Professor Neumyvakin on the treatment of prostatitis with soda and hydrogen peroxide

Using baking soda orally according to Neumyvakin should begin with a quarter of a teaspoon per 200 ml of warm water. The resulting solution is drunk before meals. The next day, the dosage is doubled and within four days it increases 4 times. The professor recommends sticking to a duration of therapy of three months, and claims that this method of treating the prostate can also get rid of cancer.

Enema with soda

To achieve an effect in the treatment of prostatitis, Ivan Pavlovich recommends injecting a medicinal solution of baking soda into the rectum using microenemas. To prepare this procedure, you need to add a teaspoon of the chemical to 200 ml of warm water and stir thoroughly.

Before administering the solution, you should cleanse the intestines using a regular enema, and only after removing toxins can you use up to 70 ml of the finished medicine. During the procedure, the patient needs to lie down for at least 10 minutes for the drug to take effect.

The most effective way is to alternate microenemas with taking baths.

To prepare a sitz bath, you need to use 5 liters of warm water and 50 grams of baking soda. A man needs to sit in a basin with a solution and not rise for 15 minutes. There is no point in staying in cold liquid, so if the temperature drops quickly, you should stop the procedure.

How to use hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of cystitis?

To treat cystitis, use either diluted peroxide in water or in combination with other traditional medicine. Diluted peroxide in water is prepared according to the following principle:

  1. Dilute 1 drop of peroxide in 50 ml of water.
  2. I drink this drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  3. The number of drops gradually increases one by one to 10.
  4. After 10 days, take a break for 2-3 days and repeat the course of treatment.

You should not increase the dosage on your own. Self-medication can lead to negative consequences for the body.

To improve urination, you can add lemon juice to this medicine.
It is recommended to add 1 tsp to peroxide diluted with water. lemon juice, but in this case you must use boiling water. This drink will improve the process of urination and stop bleeding, if any. When treating cystitis, follow several recommendations.

Hundreds of suppliers bring hepatitis C medications from India to Russia, but only M-PHARMA will help you buy sofosbuvir and daclatasvir, and professional consultants will answer any of your questions throughout the entire treatment.

In February 1997, I took regular tests, the result: the kidneys began to work better, but, alas, the size was decreasing, the liver was in ideal condition.

Despite all this, I continue to do everything as before, believe in myself, in your method, and work on my body.”

Hydrogen peroxide kills harmful germs

Hydrogen peroxide, as has already been indisputably proven, is one of the main parts of the complex human immune system. It has been found that mother's milk contains significant amounts of this substance, especially in the first hours after birth. Thus, hydrogen peroxide becomes one of the first lines of human defense. Hydrogen peroxide is the immune system's main weapon in the fight against numerous infections.

Probably, here we need to briefly introduce the reader to how our body’s defense system works. Without going into details of the functioning of the entire immune system, let's get acquainted with the most important blood cells for us - leukocytes. As you know, in addition to red blood cells (erythrocytes), whose main task is to deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body, the blood contains white blood cells - leukocytes. They are larger than red blood cells, but are found in much smaller quantities in the blood (about 7000 in 1 ml of blood). There are two main groups of leukocytes - granulocytes (granular leukocytes) and agranulocytes (non-granular leukocytes). Granulocytes are formed in the bone marrow and are capable of amoeboid movement. Of all the granulocytes, only neutrophils (they make up 70% of all leukocytes) take a direct part in the fight against harmful microorganisms. These cells have the ability to pass between the cells that form the walls of small blood vessels and penetrate into the intercellular space of tissues. Traveling to infected areas of the body like an amoeba, neutrophils eventually engulf and digest pathogenic bacteria. Monocytes belonging to agranulocytes have the same properties. Monocytes are capable of absorbing not only bacteria, but also large foreign particles.

The process of absorption and digestion of microbes by blood cells is called phagocytosis, and neutrophils and monocytes, respectively, can be called phagocytes. These cells move towards the pathogenic bacterium in a targeted manner, reacting to chemicals contained in the microbial cell wall. The phagocyte then envelops the bacterium or other particle, enclosing it inside itself. This is where hydrogen peroxide comes into play. Phagocyte cells synthesize hydrogen peroxide molecules within themselves from oxygen and water, which are toxic to pathogens. With such a chemical attack, the bacterium is immediately killed and then digested by the phagocyte using special enzymes. I note that in addition to hydrogen peroxide, other oxygen compounds also participate in the “killing” (superoxide anion O 2 -, hydroxyl radical OH– and atomic oxygen).

It makes sense that if hydrogen peroxide plays such an important role in fighting infection, administering it intravenously or orally (by mouth) would also be effective. And experiments show that peroxide is capable of destroying pathogens! And if you consider that a significant part of them comes to us through the digestive tract, then drinking a solution of hydrogen peroxide really helps prevent many stomach (and not only) infections.

As an illustration, I will give a letter about how peroxide helped not only a person, but also a beloved animal.

"Hello. All summer I live in the country, far from the city. We have a store, but if, God forbid, something happens to your health, it’s a long way to get to the doctor. That's why I always carry a first aid kit with me. And it had to happen - either I didn’t wash the carrots well, or my hands, but I developed a severe intestinal disorder. It didn’t subside all day, chloramphenicol didn’t help. I was scared - after all, it could be dysentery. And there is nothing at hand, it’s a long way to go to the doctor. A neighbor came to visit and told me that she was being treated with hydrogen peroxide - 10 drops per 2 tablespoons of water. I, of course, doubted this treatment, but there was nowhere to go - I tried this method, since there is always peroxide at the dacha. And you know, after the first dose it became easier, and the next day the symptoms disappeared completely. I talked to my neighbor and she gave me a book to read. I started drinking peroxide - my general condition improved, my head stopped hurting in the evenings, my joints became more mobile. And there was also such a case - my beloved cat was poisoned by some kind of nasty thing, and she felt very bad. I read in a book that cats have an enzyme that decomposes peroxide, just like in humans, and I gave her water with peroxide to drink, only not 10 drops, but 3. And you know, it helped her. Now I live at home in the city, but I continue to take hydrogen peroxide and I want to say that the result is amazing. Petrova Marina Evgenievna, Arkhangelsk


I beat chlamydia by taking hydrogen peroxide

Chlamydia was discovered again, and I had to start a second course of treatment. As it turned out, the usual antibiotics used to treat chlamydia did not work; the previous “treatment” had an effect. More effective, expensive drugs were needed. By this time I also developed prostatitis. In short, I had two years of constant visits to doctors, tests and constant expenses ahead of me. The case turned out to be difficult, the doctors themselves admitted this, but they asked not to lose hope and continue treatment. To be honest, I had already given up, the only thing holding me back was that I was still young, and I didn’t want to lose my masculinity at that age.

I must say that even before that I had become acquainted with W. Douglas’s book “The Healing Powers of Hydrogen Peroxide,” and then I came across articles in newspapers on the same topic. At first I treated this with irony, but when I was already tired of antibiotics, IVs and injections, I decided to try it - maybe it would help. I took 10 drops of peroxide per three tablespoons of water twice a day (I started gradually, with 2 drops, then 4, 6 and 8). He refused antibiotics while taking peroxide. The first three days the temperature rose, but I was ready for this - it means the medicine is working, the microbes are dying. A month later I had an ultrasound and tests that showed that my prostate gland was healthy. Three months later I did a complete blood test and found no chlamydia. Then I did two more test tests - the blood was clean. In addition, the frequency of attacks of bronchial asthma, which I suffered from childhood, has significantly decreased. And during the six months that I took peroxide, I never had a runny nose or cough. At the same time, I also started hardening, cleansed the intestines and liver, and now I feel healthy and full of energy! By the way, in a month I’m preparing to become a father. And now I’m not afraid for my child’s health.”



Information has appeared in the press that drugs have gone on sale that enrich tissues with oxygen better than hydrogen peroxide. Do they really have any benefits over peroxide?


It seems to me that buying these drugs, which are supposedly superior to hydrogen peroxide in their ability to oxidize body tissues, is a waste of money. If you take peroxide internally, you can be sure that you are receiving the most effective therapy. This is not a recommendation for everyone to take peroxide orally, but just an explanation for those who already do so.


Many people suffer from a large number of birthmarks. Trying to get rid of these unsightly formations, they scour mountains of medical literature, but it contains surprisingly little advice on this issue. Could you please explain what causes birthmarks and how to get rid of them?


Birthmarks are usually divided into congenital, acquired benign and malignant. With congenital ones, everything is clear: a person already has them at the time of birth and represents natural skin pigmentation. Acquired benign spots are, in my opinion, a consequence of skin aging, and not at all due to exposure to sunlight. If you want to get rid of the first two types of birthmarks, then before agreeing to their surgical removal (which I do not recommend that you do), try treating the birthmark twice a day with a cotton swab soaked in pharmaceutical concentration hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution).

It is a completely different matter if the birthmark is a basal cell or, even worse, squamous cell carcinoma. An uninitiated person cannot determine what caused the appearance of a birthmark or dark wart and whether it is benign or malignant in nature. If such a tumor does not respond to wetting with hydrogen peroxide within a week and a half, I recommend contacting a dermatologist. The dermatologist will almost certainly suggest removing it surgically, on the pretext that if it is cancerous, you will be free of serious danger, and if not, you will simply lose the unsightly growth. This sounds convincing, the only question is how necessary such intervention is.

Therefore, ask your dermatologist if he is sure that surgery is necessary.


My son has bladder fibrosis.

Can it be cured with hydrogen peroxide and photoluminescence?


I must admit that I have been asked this question in relation to almost every disease known to man. In most cases I was forced to answer “I don’t know”; Unfortunately, this is exactly the answer I have to give to this question. As far as I know, it is impossible to get rid of fibrosis itself using ultraviolet irradiation of blood and hydrogen peroxide. However, these remedies can help fight urinary tract infections, which often affect patients with bladder fibrosis.


In your book about hydrogen peroxide, you wrote that H 2 O 2 helps with hepatitis, but you did not specify which one - A, B or C. Does this mean that peroxide helps with hepatitis of all types?


Yes, hydrogen peroxide helps with all types of hepatitis.


One of my loved ones suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Is there any treatment you can recommend in addition to a low-fat diet, vitamin/mineral supplements, chelation therapy, and daily exercise?


I want to give two pieces of advice. First, make sure your loved one does not suffer from an overactive thyroid gland. Secondly, I would like to remind you that oxidation helps well with neurological diseases. Chelation therapy is, of course, important, but I would add intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide to it.

Another point in your letter caught my attention - diet. It seems to me that limiting the amount of fat in the diet of a chronically ill person should only be done if there are very compelling reasons. Animal fats are very nutritious and serve as a source of energy for people of any age. Vegetable fats, especially processed ones, should be avoided. And remember: cholesterol is absolutely necessary for normal nervous activity; Limiting cholesterol in the diet of a person with a neurological disease is fundamentally incorrect from a medical point of view.


I was very struck by your book on hydrogen peroxide, in which you give a large number of examples of healing as a result of taking H 2 O 2 orally.

After reading it, I began taking a 35% peroxide solution orally.

I admit, I was very surprised when I learned that in your latest articles you do not recommend taking peroxide internally. Please explain your position.


People always want to know where is black and where is white, but this is not always possible. Unfortunately, if you are frank with the reader and do not give simplified answers, you risk being misunderstood.

In my book, I devote about five pages to explaining my views on taking peroxide orally.

In Chapter 4 I write: “I have friends who take peroxide internally and find it helpful; others think it is dangerous. In this situation, I can only present the point of view of both sides and leave you to decide for yourself who is right and who is wrong.”


My attempts to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of oral peroxide obviously confuse many.

I understand that the reader wants either a clear “yes” or a clear “no”, but for ethical and even legal reasons I cannot be so categorical in this matter.

In the same chapter 4 I write: “Taking H 2 O 2 is safe as long as the daily dose of ten drops three times a day is not exceeded. But there is another caveat, this time coming from Dr. Charles Farr, who is probably the best authority on the scientific literature on the subject. Farr says that recently there has been more evidence of the negative effects of hydrogen peroxide on the stomach, especially if there is food in it. If you take H 2 O 2 orally (and I do not encourage you to do this), then do it on an empty stomach.”

As for “a large number of examples of healing as a result of taking H 2 O 2 orally,” they simply are not in the book. The author of the letter is probably confusing oral peroxide with intravenous infusions. There are indeed many examples of the beneficial effects of the latter, but there are only a few examples of treatment with oral peroxide.

Read the book carefully and you will see that nowhere do I advocate taking hydrogen peroxide orally. If I give an oral dosage, it is only so that those who are treated in this way do not get poisoned.


In your book, you write that putting hydrogen peroxide in the nose helps with chronic sinusitis. What concentration should the drops be?


My daughter, being more courageous than me, instills a solution of a pharmaceutical concentration - 3 percent.

I once tried to follow her example and... it seemed to me that gasoline had been poured into my nasal passages and set on fire. I usually dilute the 3 percent solution with water by half and apply five to ten drops once or twice a day.


I was in excellent health until I was 76, and then I developed asthma. During the examination, emphysema was also discovered. I was prescribed Ventolin and Vancerin, which I took for three years. In my fourth year, I fell ill with epidemic myalgia. Could the latter illness be caused by taking the listed medications and is it possible to refuse them (replace them with intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide)?


The onset of asthma at 76 years of age is very rare. It seems more likely to me that you do not have asthma, but rather age-related respiratory syndrome (ARS). We don't know what causes this syndrome, just like we don't know what causes asthma.

Both diseases are characterized by attacks of bronchial spasms - that, in essence, is all that we know for sure about them.

As for the medications you took, as far as I can judge from the available literature on this issue, they could not have caused your epidemic myalgia. On the other hand, we know even less about this disease than about asthma or HRV, so I can’t say anything definite.

Hydrogen peroxide, as a broad-spectrum agent (enriching body tissues with oxygen), may, it seems to me, be useful in your case. At the very least, I would recommend trying it. To do this, find a specialist who could competently carry out infusions.


Some doctors claim that hydrogen peroxide cures cancer. Is this really true?


Hydrogen peroxide is not a cancer treatment, either given intravenously or taken orally.

However, it can help treat cancer, since cancer is an anaerobic tumor, and peroxide enriches tissues with oxygen. This can slow down the development of the tumor.

We are currently investigating the effects of oxidation on cancerous tumors simultaneously with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood. So far, the results are quite encouraging.


If hydrogen peroxide improves the condition, can the effect be long-term? Can influenza and pneumonia be treated with intravenous peroxide infusions rather than antibiotics?

And finally, is it possible to reduce the dose of medications taken if you simultaneously use peroxide treatment?


It is difficult to say how long-lasting the effect of peroxide treatment will be. Much depends on the patient’s condition, on the specific disease. I can say that for chronic diseases such as emphysema or asthma, not one-time, but continuous treatment will be required.

As for the treatment of influenza and pneumonia, hydrogen peroxide is very effective here, especially in combination with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.

The great advantage of this treatment of infectious diseases is the ability to refuse, first partially, and then completely, from medications.


I suffer from multiple sclerosis, from which I have been trying to recover for a long time and without success. Can you help me?


Peroxide treatment has been used to treat many people with multiple sclerosis, but it is too early to draw definitive conclusions. I can only say that this treatment has helped many and that it is quite safe.



- acute circulatory disorder in the brain due to blockage of a brain vessel by a gas bubble.
scientific ed. Hyperbaric oxygenation

- a method of introducing oxygen into the blood, in which the patient is placed in a pressure chamber where he breathes under high pressure.
scientific ed. Basal cell carcinoma

- a malignant tumor of the skin, characterized by slow local growth without significant damage to adjacent tissues;
Rarely forms metastases. — Note.
scientific ed. Fibrosis

- proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, usually as a consequence of the inflammatory process.
scientific ed. Alzheimer's disease

- a disease characterized by damage to brain tissue with progressive dementia.
scientific ed. Ventolin relieves bronchospasms, Vanzerin is the commercial name for cortisone. — Note. lane

Epidemic myalgia

- synonymous with epidemic muscular rheumatism - an infectious disease characterized by muscle pain in the upper abdomen and chest.
scientific ed. Anaerobic tumor

- a malignant neoplasm that grows due to biochemical reactions in an oxygen-free environment.
scientific ed. One of the old but effective methods of treating various gynecological diseases is douching with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. This simple and affordable medicine can be found in every home medicine cabinet. When is it worth using this method, and when is it better to refrain from it? And how to carry out the procedure correctly?

What is hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid that easily dissolves in water, alcohol and ether. When it comes into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes, under the influence of a special enzyme (catalase), it breaks down into water and atomic oxygen, which is a strong oxidizing agent. This is what the antiseptic effect of the drug is based on.

You can buy a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in pharmacies.

Thanks to active foaming that accompanies oxidative reactions, particles of dead tissue, pus and blood are mechanically removed from the skin or mucous membranes. It is important to understand that when
using the drug there is only a temporary decrease in the number of microorganisms.

Did you know? Hydrogen peroxide is synthesized in small quantities by lactobacilli - beneficial microorganisms that live on the mucous membranes of the vagina.

In addition to its antiseptic effect, hydrogen peroxide also has:

  • hemostatic;
  • deodorizing;
  • drying;
  • healing.

Since hydrogen peroxide itself is unstable, manufacturers add a stabilizer that is safe for the human body - sodium benzoate. This allows you to increase the shelf life of the drug.

Basic properties of H2O2

The hydrogen peroxide molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. The main property of peroxide is its strong oxidizing ability, due to which many coloring agents completely lose their shade upon contact with it. It has been established that when this substance interacts with organic acids, including lactic and malic acids, they completely lose their qualities.

Along with oxidizing properties, the peroxide solution also has reducing properties.

The oxygen released by peroxide is in atomic form. This is why molecules need a pair to form a stable compound. When silver oxide is present in the vicinity of a solution, oxygen is taken from it by the molecule. Exposure to silver leads to the destruction of the peroxide solution. The same thing happens upon contact with a compound of gold, iron, manganese oxide.

Schematic representation of a peroxide molecule

Indications for douching with hydrogen peroxide

The procedure is carried out according to strict indications and can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

It is necessary when:

  • candidiasis (thrush);
  • putrefactive processes in the vagina, provoked by the entry of foreign objects into it;
  • infectious diseases, in particular STDs;

    STDs are sexually transmitted diseases.

  • vaginitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • boils (abscess) of the vulva;
  • cervical erosion;
  • ulcerations of the vagina and vulva;
  • gardnerellosis (disturbance of the normal microflora of the vagina).

However, douching cannot completely replace drug therapy. Therefore, it should be considered exclusively as an adjuvant treatment for a particular disease.

Douching for preventive purposes is unacceptable.

Contraindications and possible side effects

You cannot douche with hydrogen peroxide if:

  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes;
  • menses;
  • pregnancy (increases the risk of air and injected solution passing through the cervical canal, which can cause damage to the membranes).

Douching during pregnancy can cause infection of the fetus, because with the flow of liquid, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate from the vagina into the uterus. However, during lactation this method of treatment is not contraindicated.

Sometimes during or after douching a woman experiences:

  • pain, often spasmodic in nature;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • burning;
  • copious discharge.

If such signs appear, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to make adjustments to the prescribed treatment. Although most often such symptoms indicate that the manipulation is carried out with an overly concentrated solution.

Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, you should not overuse douching with peroxide, because the substance kills not only pathogenic, but also normal vaginal microflora. This can lead to the development of various infectious diseases.

Important! In order for douching with hydrogen peroxide to be beneficial, after the procedure, suppositories should be administered to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

During treatment with hydrogen peroxide, you should stop using Malavit and Povidone-Iodine suppositories (Betadine).

How to do douching and washing with baking soda for cystitis in women: recipe

Douching with a solution of baking soda is recommended for the treatment of cystitis in women. The effectiveness of such procedures is due to pronounced antibacterial properties and the absence of contraindications.

  • To prepare the solution, add 2-3 teaspoons of soda to 1 liter of boiled water, mix well until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • To carry out the procedure, use a bulb or syringe heating pad. Be sure to sterilize the device to prevent transmission of infection.
  • The temperature of the solution should be equal to body temperature - optimally 37-39ºС.
  • Douching with a bulb is carried out with the pelvis raised - it is necessary to hold the body in this position for 2-3 minutes after administering the solution.
  • The procedure of douching with a heating pad involves gradually introducing liquid into the vagina, followed by a smooth flow out.
  • You can repeat douching up to 3-4 times a day for 4-5 days in parallel with the course of treatment with antibacterial drugs. A solution of soda in the indicated dosage is also recommended for daily washing as a prevention of infectious diseases.

Alternative Treatments

Hydrogen peroxide is far from the only remedy that can be used to treat gynecological diseases. Today there are other drugs that are safer and more effective.

What can replace hydrogen peroxide - table

Drug nameRelease formActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsAge restrictionsDuration of treatmentPossibility of use during pregnancy
Chlorhexidinesolution for external usechlorhexidine
  • Gadnerellosis;
  • purulent processes in the vagina;
  • prevention and treatment of STDs.
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug7 daysMaybe
  • prevention and treatment of STDs;
  • diseases accompanied by suppuration.
5–7 days
  • chlorhexidine;
  • hexamidine.
  • vulvitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • cervititis;
  • candidiasis;
  • prevention and treatment of STDs.
determined individually
Herbal decoctionsdry vegetable raw materialsanti-inflammatory components contained in chamomile flowers, calendula, sage leaves, oak bark, etc.
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • candidiasis;
  • prevention and treatment of STDs.
Can be used in pediatrics10–14 days
  • suppositories for intravaginal administration;
  • vaginal tablets.
chlorhexidine bigluconate
  • acute and chronic endo- and exocervicitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • STD.
not used to treat children under 12 years of age7–10 days

Prostatitis is a disease that affects half of the male population. It can develop from infection or due to congestion. If left untreated, the disease can lead to complications such as: impotence or. It is necessary to quickly detect the problem and begin treatment.

Prostatitis is a disease that affects half of the male population

Inflammation of the prostate gland requires long-term complex therapy. There are several methods of treatment, both traditional and folk. One of the methods of getting rid of prostatitis is hydrogen peroxide. This method of therapy was invented by Neumyvakin and is very popular.

For readers of our website, together with the company Prostodin Laboratory Co., we have prepared a 50% discount on a drug for the treatment of the prostate. Hurry up to order at a reduced price. Take care of your health.


The effect is expected by the middle of the course , approximately by day 10.
At the end of the dose, take a break, and then a prophylactic intake of peroxide or soda is possible. The treatment has a bactericidal effect, promotes a shift in the balance of the body's media towards alkalization, which prevents excessive excretion of potassium, and helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol deposits. The swelling of the periurethral glands of the prostate decreases, compression in the urination area stops, the functioning of the bladder and kidneys is restored, and the functions of the genital area improve .

Other traditional medicine methods for the treatment of prostatitis presented on our website: pumpkin seeds and honey, propolis, propolis candles, dead bees, as well as monastery tea, fireweed, and onions.

Normalizing lifestyle during and after treatment, eliminating the above-mentioned unfavorable factors, and regulating sexual life will help preserve men's health for many years to come. Periodic preventive courses of therapy according to Neumyvakin will support the correct and trouble-free functioning of the entire body.

Useful properties of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a transparent liquid substance whose density is 2 times the density of water. It begins to freeze at temperatures below 0 degrees and boils at 150 degrees Celsius. Due to its healing properties, the solution is used to treat diseases.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to treat diseases

The main property of H2O2 is its oxidative effect. Coloring compounds, when interacting with peroxide, lose color, and organic acids are destroyed.

The substance has restorative properties. Once in the body, H2O2 is divided into water and atomic oxygen, which begins to fight pathogens and inflammatory processes. Hydrogen peroxide has the following properties:

  • helps improve blood circulation;
  • cleanses the blood and reduces its viscosity;
  • saturates the body with oxygen;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • improves metabolism.

Peroxide affects mental activity and promotes improved gastrointestinal function.

The ZB Prostatic company gives readers of our website a 50% discount on a set of Chinese urological plasters. More than 95% of men noticed significant improvements within a few days of starting to use the patches. Follow the link and leave your phone number to order.

Use of perhydrol for gardnerellosis

Often, if such a disease is detected, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. But it happens that medical prescriptions may not bring the desired result. In this case, douching with peroxide can be effective. Remember that lactobacilli, when interacting with hydrogen, form an acidic environment, which is favorable for them. But when they die, an alkaline environment arises, which stimulates the development of gardnerellosis. Douching is necessary in the same way as for thrush.

Remember that at the beginning of any treatment, you must seek advice from a specialist or your doctor. The main thing is not to harm your body.

Hydrogen peroxide has been used to treat prostatitis for a long time. Today, this remedy is used to cure many diseases, not only related to the genitourinary area. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a liquid substance that is 2 times denser than water.

For medicinal use, a 3% or 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide is produced

Treatment of prostatitis with peroxide

To treat inflammation of the prostate gland, the doctor can prescribe traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy. It is recommended to combine them to achieve the effect. The patient will need to attend prostate massage courses and physiotherapy.

The doctor can prescribe traditional and non-traditional methods of therapy

  • destroys inflammatory agents;
  • activates biological processes;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • thins the blood.

Prostatitis can be cured by external use of the drug in the form of baths or enemas, using the substance taken orally according to the Neumyvakin scheme. Rinsing the mouth with peroxide is allowed, but the procedure can only be additional; it has a general healing effect.

How is prostatitis treated?

For prostatitis, various methods should be used, since it is hardly possible to get rid of prostate disease with only one way. Along with the use of hydrogen peroxide, you should definitely undergo medication treatment prescribed by a urologist after a complete examination of men's health. Patients are often prescribed courses of prostate massage and physiotherapy.

Treatment with peroxide should be discussed with your doctor. The same applies to herbal medicine and other non-traditional methods. The effectiveness of the solution is due to the following properties:

External use of H2O2 for prostatitis

External use of H2O2 helps relieve pain, as well as get rid of discomfort during emptying the bladder. To prepare a compress, you need to take three tablespoons of peroxide, dilute them in 50 ml of warm boiled water, and then moisten a small towel in the solution.

The compress is applied to the sore spot (groin, perineum, genitals) and is kept for no more than half an hour, the towel is removed, and the body area is wiped with peroxide.

Preparing a peroxide compress

You need to add H2O2 to warm water and take it for no more than 15 minutes. A peroxide bath eliminates unpleasant symptoms and relieves inflammation. For prostatitis, enemas with hydrogen peroxide are popular, which are prepared as follows: dilute 20-30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution into a glass of boiled, not hot water.

The advantages of this method of treating prostatitis are:

  • pathogenic microorganisms die;
  • the functioning of the genitourinary system organs is restored;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • potency improves;
  • Reproductive function is restored.

An enema with H2O2 allows you to relieve the inflammatory process, eliminating symptoms for a while. Intravenous administration of peroxide is effective. Hydrogen peroxide, entering the body through a vein, contributes to the death of pathogenic microflora, which causes intoxication, which is accompanied by hyperthermia and malaise.

The administration of H2O2 through a vein must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Areas of use

The product is available both in the form of a solution and in the form of tablets, which also contain urea as an additional component. Peroxide in liquid form is used in medical practice. It helps to disinfect various cuts and wounds on the skin. The substance is used for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Treatment of prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide also turns out to be quite effective. The product is added to baths, and solutions for enemas can be prepared from it.

Perhydrol in a concentration of no more than 3% can treat tonsillitis and acute forms of tonsillitis. It is used for these diseases as a gargle. Hydroperite, which also contains urea, is also used as a solution for the treatment of ENT diseases. To do this, the tablet must be diluted in 250 ml of water.

6% peroxide is used only as an external agent.

They can be used to treat wounds and bruises. It cannot be used as a solution for treating sore throat or preparing enemas.

A high concentration H2O2 solution is used only for technical purposes and can be dangerous in everyday life

There is also a solution of hydrogen peroxide containing 35% of the main substance. It is used as a substance used to process food products and packaging materials. There are methods that involve diluting the drug to 3%, which is subsequently used for intravenous administration. This method is used to treat cancer and other pathological diseases.

It should be remembered that a high concentration (from 10.5%) of peroxide can cause serious damage to the mucous membranes. As an enema solution, the product must be diluted without fail.

Treatment of prostatitis according to the Neumyvakin scheme

Thanks to the famous professor Neumyvakin I.P., another method of treating various diseases was born, in particular, using a substance such as hydrogen peroxide.

This method involves oral administration of a peroxide solution. When the wonderful properties of peroxide solution were discovered, it was used to treat wounds and abrasions, as well as remove pus. Professor Neumyvakin studied the properties of H2O2 more thoroughly and found that the drug can have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

There are no contraindications to the treatment of prostatitis with peroxide according to Professor Neumyvakin’s method

Taking peroxide orally according to a certain scheme, you can increase immunity, normalize microcirculation in all systems and organs, as a result of which the body will be more resistant to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. But a positive effect can only be achieved if you adhere to the following dosage regimen:

  • The first day you need to dilute 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in 50 ml of water, drink in one go. Do this procedure 3 times a day;
  • on the second day, the number of drops should be increased to 2, and the volume of water remains 50 ml;
  • starting from the third day, dilute 10 drops of peroxide with 50 ml of water, do 3 approaches per day. 30 drops of the substance enter the body per day. And so the solution should be taken for 8 days;
  • on the 11th day of treatment with peroxide, you must take a break of 3 days, after which the course of treatment continues with 10 drops per 50 ml of water three times a day for 10 days.

What plants and herbs to drink for cystitis

You can cure a disease, especially at an early stage of the disease, with one simple remedy - drink tea with propolis every hour. At the same time, before eating in the morning, at lunch and dinner, drop 5-10 drops of alcohol tincture (20%) of propolis into the drink, at other times only 3 drops. Treatment of cystitis with propolis and tea will relieve the symptoms of the disease on the third day.

And it’s even better if you replace regular tea with healing tea, for example, from linden blossom. It is also recommended to take anti-inflammatory decoctions and infusions internally. Here are some common and effective recipes.

Dill infusion

  • Take a teaspoon of ground dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Leave the infusion in a thermos overnight.
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the entire infusion along with the sediment.
  • Continue treating cystitis with dill for a whole week.

Nettle decoction

  • Take a teaspoon of crushed dried nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Place on the fire and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Cool and strain.
  • Drink a tablespoon every hour, but no more than one glass per day.

Millet suspension

  • Rinse thoroughly half a glass of millet and place it in a 1 liter jar.
  • Add a glass of water, previously boiled and cooled, to the jar.
  • Grind the millet in a jar until foam appears and the water turns white.

Treatment of cystitis with millet consists of consuming the suspension 3-4 times a day. In this case, you need to drink the product at one time, and each time you need to take new raw materials to prepare the suspension.

Lingonberry tea

  • Pour a glass of boiling water over a small spoonful of lingonberry leaves.
  • Cover with a lid and leave for an hour.
  • Strain and drink half a glass three times before meals.

Treatment with lingonberries in the form of tea and taking fresh berries will help relieve the disease. You can also make fruit juice from lingonberries and drink the juice in small portions throughout the day.

Yarrow infusion

  • Grind the herb and pour a couple of teaspoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  • Cover and leave for one hour.
  • Strain, take 4 times a day, just a quarter glass of infusion orally.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications to peroxide according to Professor Neumyvakin’s method. Hydrogen peroxide solution should not be taken only by men who have transplanted organs, otherwise it will lead to death.

There are no other contraindications; Professor Neumyvakin found out that H2O2 is a related drug for the human body and is produced by it, but in small quantities. When the body's production of the H2O2 substance deteriorates, the immune system weakens, and various diseases arise.

During treatment, you need to monitor your health; the drug can provoke an allergic reaction, accompanied by a skin rash.

Stomach upset, general malaise and runny nose may occur. Reviews from men who treated prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin are positive.

Statistics say that this method of therapy allows you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a short period of time. But despite all this, you should not start treatment without your doctor’s permission.

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