If cystitis appears before the delay in the expected conception, could this be an early sign of pregnancy?

Inflammation of the urinary tract is a common event. Most often it concerns women. The reason lies in the physiological characteristics of the urethra. For expectant and present mothers it is wider and shorter. This circumstance allows bacteria to penetrate the body more freely, affecting internal organs. It occurs both as an independent disease and as a complication after other diseases. In order not to panic in vain, you need to study in detail everything that is connected with it and, if necessary, take measures to prevent or treat it.

What is cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, as a result of which the mucous membrane is destroyed, its tissue increases in volume, and purulent formations may appear. Cystitis is divided into 2 groups:

  1. Infectious - caused by the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms or sore throats resulting from influenza - as their complication.
  2. Non-infectious - hypothermia, like an allergy to certain medications, hormonal imbalance (during pregnancy, increased progesterone and the hCG hormone, which can be perceived by the immune system as foreign for the first 2-3 months).

Negative consequences:

  1. During exacerbation (reactive inflammation) it can affect the formation of the central nervous system of the embryo.
  2. It can lead to pyelonephritis, and in advanced forms, to the manifestation of both an overactive and hypoactive neurogenic bladder or renal failure.
  3. Due to decreased immunity, the manifestation of other diseases increases.

What happens if cystitis is not treated early?

Lack of treatment is unacceptable when carrying a child. If cystitis occurs in the first trimester, the body needs to receive adequate help. The period before 14 weeks of development is most dangerous. All organs are formed. The risk of spontaneous abortion is very high.

An uncontrolled disease threatens the embryo with a teratogenic (development of birth defects) effect. And the pregnancy itself is a failure.

In addition, increasing intoxication reduces the body's defenses. The placental barrier weakens, toxins and pathogenic flora penetrate into the fetal bladder. Early infection of the fetus threatens severe pathologies and even death.

As for the pregnant woman, the ascending path will carry inflammation to the kidneys. If the infection gets into the surrounding tissue, this threatens the spread of purulent foci throughout the pelvic organs. The development of such processes will aggravate the severity of the disease and complicate the course of pregnancy. To avoid complications for mother and child, cystitis in the early stages requires proper treatment.

If you are pregnant and have cystitis

It’s another matter if you know for sure that you are pregnant, and you know for sure that you have cystitis. How to treat? It is very dangerous? There will be many questions.

If you are pregnant and have cystitis:

  1. Go to the doctor - take all the tests that he prescribes, and as soon as possible;
  2. Don’t drink anything - not a single pill or herbal decoction; all medications for the next 9 months can only be selected for you by a doctor (don’t even take simple valerian without his knowledge);
  3. Do not ignore the disease - the infection will lurk in the body, and your pregnancy will be problematic.

Understand: the sooner you discovered the disease, the sooner you began treatment, the gentler the therapy will be. But an advanced disease will have to be treated with more aggressive methods, and this is already difficult to compatible with pregnancy.

Is it worth repeating once again - pregnancy is a time of responsibility for two. Here you can’t hope that “it will go away on its own” or “I’ll take half a tablet - it’s okay.” The behavior of the expectant mother in the early stages is especially important. The first twelve weeks are when the baby’s organs are formed, and medications and herbs can have a very negative impact on this important process.

Why does conception result in bladder inflammation?

The main causes of cystitis during pregnancy:

  1. Irritation of the urinary mucosa by antibodies that have not adapted to sudden changes in the hormonal levels of the mother’s body.
  2. Due to dehydration of the body, the mucous membrane is irritated by a high concentration of salts.
  3. Inflammatory processes, including in the bladder, due to intoxication of the body, especially in the 1st trimester.
  4. Thrush, due to decreased immunity and increased blood glucose levels, also irritates the mucous membrane.
  5. Irritation of the mucous membrane by small stones is a consequence of the restructuring of the body during the gestational period.
  6. Entry of pathogenic microflora through the perianal area. Increased sugar and concentrations of toxins in the blood against the background of a general decrease in immunity increase the likelihood of infectious cystitis during pregnancy, especially during the first 2-3 months.

Features of prevention

To be a healthy mother of a healthy child, you need to take care of yourself and pay attention to all changes in general well-being. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, regardless of whether it is traditional or folk medicine. Trust the most valuable things, your health and the life of your child, only in the hands of highly professional doctors. Simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of cystitis during pregnancy:

  • dress for the season;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • eat healthy;
  • spend at least 2 hours outdoors;
  • wear high-quality natural underwear;
  • Take good care of your personal hygiene.

When the first alarming symptoms appear, you must rush to consult a leading doctor.

Cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Often women write on the forum that they have encountered cystitis as a sign of pregnancy before the delay . The disease often accompanies a special situation, and the symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy are often difficult to distinguish from it itself:

  • Painful sensations. They accompany the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. Among the accompanying symptoms: a tingling feeling in the lower back and abdomen, increased pain when urinating. The most typical time of manifestation is 6-10 days after fertilization. Nagging pain after a delay may indicate a threat of miscarriage.
  • Frequent urination. Characterizes both states. The reason for this symptom is increased blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is necessary for the normal development of the embryo. During pregnancy, urination rarely causes discomfort. Cystitis is often accompanied by false urges.
  • Bloody issues. Normally, small amounts of blood in the discharge may accompany implantation. If this happens at a later date, you should consult a doctor. A similar symptom of cystitis indicates a violation of the integrity of the bladder mucosa (appears during urination).
  • Temperature. A jump in body temperature above normal most often indicates an inflammatory process that accompanies cystitis. But even during pregnancy, this can happen due to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, and the levels rarely exceed 37.5 degrees.

Despite the complexity of the disease, pregnancy after cystitis can proceed absolutely normally, but there is an increased risk of relapse.

Can cystitis be a sign of pregnancy?

About cystitis without details

cystitis as a sign of early pregnancy

This refers to inflammation of the bladder wall caused by infection or a cold. In women, cystitis is often combined with other ailments affecting the kidneys and genitals. The disease manifests itself:

Pain in the abdomen at the level of the pubis and slightly above, which intensifies with urination, but may not go away for a long time; Frequent visits to the toilet with a small amount of fluid from the urethra, the appearance of impurities in it, including blood; Increased body temperature; Cloudy and darker colored urine. Lack of relief after visiting the toilet, as the feeling of a full bladder persists; Sometimes inability to hold urine.

In the acute form of the disease, these symptoms are obvious. The chronic course makes them smoother, but still noticeable.

Early manifestations of gestation

The body's first reaction to the birth of a new life is the increased release of progesterone. This hormone relaxes not only the muscles of the uterus, but also reduces the muscle tone of the body as a whole. Along with the cessation of the menstrual cycle, the first thing to feel is slight fatigue and drowsiness.

  • Cystitis in the early stages: a dangerous pathology or an early sign of pregnancy?

Starting from 2-3 weeks, the fetus does not have enough minerals and vitamins, which are included in the daily diet of the expectant mother. As a rule, the fetus “requires” calcium, iron, potassium in a highly acidic environment.

There is a desire to consume more canned food, dairy products, fresh vegetables, and then, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, even dried and or smoked meat and fish products.

At the same time, blood supply to the pelvic area increases and hCG is synthesized. If this is your first pregnancy, this hormone can cause spontaneous allergies to anything, a feeling of shortness of breath, inflammatory processes, including difficulty urinating. The end of the 1st trimester - the most vulnerable period for the health of the mother and the life of the fetus - should be observed by a gynecologist.

Pregnancy should be judged by the combination of the above signs. Their manifestation individually or one of them may indicate a sharp change in lifestyle, severe nervous shock, overwork, etc.

Is it possible to feel the fertilization of an egg after ovulation?

Every pregnancy is unique. There are women who are able to feel pregnancy in the first week. By listening to her body, a woman understands that fertilization of the egg has occurred. It is unlikely that there is such a sensitive woman who can feel that very specific moment of fertilization.

However, there are signs and symptoms that may indicate that fertilization has occurred. Some women report experiencing early symptoms soon after their expected date of conception. If you feel something unusual and want to know if you are pregnant, the fastest way is to take a home pregnancy test, which in most cases gives reliable results.

Is there a connection between cystitis and conception?

From the moment the zygote (fertilized cell) finds its bed inside the uterus, great changes begin in the woman’s body aimed at the safety of the embryo and pregnancy. This increases the risk of the possible development of pathological inflammatory reactions in the bladder and the development of background infections. The onset of pregnancy is accompanied by:

  1. Enhanced hormonal synthesis (progesterone and estrogen) necessary for the safety of the embryo. This process is joined by a protein hormone (gonadotropin), synthesized by the membrane of the developing fetus. It is called the pregnancy hormone, which at different gestational stages controls the pregnancy clinic and the presence of any pathologies.
  2. Inhibition of contractile functions of the uterus - to prevent miscarriage.
  3. Increasing blood circulation in the tissues of the genital organs, making them swollen and loose, providing the child with a “comfortable” passage through the birth canal during childbirth.
  4. Suppressing the aggressiveness of the vaginal microflora, changing its composition.
  5. Decreased muscle tone of the uterus, final intestine and bladder reservoir.

Such “metamorphoses” contribute to stagnant fluid processes in the pelvic organs, a decrease in immune phagocytosis (protection) and the development of excretory dysfunctions. The new state of the body is ideal conditions that promote pathogenic activation and the development of inflammatory pathology in the mucous lining of the bladder reservoir.

Therefore, the question of whether cystitis in early pregnancy can be regarded as a sign of conception is quite justified. But this requires a balanced and adequate attitude to the situation, since treatment of inflammatory damage to bladder tissues must be immediate in order to prevent chronicization of the process and deeper damage to bladder tissue.

Possible similarity of symptoms

Inflammatory damage to the bladder walls, which develops under the influence of a hormonal surge, significantly changes the woman’s condition. This may be immediately and imperceptibly, since secretory hormonal activation can reduce the severity of symptoms, and similar signs are so capable of indicating the fact of conception that until the delay of the period (menstruation), confirming fertilization, cystitis may be perceived as a sign of conception in early pregnancy .

Although, according to doctors, in the coming weeks after fertilization and implantation of the zygote into the uterus, the condition of women should not be affected by any negative factors. Therefore, if a child is planned and desired, it would not hurt to find out what symptoms you should respond to and urgently contact a specialist.

Frequent micturition (urination)

An increase in the frequency of voiding is noted both during inflammation of the urinary bladder tissue and during pregnancy in the coming weeks after conception.

  • With cystitis, this process is caused by hyperactivity of the bladder and the transmission of false information to the brain by nerve receptors. As a result, natural migrations occur even with minimal accumulation of urine in the reservoir cavity, accompanied by pain, itching and burning.
  • In the first days of pregnancy, the need for frequent intercourse is caused by more intense blood circulation, but not by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the uterus, as many believe. This reason is relevant in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus grows. But even then, frequent movements are not accompanied by any particular discomfort, which is noted with inflammation of the bladder.

Painful symptoms

Painful sensations are characteristic of both conditions.

  1. Urogenital inflammation gives a picture of an acute pain syndrome radiating to the perineum or the intestinal area located in the pelvic cavity.
  2. Pain in the first days of pregnancy can be observed even before the cessation of regulation and is caused by implantation of the zygote into the uterine cavity. This process can last up to three days or more, and all this time the woman is bothered by pain, with signs similar to the symptoms of cystitis.


In case of inflammatory processes in the bladder, it is necessary to monitor the presence of foreign inclusions in the urine. Purulent secretion is a sign of a strong inflammatory process, the presence of bloody discharge indicates deeper structural damage to tissues with the development of hemorrhagic processes - hemorrhage with vascular damage.

In addition, the color of discharge during cystitis may indicate the spread of infection to the genitals. Whitish discharge with a specific odor is a sign of vaginosis, yellow and greenish discharge is a sign of sexually transmitted infections, purulent vaginal discharge is a sign of colpitis.

In the first days of conception, there may be a slight presence of bloody inclusions in the urine, which is due to the same process of implantation of the fetal cell into the uterine cavity, which is accompanied by damage to small capillaries and their bleeding. It occurs against the background of slight pressure, and therefore manifests itself in the process of migration.

How to distinguish a woman's condition?

Pregnancy, especially the first trimester, is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate, but this does not at all mean the manifestation of urinary inflammation. Let's look at how to distinguish cystitis from pregnancy:

  1. Since cystitis is inflammatory in nature, at the initial stage a slight pain is felt when you want to empty the bladder. During exacerbations of the disease - severe burning and stinging 3-5 minutes after completion of urination. Frequent urges associated with accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic area are not accompanied by pain. The sensations are no different from ordinary urges. A portion of urine may be less than 30 ml, the urge may occur after 10-15 minutes. Urine is cloudy, without foreign inclusions.
  2. When pregnancy occurs, fluid metabolism increases - the volume with each urination does not differ significantly from normal - 100-350 ml, the urge may occur no more than 30 minutes. Urine with frequent urination is transparent. 2-3 weeks after conception, if there is a frequent urge, there may be a slight sediment of salts and sand in the urine. The inclusions are dense, crystalline, light gray. This is not a pathology - the body cleanses the kidneys of minor deposits.

Can cystitis be a sign of pregnancy?

Pregnancy can trigger cystitis. This happens for the following reasons: the amount of hormones in a woman’s body increases, primarily hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), progesterone and estrogens.

The hCG hormone is produced by the embryo and is able to be recognized by the mother's body as foreign. This leads to a transformation of the microflora of the mucous membranes and increased vaginal secretion. Because of this, pathogenic microbes entering the bladder through the urethra can lead to inflammation. In this case, cystitis may be a sign of pregnancy .

  • Cystitis during pregnancy treatment at home

Cystitis can occur during pregnancy for another reason. To prevent interruption, the body reduces its immune defenses. This leads to increased susceptibility to both pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Infections cause cystitis much more easily in the first trimester of pregnancy, even if immunity is excellent before that.

Cystitis can be associated with pregnancy, but it also occurs in its absence. It should be noted that the development of any symptoms before the delay is unlikely; for this, the concentration of hormones in the woman’s body is insufficient during this period. Therefore, the feeling of cystitis during pregnancy requires consulting a doctor not only to exclude the latter, but also to treat the disease.

During pregnancy, therapy differs from that for non-pregnant women. Most antibiotics and physiotherapeutic procedures are prohibited. Rest, diet and plenty of fluids are prescribed. After testing, the doctor prescribes medicine for cystitis during pregnancy, including approved antibiotics.

How to distinguish cystitis and pregnancy

Infectious cystitis during pregnancy

Women who consider cystitis a sign of pregnancy should not forget that sometimes this condition turns out to be the result not of physiological changes, but of the real development of the infectious process. The body, weakened to prevent miscarriage, becomes extremely susceptible to infection. Pathogens can penetrate from the external environment during unprotected sexual intercourse or as a result of poor hygiene. In some cases, even opportunistic microbes that populate the mucous membrane of the genital organs can provoke cystitis. Due to the creation of extremely favorable conditions, they begin to actively reproduce, causing the development of an acute form of the disease or an exacerbation of a chronic one.

Bladder disease as a sign of fertilization

Inflammation of the urinary tract occurs in most pregnant women. In most cases, the pathology is caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of urine, in which the concentration of toxins increases 2-3 weeks after conception.

Cystitis can be considered a sign of pregnancy if:

  • before conception, high immunity maintained candida in a latent state - cystitis appears simultaneously with thrush;
  • a woman has a tendency to inflammation due to a sharp increase in acidity - cystitis as a consequence of an increase in glucocorticoids, respectively glucose;
  • there is a decrease in muscle tone in the pelvic area;
  • microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract or vagina entered the bladder through the urethra - inflammation due to a conflict of microflora;
  • before conception there were arthritis, which during pregnancy are often accompanied by reactive inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • the fluid balance is disturbed - the mucous membrane becomes inflamed due to lack of moisture.

Cystitis can also manifest itself as part of the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes due to the woman’s immune system not accepting the fetus - this is rare.

What changes occur after fertilization

Until a missed period, a pregnant woman may not be aware of the development of a fertilized egg.
Especially if she didn't plan to get pregnant. Detection of the fertilized egg and characteristic changes in the uterus will remain unavailable to either ultrasound or the hands of a gynecologist for several weeks. But hormones aimed at bearing a fetus are already working. The fertilized egg develops in the fallopian tubes for a week. It divides many times and is called a zygote. The new hormonal background prepares the reproductive organs for the implantation of the embryo and gestation. On the 7th - 8th day of conception, the zygote grows to the mucous membrane of the uterine wall. The formation of elements of organs, systems, and placenta begins.

Because the reproductive and urinary systems work together, they can be misleading due to the similarity of symptoms when certain conditions develop. Let's figure out whether acute cystitis can be a sign of pregnancy.

Inflammation of the urinary tract after conception

After conception, the body’s hormonal balance is adjusted to provide optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. The production of progesterone and hCG, as well as an increase in estrogen, not only reduce immunity, but also change the composition of urine.

  • Protein in urine during pregnancy: reasons for increase in early and late stages

Consequently, the main reason for the manifestation of cystitis in the first days after conception is the reaction of the bladder mucosa to changes in the composition of urine. Then there are the consequences of decreased immunity and inflammation due to stagnation of a certain amount of urine, because progesterone also prevents the normal contraction of the walls of the bladder.

Symptoms of cystitis caused by stagnation of urine do not appear as pronounced as infectious, allergic or colds. However, this type has dangerous consequences - pollakiuria (urinary incontinence) or hypo-reflex bladder (involuntary urination without urge and or emptying the bladder at night).

Symptoms of conception after ovulation in the first days.

In each individual case, symptoms will manifest themselves individually. The psychological factor is of great importance. If a woman does not plan a pregnancy, then she will not notice the changes occurring in the body. The main symptoms of pregnancy are:

  • Emotional lability;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Increase in size and appearance of soreness of the mammary glands;
  • Bloating;
  • Fatigue;
  • Change in libido;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of conception after ovulation, as a rule, make themselves felt after 10-12 days. Among them are pain in the lower abdomen. They are triggered by the implantation process. As the embryo implants in the uterus, blood vessels may become damaged. In addition, muscle spasms occur.

Disruption of the digestive system occurs under the influence of hormonal changes. The onset of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in progesterone levels. It provokes increased gas formation and diarrhea. Some women experience a change in taste preferences or loss of appetite after conception.

Changes in the mammary glands are one of the common symptoms of conception. Immediately after the implantation of the fertilized egg, a tingling sensation appears in the chest. Nipples become more sensitive. The volume of the mammary glands also changes. These symptoms are caused by an increase in the hormones hCG and progesterone.

Sudden cystitis

Some signs of conception after ovulation cause confusion in a woman, since they are only indirectly related to pregnancy. At the initial stages of an interesting situation, the microflora of the vagina changes. The number of pathogenic microorganisms may exceed the norm. If bacteria enter the urethra, symptoms of cystitis will occur.

The very first signs of conception after ovulation can often be recognized by women who keep a basal temperature chart. It is measured every day, rectally. The temperature is recorded on a graph. Based on the information received, a curved line is drawn. In the follicular phase of the cycle, the temperature ranges from 36.5°C to 36.8°C.

Basal temperature chart
Basal temperature chart.

The study of basal temperature is indicative only if the woman has a regular cycle and the study is carried out on an ongoing basis. The following factors may influence the indicator:

  • Stressful situations;
  • Sexual intercourse performed the day before;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Excessive physical activity.

Signs of conception after ovulation are not as reliable as the level of hCG in the body. The pregnancy hormone begins to be released into the blood faster than into the urine. Therefore, a blood test will show the presence of pregnancy faster than a pregnancy test. The fact of completed conception is indicated by a result of more than 5 units.

Urinary retention is a sign of impending conception

It's no secret that during pregnancy, all organs undergo adaptation to a new state. The bladder also undergoes special changes. Factors influencing its functions:

  • growing uterus;
  • relaxation of smooth muscles due to progesterone;
  • unstable psycho-emotional background;
  • less active lifestyle.

As a result, the walls of the urinary tract lose their desired tone. Muscle strength is not enough to push out all the accumulated urine. Difficulty urinating when the bladder is full. Often urine leaks spontaneously. With regular problems with going to the toilet, unpleasant sensations appear in the form of tension, nagging pain above the pubis. Delayed bladder emptying is a reason to consult a doctor. By examining, you can determine whether the symptom is related to fertilization, cystitis or another condition.

What to do if you suspect cystitis?

There is an opinion that cystitis can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are effective only for infectious cystitis. In these cases, complex therapy is carried out. Immunomodulators are prescribed 1-2 days before starting antibiotics. For acute inflammations, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used at the same time, and for reactive inflammations, hormonal ones of the prednisolone series are used.

This treatment regimen does not apply during pregnancy. An exception is a disease caused by coccal pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or if the infectious agent threatens the life of the mother and or fetus. In other cases, antibiotics are not used with the exception of sulfonamides.

Nitroxoline, the most common treatment for cystitis, is contraindicated during pregnancy, like any fluoroquinolone. Their substitutes are Sulfonamides, Nitrofurans, and in the case of cocci or ureaplasmas, Tetracyclines.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs retain fluid in the body. This is also taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Which therapy is more effective in a particular case can only be determined based on diagnosis. Therefore, it is not recommended to treat cystitis on your own during pregnancy.

Do not use hot baths consisting of herbal decoctions or dry mixtures, or mix different components in dry mixtures. Apply dry baths only to the feet. To achieve a positive result, dilute the heated salt with chamomile. Do not mix salt, flour and sand. They need to be warmed up separately to a comfortable temperature for the feet. Using hot mixtures or ingredients can cause miscarriage!

Therapeutic tactics for cystitis in pregnant women and prevention of the disease

If cystitis occurs in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which should only be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot independently prescribe medications or use medicinal herbs, as some medications are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy.

Safe therapy

If a woman’s condition worsens and it is impossible to visit a doctor as soon as possible, the following measures should be taken:

cystitis as a sign of early pregnancy
maintain bed rest; stay warm at all times, avoid cold; adhere to a diet for expectant mothers that excludes spicy and fried foods and marinades; It is useful to take a warm (not hot!) bath with chamomile infusion or potassium permanganate.

When visiting a doctor, you will need to take tests to determine the quantity of leukocytes, red blood cells, and bacteria present in the urine. It will also be necessary to donate venous blood for hCG. This study will help determine not only the presence of pregnancy, but also how long it is.

If cystitis is confirmed, then in most cases, plant-based uroseptic drugs (Canephron) are prescribed, which will help get rid of pathogenic microbes, as well as antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine). It will also be recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink per day and consume foods that will help remove toxins from the pregnant woman’s body: cranberries, lingonberries, chamomile.

Review from our reader Maria Uvarova

I recently read an article that talks about the “Monastic collection of Father George” for the treatment of cystitis. With the help of this collection you can FOREVER get rid of CYSTITIS at home.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I felt relief already on the 3rd day: I stopped running to the toilet every 5 minutes, the pain when urinating that had tormented me before receded. All symptoms of cystitis are gone. My mood has improved, the desire to live and enjoy life has appeared again! Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

Read the article —>

In case of urgent need, cephalosporin antibiotics (Cefotaxime) and Fosfomycin can be prescribed for no more than a three-day course. In this case, the expectant mother should take at least 3 liters of fluid per day. This can be still water, teas, juices, especially cranberry. However, given the woman’s situation, suppositories with an antibacterial effect (Hexicon) can most often be prescribed.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and can reach from 10 to 14 days. It is necessary to complete the course of therapy, even with significant improvement, to avoid re-infection.

Similar symptoms of pregnancy and cystitis

The special hormonal background of pregnancy, processes in the uterus and fallopian tubes cause a complex of characteristic early symptoms: fatigue, weakness, nausea, and there may be nagging pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.

This symptom complex imitates intoxication and pain syndromes of urological diseases. Since the clinical picture is similar, a woman may regard cystitis as the first sign of pregnancy. For such complaints, it is important to seek medical advice. If these are really the first symptoms of fertilization, then treating imaginary cystitis means harming the normal development of the embryo. If pain in the lower abdomen and blood in the discharge are attributed to inflammation, you can miss the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Some women attribute their new condition to a frequent urge to urinate. So, you can perceive cystitis as the first sign of pregnancy before a missed period. This is a misconception.

Until the enlarged uterus begins to compress the bladder, such processes are not interrelated. Its growth begins in the second trimester.

This means that if you have frequent urges and expect conception to occur, you need to visit a doctor.

What does pregnancy have to do with it?

When thinking about whether cystitis can be a sign of pregnancy, you need to imagine what changes in the body are associated with it. First of all, this is an increase in the amount of progesterone, estrogens, and the appearance of a new hormone, hCG, in the blood. Outside of pregnancy, the volume of the first two substances experiences a cyclical increase and decrease, which is common and does not cause unusual external manifestations. HCG is generally produced only by the embryo, that is, its appearance is initially perceived by the body as something foreign.

Hormones have a great influence on the female reproductive system. First of all, this affects its microflora. The composition and number of bacteria may change noticeably, which is reflected by increased vaginal secretion. Transparent, watery discharge appears. Bacteria easily travel through the urethra to the bladder.

But most often, a woman mistakes symptoms similar to cystitis for cystitis, which are actually manifestations not of a bladder infection, but of pregnancy.

Frequent urination

Many people think that the first role in this is played by the enlargement of the uterus, which supposedly begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, provoking frequent trips to the toilet. In reality, it begins to grow much later. Before the delay, the embryo is too small; immediately after implantation it will have enough space in the uterus as it is at this stage.

In fact, the blood supply to the genital organs first increases. This is necessary for the development of pregnancy, and therefore natural. Hence the frequent urge to urinate, which is the main symptom of cystitis for many. But they, as a rule, are not accompanied by sharp pain and give a feeling of relief immediately after.

The density of the uterine tissue also changes. They become softer and swollen. An experienced specialist can conclude that pregnancy has occurred based on this sign after a gynecological examination. Some swelling of the internal genital organs may also contribute to the need to visit the toilet frequently, but only slightly.


The first signs of pregnancy include cystitis: pain, spasms in the lower back and abdomen. The sensations are not strong, rather aching, but can be dangerous for the existence of the fetus. The very beginning of pregnancy is a rather difficult period when the likelihood of miscarriage is high. If a woman does not yet know about it, does not protect herself from physical activity or other provoking factors, it is likely that the pain is a signal that the fertilized egg may detach from the wall of the uterus. The sensations increase when urinating, that is, even though they are insignificant, they are trying. This is perceived by a woman as a sign of cystitis, although in fact it is not.

Another cause of pain in the genital area is implantation of the fertilized egg. This happens 5-7 days after conception, that is, before the delay. The entire process takes up to 40 hours. In this case, the uterine mucosa cannot remain intact, since the fertilized egg is screwed deep into the wall. Areas of hemorrhage appear near the place where it is fixed. That is, during all this time, a woman may feel pain in the abdomen, blaming it on chronic cystitis.

Bloody issues

Cystitis, as one of the signs of pregnancy before the delay, is marked by small amounts of blood that a woman can detect after urinating on toilet paper. In fact, this is also a symptom of implantation of the fertilized egg. It occurs next to the large spiral artery, that is, in the upper part of the uterus on its posterior wall. It is not in vain that nature planned this particular placement of the embryo, because it is here that there are a large number of blood vessels that will nourish it. The posterior wall of the uterus undergoes less transformation as the embryo grows, that is, the fetus is more protected.

During implantation, the mucous membrane of the organ disintegrates and nearby capillaries burst, spilling blood. If there is enough of it, it is expelled from the vagina. It is not surprising that if this happens during urination, the release of droplets is facilitated by some of the efforts that have to be made.


An early sign of pregnancy, cystitis can also manifest itself as an increase in body temperature. If its value is slightly higher than 37 degrees, but there are no other manifestations of a cold, the woman attributes the symptom to inflammation of the bladder. The fact that many people have a hard time withstanding a slight rise in temperature and feel tired and overwhelmed also plays a role.

In fact, the cause of this phenomenon is an increase in the amount of progesterone. The body produces the hormone in unprecedented quantities to maintain pregnancy. It prevents the uterus from contracting excessively, regulates the woman’s blood viscosity, and prepares the mammary glands for future feeding of the newborn. With multiple pregnancy and kidney disease, the amount of progesterone exceeds the norm, which is why the temperature can rise above the usual 37.2 degrees. In combination with the other mentioned signs of cystitis, this symptom is perceived as the most reliable confirmation of the diagnosis.

An increase in temperature can easily be caused by staying in a hot, unventilated room for a long time. The lack of fresh air can worsen your overall health so much that it seems as if it has risen to high levels.

The relationship between cystitis and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special condition when the body is completely rebuilt in order to bear a healthy child. These changes may also be a factor in the development of infectious pathologies.

A decrease in immunity during pregnancy can also cause an exacerbation of some chronic diseases. Against this background, pathologies to which there was a hereditary predisposition may debut. The changes also affect the microflora: the ratio of bacteria in the vagina can change significantly, and abundant mucous leucorrhoea appears.

Hormones affect the walls of the uterus, which become more loose and swollen. Infection becomes much easier. Therefore, it is especially important to maintain genital hygiene during this period, not to get too cold, and if any suspicious symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Preventive measures

In order not to encounter such an unpleasant disease as cystitis during pregnancy, follow simple preventive recommendations:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene by washing daily.
  2. Buy underwear only from natural fabrics.
  3. Avoid hypothermia by dressing appropriately for the weather.
  4. Maintain drinking regime.

In no case should you tolerate the urge to urinate - if there is an infection in the body, it will come out of it faster. During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system.

Frequent urination: a sign of pregnancy or something else

Another insidious sign is frequent urination. There are many reasons that cause it. These may be natural factors: drinking large amounts of fluid, anxiety, taking certain medications, special types of diets for weight loss. Pathological causes are varied:

  • urological problems (cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis);
  • gynecological pathologies (fibroids or uterine prolapse);
  • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • neurological disorders (neurogenic bladder, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Examination before and during pregnancy is aimed at identifying and treating such conditions. Usually, the presence of other characteristic syndromes makes it possible to differentiate physiological increase from pathology.

What to do if you suspect cystitis

Many women do not attach much importance to cystitis, despite the severe symptoms, in the sense that they do not rush to see a doctor. They consider it sufficient to make their own choice and take antibiotics to get rid of the disease. But if it is not cystitis, but pregnancy, such drugs can harm the developing embryo and provoke abortion.

Among the signs listed in detail that are characteristic of the earliest stages, there is not one - cloudy urine, which occurs with inflammation of the bladder. During pregnancy, her appearance does not normally change, but it is difficult to accurately assess it without being a specialist. Therefore, if you suspect you have cystitis, it is better to consult a doctor and get tested. It will accurately detect a high concentration of leukocytes in the urine if the suspected diagnosis is correct. But many women, having consulted a doctor about cystitis, discovered pregnancy and the absence of inflammation.

Sources used:

  • https://urohelp.guru/mochevoj-puzyr/cistit/priznaki-beremennosti.html
  • https://uromir.ru/vospalenie-mochevogo-puzyrya/bolezn/cistit-kak-priznak-beremennosti.html
  • https://cistito.ru/cistit-kak-priznak-beremennosti.html
  • https://mycistit.ru/vopros-otvet/priznak-beremennosti
  • https://1labhealth.ru/tsistit/simptomyi-i-prichinyi/tsistit-kak-priznak-beremennosti-na-rannih-srokah.html
  • https://7mam.ru/cistit-kak-priznak-beremennosti-do-zaderzhki/

Is it possible to get rid of it?

Cystitis, as a possible sign of pregnancy before a delay, cannot be ignored, but it will also not be possible to eliminate it on your own. Not only does it cause discomfort to the expectant mother and provoke pyelonephritis, but it also creates an infectious threat for the child. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics, warming, and folk remedies can cause no less harm to the baby. Therefore, a doctor will prescribe medications for the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, and a woman can contribute to recovery if she comes for an appointment as early as possible and fulfills the following conditions:

  • Do not overcool;
  • Monitor timely emptying of the bladder;
  • Do not eat spicy foods that increase pain.

Cystitis as the first sign of pregnancy, despite its apparent obviousness, cannot be considered unconditional. To confirm it, other, more reliable manifestations are needed. In frequent cases, symptoms similar to the disease have nothing to do with it. But if cystitis really appeared during pregnancy, this does not put an end to it. The disease is cured, and if the woman takes care of herself, it does not return after childbirth.

Sensations in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay are weak, they can easily be confused with signs of a cold or overwork.

Urine makes the first signs of pregnancy obvious not only to the doctor, but also to the expectant mother.

Early signs of pregnancy. Waiting for a new addition to your home is a condition that is hard to ignore.

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