What activities will relieve the symptoms of cystitis at home?

First aid for cystitis is a mandatory measure that must be carried out regardless of how old the sick woman is. This disease does not pose a serious health hazard, but it does cause quite painful sensations and discomfort. The disease appears as a result of the inflammatory process that occurs in the bladder. Cystitis can occur both for external reasons and as a complication after a serious illness. Since the manifestation of the disease can lead to unpleasant consequences, it is necessary, before contacting a medical specialist, to carry out emergency first aid procedures for cystitis in women in order to avoid severe pain later.

The first signs of cystitis

Cystitis can be acute or chronic. In acute cystitis, the symptoms of the disease occur acutely and disappear quickly with proper treatment.

Important! Timely and adequate treatment of acute cystitis is the most important principle for preventing chronicity of the disease and the occurrence of complications.

The chronic process occurs with periods of exacerbation of symptoms and remission, when nothing bothers the patient.

The main signs of cystitis include the following:

  • frequent urge to urinate. Urine is released in small quantities. Frequent urge to urinate significantly disrupts the patient’s normal functioning;
  • at the end of the act of urination, the patient feels cutting pain in the urethra. You may also experience pain in the lower abdomen and back, perineum, genitals or rectum;
  • symptoms of intoxication of the body are mild, which are manifested by an increase in body temperature to low numbers of 37-38 ° C or with a body temperature of 40 ° C, chills, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, when inflammation spreads to the kidneys;
  • leukocytes and red blood cells appear in large quantities in the urine, bacterial bodies, epithelial cells and uric acid crystals accumulate. Urine may have an unpleasant, purulent odor;
  • with a long course of the disease, structural changes develop in the muscular apparatus of the bladder, which lead to disruption of the closing function of the urethral sphincter, as a result of which a small amount of urine leaks.

Pain when urinating

The person feels discomfort that was not there before. Such pain cannot yet be called clearly expressed, but very soon it will gain strength. Usually, no more than a week passes from mild discomfort to severe pain when urinating, because under favorable conditions, bacteria on the walls of the bladder develop extremely quickly.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet

The desire to urinate appears more and more frequently. The patient may associate this with the amount of contents drunk or with a reaction to any food or drink. Very soon, an increased urge to urinate will disrupt the natural rhythm of a person’s life.

How to relieve cystitis

As soon as cystitis has been identified, it is necessary to immediately stop any activity and begin to implement measures such as:

  • Maintain bed rest. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, physical work is undesirable for the body. Until the condition returns to normal, you must lie in bed all the time. Thanks to this, the body will have a much better chance of coping with the disease and recovering faster.
  • Taking painkillers and antispasmodics helps relieve pain. During the progression of the disease, it is not recommended to take antibacterial and antiviral medications until the exact cause of cystitis is identified.
  • Switch to a gentle and balanced diet. Exacerbation of the disease can be caused by salty, spicy and fatty foods. Their use should be abandoned or excluded for the period of treatment.
  • It is also worth giving up bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. Since such habits can contribute to the progression of the disease.
  • Warming helps to reduce frequent urges and pain. The heat begins to have a gentle effect on the body, and gradually relieves spasms.

Maintain bed rest

The most effective methods of warming up for cystitis:

  • A heating pad with hot water up to 38°C. The heating pad should be applied to the lower abdomen for 15-20 minutes. Instead of a heating pad, you can also use a bag filled with sand or salt, as well as a plastic bottle with water.
  • Foot baths. You need to pour water into a basin up to 40°C, and put your feet in it for 20 minutes. After such baths, you need to wear warm socks and slippers.
  • Sitz baths. Fill the bathtub with water to a certain level, so that the thighs and lower abdomen are in the water; the water temperature should not exceed 38 °C. The procedure time is 25–30 minutes. You can add infusions of calendula, chamomile, and valerian to your bath.
  • Warm shower. Needs to be taken for 10–15 minutes.

Warm shower

Reasons for the development of the disease

To prevent cystitis, you need to understand why it starts. This pathology is based on an inflammatory process, which is infectious or non-infectious in nature.

Infectious cystitis occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder. By multiplying in it, they provoke the development of the disease. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The presence of acute or chronic inflammation of the genital organs in women. Even ordinary vaginal candidiasis or thrush can cause cystitis. Sexually transmitted diseases also lead to its development.
  2. Hypothermia. Each organism has its own opportunistic microflora, which, in normal health, does not cause any pathological processes. Once a person gets cold, his immunity decreases. As a result, opportunistic microorganisms acquire negative properties, which causes the development of the disease.
  3. Bacteria can enter the bladder from foci of inflammation located in other parts of the body. In this case, the route of infection is hematogenous or lymphogenous.
  4. There is a special type of this disease, which is popularly called “honeymoon cystitis.” It occurs after unprotected sexual intercourse, especially if it occurs for the first time in both partners. Also, having sex during menstruation predisposes to the development of this pathology.
  5. Cystitis is often one of the first signs of an “interesting situation.” In pregnant women, under the influence of hormones, the immune system is suppressed. This is how nature intended, because initially the unborn child is foreign genetic material for the mother’s body.
  6. Taking medications that suppress ovulation or emergency contraception. This leads to disruption of the natural hormonal levels of the female body. The result of this is a decrease in the activity of the immune system and increased susceptibility to various infections.

Non-infectious cystitis develops due to exposure to unfavorable factors on the body. This also causes the development of an inflammatory process in the bladder. These include:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Stones located in the lumen of the bladder have an irritating effect on its intima. Over time, this leads to the development of inflammation in it.
  2. Radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms or taking antitumor drugs. These aggressive types of exposure have a destructive effect not only on the tissue affected by metastases, but also on the mucous membranes of all organs.
  3. Abuse of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Traumatic damage to the intima of the bladder during endoscopic manipulations or diagnostic procedures.
  5. Prostatic hypertrophy in older men. An enlarged prostate prevents the free passage of urine, causing it to stagnate in the bladder. With prolonged contact with his intima, urine has an irritating effect on it.
  6. Menopause period in women. At this stage of life, the function of the reproductive organs fades and hormonal levels change. Under the influence of hormones, atrophic processes are triggered in the female body, especially in the mucous membranes.

What not to do

There are emergency situations when it is better to do nothing than to harm yourself. If you have any pain in the abdomen, do not warm it with a heating pad. Especially against the backdrop of rising temperatures. You cannot go to the sauna; the steam room is also contraindicated.

Many methods of pre-medical treatment are contraindicated during pregnancy due to the risk of miscarriage, in case of cancer, so as not to cause bleeding or tumor enlargement.

Do not apply cold as this will worsen the condition. Until a diagnosis has been made, you should not be treated with relaxing alcoholic drinks; you may need urgent surgery, and alcohol will interfere with anesthesia. You also cannot simply ignore the first symptoms of the disease, go for a walk, or have sex. The disease will progress or be transmitted to a partner.

Causes and symptoms

Cystitis is a bacterial-inflammatory disease localized in the bladder. The main reason for the development of complications is the entry of pathogenic microflora into the bladder, which begins its active life and reproduction on the mucous walls of the organ. A wide variety of factors can provoke cystitis, among which the following are considered common:

  • violation of personal hygiene;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the bladder, due to which stagnation of urine develops in the organ;
  • hypothermia;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system.

The development of symptoms of cystitis cannot be ignored, therefore, at the first attacks, it is necessary to quickly relieve pain and get rid of strong, acute symptoms before visiting a doctor. However, even when you have managed to eliminate the unpleasant signs and pain of cystitis, you should not delay your visit to the doctor. To reduce the risk of inflammation becoming chronic, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment.

Cystitis causes pain, discomfort when urinating, and changes in the composition of urine.
The inflammatory condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dysfunction of urination;
  • burning, cramping and pain in the abdomen;
  • intoxication, which causes nausea, vomiting, headache and increased temperature;
  • Women experience vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

What should a patient do at the first signs of cystitis?

It’s great that the patient paid attention to his condition and promptly identified the changes occurring in his body. This provides great opportunities for a successful and complete cure in a short time. Unfortunately, this happens extremely rarely; most people ignore the first unpleasant symptoms, considering work, household chores and other concerns to be much more important than their own health.

What to do when cystitis begins? The best solution is to see a doctor. The patient’s well-being will determine whether he needs an ambulance or is able to go to the hospital on his own and visit a specialist. Actually, this is where independent steps should end, because the patient is now completely left to the urologist, whose professional knowledge will help the patient return to normal life.

Which doctor should I contact?

Every person should know how cystitis begins, so that if alarming symptoms appear, consult a doctor. This seemingly harmless disease can cause more serious health problems. Therefore, it should be treated by a specialist.

At the initial stage of the disease, you can go to a local clinic at your place of residence, see a local therapist, who will refer you for the necessary examinations, and then, based on their results, prescribe appropriate therapy. In case of severe cystitis or when complications develop, treatment is carried out by a urologist in a hospital setting.

Methods of providing assistance at home

In case of a sudden attack of cystitis, to provide assistance, you should act according to the following scheme:

  • take antispasmodics to reduce pain and a herbal antiseptic;
  • drink 200 g of warm liquid per hour;
  • place a heating pad on your lower abdomen;
  • follow a diet.

As a drink, you can use an infusion of lingonberry and black currant leaves with chamomile and calendula flowers. This folk remedy is easy to prepare. 1 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture of plants (take in equal parts) into a liter thermos and let it brew. Then strain and drink warm before eating.

The main thing you should not do if you have cystitis is to start taking antibiotics on your own. As mentioned above, the causes of the disease can be different, as well as its pathogens.

As for thermal procedures, they cannot be performed in the following situations:

  • if there is blood in the urine;
  • menstruation has begun;
  • there are gynecological diseases;
  • increased temperature;
  • when the patient is pregnant.

It is also necessary to observe strict bed rest, avoid hypothermia and high physical activity.

It is important to remember that all of the techniques listed are first aid measures aimed at relieving acute symptoms. They can be used, but only until the symptoms disappear. As soon as the opportunity arises, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary tests and prescribe a set of treatment procedures.

First aid

First aid for illness

Cystitis is most often caused by infections. And like any similar disease, it requires qualified medical care. But, if there is no opportunity to apply for it in the next couple of days or even a few hours, then you need to take action yourself. We are not talking about full-fledged therapy, which is impossible at home without prior agreement with a specialist. A girl can alleviate her condition somewhat in safe and simple ways. They will help her with this:

  • Peace . It is important to postpone all business and travel. Lie down in a warm bed, dim the lights and loud sounds - these actions will set the body up to fight the disease. No need to be a hero. The inflammatory process can cause negative consequences and taking it lightly is dangerous.
  • Drinking regime . It is an adjuvant therapy. Pure water, natural juices, fruit drinks, compotes and herbal infusions wash away toxins, which are products of the vital activity of microorganisms. Due to this, pain is reduced and overall well-being improves. Pathogenic microflora can no longer multiply as actively due to the normalization of urine outflow. Also, water and healing drinks saturate cells with useful substances.
  • Ethnoscience . Sitz baths with chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and other herbs known for their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties are first aid, approved by doctors.
  • Enhanced hygiene measures . Along with urine, a large number of microbes come out of the urethra, which can remain on the genitals. During treatment, it is recommended to shower more often and change underwear.
  • Diet . Avoid salty, spicy, smoked and other foods that can irritate the mucous membranes. Give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, cereal soups, cereals, and dairy products.

What to do before the doctor comes?

The main thing when treating acute cystitis at home is rest and drinking plenty of fluids. It is best to observe bed rest - this will make it easier to endure the pain that inevitably accompanies attacks of cystitis, and it will also protect against the development of complications.

If the pain becomes unbearable, then you can take universal antispasmodics and inexpensive painkillers from the following list: No-Shpa, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Baralgin, Analgin, Pentalgin, Papaverine.


In this state, you need to drink a lot - the amount of liquid you take should be at least two liters per day. Drinks can be varied - natural cranberry juice and cranberry juice are especially useful. But strong tea, coffee, any soda, tomato and citrus juices are prohibited.

Fruit juice can be prepared following a simple recipe:

  • In a glass or enamel bowl, mash one glass of cranberries and squeeze out the juice. You need to work with a wooden masher so as not to cause oxidation.
  • Place the berry pulp in an enamel pan (aluminum cookware is absolutely unsuitable), add one liter of water and boil.
  • Strain the broth, let it cool and combine it with the squeezed juice.
  • If you wish, sweeten the fruit drink with honey or sugar.

The drink turns out very tasty, and you can drink it as much as you like. If there are no contraindications and no unpleasant sensations arise, then you can drink up to two liters of this fruit drink per day.

cranberry juice

You cannot drink pure cranberry juice in glasses - it is very hot. Take two tablespoons before meals.

Juice can be squeezed from both frozen and fresh berries. You need to drink it immediately, as it oxidizes very quickly.

To prepare juice with sugar, you can use the following method. One kilogram of cranberries and 1 kilogram of sugar are placed in an enamel bowl and refrigerated for 12 hours. The resulting juice is poured into a separate glass or enamel container, and the remaining berries are poured with 30% sugar syrup and left for another 6 hours. Then both portions of juice can be combined together and boiled.

The remaining berries after collecting the juice can be filled with water again and boiled for an hour. This decoction can be drunk on its own, or you can add juice to it. This drink is much tastier than natural juice and less hot.

What to do with cystitis if it is impossible to see a doctor

The first symptoms of cystitis can begin at any time of the day, in different localities, where it is not always possible to see a doctor quickly. What actions can be taken now? If for some reason it is impossible to get advice from a specialist, you can try home methods to alleviate the situation. All of them are aimed at improving the patient’s well-being, because severe pain can lead to painful shock with more serious consequences. So what can you do at home?

Warm bath or heating pad

To relieve severe pain, heat is necessary on the genitourinary area. For this, the patient can be placed in a bath of warm water for 15 minutes. By the way, if you add a strong decoction of chamomile flowers to it, the water will receive additional properties - bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, softening and regenerative. You can also simply apply a heating pad wrapped in a towel or diaper to the lumbar area. The room in which the patient is located should also maintain a comfortable warm temperature. If you don’t have a heating pad or a bath at home, you can heat salt or sand in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth and apply it like that to the lower abdomen.

Take a lying position

Now it is necessary to observe bed rest and complete physical rest. If possible, call relatives or friends who will monitor the patient, prepare medicinal drinks and generally monitor changes in the condition.

What to do if cystitis starts and your stomach hurts

What should a patient with severe pain do for cystitis? Take a tablet of No-shpa, analgin, Ibuprofen or any other pain reliever. Even paracetamol, which is usually included in cold remedies, will be useful now.

Severe pain should never be tolerated! Even if the doctor must come any minute and taking analgesics will interfere with his diagnosis, in difficult situations such actions may be justified.

More fluid

The patient must now drink as much fluid as possible. You should not drink cold water, because of which another spasm in the stomach may occur and the pain will reappear. It is better to replace plain water with weakly brewed green tea, diluted apple juice, or cranberry juice. If possible, you can prepare special healing teas that have a diuretic effect. During the day you need to drink about 2.5-3 liters of liquid. This is necessary so that urine in the bladder does not stagnate and quickly removes bacteria and their breakdown products. This point is especially important for patients whose symptoms of incipient cystitis include an increase in body temperature, which indicates possible intoxication of the body.


The diet now should be as gentle as possible. No fried, pickled or smoked foods. In this state, it is generally difficult for the patient to eat, and if the appetite is reduced, there is no need to force him to eat. What does the patient need during this period? He can get the necessary glucose from juices and fruit drinks, and a small amount of fat and protein from a boiled egg, a piece of bread and cheese.

Refusal of sexual intercourse

Refusal of sex if cystitis begins
Actually, severe pain with cystitis usually blocks intimate desire, but if it does arise, it is better to refrain from such contacts for now. The fact is that sex, even with a condom, increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. They can be compared to physical activity, which can aggravate the course of the disease.

Cystitis, but there is no doctor nearby: what to do?

If the pain does not go away with the use of heat and pills, you need to call an ambulance. A team of doctors will assess the seriousness of the situation and select the necessary emergency medications. In their arsenal there is such quick help for cystitis as injection of an anesthetic and antispasmodic.

Naklofen intramuscularly can relieve pain. Narcotic analgesics are not used. For spasms they will inject so-called magnesia. Depending on the condition, doctors will leave you at home or suggest hospitalization. Indications for such a decision would be suspicion of kidney inflammation, concomitant passage of stones or blockage by them, as well as pregnancy and childhood.

Causes and symptoms

Basics of therapy

Treatment methods for cystitis come down to a comprehensive selection of measures aimed at eliminating unpleasant signs of pathology. Doctors prescribe the following remedies for home therapy:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • agents that regulate kidney function and improve diuresis;
  • medications that increase immunity and the body’s resistance to the influence of the pathogen;
  • antispasmodics and antipyretics;
  • herbal remedies.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to maintain a diet and maintain a drinking regime. Treatment at home is carried out for both acute and chronic forms of the inflammatory process. Only in particularly severe cases does the patient require hospitalization. Women love to complement therapy with non-traditional methods. This is possible, but the main thing is to first agree on your treatment methods with your doctor. It must be remembered that home remedies for cystitis cannot be called a replacement for traditional treatment. Techniques can only complement it, which will enhance the result and speed up the recovery time. Unconventional recipes can help urgently relieve pain, but they will not eliminate the cause of the pathological process.

Taking antibiotics

After visiting a doctor, a specialist will explain what to do if you have cystitis. In most cases, therapy begins with taking antimicrobial drugs. However, the choice of medication should be approached with caution. Any antibiotic should not be used. To treat inflammation of the bladder, special agents are used that are effective against the causative agents of this disease. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. Monural - the medicine is prescribed only once at the very beginning of cystitis. The drug is highly effective in the acute form of the pathology, which is only gaining momentum. The medicine destroys all pathogenic microorganisms living in the bladder. In the chronic form of the disease, you should not take Monural on your own, since a one-time dose of an antibacterial drug in this case is not enough.
  2. Normax, Nolitsin, Norbactin are similar drugs available for the first symptoms of exacerbation of cystitis in women. These drugs belong to the heavy artillery and are used in cases where other methods of treatment are ineffective. Use 2 times a day, 1 tablet for 3-5 days.
  3. Nitroxoline - helps well with ascending cystitis, when not only the bladder is affected, but also the urethra, urinary ducts and kidneys. Take 2 tablets every 6 hours for two weeks.
  4. Palin - will help the patient if the pathogens are sensitive to pipemidic acid. This can be determined using a preliminary bacteriological examination of urine. Take 1 tablet every 8 hours for 10 days.

Etiotropic (antimicrobial) therapy

The etiotropic type of treatment is aimed at eradicating (removing) the pathogen from the body and should begin as quickly as possible. In 90% of cases, acute cystitis is caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli). The remaining percentage is dominated by Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella spp.

  • Fosfomycin trometamol (Monural) – 3 g once;
  • Nitrofurantoin (Furadonin) – 100 mg 4 times a day for 7 days;
  • fluoroquinolones for 3 days: Ciprofloxacin – 250 mg 2 times a day; Levofloxacin – 250 mg 1 time per day; Norfloxacin (Nolitsin) – 400 mg 2 times a day; Ofloxacin – 200 mg 2 times a day; Cefpodoxime – 100 mg 2 times a day.

In patients with severe complicated cystitis, emergency use of antibacterial agents is extended to 7–10 days.

In the case of chlamydial, urea, and mycoplasma infections, emergency therapy is carried out using modern macrolides: Clarithromycin, Aziromycin, Roxithromycin.

If the infectious disease began as a result of a viral infection, the main drugs will be: Virazol, Laferon, Acyclovir. The correct regimen and duration of therapy will help quickly prevent the recurrence of cystitis.

Herbal medicines that are used for microbial inflammation of the bladder:

  • Canephron N;
  • Urolesan;
  • Cyston;
  • Cystenal;
  • Phytolysin.

Canephron N consists of environmentally friendly raw materials (extracts of lovage root, yarrow herb, rosemary leaves), has a complex effect on the urinary tract (anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial, antiproteinuric) and is suitable for first aid. The standard dosage is from 10 to 25 drops 3 times a day, depending on age (starting from infancy) or 1 tablet 3 times a day for 1 month. This drug is used together with a uroantiseptic or separately.

  • orthosiphon;
  • oats;
  • birch leaves and buds; elderberry (root, flowers);
  • hawthorn fruits, bearberry leaves, yarrow;
  • dill, corn stalks and stigmas, flax seeds, plantain;
  • lungwort, knotweed, strawberry berries and leaves, cornflower;
  • garden parsley (seeds, root), lingonberry, eucalyptus leaves, elecampane;
  • lavender spikelet, hop cones, juniper berries;
  • black currant leaves.

Antispastic - oregano, nettle, birch leaves.

Various herbal mixtures and medicinal teas can successfully help in the treatment of acute cystitis and in the future to prevent its relapse. It is carried out for a minimum of 20 or more days with a sequential change of herbs.

After relieving pain and spasm and rinsing the bladder, the doctor selects a planned treatment regimen. It includes antibacterial therapy, taking into account possible allergic reactions. To do this, a skin test is performed on them.

Antibiotics are chosen with a broad spectrum of action, because the results of a urine test with bacterioscopy and culture for sensitivity will not be available soon, and there is no time to waste. Also, the drug should be excreted primarily through the kidneys in unchanged form and, accumulating in the bladder, provide a therapeutic effect.

In a hospital setting, injection forms will be prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously - Ceftriaxone, Cefpirome, Cefotaxime, Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin. The doses are average, the course is based on the response to treatment, under the control of a urine test.

Additionally, herbal medicines will be given orally. Hospital doctors prefer injections and do not have much confidence in medications taken orally. The reason for this is the long path of passage of the drug through the intestines, partial inactivation in the liver, and some loss of effective strength. But if they are not added to the regimen after recovery in the hospital and discharge from it, the disease will begin to worsen again.

What rules should you follow for cystitis?

What should you do at home if cystitis appears? In any case, it is better to seek medical help. But it is not always possible to immediately visit a doctor, so many women are concerned about what can be done at home if this disease strikes.

Initially, you should not forget about these rules:

Bed rest for cystitis

  1. If cystitis worsens, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest. You can also use a heating pad, which is applied to the lower abdomen.
  2. If this disease occurs, you should drink plenty of fluids. But this does not apply to beer and coffee; these drinks should be excluded from your nutrition menu. Fruit drinks made from blueberries and lingonberries are of great benefit. This is due to the fact that these drinks contain substances that prevent harmful microorganisms from attaching to the bladder. It is useful to drink a decoction of birch buds or nettles. Such medicinal drinks can be drunk at home, but it is most effective to use herbal teas. They are sold in pharmacies in ready-made form.
  3. It is not necessary to use herbal preparations. Canephron tablets or Spazmocystenal drops may be suitable for this. Phytolysin paste is also effective in the fight against cystitis.
  4. If you have cystitis, you need to follow a certain diet. Patients need to forget about preservatives, marinades, and spices. It is better to add dairy products, fruits, and vegetables to the nutrition menu.
  5. If this disease appears, then you should forget about visiting the bathhouse for a while. At home, you can wash yourself with warm water, to which special products are added. This method reduces the discomfort that appears during bladder emptying.
  6. Quite often, urologists prescribe natural remedies to patients when cystitis occurs. For example, it could be Uroprofit. This drug destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and spasms. It contains concentrated natural substances that normalize urination; after using the product, the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system work better. With this medicine you can protect yourself from exacerbations of cystitis.
  7. If women experience severe pain, then you can take No-shpa or another similar remedy.

Help with cystitis

Additional recommendations for acute cystitis

Rules that must be followed for cystitis as first aid at home:

  • increase your drinking regime (at least 2-3 liters per day). It is believed that the liquid will help remove bacteria from the patient’s body and reduce intoxication. Preferred are clean warm water (still), fortified rosehip infusions, cranberry fruit drinks and juices, and dried fruit compotes. Herbal medicine is widely used (in the absence of a history of allergic reactions), namely drinks based on various herbs: green tea, lingonberry leaves, birch buds, mint, bearberry, aloe, horsetail, parsley, etc. They are used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of cystitis for maximum support of the body's defenses;
  • following a diet enriched with dairy and plant products (vegetables and fruits). You should avoid dishes that are too hot, spicy, or irritating (table No. 10). Do not eat fried, fatty, salty, smoked foods. The diet is gentle; the most optimal are foods that are steamed and contain the maximum amount of microelements and vitamins. Avoid coffee, strong tea, cocoa, radish, garlic, spinach, canned food, marinades, sauces, and alcohol from the diet;
  • bed or semi-bed rest in the house. Avoid any physical activity or sports activities for the duration of treatment. The patient should be at rest as much as possible;
  • do not get too cold, do not walk barefoot on a cold floor, dress warmly if necessary;
  • stop visiting swimming pools, ponds, saunas, baths;
  • the woman performs basic personal hygiene (using herbal infusions - chamomile, calendula and other herbs);
  • abstinence from sexual intercourse during illness (especially unprotected);
  • forced urination every 2 hours (complete emptying of the bladder);
  • wearing loose women's cotton underwear;
  • therapy for constipation, dysbacteriosis;
  • follow all doctor's orders.

In addition, if an admixture of blood is initially detected in the urine, the patient requires emergency assistance from a urologist, or, in his absence, a surgeon, and emergency hospitalization is indicated, since a large amount of blood can lead to rapid obstruction of the urethra and severe complications.

To normalize the condition, it is necessary to take a set of measures. However, if a person does not feel better, but, on the contrary, only gets worse, it is better to call an ambulance or a local therapist. Severe pain and high fever may indicate the development of an even more dangerous disease called pyelonephritis. When it affects the kidney tissue, kidney failure develops, the consequences of which are severe, including death.

The following will help relieve the symptoms of cystitis:

  • drugs;
  • folk remedies.

You can’t die from bladder inflammation, but you shouldn’t just endure it. It happens that it begins with a painful attack, especially if it is provoked by the release of sand. First aid for cystitis at home is as follows. You need to immediately wrap your lower back in a natural blanket, put on warm underwear, a belt made of dog hair, and socks on your feet.

Feet can be warmed with mustard, a heating pad, or steamed in hot water. This will be an excellent distraction and will alleviate the condition.

You need to take an anti-inflammatory drug (Nimesil packet) and an antispasmodic (No-shpy capsule). Using folk methods at home, you can make a bath of honey and milk. Warming up with bags of sand or rock salt, as well as sitting on a bucket with hot bricks, helps with acute cystitis. You should be careful - the container is wrapped in a cloth so as not to get burned.

You can relieve a painful attack of cystitis in expectant mothers with the homeopathic drug “Viburkol” in suppositories or rectal suppositories with chamomile. It is not dangerous for the child.

What happens if cystitis is not treated at the first sign?

In the absence of adequate treatment, acute cystitis becomes chronic, which relapses several times a year. Possible upward spread of infection to the kidneys, which leads to the development of acute pyelonephritis.

Its apostematous form is especially dangerous, when purulent foci-carbuncles form in the renal tissues. If this complication is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, the likelihood of developing sepsis and even death increases.

With the prolonged presence of stones in the bladder, bedsores form on its intima, which leads to damage to the deeper layers of its wall. Due to constant contact with urine, which is an aggressive environment, ulcerative defects occur. Over time, they may perforate and develop urinary peritonitis, which often leads to the death of patients.

Drug elimination of cystalgia

Since in 95% of cases inflammation is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial agents help quickly relieve the symptoms of cystitis.

Effective medications for etiotropic therapy aimed at eliminating infection:

  • Furadonin is a uroantiseptic, drug No. 1 for women for pain in the bladder. Has a bacteriostatic effect (stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria).
  • Monural is a bactericidal antibiotic in the form of soluble granules for oral administration. Drink once a day 2 hours before or after meals. It is well tolerated by patients, quickly relieves pain at home, and rarely causes dyspeptic disorders (nausea, heartburn) or allergic skin reactions.
  • Nolitsin is an effective drug for cystitis, but resistance (microbe resistance to the antibiotic) quickly develops. The drug causes negative effects on the central nervous system, so it is prescribed only in the absence of alternative treatment.
  • Biseptol is an antimicrobial agent. Initially, a loading dose is prescribed, then the daily amount of the active substance is gradually reduced. The tablets are taken for 14 days. Contraindications: liver disease, blood disorders, severe forms of renal failure.

Pain with cystitis can be permanent. Depending on the time of day, the degree of filling of the bladder, they intensify or take on an obsessive, aching character. When exposed to external factors (cold), unbearable cutting pain attacks appear.

What antispasmodics and how to relieve pain with cystitis in women:

  • No-spa ─ relaxes the smooth muscle layer of the bladder, eliminates tension, and helps relieve spasms. The drug begins to act within 15 minutes. An overdose should not be allowed, as this is dangerous due to the development of arrhythmia, complete myocardial blockade, and cardiac arrest.
  • Papaverine ─ is available in the form of a solution for parenteral administration. The medicine is prescribed in the acute phase of the disease. Helps relieve pain of moderate intensity. When dosed correctly, it is safe for the body.
  • Drotaverine is an accessible analogue of No-shpa.

It is impossible to quickly get rid of pain from cystitis without reducing the inflammatory process. For these purposes, non-steroidal (non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. They reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, muscle spasms, and restore the physiological functionality of the bladder.

How to relieve an attack of cystitis at home using NSAIDs:

  • Ibuprofen ─ helps eliminate hyperthermia, quickly relieve pain, swelling, prevents the progression of fever in the acute period;
  • Nimesil ─ has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect.
  • Diclofenac is an analgesic that relieves spontaneous pain that occurs when moving.

What not to do with cystitis

When treating cystitis, you need to know what not to do. The list of prohibited actions includes:

  1. Swimming (frequent hypothermia during bladder inflammation is contraindicated, and the water in the pool is usually cool);
  2. Heavy strength training and exercise (they cause tension in the abdominal and pelvic muscles, which increases blood pressure);
  3. Doing “cold” sports (playing hockey, skiing, sledding or skating - all this contributes to hypothermia, which a woman may not even notice);
  4. Ride a bicycle or motorcycle (friction of the perineum promotes the transfer of intestinal microflora to the vagina and urethra, which provokes a new exacerbation of cystitis).

During treatment, it is necessary to take a break in all endeavors. Bed rest is recommended for several days until acute symptoms subside. In the future, you should lead a correct lifestyle and adhere to the basic rules for preventing bladder inflammation.

When emergency help is needed

You should immediately seek help from an emergency team if you have the following symptoms:

  • antipyretics do not work and the patient cannot reduce the elevated body temperature;
  • there are blood impurities in certain portions of urine;
  • the girl feels the urge to urinate, but cannot empty her bladder;
  • pain in the lower abdomen under the influence of antispasmodics does not weaken or even intensifies.

Hemorrhagic cystitis in all cases requires full treatment in a hospital setting. In case of acute inflammation of the bladder, hospitalization of the patient is also often required. Treatment of pregnant women and children must be supervised by a doctor.

Only timely diagnosis and completion of the full course of therapy will prevent the development of serious and life-threatening complications.

Cystitis in a pregnant woman and during menopause

Inflammation of the bladder affects different age periods and has its own causes. The mucous membrane of the urogenital tract and its immune properties are especially sensitive to the level of sex hormones, so its changes lead to inflammation.

Cystitis in pregnant women occurs due to a combination of compression of the bladder, congestion, and decreased immunity. During menopause, hormonal levels change, the mucous membrane dries out, becomes thinner and becomes very susceptible to various infections.

Cystitis - causes

Inflammation of the bladder is caused by various pathogens - bacteria, protozoa, viruses.
They spread upward. The general condition is not disturbed, there is no fever. Local symptoms of cystitis are easily recognizable:

  • frequent urination, constant urge to urinate, especially at night;
  • cramping at the end of evacuation;
  • the appearance of turbidity, sediment, mucus in the urine.

Cystitis can be catarrhal, hemorrhagic, or polyposis. The cause of inflammation is a combination of infection with one of the factors: stagnation of urine, hypothermia, decreased immunity, colds, post-coital problems.

In women, cystitis is provoked by pregnancy, menopause, in men - by adenoma, prostatitis.

Possible consequences

If left untreated, acute cystitis can become chronic. This form of pathology is difficult to treat, since the infection is located in the submucosal layer, where drugs and topical preparations do not penetrate. Chronicity causes scarring, which further impedes the flow of urine and promotes stagnation.

Cystitis is also complicated by the penetration of infection up and down. Pyelonephritis complicates the excretory activity of the kidneys, is dangerous due to high temperatures and the development of renal failure.

Urethritis can spread to the vagina and negatively affect reproductive function. Clinically characterized by mucous and purulent discharge on underwear.

What actions are prohibited

Urgent care does not always lead to a quick recovery. Some actions will not bring any benefit, but can cause irreparable harm to a woman’s well-being.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you take a hot bath to improve your well-being and eliminate painful symptoms. Such actions are dangerous due to the spread of inflammation to the kidneys and the development of pyelonephritis.

The dry heat method is not recommended:

  • during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the method can provoke a miscarriage;
  • in the presence of indolent diseases of the reproductive system and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • It is forbidden to apply a hot heating pad during menstruation.

It should be noted that cystitis is an inflammatory process. Many experts emphasize that heating during inflammation is strictly prohibited, because under the influence of heat, pathology can progress and move to other areas, affecting reproductive functions.

Fact! It is not recommended to use antispasmodics and painkillers. Nosh-pu or Spazmalgon can be taken only in case of urgent need. It is not recommended to take painkillers until the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is determined in women, because the cause may not be cystitis, but common gynecological diseases and pathologies of pregnancy.

You should not unduly load the urinary system, so you need to take diuretics and herbal components of diuretic preparations with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that such actions can significantly damage the kidneys. With nephropathy, chronic renal failure can develop extremely dangerously.

Diuretics and herbal preparations to accelerate the outflow of urine are prescribed after a complete diagnosis. In fact, their intake is necessary, but it is important to evaluate the functionality of the excretory organs before doing so.

Preventive actions

Like any disease, cystitis is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water per day, strictly observe personal hygiene, urinate at the first urge, do not overcool, and drink alcohol in moderation. It is advisable to refrain from intimate contacts during menstruation in women, and to promptly identify and treat sexually transmitted diseases.


  • https://www.medware.ru/urologiya/chto-delat-pri-tsistite.html
  • https://konstantinsmirnov.ru/vospalenie-mochevogo-puzyrya/terapiya/nachinaetsya-cistit-chto-delat.html
  • https://UroMir.ru/vospalenie-mochevogo-puzyrya/bolezn/nachalnaya-stadiya-cistita.html
  • https://cistomed.ru/simptomi/pervie-priznaki/
  • https://zdravpochka.ru/mochevoy/chto-delat-pri-cistite-pri-pervyh-priznakah.html
  • https://prostatits.com/cistit/chto-delat-pri-cistite.html
  • https://UroMir.ru/vospalenie-mochevogo-puzyrya/terapiya/kak-vylechit-cistit-u-zhenshhin-v-domashnih-uslovijah.html


Folk remedies for bladder inflammation

Before resorting to traditional medicine to relieve the pain of cystitis at home, consider the potential benefits. It is better to consult a gynecologist or urologist. There are medicinal plants whose effectiveness has been proven by clinical practice.

Recipes to relieve the symptoms of cystitis at home:

  • Squeeze the juice of fresh or frozen cranberries, dilute with purified drinking water in a 1:1 ratio. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day. The beneficial components of the berries restore bladder function, help relieve pain, and eliminate pathological mucus and swelling.
  • Finely chop the fresh parsley along with the root and put it in a thermos. Pour 200-250 ml of boiling water over the raw materials, close tightly and leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 50 ml in small sips half an hour before meals. The infusion relieves inflammation, cystitis quickly stops.
  • Chop fresh dill. Take 3 tbsp. l. Pour 200 ml of hot water over the finished raw material and place it in a water bath. Simmer for 15 minutes. remove from heat, cool, strain. Bring the resulting liquid to a volume of 200 ml by adding boiled water. Take a glass of dill water 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. This will help both reduce pain during inflammation and prevent the development of new attacks.

herbal preparations for relieving urinary spasms

Treatment at home involves baths with herbs. The thermal procedure relieves spasms, reduces the urge, and pain when urinating.

Recommendations on how to relieve cystitis at home in warm water:

  1. Water temperature 37-38°C, procedure duration 15-20 minutes.
  2. The bathroom is heated.
  3. Do not immerse the entire chest and heart area in water.
  4. After the procedure, you cannot go outside, so it is best to do it at night.
  5. To effectively remove painful symptoms, after a bath you need to go to bed, cover yourself with a blanket, and put a warm heating pad on your lower abdomen.

You can quickly cure cystitis by taking baths with herbs.

Recipe No. 1.

Take dry sage grass, knotweed, birch leaves in equal proportions (total weight 200 g). Pour 5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours. Strain and pour into the prepared bath. Repeat the procedure every other day for a month.

Recipe No. 2.

Grind pine needles and cones, spruce (can be done in a meat grinder or blender). Take 200 g of raw material, pour boiling water (5 l), leave for 2-3 hours, strain, pour into the bathroom, and if necessary, bring the water to the desired temperature. Take baths for 10 days (every evening).

To ensure the symptoms disappear as quickly as possible, you can take a painkiller, and then devote the day to actively drinking herbal teas recommended for cystitis. Suitable medications include:

  • Analgin is a common pain reliever that relieves discomfort in half an hour;
  • No-spa is an antispasmodic that dilates blood vessels;
  • Trigan-D is a remedy for relieving intense pain attacks.

You can take another drug that the person usually prefers. Also, in the morning you should prepare one of the following drinks:

  1. A decoction of rosehip roots. For 1 liter of water, 0.5 cups of crushed plant is required. Boil. Take before meals at least five times a day.
  2. Infusion of hop cones. Pour 2 tbsp. l. plants 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 1.5 hours you can take the medicine. Drink 0.5 cups before meals.
  3. Chicory infusion. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous recipe.
  4. St. John's wort infusion. Brew 1 tbsp. l. plants in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Strain. Drink 0.25 cups before meals.

Therapy needs to be “organized” according to how you feel. If the remedy does not help, it is better to consult a specialist. After all, in fact, only a doctor can tell you how to quickly cure cystitis in a particular case. The causative agents of the inflammatory process are different - and require different approaches. Home therapy is always a risk.

General recommendations

Inflammation of the bladder lining is predominantly experienced by women, which is due to the physiological location and structure of the genital organs.

General rules for providing first aid for cystitis in women are to follow these simple recommendations:

  • Nutrition correction. Salty, hot, spicy, pickled, fried and fatty foods are excluded from the menu. It is advisable to enrich the diet with plant foods with a diuretic effect.
  • Give up the usual drinks with caffeine in favor of non-carbonated pure water, herbal teas, natural fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, and rosehip infusion. It is the increase in fluid volume that helps reduce the concentration of urine and the number of bacteria in it.
  • Providing physical rest promotes a speedy recovery. During exacerbations, you should exclude any exercise, sports, and try to stay in bed more.
  • Cranberry is an excellent remedy for cystitis. It is considered a powerful antibiotic of natural origin and contains many vitamins. It is advisable to eat several handfuls of berries every day or drink fresh fruit juice to cleanse the walls of the bladder.
  • Elimination of pain with heat. For these purposes, it is permissible to use local heating using a heating pad. The water temperature should be moderate (36–38 °C), and the heating pad should be applied occasionally to the perineum and abdomen for 15 minutes. This method helps to relax smooth muscles, relieves spasms, reduces pain, and promotes the outflow of urine. Additionally, you are allowed to take a warm shower.

Experts do not recommend warming up in a hot bath, visiting a sauna, or steaming your legs in a basin. This global exposure to heat may worsen the situation by causing infection to spread upward. In addition, you should not use a heating pad during pregnancy, menstruation, a tendency to uterine bleeding, or in the presence of tumor processes. Heat is strictly contraindicated in case of hematuria (blood in the urine) and elevated temperature. Hematuria is a sign of hemorrhagic cystitis, in which there is a risk of blood entering the urethra and clogging its canals. In this condition, a person requires an emergency call to the ambulance and hospitalization.

Typology of the disease

Modern medicine distinguishes two groups of pathological processes:

  • The infectious form occurs after the penetration of microbes into the body, which, with a weakened immune system, literally populate the mucous membrane of the bladder, causing inflammation.
  • The non-infectious form occurs after exposure to external irritants. Such as poisoning with chemical compounds, surgical interventions, and the formation of stones in the genitourinary system.

It seems that in the first form of the disease all the signs of a contagious disease are present. But there is one nuance - inflammation of any organ cannot pass from one to another. Why are there persistent rumors that cystitis occurs after sex?

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