A delicious healer straight from the garden - boiled beets: benefits and harm to the liver

Beets are a healthy and tasty root vegetable, rich in many substances that improve the condition of the body. In addition, this vegetable helps very well with pathologies of the genitourinary system. It is recommended to use beet products in case of inflammatory diseases, in the presence of kidney stones. Using beets in the daily diet allows you to reduce the dosage of medications.

The benefits and harm of beets for the kidneys

Beets are characterized by many beneficial properties for the kidneys, including the product:

  • fights kidney failure;
  • activates kidney function;
  • prevents the development of urolithiasis;
  • prevents stagnation of urine in the urethra;
  • breaks down sand and small salt deposits in the kidneys;
  • increases renal blood flow.

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Among the contraindications of consuming beets for the kidneys are:

  • For urolithiasis, beets are contraindicated. It contains a high percentage of oxalic acid, which leads to crystallization of fluid in the kidneys. With this disease, fluid stagnates in the kidneys, which leads to bladder problems.
  • If there are large stones in the kidneys or bladder, then beets should be discarded. It will not help to split them, but at the same time it will provoke their mobility.

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Kidney therapy

To increase urine output, you can take juice from the root vegetable.
The most useful for the treatment of kidney stones is beetroot juice. It has a pronounced diuretic effect and helps dissolve small stones and sand. For large stones, it is not recommended to use beets. In addition, beet juice significantly improves kidney function. However, it should be used with caution, having first checked the origin of the stones.

Beetroot tincture for kidneys

This multi-component tincture enhances the effect of beet juice and improves its effectiveness. To prepare this tincture you need:

  • mix a glass of beet juice with a glass of radish juice;
  • add 200 ml of honey and a glass of vodka;
  • pour the mixture into a darkened glass container and leave in a cool place overnight;
  • You need to use tincture 2 tbsp. l. twice a day, before lunch and before dinner.

Beet-based kvass for kidney treatment

To prepare this drink you need:

  • take 1 or 2-3 vegetable fruits, rinse, peel, cut into thin pieces;
  • place the chopped beets in a 3-liter container (the vegetable should occupy half the container);
  • pour boiled cool water, add 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar and a piece of black bread (preferably unsweetened);
  • leave to ferment for 3-4 days, then strain;
  • drink pure or add to cool soups (beetroot soup).

Beetroot cocktails

A smoothie made from beets, cucumbers and carrots is good for the urinary system.
In the preparation of such cocktails or smoothies, beet juice and juices of other vegetables or fruits are used. For a powerful kidney cleanse, beet juice is mixed with cucumber or carrot juice. Parsley enhances the cleansing effect of this drink. One procedure for using such a cocktail is usually enough to cleanse the kidneys and the body as a whole. Fresh juice from pumpkin or zucchini further enhances the effect of beet juice.

It is important to remember that beets alone cannot cure urolithiasis. Before adding this product to your diet, you should consult your doctor.

The benefits and harms of boiled beets for gout

People suffering from gout benefit from boiled beets. The benefits of boiled vegetables are as follows:

  • prevents joint degeneration;
  • nourishes joints with moisture and makes them more elastic;
  • flushes out excess salt from the body, which is the causative agent of gout, accumulating in the walls of the joints;
  • prevents the occurrence of swelling and inflammation in the joints.

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Harm of beets for gout:

  • A large amount of oxalic acid in the root vegetable can provoke the development of an exacerbation of gout.
  • The high level of carbonate (salts) in beets reduces the functioning of the kidneys, which provokes the deposition of uric acid in the joints.
  • Abuse of beets leads to leaching of calcium from the body and interferes with its absorption. As a result, bones, joints and cartilaginous tissues are destroyed, existing diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and osteoporosis worsen.

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Rules and methods for cleansing the liver using beets

In folk medicine there are many effective recipes on how to cleanse the liver with decoctions, juice or the root vegetable itself. To successfully carry out the procedure, it is important not only to choose “your recipe”, but also to prepare competently.

Preparing for cleansing

Preparation for the red beet cleanse begins 24 hours in advance. Preference should be given to lean products. Exclude meat, fish, eggs, fatty and fried foods, baked goods, and sweets from your diet. Reduce salt intake to a minimum.

Ideally, at the preparatory stage, you should only consume apples, apple juice or puree, but such a diet is not suitable for everyone. “Apple” unloading is contraindicated for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, people who have had a heart attack, diabetics, nursing mothers, and pregnant women.

A delicious healer straight from the garden - boiled beets: benefits and harm to the liver

The benefits and harms of beets for hypertension

Due to its high magnesium content, beets are a useful product for the prevention of hypertension. Vegetable:

  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • stimulates the functioning of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • relieves frequent attacks of headaches and dizziness;
  • prevents various cardiovascular diseases;
  • stimulates blood circulation throughout the body.

Read: Benefits of beets for pregnant women

There are no contraindications for beets for hypertension when consumed in moderation.

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Composition and beneficial properties

The chemical composition of beets is quite bright and varied. The root vegetable contains trace elements in large quantities:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus.

Beets contain vitamins and minerals.

Beets contain carbohydrates:

  • sucrose, glucose and fructose;
  • pectins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B and C (the latter is contained in small quantities);
  • amino acids;
  • fiber (in significant quantities).

Thanks to fiber, beets are indispensable for regulating stomach and intestinal motility. The amino acid betaine regulates fat metabolism, magnesium maintains normal blood pressure, and treats atherosclerosis. The root vegetable is good for the liver and is considered an excellent hangover cure. Beets should be included in the diet of pregnant and elderly people. For pregnant women, folic acid is of paramount importance, for the elderly - iodine contained in the vegetable, which regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

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Features of use

For diabetes and gastritis

Beets have a high glycemic index, but this does not mean that they cannot be consumed if you have diabetes. If you follow the recommendations, you can only get benefits from raw beets. For type 2 diabetes, experts recommend consuming no more than 50 g of raw beets per day, but beet juice is contraindicated for this disease.

The hard fibers of raw beets are difficult to digest and increase acidity levels. If you have gastritis, this can be dangerous, so you should not eat raw beets without consulting a doctor!

Is it possible to eat daily?

So, raw beets have a lot of beneficial properties, but how often can you eat them and in what quantities? Here we should start from the statement that the benefits of any product end where overeating begins. Experts believe that the optimal daily dose of raw beets is about 250 g. It is better to gradually introduce it into the diet so that the stomach gets used to the load. There is no information about the dangers of daily use if you stick to this dosage.

Why can raw beets sting your throat?

People who try raw beets or beet juice for the first time may be confused by a sore throat after eating the root vegetable. This is due to the presence of chlorine in beets, which can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. There is nothing to be afraid of if the pinching goes away quickly and does not bother you much. As a rule, this is a reaction to “getting to know” the product. But if the soreness is severe, a burning sensation is felt in the nasopharynx - this may be a sign of an allergy.

Treatment of circulatory diseases

Due to the high content of iron and copper in beet roots, it perfectly cleanses the blood. Dark-colored beet varieties help strengthen capillary walls.

Beets, due to the presence of rubidium and cesium in it - catalysts for cellular respiration, are used for various degrees of anemia and for conditions associated with reduced strength of the walls of blood vessels.

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This vegetable helps normalize metabolism and has a positive effect on hematopoiesis - the substances contained in beets are involved in the formation of red blood cells.

Beet juice is rich in nitrogenous compounds and primarily proteins, it contains a lot of iron, so it is the most valuable of all vegetable juices for improving blood composition and the formation of red blood cells.

It is especially useful for women.

Remember! Beetroot juice is a good “cleaner” for our body. Therefore, if you drink more than one glass at a time, you may feel slightly dizzy or nauseous.

Experience has shown that at first it is better to drink a mixture where carrot juice predominates, and then gradually increase the amount of beet juice. Then the body will better tolerate its beneficial cleansing effect. Usually 1 to 1.5 glasses 2 times a day are enough.

During menstrual disorders, beet juice is very useful, especially if during this period the juice is drunk in small portions, no more than one glass of wine (50-100 g) two or three times a day.

A mixture of carrot and beet juice provides a high content of phosphorus and sulfur, on the one hand, and potassium and other alkaline elements, on the other hand. All this, together with the high content of vitamin A, is the best natural builder of blood cells, especially red blood cells.

A healing tincture helps with anemia; to prepare it, grate raw beets, carrots, and radishes separately. Squeeze out the juices and pour them into a dark bottle in equal quantities. Coat the neck of the bottle with dough so that it is not tightly sealed and moisture can evaporate from it. Take a mixture of juices, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months.

You can also mix 2 parts of beet and cucumber juices with 7 parts of carrot. Use 3 times a day, 0.3-0.5 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals for 20 days.


If beets are used only in dishes, there is no need to worry about side effects. However, before starting a beet kidney cleanse, you should note that beets can dissolve some types of stones. Therefore, if existing kidney disease is associated with the presence of large stones (which needs to be checked in advance), it is better to refuse such treatment and cleansing.

What should you do if you have kidney stones to get rid of them faster and not have to deal with this problem again? This pathology can be cured either conservatively at home or surgically. The first method is acceptable for small stones, in the initial stages of the disease. The reason for surgery is most often the inability to get rid of stones using conservative methods.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Below are the main questions regarding the use of beets.

  1. Is beet juice healthy? The juice contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but lacks fiber. Drinking juice on an empty stomach or against the background of chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. It is recommended to take the juice together with other types of food in order to prevent possible complications.
  2. Application of leaves (tops). Beet leaves contain significantly more vitamins and fiber. Typically, the tops are used to reduce body weight and normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. Tops can be added to salads and other dishes.
  3. Consumption of kvass. In folk medicine, beet-based kvass is used to lower blood pressure and improve digestion. There is currently no scientific data that would confirm such properties.
  4. Use of decoction. Beetroot broth has pronounced antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory activity. It is usually used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the intestines and upper respiratory tract.

Treatment of colds

For a runny nose and red throat, traditional healers advise putting beet juice in your nose. Grate the raw root vegetable and drain the juice. Be sure to dilute it halfway with water - beets are a strong bactericide! For half a glass of diluted juice, add 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of 9 percent vinegar (essence, respectively - a few drops).

For chronic runny nose, good results will be obtained by instillation into the nose 3-4 times a day: for children - 5 drops, for adults - a pipette.

Fresh beet juice with the addition of honey is also used against the runny nose. A 30% solution is instilled into the nose, 2-3 drops several times a day.

This treatment is very effective for runny nose in children caused by adenoids. Juice can be obtained from raw, boiled or baked beets. To do this, it is passed through a juicer, and if it is not available, it is grated on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze folded in several rows. Boiled beets can be passed through a meat grinder, dilute the resulting mass with water 1:1 and squeeze through cheesecloth.

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For gargling and rinsing the nose, this solution is even more effective than furatsilin and other pharmaceutical preparations.

Old tonsillitis can be cured if you gargle with a decoction of unpeeled beets in the evenings for at least one month (1 kg per 2 liters of water, cook over low heat until tender). The broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days; before use, add a little hot water to keep the rinse warm.

For pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, beet juice is prescribed 1/2 cup 2 times a day before meals.

Use for urolithiasis

In folk medicine, beet juice is used to treat urolithiasis. The components included in its composition contribute to the dissolution of stones. However, before use it is necessary to undergo a full examination and consult with a specialist. If oxalate stones are detected, then treatment with beets is contraindicated.

Treatment of urolithiasis is carried out with the help of medications, and traditional medicine is used as additional therapy.

Kvass, juice, tincture and decoction are prepared from beets.

Kvass removes salts and sand from the kidneys, dissolves stones. To prepare, you need to peel 3 small root vegetables, cut into pieces, put in a jar and fill with 2 liters of cool water, cover with gauze. Leave the jar for 7-10 days, after a while, strain the resulting liquid, drink half a glass before each meal. The course of treatment is 3 months.

Beetroot juice can dissolve kidney stones in a short time. To prepare, you need to boil 5 fruits, peel them, squeeze the juice using a juicer, or grate and strain, and boil the resulting juice. Take ¼ cup for the first 3 days, then ½ cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Beetroot decoction also helps dissolve stones. To prepare, you need to peel a kilogram of fruit, add 3 liters of water, and bring to a boil. Cool the liquid, take 100-150 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening. Store the broth in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 14-21 days.

Beetroot tincture is a concentrated remedy, the healing effect occurs faster. To prepare, you need to mix 250 ml of beet juice with 250 ml of radish juice, add 200 ml of liquid honey and 250 ml of vodka. Infuse the liquid for 24 hours, consume 2-3 tablespoons in the morning and evening.

Beetroot is a unique vegetable that contains a huge amount of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, organic acids. It is widely used in cooking for preparing salads, soups, and side dishes. In cosmetology, face masks are prepared from it. Since ancient times, it has been used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. With its help, you can remove kidney stones in a short time; it is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The liver is a vital human organ that needs special attention.

How to drink beet juice correctly

Freshly prepared juice should not be drunk immediately. Place it in the refrigerator for approximately two to four hours without covering the container with a lid. Due to this, the juice settles (sediment settles to the bottom) and gets rid of the burning esters. After settling, remove the foam from the surface of the juice and carefully pour it into another jar, leaving the settled sediment.

True, even this juice is not usually consumed in its pure form, but rather diluted with cranberry, orange, cucumber, carrot or celery juice. In this case, the body better absorbs the necessary nutrients. You can mix juices in proportions, for example, 1 part beetroot and 3 parts any other. If it is well tolerated and there are no side effects, you can increase the amount of beet juice.

Pure beet juice is drunk for preventive or therapeutic purposes. Start drinking beetroot juice in small portions, with 1-2 teaspoons, gradually increasing its amount to 50 grams. You need to drink the juice 25-30 minutes before meals.

Traditional medicine recipes from beets

But that's not all. There are also a number of diseases, healing from which can be significantly accelerated if they are properly treated with red beets, which has stood the test of time and received many positive responses.

  1. For anemia, it is useful to eat pickled beets. To prepare it, the vegetable should be peeled, washed and cut, and then poured with brine obtained by dissolving two tablespoons of salt in a liter of cold water. The beets filled with brine are covered with a lid and left to ferment for two weeks. True, periodically once a day you will need to look into the container and remove the formed foam and mold. Then these beets can be eaten as an addition to any side dishes, and then, judging by the reviews, after a couple of weeks the hemoglobin level will increase significantly.
  2. To get rid of constipation, you should eat boiled beets with honey on an empty stomach every day. To make such a salad, one root vegetable should be boiled, peeled, grated, and then poured with a tablespoon of honey. If you eat such a dish every day, then judging by the reviews, after a few days you will be able to go to the toilet.
  3. If you have an earache, you should boil beets, grate them, crush the pulp through gauze, and drop the resulting juice into your ears, 3-4 drops at a time. This should be done for a couple of weeks, but respondents claim that the pain goes away much sooner.

Treatment of cholelithiasis

A means of slowly dissolving stones of any diameter: treatment begins with cleaning the gastrointestinal tract by any method, but preferably with a solution of Epsom salts (can be Glauber's or Carlsbad) - 50 g per 1 liter of water. You need to drink it between 17:00 and 19:00. In the morning - cleansing enemas. Next comes fasting for as many days as the patient can withstand, but preferably at least 15 days, while simultaneously taking 1-2 liters of raw vegetable and fruit juices per day, but in no case less than 0.6 liters per day.

All this time, cleansing enemas are done daily or every other day in the morning (2 liters of water with soda and salt or the juice of one lemon). At the same time, they drink a beetroot decoction, which slowly but surely dissolves the stones over several months. It is prepared like this: take several beet roots, peel, cut and cook them for a long time until the broth thickens like syrup. Drink 1/4 glass 3 times a day before meals.

The duration of treatment depends on the size of the stones: from 3 months to a year.

Small stones (up to 5 mm in diameter) in the gallbladder can also come out and dissolve if you drink 3/4 cup of beet syrup several times a day. To do this, the beets are boiled in water until the syrup becomes thick. The juice of raw beets works in the same way. Take a mixture of radish and beet juices, a glass a day for 2-3 months.

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