Complications after chemotherapy: classification and treatment methods

Under the influence of chemicals during chemotherapy, a condition called nephrotoxicity develops in the kidneys. If you do not promptly restore the normal functionality of the organ, you can provoke the development of pathologies of a chronic nature. To normalize kidney function, folk remedies are used according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

After chemotherapy, toxins accumulate in the kidneys, which must be removed from the organ.

How does chemotherapy harm the kidneys?

Under the influence of toxins that are introduced into the body during the procedure, a number of complications and negative consequences arise. Often after chemotherapy, the patient begins to experience severe vomiting and persistent diarrhea with the release of watery feces. During this period, the body actively loses fluid, which leads to severe dehydration. There is an increased excretion of hydrochloric acid, the deficiency of which causes dysfunction of the adrenal glands and kidneys. The body also loses sodium chloride, which causes the overall vital activity of cells in organs and systems to suffer. Under the influence of negative factors, the epithelial cover of the renal tubules stops absorbing purified fluid into the blood, which provokes the development of renal failure.

With kidney dysfunction, part of their work is performed by the duodenum.

Due to a deficiency of nutrients, the adrenal glands cease to perform their main functions, namely the production of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoid hormones and adrenaline. Since the kidneys are the main filter of the body, if their functioning is disrupted, there is an accumulation of toxins and poisons, and intoxication develops. This phenomenon causes diseases and dysfunctions of many organs.

Metabolic disorders and nephropathy

Under the influence of chemicals, active decay of neoplasms occurs, which leads to the release of large amounts of uric acid and becomes the cause of nephropathy. The disease is caused by a violation of the structure and functionality of kidney cells. Poisons and drugs from the group of monoclonal antibodies can provoke an imbalance in renal activity. Therefore, it is important to carry out restorative and preventive work to normalize kidney function. Otherwise, the weakened organ is at increased risk of infection by pathogens.

The most effective anti-cancer drugs

This includes platinum-based chemotherapy drugs. They have the highest antitumor activity. The mechanism of action is that they “crosslink” guanine pairs in DNA, thereby disrupting its structure and stopping the process of division of malignant cells.

It is worth recalling that the more effectively a substance destroys a tumor, the more negatively it affects healthy tissues. Therefore, side effects with platinum drugs can be especially pronounced. The main drugs in this group include: “Platinum”; "Carboplatin"; "Cisplatin."

Platinum preparations

Folk remedies for recovery

After a course of chemotherapy, it is important to resume normal kidney function. Particular attention is paid to restoring the ability to reabsorb fluid and nutrients from the ultrafiltrate and preventing infectious inflammatory processes. After chemical exposure, it is difficult to treat the kidneys. First of all, drug therapy is used. Traditional medicine is widely used to restore kidney function.

Healing herbs

For kidney pathologies, plants with nephroprotective activity, which have antioxidant and antihypoxic effects, are used. Herbs help saturate cells with useful substances, provide a protective function to the membrane and provoke accelerated regeneration. To reduce the toxic effects, the following are used: birch leaves, corn silk, tricolor violet, string, etc. Plants of this group have a diuretic and immunostimulating effect.

It is not recommended to take herbs that contain resinous substances, which provoke irritation of the renal parenchyma.

A decoction of birch leaves is considered affordable and effective in the fight against kidney diseases. It should be taken 3 times a day before meals. The daily portion is prepared as follows: add 1 tablespoon of dry leaves to 1 glass of boiled water. The broth is left in a steam bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain and cool before use.

Diet therapy

To reduce the load on the kidneys during chemotherapy, it is recommended to adhere to special dietary rules. It is necessary to limit the consumption of acidic and irritating foods, especially citrus fruits. You should be careful with salty and spicy foods. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. It is advisable to increase the amount of vegetables and fats of plant origin.

Plants with nephroprotective activity: antihypoxates and antioxidants

The basis for the treatment of toxic kidney damage are plants with antihypoxic and antioxidant effects.

Antihypoxic plants solve the problem of cellular energy, i.e. They strive to create conditions in a cell suffering from the aggression of toxic chemotherapy drugs to obtain a sufficient amount of energy.

The antihypoxic effect of these plants is explained by the flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins and microelements they contain, such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, copper, etc.

Compared to synthetic antihypoxates, antihypoxate plants have a more pronounced and long-lasting effect, as well as a combination with antioxidant effects.

Antioxidant plants have the ability to prevent cell membranes from damage resulting from chemotherapy. Any damage to the membranes leads to cell death through necrosis, the pouring of cell contents into the intercellular space with damage to neighboring cells. Plant antioxidants strengthen cell membranes. The antioxidant effect of plants is also due to the presence of active substances in them - flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotenoids, as well as certain vitamins and microelements.

However, when choosing plants for treatment, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s kidney function. For example, if you have jade, plants with resinous substances are contraindicated, incl. such well-known “bud” plants as juniper and silver birch buds. Resinous substances irritate the renal parenchyma and complicate the patient's condition. Birch leaves do not have such a side effect. If there are red blood cells in the urine, you should be very careful when prescribing herbs containing silicon - they can worsen hematuria. Among such herbs are horsetail, bird knotweed, wheatgrass root, agrimony, etc.

The most effective for combating toxic damage to the kidneys are the following herbs: silver birch (leaves), ivy budra, borage officinalis, smooth hernia, orthosiphon stamen (kidney tea), corn silk, field steelhead (roots and leaves), Baikal skullcap (roots) , tricolor violet, tripartite series. All these plants have antihypoxic, antioxidant, as well as diuretic and immunostimulating effects. They also help reduce creatinine and residual nitrogen levels.

Some plants with nephroprotective properties have served as the basis for the creation of medical drugs. So, on the basis of Lespedeza capitata they produce the drug Lespenefril, on the basis of Lespedeza bicolor - the drug Lespeflan, on the basis of lovage, centaury and rosemary - the drug Canephron, on the basis of artichoke - the drug Hofitol.

How to treat with medications?

In case of kidney dysfunction, the patient is referred for consultation to a urologist or nephrologist, who prescribes a number of herbal medications:

"Canephron", "Trinephron" and "Nephrofit" are drugs taken to restore kidney function after chemotherapy.

  • "Canephron." Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. It contains plant substances and biologically active components that have an antibacterial effect. Used in complex therapy.
  • "Trinephron." A more affordable analogue of Canephron. It has identical composition and spectrum of action.
  • "Nephrophyte". Contains active components of plant origin that have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Used for chronic kidney and bladder diseases.

If necessary, diuretics are prescribed. During chemotherapy and after completion of the course, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the kidneys to prevent the development of chronic ailments. In severe cases, under the influence of severe intoxication, the organs completely fail, and then their recovery becomes impossible.

Chemotherapy courses have a merciless effect not only on pathological cells, but, unfortunately, on the entire body. Dead cancer cells after a chemotherapy session are not eliminated on their own; they are transformed into necrotic tissue. Dead cell particles enter the bloodstream and cause deterioration of the condition.

Chemotherapy provokes the appearance of the following symptoms: severe weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature and decreased performance. To restore the body after chemotherapy, it is first necessary to cleanse it of dead pathological cells.

What to take after chemotherapy sessions

Medicines from plants will cope with the task no worse than medications. Moreover, drugs of unofficial medicine act on the body much softer and more delicate.

You need to start restoring your body with proper nutrition. Include pomegranate, turmeric, sesame seeds, olive oil, and beef in your diet.

Pomegranate has choleretic, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil contains omega acids and vitamins that the body needs, especially after such treatment.

Sesame seeds are high in calcium, and beef is a source of vitamin B 12 and protein.

It is recommended to consume more juices, but preferably not store-bought ones, but those made with your own hands. Juices from lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, and sea buckthorn are very useful.

The use of infusions and decoctions of herbs

  1. Take a couple of spoons of dry birch leaves and combine with the same amount of nettle leaves. Grind and mix the raw materials and brew in 400 milliliters of boiling water. Place the container in a dark, warm place for several hours. Filter and combine the prepared product with freshly squeezed beet juice - 50 ml. Take half a glass of medicine four times a day. The duration of the rehabilitation course is two months.
  2. In order to speed up the restoration of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after courses of chemotherapy, it is recommended to use the following remedy. Take lemon balm, chop and steam the raw material, about 30 grams in boiled water. Leave the mixture for a couple of hours. Drink a glass of medicinal drink twice throughout the day. The drug helps suppress nausea and vomiting and normalize stomach activity.
  3. The following drug has astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Take alder cones, about a couple of spoons, and brew the raw material in 400 milliliters of boiling water. The product must infuse. Take half a glass of the medicinal drink three times a day.
  4. Take burdock rhizomes, chop finely, place in a saucepan and cover with water. Place the container on the stove and wait for the composition to boil. Combine the prepared decoction with birch sap and a small amount of alcohol, stir. Rub the product into the scalp for hair loss.
  5. Brew 15 grams of lungwort in 300 ml of boiling water, place the product in a warm place for three hours. It is recommended to consume half a glass of the drug three times a day.
  6. Pour a couple of tablespoons of dry crushed Rhodiola rosea into 200 ml of boiling water. Let the composition brew a little. Take a quarter glass of the product four times a day.
  7. Take the bergenia rhizome, chop it finely, put it in a saucepan, cover with cold water - half a liter. Boil the product, reduce the heat slightly and simmer for another 20 minutes. Cool and drink 1/2 cup of the drink twice a day.
  8. Steam a spoonful of dried crushed nettle in 300 ml of boiled water. Place in a dry place for several hours. It is recommended to take half a glass of medication three times a day.
  9. Take celery, chop it and brew a couple of tablespoons of the raw material with 300 ml of boiling water. Leave it to brew in a thermos. You need to drink a third of a glass of the drug before each sitting at the table.
  10. Combine dandelion rhizomes and leaves with mint and chamomile flowers. You need to take 15 g of each ingredient. Brew the raw materials with boiling water - 500 ml. Infuse the mixture for several hours. Take 20 ml of medication four times a day.

Water will give you strength and restore your body.

Together with herbs, it is recommended to use water, not just plain water, but silver and silicon water. To saturate water with silicon ions, simply place a small piece of silicon in a bottle of purified water. Keep it in water for about a week. To saturate water with silver ions, pour water into a silver vessel and leave for two weeks. Drink 50 ml of any silicon or silver water twice a day.

Preparation of healing drinks

Combine chamomile with immortelle, St. John's wort and birch buds in equal quantities, chop and mix.
Pour the raw materials into a glass container and brew 500 ml of boiled water. Leave the container in a warm place for three hours. Before using the drug, add a little honey. Drink 200 ml of the medicine twice a day: in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening, before going to bed. Combine birch buds with immortelle flowers, oregano herb, angelica roots, St. John's wort, stinging nettle leaves, linden flowers, coltsfoot leaves, peppermint, dandelion, plantain, chamomile flowers, pine buds, thyme herb and sage. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and brew 50 g in a liter of boiling water. Cover the container and place in a warm room overnight. Filter, pour into a convenient storage container and place in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 days. Drink half a glass of the drink twice a day.

Recovery after just one course of chemotherapy is a difficult and lengthy process. But often several sessions in a row with fairly short breaks are required. Toxic effects can be reduced in various ways. They must be discussed with your doctor.

It is very important to maintain a drinking regime. You need to drink a lot, preferably plain or silvered water or green tea. The diet includes foods with a diuretic effect: parsley, seaweed, radish, pomegranate. The absolute exception is alcohol, soda, cakes and pastries with a lot of fat.

Restoring the body with a healing mixture

Take aloe leaves only from a plant that has reached three years of age, rinse and put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After half a month, chop the leaves and scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Mix the squeezed juice - 50 ml with medical alcohol - 500 ml, close tightly and refrigerate. Take 10 ml of the drug three times a day.

After chemotherapy, it is necessary to take care of oral hygiene. The drugs used in such therapy can severely irritate the oral cavity; they provoke the appearance of xerostomia, wounds and ulcers. It is recommended to brush your teeth with a paste that protects the enamel and gums from the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

In addition, avoid eating rough foods, salty and sour foods. It is also not advisable to drink lemon, grapefruit and tomato juices.

Restoring the body is necessary, first of all, to improve overall well-being, as well as to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Alternative medicine drugs will help normalize the functioning of all systems and organs. However, before taking any informal medicine, do not forget to consult a specialist.

Chemotherapy is widely used in the treatment of cancer and dangerous tumors. The procedure reveals specific aspects, causing a negative effect on the organs and body. Therapy can improve the patient’s condition, but under the influence of chemicals the immune system is weakened, the functioning of many organs is disrupted, and many unpleasant side effects are observed. At the end of therapy, the patient must undergo recovery in a clinical setting or at home.

Recipes for drugs based on plants with nephroprotective activity

Below are a few recipes:

– Decoction of silver birch leaves. To prepare the decoction 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry plant material is poured with 1 glass of hot water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.

– Infusion of ivy budra. The remedy is prepared as follows: pour 1 teaspoon of fresh plant herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, then filter. Take the infusion warm, 1/4 cup 2-4 times a day.

– Infusion of borage. To prepare the infusion, 3 g of dried flowers and 10 g of dry leaves are poured into a glass of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and left to brew for 1-2 hours. Filter and add a little sugar for taste. Take 1/3 cup 4-5 times a day. The treatment course is 3-4 weeks.

Chemotherapy and side effects

Chemotherapy is necessary to treat cancer. To carry out the procedure, special medications are used to inhibit the spread of tumor cells. Medicines negatively affect and destroy malignant tissue. However, along with the destruction of cancerous growths, healthy cells also die.

The consequences of chemotherapy are always present, and patients tolerate side effects differently. For some, the recovery period passes quickly, while others encounter difficulties and difficulties. In addition to the internal problems caused by chemotherapy, chemicals affect the appearance. Common side effects include the following symptoms:

  • Hair loss.
  • Disorders of the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract, constipation, diarrhea, diarrhea.
  • Blood in stool.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • General weakness in the body, poor health.
  • Decreased or complete absence of appetite.
  • Dryness and peeling of the epidermis.
  • Fragility of the nail plate, the appearance of vertical stripes on the surface.
  • Severe anemia.
  • Stomatitis, oral mucositis - pain occurs in the throat and oral cavity.
  • Bleeding, differing in the nature of its occurrence and location.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • The appearance of swelling of the limbs.

  • Impaired coordination, concentration, memory and logical thinking.
  • Blurred consciousness.
  • Numbness in the arms and legs, burning and tingling in different parts of the body.
  • Pain in the legs while walking.
  • Dizziness, imbalance.
  • Cramps, pain and fatigue in the muscular system.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Decreased sexual activity, reproductive dysfunction.
  • Disruption of the urination process.
  • Urine changes its color, smell and structure.

Duration of the recovery period

Recovery after chemotherapy is a must for cancer patients. It is difficult to predict the duration of the period of stabilization of organ functions. Recovery takes place according to the individual characteristics of cancer patients. Materials are accepted for recovery immediately after the end of the course of therapy. At the same time, the body weakens, which causes side reactions.

Modern anticancer drugs are distinguished by their gentle properties on organs, making the drugs easier to tolerate. Patients return to their normal lifestyle after a couple of months, if there is no relapse. When complications occur, the patient's immunity is greatly reduced due to the progression of the pathology and the use of powerful drugs. Therefore, final stabilization and rehabilitation take at least two years.

Liver restoration

After chemotherapy, the first stage is to restore liver functionality. Normal metabolism occurs based on the performance of organs and materials. The liver and kidneys, skin and intestines cleanse the body of elements of the breakdown of toxic substances. The liver is considered the key site where micronutrients are processed and excreted from the body. Drugs used during chemotherapy are passed through the gland, placing a heavy load on the organ.

To restore the organ, it is recommended to take a number of medications. Legalon, Essentiale, Hepatamine, Ovesol and Rezalut Pro show high efficiency in the rehabilitation of the body.

  • Legalon - the product consists of spotted milk thistle extract. The drug has hepatoprotective properties and stimulates cell metabolism, as well as the functions of the digestive tract. The medicine normalizes the hepatocyte membrane. The actions of hepatoprotectors are aimed at combating liver pathologies and providing rapid therapeutic effects. The component binds free radicals and is able to relieve inflammation in the organ. Dosage is determined by the attending physician.
  • Essentiale is a product in combination with phospholipids. The elements favor improved characteristics of the cell membrane, pantothenic acid, nicotinamide and group B elements. The drug is effective in the development of chronic and acute hepatitis, liver necrosis, cirrhosis and liver intoxication. The drug is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Hepatamine is a medicinal substance prescribed for the liver in case of acute and chronic damage. The drug is highly effective in restoring liver function. Drink 2 Hepatamine tablets 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.
  • Ovesol is a complex preparation based on extracts of seed oats, peppermint leaves (helps get rid of nausea), immortelle flowers, young grass and turmeric roots. The drug is characterized by detoxifying properties, disperses stagnation of bile fluids and normalizes the draining functionality of the biliary tract. Take the substance 20 drops 2 times a day before meals.
  • Rezalut Pro - the medication contains soybeans and essential phospholipids. The drug is aimed at curing chronic liver pathologies. The drug also normalizes the functionality of the cellular structure of the organ. The substance is taken 2 capsules 3 times a day before meals.

Liver recovery takes a long time. During the entire rehabilitation period, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and take medications that support the functionality of the organ. Hepatotropic therapy will help speed up and facilitate the recovery process.

Kidney recovery

Many patients face serious problems during kidney recovery. The whole process takes place with constant vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools are observed, and the patient feels sick during rehabilitation. This is fraught with the release from the organs of the necessary microorganisms involved in the normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Over time, kidney failure develops.

As a result, the load is placed on the duodenum. The organ performs all the functions of the kidney. During diarrhea, sodium chloride, which is involved in the production of hormones, is excreted. This situation indicates complications of chemical pathology. To normalize the kidneys, drug treatment is carried out. Kidney pathology is treated with the help of effective drugs - Trinephron, Nephrin, Canephron, Nephrofit.

  • Trinephron - prescribed for the development of chronic cystitis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis, urinary tract disorders, as well as to normalize renal function. Drink 1 piece of medicine 2 times a day.
  • Nephrin - aimed at stabilizing the kidneys after a chemical procedure. The medicinal substance enhances the effect of drug therapy. The component is drunk 1 tsp. 1 time a day before meals.
  • Canephron is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. In particular, the drug is common in urology. The medication is part of the main treatment method or is used in combination with other medications for patients with acute and chronic kidney diseases caused by infections. Take 1 tablet of Canephron 2 times a day.
  • Nephrophyte is a medicinal collection consisting of plant components. The drug is known as a strong diuretic. The component is recommended for the treatment of people with developed foci of inflammation in the urinary tract and kidneys. The medication is included in monotherapy depending on the degree of complications and the nature of the disease. The substance is used in the form of a tincture. 2 tablespoons of the component are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused.

During chemotherapy, many systems in the body are disrupted. There remains the possibility of permanent kidney failure. Therefore, it is important to monitor the performance of organs. As therapy for rapid recovery, tubular reabsorption, glomerular filtration and preventive measures for viral pathologies in the kidneys and the formation of urate stones are prescribed. Rehabilitation requires seriousness and responsibility, since organ restoration is an important measure.

Herbal medicine at the recovery stage

During the recovery stage after kidney damage, herbalists recommend herbal preparations that have a diuretic effect, as well as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect on the urinary tract.

These include infusions and decoctions of herbs such as string, bearberry, St. John's wort, centaury, lingonberry leaves, calendula, lemon balm, mint, coltsfoot, chamomile flowers, dill seeds, parsley root, rose hips, hawthorn fruits, etc. .

Below are a few recipes using these plants:

– Decoction of bearberry leaves. The product is prepared at the rate of 5-30 g of raw material per 150-500 ml of water. Boil for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour, filter. Drink half a glass three times a day or 1 tbsp. spoon every hour. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is prepared in a similar way. Drink 1/3 glass 2-3 times a day.

– A decoction of bearberry and lingonberry leaves. 4 tbsp. spoons of the leaf mixture are poured into 2 liters of cold water, brought to a boil and evaporated to a volume of 1 liter. Cool and filter. Drink 50 ml three times a day an hour before meals.

– Infusion of St. John's wort and centaury. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials (herbs are taken in equal parts) brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink in small portions throughout the day.

– Infusion of rose hips. To prepare the drink, 15 g of crushed fruits are poured into 0.5 liters of water, brewed in a thermos for 1-2 hours, filtered and drunk like tea, with a small amount of honey.

– Infusion of flax seed (40 g), steelberry root (30 g), birch leaves (30 g). 2 tbsp. spoons of the vegetable mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for 15 minutes. in a water bath, cool for 40 minutes, filter, bring to the original volume. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day.

To improve kidney function, the drug Nephrofit, created on the basis of 12 plant components (chamomile flowers, elderberry flowers, corn silk, bearberry leaf, plantain leaf, mint leaf, shepherd's purse herb, knotweed herb, string herb, horsetail herb, dandelion root) has proven itself to be effective , burdock root). Due to its composition, the drug has a complex effect: stimulates excretory function, prevents inflammation, has an antibacterial effect, and helps normalize renal circulation.

Let us remind you once again that all medicinal and herbal medicines for kidney restoration after chemotherapy should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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Blood restoration

After chemotherapy, it is necessary to normalize the coefficients of the leukocyte formula, biochemistry, general analysis and ESR. The information will help determine the effectiveness of the treatment method. The doctor also checks the general condition and how the person feels. Chemotherapy often damages blood cells. However, it is possible to detect a violation after a while. If cancer patients manage to survive the first stage, the second begins, showing hidden effects.

At the second stage, patients develop swelling of the extremities, tissue necrosis, infiltration, and destruction of epithelial tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Such destructive processes provoke a destructive effect on the erythrocyte sprouts of the bone marrow. To restore the blood composition, a mass of platelets and red blood cells is transfused. In some situations, bone marrow is transplanted.

The methods are difficult to implement, since the ingress of infections and viral bacteria can lead to problems that will remain with a person for the rest of his life. Hemostimulating therapy allows you to cleanse the blood. A number of medications have been developed that can favorably normalize the blood structure. Restorative therapy includes Sorbifer Durules, Ferrum Lek, Totema, Filgrastim, Neupogen and Leukogen.

  • Sorbifer Durules is an antianemic agent. Iron is considered a building block of the body. The element is involved in the production of hemoglobin and in the oxidation of living cells. The drug helps release iron ions. Drink 1 element 2 times a day. For iron deficiency anemia, the dosage is increased by 2 capsules. The course of use of the substance is 4 months, until the hemoglobin volume reaches the norm.
  • Ferrum Lek is part of the group of antianemic substances. The medicine consists of iron in the form of the compound polymaltose hydroxide. Take the medication 1 spoon of the drug per day, depending on the prescribed therapy. Tablets in chewable form can be swallowed completely or chewed. The dose of the medication depends on the degree of iron deficiency. The medicinal component is taken in syrup and tablet form.
  • Totema - consists of copper, manganese and iron. Indication for use: iron deficiency anemia, regardless of the nature of its occurrence. The component is prescribed for the prevention of anemia in patients at risk, especially with breast cancer: pregnant women, patients of reproductive age, children under 18 years of age, the elderly. Before taking the medicine, dissolve it in liquid. The dosage and duration of therapy is calculated by the doctor. Take 2 tablets. The course of taking Totema is 6 months.
  • Filgrastim can effectively reduce the duration and frequency of febrile neutropenia in humans during chemotherapy. The dosage calculation is individual and based on the patient’s well-being. The component is drunk at a rate of 5 mcg per 1 kg of body weight once a day. The injection dose is 5-12 mcg per 1 kg of patient weight. The course of therapy is 14 days.

  • Neupogen is aimed at reducing the duration of febrile neutropenia. The drug is used as an independent agent or in combination with other substances, activating hematopoiesis in the peripheral blood. The drug is administered intravenously in a 5% glucose solution every day until the level of neutrophils normalizes. The use of infusions is prescribed on the second day after courses of chemical procedures.
  • Leukogen – stimulates leukopoiesis. The medicine adds additional white blood cells to the blood. The component is characterized by low toxicity without cumulative effects. The drug acts as a stimulator of leukopoiesis in leukemia that occurs under the irradiation procedure or under the influence of drug therapy for cancer. The drug is prescribed to an adult patient 1 tablet 4 times a day until the volume of leukocytes in the blood is completely stabilized. The course of treatment lasts 1 week. In case of persistent leukopenia after radiation therapy, the duration of the intervention is increased to 3 weeks.

Vein restoration

During chemotherapy, anticancer drugs are administered intravenously through infusion. After sessions, bruises appear in areas with veins, as the vessels are injured. Over time, the body becomes covered with burgundy spots, which subsequently peel and itch. When using ointments, an allergic reaction is possible.

Subsequently, a complication develops - toxic phlebitis or inflammation of the veins, accompanied by burning and pain along the venous vessels. In the area of ​​the shoulder and elbow bends, thickening of the vascular walls and decreased clearances are observed. Phlebosclerosis is formed, which can stop the movement of blood.

If complications develop, it is necessary to urgently apply an elastic bandage and leave the legs or arms at rest. To heal veins, they resort to the use of local external medicinal products for veins - Troxevasin, Indovazin and Gepatrombin. The ointment is applied to the skin over the venous vessel 3 times a day. It is important to observe order when applying; do not rub the injured area. As an auxiliary medication, the doctor prescribes Gumbiks, which is part of the group of thrombolytic substances.

After the administration of therapeutic agents, internal tissues peel off or fall out. In such situations, medications are administered to relieve pain. After chemotherapy, Vishnevsky ointment or Olazol can be used to lubricate the vein. The main thing is that the restoration process should be grouped with other techniques. Rehabilitation is aimed at improving the patient’s symptoms and restoring the functioning of the body.

Medicinal assistance

The main part of preparing for chemotherapy is the use of certain drugs that will help protect healthy organs from the harmful effects of drugs, as well as increase the body's endurance and reduce the occurrence of negative consequences.

The doctor prescribes an individual list of medications and vitamins for each patient. As a rule, it includes:

  • Hepatoprotectors (“Phosphogliv”, “Heptor” or “Heptral”).
  • Probiotics (“Hilak forte”, “Acipol”).
  • Antiemetic drugs (“Navoban”).
  • Immunomodulatory drugs (Viferon).
  • The intravenous administration of certain drugs leaves patients with marks on the skin, which can be successfully treated with the use of troxerutin. Therefore, it is better to purchase one of these ointments in case such a situation arises.
  • In preparation for chemotherapy, it is possible to administer various intravenous solutions (“Hemodez”, “Reopoliglyukin” and others). This will help speed up the body's metabolism.
  • It would not be superfluous to use a complex of amino acids to protect the cells of the liver, heart and other organs.
  • Recently, doctors have been advising patients to consume soy lecithin, which perfectly nourishes brain and vascular cells.
  • Also in oncology, there is more and more talk about the healing properties of Reishi mushroom extract. Its components help alleviate the patient's condition after treatment.

A large number of drugs

Hair structure restoration

One of the well-known side effects of chemotherapy is hair loss. However, hair loss varies between women and men. Some patients experience partial hair thinning, while others experience complete loss of body hair. The surviving strands are often dry and brittle. Therefore, you have to cut your hair bald between courses of treatment. During therapy and during the course of rehabilitation, it is necessary to follow key rules and recommendations. Expert advice will help you grow new strands:

  • Do not use a hot hair dryer for drying. It is recommended to dry your hair using natural methods.
  • To wash your hair, choose a shampoo for dry hair, regardless of the former type; it is also necessary to combat dehydration.
  • It is prohibited to use curling products.
  • For combing, you should choose an exclusively soft brush.
  • It is important to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the body, which is why you need to cover your head with a hat.
  • Supporting proper nutrition. The nutritional composition must be filled with a maximum of useful minerals, elements and substances. This will become food for the hair follicles.
  • Hair restoration using folk remedies is carried out using a variety of nourishing masks. They can be made from eggs, honey, rye bread and kefir. The recipe must consist of natural ingredients. Thanks to the beneficial substances, hair will grow back quickly.

Hair begins to grow months after the chemical procedure is completed. After restoration, the curls thicken and strengthen. Often the hair becomes thick. Due to chemotherapy, the shade of the strands changes, becoming saturated. In some situations, hair becomes frizzy after chemotherapy. However, no hair loss treatment provides a 100% guarantee of effectiveness.

Degree of complications

Depending on how pronounced the clinical picture is, complications are divided into degrees of severity:

  1. Moderate degree - accompanied by hair loss and a slight change in blood composition. It does not require symptomatic treatment, and the body returns to normal after 2-3 months without additional intervention.
  2. Progressive degree - accompanied by rapid changes in the composition of the blood, as well as a deterioration in the patient’s condition, which requires complex treatment. The patient is recommended to undergo further treatment in a hospital.
  3. Advanced stage - the body experiences increased loads of cytostatics, as a result of which the blood formula changes, metabolic processes are disrupted, and general well-being rapidly deteriorates. The condition requires immediate corrective therapy, reducing the dosage or postponing chemotherapy until the condition improves.

The degree of adverse reactions depends on the drug, its dosage and the characteristics of the body. In cases where it is known that a chemotherapy drug develops a whole range of adverse reactions, the patient is hospitalized and left under constant supervision by medical staff.

If chemotherapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, the patient must tell the doctor about his condition every day. This will prevent the development of serious complications by promptly prescribing symptomatic treatment.

Diet during the recovery period

A special diet that maintains the balance of substances will help remove harmful chemical elements from the organs of the human body. The diet needs to be filled with foods that include a full range of important components and vitamins. Useful minerals can boost immunity and strengthen joints, enhancing the body’s defenses. The menu should be made from a sufficient number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can use food additives and dietary supplements. A list of products that can support the patient’s health has been created:

  • Proteins – seafood, poultry, meat (except pork), eggs and legumes.
  • Fruits and vegetables - fresh, boiled or stewed. Juices, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes are also useful. The greatest benefits will come from carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, beets and greens.
  • Cereals and cereals - rolled oatmeal, oatmeal, buckwheat, oatmeal and barley porridge.
  • Dairy products – low-fat yogurt, curd masses, yogurt and kefir. Normalizes intestinal microflora.

Compliance with the following rules can restore the body after chemotherapy:

  1. Eat small portions 5-6 times a day, since the organs are weakened and are not adapted to digest large amounts of food.
  2. Track the number of calories you consume.
  3. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids to restore – 2 liters per day. Pure water, tea, compotes will do. It is highly recommended not to consume alcohol-containing, carbonated liquids or caffeine.
  5. Do not sit at home, increase the time spent outdoors to stimulate an increase in appetite.
  6. Give up sweets.
  7. Eliminate salt, smoked, spicy foods and marinade.
  8. Avoid fasting and overeating.
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