes

Dosage forms based on linden measles, used in folk treatment, provide significant relief for a fairly wide range of diseases. It is important to first consult an experienced doctor who will determine the advisability of such treatment.


You will need crushed dried or finely chopped fresh linden bark. Transfer 2 tsp. raw materials into a faience teapot. Steam with boiling water - 350 ml. Cover with a warm cap for 25 minutes, and then drink the healing drink like traditional tea.

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Medicinal properties of alder bark, use in folk medicine, contraindications for use

The result is the treatment of influenza and the elimination of digestive disorders. Tea helps cure colds and cleanses the body of toxic compounds.


Effectively relieves inflammation of the gums, treats gingivitis, regulates the functions of the gallbladder. Helps with pathologies of the genitourinary system.

To prepare it at home, you will need 20 g of dried crushed linden bark. Transfer it to an enamel saucepan with 500 ml of boiled water.

Leave for a quarter of an hour, and then place the dishes on the stove and bring the product to a boil. Strain the broth after it has cooled completely. Use as a mouth rinse up to 4-5 times a day.

Lilac buds

Lilacs delight us every spring with their unique aroma and wild blooms.

Lilac buds are collected in the spring, when they are swollen but have not yet burst. An infusion of lilac buds can be taken for diabetes. For this, 2-3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over fresh lilac buds, let it brew for 6 hours, strain and drink in small portions throughout the day.

For radiculitis and joint pain, you can rub the ointment. It is prepared as follows. Grind the dried lilac buds in a blender, mix thoroughly with rendered lard in a ratio of 1:4. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

Lilac flowers also have excellent healing properties, read about this here.

Composition of linden tea and preparation rules

Linden tea has unique healing properties. It contains a full range of vitamins and microelements necessary for human health. The drink is sweetish in taste, has a pleasant subtle aroma and golden color.

Linden tea contains the following substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • phytoncides that have an antiseptic effect;
  • essential oils that have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • tanning agents.

You must be able to brew linden tea correctly; only in this case can you get a truly medicinal drink. It is better to use ceramic dishes to make tea. First, you should pour boiling water over the kettle, then add flowers and calculate 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water. It is better to pour the inflorescences not with boiling water, but with water that has cooled to 95°C. Next, wrap the teapot in a towel and steep the tea for 30 minutes.

Linden buds

Many people know about the beneficial properties of linden flowers, especially when it comes to treating colds. But linden buds also have no less beneficial properties.

Collect young linden leaves along with buds and grind with a blender. Apply the resulting pulp onto a clean cotton cloth and apply to sore spots. Bandages are used as a softening, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent for burns, mastitis, ulcers, rheumatism and joint diseases, and gout.

Did you know that linden buds can be pickled and then used as a substitute for capers in salads and sauces?

To marinate linden buds you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of swollen linden buds;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 250 ml 6% natural vinegar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 3 allspice peas and 3 black peppercorns;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 1-2 bay leaves.

First we prepare the marinade. For the marinade, boil water, add vinegar, salt and all the spices, bring to a boil again, remove from heat and let cool, then strain.

Sterilize clean glass jars using one of the following methods (one of them is in the microwave; find out how to do this by following this link).

Remove any outer scales from swollen but unopened buds, rinse under running water, and place on a sieve to drain excess water. Place the kidneys in prepared jars, fill with marinade, roll up the jars and store in a cool place.


Alcohol products, the basic component of which is linden bark, have a number of contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • complicated liver diseases;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • individual intolerance.

It is prohibited to use tinctures during pregnancy, while breastfeeding newborns, and for children under 12 years of age.

Linden measles, with proper selection of healing methods and compliance with medical recommendations, allows you to intensify the cure for certain diseases.

It is important not to exceed the established treatment regimen and dosage to minimize potential harm to health. Particular caution is required with alcohol-based medicinal products, which can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

Birch buds

Birch buds have many beneficial properties: antibacterial, diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmodic and disinfectant, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the immune system. Birch buds are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, tinctures, and ointments. Read more about the use of birch buds in my article “Birch buds. Benefits and Applications."

Linden honey

To treat colds, restore immunity, and as a diaphoretic, linden honey is used, which has a number of beneficial properties.

It helps to quickly restore strength after illnesses, is useful for children and the elderly, its systematic use improves brain function, strengthens muscles, improves mood, and reduces high blood pressure.

Cystitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers - all this can also be treated with linden honey, and consuming it during menopause helps maintain normal hormonal levels.

When consuming this type of honey, you should not add it to very hot milk, tea or water, as some of its beneficial properties are lost due to high temperature.

The liquid should be warm.

If you have a stuffy nose or a sore throat, you can hold a spoonful of honey in your mouth until it dissolves.

When treating a cough, it is useful to inhale with honey, and for excitability of the nervous system and insomnia, you can take warm baths with the addition of this healing agent.

You should not consume large amounts of honey at night, otherwise it will be difficult to sleep.

The use of linden honey is contraindicated in the following cases:

For pollen intolerance, asthma, diabetes.

During pregnancy, if there are any complications.

When consumed by children, honey should be introduced into the diet in small portions, otherwise an allergy may develop.

Pine buds

Lately, I have increasingly come across information about how beneficial pine buds are. To be honest, before I simply had no idea how beneficial they are for our health. They not only improve immunity, but have antiviral, bactericidal, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic and sedative effects. It is also a large storehouse of useful substances.

Read more about the beneficial properties of pine buds here: “Pine buds. Application" and "Pine honey".

Currant buds

No less useful are the buds on currant bushes. They can be used for headaches, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. To prepare the infusion, pour 4 tablespoons of currant buds into a liter of boiling water, place the container in a water bath and cook for another 30 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink a glass of infusion throughout the day, like regular tea.

For exudative diathesis and conjunctivitis in children, prepare an infusion of buds along with currant branches, having previously crushed them. Pour 50 g of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for another 10 minutes, cool and strain. Wash your children’s eyes with the resulting infusion or bathe them, adding the resulting infusion to the water.

The benefits of linden - 10 useful properties

Linden decoctions, infusions and teas from linden fully reveal all their beneficial properties. The benefits of linden blossom are enormous; a decoction of the flowers has diaphoretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Linden blossom with honey treats colds, sore throats, and eliminates inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder. Infusions of linden flowers and leaves help in the treatment of chronic cough and even alleviate the suffering of cancer patients. Linden tea has an excellent rejuvenating effect. Morning washing with linden infusion will make your skin healthy and not fading.

Benefits of linden blossom for the heart

Linden tea is an excellent sedative and is very useful for hypertensive patients. The drink relaxes muscle tension well and relieves nervousness.

Infusions of linden flowers have a vasodilating effect, they very gently lower blood pressure, and also cleanse and thin the blood, which is useful for patients suffering from atherosclerosis, phlebitis, and angina attacks. Linden teas and infusions should be taken for preventive purposes by people who have even minor heart problems.

Benefits of linden blossom for the nervous system

Linden teas are good at calming the nervous system. They relieve nervousness, anxiety, muscle cramps, spasms and headaches, and eliminate insomnia. A bath with linden and clover infusion has a calming effect; it is recommended to be taken before bed for both children and adults. After a hard day at work, to combat stress and overexcitability, you need to drink a cup of linden tea - a natural sedative.

Benefits for the skin

Infusions, decoctions and teas from linden flowers and leaves are often used as an internal and external remedy for dry skin. They tone and moisturize the skin well, eliminate many types of irritation and rashes. Lotions, poultices and herbal baths made from linden decoctions are used for burns, boils and abscesses. Morning and evening washing with linden infusions will make your facial skin elastic and toned.

Benefits of linden tea for digestion

The medicinal properties of linden flowers are successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is taken for indigestion and stagnation of food in the intestines. The antispasmodic qualities of linden tea not only eliminate digestive disorders, but also reduce the level of inflammation in the intestines. This normalizes intestinal motility and improves the functioning of smooth muscles in the digestive tract, and also alleviates the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

9 Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Treatments Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of intestinal motility and pain in the lower abdomen. What are the symptoms of this disease, how to diagnose and treat it yourself? , ulcerative colitis, flatulence, ulcers and diarrhea. Such healing properties of linden also contribute to the process of weight loss.

Linden for colds and flu

Linden is the best herbal healer for many viral and colds. Linden tea will relax, soothe, dilate blood vessels, relieve muscle tension and pain during chills, and help lower the temperature during fever. Linden decoctions can be used for compresses for bronchitis, severe cough, hyperemia and other diseases. Medicinal tea will soothe the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat; it is even used by patients suffering from asthma. In addition, the use of linden tea significantly reduces the duration of infectious and viral diseases such as herpes and herpes virus outbreaks.

Benefits of linden bark

In France, linden bark is commonly sold as a delicate laxative. It is often used as a liver cleanser.

Modern studies have shown that medicinal linden bark and leaves inhibit the proliferation of lymphoma cell lines, they can reduce pain, and when used as a sedative, they do not affect motor function.

Linden as food

Linden is very good for health, it can even be used as food. Once upon a time, linden leaves and flowers were ground into flour, which was then mixed with other types of flour, such as wheat. Baking was made from this mixture. This practice was popular in Europe during World War II, when food was extremely scarce.

Young linden leaves can be consumed fresh. There are recipes where linden leaves are used as greens for salads and sandwiches. The inner part of the bark is also edible, and its juice can be boiled into syrup or even used in making jam.

Relieves inflammation

The beneficial compounds found in linden tea have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Linden decoctions are very effective for relieving pain throughout the body, ranging from muscle and joint pain to inflammation of the blood vessels and respiratory tract. Herbal tea relieves pain and discomfort in many systems and organs, which gives the body time for rest and rehabilitation.

Beneficial properties of linden for women

Linden tea has anti-spasmodic and soothing qualities, making it especially beneficial for women who suffer from painful menstruation. Endometritis is a very common problem, but a relaxing cup of linden tea can counteract its symptoms, as well as neutralize mood swings and hormonal fluctuations. Even pregnant women can drink linden tea.

Linden for cancer

The antioxidants quercetin and coumarin are found in significant quantities in linden tea. They are able to directly neutralize free radicals, natural by-products of cellular metabolism. Radicals cause inflammation and oxidative stress, as well as cellular mutations and apoptosis. Linden tea antioxidants resist the growth of cancer cells and prevent cell death.

Buds on trees - how to collect them correctly

It is recommended to collect buds from trees in early spring. It is difficult to name the month of collection, so much depends on weather conditions. The most important thing is to catch the moment when the buds have already swelled, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. Please note that buds with young leaves that have hatched no longer have the same medicinal value.

Birch buds must be plucked together with the branches; after drying the branches, carefully pluck the buds from the branches. Poplar and aspen buds can be carefully torn off the branches immediately. It is best to cut pine buds with a sharp knife; it can be difficult to tear off the buds with your hands.

Store dried buds in a cotton or paper bag or in a dry glass jar.

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Where can I get linden leaves and flowers?

It is best to prepare the linden yourself, only this way you will be absolutely sure of the quality of the natural medicine. It needs to be collected when the tree is flowering - in mid-summer. Cut linden branches should be thoroughly dried in a clean, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight. Already dry inflorescences and leaves should be packaged in paper bags or boxes, which should then be stored in a dry and dark place.

However, it should be remembered that linden should only be collected in ecologically clean areas, away from highways and industrial enterprises. It is best to do this away from the city.

If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can buy linden at a regular pharmacy. But carefully read the composition on the product packaging; it should contain only linden flowers and leaves.

There is also so-called “linden tea” on sale, which may only contain artificial “linden” flavoring; such tea does not provide any benefit to the body. Moreover, it can even be dangerous and cause an allergic reaction.

To treat certain diseases, you can also buy a ready-made herbal mixture containing linden blossom. In this case, you don’t have to conjure up a recipe for an infusion, decoction or tea; pharmacists have already done everything for you. All you have to do is strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of such a collection. But when choosing a product, give preference only to trusted manufacturers, so as not to get dust in a bag instead of a healing potion.

Buying herbs at the market is also a rather dangerous idea. You will never be completely sure what the plants are, where they were collected, or whether they were stored correctly. If you nevertheless decide to buy a linden tree at the market, be sure to make sure that the seller is reliable and conscientious.

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