Hemorrhagic cystitis in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

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Published: 08/07/2020

Reading time: 14 min



  • What is hemorrhoidal cystitis? Clinical picture
  • Epidemiology
  • The relationship between cystitis and hemorrhoids
  • Causes of hemorrhagic cystitis Non-infectious causes of hemorrhagic cystitis
  • Risk factors
  • Symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis
  • Development and clinical signs of cystitis
      Acute form
  • Chronic form of cystitis
  • Diagnostics
      What needs to be examined?
  • How to examine?
  • What tests are needed?
  • Who to contact?
  • Treatment
  • Traditional methods
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgical methods for urodynamic disorders
  • Diet and drinking regime
  • Recommendations during treatment
  • Hemorrhoids and cystitis in pregnant women
  • Complications
      Complications of hemorrhagic cystitis with blood
  • Why is hemorrhagic cystitis dangerous?
  • Prevention
      A set of exercises recommended for doing in the morning
  • Recommendations
  • Approximate preventative menu
  • Video
  • Forecast
  • What is hemorrhoidal cystitis? Clinical picture

    Hemorrhoidal cystitis is also called hemorrhagic cystitis. The disease manifests itself very clearly with the following symptoms:

    1. Hematuria. The term implies the presence of blood in the urine. Urine takes on a red-pink hue, and sometimes thick blood clots appear in it.
    2. Soreness. Severe pain that bothers a person during urination is considered a classic sign of cystitis. Sometimes the pain affects the rectal area. As a rule, mild discomfort and tugging sensations in the lower abdomen accompany the patient throughout the day.
    3. Frequent urge. Another mandatory symptom of bladder inflammation is a constant desire to urinate. Depending on the severity of the disease, strong urges may occur every 2-30 minutes.
    4. Constant heaviness in the bladder. Immediately after urinating, a person often feels that “it’s time again.” The inflamed bladder always seems to be full.
    5. Minimum amount of urine. The strongest urge to urinate ends very “modestly”: very little urine is removed from the body.
    6. Other symptoms that occur rarely. This includes general weakness, fever up to 37-38 C, and headaches.

    The patient can distinguish hemorrhoidal cystitis from the usual acute form by hematuria, other signs are the same.
    The blood released usually has a scarlet color, it comes out in small volumes - a couple of drops. Cystitis is characterized by hematuria at the final stage of the urination process.
    If blood is noticeable at the very beginning, then there is a high probability of problems with the urethra. Affected kidneys stain the entire urine - both the initial and final portions. The manifestation of any of the indicated pathologies does not exclude the possibility of hemorrhagic cystitis: it often accompanies urethritis and pyelonephritis.

    How to treat cystitis Folk remedies

    Self-medication for hemorrhoidal cystitis is one of the worst ideas that can occur to a patient. It is permissible to use folk remedies only in consultation with a doctor.

    Many patients have heard about the effectiveness of applying heat for cystitis. It should be remembered that in case of hemorrhoidal form of the disease, such a technique is strictly prohibited. Warming up can aggravate the situation, contributing to an even greater activation of the infectious process. To treat cystitis with blood, you can use natural infusions and decoctions. The following plants have proven themselves best:

    1. Cranberry. Due to the acid content in its berries, it acts as a natural antiseptic and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Another positive effect is the diuretic effect: along with urine, all kinds of impurities and pathogenic microorganisms will be actively washed away. Traditionally, patients are advised to drink cranberry juice.
    2. Rowan. An anti-inflammatory decoction is prepared from its fruits, which not only alleviates the symptoms of the disease, but also helps strengthen the immune system. The drink provides pain relief: already on the second day the person feels much better.
    3. Celandine. Among the beneficial properties of the herb is the ability to have an anesthetic, bactericidal, diuretic, and antispasmodic effect. Celandine contains natural antibiotics - phytoncides, and is also rich in vitamins A and C. The herbal infusion is taken throughout the day, and the next day the signs of the inflammatory process subside.
    4. Linen. 1 tsp is enough. seeds infused in boiling water for 15 minutes to obtain a healing drink. It effectively copes with inflammation and helps relieve pain.
    5. Bearberry. Its other name is bear ears. The herb acts as a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Both infusions and decoctions can be prepared from bearberry. They are consumed warm up to five times a day in small portions before meals.
    6. Linden honey. It has pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey is often added to herbal teas to improve their taste.

    Some patients practice homeopathy for cystitis. Preparations based on anise, belladonna, barberry, Spanish fly, borax, moss moss, and horsetail are used.

    Hemorrhoidal cystitis is a disease that indicates serious damage to internal organs. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with home recipes, but to go straight to the hospital - the effectiveness will be much higher.

    In medical practice, situations often occur when a patient complains of hemorrhoids and cystitis, which arose simultaneously. It is not surprising that these ailments accompany each other, because they are closely related: the diseases affect organs that are located close to each other. During hemorrhoidal cystitis, the number of urges to urinate reaches 40 times a day.


    Bladder and urinary tract infections affect about 150 million people every year.

    According to research, infectious hemorrhagic cystitis occurs much more often in women than in men. Especially in women during menopause, since due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the protective properties of the vaginal flora are reduced.

    Hemorrhagic cystitis in newborns in two thirds of cases is associated with the presence of untreated urogenital infections in the mother.

    Also, hemorrhagic cystitis develops in almost 6% of patients who have undergone bone marrow transplantation and receive high doses of cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide.

    Preventive measures

    A number of simple measures will help to avoid relapses of the disease, which are as follows:

    • strengthening the immune system;
    • maintaining personal hygiene;
    • timely emptying of the bladder;
    • taking large amounts of fluid;
    • proper nutrition with the exception of foods that provoke relapses.

    In order to avoid the development of a chronic form, it is very important to complete the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

    Acute hemorrhagic cystitis in women refers to infectious and inflammatory pathologies, which are often localized in the mucous membrane of the organ.

    From the article you will learn why hemorrhagic cystitis develops, how it manifests itself and is treated.

    The relationship between cystitis and hemorrhoids

    Cystitis and hemorrhoids are connected not only by the fact that the organs that affect them are located in close proximity to each other, but also by the features of treatment that provoke the appearance of one pathology against the background of the other.

    Cystitis is most often a bacterial disease; antibiotics of various groups are used for treatment.

    The peculiarity of the action of antibiotics is that they affect all types of microorganisms, destroying the normal intestinal flora.

    Against this background, dysbiosis develops. This condition is accompanied by stool disorder, which leads to inflammation of the hemorrhoids.


    Joint prevention

    To exclude cases of simultaneous occurrence of hemorrhoids and cystitis, you need to follow the recommendations:

    • proper and balanced nutrition;
    • strengthening the body by hardening;
    • taking courses of multivitamins;
    • regular cleansing of the intestines from toxins and metabolites;
    • abstinence from bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
    • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
    • maintaining an active lifestyle;
    • undergoing preventive diagnostics.

    By following these rules, you can not only protect yourself from hemorrhoids and cystitis, but also strengthen the body’s immunity. If symptoms of one of the ailments occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely prescribed therapy will contribute to a quick recovery. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as in this case an accurate diagnosis and an individual treatment program are required.

    Sometimes it happens that hemorrhoids and cystitis occur simultaneously. These two diseases have a very close relationship with each other, since the intestines and urinary system are in close proximity to each other.

    Causes of hemorrhagic cystitis

    Today, the causes of hemorrhagic cystitis, which determine its types, are divided into infectious and non-infectious.

    In most cases, bacterial acute hemorrhagic cystitis occurs due to infection of the bladder with uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (UPEC), Proteus vulgaris, opportunistic bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca and saprophytic staphylococcus (Staphylococcus saprophyticus).

    The pathogenesis of UPEC lesions is associated with the ability of Escherichia (representing synanthropic intestinal flora, but ending up in the urinary tract) to act as opportunistic intracellular pathogens. With the help of adhesive organelles, bacteria penetrate into cells and colonize the mucous membrane of the urethra and bladder; here they feed on iron compounds extracted from cells and produce toxins - hemolysin, which destroys red blood cells and cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (CNF1), which catalyzes receptor-mediated endocytosis, which causes a response of urothelial effector cells and inflammatory reactions.

    Often, infectious hemorrhagic cystitis in women is provoked by ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, gonococci, and trichomonas. But primary fungal cystitis is rare and, as a rule, it is associated with the treatment of bacterial cystitis: suppression of the commensal vaginal microflora with antibiotics allows Candida and lactobacilli fungi to multiply unhindered.

    Against the background of inflammation of the prostate gland, hemorrhagic cystitis can develop in older men. It is often provoked by unsuccessful catheterization of the bladder and subsequent infection.

    Viral hemorrhagic cystitis in children, like hemorrhagic cystitis in newborns, is most often associated with adenovirus - serotypes 11 and 21 of subgroup B. Although this disease may be the result of activation of the latent polyomavirus BK (Human polyomavirus 1). According to the latest edition of Virus Taxonomy, the BK virus infects the majority of people, and in childhood it initiates respiratory diseases and acute cystitis. By the way, this virus persists in a latent form throughout life (in the tissues of the genitourinary organs and pharyngeal tonsils).

    Reactivation of the “dormant” polyomavirus BK occurs due to one form or another of immunosuppression: in old age, with congenital immunodeficiency in children, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in adults, in women - during pregnancy, which may be associated with hemorrhagic cystitis during pregnancy. The virus is also activated during bone marrow and allogeneic stem cell transplants when drugs are used to suppress the immune system. Studies have shown that virus-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in children and adolescents is the most common complication after bone marrow transplantation.

    Why does hemorrhoidal cystitis occur: the main reasons

    The causative agent of cystitis can be:

    • coli;
    • adenovirus;
    • herpes;
    • chlamydia;
    • mycoplasma;
    • ureoplasma;
    • polyomavirus;
    • cytomegalovirus.

    An infection that enters the body does not necessarily provoke cystitis. The following are primarily at risk:

    Factors that increase your chances of getting sick include:

    • hypothermia;
    • undergoing radiation therapy;
    • narrowed urethral lumen (for example, as a result of the development of tumors);
    • urolithiasis, in which stones come out of the kidneys or bladder and block or injure the urethra;
    • habit of enduring the urge to urinate.

    Risk factors

    The main risk factors for the development of hemorrhagic cystitis are associated with a decrease in the body's immune defense; the presence of latent urogenital infections and cancer; stagnation of urine and urolithiasis; thrombocytopenia (low levels of platelets in the blood); violation of hygiene of the genitourinary organs and non-compliance with aseptic standards during gynecological and urological manipulations.

    The risk of urinary tract and bladder infections in children is associated with vesicoureteral reflux (abnormal movement of urine) and constipation.

    Preventive actions

    To avoid the development of hemorrhagic cystitis, it is important to follow some recommendations that will protect a person from numerous diseases:

    • avoid stressful situations, most diseases develop against the background of nervous shock;
    • do not stay in the cold for a long time. Hypothermia is the first factor that may lead to the development of hemorrhagic cystitis. If a person decides to harden, the procedures are carried out under the supervision of a specialist;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle. Do morning exercises, which have a beneficial effect on the human body;
    • a person’s daily diet should contain fruits and vegetables that maintain the supply of vitamins and microelements in the body;
    • do not overuse fried, salty and spicy foods. Such food negatively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which leads to the development of diseases;
    • if constipation is present, it is important to treat immediately, since the lack of bowel movements negatively affects the function of the kidneys and bladder, and the development of hemorrhoids is also possible;
    • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
    • Avoid unprotected sex. It is important that there is only one sexual partner, this is the main way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases that have a detrimental effect on the genitourinary system;
    • when you feel the urge to go to the toilet, do not endure it;
    • Drink plenty of fluids, avoid carbonated drinks, fruit juice or unsweetened juice will do.

    By following these recommendations, protect yourself and your loved ones from the development of pathology and other diseases that disrupt the functioning of organs.

    Symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis

    Typically, the first signs of hemorrhagic cystitis are manifested by pollakiuria - more frequent urination with a simultaneous decrease in the volume of urine excreted. Almost simultaneously, such a characteristic sign of the initial stage of inflammation as multiple false urges to empty the bladder (including at night), as well as burning and acute pain at the end of urination, appears.

    In addition, the following clinical symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis are noted: discomfort in the pubic area; pelvic pain radiating to the lower back and groin; cloudiness of the excreted urine, change in its color (from pink to all shades of red) and odor. Bladder control is often lost (urinary incontinence may occur).

    General health worsens - with weakness, loss of appetite, increased temperature and fever.

    If at a certain stage of the disease the patient experiences difficulty urinating, this indicates that the outlet of the bladder is blocked by blood clots (tamponade).

    Symptoms of the disease

    The clinical symptoms of the hemorrhagic form of inflammatory damage to the walls of the bladder do not differ radically from the symptoms of acute infectious cystitis. A characteristic sign of this disease is the presence of blood in the urine throughout the entire act of urination.

    The disease can be recognized by the following nonspecific signs:

    1. Frequent urge to empty the bladder cavity, which is accompanied by intense pain, cramping and discomfort. With hemorrhagic cystitis, the frequency of urination can reach 40 times a day, mainly at night.
    2. Removal of minimal portions of urine, which has a characteristic red or brown color, as well as an unpleasant odor.
    3. Decreased performance, weakness, general malaise, chills, fever.
    4. Cramping or pulling pain in the suprapubic region, which radiates to the perineum, right or left iliac region.
    5. Increase in body temperature to 37.5-38.5 degrees.

    Depending on the state of the body's defenses, a person may not complain about all of the listed symptoms. Only the presence of blood in the urine remains unchanged.

    Development and clinical signs of cystitis

    For the development of the disease, infection alone is not enough. Disturbances in the structure of the bladder wall and its dysfunction also contribute to acute hemorrhoidal (hemorrhagic) inflammation.

    This process develops in cases where, due to increased vascular permeability, red blood cells (erythrocytes) begin to leak out of the vessels. In this case, small areas of hemorrhage appear with peeling and bleeding of the mucous membrane.

    This leads to the fact that the submucosa is saturated with red blood cells, the surface membrane swells and becomes covered with fibrous films. Such inflammation is observed in patients with serous or purulent forms of the inflammatory process.

    Acute form

    The acute form of the pathology appears suddenly after the action of any provoking factors. The pathological process manifests itself within several days. Patients experience characteristic symptoms:

    • urinary disturbance;
    • blood and pus in the urine (leukocyturia, pyuria and hematuria);
    • pain during urination and abdominal pain.

    The frequency of urination increases. Patients experience a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and a constant desire to urinate. However, the process of urination itself is difficult. Before releasing urine, the patient needs to make an effort, tense up. In this case, painful pain and burning occurs. A little urine is released, sometimes a few drops with blood.

    Important! The closer to the neck of the bladder the inflammatory focus is localized, the more pronounced the signs of urination problems are.

    In women, the processes of night urination (nocturia) predominate. As a result of sleep disturbances, fatigue and irritability develop. A sudden urge leads to false incontinence due to detrusor spasm. The intervals between trips to the toilet can be reduced to 5 minutes, so urine does not have time to accumulate in the bladder.

    Pain and cramps are associated with the beginning and end of the act of urination. Localization of unpleasant sensations - pubis, perineum. The nature of the pain syndrome is painful and intolerable, but sometimes manifests itself as minor nagging sensations. Patients often complain of constant pain after radiation therapy or chemical burns to the bladder.

    The appearance of blood in the urine is associated with the localization of inflammation closer to the neck of the bladder or Lieto's triangle. Macrohematuria is one of the leading symptoms of hemorrhagic inflammation.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Help to make a diagnosis:

    • cystoscopy;
    • urine and blood tests;
    • Ultrasound;
    • X-ray.

    Treatment of hemorrhagic disease involves the use of vitamins K, C, hemostatic agents, antispasmodics, herbal remedies, and medications to eliminate pain. Antibiotics are also prescribed according to indications. In a hospital setting, intravenous injections of drugs are expected.

    How does the disease progress?

    If the form is acute, the urine turns light pink, has an unpleasant odor, and is cloudy. With a long course of the disease, blood loss occurs and anemia is diagnosed.

    Symptoms of inflammation increase if left untreated. The urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, and after urination there is no feeling of ease. The patient again needs to go to relieve himself, which does not always end effectively: urine is excreted sparingly.

    When urination with severe pain stops, this does not mean that the pathology has receded. If clinical manifestations subside, this may indicate that the disease has entered a chronic stage, when the symptoms are not as pronounced as before. During exacerbations, there is more blood in the urine.

    Is simultaneous treatment possible?

    Therapy can be carried out simultaneously, since the pathologies are interconnected. When drugs are prescribed, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the disease. You should avoid exacerbating any of these diseases, so that you don’t have to treat them in circles.

    Features of simultaneous treatment:

    • follow the recommended diet: exclude spicy, fatty, fried, smoked, spicy foods, eat pureed soups, boiled and raw vegetables, dairy products;
    • use preparations for external treatment: suppositories, ointments that help reduce the number of bacteria;
    • carry out activities aimed at improving immunity.

    Some medications have a simultaneous effect on both pathologies.

    Even if the condition improves, you cannot stop the prescribed course to consolidate the result. You should get tested to make sure there are no bacteria in your urine.

    Since antibiotics can destroy not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria, dysbacteriosis can develop. Therefore, it is important to take probiotics.

    How to treat cystitis: traditional medicine

    For hemorrhagic disease, therapy is based on the cause that influenced the development of the disease. The doctor prescribes medications, recommends a proper diet and drinking regime.

    For pain, it is recommended to use antispasmodics and analgesics only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications.

    The therapy is complex and includes:

    • taking antibiotics;
    • holding sitz baths with herbal infusions;
    • methods of traditional medicine (any prescriptions must be agreed with your doctor).


    In addition to physical examination, additional research methods are used to diagnose hemorrhagic cystitis:

    1. General clinical tests – blood and urine tests, bacteriological culture.
    2. Additional – ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the bladder, cystoscopy, cystography.

    The result of the blood test is most often without specific changes. It is carried out for the differential diagnosis of cystitis with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

    More informative changes in cystitis in urine analysis:

    • the presence of red blood cells (depending on their number, microhematuria and macrohematuria are distinguished) is a sign characteristic of hemorrhagic cystitis;
    • the presence of leukocytes – observed in all types of cystitis;
    • the release of bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria or pyuria) is characteristic of cystitis of an infectious nature; in the case of another etiology, this sign may be absent.

    The result of the blood test is most often without specific changes. It is carried out for differential diagnosis of cystitis with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys)

    The result of the blood test is most often without specific changes. It is carried out for the differential diagnosis of cystitis with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

    Ultrasound of the bladder reveals thickening of its walls and a large amount of sediment.

    Cystoscopy is used if damage to the mucous membrane or the presence of foreign bodies is suspected. Cystography – if a tumor is suspected.

    What needs to be examined?


    How to examine?

    • Ultrasound of the bladder;
    • Urethrocystoscopy;
    • Cystoscopy of the bladder in women, men and children;
    • Cystometry.

    What tests are needed?

    • Analysis of urine;
    • Nechiporenko test;
    • Cervical smear.

    Differential diagnosis

    Hemorrhagic cystitis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which require timely and proper attention, must first of all be differentiated from pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, which have similar symptoms. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed several types of urine tests.

    Hemorrhoidal cystitis in women is diagnosed when the number of red blood cells in the urine decreases. In the case of a chronic course of the pathology, the patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.

    If the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, then an additional culture is performed to help identify the type of pathogen.

    Additionally, in a hospital setting, cytoscopy may be required to determine the extent of mucosal damage.


    After visiting a doctor, an initial examination and receiving a referral for the necessary tests, the patient waits for confirmation of the diagnosis. If the suspicion of a dangerous form of urinary inflammation is confirmed, the specialist will prescribe therapy. Typically this is:



    The most popular and effective drugs are:

    • Antibiotics . When selecting them, the doctor is guided by the type of pathogen and other individual characteristics of the person. Monural is most often prescribed. Its main advantage over others is its one-time use. Release form: granules. It is forbidden to prescribe to children under 5 years of age and people with renal failure (severe).
    • Anti-inflammatory . Nonsteroidal medications reduce inflammation and swelling. Diclofenac can be bought at the pharmacy as tablets, suppositories and ointments. It relieves inflammation, heat, pain. It is an auxiliary treatment. Contraindications: chronic form of gastrointestinal diseases, old age, pregnancy and guards.
    • Uroseptics . They help to relax the urinary tract, increase blood circulation and promote proper outflow of urine. Canephron is a tablet form of medicines made from natural ingredients. The composition includes rosemary, lovage, centaury and other herbs, flowers, roots. Used in complex treatment.

    Traditional methods

    Acute hemorrhagic cystitis cannot be treated using alternative medicine. A dangerous disease can significantly worsen a patient’s health if not treated properly. But our grandmothers’ recipes will help improve the condition and relieve pain. Consultation with a urologist is mandatory. If a specialist recommends adding traditional methods to the prescription, then the most accessible and easy to prepare are:

    • Sitz baths . To prepare them, use chamomile, parsley, St. John's wort, sage, and knotweed. You can mix plants and make them herbal mixtures. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of each component and mix the resulting mass with boiling water. It is recommended to leave the collection in a thermos for at least 24 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth and add to the bath when bathing.
    • Herbal decoctions for oral administration . Juniper, rose hips, birch buds - these and other plant elements can be purchased at any pharmacy. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic properties. You should be vigilant when taking such decoctions if the patient has kidney problems.
    • Douching with herbal infusions.


    Physiotherapy is not the basic method of treating acute cystitis. This type of therapy is used more often when the disease becomes chronic. The following types of physiotherapy can be used for treatment:

    • short-pulse electroanalgesia;
    • laser therapy;
    • magnetic therapy;

    Surgical methods for urodynamic disorders

    To eliminate changes in the tissues of the bladder that disrupt hemodynamics, surgical treatment is used. Some of these methods are:

    • resection of bladder neck scars;
    • internal urethrotomy;
    • meatotomy (dissection of the external opening of the urethra).

    For chronic cystitis against the background of polyposis, transurethral electrovaporization is used. For adhesions, heminoplasty is indicated.

    Diet and drinking regime

    Diet for chronic cystitis

    Such measures are mandatory for patients with cystitis. Spicy, smoked, salty and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. It is better to give preference to fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled poultry and fish. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are replaced with natural juices, fruit drinks, and compotes.

    Treatment methods

    The patient does not require hospitalization when the form of the disease is not severe. Drinking plenty of fluids, bed rest, maintaining a healthy diet, including avoiding smoked and spicy foods, improves and helps the body fight for a speedy recovery.

    It is important to identify the root cause of the disease; when cystitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotics are prescribed; in the case of an infectious nature, antibiotics are indicated; if there are viruses, then antiviral and immunomodulators are prescribed. Sometimes the disease can be caused by taking medications, in which case they need to be replaced with others

    8 causes of hemorrhagic cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment

    Antibiotics for hemorrhagic cystitis in women

    Medicines recommended for treatment


    Vitamins C, K Ascorutin, Vikasol

    Bleeding drugs Dicynon, Etamzilat

    Antispasmodics Baralgin

    Herbal medicines Fitolysin, Canephron

    Pain relievers Diclofenac

    If it is necessary to use antibiotics, it is recommended to use one of the following drugs:

    Monural, which is highly effective and aimed at neutralizing the pathogen itself. Nolitsin, used in the detection of uncomplicated acute cystitis. Furadonin, based on herbal components, improves the overall background in the fight against the disease, but is not effective without combination with other medications prescribed by a doctor. Furazidin, an antimicrobial agent that helps eliminate infectious and inflammatory diseases. Macropen, with long-term use of the drug, liver diagnostics are recommended. Azithromycin, when prescribing the drug, it is important to take the pharmacological properties seriously if the patient has liver and kidney disorders. Clarithromycin is considered a derivative of erythromycin.

    Antibacterial agents for cystitis

    Traditional methods

    Treatment at home is possible using some folk remedies. The power of action, which is aimed at restoring a weakened body and maintaining it, has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

    Dill seeds help with many diseases of the urinary system. Preparation is as follows:

    1. You need to grind all the seeds into powder.
    2. At night you need to pour 5g of dill flour with 240 ml of warm water.
    3. Stirring occasionally, drink the medicine in the morning.

    Treatment of chronic cystitis involves the use of antispasmodics and analgesics that help eliminate the causes of the deviation. Symptoms are somewhat different from acute manifestations. Frequent urination is not accompanied by acute pain, as is observed with the development of acute forms of the disease.

    Medicinal herbs for cystitis

    Due to the fact that urine is accompanied by constant blood clots and discharge, iron deficiency anemia develops against this background, the symptoms of which are the following:

    1. Heartache.
    2. Pale skin color.
    3. Brittle nails and hair.
    4. Frequent dizziness.
    5. Weakness, malaise.
    6. Dyspnea.

    Hematuria is one of the causes of many serious diseases. Identification and treatment of which will allow you not to encounter a number of possible unpleasant problems of the body: erosion, necrosis of the bladder mucosa. In milder forms of the disease, the urine is pinkish in color, and in severe cases the color is dirty brown.

    Recommendations during treatment

    When diagnosing such a serious disease as hemorrhagic cystitis, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to take medications prescribed exclusively by a urologist. Otherwise, the disease may take a chronic course.

    During the treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath or perform thermal procedures, which many women prefer to resort to. The use of heat can lead to the development of serious complications due to the hemorrhoidal form of the disease.

    Hemorrhoids and cystitis in pregnant women

    The disease is manifested by the release of bloody urine. Pathology is caused by viruses and pathogens.

    Illness during pregnancy begins to worry those who:

    • empties untimely - stagnation of urine occurs, blood supply deteriorates;
    • endures stressful situations, which negatively affects the ability of the bladder to contract;
    • carries a pregnancy against the background of endocrine-type pathologies.

    If you suspect a pathology, a woman should consult a doctor, since the pathology can become chronic and harm the health of the child.


    A serious consequence of hemorrhagic cystitis is acute urinary retention (when urine is not released out, but accumulates in the bladder, leading to rupture of its walls). This occurs due to plugging of the cavity with blood clots. As a consequence of acute urinary retention, secondary kidney damage, pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum), and subsequently sepsis (blood poisoning) may develop.

    Another complication of the disease is the replacement of damaged areas of the bladder with connective tissue, which leads to disruption of its contractile function.

    If a large number of red blood cells are present in the urine and blood loss is severe, there is a risk of developing posthemorrhagic anemia.

    Complications of hemorrhagic cystitis with blood

    As already noted, hemorrhagic cystitis is one of the stages of development of ulcerative cystitis.

    It is not advisable to ignore alarming signs; this can ultimately lead to the formation of ulcers, areas of necrosis and breakthrough of the bladder wall. As a result, all this will cause the development of pericystitis (inflammation of the peri-vesical tissue), pelvioperitonitis and peritonitis. Such conditions can be fatal.

    In the practice of surgeons, such complications, although they are rare, are very difficult to cope with without consequences.

    Also, constant bleeding can lead to anemic syndrome (anemia). The doctor should take this possibility into account and monitor the complete blood count during treatment.

    Treatment options

    Treatment is a whole range of measures. As a rule, antibiotics and antimicrobial combination agents are prescribed as the main therapy: Biseptol , Co-trimoxazole , Baktekod , Sumetrolim . The most commonly used medicine is Monural . The advantage of this drug is that it requires a single dose.

    In addition, when treating the hemorrhagic form, uroseptic drugs , which help disinfect the walls of the bladder, and drink plenty of fluids. It is better to give preference to clean or low-mineralized water, herbal teas and kidney infusions.

    Unlike ordinary cystitis, in case of hemorrhagic form it is undesirable to consume fruit drinks made from lingonberries and other sour berries, as this will lead to even greater irritation of the wall. Warming up will also have a negative impact.

    If the pain symptom is severe, you can take a tablet of the drug “No-spa” or any painkiller that does not contain paracetamol, since it is a strong allergen and can cause increased discomfort in the urinary tract.

    After the hemorrhagic form of the disease, as after other types, frequent urges may persist for several weeks. There is no specific treatment for this condition. As a rule, in this case, drugs from the group of m-anticholinergic blockers are prescribed. The course of treatment is three months.


    Primary preventive measures (aimed at preventing the development of cystitis) include:

    • compliance with the rules of genital hygiene;
    • avoiding hypothermia;
    • treatment of viral and bacterial diseases of other organs.

    Secondary prevention (aimed at preventing complications) consists of timely contacting a doctor when the first symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis appear and following treatment recommendations.

    A set of exercises recommended for doing in the morning

    Type of exerciseHow to do it correctly
    Whole body warm upYou should breathe evenly. Start with easy, leisurely walking in place
    Side bendsTilt your torso left and right, 10-15 times in both directions
    SquatsKeep your back straight and do deep squats without lifting your heels off the floor. It is recommended to perform the exercise 10-15 times
    JumpingYou can use a jump rope, if you don’t have this equipment, do jumping without it. Start by jumping on one leg, after a while switch to the other, repeat 1-2 times. 15 times on each leg. Afterwards, jump on both legs at once
    “Scissors” are considered a fairly effective exercise.Synchronous execution of movements is required, while taking a horizontal position on the floor (the surface should be comfortable, without soft pads), it is recommended to use a sports mat. Perform the exercise 10 times

    Easy and easy to understand exercises can lead to normal body and health.


    1. Watch your diet. Food should include healthy foods and be natural.
    2. Eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect. Some recommended ones include: pumpkin, watermelon, pears.
    3. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of pickles and baked goods. Pay attention to the functioning of the gastrointestinal system. It is important to avoid constipation and stagnation of feces in the body. The fact is that feces promote the absorption of unfavorable substances into the blood, resulting in irritation of the mucous membrane.
    4. There is no need to force the body to lack moisture, so you should drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water means having enough water for the body, namely about 1-2 liters per day. Rosehip decoctions, natural juices and compotes, and weak teas can also be considered useful. Strong drinks (coffee, tea and alcohol) must be excluded. Read about the prevention of worms in adults on our website.

    Approximate preventative menu

    EatingSample Products
    BreakfastLight foods can make your body feel lighter throughout the day. It is advisable to start breakfast with: omelet, milk porridge, kefir or juice
    DinnerRecommended for consumption: meat, fish, stewed vegetables, soups
    DinnerLight salad, casseroles, cottage cheese


    The prognosis for the outcome of bladder inflammation accompanied by hematuria depends on its cause, correct diagnosis, adequate treatment and general condition of the body.


    • https://cystitis.su/gemorroidalnyj-cistit-priznaki-prichiny-lechenie.html
    • https://ilive.com.ua/health/gemorragicheskiy-cistit_115316i15945.html
    • https://CistitStop.ru/vse-o-cistite/gemorroy-i-cistit.html
    • https://plannt.ru/gemorragicheskiy-cistit-u-zhenshchin
    • https://cistit.expert/vidy/ostryj/gemorragicheskij
    • https://cistomed.ru/o-cistite/gemorragicheskiy-ostriy/
    • https://1labhealth.ru/tsistit/sposobyi-lecheniya/gemorragicheskiy-tsistit-u-zhenshhin-lechenie.html
    • https://votzhivot.ru/zabolevaniya/gemorroy/gemorroidalnyj-cistit.html
    • https://eva-health.ru/desease/tsistit/klassifikatsiya/gemorragicheskij/
    • https://uclinica.ru/my-lechim/urologiya/lechenie-tsistita/gemorragicheskij-cistit/
    • https://med-explorer.ru/urologiya/mochevydelitelnaya-sistema/gemorragicheskij-cistit-u-zhenshhin.html
    • https://CistitStop.ru/vse-o-cistite/gemorragicheskij-cistit.html


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